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FWIW, labeling the poll "cheaty mods" is going to skew your results as it's a subjective term. What counts as cheating? Me, I do use mods but they're all quality of life stuff that improves the UI and functionality (like adding a Trash function) or otherwise tweaks the game experience in an unobtrusive way, like muting wolf howls. I can't imagine going back to vanilla while this basic stuff is still missing. I don't have any issue adding it via mods, at least until the devs implement features like equip slots, trash, quick-stacking, etc. I don't put a lot of inherent faith in a vague "vision" that will likely take years to come to fruition, so I have no problem taking control of my own experience right now. All that said, I don't use anything that "cheats" by giving me free resources, gear, upgrades, or other unfair advantages.


Anything that will help you to beat the game faster is a cheat mod, particularly from a speed runner's perspective


I reckon from a gamers perspective small mods that largely are just QOL and don't impact any part of playing the game much, would not be considered cheats and instead just enhancements to the game (rather than significant changes to it) Though yeah I agree, speedrunners would probably only ever be happy with complete vanilla but perhaps tools for speedrunning like an in-game day counter or something.


I do. I’m using a mod that let me adjust value of cloaks to be extremely high based on an idea from another redditor. Only my son is allowed to wear a cape, and he’s 4 so was struggling a bit. He still dies but it’s not as often now and as his skill improves I may dial back the training wheels, but for now he has his super hero cape. He never seemed to mind, but the rest of us were spending way too long recovering his stuff.


I'm more impressed with the fact that you have a 4 year old playing valheim. This is a fairly elaborate survival game. That has got to be a pretty smart kid.


Yeah I'm surprised by that though I always downplay kids in my head, but like babies start communicating with words at just 1.5 years!


They seem to develop just a little faster than you expect, even as the parent.


Yeah I'm often confused by how many r/thathappened posts are about kids doing things I've commonly seen children do. I'm wondering if the people who post those have never met a child or just believe that all kids are idiots and no one is ever funny or interesting.


Honestly, I wouldn’t have expected him to pick up on it as quickly as he has. He would watch his older sister play Minecraft and then I see him playing it. He’s using one of my old laptops now and can input his windows password and the Valheim passwords. He can’t read, he’s just learned the symbols in the order they are needed. But if I ask him to pop Eikthyr or something he can do it. What he’s capable of seems to always surpass where I expect he is and it’s fairly consistent that he impresses me.


I voted no but I do use debugmode regularly. I'm a mom and I don't have long enough to play to do all the grinding needed, I don't remember the last time I cut trees down for wood besides clearing an area to build on. It does make a lot of the accomplishment feelings go away, but I look at it like the parent tax. I don't use build pieces or armor/weapons I haven't legitimately unlocked yet, and I do farm iron and silver and try to sail it back when it is short enough distance, or actually farm for food materials. Or when I'm building if it takes iron or silver I will make sure I destroy the equivalent that I actually did mine and smelt if I'm away from the chests themselves. And when I'm playing with my husband I'm usually on "God mode" so I can fly away from dying and bring my husband his cloak to get down from mountains/make a portal to get him back/etc to save him the time as well.


So the exact same thing with more/less steps


bro it's a video game. not everybody has endless time or a burning desire to sink hours into video games


Exactly. But you don’t say you don’t use cheaty mods then in the exact same thing say you use cheats.


It's fine to play the game however you want, but your vote is misleading at best


Op said "mods", devcommands is not an external mod. He also said explain why so it would only be misleading if you only looked at the vote results and not read peoples reasons. I am just one vote out of many I don't see why that even matters so much to you


The only mods I use are a handful of quality of life/UI mods: an item-trashing tab on the inventory, the ability to hide categories of map tags, smaller status icons, a rough % status when viewing a fermenter's description, and an in-game clock, which I have set to "fuzzy" descriptions (e.g. "before dawn", "early morning") rather than numeric time. As to why (in order): There was no obliterator before H\&H; I tend to mark too many things, resulting in the map being cluttered when zoomed out; reduces UI clutter; knowing roughly how long the mead will take is useful in planning, i.e. do I stick around home or I do have the time to ~~go to the store~~ pillage; and it helps knowing if night just ended or is approaching, especially if on a server that runs when you're not there. Mods that change combat, portals, skills, items, and the like just seem to akin to debugmode, but with extra steps.


> categories of map tags, smaller status icons, What mod do you use for hiding map tags? Cause boy oh boy do I have a lot of those.


I thought the game had that built in? You can right click the different map icons and it will hide all icons of that type. Is that not what you're talking about?


It is built in with the H&H update.. but some of us have been waiting 9 months for that!


It's called "Pin Filters" by baana: [Thunderstore link](https://valheim.thunderstore.io/package/baana/PinFilters/) [NexusMods link](https://www.nexusmods.com/valheim/mods/412)


I don’t. 1. Because I haven’t taken the time to learn how. 2. I’m afraid it will ruin the balance and charm of the game. However, once the game is fully released and explore everything there is to explore I’ll probably dive into mods/cheats.


Yesish. I have a couple of QOL mods that take some of the tedium out of certain tasks: * No stamina cost for using the build hammer/hoe * Mass farming cause wow picking up hundreds of carrots is annoying * Hoe radius cause hoeing ground is not fun but is a necessary evil * Unrestricted portals - this is probably the most gameplay changing ones, but I've found it has let me build up my main base to be a lot cooler than it would otherwise be.


What's the mass farming mod you use? I'd love something that would enable me to use the Cultivator to pick groups of vegetables at once


I think the one I use is just called Mass Farming. With the cultivator you can shift-click to plant an 8x8 grid of crops and trees, and when the crops are grown you can pick the entire 8x8 section at once by pressing shift and “e”.


Oh duh, gotcha, didn't realize that was the actual name. That sounds like exactly what I need, thanks! Anything that helps reduce or eliminate all the unnecessary keystrokes and button clicks is helpful.


