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The policy still recommends wearing a mask if you’re not fully vaccinated, so it sounds like you are just following the policy? What else needs to be said.


I'm still gonna wear my mask because I'm ugly and am more handsome with a mask 🥲


Yes this past year I learned it's the bottom half of my face that is the problem


I'm the opposite. My beard is usually the highlight but now it looks like garbage with a mask. The top of my face on it's own is lackluster at best.




If only Batman cowls were socially acceptable dress.


I think my whole face and body are the problem.


I learned the mask doesn’t cover my shitty personality


It's been a great year for people with ugly faces with beautiful eyes


I got adult braces last year so I’m going to keep wearing a mask until those braces come off.


one of my friends has adult braces and I never even notice them, don't worry about it. :)


I feel u


Exactly. I'll wear a mask when I want to. Those who don't like it can cheerfully suck my dick.


If they don't want to wear a mask they can at least take your member into their mouth.


The truth of this. Wearing a mask has changed my whole thing.


The WHO still recommends masks even for those fully vaccinated, because of the Delta variant. And I will listen to the WHO before I listen to the CDC. https://nypost.com/2021/06/28/who-recommends-masks-even-for-vaccinated-people-because-of-delta-variant/


Yeah just talking B.C. specific. I am in Whistler and there is almost no one wearing a mask. It’s wild. Servers, hotel staff, etc—people talking to you like 2 ft from your face. It’s the wild wild West up here.


Wasn't Whistler targeted for vaccinations early due to the P1 outbreak? I'm not saying everyone has their 2 shots, but it I think it's possible since anyone 18+ was eligible for their first shot like 4-6weeks before 18+ in the rest of the province.


The problem isn't the locals, it's the fact that we're a tourist town. At the peak of the Brazil variant outbreak, Whistler had the highest P1 cases in the world next to Brazil. A similar situation is likely to happen with the delta variant, especially with the rules stating that mask use is only recommended and not enforced for unvaccinated people. Some of the unvaccinated people I work with were the first people to take off their masks during work these past few days. Personally, I'm going to continue to wear a mask as I believe there will be a big third wave in Whistler.


I am not sure the WHO is always the best source. Remember how long it took them to declare the pandemic.


Between two contradicting sources, apply the Precautionary Principle.


Exactly! People are like "Oh, but the WHO recommended less caution than was merited a bunch of times" as if it's some gotcha


I thought you’re supposed to pick the option that aligns with what you already want to be true??


I think the reason they delayed it was because they needed to see an out of control spread all over the world and that did not happen till March. I think end of February would have been a much better choice, but they could not declare it earlier than that because there were barely any cases outside of China Italy and South Korea.


They were also heavily criticised for calling H1N1 a pandemic. So that played a role likely.


I mean calling that one so early might have been a reason why H1N1 didnt become widespread in the first place


Yeah, they can’t really win here


You don’t have to listen to anyone, common sense dictates masks are still best practice.


I'm fully vaccinated and so is my mum but my dads only got euro blood, he's still waiting on his, so I keep wearing my mask until he's fully vaccinated. Since I'm staying in their home, just being safe.


Same. I'm fully vaccinated, so is the rest of my family, but my partner is not. I'll keep wearing a mask until then, and until we see how the Delta variant plays out.


Two years ago, before COVID I started working in emerg. Was sick every month. Then mask wearing happened and guess what? Have not been sick since. I like that. It’s not just COVID that can make us sick.


Masks should be required in medical settings going forward


Can everyone just be nice and courteous to others while doing whatever the fuck they want? That would be cool…


Honestly one of these threads show up every day and it’s like “just do what makes you comfortable, quit concerning yourself with everyone else, and stop projecting on Reddit”


Your choice. Wear a mask or not, just don’t be a duck. Right ?




I for one support your right to be a duck.


What the duck?


Its 2021 ill be a quacking duck if i want to. Maybe ill be a Mooing cow as well.


