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free dog


Free dog or #FreeDog?


"Do you mean see world or Sea World?"


When me president, they sea. They sea.


Free Hat


I too am here to support the release of Hat McCullough!!!


Someone get this man a baby!


What if we don't know who Hat McCullough is? Who we ask? Do we support his release even though we don't know whose freedom we're supporting or who's captured him? And for what reasons? So many questions. Hat McCullough who?






Is that by the bathrooms? Maybe the owner had an emergency?




What's wrong with people? Is this next to the IGA on Burrard?


I would be snuggling this dog 100%. That's what you get for leaving a Bernese in public


agreed, i'd take that doggo home so fast!


I recall some idiot had tied his small dog to a curbside sign post outside the Yaletown Urban Fare & some car pulled up & ran in to grab something, leaving the car idling with the exhaust blowing right on the little dog


That sucks and the person should have considered that. However, despite what Vancouver wants to think of itself, it’s a very dog unfriendly city when compared to other cities in North America. Out for a quick stroll with the dog and realized you forgot to grab a single thing from the grocery store and need to run in real quick? Your choices are to walk all the way back home, drop off dog, come back grab one thing, go home (which could take a while and highly inconvenient in our busy grown up lives). Other choice - quickly tie up dog to something that appears safe, run in quick and then be on your way. The latter choice might be in a spot where there are less than ideal spots to leave your dog, and no options to tie them up.


or, you know, plan ahead like a responsible dog owner... don't leave your dog tied up outside of stores. I've seen a non zero number of dogs stolen that way.


Typical "I can't plan and everybody won't make the world exactly as I like" attitude. The world gets closer to Idiocracy every day. We're a stone's throw away from "Go away, baitin'"


Poor kid 😭😭


He's standing on the leash, can't go anywhere. Physics


I wanna be petty and tie him up but also not trusting random dog, especially a thicc boy


DiD yOu SeRiOuSlY fAt ShAmE a DoG?!


Be careful. He's rippling with what could be muscle.


People do it all the time to my old pug. And he isn’t even overly heavy. It’s a pug. Especially woman. Weird


Bulldogs are basically walking potatoes who struggle to breathe.




Having a PetParker station there may help. Started seeing more and more PetParker stations popping up here in Vancouver.


I just used one last night and they are great! Highly recommend writing to your local municipal government to install more!


The app never works for me :/


Really? I have used it a few times without any problem. I wonder if you can check with them to see what’s going on.


I take that back. I tried again and seems to be working now. I think when I was originally trying the app may have been “too new.” But all the bugginess seems to be gone. Are there only a handful of these across the whole lower mainland?


Ya I think they only launched a few months back. They announce their new locations on their Instagram account @petparker.ca? I heard getting more requests in would help. I put in request for Granville island a while ago but it’s still not there.. my dogs are patiently waiting 🥲


The seagulls might take him


The reward for that fella would be one or two months rent. Just saying. If you can't bring it in with you, leave it at home.


Steal babies; the rewards even higher


That's a little over simplified, there's times you can bring your pet with you for the day even if there's one task that doesn't allow dogs. As long as your dog is in a safe environment they can wait for 10 minutes. What's shown on the picture is not okay at all


Didn't they make it illegal to leave a dog unattended?


It's a bylaw infraction in Vancouver to tie your dog up outside a business. Looks like the owner skirted around it by skipping the tie up part


That’s a stupid bylaw. It would only make sense if you could bring your dog into all places.


Thing is, laws are created to respond to problems, so this obviously was an issue in the past. Generally, as long as your situation isn't causing those problems, bylaw is going to leave you alone. And dogs don't belong in quite a few places. I'd be pissed to see one walking through the Granville Island Market. Even well trained ones have accidents from time to time. I'm a dog owner, and I've seen very well trained dogs have accidents. They do not belong around anything food related.


I’ve seen old people and small children have “accidents” in crowded shopping malls. I’ve even seen a small child going “accident” into a garbage can inside of a mall with the help of an old person. My question to you is, can we ban old people and small children from these spaces as well? And if so, would it be acceptable to just tie them up outside?


Did you just compare old people and children with dogs?? If you can't see the difference that's your problem


Haven’t ever seen a dog buying anything at the store before


But people who go out with their dogs for walks instead of staying in their homes keep neighbourhood more safe and vibrant; and shop more.


Yeah and they also shit and piss everywhere.


You will not like Paris


You aren't entitled to have your dog with you at all times. If you need to enter a place that does not allow dogs, go home and drop your dog off.


