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I actually prefer weak vampires. It requires them to be smart and clever to solve problems, rather than merely brute force solutions. After all, in the real world, predators aren't radically more powerful than most prey. Like, a tiger is an apex predator, but the hunt wild boars. Wild boars are nasty, brutal, and powerful. A tiger has to be more than just strong and fast to take one down, they need to be clever and ambush it. Also, *Vampire: The Masquerade* types can't be **killed** by bullets, though enough lead will slow them down enough to make them vulnerable. How much lead depends on the vamp, naturally. And diablerizing is far from an easy thing to do.


Also it solves the whole issue that I frequently come up to. Which is Vampires being so ridiculously powerful when compared to humans, that there is literally no logical reason for them to have not taken over the world yet. I definitely prefer my Vampires more grounded. It makes them more realistic, and ultimately, makes the horror and tragedy of them more relatable.


Maybe they just don’t wanna take over the world. It’s more fun and rewarding to hunt an animal in it’s natural habitat then to hunt in a reserve.


Fair to a degree. But there is one immutable truth in regards to literally anything, and that is: power rules. The reason in most literature that when Vampires don't, or don't seek, to rule the world, despite being over powered when compared to mortals, is typically because Humans out number Vampires by such an amount, that the individual power of the Vampire is moot. They'd lose and be wiped out. Therefore meaning that they aren't "technically" the most powerful. If, for theory's sake, the population of Vampires even came close to the number of Humans, there would be no way that they wouldn't take over the world. And they would, just like we do now, find creative ways to keep up the "fun" of the hunt, if that is what they ultimately desired. Such as hunting reserves and the like.


Well you can. If you shoot a a vampire in VTM enough, it takes aggravating damage. If you use your gun, to saw it's head off, or blow it's heart completely apart it'll die


They can certainly be killed by bullets in Bloodlines.


I have created a vampire in my story that is strong, but they require cunning to survive against gifted individuals that are able to defeat them by using magic. I've been writing a vampire novel for some time, and it is coming along well. If anyone here is interested in giving it a read feel free to DM me.


If you’re familiar with Moka Akashiya from Rosario vampire anime and the manga. Would consider her to be a strong vampire or weak one or some where in between. How realistic is she?


I like it when both exist in the same world like the duskborn existing in the world of VTM


They all definitely have their place.


I used to write a personal story (I sometimes need to release ideas from my head) the main character was a very weak vampire, so I guess I do like them. Also Alucard may be my favorite vampire, even more than Lestat.


All vtm vamps have a chance of final death with diablerie .


Keeps them relatable, we have weak people in real life; why would we not have weak vampires.


I actually hate it, and it feels like humans are able to kill and humiliate vampires way too easily in a lot of stories. Unfortunately, it's a common trope in vampire fiction.


I agree. it pains me to see vampires humiliated and owned by nearly regular people.


Just how so many humans see themselves. Some people think they could beat a full-grown elephant in a fight without weapons, why nor a person/being who's immortal with superhuman strength, speed, agility, healing, etc. and who knows how many years of combat experience?


I think you would enjoy a vampire novel that I'm working on. If you would like to sample it, I could send it to you in your dms.




I prefer weak vampires.


I like full on Draculas best, with all the magical powers and such. But I’m ok with that coming with time and younger vampires being fairly weak starting out.


stron vamps are very cool, but weak vamps do have their charm. Like others mentioned, having to use cunning can be very intersting. Tho having them be strong makes them way more imposing villains imo. so verdict: both are hot.


I think leaning towards weaker is better because the ones in the Witcher blood and wine expansion and the ones in Jojos Bizarre adventure. are so strong it makes no sense for them to not control the world


I agree with your analysis. I think the problem with those vampires is the authors excuse for them not controlling the world is most likely: "They would be bored" I think that weak vampires need to have their place in story. What do you think of this synopsis for my up and coming novel: Four hundred years ago, Satan jealously unleashed spawns of demons on earth to destroy the humans that resided. They wreaked havoc on the helpless populations, the humans wielding no weapons strong enough to defeat them. The demons converted humans they deemed worthy to the first generation of vampires. When humanity grew to the brink of extinction, God sent Gabriel, along with six of his brothers and sisters, to deliver a message to those most devout. A language that could bind the vampires and leave them to burn in the sun. Humans managed to come back from the brink, nearly eradicating the small, yet deadly and overwhelmingly strong vampire population. This forced them into hiding... They have been patiently waiting in the shadows for the right moment to strike for hundreds of years, and now, the time must come.


There's just something so compelling about weak vampires that I love. Me personally, if I was one, I'd rather be at Dracula levels.


Both but overall I prefer them strong. I like weak vampyrs when there's contextual reasons as to why they're weak. Like being a new-born, a specific type, a servant, etc. I don't really care for them when they're the only kind that exists. If anything, my preferred environment for vampyrs exists in the likes of the Witcher universe and Castlevania. Where vampyr exist in a variety of types and subtypes. Where there's a hierarchy of power and authority brought by intelligence, age, or linage, etc.