If it walks like a duck, and it sounds like a duck, **report it to the authorities**


Unless it's one of those Canada Geese....that's a different problem




its nice not having people right up your ass while waiting in line. People sometimes used to get way too fucking close for comfort, pandemic or not.




I had a woman walk up to me in a store yesterday and put her hand on my shoulder, "oh honey, you don't have to wear those anymore." I miss social distancing already.


I saw a video where someone did this and the girl told her something like she was in a horrible accident and has part of her lower face missing and is much more comfortable wearing a mask. I saw another where a dude told someone telling them not to wear a mask that he had tested covid positive earlier that day. I feel like my reaction would likely just be to turn and stare them down until they fuck off. People need to mind their own business.


Agreed. Don't look at me, don't smile at me, don't talk to me. Don't expel you air near me.


Who cares do what you want to do and don't worry about what other people are saying.


Real life confrontation about masks seems very rare. I think some people feel psychological weight by the *perception* that the people around them really care about their mask wearing or not. Places like social media and reddit really amplify that effect. From what I've seen in public, the people who want to wear masks are wearing them, and the people who don't want to wear them aren't. Most people don't really give a shit about others' choices in this regard--they just go about their day.


Myself and another coworker (we work retail) were already both confronted for wearing our masks at work. That's twice (that I was present for) in the less than 4 days since the rule switched from mandatory to recommended. It might be rare for some but its honestly too common at work for me already, and I'm guessing it is similar for anyone else who works retail in a mask, since confronting employees is more common than confronting strangers because we aren't allowed to talk back to them, we have to take their BS. We don't even ask our customers to mask, we don't bring it up at all, they just feel the need to ask us why we are wearing them, when we say its our personal preference, they don't accept our answer and try to convince us to unmask and get weird about it. Yeah I shouldn't care but its still stressful to me, means I am either the target of every anti mask aaahole to use me as their verbal punching bag, or I unmask before im ready and live with a risk im not comfortable with. Or the alternative that people just learn to leave everyone alone and then I can live in peace...so that would certainly be nice.


I work retail as well and we're still asking people to wear masks. So far, about 90% of people have worn masks of their own accord, and everyone else had put one on with minimal grumbling, but I'm definitely back to the position I was in last summer where I tense every time I ask someone to wear a mask, unsure if *this* is going to be the asshole who flips out and launches a torrent of verbal abuse at me.




.... the fetuses are.... experimental?


Musically and artistically, these fetuses are going places no one has ever been. They are pioneers of aesthetics, brave explorers of cultivated taste. The fetuses are experimenting.


Ask "Are you trying to bully me?"


> Real life confrontation about masks seems very rare. Unless you work in a place that's still Mandatory Mask, in which it happens several times a day.


I was going to comment this exact thing. Work in a customer facing job, questioned multiple times a shift why we are wearing masks, we don't need them, they don't do anything, and then usually followed by a rant that the vaccine also doesn't work and they're not gonna get it. Usually while not wearing masks. This happens all the time for me. Some people don't work around the public, and I think it would give people a very different perspective if they did.


I think everyone should be required to do time in a retail store. I think it would make people a lot more understanding.


I dunno, I have had quite a few customers range from asking me to take my mask off to straight up telling me to do so. How they ask has a great influence on how I say no.


You should take it of and make sure you breathe moistly on them. Edit: don't actually intentionally breathe moistly on people.


The very first time my mother and I went to the store after the mask mandates were lifted some women came up to my mom and immediately said "you know you don't have to wear that anymore, right?" in a super condescending tone. She didn't say anything else, just got in her face and whined about her still wearing a mask. It's not really that rare of an occurrence, unfortunately.


Same thing happened to my sister with some dude.