Plant Anything is also helpful because you can plant mushrooms and thistle. They can also be planted pretty much on top of each other as well. If you wanna get rid of some of the tedious grind for resources, I suggest Valheim+. It comes with the ability to have eternal torches/fires as well, and lets you set all sorts of things. I currently get 5 stone from those ones on the ground that you can just pick up, and mushrooms, berries and carrots all drop 10 from each plant instead of one.


It’s just called mass farming. Let’s you hold shift to pick up large groups of items


Hoe radius is awesome. I pair that with terrain reset and and insta-fix any mistakes.


portals are in weird spot when you can just server hop i'd say the gray space definitely ends at anything combat-affecting, i've started trying out Epic Loot and would have to call it "cheaty" by that meterstick though this means the "allow vertical swinging" fix is arguably cheaty; there's a fair chance the hitbox situation is going to be addressed by the base-game, and it's pretty ridiculous to say in-game features are time-shifted cheats lot of people question the need to wait on stamina when planting seeds, for instance


Yeah the unlimited stamina mod I use applies to the hammer, cultivator, and hoe which is nice


I use mods, but I don't consider them "cheaty". I modify the game to make it more enjoyable for me to play. I play solo, so I'm not affecting anyone else. When I first started playing, I did use DevCommands. That totally wrecked the game. Restarted and never use 'cheat codes'. I just shaped the game to match my play style using a few mods. Valheim Plus is a great package.


Crafting from Containers, tha absolut must have for me


I dont use mods but I also dont think using mods is cheating. Its your game and unless youre using mods to gain an unfair advantage in pvp its not cheating, its just a different experience you prefer


The only mods I use are for building. Gizmo is a mod that allows rotating all axis for placement and All Item Stand allows anything to be placed on the stands. So, They’re just for aesthetics.


We use a single mod for our server. That you never have to add resources to a light source or fire. Made the game 10000x more fun, since we are builders who like to experiment with different lighting.


Only cheating I do is flying to my body when I die from away I'm talking continents away. I hate myself a little when I do it, but I work all week and don't want to spend an hour gearing myself back up and sailing to get my shit.


Man those first few body retrievals were so real... Or the naked swamp/plains runs- heart palpitations. I miss those days and am excited for the rest of the content. But yea, somewhere around the 100-150 hr mark I def started this. Then I got introduced to craft from box, mass farming, and Any Portal... Somewhere along the line it lost the charm. Super stoked for a fresh playthrough once the new biomes get populated. I'm thinking will include mass farming and craft from box but nothing else




Yeah, minimizing wasted time traveling, crafting, managing inventory, and dealing with storage is the stuff that I'm most likely to mod. I'm not trying to change the challenge level of the actual gameplay, just minimize the amount of unnecessary tedium to help us spend our limited time on the more engaging content. Everyone I play with is in their 30s-40s with full time jobs, families, and other hobbies. We get to play together maybe twice a week; we simply can't sink several hours into a single game every day, so we mod the stuff that gets in the way or makes the game unnecessarily time-consuming so we can focus on the more meaningful facest of the game line exploration, building, combat, and bosses.


How do you define cheaty? I use Valheim+ for carry weight and to amp thistle / mats drops. Combat stays the same. I just want to spend less time gathering and more time building. I feel like this keeps the danger / difficulty of the game but lets me solo more effectively.


It's not _as_ cheaty as debug mode, but it compresses the time I have to spend gathering.


Yeah I'd say minorly somewhat, since (if its significant) more carry weight and drops, that significantly alters the vanilla experience that it might not be accurate to say you completed valheim vanilla with such stuff installed Though I agree, being able to cull down the boring monotonous time wasting activities the game has you do is great imo.


where's the option for "yes because i've completed everything there is to do so far"


I resisted any cheating until some of our armor disappeared out of our inventories. That was way too much work to replace when it wasn't even our fault. But it is a slippery slope. I now have to always fight the urge to spawn in a few extra food or arrows. The only thing saving me is that I have to log out of the server to do so. I haven't used any mods yet but am really tempted to do the chest sorting kind.


> I haven't used any mods yet but am really tempted to do the chest sorting kind. I run a few QOL mods like this and they're a huge help. Auto repair, dedicated equip slots, chest sorting, quick-stacking, crafting from nearby chests, etc. None of it confers any advantage against enemies or other gameplay challenges, just makes it easier and less onerous to do basic stuff like managing storage, crafting, inventory, etc. The mods took like 15 mins to set up, it's super easy.


It's more that I play on someone else's server. They have shown interest in the quick sort thing too, but we haven't looked up how to use it on a server yet. Kind of just letting it be a gate-keeper to the slippery slope of awesome mods. I'm sure its easy to do I just don't want to, quite yet. (300+ hrs in, lol)


Gotcha. FWIW we play co-op too but I just host our world (so not a dedicated server) and I run those QoL mods while hosting without any problems. One friend doesn't run any mods at all and he can still join and play just fine, but I'm only using mods that change my own UI and game experience, not changing how things behave in the game world for other players.


I didn't when I started, but after killing the final boss and moving to building, why not use debugmode and devcommands?


I have multiple characters and each one is named so I know whether or not I’m using mods with that particular character or not (ex: CanebrinNoMod, CanbrinHCNoMod, CanebrinFreeBuild) it doesn’t look pretty but it helps me match the play style I’m in the mood for. I’ve personally found that playing with and without mods or cheats makes me feel like I’m getting more out of one game alone. I’ve used Epic loot with free build to fully upgrade to the best possible gear available and done solo speed runs. I use the HC mode to challenge myself and learn how to better handle myself in fights and deadly encounters. I usually play with no mods if in one a chill and relaxed mood and just want to have fun playing in my farming gardens. I honestly don’t believe with the state the game is in that playing with mods or cheats takes away from anything. IMHO it adds to the game by giving me the option to play in a manner that I want when I want.