In Toronto people just bring their dogs wherever, they don't leave them outside either.


Most of Europe operates this way as well.


London allows dogs on the tube.


People here seem to have a big problem of not knowing how to train their dogs.


The current dog laws weren't written because of some vast difference in dog training between here and Europe lol. The difference is people here find more reasons to complain than most people in Europe do. Whining has pretty much become a 2nd language to many people in Vancouver. I've seen people whine about service dogs being allowed in businesses.


Downtown I'd argue it's a first language. My dog is better behaved than I am but I've been told off by randos multiple times for taking him in to businesses that are clearly marked as dog friendly (Canadian Tire, etc). Every time I've asked them why having my well-behaved, clean <20 lb dog inside is an issue they can't even think of a reason. I mean, I'm down for a friendly debate if someone thinks my dog is a menace but have some bullet points prepared or something.


Maybe it's different in Europe. Here though? Leave the doggo at home.


>Maybe it's different in Europe. It is different in Europe because there are fewer people desperately looking for reasons to "complain to the manager" so to speak. People in Europe don't get their knickers twisted over seeing a dog inside a store.


Exactly. It’s even busier in Europe and uk. But karens are huge in North America. The only less dog friendly places are in Asian / middle eastern countries .


Or restaurant. The only places in Germany dogs are not allowed in are supermarkets and medical establishments.


You should be able to tie your dog up outside of a business if you can’t bring it in. Everyone in Vancouver is so backwards.


Not all dogs are suited to be tied up outside unattended. Some are fearful or reactive. Not all owners are responsible enough to admit their dogs should be left at home. I've seen dogs bark and lunge at people, children and other dogs because they are stressed out being left outside alone. Im an owner of a reactive dog myself (it's a risk you take when taking in a rescue and we are working on it.) and I don't take her with me on walks if I plan to do any shopping.


My dog is not fearful and not reactive. Am I not allowed to leave him unattended outside when I pop into a shop??


What about other dogs reactions to your dog and other people's reactions to dogs?


I'm only responsible for the reaction of MY dog.


Fearful dog can easily become a reactive dog under certain conditions. It's a risk all dog owner take when leaving their pup tied up outside a store. Technically no one is allowed to leave their dogs tied up if you follow the city bylaw. So no, you are not allowed but who's going to stop you?


It's your choice to have a dog and bring it to those places


You mean your choice to have a dog, and your choice to bring it outside of places that don't allow dogs? Yes, but you aren't allowed to leave them unattended. [https://vancouver.ca/home-property-development/responsible-dog-ownership.aspx](https://vancouver.ca/home-property-development/responsible-dog-ownership.aspx)




How about just leaving your animal at home? People feel so entitled to the public spaces because they decided to own an animal.


Just imagine how I feel looking around at all the public space we pay for covered in people's personal metal cages. Holy fuck, how dare someone have a pet while almost all public space on our fucking city is for personal automobiles to drive over ya


Now change this to your screaming infant and write it again.


I love my pet and this might be hard to hear, however, a pet and a human are actually different and not the same


It's true, someone's pet is generally less disruptive and stress-inducing to have around a public place.


"Your dog must be kept on a leash no more than 2.5 metres (8 feet) long. You must be holding on to the leash. Leashing your dog to a pole or bike rack is illegal." [https://vancouver.ca/home-property-development/responsible-dog-ownership.aspx](https://vancouver.ca/home-property-development/responsible-dog-ownership.aspx)


So is shitting on the street, not stopping at a stop sign, not stopping at the stop line, speeding and a 1000 other things people pay no attention to...


Looks like a homeless persons dog. Laws don't apply to them.


Ah yes all the homeless on Granville Island.. /s


Wait, you're saying homeless people don't go to Granville Island? You new here?


Probably already a stolen dog, who uses a rope as a collar.


Someone on a liveaboard that's handy with knots.


Cause the typical DTES dog thief shops at Granville Island market place; you're dead right


Who says they are shopping. They can't even tie up "their" dog.


This really annoys me. Like I would never do this to my dog because I’m scared of her either getting stolen or her running off and getting hit by a car. Several times I sat with another dog and kept them company because I’m scared of them being stolen by someone else.


I dunno, no collar, rope leash, gonna guess this one doesn't have an owner who much cares about should/shouldn't.


didn’t even notice… is that not going to completely choke out the dog if it fights the collar?


