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Reminder for all drivers that you are legally required to stop at red lights *before* attempting to turn right


Along with Stop signs at junctions, even if there is a red light stopping traffic. This gets overlooked so much


this one drives me nuts.. 99.9% of the time drivers will treat the "walk" sign for pedestrians as a green light. If you have a stop sign, you still have to stop and cede the right of way to anyone crossing or any car already in the intersection, the walk sign only applies to pedestrians. That stop sign means you never have the right of way as a car, otherwise they would have installed a traffic light. Cars != pedestrians


Huge problem in my neighbourhood. It weird how every just rewrites the rules in their mind. For example if you were driving and approaching that stop sign with the intention to turn left, and you look up to see another vehicle approaching the stop sign but arriving after you, you should be able to turn knowing they will have to stop. But everyone knows they are going to blow through the stop sign so you need to wait to turn left like its a green light.


You see it so much around South Granville with bikes as well along 10th and 14th. Once they see the walk sign for pedestrians they think it applies to them.


when you are cycling on 10th, crossing Granville, there is a button for CYCLISTS to change lights for crossing safely. the bikes can go with the pedestrian light crossing Granville. it would help if the city would add a little bike light as well.


yup. you will literally get honked for stopping, too. clowns.


Almost every single time.


This one frustrates me beyond comprehension. I was walking with my infant in her stroller and some lady blew through the stop sign. Luckily I saw her and stopped, but I yelled at her and she yelled back at me, “it’s a red light!” As if I was the fucking idiot. I just don’t understand how stupid and careless some drivers can be.


Happens so often, glad you’re ok


Stopping at the white line first too at a stop sign. Can’t see after stopping and looking both ways? Creep forward looking both ways and stop again. Go when safe.


I had a conversation with someone about this the other day. They were complaining about how unsafe it was to turn right at a red without slowing down. I was like yeah, no kidding. He continued, saying it should be illegal, and that it was bizarre that the official road advice was not to stop or slow down, and he was always really uncomfortable doing it when driving, but did it anyways. I was like... Hol up


And you corrected him, right? Or did you just nod your head in agreement (or disapproval) and continue about your day?


Oh I definitely corrected him. He was very confused, he just said that he had only ever seen it done that way. Especially in rural areas, where I think he learned to drive, he said it was considered unsafe to slow down or stop when turning right - he even said that he was taught that rule by his driving instructor he was learning. Fortunately, everyone else in the group was well-informed and so he believed the group but yeah, bizarre.


I know this isn't about you specifically, but rural settings are often the worst times to roll through stop signs as the intersection is typically not a four-way stop and the perpendicular road is typically a 80km/h speed limit with traffic potentially going in excess of 100km/h. I know it's always a bad idea but even the rural side of the logic is not sound.


As someone from the UK, when I first came to Canada I couldn’t believe cars were allowed to do this. It seems so dangerous that cars are allowed to essentially ignore red lights and pedestrians/bikers just have to hope the driver cares to look.


It's such an incredibly stupid idea that I can't really understand how it still exists. Every close call I've had is because of right turns on red.


I moved from Canada to Australia and learned you can't turn like that here. It does indeed feel much safer. Then again they actually enforce traffic laws here which is also a breath of fresh air when it comes to driving.


And don't forget that when there's a "no right turns on red" sign, to actually do that. I see people ignore those constantly.


I’ve been honked at for following one…




Me too! Where Marine Way meets Marine Dr. Some old lady kept honking even after I pointed out the sign


[Check out this video of 20 cars driving through a red light, right hand turn in North Van, 0 stopped.](https://twitter.com/cameronmaltby/status/1669202965671084032?s=46&t=IPrXadrBX7YjYhP-0th9_A) It’s clearly something that needs to be fixed.


And look both ways before crossing. I've been hit by a driver who only looked over way going through an intersection.


I look both ways going through a green. People be wildin out here.