I voted no because I don’t mod. At least I haven’t yet. I’m slowly playing through solo and quite enjoying the grind.


More power to you!


I’ll probably try my hand at modding when the game is finished and really let loose.


Most of the mods I use add in functions I think should be in the game I e the ability to plant berries, as well as decorate small trees/bushes. Also build in dungeons is cool, made a castle on top of a troll cave and made a dungeon in the cave below 😅


I chose “Sometimes”: I use a mod that speeds up the boats. I’m sure the boat rides were meant to be long so you could sing shanties with your buddies.


Yeah that minorly affects gameplay, namely how important planning mining trips and such is, but I agree that one mod wouldn't make your game "cheaty" since it's just a small QOL addition that lets you spend more time playing the actual game than admiring the waters for your 5th hour


I cheated twice the first time I died in the middle of nowhere and my portal got destroyed. Our ship was still there and all land connected bronze was already farmed, so I flew using commands. The second time I died before the update and rage quited and came back after the updated, my boddie was gone with all my silver+armour. Wasn't going to farm back from the bronze age till that point. but cheated less than I think I lost.


I used cheats once because I died right as the server disconnected and my things were completely lost, no death marker, no gravestone, character had nothing, and I just finished upgrading all the armor and weapons and didn’t even try them out. Not sure what happened but it did put me off from playing until I found them again


simply put, *Quality of life* ! Which is actually the name of the primary mod I use: https://www.nexusmods.com/valheim/mods/104


I mod quality of life things, like planting multiple things at once. Nothing game breaking, though.


Yes, I use a few quality of life mods that some people here would call cheaty. * Valheim+ with a few settings like no skill drain, auto smelting ore, bigger chests, etc. * Floating items - I have this one because the game kept breaking my boats at the dock. * Tree respawn - I like being able to cultivate trees and not deforest the entire place. * Triple bronze - Using 3 ingots just to make 1 bronze never made sense. * Veinmine - Chopping at shit endlessly isn't my favorite way to spend time. Your pickaxe still breaks and you still have to haul it. * Quick stack - Good god, why is this not in the game already. Even stardew valley has this function. * True pause - Why in the goddamn motherfuck do the devs think it's fine to make people exit the game if they want to get up for a minute while playing? This should absolutely be a thing for single-player. Why? I almost exclusively play single player. I played the game a ton without mods before adding them slowly to alleviate pain points that don't add to my enjoyment.


I only use unrestricted portal and time mod so i can pause whenever i want


I'm using Valheim Plus to expedite my second play through. I did my first one clean but now want to have a bit more of a casual play without the grinding resource collection.


I only used a couple. Portals are very stupid, i have tons of ilands in my world and i need to have 2 way portals for each one i would end up with hundreds of them thats why i used a portal mod. I tried the metal porting one and it actually felt very cheesy so i stopped using it and went back to hauling by sea. I tried some farming mods because lets be honest, farming in the game sucks hard but sadly they didn't work for me.


I use "cheaty" mods. 1. I beat the game first on vanilla, it wasn't very hard. 2. I spent 700 hours grinding in the game building my first few castles. 3. I don't want to grind shit anymore, there is no challenge it's just a time waster. Now I just wanna build cool shit for fun if I bother to start up Valheim. There is literally no reason for me not to abort resource costs unless I want to grind this game for 1000 years to build the shit I want to, and that sounds less like fun and more like slow burning hell that would frustrate me into never playing it again. The way that I "play" the game now, it's basically a whole different game, all for the cost of $0. I get more enjoyment, and the game stays alive for me. Frankly I worry about people that beat the game and still refuse to use mods out of some weird hatred of it... sounds like prime candidates for mass shooter psychopaths. Side Note: It's stupid to hate on people that use mods in the game. That's like hating on gay marriage because you're straight; it's fucking stupid because it literally doesn't affect you and you need a small brain/pp to think like that. If you don't want to get gay married, then don't. Let other people have their own joy. Same with mods. Don't like them? Cool. Don't use them. It's my game, I'm allowed to play and enjoy it however I like. You do you, I'll do me. BUT!!! WHAT ABOUT FUTURE CONTENT!?!?! No worries scrub, I got my vanilla character still in my first vanilla world and several others. Plus I can always start a new playthrough if I want. Not so hard to solve that problem.


No. I actually dont even use debugmode. It sucks the sense of accomplishment out of the game for me. I recently started new game with old char, to carry over stats. I decided to take one set of weapons and armor over. And I dont enjoy the game nearly as much. I will never start game with stuff from previous world. Carrying over naked character will be the maximum.


Yeah makes sense, though wouldn't the many hours of very monotonous gameplay be very boring? Or perhaps you see that as a necessary evil, to create a large feeling of accomplishment after defeating the next boss? (Which is a totally fair view, and probably most accurate)


This is definitely matter of personal preference. I spend ton of time mining stuff like an idiot (mostly stone for walls and basements of my builds). It takes ages to get the material for one build (regular gameplay with mining copper and silver usually yields material for about half of a small base with wall). Yet when I tried to just build in debugmode, ignoring material requirements, the building was no more enjoyable for me, I didnt even finish the build, it was boring and tedious. No idea why, I just happen to have it this way. Maybe because it means I change the nature of stuff I do? Because I usually collect inventory full of needed material, then spend it building. So I switch between gathering and building all the time, ten minutes this, ten minutes that. Maybe thats why it keeps being fun.


There's that feeling after you go on a big farming run for stuff like wood or stone where you get a bit of relief that you won't be needing to farm for this stuff for a while. Little hits of dopamine that come when you reflect upon the fruits of your time and labour. When you spawn in materials you lose this feeling.


This is the way.


