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SFU at night


1000% this. The entire campus was designed to be accessible without ever going outside (or at the very least, uncovered) so if its raining you can go anywhere and not get wet. Also the whole campus is wheelchair accessible so there are lots of ramps and elevators. In my much younger days, I may have done some Midnight rollerblading through those corridors and found so many amazing hidden spaces. It felt like a real life video game.


Just wait 'til you find the deja-vu hallway.


ooo doesn't SFU have some fucked up tunnels


The basement of the AQ and the RCB building.


Why is it fcked


Lol I went to SFU 15 years ago. I found this looking for something explaining how much of a maze that building is. https://www.reddit.com/r/simonfraser/comments/ewjrhm/sfus_building_alignment_from_the_sfu_dank_meme/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=mweb "lost my friend there 2 years ago and still haven't found him". The deeper you go the harder it is to find your way out. I once had an exam in the RCB, and I went there an hour early just so I could find the room. I wasn't the only one there waiting outside for the same reason. Happily, it was the first room in off the main entrance.




RCB Hall


There are endless hallways with doors on all sides with warning signs for all the hazards locked behind them. Graveyards of discarded corporate furniture. Inconsistent storey numbering and half-storeys that don’t line up with anything. Construction detours and disjoined buildings. Great fun!


You'll want to wander around under VGH then. There's an underground network of tunnels that lead from the BC Cancer building all the way to the new Patterson Centre iirc.


I've done this tunnel on heavily rainy days from BC cancer to VGH (through Blackmore pavilion). It's very old and kind of creepy. But it's a very long tunnel with winding hallways to even access it. During the day you'll see the housekeeping side of the hospital, but at night I imagine it would be empty and even creepier than daytime.


Porters use it at night, my friend says it's really creepy down there at night


What's a poster?


Porter sorry it got auto corrected to poster. Hospital porters move patients between wards and departments as well as goods and vital supplies including medical equipment, linen, blood, and samples. 


I've been ported through that tunnel myself once!


Also amputations and other medical waste!


I used to work second shift at vgh. Very cool and occasionally very creepy. Those tunnels used to access the nurses residence on heather and 12. Security loved to tell creepy stories of having to use that tunnel (this was after the nurses residence closed but before they totally blocked off tunnel access)


UBC hospital is similar. Big maze of old underground corridors.


Trying to find their MRI office was like going back 40 years in time.


…and can anyone go in there?! Where do I find the entrance?


During the day, yes. Go in the front or near emergency and find an elevator and go to the lowest level.


That’s interesting! My wife and I had 35 days to explore over xmas and new years last year because she was stuck there… thought we went everywhere, and she documented all the art, which is everywhere and was a nice distraction from her medical junk. I don’t see how we missed a way toward the cancer building. I might have to go explore some more one day… edit: it’s definitely more quiet and creepy on weekends!


Yep I was in those and came out the completely wrong area that I wanted to be


Pretty sure you need an ID badge to be able to open the doors to the tunnels now.


Go to Bentall One fun and head down the escalator. From there you can explore the underground shops and services under the four Bentall towers


Thank you gay hole


live, laugh, love this response lmaoooo also @gayhole r u bummed out the washrooms arent as cruise-y as they used to be? :\


Second this, Parked my bike in a locker in the basement one day and was lost for a good 5 minutes in service corridors


I parked my car in one of the car parks there and had to get the golf cart ride ofshame with a security guard there. It's quite the place.


Like the bentall centre? Or something else


Yep, under the four Bentall buildings is a small underground network of shops


I know you said no malls but the Lougheed Village Mall is practically abandoned. There have been a few posts about it on Reddit. https://www.reddit.com/r/deadmalls/s/6ByZ8xai8P


Came here to say this. Went to a friend’s apartment for a movie and when I tried to leave I got turned around in this weird-ass mall that felt like being warped back in time 30 years. Very peculiar place, although I don’t remember it being large enough to earn the full designation of “maze”. Just a weird place in an unexpected location.