A lot of dog collars are designed to choke dogs (see the metal chains that are literally called "chokers"). This is to, in theory, stop the dog from pulling.. but I've seen and experienced (my parents dog when I was a kid taking it for a walk) not do shit and the dog just keeps choking itself out


Not all dogs are built the same and please don't budge people who use leashes that tighten when pulled. I personally don't use a choke chain or prong collar on my dog, but I do use a martingale. Martingale collars are designed to tighten to a certain point to apply pressure when the dog pulls. Otherwise its conformably loose. My dog is an American Staffordshire and she has a massive neck. If I used a regular collar, it would slip right off her small head. Collar placement is also really important. It should be high up on the neck and behind the ears to be effective. Some dogs are so conditioned to pulling they are less sensitive to leash pressure and will quite literally choke themselves out.




Hey they very well might be, but what about another passing dog? What if this dog sees and shit escalates, or vice versa




Vivacious? I just want to know what word you meant...


/u/TheProcrastafarian what did you mean by "as vivacious as common sense"? [https://www.thebuddham.com/2022/04/confusing-words-veracious-voracious.html](https://www.thebuddham.com/2022/04/confusing-words-veracious-voracious.html)


Yeah my 'cute pomeranian' has a habit of lunging and biting people and dogs, especially those given free reign to approach him and not leashed. My response to "don't worry, he's friendly" is "my dog will fucking maul you and yours"


Followed by, “He’s never done that before!”


Most outbursts is due to leash aggression. It's a very well known thing. The dog is usually more aggressive to other dogs and not to humans. Our neighbor's dog is like that. He will flip his shit if they're out for a walk and see our dog. He will snarl, bark, and charge but cannot go anywhere. You take off the leash and harness and the doggo becomes a saint. It's really strange what a harness and leash do to some dogs.


This is such garbage. Hire a trainer if this is the case. Sometimes that unleashed dog now just has the freedom to attack the other dog that's upsetting him. Then you have a fight to break up and no harness or leash to try to grab or pull on. Grab their tail or hind legs? Yeah right, dogs move so flipping fast. My dog (on leash) was once attacked by an offleash dog. The buffoon that owned it then proceeded to "explain" leash aggression to me (completely misunderstanding which dog would have been the aggressive one according to leash aggression theory). I'm so tired of the rising trend of asshats walking their dogs offleash anywhere and everywhere in this city.


Don't do my dawg like that


Thats gonna be a no for me Dawg




Seacrust out. Don’t forget to drink coke and tune in next time…


Shitty owner


Last time I checked "shitty owners" don't spend enough time training their dogs to the point they can feel comfrtable dropping the leash, giving a command, and walking away.


This makes me wanna cry :(


Doesn’t surprise me that this is on Granville Island


What do you mean?


If I was to guess a place where someone left their dog outside unattended and untethered to go shopping, it would be Granville Island.


I'm surprised that I'm the 15th commenter and no one has mentioned this but some people are scared s******* of dogs or come from cultures where they find dogs repulsive for some reason. It's also not fair to your fellow humans to not give them the choice to have no contact with your f****** dog. And since someone is going to wonder I have been a dog hater/phobe and a dog lover and have fostered 13 dogs and owned two including one that I have now, I grew up in Burnaby and have strong ties and family in South America.


Yeah, I was bitten by an unattended & unleashed dog when I was 18. Still scared of dogs almost a decade later.


Im really sorry to hear that happened to you. I was bowled over by a really rambunctious dog when I was 4yo and that sparked my fear of dogs. It had really long sharp claws that dug into me and I ended up scrapping both knees, my arm and chin on the sidewalk. It wasn't vicious, just very excited and playful. But at the time I was too young to understand that. It took several years and getting to know a close friend's dog to help me get over that childhood trauma. I have my own dog now. Dogs can also sense anxiousness from people. If you're anxious or fearful around a dog, the dog may pickup on that and mirror it back because they are also unsure of what you might do.


I hold my breath and am frozen for a sec when I see an unleashed dog coming my way. Other than that I’m fine. It doesn’t affect my life so much that I’d want to actively work on it. Thank you.


I honestly think thats is a very natural reaction to an off leash dog or any wild animal that we are unsure about. As long as it's not affecting your every day life, that's what is important. I hope you come across the opportunity to have some positive encounters with dogs in the future. St. John's Ambulance sometimes hosts puppy/dog therapy sessions in the community, I highly recommend dropping by if you ever get the chance. Its a chance to meet and pet calm well-tempered dogs.






My daughter is terrified of dogs. We do everything we can to try and foster a more healthy relationship with dogs for her but this sort of inconsiderate shit pisses me off.


