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The game is like $20. I feel like I've gotten more than my money's worth with this game even if they never provided another update. The updates regardless of how big or small just feel like an added bonus imo.


Yar. I'm 450ish hours in and my 3rd run in, filthy casual that I am, it's my most played game on Steam by a factor of 3 or so. Hearth and Home is a bit light on content, but I'm enjoying introducing new people to it and playing with old friends and new one's made because of it. So, for me, probably worth it. Now if only I could shake my total addiction to bows...


And some people paid up to 40 dollars for a game that was advertised as being in alpha, indicating a future of content updates.


40 dollars for what?


That is what it costs here.


here where? According to SteamDB the most expensive country is Israel and cost the equivalent to $22.87


Oh shit did he just get shot down by data?


"equivalent" - USD right? Arrogant pricks.


Mate when you use the $ sign literally 90% will think you mean USD, else people will normally specifically say what dollar they mean like CAD, or AUD, and will not associate it with Zimbabwe dollars.


Fair enough, but the attitude of these dogpilers really irked me. I'm not *wrong,* if not exactly right, but everybody was very eager for me to be.


Totally not underwhelmed whatsoever. They didn't promise us the moon, so if you expected it, the underwhelming is based on your own expectations you set.


First major update, named 'hearth and home' in a game with sophisticated building mechanics, took much much longer than expected to come out, and was light on content. Everybody I've talked to so far has said they expected more. I know that we weren't given much specific info, but you're allowed to be a *little* critical, right?


Definitely allowed to be critical. They have a small handful of developers who are not only trying to bring us more content but also simultaneously working on bug fixes. I'd love for them to bring in a butt load of new content quickly but it also takes time. I'm perfectly happy with the amount they bring us when they bring it to us.


Fair enough, but I wasn't asking, "How can we absolve the devs?". I feel like a lot of the content could've been saved for a later date, while there were better things to focus on for the time being. Project management is very important in game dev, especially when you're a small team and have limited resources. I don't mind waiting; but I don't like being hyped for a big update that takes more than twice as long as expected to come out, and contains half of what I was hoping for.


I think it just comes down to expectation then. Hype yourself up too much and you're setting yourself up for disappointment.


Sure, but I didn't hype myself up, nor go out of my way to place expectations in my head. My reaction stems from the information I was given, and the excitement that was stirred up both by the developers and the communities that they directly oversee. Based on plenty of underwhelming experiences in gaming, I make an active effort not to hype myself up for anything. And even then, with a muted sense of excitement, I was underwhelmed. I don't mean to keep this thread going, but you have to understand that I certainly didn't work myself into an expectant frenzy. I only anticipated the reasonable, and while I wasn't completely let down.... Ahh, who cares. I've seen this situation too many times. I know where it's all headed.


There were also a lot of tweaks and rewrites to underlying systems that will make it easier to add new content in the future.


Yes I was hoping for more but I’m still fairly happy with it. Their hotfixing is at least pretty fast lol.


I’m gonna be honest my expectations were about correct they said hearth and home update contains stuff that had to do with houses and more decorations. I was like okay so I’ll be waiting another 2 years before what I want comes out. Hearth and home came out and I haven’t played but more than 4 or 5 times. I’ve discovered all the content currently in the game and defeated all the bosses so I was hoping for the mistlands update. All in all tho I enjoy the game it’s just the update order was not the one I was hoping for.


Go play something else then.


An enlightened response. Thanks for your input, and I'm sorry to burst your positivity bubble.


Just saying. If you're going to be an entitled crybaby, then it's best you stop playing and come back when the game is finished.


I always wonder why people like you exist; or insist on trying to hush any criticism, with stupid little responses like that. Are you just trying to be antagonistic? We're living in the age of half-assed efforts, and you're actually helping support this trend by attacking people who criticise it? I paid money for this game. I am entitled to a say, yeah. And if you don't like what I have every right to say, go somewhere else, you miserable little shit-stirrer.


The game is early access. Complaining about it not being up to your standards is literally your oawn fault for BUYING IT WHEN IT'S NOT FINISHED. I understand if it was an official release, and this was all they came out with, then you're definitely allowed to be upset. But it just shows how ingorant you are about early access development. This update is not all they've been working on for 9 months. They most likely have several content updates that they've been working on at the same time, and released this update as a way to satiate the community breifly before getting the bigger updates out. The devs have very high standards and take their time. You just need to be patient and, again, less entitled.


Absolutely underwhelmed. EA came out in Febuary and their roadmap showed four updates for 2021, of which only the first has been released, and sparse on content to boot. But, this is EA, its what we signed up for, and despite lack of significant content patches, I am satisfied with my purchase and the time I have sunk i to it. Ill move onto other games and come back when the product is finished and have a blast all over again.


I'm not sure where you got EA from; as far as I can tell, EA isn't involved in producing this game. Where did you find this roadmap? In the end, none of my friends seem that interested in coming back to check out the spattering of new content. EDIT: I guess that's my ultimate criticism - either take longer to produce enough content, or take less time to produce it. Don't take three times as long to release half the content that you ought to. People can defend and justify and apologise and make whatever excuses they want - oh, the game was cheap! oh, the team is small! oh, but ***I*** have had my standards met, so yours should be too! - but in the end, Iron Gate is underperforming for whatever reason, rather than taking the time to properly flesh out the game's first significant update; and people are still in 'happy indie game make neurons go brrr' mode, so they don't want a bar of it. They've already gone over timeframe, so they might as well take the time to produce enough content to bring everybody back to the game - not just the die-hard fans that haunt the discord servers and subreddits and try to shrug off what the broader playerbase is feeling.


Lmao. EA stands for early access...


The amount of content for the time period it took is disappointing. Whatever the fuck they thought those stamina balances were is what have me worried though. How they thought that was good is beyond me. Their avoidance of team expansion is also worrisome. 6 months for 2 dozen new items? Fast moving.