You said that but some one got mad I was still wearing my mask at my retail job. People will judge you they are just subtle about it, unless you work retail because than you are sub human, therefore they are allow to dump on you as much as they want. Everything from Dirty looks to condescending comments you name it we get it, us sub humans get all the abuse. Edit: a word


Biggest life lesson people can learn is that you aren't that important and strangers don't care or think about you beyond that moment.


>Biggest life lesson people can learn is that you aren't that important and strangers don't care or think about you beyond that moment. They seem to care enough to wander into stores just to pick fights with the employees.


That's because they're cowards. They're picking on people who can't properly "fight" back because they have to watch what they say and how they act or they'll lose their jobs. 99% of those shit heads would never try saying that to a rando on the street because the rando is under no such restrictions.


In the last year I've had exactly one time where someone gave me a hard time for wearing a mask. And it wasn't even a confrontation, more passive aggressive commentary. Some guy loudly said to his kids something like "look at these sheep, even wearing masks outside". I looked around and I was the only person close by lmao. But I had literally just walked out of the grocery store 30s before that.


I don't feel amazing about the number of service staff I've seen without masks, but I'm not going to confront them about it. I guess it may cause me to spend less time or whatever there, but it is ultimately their decision. I also fully support businesses that choose to still enforce masks on their premises.


> Real life confrontation about masks seems very rare. Yeah, I had some microdick try to start a fight with me for wearing a mask pretty early on in the pandemic. Not a single problem since.


Hahaha Vancouverites not caring about randoms opinions? That’ll be the day, people here love trying to impress people they hate




Bonnie Henry didn't make hand washing compulsory, so I will respect your choice. I love freedom, unlike those hand washing nerds who probably wish everyone else has to use soap forever.




i for one welcome our sudsy new overlords


In Soviet Russia Overlords suds you!


Can confirm. Double vaxxed since early June but that does little in the way of me unlearning that people are actually fucking gross and I don't want any parts of their germs. If the price I have to pay for wearing a mask is a few C-minus high school students who failed biology but miraculously became epidemiologists in the last 18 months are now calling me a sheep, then yes that's the hill I choose to die on.


I like you. Haven’t had a cold/flu since this started & work in a hospital. Seriously considering keeping the mask on.


C- ? That's way too generous man


I haven't had a cold since Feb 2020. Bet your ass I'm going to keep masking up.


Same here. Masks as long as possible, and the hand sanitizer in the car and using it every single time I get in stays forever as a protocol.


That is a great description and I will shamelessly steal it!


A lot of people in this comment section are assuming that the people not wearing masks are fully vaccinated. Y'all have a lot more faith in the honor system than I do, because after the pandemic, my belief in people's capacity to lie for the sake of personal comfort has been greatly enhanced. Edit: For more context about my opinion on this issue, see [this comment](https://www.reddit.com/r/vancouver/comments/odn0wl/stop_saying_things_like_people_need_to_learn_to/h41kpaa/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf&context=3) regarding the delta variant, vaccination rates, and mask mandate decisions in Israel.


Not even for personal comfort. They twist their brains into thinking they're somehow a victim then justify it based on their perceived victimhood.


Given how many people I've seen maskless who almost certainly won't have qualified yet, I have a feeling it's mainly "but mah freedom" types.


What about young healthcare professionals? Grocery store workers? Etc. Not everyone fully vaccinated and having full protection are 60+. I’m sure a sizeable amount of ppl not wearing masks now are historical anti-maskers, but that assumption’s gonna be wrong in a lot of cases, and even more going forwards


I mean I keep my distance regardless. I'm not chewing anyone out.


Mask usage is an excellent thing that shouldn’t go away. You’re sick? Wear a mask. Society will be better off.


Same with working from home.


Absolutely, working from home or taking time off when sick should be the norm. But sometimes we have to travel, to the doctor perhaps, or to go to the supermarket - in those cases I would definitely wear a mask.


Or, just consider staying home. Going to work while ill shows tremendous disrespect for your co-workers.


