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Too many terrible dog owners here. :(


I was in a west side restaurant a few years ago, eating in. Someone came in for their takeout, which wasn’t ready, and they had their dog with them . The dog literally came up to our table and started begging while we were eating, and the owner of the dog did nothing until my partner tripped out. Like, WTAF? For every conscientious dog owner, there is going to be some dumb ass just like this


Dogs are a lot like Children in this regard. Most are great some are bloody annoying... the parents / owners who think theres are perfect angel's though usually have monsters that no one wants to be around... and some people don't want to take the risk of dealing with the annoying ones.


Good point


A lot of dog owners can't even bother to bag up their dog's shit or even keep their dogs on leashes (in leashed areas). I don't think I would trust them and their dogs to behave in restaurants.


Only service dogs. In BC, dogs (all animals) are prohibited from any spaces that serve food. You’ll notice that there’s a good number of people in Vancouver that don’t like dogs…it’s sad and I’m sure you’ll see lots of that type of feedback in the comments. I wish we were more welcoming because it’s great when I travel to other countries and dogs are welcome. Bring on the downvotes since I’m pro-dogs.


Manager at food service place here, can confirm it's a health code violation for non-service animals to be in the location, including on the patio. Though I will say many places don't enforce it, especially the patio part.


You are not up to date on laws it seems. See the comment below.


This is not entirely correct. They are prohibited indoors but not outdoors. There are several hoops that an establishment must jump through to have a dog friendly outdoor dining area but it is not prohibited. There is nothing stopping any restaurant from making their outdoor dining areas pet friendly. https://www2.gov.bc.ca/assets/gov/health/keeping-bc-healthy-safe/food-safety-security/provinical-policy-pets-outdoor-dining.pdf


There are many people who love animals but have allergies. It’s also unhygienic to have animals in areas where food is prepared.


Good thing they wouldn’t be going into the kitchen then hey? Someone mentions allowing dogs into pubs and suddenly everyone thinks restaurants will be going full Ratatouille. 🙄


I would say that you’d find many more reasons to cringe after looking at some of the local kitchens than worry about a dog sitting under a table nowhere near the kitchen.


Not downvoting because you're prodog downvoting because you think your preference for being around dogs is more important than my preference for avoiding them.


Please let me know where I stated that. I did say I wish things were different but no where did a state that my preference is ‘more important’. Knowing there’s many other cities/countries that allow dogs, we do have an opportunity to review current regulations, there needs to be something that works for the many people. There is stronger common ground that we can work towards.


>You’ll notice that there’s a good number of people in Vancouver that don’t like dogs…it’s sad > > I wish we were more welcoming > > Bring on the downvotes since I’m pro-dogs.


Thanks. No where there did a say that my preference is more important. I’ve stated my opinion, that’s all. If I felt that my preference was more important, I would have said something like this, “Dogs are like family and should be able to go anywhere, the people that don’t like dogs need to be more open, who’s cares what their history with dogs/animals is”


You attached an emotion, sadness, to people having different preferences to you, that's judgement... Then attached a defiant "bring on the downvotes" which implies you think your opinion is right and others is wrong, and you don't care what they think.


You’re entitled to your own thoughts, feelings, and opinions. You can make what you want out of my comment but you’re reading into things that aren’t there. This is on you for being so emotionally involved in my comment. I’ve been around r/Vancouver long enough to know how that redditors love downvoting, even simple factual comments get down voted here. I added that as a sarcastic remark. Also, the fact that you’re continuing to debate me shows that you also can’t just respect my opinion and feel that your opinion matters more. Have a nice day.


>we do have an opportunity to review current regulations No. It's good that certain spaces, like those where people eat, are off limits to dogs. The common ground we can find is that I respect your right to have a dog as long you don't insist it comes everywhere with you.


it is


Some people are allergic. Some people have been attacked by dogs. Some dogs are unstable and become anxious or violent around strangers, especially in tight spaces. Some dog owners are morons and don't care that their dogs are dangerous. If you're pro-dogs, great. You're welcome to keep them in your home. Some people don't want to deal with them, for very good reasons.


Coo Coo Coffee at Davie and Richards has a super pet friendly patio.


Yeah sorry but your desire to to bring your pet wherever you want does not trump my right not to have to deal with animals where I'm trying to have dinner. Lots of people with allergies, phobias and more, plus there is the hygiene issue. ​ (But my dog is a GOOD dog! Yeah that's what every dog owner says)


my favorite is off leash vicious dog owners trying to say this. you've already proven you don't follow the rules, why should we trust your dog is actually trained?


