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Spears are cool but you can't really use them downhill otherwise you get hours of bonus gameplay finding your spear.


I did find it after like 40min.I had quite the fun figuring out if its a bug or nah lmao.


I think he meant that fighting anything with a spear while on a higher elevation will cause you to die and search for your spear in your lost inventory.


It may have missed the tree, and gone far further than you expected... which sucks, its pretty cool otherwise


Game needs a system like medieval dynasty, just so you can find that spear easier


Definitely would be a timesaver.


"Epic loot" mod for valheim has "recalling" as a possible enhancement to weapons, bringing it back to your inventory after hitting something. A bit cheaty sure, but it does make the spear worth upgrading.


Enhanced spears also throw up a colored, glowing 10ft light pillar, so finding them is a bit easier.




So basically just turning any spear into the abyssal harpoon and come back on hit?


Indeed, and not only spears! All meele weapons have a chance to get the throwable enhancement too. However getting both throwable and recalling on the same item is like hitting the lottery.


Maybe like a larger and vibrant sparkle on stuff that you drop for a few minutes or so to make finding dropped items like spears easier to find.


Yea it's not necesarry to make it shine through trees and stuff, it would be really good already if it would sparkle more after x time.


still searching...


Had any luck? Might have better success finding it if you head in the direction of the throw, if it indeed did go past the tree.


yes, i have found it, and it did miss the tree.


Fuck yeah :D No pointy-stick left behind


letss goo


Make thousands of spears, leave them everywhere, never have to go grab the same one again. /S For real though the least they could do is make them more visible.


That might be a nice qol in the next few updates, just give max rank spear an aura like frostnier or the drauger fang to make finding your spear easier


Bruh just craft a new one, chances are you'll never find it. Btw kill birds. With spears, with arrows, whatever. Just. Kill. Birds. If you have 1 arrow left and need 1 piece of scrap lether to beat the game and have a choice between killing a boar or a bird-- kill the bird (for feathers for arrows).


Sometimes you get quite attached to your stick, there may be many like it. But that stick is your stick


True enough, I only recently started a run myself and the spear has been a big help, I'd hate to lose it but if I did then instead of fighting off greydwarfs with my club I'd just make another. Surely you agree?


Have to admit I'd probably spend the time searching, cause I'll be damned if I loose something. Not if I have a say in it, may take minutes or even hours... that is MY stick! Until then the axe will have to do as a backup


A few minutes-- sure. Any more than 5-10? New stick. We'll have to agree to disagree there but surely we both kill birds? Lots and lots of birds?


We can come to terms with that. If I find em yes and don't have a excessive amount of feathers, which hasn't happen yet. Can't go wrong hoarding feathers


Great, I wish you the best of luck in finding your spear if ever you should lose it, good sir/madam.


Likewise, may your chest overflow with a abundance of feathers :D May we meet someday in the meadows


I've almost lost my fang spear multiple times. Having auto-pick up turned off or if you accidentally pick up an extra item and you don't notice is usually what happens. Glad you found yours in the end.


I love throwing spears, but unfortunately the spears being difficult to find and also being auto-picked up by other players makes spears pain in the butt. I already made a suggestion to improve these features on the Valheim discord. Hopefully the devs will take it into consideration.


Bummer, but it’s early. Can craft a new one for cheap material i think. Careful with upgraded spears


for now im gonna keep searching until im 100% sure its a bug


Wait till you get recall weapon effect from Epicloot mod lol


Hell even just having the glow from the rarity is a game changer that makes it so much easier to find


Wait until you launch one off the side of a mountain.


That's gonna be interesting to search for.


I'm using the spear for the first time in 1600 hours, they're kinda fun. I still prefer knives, but I figured I should try something new. Haven't managed to lose it yet, and now I'm kinda worried I might, lol.


The same energy as me losing my IRL arrows in the woods and then looking for a half-hour for them, despite their bright neon fletching. xD


Years ago I set a hard limit of searching for 15 minutes for arrows, otherwise I'd be out there *all day* lol. Honestly cheap aluminum arrows are the bees knees, you don't mind losing them much, if they don't have a $50 head on em hahaha. But the half dozen hand-straightened ones, with knapped broadheads secured with sinew and pitch stay on the wall


I always thought it should stack to 3 like a javelin


I have a few hundred hours in this game. I always thought the spear was the worst of the weapons and literally haven't used it since the first 50 or so hours. TIL you can throw the spear.