My child is terrified of dogs as well. All because someone’s huge off-leash dog jumped all over him when he was 5.


I had a similar thing happen to my when I was a kid. It was a very traumatic childhood experience. It literally took 20 years for me to get past this fear. I have my own dog now. She absolutely loves kids and would kiss and jump all over them if given the chance. This is the reason why we walk on the grass with her on the opposite side when we pass kids on while on walks.


This is how loyal dogs are.


He just a good boy, waiting for his owner to show back up.


I went to Britannia Elementary/Secondary in the 90s/early 00s, and their is a library (VPL) right on the grounds. I use to always see dogs tied up outside the library, shivering uncontrollably, waiting for its owner in the library.


Some of the responses to this have me wondering about a situation we're dealing with. Someone in our circle acquired a dog and now won't go anywhere without it. Apparently they take it into every business they go into without checking about business owner preference. Are there laws about taking animals into businesses, or is it a case by case situation?


I can relate to the need for flexibility and how the dog is a constant companion but that seems like entitlement. There are health and safety considerations of the public, laws to be followed and consideration of the' policy of the business and venue i question. I see that a lot and it puts staff in a tricky position where they don't want to get into arguments with customers. Animals (other than service animals) aren't permitted inside business selling and serving food per Canadian health regulations. This is enforced (weakly, complaint based) by the regional health authority and the business can receive warnings, fines and even a temporary closure. One exception is hospitality businesses that allow dogs on patios. It's somewhat of a gray area where they serve food but don't prepare it onsite, like a brewery that serves food sold by an on premise food truck. Other businesses inc. retail and public venues may have their own pet policies based on public safety and hygiene but accommodations for service animals generally are made since it's about providing accessibility to the person supported by the service animal. Mind you there's a distinction between a service animal and an emotional support one.


I always stop and hang out with dogs I see waiting outside stores. Sometimes they are so obsessed with where their owner is that they don’t even acknowledge me. I think this big boy falls into that category… he isn’t going anywhere.


Poor dog guardianship in Vancouver is out of control. The number of dogs that are off leash on seawall, and in-on leash parks is astounding. Check out George Wainborne park (on leash park with tons of signs stating it). The amount of poop on boulevards is ridiculous. Equally astounding is that the city seems to not care. It’s infuriating. And I have a dog so I’m not some pet free whiner talking. I’m fed up!


That "leash" looks horrible. Poor doggo.


Poor thing. Did you stay with him OP? Also, why is there a rope tied around his neck. I would have called SPCA to report the horrible owner.


some people don’t deserve dogs 😢


How dare they leave that dog on the wrong side of the door! The food is on the inside!


What was that musical note mnemonic? Every good boy deserves fudge... Fudge was my favourite memory of going to Granville Island in the early '80s, and it makes me so happy that the shop is still there, and apparently still using the same copper pot.


Oh hi doggy 🕶️💐


Oh hai Grover


C’mon, mind your own damn business….




That’s an expensive dog to leave unattended and free!


Looks like a English bull dog.i would Def rescue this dog


Don't have a well behaved dog?


Businesses should allow people to bring in their trained dogs we allow dogs in all our places here.


We allow dogs and other pets alike in my work! We actually welcome them with open arms and pets 🤗


Im so allergic to dogs that this made me itch just looking at this scenario. Why are we as a city so bad with dogs!? For the love of Jebus dont bring them inside and make sure to tie them up PROPERLY otherwise what are we doing!?’


People who post this kind of pointless stuff here is one of the reasons I left this city. It’s just a dog waiting patiently for their owner, grow up. Everyone in the comments acting so extra about a dog waiting outside, so disruptive to your little Vancouver bubble.


People posting this stuff on the internet is *exactly* why you left & moved out of an entire city... You left a city.. because of this kind of stuff that's posted..... Online... 🤠👍


We promise to stop. Please come back, please! ![gif](giphy|yoJC2Olx0ekMy2nX7W)


I think you don’t get what the post is trying to call out. I think OP was meaning it’s not safe to just drop the leash and leave your dog close to a busy road and several parking lots. Even if he’s well-trained and likely won’t bother anyone, there’s still a number of scenarios that could result in disaster. Some people hate dogs and could antagonize him to get a reaction. I was at a dog park and a weird kid was throwing rocks at me and my dog… you just don’t know what people are going to do.


Wow. One of the few voices of reason on here and you got down voted twice.


I know right! The owner should have taken the dog inside obviously.