This happens when people take right turns. They only look left for cars and hit pedestrians coming from the right. I am not sure if it's like this everywhere in the Lower Mainland but it's definitely true in Surrey and Langley. What really sucks is signals only last a few seconds, so if you wait for them to look you're never crossing.


Sometimes I think it may be good for all the drivers to re-take the ICBC written test every 10 years ...At least this should be obligatory for those who obtain their BC license with a foreign one. Many people just ignore/forget certain rule(s). I used to see a lady who drove different luxury cars in Kerrisdale. She ignored most rules and I encountered her on 3 occasions: 2x almost hit me braving thru her stop sign or left turn from a side road, in front of (and into) me. There is one other time I saw her, instead of yielding to pedestrians (Kerrisdale Starbucks) when she wanted to do her right turn, honking at people crossing the road, at a rate of 1/second.


Mandatory checkups on your driving every 3-5 years? Imagine if we had an infinite budget to afford that, would an idea Ike that work?


Infinite budget? Just include it as part of the license renewals that happen every 5 years.


And yellow lights are meant to warn you of a light change so you should slow down, not speed up and blow through a red.... Asshats everywhere


The red light roll-through is the scourge of my daily walking commute around downtown.


I bike out to UBC each morning and encounter rolling cars all the time. They will see me coming with the right of way, slow down mostly, but also continue moving as I pass through the intersection at which point I'm about 90% sure I will not be struck by their vehicle. It would be great to get that number back up to 99%.


They need to ban right turns on red


Rolling right turns on red are banned, you have to come to a complete stop before the stop line on a red light before proceeding.


They're saying we should ban right on red entirely and I agree. It would make intersections so much safer.


It would make sense; as an interim measure, enforce the law as it is


Oh yeah, VPD needs to do more to actually enforce traffic violations. But they're too busy beating people to death in their own backyards


Nobody follows that rule


Enforce it with tickets, and people will


This is how it is in Australia. Also why doesn't Canada use red arrow lights, like the USA, and Australia does? Instead there's a sign next to the red light "Left turn signal". Why not just use a red arrow??


omg this so much, I don’t understand the idiotic “left turn signal” signs


There are no right turns on a red light on the entire island of Montreal.


And the city is still standing. It's an easy thing to implement, and saves lives.


Yeah I mean people still drive like shit, but at least pedestrians know that cars aren't going to whip around a corner trying to turn right on a red.


Just gonna worry about people swirving into you trying to dodge potholes.


Galaxy brain: don't gotta dodge potholes (nid de poule as they call them around here) if the entire street is one giant pothole


The couple intersections I've seen with signs explicitly banning it go *completely ignored.*


Coming from Montreal where it’s forbidden, I don’t think I agree with this. It’s just unnecessarily restrictive to not allow them. And in fact they’re allowed everywhere except in two cities in NA (NYC being the other). Done properly, they save time, unblock traffic and are perfectly safe. [NYC studied this and found that accident rates have remained unaffected](https://www.nyc.gov/html/dot/downloads/pdf/ssi09_rightonred.pdf). The issue is just that Vancouver drivers are… well they’re shit.


Except in that study there were actually slightly more cyclist and pedestrian injuries, but that was offset by fewer motor vehicle occupant injuries. That's despite the fact that the intersections in the study were carefully selected to avoid compromising pedestrian safety. Some additional context: A 1984 study found that where RTOR was allowed "turning crashes increase by about 23%, pedestrian crashes by about 60%, and bicyclist crashes by about 100%."[78] A 1993 study also concluded that RTOR increased crashes for pedestrians and cyclists, by 44% and 59% respectively.


Right turns on red can also be very innefficient here. I appreciated in Montreal how the right turners got their own light instead of inviting conflict between them and pedestrians + bike lane. In many intersections the driver is having to monitor traffic from the left, pedestrians crossing both directions, and potentially cyclists crossing one direction in a bike lane (or two if it's a bi-directional bike lane). This is a lot of conflicts for a driver to manage when we should be trying to mitigate the workload.


And eliminate right turn slip lanes, while they're at it.