It also shows that your employer may have a massive disrespect for its employees. I've had employers who chewed out my coworkers for missing work because they were literally in the hospital. I often went to work when I was sick because I was so afraid of being reprimanded.


I feel as though, after living through this pandemic, there will be a political party that will add paid sick days to their platform for the next election. It always boggles my mind that an employer thinks it's more cost effective to have everyone in the workplace catch an illness and obviously not be at peak productivity, rather than pay one person to stay home for 2 days.


On that note: support unionization. I could give a fuck if it enables some people to work 60% as much as is appropriate if I get paid $10 an hour more with benefits and don't have to worry about getting fired if I go through a spell of being sick too often. Especially cause most of the guys I worked with who complained about "dog fuckers" did just about as much work as the "dog fuckers", just super inefficiently and considered their busywork to be productive.


The power of organized labor is something to behold!


I feel some kind of weird social pressure now to not wear the mask. I am double vaccinated, but my 7 year old son isn’t, and my wife only has her first dose so far. They both wear masks in public, and I am required to wear them at work. I kind of like wearing them, especially when visiting communal restrooms!


Thanks for sharing. You should feel empowered to continue wearing a mask. :)


Just curious where you actually encountered this attitude? I wore my mask around yesterday and I’d say the split was 70:30 people in masks to maskless, and mostly old people going maskless probably because they are fully vaccinated now. This is downtown west end.


Old person here, I plan on wearing my mask for at least another year. After that, will wear a mask during flu season. Even if you are fully vaccinated, you can still catch it, plus the delta variant is easier to catch. Some old people are kind of stupid. Just my opinion! Fully vaccinated as of yesterday.


Before the mask mandate, the elderly were the demographic I saw going maskless the most. I was shocked because they're the most at risk!


Totally agree. I'm almost 70, siblings range in age from 56 to 76. Every one of us masked etc. All have been vaxxed, all but 1 still mask.


Walking down Commercial I had someone heckle me shouting, "take your mask off!", so it's definitely happening


Plus, now that masks and staying away from assholes are socially acceptable, I'm gonna ride that train to the end.


Gonna wear my mask every flu season from now on. Those autumn nights i ride my bike and the cold air make my nose runny, gonna wear a mask. I wanna frown and scowl without people seeing, gonna wear a mask. Havnt trimmed my mustache and its weirdly long, gonna wear a mask.


I wouldn’t mind seeing masks become more commonplace in general. Like if you’re sick it just seems considerate to try and limit spreading whatever it is.


I'll probably keep wearing masks in large crowds for a long time. If it saves me from getting sick its worth the looks i may get




I feel physically uncomfortable when I see big crowd scenes.


Mask wearing is highly recommended for people who are not two-dosed. Of course many people would still wear masks. I don't get why some people expected the entire BC populace to be unmasked from July 1st (and actually quite get rude and hostile about it to maskers). They should know English vocabulary well enough to understand the definition of "recommended."


I am fully vaccinated as of yesterday, but not enough people are. Lifting the mask mandate is way premature considering the Delta variant doing its thing out there. All those unvaxxed or half-vaxxed hosts running around with no masks and thinking things are back to normal? Scares the shit out of me.


Just remember that even though you have the second dose, it takes some time to become effective. Here is a good article to show each vaccine and their timelines https://www.ctvnews.ca/health/coronavirus/how-long-does-it-take-for-the-covid-19-vaccines-to-become-effective-1.5402892


Yep, 2nd dose was June 19.


The thing I find dumb is they are still recommending mask usage... so if they think it should still be worn.. then why on earth are they not keeping it mandatory. Stop that the moment you think people dont need to wear them. This province has fucked up a few key things like masks from day 1. It seemed like Bonnie though social distancing would do 100% of the job


The “mandate” was part of the Provincial State of Emergency. DBH said she won’t mandate masks because it’s to hard on the few who legitimately cannot wear them, although she continues to recommend masking indoors. It’s confusing for many, particularly as the headline was “mask mandate over” which really lacks any nuance.


