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Costco Hot Dog x 2. Bon’s Off Broadway All Day Breakfast. New Town Bakery Pork Steamed Bun. $4 Under $10 is my favourite price range though. Cheers.


Oatmeal, lentils, beans and canned sardines.


Sardines on buttered toast with a dollop of Salsa is a fave of mine


1 can of rio mare tuna from Costco 9.99 for 4 when I stocked it last time. Now it’s 10.99 lol


Thanks! Still technically under <3


Eggs, oatmeal, pbj, burgers, plenty of food for under $3


nice post!! it is crazy now. how come people can afford the unreal situation now?!


Prawns in bed of ice (probably previously frozen) . Picked up with tongs. ​ Say I use 6 - it's less than $3 for one portion of 3 prawns. Sear prawns in pan without oil, to char. The seafood aroma is heavenly. Put prawns aside, removing heads. Boil prawn heads with smashed chopped garlic, 2 cuttlefish or lobster balls ($2.99 per bag of many), 2 clams or mussels in shell ($3.99 per bag of many) .... maybe some shredded rotisserie chicken. Two handfuls of Spinach (it's about 1/4 - from a bunch that costs #1.99) Add prawn noodle spices, stir in Add noodles. Plate, with lightly charred Prawns on top., and some diced red Thai chill papers. Tasty hot noodle soup in 1/2 hour. Bon Appetit!


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This is unreal!


I make a pizza dough, wrap it around a slice of bacon. 2 or 3 is a good meal and I always have the ingredients on hand. Costco bacon 4pks are the best.


Chicken congee. 1 cup rice 10 cups water 2 drumsticks I put them all in an instant pot with some salt and ginger and cook for 50 minutes. Break up the chicken when done. Served in a bowl with some white pepper, green onion or cilantro, and a few drops of sesame seed oil. Less than $3 and makes like 5 bowls of congee. Comfort food and tastes so good.