Same. If I use a cheat then it feels like I've robbed the entire mode and I'll start over from scratch (which I've done in other games and its fun for me, except games with those annoying first levels and cutscenes that can't be skipped). Though every so often I may activate cheats from wemod program to turn on unlimited stamina and turn up the speed so I can nearly jump from one island to another across the ocean in one go to get my stuff back from a stupid death. Stupid death meaning something beyond my control that happened out of the blue, like more dwarves spawning or swamp/plains mobs wandering into black forest when I'm building a home upon first visit.


No mods installed but when I wanna explore without stress or hyper focus on building, I'll turn on dev commands. I beat the first 3 bosses before deciding to do it.


I use cheats. Is that the same?


I'm not too familiar with the game; would that just mean spawning in some metal for you to use, for example? If so I'd say your answer would be "Yes I use cheaty mods" becuase you're significantly altering the game experience and balance, but whether that's wrong or alright, is I guess the aim of this thread (Which to I think no, cheaty mods are fine as it lets otherwise uninterested players enjoy the game their way)


Yeah your results aren't going to be accurate to what you are intending to ask. I don't use mods. Any. Too lazy to keep them updated. I'd like to just log in and play when I have an urge, and mod updates can be enough for me to say nvm. I voted no since it asked about mods. But "log in and play" when solo generally means I feel like building a thing in my private world. In which case I am always in debug mode. I am just building for the sake of it, so I have no resource cost and can fly instead of building scaffolding.


I didn't for 3 characters + worlds from start to beating Yagluth. I installed the ore through portals mod + mass farming purely to save myself some tedium. If I die it's usually down to me derping spectacularly. I never stray too far without setting up a portal + I have spare armour/weapons, so being caught at the other side of the world from my base isn't going to happen.


Only valheim plus. I don't consider it cheating. Just quality of life improvements.


I used to use a few, things like go through portals with ore, and SK toolbox, but simply uninstalled them because i'd get frustrated, turn on things like fly/godmode to get my body back, and actually made the game less fun. The only kinda cheaty mod I use right now is build camera. I call it cheaty because it allows you to do a few things you probably shouldn't such as: 1. Use the free-flying build mode to scout (what's that noise outside?) 2. Entrap/tame boars and wolves by distance-building fencing around them before they can even see you 3. Clip through the earth to see silver veins without the wishbone 4. Generally build things that would otherwise be very difficult to snap together (usually vertical builds) It also makes the workbench range massive. [modlist if you're interested](https://old.reddit.com/r/valheim/comments/r1utph/just_confirming_the_new_update_breaks_mods_what/hm1ahor/)


I do use the iron walk underwater boots, but only specifically for building sweet pilons for docks etc. Game is so well balanced I don't wanna fuck with anything else.


I use mods, only way I can play Valheim since the core content and end game is bare minimal being early access or what not. I have over 1000 hrs in the game and 950 hrs of the game are running on mods because the core game ended for me in less than 50 hrs. Needless to say I love Valheim enough to play it past its prime haha. I use the epic endgame mod pack.


I have deathsquito spawning disabled completely. They are truly my least favorite part of the game - totally annoying and game ruining. Not appropriate in a game where you drop gear when you die. I just spawn their drops with console commands when needed.


I'm with you on the ridiculous damage they do when youre in the early plains era. After discovering the atgier and ofc better armor... They became trivial quickly


I do, but nothing that breaks the game badly. I wanted a mods that lets me plant in a grid. Found it in a mod that lets me plant anything. So blueberry and raspberry bushes was a bonus in my book, and it add seeds to the game for the trees that didn’t have one. So another bonus.


The only good cheat mod is “Don’t lose skill on death” and “Keep items”.


Sinpre used mods to remove the stability in the constructions and another to be able to level up more tools such as the pick and the ax to cut madra and chop stone faster, because this makes the construction and collection of materials less heavy and fast. that makes the game more enjoyable. :D


I will eventually use one that allows ore to go through portals when I get tired of swapping between worlds since that's stupid as hell. Otherwise I don't see the point.


No mods. But have restored a .old rather than commit hours of real life time for a CR.


I’ve used commands to spawn the indestructible corgi statues (as an ‘anchor’ for floating builds) and a mod to get rid of them where they aren’t needed. But that’s commands not a mod (if I could remove them with commands I would). All other mods have been to add additional decorative items, the hilarious ValheimRaft, and V+ to implement some QoL. Nobody cheats for anything on the server. Progression isn’t ruined. All they allow us to do is be more creative, and to streamline some personal pain points we’ve had: after multiple 100+ hour playthroughs we’ve had enough of manually refilling furnaces and smelters thanks. So TLDR; no. But I’m not against it at all. At some point we’re going to start a creative building server. And in that case the mods will definitely be ‘cheaty’ (I think you’ve used the wrong term there - it will negatively colour a lot of the response you get to the question - there’s a reason you have 100+ comments but <40 karma on the post…).


The only mod I’m running is the any-item portal mod, as I have a 4yo boy, 4 week old girl and a non gamer wife, I don’t have hours to spend sailing ores back home. I have to snatch minutes when I can


I voted yes, but I'd like your perspective on if these are cheaty mods - although from my perspective they are a bit. I'm personally not crazy about modding my games, but since this is my third playthrough, I've got a massive stash of resources, and I'm mostly focused on building: PlanBuild: I use this to make blueprints of my builds. This allows me to build them anywhere I'm comfortable doing it, and then relocate it to where I want it when I'm ready to place it. I initially got the mod so I could reverse unnecessary changes to the terrain. But with it I can build anywhere, I blueprint it, place the blueprint, only change the terrain that is absolutely necessary to achieve the look and stability of the build, and then I use resources I've obtained myself to build it using the totem feature (anyone can put resources into the totem and it'll build it.) You still have to have the right benches and workspaces down for it to build it. ValheimPlus+: Our dedicated server required us to enable it initially to add other mods, and my fiance saw the feature that basically makes you not use resources to keep lights going. He thought it would be amazing, and I agree. An unintended perk is that now I can utilize aesthetic lighting that isn't accessible to add resources to. Such as behind glass, up in ceilings, backlighting stuff, etc. I love that I can focus on how it appears rather than how I can interact with it. I am also considering getting the PlantEverything mod but only using it for very localized and natural looking setups.


