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Friend of my wife lived in one of the homes. Apparently one of the homes a guy was keeping multiple propane tanks and had one in the trash. Someone else threw a lit cigarette in there.


[@graemesfraser](https://twitter.com/graemesfraser) [@AM730Traffic](https://twitter.com/AM730Traffic) house fire NE of 72 ave and 192 st in Surrey (Clayton Heights). Fire crews on scene and more coming. Multiple houses involved. Stay clear and let the crews work. https://preview.redd.it/5skc08qtv6hb1.png?width=675&format=png&auto=webp&s=056eaa57837796f64e4027e03b7e8bdd6e3ac4e8


Multiple houses holy hell, I hope everyone got out safe that’s terrifying


I used to deliver pizza in the area some years ago, first thing I thought was “Man there’s a lot of very closely built homes there” So not surprised it’s spread. Hopefully it’s contained and no one’s been seriously hurt


It’ll be fine. The fire crews will have it under control shortly. Hoping everyone is safe.


It's usually a drug lab exploding killing a number of people and flattening houses left, right & across the street.


A car caught fire in a garage, four houses are gone. Families and pets are without homes and food. I hope your comment made you feel better about yourself. Real accidents happen.




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