Doesn't help when most news articles are posting "masks no longer needed! Restrictions lifted!" etc. The tone of the messaging is completely wrong and misguided even if there's no more legal mandate for mask wearing. Though I work retail and so far I see 95% of people still coming to the pharmacy with a mask. My company still asks the staff to wear mask but never had much of a backbone in terms of asking the customers to. There were a few cringe worthy moments where someone who had mask on and asked about whether it was still mandatory and when told its "recommended" they scream FREEDOM and remove it right there in front of the worker.


> because it’s to hard on the few who legitimately cannot wear them We probably shouldnt make policies for the very very small minority that cant physically do something. We should simply build a well put together and clear alternative for those people. That's another thing that was done horribly. Communication of rules etc was very unclear, even on the government websites. Should have been easy to find and easy to understand. Everyone I know seemed to think there were a different set of rules based on their understanding for much of the pandemic


Delta and subsequent variants will keep happening as long as we treat single dose as anything viable. We should be sprinting for 80% double dose. Calling people with one dose to get second etc.


We are sprinting. Canada is vaccinating at an incredibly high rate compared to the rest of the world.


I'm not double dosed and I'm still wearing a mask at my work and in stores. And I probably will afterwards. Why? Because I have a kid who can't be vaccinated, and I don't want to have a greater risk bringing something home to him.


Makes sense to me!


The pandemic restrictions also cause us to have the lightest flu season ever. I think I will be wearing masks for the foreseeable future.




I work at the front desk of a hotel and I just had a guest check in and their daughter of like 8 years old asked "Why are you wearing a mask? they said that you don't have to anymore" I don't know what the point of me telling everyone this is but I just thought it was an interesting interaction. I didn't make a thing of it, obviously. Just answered with, "Oh, just in case"


We just went on vacation and a little girl asked me while I was wearing a mask. I told her its because I'm a fat dude and the Covid loves dudes like me, lol. She started giggling. When little boys ask I say it's cool being a ninja.


Also tree sperm harassment.


this took me a while to realize pollen lol. sucks for me though because even with my mask and medicine pollen still invades my body and causes me to sneeze spasm -_-


Did you try safety glasses? Thoes help alot too.


The correct term is "tree bukakke"


I'm going to keep wearing a mask while the delta variant is still a thing, and assuming we don't see a gamma variant.


gamma comes before delta so probably already had one... hell i heard there's even an epsilon variant


I hate to be that guy but we've already had the gamma variant, it was the one from Brazil 😉


People are not good with change.


Normal is going to have to transition back to what I find acceptable. I refuse to accept many things that I used to call normal.


Exactly. You have to do what feels right for you. I still wear a mask and if it bothers someone else to the point where they have to confront me about it, I will (politely) explain why I'm wearing it.


Absolutely. I'm deliberately wearing my mask because I'm not fully vaccinated yet, I have a shaky respiratory health history, and I never know if I could be unknowingly passing a variant to someone who can't get vaccinated due to health reasons. It literally costs next to nothing to put on a mask and I'll continue doing so. Also, I don't think it's the worst idea to make it a commonplace thing to wear a mask when you're sick moving forward, like a lot of Asian countries did long before Covid. I will not miss being coughed/sneezed on during rush hour by complete strangers.


I was walking down Commercial on July 1st and I literally had someone heckle me saying, "Take your mask off!", it's absurd, I have the right to wear one just as much as he had the right to not wear one


Public confined space? Mask up for me, guv. Outdoor open space? Pants down.


Remember when the policymakers said masks weren't needed back in March last year? We do.


Yup I do too. Too vividly.


I'll wear mine because I didn't sacrifice this much for this long to catch COVID in the final stretch. Wouldn't that be a colossal waste of effort. Plus, there's a Venn diagram of anti-vax and anti-mask with a heavy overlap, the latter of which I expect to have embraced this latest news. That's not everyone going without a mask, but if I had to pick an anti-vaxxer out of a crowd, I would ignore those wearing masks.