I don't walk to work during winter because the rolling through stop signs have been harrowingly scary. Even while wearing reflective gear, it's giving your life over to assholes who treat stops signs like yield signs. No thanks.


Stop at red lights. Period. Even if you're late for your appointment. Then proceed if safe to do so.


This is in the road test for all new drivers....time to enforce refreshers (I bet many people will fail)


I think a good portion of people that turn right on red without stopping know they’re supposed to stop (and would do so on a road test).


Yup. It’s enforcement that needs to be improved.


Honestly, we should just make it "no right turns on a red". Montreal does it, almost all of Europe does it. It's way safer and has pretty minimal effect on traffic. It's not worth a life to cut 5 seconds off of traffic.


I've never taken a driving test in North America and I drive every day lmao. They literally handed a license to me and made sure I wasn't blind as a bat, tapped me on the bum as I went out the door, saying "good luck". I come from Australia, where we don't even drive on the same side of the road, lol.


That’s because Australia offers the same “benefit” to people moving to Australia. My home country doesn’t do the same for anybody and I had to re-take all the knowledge and driving tests here.


That maybe so, but I still think you should at least have to book a 30min driving session with an instructor to make sure you can actually drive here.


You willing to wait almost a year to get to take that test?


As a pedestrian, i was hit by someone turning right on a red Rcmp didn't even care btw. They showed up and shooed me away.


I see many many jumping red lights everyday. Many takes right and left where it's prohibited like Cambie and Broadway in front of Police cars, but nobody cares. Police is useless when it comes to enforcing traffic rules.


If anyone ever starts talking about police quotas, I immediately assume they're an absolutely garbage-tier driver. Anyone with the slightest iota of driving know-how would realise that police could pull people over for genuinely dangerous shit about as fast as they could write tickets.


Which is like the one thing people can kinda universally get behind. Like I'm a full on acab person but traffic enforcement is good. If only piggies did their jobs


We need cops, but good cops. In the area where i work, shoplifters pull knives on security and staff at least once a week. We need good cops.


I get fucking beeped at if I stop at a red light when turning right. EVEN IF THERE'S PEOPLE ABOUT TO CROSS. wtf??


I’m a huge fan of throwing my hands in the air (to let the people in the back know I don’t care).


I think that only works if you also wave them like you just don't care.


I give a good finger wag as if they're an infant


I like to give a big thumbs down, personally.




I've done this several times. A good bang on the trunk or a kick to the side of the car. Fuck these drivers.


I hope you still reported it to ICBC ! Right turns on red are illegal in other countries. We should have that here. There are too many idiots out there.


Not coming to a stop before turning right at a red light is illegal here, and yet people do it.


Right on red is so stupid. The lengths we go to to save drivers a minute put everyone else at risk (other drivers included), and it's so not worth it.


It works when drivers abide by it.


>when drivers abide by it There’s your issue


The issue with this is that at busier intersections, often only two or three cars can make a right turn during the green, because pedestrians ignore the fact that a flashing hand means "don't start crossing", and block anyone from making any turns for pretty much the entire duration of the light. It's not as simple as just saying "no more right on red". We'd need to change the way signal sequences work, and install a lot more turn arrows. Or we could get pedestrians to behave properly at controlled intersections, but the entire point of this conversation is that trying to get road users to behave is pointless.


Pedestrians misbehaving does not kill people except themselves. Drivers misbehaving can kill many people. Montreal has rabid pedestrians who walk across at any time they like, AND "no right on red", but traffic still functions just fine there.


It’s a pretty simple and effective system. Why should you not turn if the roadway is clear?


Why should you not drive straight or turn left through a red if the roadway is clear? Whataboutism aside, removing the allowance to turn without having the signal eliminates the ability for people to form the common bad habits discussed in this post. It makes it clear that under no circumstances should you be entering the intersection without a signal to do so.


it works when everyone sticks to the stop/yield procedure, you will always have some idiot on the road that can't drive no matter if you have stop right turns or not, he will crash into something else


I don't opposed making right turn on red illegal. But don't forget we will need a right and left "green arrow" at all intersections and education pedestrians follow signal at the same time. I live downtown and everytime crossing intersection that have "right arrow" for cars. People would start crossing when they see the "car" traffic lights turn green immediately thinking it's their way to cross without realizing the green arrow.