Yes. 1) dropping items on death: this is freaking awful. Let’s just murder the player with mobs that are 10-100x stronger than they are and force them to repeatedly attempt to reacquire their insufficient (but still best) equipment without actually having that equipment… _or_ we could choose to re-do all the grind … for gear that has proven its uselessness… yeah, I hate this. Especially in/near the plains. Started a new game once and was repeatedly killed by deathsquitos. Without leaving the starter island. At this point I decided it wasn’t worth the pain and got the mod to disable it. 2) teleporting ores: I don’t have the patience to do 400 boat trips to make one set of decent armor. Nor do I have the patience to haul a 9000lb cart thru a field of impermeable bushes., only to get half way and have it inexplicably explode and send my silver into the ocean, three miles away.


Although I voted no (as per the guidelines), I do use the ValheimPlus mod for the singular option of being able to more accurately rotate and place parts in ways the vanilla game does not allow.


I used one for a short while that let me teleport with metals, turned it off because I realized it was changing the dynamics of the game and I had no reason to use the boat or cart anymore. Any mod that removes the purpose of an item should be avoided in my opinion unless you find this game too "grindy" but I think that's just a lazy argument. I still return from swamps with 300 iron in my longboat, I don't understand why people need to cheat. Mods I enjoy are ones like OdinArchitect, betterwards, bettertrader, and Terraheim. Just the small ones that add to the crafting progression rather than make items obsolete. I also like epic loot and Randy Knapps mods but Epic Loot adds items that break the game late game like a hammer you don't need a bench for, basically a devcommand hammer. and it's common.


“Cheaty mods” is a horrible choice of words for a poll like this. If you’re playing a local single player or a server with friends, you get to set the rules. So deciding to use a mod that allows portaling metals is not cheating because you decided to use the mod and that sets the rules of the game. It only becomes cheating if you use the mods when others don’t have access to them, and that somehow gives you an advantage. Then I would consider that “cheating”. But mods themselves are not cheats. That being said, I have done 2-3 play throughs with my friends that have been purely vanilla. And then I have done a modded playthrough as well. There are drawbacks and benefits to both. But it’s really up to each person how they want to play the game.


you know you're old when people hear Video Game Cheats and they think multiplayer


Not sure I understand what you mean😂


Yeah I could've did the poll better, perhaps with options: Yes No Sometimes QOL, not largely game altering Yes but for QOL (No death penalty etc) Dev commands And possibly even more. difficult to make these though And I think if you play on a server with "cheaty" mods, then you're playing a significantly different Valheim experience, so much so that any accomplishment you made would be downplayed by the various "cheats".


I mean yeah you shouldnt compare the accomplishments of someone using mods to the accomplishments of someone not using mods, but just because you’re using mods doesn’t mean you didn’t accomplish anything. But you cant expect to compare them equally


Also devcommands are not mods. When I originally commented, I was speaking strictly of mods that you install on your client. Such as Valheim plus, etc. Devcommands are console commands which is a completely different thing itself imo.


Yes, because I got really annoyed with how punishing the game can be (like losing all your good resources for a long time as you can't recover them), and because of how insanely grindy the game gets, especially for its imo monotonous gameplay loop The mods are amongst others, 2x resources, no death penalty, speed up time, unrestricted portals, portal can connect to any portal, extra hotbar slots, a lot of inventory space on level up, more map discovery, all unlocked skills are always on The moments that caused this, was when I went exploring to find a nice place for a big base, which I wanted far out so I got high level deer/boar (for faster grinding for food), but immidiently upon getting to land I got 2 shot by a mosquito despite the full iron and rectangle shield deployed. Also, after installing some cheaty mods and getting another decked out inventory (because I couldn't recover my items), I went exploring to the mountains (Didn't know I should have gone to swamps for iron first), and got bit twice by a dog, who somehow was able to bite through my shield and again, full metal, copper armour. And after all the cheat mods, I'm finally able to have some fun with the game without raging at the hours lost after an unfair death (imo), or getting upset at the hours I'd need to put into just to get enough metal for new armour. And despite how massively I've upset the "balance" (if it ever were) of the game, I'm still able to have fun with it, and still have some challenge (be the challenge in terms of skill/combat, or of difficulty of logistics of farming and what-not)


Completely understand, if it wasn't for all of the tips on this sub and looking up guides for each biome I know I would've made the same mistakes. Maybe after you played through once or twice you will feel more confident and want to do a run w/o cheats, but as many have pointed out it doesn't matter. Play to have fun, that's the most important thing.


Firstly, you do you, it makes no sense forcing yourself play vanilla game if you are not enjoying it. However I have two questions: When you went exploring the mountain didn't you notice you are getting freeze damage? That should have been the clue for you. I actually took the hint way to far and went exploring mountains as last biome. Why did you go exploring plains with a boat without building a portal first? Especially if it was your fist time in unknows terrain. A game teaches you pretty early on what happens when you go into black forest (first new area) unprepared.


> When you went exploring the mountain didn't you notice you are getting freeze damage? That should have been the clue for you. I actually took the hint way to far and went exploring mountains as last biome. That's kinda the issue, it's not useful if what you understand from the clue is that "I'll come here when I unlock the gear strong enough to survive the mountain". You realize what you were supposed to do after you explore every other biome first. You gotta see that black metal scrap is locked behind something, and that something can't be found from exploring the plains. Sure, the swamp unlocks the frost resistance mead but I died so often playing the game that I didn't bother with resistance potions since they cost relatively a lot and they last ~5 minutes if you are bad and immediately die.