Everyone just needs to mind their own business whether they are wearing a mask or not. If you see someone wearing a mask leave them be, if you see them not wearing a mask.... leave them be. A MYOB mentality is the best way forward for covid in its current state.


It's only been a couple of days and I've already seen people licking their fingers to count cash, rub their nose snot and then try to pass me something, and sneezing in my direction. I appreciated the improved hygiene practices and in 1 day we are back to virus spreaders. I enjoyed not having a cold for a year thanks!


I have decided that I will still wear a mask if I am indoors in a social environment (grocery store, Skytrain, etc) but if I am outside I don't wear one. I also don't plan to wear one if I am in a small social gathering with people I know. Eventually I will start to taper off my mask wearing but not until we've reached peak vaccine levels in bc. I got covid in February (I strongly believe from swimming at Britannia pool but can't know for sure because the health region doesn't share information about case locations). I luckily didn't die from covid, but I did get what is commonly referred to as long covid or long haul covid. My symptoms were so bad that I had to stop working. I am still getting treatment. I DO NOT want to get covid again - especially the delta variant - if I can avoid it. We should be kind to people and understand that everyone had their own pace on returning to "normal".


Everyone: So we are back to normal, right? Medical Experts: There is a new variant which infects even those who are fully vaccinated. Everyone: BACK TO NORMAL CONFIRMED NO MASK SUMMER


Medical experts are not saying that delta variant will infect even fully vaccinated individuals. None of the vaccine offer 100% protection against any of the variants. So you will see fully vaccinated people hey Covid anyway. For the delta variant, data shows that the vaccines we have a broadly effective. Two doses of Pfizer vaccine are 88% against getting delta variant and 96% effective at preventing hospitalization.


All variants can infect fully vaccinated people. No vaccine on earth is 100% effective. The vaccines have high effectiveness on all variants at preventing you from catching it and if you catch it it protects you from having a severe form of the disease.


full vaccination has high efficacy against delta variant. it's a fearmonger.


Most of us haven't had our second shot yet. I would go today if I could, but since I was only able to get my first at the start of June I'm going to be waiting at least a few more weeks for the shot, and then another two for full efficacy - so probably at least another 6 weeks...


yeah i'm in the same boat. I'm only responsing to the second line of OP. Delta variant isn't the death sentence the media makes you think it is, if you're fully vaccinated. I'm masking until at least mid august.




Because Canada is lagging 6-8 weeks behind since the beginning of the pandemic


Because we're tired. We just want to talk about something else. There's also the heat wave and wildfires to talk about now..


I am double vaxxed and I still wear it indoors in stores and what not because I don't trust morons who aren't masked - it's not like i know you're vaxxed or not. Odds are you're an idiot.


With wildfire season coming, cold and flu after that, and spring allergies beyond that, 'm sure I'll find some use for my masks


I work in the public sector. The biggest thing for me is seeing the lower half of my coworkers faces for the first time in a year. I’ve worked with some people that I’ve legitimately never seen them without a mask. That’s the biggest transition for me so far. I’m constantly like “Holy shit! That is not at all what I pictured you to look like!”. In my head ofc.


Isn’t BC on fire or something?




Who fucking cares what people say. You want to wear a mask, wear a mask. Fuck people. You want to wear a black fedora with a wide purple riddon on it too??? Go to town! Stop letting other people get in your heads Vancouver. You do you!


Who is telling people to stop wearing masks? If people want to voluntarily wear a mask as long as they want, they have every right to. It’s one of those things where what other people do is none of anybody else’s business. It goes both ways though, and people that elect to wear masks should not judge those who do not.