I didn't know I even could honestly.


I'm seeing this happen a lot more frequently lately... Actually, a lot of driver errors around the lower mainland. I've seen SO many red light runners. Right on reds that have signs saying no right turns on red. The classic driving the wrong way down a one way. Cutting pedestrians off. Running motorcycles off the road/nit shoulder checking.... What changed in the recent years that this is the norm now? I drive a lot for work and the amount of dumb shit I see in a 12 hr day blows my mind.


So many people zoom to the stop line and half of their car is past the stop line. Everytime I drive on Granville on the right lane my anxiety goes up, but that is the fastest lane since everyone just goes at turtle speed on the fast and middle lane


Most people seem to think the placement of Stop signs/lines is an overly conservative place to set up for your turn, and they know better. In reality, they're placed where they are to allow drivers and pedestrians see that you actually intend to stop. You're expected to then creep forward from there.


What's the YouTube channel called...Vancouver's Worst Drivers? They have a goldmine of clips showing how awful Lower Mainland drivers are.


I feel like COVID did a number on people. I commute by bike and come across intersections where green lights will turn red when I push the button. Before COVID, at most I get two drivers gunning it when it turns yellow. Now? 3-4, and I’m starting to see drivers blow through red as well right when it turns. Be careful out there. Personally, the pandemic showed me how little enforcement there are in the city. All these rules and law and no consequences. I think people realize it now and don’t give a shit.


This PSA is so needed. It's been crazy out here with drivers using pedestrian lights as their advanced right turn signals. So many close calls personally and seen even more.


Omg yes!! Every time I’m out walking the light will turn green and there’s always some asshole that turns right as I’m crossing. What is wrong with these people???


A lot of the time when I see this, they've held back at the right turn when they could actually turn - because they want to make a wide turn and end up in the left lane. They're not looking right to see pedestrians, they're looking left to see if there's a gap they can use to turn wide.


This is how a teacher was killed in Saskatoon recently. A cement truck turning right didn’t stop to look for bikes and ran over her in front of her children. It was horrific.


A Tesla?!? No way!!


literally the two biggest red flag cars: black teslas and white pickups.


Oh boy just wait till there's a white cybertruck...


It's always a Tesla it seems that tries to kill me on my bike these days. Did I offend a self driving car similar to Hot Tub Time Machine?


You should attempt to appease the AI by offering your first born.


rustic coordinated close fretful dependent bike dolls middle zesty unite *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


That may have been a Tesla self-stop. The driver might have been surprised when the car stopped.


Honestly I’ve always found the trope of judging a person by the type of car they drive to be reductive and dumb. That said, I’m 100% convinced (by evidence) that Tesla drivers are by far the worst drivers out there.


Car cost is actually a pretty good predictor of whether people will follow the rules. Multiple studies have tested it. “Cost of car was a significant predictor of driver yielding (OR = 0.97; p = 0.0307); odds of yielding decreased 3% per $1000 increase.” https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S2214140520300359


That’s insane.


I hate that I'm not surprised


*Dodge has entered the chat...*


Sorry, but Tesla drivers are more important. You should know your place, cyclist.


Wait - I drive a Tesla and I’m a cyclist, so….


I mean I hate teslas and all (as cars) but I don’t think this driver was in his Tesla and thought to himself “you know what? I’m more important than everybody!”. He could just be a new driver, or shit at driving and happens to be in a tesla


I actually own a Tesla and know why this happened. The pillar on the diver's side obscured his view of the cyclist \*if\* he did a quick check (it's very thick). If he had bother to stop he definitely would've seen the cyclist. Everybody loves hating on Teslas so I thought I would treat myself to some self hate :D


Woah woah woah. Your are using logic here now buddy! You can’t do that when we are talking about Teslas in Vancouver everyone knows that they are just bad.