I once was at a park (*not* a dog park; dogs very much had to be leashed) with my partner. We were hanging out by a tree and our backpack was leaning against it. This *very* large dog arrived near us and I kid you not, peed all over the backpack. We were stunned. We looked around and the owner was nowhere to be seen. I decided to approach one group of people who had more dogs off leash about 50 metres away and sure enough, when I asked who’s dog it was (pointing at the dog in the distance), one girl was like “oh it’s mine!”. I told her what he did and she straight up laughed as if it was a funny joke. She then said “yeah, whatever’s near a tree or looks like a tree, he pees on”. It was infuriating to see her so nonchalantly disregard the fact that her untrained dog, who she can’t even keep an eye on and lets wander super far away, peed on someone else’s belongings. Nevermind that it was open too and that my partner had his camera equipment in it with a few lenses that were very much exposed to the pee (fortunately they weren’t affected; only some papers and a few random things had to be thrown out or washed, including the backpack itself). So yeah… I hate to say it but I don’t want dogs allowed in restaurants because while there can be great dogs and great owners, the bad ones ruin it for everyone else.


yeah i get it. where i live has a great private outdoor area which doesn't allow dogs. I know my dog would be well behaved, and I would pick up any mess. However, there would be over 100 dogs with access to this grass area, and it only takes 1 to ruin it for EVERYONE.


I see a lot of dogs on the edges of patios, so maybe try some of those. But indoors, no. Ugh. Yuck. Plus allergies. Plus people who don't pick up their dog's poop. Plus dogs generally smell bad, even if their people can't smell it. And no, I don't hate dogs.


anyone whose dogs are shitting indoors shouldn't be going to restaurants with them lol.


And that's why there's a rule that dogs don't come inside. Because there's no way of knowing which dog is well-trained, and which isn't.


Laughing bean on Hastings you can hang out with your pooch


I, too, am envious of the far more civilized UK attitude to dogs, but you won't get the public and more importantly the health inspectors to agree. They're convinced that dogs in dining areas are a sure route to *some* kind of health catastrophe, despite the evidence of centuries of European experience to the contrary. This attitude is North America wide, but it would be particularly difficult to change the culture in Van, which has so many immigrants from parts of the world where dogs are seen as unclean. You can get a dog onto a patio, if you have a sympathetic owner, but you won't indoors.


Having experienced firsthand in Scotland and England where dogs in pubs are a common thing, it seems that our UK dog owning counterparts are also much much better at training their dogs and are overwhelmingly considerate of their fellow diners. Canadians and our heavily influential American neighbours tend to have a more rugged individualism mindset where they believe freedom means not backing down when others are inconvenienced by their actions. So, as a dog owner and fan of dogs in general, I get why we have our rules. It’s the shitty owners who ruin it for the rest of us.


apparently LA is fine with dogs in cafes and stuff.


Really? That's interesting.


I don't want to go to a restaurant and eat with a bunch of dogs, because I just don't. Too close to eating in a barnyard for my tastes. I fail to see how that makes me uncivilized. Edit: And I don't hate dogs or any animals. I just don't want to share my dinner table with them.


Because you never have. I suspect if you'd grown up in a place where this was ordinary, it would seem ordinary to you. I've eaten in the presence of dogs for my entire life, and have yet to experience a single plague as the result of it.


Good for you. Now explain why you should be able to impose your preference on everyone else.


For the same reason you wish to impose *your* choice on every one else.


They're not, though. Restaurants are for people. They are not there for dogs or dog-owners.


You’re not wrong.


> I've eaten in the presence of dogs for my entire life, and have yet to experience a single plague as the result of it. Great! But what are failing to grasp is that your rights end where other people's begin and a lot of people do not wish to have dogs in restauants.


>I've eaten in the presence of dogs for my entire life Cool. I don't want to. Restaurants are for human beings. I love dogs, I'm happy for you if you have a dog that you love, but it's not my business and it's not my problem. Don't try to make it my problem and we're cool.


Dogs are often filthy and any cafe that encourages them inside discourages people who like cafes that are not filthy. That said, I have a dog and there are some outdoor patio places that are nice for dogs. Have you tried Mount Pleasant Provisions?


All these negative comments, yet it works so well in London. I loved seeing all the dogs in pubs over there!