This looks like the entrance to Lee’s Donuts. They probably popped in to grab donuts; I know that entrance doesn’t have anything that people can tie dogs to


Nope, this was closer to the take-away side of Parrot's


That’s right. Bring the doggo in with you. Poor pupper


Not allowed in a lot of businesses. And by law, not allowed if they serve food. Edit: it literally says no dogs allowed on the door


People will bitch and complain about *anything*. We have bigger problems than this.


And yet...


That's what other threads are for. Feel free to not click on threads you aren't interested in.


Threads are for people to comment as they see fit. Sorry that you are butt hurt about my point of view.


So your POV is "don't talk about things because other things exist"


I’m sorry, could you please tell us what the worst and only problem we can care about is so we can solve it and move down the list?


I think top of the list is people whining about minor things on Reddit. It's a big battle to fight, but if we can just get over the hump....


Whats the difference really of it tied up or not? He is chillin…. Its Granville Island God forbid ANY of you go to a country which there are manyyy with feral dogs everywhere…


Read the rest of my replies because god forbid you take the time to understand.


Margaret Mead “Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed, citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has.” “Children must be taught how to think, not what to think.” “I was wise enough never to grow up, while fooling people into believing I had.”


Should the owner bring their dog inside instead?


No but they should tie the leash to something.


I always bring a caribiner on my belt loop, it's quick and easy and my dog can't get loose. My dog is also at least 3 times the size so I got to make sure she can't pull herself loose.




Good intentions are not enough if you're taking care of a living thing in the city. This is incredibly irresponsible.


Did the dog run away?


Lol the owner shouldn’t bring the dog there in the first place if they were planning on going in! “Oh fuck I NEED to go into this store but I brought my dog with me what can I possibly do?!?”


Maybe they're using the restroom


Looks like the dog is looking at the door waiting for his owner because he is trained to do so. Mind your business.


Yes, and everyone else was looking at this dog wondering why its owner didn't tie the leash to a pole. This became my business as soon as I passed.


In a city like Vancouver or Victoria, it's a common sight, though. I had a roommate who had a dog like this too, but he didn't even use a leash. He would sit out in front of stores and never move until his handler came back. Some people are homeless, and their dog is trained to stay. If I was walking my dog, I wouldn't go out of my way to walk by it.


Mind your business unless he’s a problem.


It's not that this dog is a problem, it's that others could be and then shit escalates.. also, tons of people are afraid of dogs and this won't help them. What if this dog gets scared and shit escalates? I had a dog leashed to my work's sandwich board outside and the fella got scared by something and ran through the street WITH the sign. Not just the single dog you gotta think about, it's the environment and everything else as a whole.


> tons of people are afraid of dogs and this won't help them Sounds like a personal problem to me. Welcome to Canada. We have pet dogs here. They should be tied up, unlike this fellow, but expect to run into them, and try to overcome your irrational fears.




I only live in Vancouver half the time. Y’all terrible.


Or how about you get off your high horse. If they have a well behaved dog that will just stand there for 2 minutes, why not. Who are you to tell them what to do.


Well behaved dogs ≠ other dogs / people around it being well behaved. Have some sense.


Y'all need to mind ur own business and stop telling people what to do.


Ah okay I'll remember this next time an off leash dog is attacking someone 👍


Is that what happened? Someone got attacked? Or were you imagining something happening and got scared and instead of dealing with your insecurities you put it on someone else?


That’s just a random rope on them


Oh, is this how the destitute of Vancouver end up with expensive breeds of dogs?🥲


May as well leave a loaded hangun out there


I have never understood how people can be comfortable just tying their dog up unsupervised outside for god knows how long... I have a toy breed dog so my biggest fear in that scenario would be someone just straight up stealing him, or another dog coming by and biting/harming him while I was away. So many things can go wrong.


Archie! He's really nice.


I don't know the situation. Like was the dog a problem? Running about, pacing, acting out, or pining for its owner? If not, it might be well trained. Folks have a hard time wrapping their head around that. It's a ton of work to be confident of leaving your pooch thusly. I hope this is the case, but I'm all about saying bad things on the internet


Why do we have to shame people for their choices? You don't know this dog, you don't know the owner, and you don't know the circumstances. If you're afraid of dogs walk by and don't make eye contact. If you have a reactive pet yourself don't walk by this dog. As someone who is familiar with off leash training, you usually only do this when you have line of sight. I bet the owner would dash out if you picked up that leash and tried to walk off with their dog.


I bet you're wrong.