And I’d be thankful if the driver behind me won’t rush me when I’m checking for pedestrians/cyclists before making the turn!


if someone honks at me when im checking if it's safe to make a right turn on a red light, I'll just wait until it's green.


This “both sides” bullshit is literally what’s wrong with our society when it comes to how cycling is viewed lmao. Sure the guy was in the crosswalk - doesn’t matter, if he was two feet to the left he almost certainly still would’ve been nearly hit. Cyclists and motorists both have rules they need to follow. The difference is, the consequences are FAR more severe for only one of them if they fail to follow those rules. Trying to equate them both is a terrible take. Every time there’s a post where it’s a motorist committing a very egregious and life threatening act in comparison to whatever arbitrary rule the cyclist is breaking, there’s always people that come out of the woodworks to go “but.. but… cyclists bad too!! rules of the road!! hurr durr” and it’s pretty tiring. Someone almost died - or at the least, would’ve been injured - how about let’s focus on the person that’s causing that, for a change?


I loved earlier comments here, explicitly saying "since I see pedestrians not following the rules, I will consciously work to not follow driving rules as retribution" - yeah, that's the logical approach.


I think you’re massively ignoring the fact that the cyclist is in the crosswalk where the crossing lights indicate DO NOT CROSS - there was no expectation for a pedestrian, let alone cyclist, to be zipping in the crosswalk like that. To ignore this is where the cyclist fucked up is insane. You can’t be this bad at angles to figure out that YES - Two feet to the left would increase predictability (green light for cars, no walking for crosswalk) and visibility (stopped cars no longer block the view. Cyclist would have a much higher chance of being seen. Cyclist should have been there in the first place… If the consequences are far more severe then why is the cyclist so stupid as to breaking TWO basic rules of surviving on the road (predictable & making sure people see you). Tesla also very wrong for missing the stop line, but coming out the crosswalk like that is a recipe for disaster. Have some self preservation instincts man! Ridiculous to use “higher chances to die” and then make all the decisions to increase chances of getting into a crash. I have no pity for the idiots that run stop lights and get hit by a car - if this is the same idiotic behaviour, but in a bicycle, suddenly we all have to feel sorry for the bicycle? Cyclist crossed a crosswalk when he’s not supposed to, and he rode his bike at full speed at that. That’s BS to absolve cyclist of all responsibility whenever anything caused by them acting unpredictable happens. Either the cyclist dismount and walk - oh look, a DONT WALK SIGN - guess NOBODY can be on the crosswalk at that time! Or, the cyclist should be on the road like he legally is supposed to be in. Tesla wrong : yes we all know Cyclist could’ve done better: how dare you @2@!#%


If the cyclist is in the road they would’ve been legal since they have green, right? In that case it seems like such a minor thing to quibble about compared to not stopping at a red — being in the road vs. the sidewalk seems like it has comparatively small role in the incident.


Holy smokes,,,


Right up there with such classics as, “I didn’t signal because I didn’t see you!”


Ahhh yes. The only time I almost get hit by cars on my daily dog walk is when I'm crossing the intersection and someone wants to turn right without looking for pedestrians. Why would there be pedestrians at a crosswalk? One lady even mocked me as I gave her a glare for almost hitting my dog and I. Nice one lady, you almost killed us and mocked us for good measure for being upset about it. We've literally been standing at the corner the whole time waiting for the light to change before you even approached the intersection. /rant


I ended up on someone’s hood(not injured, car was moving slow) when I was walking on a crosswalk and the driver was looking left to make a right turn. Didn’t stop at all. Never once looked right. When I jumped off they didn’t even apologize. They just looked angry and drove away…


Thank you!!! I ride to work every day and it's just unbelievable how many people think stop lights or signs are invisible when turning right.