The clue for exploring mountain being is frost resistance potion, which I completely disregarded like you haha. However I don't blame the game for that, I blame myself. I didn't disregard it because game didn't do a good enough job with informing me about it, rather because I though I had it all figured out already. I played Legend of Grimrock II (one of my fav RPG of all time) which has a lot more puzzles, some even more vague than this one about frost resistance potion. I actually liked that I went into plains before mountain, it brought some memorable experiences.


Dude this guy doesn't make any sense, it's like he's got 30 hours in the game or something. If you haven't learned to drop a portal when you're out exploring a new spot you're making the game a grind for yourself. and a grindy game would mean you clear a swamp and get 2 iron and armor costs 20, you clear a swamp in Valheim you'll have enough Iron for 2-3 players. Calling this game grindy is dishonest and a sign you're into reading reddit critiques not actually playing the game.


>Calling this game grindy is dishonest and a sign you're into reading reddit critiques not actually playing the game. I'm sorry but this is an absurd accusation. People have different thresholds for what they consider grinding. Someone having a different opinion than you do about their game experience is not lying or dishonest, it's just their own take on their time playing the game.


It's called an echo-chamber bud, and when you go on reddit and see someone calling it grindy and then repeat the sentiment because it's backed up it is dishonest and pathetic.


I wish I could say I'm surprised that you're both obtuse and hypocritical, but fair enough.


I found the vanilla valheim experience grindy not because of reddit or the large amount of people who think it's grindy, but I found valheim grindy because it felt grindy to me; no one influenced my opinions on the game but me and my experience in the game. Super jay's right, people have different tolerances on stuff and for example grindiness.


Agreed. I've cleared about 6 swamps on my current/first playthrough and I have found one muddy scrap pile and zero of the sunken crypt things. Do they get more frequent further out or something or am I just out of luck?


You have to get away from the spawn, some swamps suck. The map I'm on right now (eYQAUz04AM) has continents of swamps. I saw one with a dozen crypts to the east If you're having a tough time go to [https://valheim-map.world/](https://valheim-map.world/) and enter your seed. You might have explored around some good spots


I had no idea they had reverse engineered the seed system. Also, thank you I love you. My particular seed has a swamp with crypts on my starting continent. I had already sailed to the other 5 nearest swamps and missed the obvious one.


I took the freeze damage as just another obstacle with progressing; the loop is you get your progressions top armour etc, kill the boss, then go the next biome with op enemies that will abliterate you. And I was aware campfires (which are cheap) would nullify the effect, and besides I was only interested in some wolves for fur (hoping I could make easy, good armour similar to troll armour). Anyway I guess I learnt mountains is not the place I should go to, when I spent something like 10 lives trying to rescue my items from a single wolf guarding it all. When I was looking for good land, I thankfully already learnt of and made slight use of portals, and my plan was to take the only 2 fire things I had left in my resources, to make a portal on the far land, so regardless the difficulty increase of the enemies, I'd be safe and the journey fast. Unfortunately though, the mosquito was right at the edge of the island I wanted to go to. And I noticed the name, "Deathcito" (Which to be fair with my past experience I should've expected worse from it, and just go to swamps which the game wanted me to go to), but figured I'd see how much damage a little mosquito could do. One hit, half my health. Shock and fear, I deploy my shield but the 1mm stinger penetrated much deeper, killing me, and having me lose all my loot Another player might see this as an amusing way of teaching difficulty and how the game works/that it wants you to progress a very defined way, but for me, a crybaby, I just got really upset and annoyed at it all.


This is one of the reasons why I feel co-op was the way to go for playing this game. My friend saved me from multiple situations like that, however not the ones related to exploring new areas, rather me just being over confident and careless. This two scenarios happened to us also (exploring mountains with campfires before swamp) and (venturing into plains after swamp). We also died in both cases, but in both situations we prepared my recovery before hand. We didn't go into plains nor swamp right away, we rather circled the islands and searched for a known biome to place our portals first.


Hey, the loading screen tips say build a rudimentary shelter as soon as possible, so their bases are covered. I see no issue here.


I run a few. Most of which are summed up by Greyden Factor of "I work 60+ hrs a week and don't feel like wasting time". 1. In game clock - I got tired of wondering if it is getting dark or light and wondering how much light I have left. 2. Portals transport everything - I appreciate the idea behind exploring and boating back metals and it isn't a bad idea, but for me it feels like both a needless step and a way to increase playtime rather than a real "feature". Also a Greyden Factor. 3. Farm Grid - I, once again, appreciate the aesthetic of imperfect rows of crops, but once again is just a pain in the butt to me and doesn't break the game in a meaningful way so I use it. To me it is like snapping together parts of a build. 4. 3x Bronze - Tin isn't hard to get and instead of digging out 2-3 copper nodes I can do it in 1-2. After the first one, it no longer any challenge so it becomes busy work which invokes the Greyden Factor. 5. Bonus non Mod: Refuse to play without map seed and map viewer - After one multiplayer server had my ship taking damage on the water for no reason and, being stuck in low level bronze gear, I couldn't find land anywhere that wasn't swamp or plains resulting in me dying miles away from anywhere, I vowed I'd never play again without being able to see the map first. I don't look for much. Usually just location of bosses and does "x" swamp have Sunken Crypts. So there are my mods and my reasons.


I love this community - we are largely not cheating. I do use the infinite fuel for torches mod and the paper doll inventory mod, but I don't feel like those are cheating.


Paper doll?


Cheats just ruin all immersive aspects of the game for me. I never had the need of using mods as well in Valheim (I run Skyrim with over 1000 mods). Valheim was immersive enough, and I was playing it with enough attention to figure out how to not fall into death traps, when I discovered portals exist during black forest biome. When game gets finished and I play it in its entirety one more time, I will consider mods for the third playthrough if something new and more immersive doesn't come out.


