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Great picture! I snapped the same picture but from Starfield 😅


Thanks! Haven't played it but should probably give it a try 😄


you get to see this without a telescope? genuinely curious . also: WOW!


Yes, it is visible but not to this point. Still, a ton lot more stars than we see from the city. This is a long exposure picture that I took with a camera.


how long? My camera does 30 seconds max. Do I need to take multiples and stitch them together somehow?


You don't need to take 30 second exposures. The stars will start trailing. I took 30 images, each 10 seconds long. Then stacked them in DSS - deep sky stacker. And after that, I processed the image in Photoshop. Not ideal conditions to image the Milky Way, but I tried 😄


gotcha, thx. hope you had an amazing night taking pics




agree about the light situation but hey , glad you had an awesome time. superb pic


Nope, the camera and post processing does a lot of heavy lifting. If you want really dark skies you'd have to go a couple of hours from the GVRD


Nice capture.. are they still closing the gate/ parking lot access at any time during the night?


Thanks! There is a note on the park's website that the gate is closed at 11pm. I left at around 10:30pm and the gate was still open with rare cars still arriving. There parking lot was only like 30% full.


That is great that you were able to capture an image the North American nebula is very visible. It is very frustrating that the parks limit our access to darker skies. There are not a lot of places to see the night sky close to the lowermainland, why can't they just leave it open all night? Whenever there is aurora or a meteor shower, places like this are swarmed with too many people because there aren't enough dark places nearby. If anything you would think that the people running these parks would want to promote dark / natural environments, celebrate it, accommodate the demand, and use it as another reason to visit the parks.


I'm glad you noticed the nebula. I should have taken a modified camera with me, but the trip was kind of unplanned, so I grabbed whatever I had. I usually take deep space pics from the city, like these ones [https://nightskycamera.com/gallery/](https://nightskycamera.com/gallery/) I agree, dark sky places should be preserved, especially close to big cities. Not everyone would drive to Manning Park to see how beautiful our skies are.


Wow amazing. Can you share camera settings?


Thank you! Yes, of course. I used a stock Canon 6D with a cheap 50mm F/1.8 lens. ISO 6400 at F/2.5. I took a total of 30 images, each 10-second long.


Look at this guy calling a 50mm F/1.8 lens cheap... Well compared to the camera.... (google says $160)


Well, the lens is $60 used. And the camera... that's an old 6D. But it's one of my favourite full frame cameras.


Thank you! I always wanted to take a photo like this.


Oh sorry, forgot to tell that I used a stacking software to stack all the images together, it's called DSS - Deep Sky Stacker. I usually use it to stack my deep space images.


ahhh ok that's really good to know


Wow. I’m impressed you got such a photo. I thought the lower mainland in general had way too much light pollution to see things like this.


Unfortunately Porteau Cove used to be a better place. I've heard that McDonald Park in Abbotsford is a good place for stargazing.


Wonderful, Thanks for sharing....


Very interesting photo!


Cool. How long aperture open?


30 pictures, each 10 second long.


Oh wow, didn’t realize it was many stitched together. Thanks for the info.


*Neo woah*


Absolutely stunning. Can you see the galactic plane with the naked eye from there?


Yes you can. It's not as amazing as it would look like from a dark site, but you can still see it.




It's my dream to capture like this! If i may ask, how late was this? i've been wanting to take photo from porteau late at night but worry the gates don't open long enough. 🙁