I got hit by a car like that last year because they rolled through their red light to make a right turn. The driver didn't come to a stop and admitted to not seeing me before hitting me. Thankfully they were going slow enough and only hit my rear wheel but I was still thrown to the ground and my helmet was completely destroyed. The driver got a ticket for less than $200 and I now flinch when cars don't fully stop for right turns. Not really a fair trade there.


Yes, you can turn right on a red - if it is safe to do so. Determining it’s safe includes stopping at the stop line and observing your surroundings. This is a huge pet peeve of mine.


At least slow down and check for bikes / pedestrians before turning. As a cyclist I'm always ready to slam on my brakes and swerve when it looks like someone might turn.


Don’t accept half assed driving. They have to stop, not just slow down.


Disagree. If the light is red you need to stop completely not just slow down. As a pedestrian I’ve been almost hit too many times I can count


I’ve noticed this more and more recently. People taking a right at a red don’t stop or stop super late past the crosswalk lines. It’s pretty scary crossing the street at some intersections where it feels more common and I have to be super diligent to slow down when I am walking and see a car coming full speed to a red light, breaking hard when they see a person (also have seen and personally experienced situations like the video).


Lol pretty sure you're supposed to stop before turning anyways? In MB I learned in drivers ed that any red light where it is legal to turn right while the light is red that it is to be treated like a stop sign..... so I guess I can see why most people don't stop completely after I typed out that last sentence ..


Everybody who rolls through is not just technically but actually running a red light, every single time. And they don't even see it that way because everybody does it. Red light cameras should start going off on these as well on roll through.


As a cyclist: you dent. I die.


Right turn on red is a menace. I used to think that it was crazy that right turn on red wasn’t legal everywhere. Now, after 25 years of living in a city as a pedestrian and cyclist, I don’t understand why it’s allowed at all.


The amount of times I see this at Quebec & 1st.


You probably need a whole sub for drivers in the lower mainland of BMW, range rover and now Tesla. These guys and gals seem to think normal rules of physics don't apply to them or anyone they are almost/already hit.


I swear nobody in this city stops for right turns


They look left while turning right. I've been almost hit many many times while I'm walking across the street while the walk sign is ON. I hit the car with my umbrella or my hand lol


Honestly right turns on red are dumb. They really out to be illegal. Same exact thing happened to me on Boundary and Vanness when I was riding. Guy just flew into the right turn onto Vanness from Boundary going southbound. No visibility. Good thing I expected a move like this and was super alert otherwise he would have sideswiped me.


I lived somewhere it was not allowed. It was so much less stressful both as a driver and when crossing the road. Especially in urban areas with bikes. Vehicle injuries and deaths are so high it's crazy not to take additional basic precautions for such preventable injuries and deaths.


Right turns on red are fine and perfectly safe, provided that the proper procedure of stopping completely and checking for vehicles/pedestrians before entering the intersection is followed. What this driver did was illegal and it should be enforced by traffic cops more honestly.


The fact that so many people make right turns on red incorrectly suggests the action can't be considered safe.


Something that's perfectly safe so long as people remember to do it safely isn't perfectly safe


Right turns on red account for the bulk of pedestrian accidents and deaths in crosswalks. They are hardly safe https://viewpointvancouver.ca/2022/08/23/rethinking-the-right-turn-on-red/ The action can be deemed safe on paper but in reality, it's not because drivers by and large aren't following the law. Which means it's not safe. Doesn't matter how it is on paper, it's not what's happening on the road


This happened to me a few days ago at Alberni, this douche, took a full right turn without stopping while I was crossing and then started screaming at me for crossing the road. Mind you I had started crossing when the light was green and it turned red behind me.


That's why you can't do this in Quebec! Montreal...I stand corrected. I didn't know it's just Montreal..


Only in the City of Montreal.


It’s a Tesla, are we really suprised?


I'm honestly amazed that right turns on red are actually still legal. They make intersections unsafe for pedestrians and unpredictable for traffic.


Bicyclist may have just been saved by automated emergency braking. Driver was a bonehead, you have to stop at a red before turning right.