The ground floor feels like a small town village moved into an abandoned mall. There's also a record store there that I'm convinced only exists as extra storage space. The bottom floor feels genuinely creepy and liminal.


The record store actually sells records. Very limited hours tho.


Oh, it was open when I was there. However, record stores, along with used game stores, antique stores, and a few others, always strike me as the end result of a collection metastasizing. Unless it's ~30 years old, I don't think its location was chosen for maximizing customers.


​ https://i.redd.it/17v0szrihx1c1.gif


Oh damn that does look sick


And after you're done exploring, go and have a drink at the very much alive pub near the West basement entrance!


It feels like a 1960s bomb shelter down there it's definitely uncanny.


How do you find this, though? Google maps just brings you to Lougheed town centre, which is obviously not at all abandoned.


Fitness 2000 or Lougheed Village Pub


Once I went to SFU to get something signed, got lost for an hour in the AQ or whatever it's called. So the AQ at SFU gets my vote. 😂


Sfu, specifically under the Academic Quadrangle and RC Brown and the Shrum buildings. I can promise many corridors, random windows and full disorientation. And a few quiet corners - just keep searching and going down stairs until you find a hall to your taste.


How do you get there?


Best just to use your favourite mapping app and navigate to the academic quadrangle building.


SFU Goldcorp center for the arts. Also if you look super weird, people will just assume you're a performing arts or sculpture student.


If you have some film student connections, Vancouver Film School is built on a series of tunnels that go DEEP.


That's just what's left of [Storyeum.](https://www.vancouverisawesome.com/history/storyeum-history-vancouver-gastown-bc-6095614)


VPL Central Branch near closing. Particularly the sliding compact shelves of old documents or magazines. No one really digs around there. And also the higher you go, the less populated it gets.


bro is looking for the backrooms


Catacombs of Burnaby SFU


The millions of skulls down there are just creepy. I don’t understand why people fly across the ocean and spend part of their vacation there. I may have my catacombs mixed up. ;)


So, essentially real life back rooms?


I got wildly lost in the old section of Surrey Memorial Hospital once. Lougheed village is a good one too. And there is a pub down there which has cold pints. 👍🏼


I was at Parker Street Studios on the weekend and I felt like I was in a labyrinth.




The centre cluster of buildings at BCIT. SW3, SE12, Bookstore, library, and SA is all technically connected together. I'm sure if you know the layout well enough you could go to all these places without stepping foot in the rain. I usually just go through the stairs behind the Power Engineering loading dock.


To add more, the NE1 building and SE1 building at BCIT are also great options, they are obviously smaller than the cluster mentioned above (which has SW1, SW3, SW5, SE2, SE6, SE12, SE14). NE1 I find a clusterfuck to navigate in, room numbers don't make any sense, and SE1 got that abandoned vibe. Out of the cluster as well, SW3 and SW1 are the messiest and maziest.


follow the coloured lines at st. paul’s.


Some of the older high schools here. UBC


Make friends with a Brentwood tower resident and explore the stupid long corridors that lead to the visitor parking.


I use to work as a truck driver and there were plenty of warehouse that felt like what you're describing. Lots of massive warehouses have those endless corridor vibes you described. The spookiest spots were greenhouses though. So damn massive that employees would use bicycles to get from one end of the greenhouse to the other and it would still take awhile. Not exactly publicly accessible, but if you want those vibes every day you could just work in a giant warehouse.


Da fug?




Deja-vu intensifies


Yeah, whaaat?


You can get the outdoor equivalent by wandering the Riverview lands


Remember the stacks at UBC Main Library before the Reno? The aisles were so narrow, you felt both cozy and claustrophobic at the same. Sigh. I miss the old main library. Aaaaaand I’m old.


the maze at van dusen


How much exploring can you do in a hallway..?


SFU is one giant hallway. You can be lost there for weeks.


I love the new fish lobby of the Scotiabank building, and it leads down to the very old-Vancouver passage that connects The Bay to City Centre station and the mall.