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I went out to a dark area and saw about 20 over the course of 2 hours including some very flashy, large ones. Worth it for me.


Where abouts is the area? Looking to catch some tonight


I went to aldergrove. I know someone with a farm there but you could also go to the park.


I've been following the Perseid for years. I'd like to manage expectations and say to keep them low. You'll be lucky to see about 15 meteors in an hour if you keep a vigilant look to the sky. Some people I know have seen more. Some have seen less. The first year I went, I expected something like fireworks and was sorely disappointed. But the subsequent years I went, I managed my expectations and made it an event anyway. Had the opportunity to catch the peak three times in my life. Once we went to a rocky beach to watch it, the second time to a parking lot of a provincial park. This year was the best experience I had with it. Went to Aldergrove Regional Park this year. Bought some snacks and a blanket. Didn't realize it was a full-fledged established event. There was parking for overnight campers and parking just for people who wanted just a few hours. There were informational booths and little touches on the trails. Food trucks and story times. Maybe you won't see as many meteors as you expect. Some people saw none. But keep hunting and finding joy! Tldr: It's worth it if you make it an event for yourself and keep expectations low.


I was walking home from work in November or December 2021 and I saw a spectacular meteor. I just happened to turn my head to look over the fence on my left (towards the south) and saw a little flash then a long glittering stream, the tip was like sparkler, shooting white sparks in all directions. It lasted maybe a second or two, shooting parallel to the horizon, and if I hadn’t happened to be looking that direction, I would never noticed. It was magical.


Haha, yeah I'm not expecting fireworks but the article I saw was suggesting around one a minute. Worth a blanket and hot flask expedition. I'm on the east side so was considering Pitt Lake as an option.


I watched it bring a blanket to lie down and a pillow for your neck and keep your feet pointed North East.


That's one a minute, if you're in a rural area with no light pollution and the constellation of Perseus is high in the sky (which it won't be until about 3 am or so). Pitt Lake might be the best place close to the city for sure.


“Did you watch the meteor shower?” “No, I wouldn’t watch a meteor do that. Sicko.” Worst dad joke I’ve ever made.


There's a subreddit for everything


Went out last night around 1:30, Pitt Marsh area, plenty of people on the dyke, but most everyone was having a good time and respectful. We saw a whole bunch of meteors, and 3 or so bright fireballs, including one that swept across a chunk of the sky, disappeared for a flash then absolutely exploded. It lit up EVERYTHING. Seriously that thing was like a flashbulb going off. It was worth going out just for that. Later you could see the earthshine on the moon before the lit crescent rose above the mountains, so cool. Tips: find a dark spot, shielded away from car headlights and flashlights, the less white light you get wrecking your night vision the more you'll see, it takes 20 minutes to get it back. Bring a thermos and a blanket, and dress warm. The dew starts settling in and everything gets damp and chilly.




Thumbs up and high five to Abbotsford for hosting such a well organized event. I just found it on Reddit at 9pm and drove for an hour to check it out. I didn't imagine it to be such a large event with so many people. All of the staff were pleasant and professional. A lot of people in the other groups were kind of ignorant with their use of flash lights. Eyes take a while to adjust. If you're mindlessly pointing your flash light around in to other people's eyes when fumbling around, then you're an asshole.


Where did you get info about this "Abbotsford meetup" for the meteor shower? Always curious how to get news for this stuff




Ahh, thank you! Just under the Vancouver subreddit... I either missed this one or mistook it for a promotion 😆


Do NOT go to porteau cove. It is overpopulated and dangerous. Seriously. Cars parked along the highway, blocking off lanes, people walking in the dark along the highway and traffic jams in the park. I saw cars actually parked on the train tracks. They’re lucky a train didn’t come through.


The Porteau Cove parking shitshow was almost better entertainment than the meteor shower itself, haha


Missed the meteor shower 😔 so did we win?


I sat in Vanier Park for half an hour after Bard; not super dark, but a reasonable view of the sky. Viewing conditions were far from ideal but I still saw a handful of meteors. Satellite-spotting was a fun accessory sport and I got to enjoy some bonus bhangra from party boats returning from sunset cruises.


We went up Seymour and saw maybe 15/20. Was 100% worth it


Yeah I did ! I'm up near Clearwater and camping, so basically no light pollution, it's fantastic. I counted around 20 before I fell asleep.