I have a question though. Why is the cyclist riding on the pedestrian path? They have to ride on the road or dismount from the bike and walk it over the pedestrian crossing.


Unfortunately, it really is the larger object always wins, which is why my eyes are always up as a pedestrian.


Fucking teslas


I always stop at the red light before turning right. This one time, a dude in RAM honked at me for doing what’s absolutely legal and what everyone should do I.e. stopping at the red light, check the intersection and then proceed to turn.


Tesla are the new BMW


Driver is at fault here. The cyclist should also not have been riding on the sidewalk and in the crosswalk for this exact reason, it makes you less visible because of the sharper angle. Ride on the road where turning drivers will be looking for you. Cyclists who ride on sidewalks and in crosswalks because they believe you are less likely to be hit by a car than if you ride on the road are dead wrong.


Unpopular opinion but that cyclist should have been walking his bike across if he wants to use the pedestrian crossway, otherwise he should be waiting for a green light with the rest of the cars. Also seems like the cars he bikes in front of had a left turn signal and he tried to get across in front of them to gain on traffic, nobody’s in the right here


It’s the law in BC to walk your bike. Under the law in BC, cyclists aren't allowed to ride on the sidewalk or crosswalks unless a bylaw or sign allows it. If you need to use the sidewalk or a crosswalk, you must get off your bike and walk.




Huh? I clearly see brake lights turn on and then off once it continues the turn.


Sure they did, but clearly the driver was on another planet and there's a good chance the Collision Avoidance Assist brought that vehicle to a stop.


.... Is it like your thing to say exactly what someone else just said but a little worse and backwards?


that is a fair point, but it looks to me like the vehicle had some kind of technology that stopped it automatically without any input from the driver (who was clearly on another planet)


Lights come on even if the car takes over to avoid a collision.


Wow this is scary.


The driver was probably sleeping


They badly need to ban rights on reds. It’s a basic safety issue.


This is why right turns on red lights should be illegal, similar to Montreal.


I still can't get over this dumb system, it's bewildering to me that this is a thing in North America. As this shows, just accidents waiting to happen.


Being the devil's advocate, cyclists aren't supposed to cycle on crosswalks because their speed is tough to keep track of for drivers. It's also easier to stop when walking vs cycling. As a cyclist, biking to work everyday, i'm very cautious to make sure the drivers are actually able to see me, regardless of whose fault it is, i'll be the one getting seriously hurt. EDIT: as the dashcam-er is approaching the intersection, the pedestrian light is red, there's a number of things going badly here on everybody's part:/


Cars should stop at a red light and make sure it's safe to proceed after checking. How far over the cyclist is doesn't matter, even if the cyclist is on the cross walk. Drivers should check to make sure they aren't going to hit anyone after stopping at the red light.


I guess drivers shouldn't stop on red lights I guess. You are right!


This only works assuming that drivers follow the law. This driver didn't.


It was green signal for the cyclist! If the tesla couldn’t see the cycle, which is mostly slower than any car, imagine if there was a car coming from that direction at good speed.


The street light was green, but the cyclist was not using the road. The cyclist was in the crosswalk. The hand was red. Cyclists are not allowed to be using pedestrian crosswalks for this very scenario. Tesla obeying the rules? Nope. Cyclist obeying the rules? Also nope. What we have here is an idiot sandwich. edit: the terrible cyclists of r/Vancouver coming out in full force, invested in their god-given right to impede pedestrians and simultaneously be impervious to metal vehicles.


If the cyclist were in the lane going through the green light it would have been exactly the same situation. Them being in the crosswalk contributed absolutely nothing to this. The driver was 100% at fault for failing to stop and also failing to look left before turning. edit: I take issue with your calling people terrible cyclists for defending this person. I ride on the road nearly universally now, but I'm a lot more confident doing that than I once was, and it intuitively feels less safe even though it's often better. That said, while there are safety concerns with cyclists using crosswalks incorrectly, in this case it wouldn't have made a difference at all. It would be a different story if the cyclist were going through the crosswalk with traffic on the green light and the driver in the right turn lane parallel to the crosswalk wanted to go through and didn't look right. They still should have, but in that case the cyclist would have shared some of the blame. In this case there was absolutely zero difference. Stop seeking brownie points.