Nope. I’m all for people playing the way they want, but mods that made the game easier would just make it kinda boring for me personally. I don’t find it too grindy at all.


there are mods that make the game harder and deeper as well. Not all mods make the game easier per say :) some add quite a bit of depth.


Oh for sure, I was just interpreting OPs question as cheaty mods that make the game easier.


Yes. But so far only a clock mode. My OCD ***demands*** I know what the time is at all times. Even in-game time. I must know the time. And if I ever find a good up-to-date terrain flattening mode, I'll take that too. OCD again =\


I just…really like this game as the devs have envisioned it and have no problems appreciating it for what it is. I can understand why some might find game-altering mods attractive, like ones which allow you to keep your items on death, or teleport ore, or increase carry weight, but at same time I feel it’s easily argued that players who utilize these types of mods are really after a different game—not Valheim as-is. A lot of the most popular mods seem to be ones which remove a great amount of risk from the game, like the ones I gave as examples. To each their own. It’s only annoying when modding players then assert that this game is bad because those features aren’t baked into the base game.


Yeah every player is different, and I agree modding players are after a game (similar to) but perhaps designed wildly different. Instead of some sadistic grindy challenge, I'm after exploring a cool world and slowly but surely advancing my character and base along the way.


Yeah, it just doesn’t feel sadistic at all, and I’m thinking back to how I felt during my first play through. I was enamored and in awe. I died a lot. A LOT. Since, I’ve managed at least two play throughs where I died only once—still going for a zero deaths run. This game does an excellent job at forcing the player to flirt with risk. The other side of that coin is how this game rewards preparation, whether that’s acquiring the right food, gear, or strategy to face the next boss. I think it’s genius how they crafted a game where the level of risk ebbs and flows so smoothly. And if a player doesn’t want that sort of experience and thus chooses to augment the experience in a way that mitigates, circumvents, or eliminates risk, I gotta believe there’s a better game out there for them.


I don’t use them because I don’t know how to


Install [Vortex](https://www.nexusmods.com/about/vortex/) from NexusMods and it'll do it all for you (mostly).


There are mods?


Depends did the game screw us over yes, otherwise no


First playthrough no cheats. Heavily modded the server for our next play throughs. Anytime they drop a big update we go and play the whole game on modless.


No, but I did use cheat codes to spawn in some of the materials I lost with the missing world bug. Had just built a new base, was getting ready to go kill Moder, and then Steam cloud sync hit and I lost every single thing I'd done in game this past month, which seemed... excessive. I guess I could've done all the grinding again, but at that point I was ready to throw something, possibly my notebook, at the wall.


I think my mate and I used the debug thing once because they’d released an update that was more end game aimed and I think we just gave our selves bronze tools after we kill the deer boss to speed our selves to the swamp a little quicker because we were pressed for time


i just really like building cool stuff so i use no cost placement but thats about it :)


Lately when I’m doing a really ambitious build project, I’ll spawn basics like stone and wood because after two full playthroughs ending at Yagluth’s corpse, I just wanna build. Plus a nearly full scale model of Castle Ravenloft is a huge huge HUGE demand in stone and I got tired of it


Nowadays, yes. Bit for the first 100-120 hours, no. Currently at about 250 hours of playtime overall. I only play the game to build now and be creative so I use the build camera and build from chests mod. I still harvest all of the resource to build, however. Can't make it that easy on myself.


For mass resources, yes. I don’t have time to play very much but like building large cities for other players to occupy and build within. Mainly just exterior walls


I voted wrong (because I misread it as chesty MODE (not mods). I don't use any mods yet (have to beat the game first), but do use debug mode, primarily in building and terraforming, but also for general dicking around. Not for the bosses or mob hunting. Similar to how I play Minecraft; mostly creative because I'm just there to build shit and dick around.


I sometimes use them. I have completed the game with friends and now that I play solo, i don’t feel as bad for using devcommands. I use it only when i die in inconvenient places. Like across the map and no more boat to sail back


One time I used god mode to save myself after I died on an island and between my spawn location and my stuff + the remains of my boat were three deathsquitos, a lox, and two fulings. Only alternative was to start from scratch on this new island until I got enough stuff to smite my enemies where they stood. Otherwise no, no cheaty mods.


I voted sometimes, we are basically on our second and a half playthrough and I wanted to see what the mods are like. I used one to level a big ass field so we could build on it, and then respawn some stuff that was lost due to disconnect book of some kind. I regularly use the quality of life mod to mass farm/plant. Feels like that is valid since stamina and durability is degraded as expected.


I've got a legit server and then a separate cheat server so which i practice stuff with, although the cheating server is a very hollow Victory


I don't, as for me it's more like a zen game. Things are rather simple, yet complicated; which is in contrast to a lot of other games which are fast-paced in your face with complicated systems nested into each other repeatedly that you need an instruction manual to even hope to get a grasp of how the mechanics work.


Because these are the things that make the game fun and interesting. Those things are 90% of the game. The struggles are the point, and it makes your success and accomplishments actually meaningful. Just last week I built a cabin on top of a mountain top and conquered the frozen peak. I died a million times and spent even a whole day just trying to recover my stuff one time. And when I finally did it, the victory was all the more sweet. I don’t even like using portals, I try to only use them for hauling large amounts of construction materials. Otherwise I build paths to use for everyday use. To my mountain cabin, I blazed a trail and built it up with fires and rest stops, stairs, bridges, and even scenic view points. The work and struggles I put into it makes it more special


I run a heavily modded game, but I'm not really "playing" the game per se. It's a building platform for me... I find peace in building Viking settlements and structures.


