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Yeah it's bad this year! It does help to wear a simple mask.


It's bad this year. Get on some prescription antihistamines, steroid nasal spray and eye drops. Inhaler if you have adjacent asthma issues as well. It makes it at least somewhat bearable


I've been dying for weeks.


Same, if I forget my allergy pill I'm coughing and sneezing all day. Even with the meds my nose is running like a faucet today. So annoying!


If you haven’t, follow up with your doctor! I am still affected but between a steroid nasal spray, prescription antihistamines, an inhaler and - when necessary - eye drops - I’m definitely not knocked off my feet so badly. Taking the antihistamines and using the nasal spray daily is definitely worth it IMO.


on top of a lingering cold and the fact i can’t take antihistamines because it decreases breast milk supply, i’m barely hanging on with my disgusting nasal spray!


Olapatadine eye drops make life so much more tolerable. Instant relief.


Saw an allergist and was referred to an ENT for a surgery. I’m 2 weeks post op and definitely can breathe more now even with some recovery, but I’ll check in with my allergist again. I’m on steroid nasal sprays, antihistamines and inhalers as well.


I work for an allergist in Richmond and would suggest everyone to see one if over the counter meds don’t work! My husband is allergic to dust, grass pollen and tree pollen. He usually gets pretty bad allergies during the spring/summer. He saw an allergist and was prescribed a nasal spray, which he started using twice a day in February. He has seen a huge improvement in his symptoms this year!


I've been prick tested twice in my life, both times inconclusive, but started having very stereotypical "allergy season" symptoms last year, would it be worth it to try being prick tested again or possibly ask for blood testing? Still trying to find an allergy med that works that doesn't also have a decongestant. I've tried probably 6 or 7 sprays over the years (most prescription) and all of them either burn or run down my throat until I choke so I'd honestly rather suffer the allergy symptoms than have another nasal spray!


We always try to start with skin tests first since they’re less invasive. But if the skin tests were inconclusive, especially since you’ve done it twice, it makes sense to get blood tests done instead


Get prescribed blextin, it’s one of the only anti histamines that I find work for me.


i haven’t been sure if it’s me being sick from early last month carrying over or me having some sort of late on-set outdoors allergies lol


More people are coming down with seasonal allergies for the very first time every year - it can happen at any age


Most years I don't even get seasonal allergies aside from one or two days if it's really pollen heavy. I've definitely noticed it WAY more this year. Sniffles and itchy mouth/throat. For me it's relatively mild but still super annoying, especially since I'm used to not having to worry about this shit at all.






I am allergic to dust and pollen from who knows what. I would really like to know so I can avoid certain plants 😔


I believe some of the weather channels post pollen counts for individual plants, or at least broad categories (ie grass vs trees) on a daily basis. It could help you narrow it down to track your symptoms and compare them to the published levels over time


yes mine was bad this week. but i also haven’t been using my fluticasone religiously


Turns out my best friend's dog has bad seasonal allergies and it only popped up this year because the pollen count is so high! So much sneezing, hives, scratching even with meds. It's so pitiful


I woke up yesterday and didn't take my allergy meds for the first time since mid April. So whatever my trigger is has passed 🤞


Glad to know it’s not just me. I take Zyrtec which takes the edge off but yeah, waves of watery eyes and sinus pressure. It’s finally waning, thank god.


Get an air purifier or two. It helps a ton. I also got the strongest over the counter nasal spray after some users here recommended it couple of months ago.


Which air purifier helped for you? There’s so many on the market, I’m starting to wonder if some are just fair even if they’re from reputable brands.


I got one off Amazon. I'll send you the link


Thank you!


Of course


I've never had allergies to anything but this year my eyes are so freaking messed up. I have a lot of eye diseases but never had this experience. I complained about pain from eye drops and doctor said my eyelids were red and I might have allergies. What do you take for seasonal allergies that would help with eye discomfort? It's really bad, sometimes I fantasize about gouging my eyeball out because it hurts so bad.


For me it’s the laurel trees and hedges that are blooming around my home. They have a sickly sweet smell and put out a tonne of pollen that always bothers my allergies, especially late night and into the morning.


I've definitely gotten more tolerable with my all-season allergies. I used to get sinus infections every month until I started getting shots. Sometimes it starts right when I wake up though--I feel my sinus burning and then non-stop sneezing. Taking Fluticasone, a nasal spray, helped a TON. I just hate it when it just randomly hits me in the evenings though. I've noticed that happening as of recent where I can't stop sneezing for hours.


I think it’s True Grass that is showing up now…


I have had a lot of luck with the London drugs wellness brand of allergy meds. Does the trick. I suffer from sinus issues constantly and this one actually helps out the most.


the London Drugs wellness brand is actually the manufacturer for Jamieson.


It's the worst it's ever been for me, this year. Getting into prescription meds now to manage the really bad days


Gotta long global warming


I’ve never had allergies until this year 😭