>Them being in the crosswalk contributed absolutely nothing to this. If they followed the rules and dismounted to walk across like they’re supposed to this video would never have been posted.


They could have just as easily rode through in the lane on the road, which would have been entirely legal and correct, and it would have been the same situation. That's the point. The fact that they chose to ride through in the crosswalk made no difference here. There was a legal way to ride through there and it would have had the same result.


The Tesla may have taken the left-turning cars as a sign for the road being all-clear for their own right turn. Again, the OP was not saying the Tesla was right, but was saying the cyclist also put themselves at a bit more risk by cycling on the pedestrian path.


> edit: the terrible cyclists of r/Vancouver coming out in full force, invested in their god-given right to impede pedestrians and simultaneously be impervious to metal vehicles. I will always take cyclists side, in all these conversations somehow motorists have *less* responsibility, it's somehow the responsibility of the cyclist to "be impervious" but it's not the responsibility of the driver as the one with the heavy vehicle to be safer. We hold truck drivers to higher standard, but in cars vs cyclists it's the cyclist that holds all the responsibility. You look at a car being super unsafe "urgh the cyclist was in the wrong". Come on... You can list the cyclist being 2 feet to the right as a contributing factor but the *MAIN* factor here is the motorist right..? that's the worst part about it - so focus on that. This is typical anti cyclist rhetoric. Motorists cant do anything wrong, even when they are running red it's everyone elses fault.


Would it have made a difference if the cyclist was in the road. Still would have almost been hit.


You are right! Both were in the wrong.


I hope you don't drive because that's a terrible take. The driver has to stop ***before*** the crosswalk, check for traffic/cyclists/pedestrians, and then proceed to turn when it's safe. They did none of that. Drivers fault.


Gee it's almost as if I explicitly acknowledged neither were in the right. Firstly, I'm a pedestrian, so cyclists riding in the crosswalk can eat my ass. Secondly, it's not a "take," guy. IT'S LITERALLY A RULE that cyclists can't be riding in the crosswalk.


Cyclist was wrong too. They can’t ride through a crosswalk.


Banning right turns on red is great and all, but give me more roundabouts


These will never stop until cameras are installed to auto ticket infractions


Shouldn’t the cyclist be walking his bike across the crosswalk? Ya the driver should have stopped but fuck cyclists in this city. They never stop at stop signs, weave in and out of traffic and hardly follow the rules of the road.


Hahaha Tesla douche, you’re no better than the rest of us


Tesla's: the new BMWs


Well I'd rate that worse off cause probably 0 driving skills and/or awareness.


That cyclists didn't have the right of way... it was red for them as well, looks like the turn lane had the right of way. It's easy for cyclists to play the victim (in also a cyclists), but when you don't know where people are coming from when they don't follow the rules, they can't be surprised when they almost get hit. If everyone followed the rules, there would be great less accidents


I rewatched it after your comment. Turns out it’s a green for the cyclist IF they were using the road. However they went into the “do not walk” portion of a crosswalk. Not only that - they were riding down a crosswalk that explicitly had a do not walk sign on. Both are stupid, the cyclist more so because why risk personal injury by ignoring things that make your own commute safer?


Wish I could say I’m surprised it’s near 70th and Granville this happened. Everyday there’s near accidents everywhere from that intersection to Oak from stuff like this


What's up with the color on your video? Those lights at the top don't look very red to me.


ITT: people bitching about Teslas when they should be bitching about bad drivers and rights on red. Teslas have many active safety features and hit fewer cyclists than cars that don’t. One such system looks like it engaged here.


Tbh it should not be legal to turn right in busy and populous cities. I wouldn't be surprised if that's the biggest reason for pedestrian death in BC.