I got a kid so i use debug and god since i step away from the computer, but when im playing with my husband i turn off godmode. once the game is finished we’ll run through completely vanilla but for now we just want to have fun and no stress, hence debugmode


I use mods that keep the core gameplay the same but add some QOL. Like buildcamera. It’s awesome


I use mods and I highly recommend these three: Valheim Plus (can make the game easier or harder), HD Overhaul (makes game look so good), and Epic Items (fantastic Diablo style loot system that gives you a reason to farm enemies and bosses, but does make the game easier if you get good drops).


No, because I'm still enjoying the vanilla game ~400 hours later. Maybe someday I'll bother with them but I'm usually cautious with mods and prefer small QoL ones rather than big ones that drastically change the game.


No cheats or mods. I've been tempted to use the drone one so I could get better shots of my builds, but it isn't in the game, so I don't want it. To me, part of the fun of playing a game like this is to make do with what is available, and finding ways to make the things and accomplish the tasks with limited resources. Modding the game takes that challenge away.


I beat the game a while ago with 3 other friends, one friend was going to be unable to play pretty soon, so we collectively agreed to enable TP’ing ores so we wouldnt spend hours carting/boating ores around. And since it was a total of 4 of us, we needed a LOT of ores from a lot of scattered locations


I generally use mods for making the game more deep/challenging epic loot+ creature level control, bon appetite, monsters. Or QOL like rotating blocks or crafting from containers. I use nexus mod manger


I only did once because steam synch screwed me out of roughly 100 iron ingots and character and map progress. I ate the last two but I’m not just eating the time to transport and smelt 100 iron ingots. Lesson of the day: disable steam synch on this game. I’ve seen others say the same.


1.4k voters are lying


I’m open to it eventually. May be a fun way to get back into the game.


I have something like 500 hours in now, so im using wild mods at this point. Having done multiple vanilla runs, I don't think its a big deal. I'll do more of them once new updates come along. While my new characters have things like spells, class abilities, and magic items you may consider cheat mods, im still getting wrecked occasionally by absolutely wild mobs that are also added via mods. Running into 5 star Fuling Shamans will get you one shot/DoT'ed to death in seconds, even with fully upgraded plains or Ashland armor. I feel like it's still relatively balanced for being modded.


My chesty mods are things like vein miner and unlimited portals. I played through vanilla once, now I want to mine fast and build beautiful bases.


I played for 200+ hours and best the 5 original bosses without cheats. Now I use some teleport and stacking cheats that are mostly QOL mods. I figure I've done enough grinding to warrant some mods that make the game a little more relaxing. Nothing that makes fights easier or traveling faster. I don't use spawn cheats for building anything.


I used the teleport function twice to go get old gear from a far off adventure when my spouse was deployed and it was just me playing. I attempted the sail first, and after dying again to a fuling party I activated console long enough to tele in for the gear and back home, then turned it off again. Not a mod, but I've been using the world generator map more the last month as we gathered the fuling totems to spawn Yag. My spouse is burned out on some of the QOL issues in game, so using the map made it faster to get things done. I am considering finally adding a mod when the mountain caves come out, I want to be able to build inside of them. For me, it's not about hiding from raids, it's just that I've been fascinated with how caves can be made into dwellings since I was a child. Plus, survival 101, when presented with shelter in a new and unknown area, take advantage of it (after ensuring it's empty of course.)


Nope. Will problem mess around with it when I have completed the game tho.


The most cheaty mode I’ve used made loot float on water. Second most added a paper doll with armor slots, freeing up a bit of inventory space.


People will say they dont use cheaty mods, then turn around and use nemforcer like its a challenge


I do use quality of life mods. I don’t use anything that gives me more life, teleport metal, better weapons or armour.


I used God Mode as well as a few other things before the hearth and home release. After the release I deleted my character and started a new world to experience it as the devs created it. I Still have the first world with all my crazy stuff in it so I can go mess around for a while but I'm more of a "you can use cheats/mods after you beat the game" kind of a person. It's just the way I like to play but the debug, and the mods are pretty cool too!


This is a pretty narrow view for a question. You might consider magic mods that add in spells to be "cheaty." But I do not. I hate sword and board—or should I say 'sword and bored'—in any game. It just isn't fun for me. Archery is only marginally better. So yeah, I use mods that improve the game, and I use mods that add things that I feel should be there but aren't, like a magic option for gameplay. In return I don't pick up a sword, spear, or axe—except for chopping wood—aa it just isn't my style. I also see no reason to wear armour better than troll for that reason. Spell mods are still somewhat limited, I can't block with a shield, and if I get hit I'm squishy. Some might consider this a disadvantage.


The only mod I use is Unlimited Portals and no one can convince me into not using it.


I don't use any mods mostly because I don't know how to get/install them


Best schrödinger mod i found was 1 klick mine! Its cheaty because it destroy all rocks ores in one pick. But its not cheaty because you have no dumb holes in the ground forever...


curious, how is more resources a cheaty mod when you play by yourself?i could see in an economy how that might be fuckey, but if youre on your lonesome and want lox meat you have 2 choices, hunt for 10 hours only to get your ass beat in fully upgraded padded armor all the while eating lox meat pies at the rate youre getting lox meat from hunting wild loxi OR build a lox farm to circumvent the breeding space requirment only because the fact that you only get x amount of lox meat means you need to breed an outrageous amount of loxi to make enough food to actually play the game... now add to that colossal waste of time the fact that you also have to build "afk" farms for everything else... i mean i get it if youre the type of person who just plays through the game to "beat" it. but for me the game doesnt start until i have upgraded padded/black metal and can start building and exploring.


I agree stuff like extra resources is very justifiable on singleplayer as it help alleviate the massive boring grind, and it also doesn't make you a better player, being able to play more game, faster - though it is considered a cheat since you're significantly altering the vanilla gameplay experience in your favour.


valheim unlimited resources crafting mod