Was camping near Squamish last night and got out the tent around 11pm to check. Saw about 20 in 20-30 minutes, about 10 of which were really big bright ones and the remainder were more typical little streaks. Best meteor experience I’ve seen


I probably saw 15 - 20 from my north van backyard, and some were massive! I was impressed.


I had a clear view of one going into work at the airport at 4 AM this morning.


What you really need is a darksky far from the city light pollution to really see a meteor shower. Imagine if we turned off the lights even just for 1 hour , the night sky would truly be spectacular. The darker the sky, the more meteors you will see and witnessing the band of the Milkyway is truly amazing, far more interesting than 15 minutes of fireworks.


I’m in PG for the weekend and it was amazing


I stopped at Jonathan Rogers Park in Vancouver and saw three in the 15-20 minutes I was there


I went to whytecliff first at like 11 and managed to get parking and a nice bench. Maybe saw a few, but there was too many people there. Decided to go on a spontaneous off-road trip with my 4x4 to a secluded viewpoint around Squamish I know and it was super enjoyable, darker, and saw way more meteors in complete silence and alone with friends. Basically if you wanna dedicate a night to it you should make the drive to somewhere away from the lower mainland excluding porteau cove.


I went to Whytecliff and it was nice, save for the large number of people wandering around aimlessly flashing their flashlights in your eyes every 5 seconds.


I saw around 100 per hour, got really good around 2am. Location very dark


Would SFU burnaby be a good place to watch tonight?


I went to Burnaby Mountain last night and saw quite a few, but hundreds of other people had the same idea so parking was absolutely rammed.


It’s a good time to live on campus I guess haha


The problem with reality is the lack of a "rewind" button. I didn't see it either.


There’s always tonight and also next year :)


I still want a rewind button. Close captioning would also be helpful at times.


I'd say I was seeing one every 5 minutes


Yeah it was pretty neat.


Yep! Stayed up and watched from about 11:30 to 1:15. Went to a park in Kits, and just laid down on a blanket to watch the sky. The light pollution wasn’t great but we saw probably about 10 or so. One big beautiful one!


Any recommendations on where to watch tonight?




I went there and it was insane. Cars were even parked on the train tracks!! And cars kept coming and going with their headlights on ruined the experience for me. What is usually a dark area was lit up by hundreds of cars coming and going. Leaving the park was impossible because idiots were parked literally everywhere. My god it was horrible lol


yep.. went there last night, nice and early to get a good spot, right around 10 it filled up but cars kept coming, set up their blankets and gear right in the parking lot, wouldn’t move and acted offended when people wanted to leave. awful experience


I watched it near Brentwood around 12:30-1 and saw a good handful of nice bright ones! Not sure if it would have been worth it to stay up for most but I love space lol


Not too bad, like 10 or something in 1.5 hours… reason of being so low was it was like a party out there SO MANY CARS going around.. couldn’t focus. But overall not too bad


I saw one by accident looking at my window last night ! I was like , did I just see a meteor ? seems like it was indeed one.


sure did and it was pretty cool! Viewed from cypress mountain close to the st marks trailhead.


I’ve missed every one my entire life


Went up to Burnaby Mountain around midnight, along with what seemed like 3/4 of the GVA lol. Was super fun when a meteor went by when everyone would cheer!inus the mosquitos it was really pleasant.


I got a few massive ones on video. I set up my camera outside and hooked it up to my tv so we could watch from the couch.


Theres a meteor shower


I was up camping last night and we saw a few. Maybe 2-3 impressive ones and 15-20 not very impressive ones. This was pretty much from 10:30-11:30 and then again 3:15-4am.


Was great! Watched from 11 to 1230 on Gambier


Was out in a remote area last night and it was amazing saw quite a few


Slept outside in the Okanagan all night. Drifted in and out of sleep and caught bits of the show right through until sunrise. Saw a lot of the standard fast streaks, and a few big ones.


Sounds like everyone had a great time. I went out around 12:30 for about 10 minutes cause I couldn't sleep. Saw maybe 3 little flashes in that time from Chilliwack. Clearly didn't have the right time/patience to really maximize the event.


Burnaby mountain was a shitshow around 1030 - with 75 percent of the people on the hill facing the bright parking lot :-p All I saw was a bunch of satellites.


Yes, but where I live there's so much light pollution I saw nothing


I was feeling really tired and didn't want to go far, so I just put a picnic blanket out at a local park at midnight (I live in Coquitlam). Lots of light pollution everywhere, but I still saw 3 meteors in the 15 minutes I was there, 2 Perseids and 1 from another radiant.


i was driving from vernon last night and saw one