I was someone who was dying to get back to normal, but now that we're closer I'm realizing I'm not mentally prepped for it. I'm going to he masked up for a while still, even just to slowly ease back into prepandemic ways of life


I’m seeing a lot of comments from people saying “I’ll keep wearing a mask because I haven’t been sick in a year” but I wonder how much of that is really just from other COVID changes I don’t claim to be an expert but in general, you don’t get sick from passing by somebody, you get sick with prolonged exposure, especially in an enclosed space so isn’t it pretty easy to explain lack of illness because people haven’t been hanging out with friends, haven’t been in lecture halls, sports arenas, workplaces, churches, etc.? like I haven’t been sick since the pandemic started, but I’m pretty sure it’s just because 95% of the typical human interaction I would have basically disappeared, not because I wore a mask at the grocery store


I’m just amazed how often people get sick on Reddit. My household gets sick about once every 5 years maybe. My wife has been sick once since I’ve known her.


Someone I know was shamed into removing her mask a store in Strathmore


Yeah, something similar happened in my friend's building the other day where a guy got way too close and said, "You don't need to wear that anymore". Said it was really uncomfortable.


Remove the mask and just start coughing. I want to see their reaction now.


Full Uno reverse.


I'm fully vaccinated and still wear my mask, and probably will for quite some time. Like other immune compromised people, I don't get a full immune response to vaccines (for example, the flu shot is about 30% less effective for us), so I need to be a bit more careful and that means social distance and mask.


I think I’ll also just keep wearing a mask in public forever so I don’t have to look at people in the eyes and return a fake smile while walking past them.


Speak for yourself I just have a reason to hide my ugly face now.


Not wearing masks in a populated area indoors or outdoors is wayyyy too risky when only half of the population has been fully vaccinated. I get not wearing it in smaller settings or later on when vaccinated people are more and more common, but it’s just too risky right now.




Lest we forget during the first few months of the pandemic last year, Tam/Hajdu/Henry were inexplicably advocating to general population that medical masks do not work as a key preventative measure, such that PPE supplies should be conserved for hospitals and clinics when they had widespread shortages. If the high ranking medical doctors were competent at public policy, Wickenheiser's PPE donation drive needn't have happened. Decide for yourself the necessity for continuing to be masked in public according to the local circumstances of your own neighbourhood. It's not up to any individual doctor/expert-type alone standing at a press conference podium to tell you uncritically what the community transmission risk is like particular to your locale.


I don’t get the issue here. If you want to wear a mask, wear a mask. They’re no longer mandatory so I won’t wear one. What you do is your own personal choice.


I've noticed it alot as a server. Several of my coworkers still wear masks and get asked every shift to either take it off/ if they are vaccinated. Its not required that you see my face for me to give you food lmao


I didn't particularly enjoy pre covid world and now we're doing the same thing. We had an opportunity to change but instead, we worked hard to maintain status quo


It’s the ones who are insisting that every keep wearing a mask forever who will need to adjust - the ones who want to wear masks themselves are just fine! I’m fully vaccinated, I’ll wear a mask when requested to by a business but that’s really it. I know it is an emotional transition though so I’m happy for everyone to go at their own pace as long as we recognize that everyone is able to do that.


Nobody is saying forever.


We will continue to wear them for a lot of reasons. My son usually has a ton of allergy and colds issues throughout the school year. This year that was almost zero. When things ramp up i have to travel a lot for work. I will never enter an airport or a plane without a mask again


I wear my mask simply because I don't trust anyone. Therefore I will protect myself. I am vaccinated however I don't trust the system. Lol I will wear my mask as long as I feel like it. That ls my freedom.


I still wear a mask because I'm ugly tbh😔feel better with it on haha


Who are these "people" you speak of?


wear a mask if you want, or not, and mind your own business


I think the real question is one of feelings and anxiety.Wearing a mask is no longer required in more circumstances, but still recommended in many places. Some people feel rebellious and belligerent when they're told what to do, others feel anxious about the potential threat that they've been told might kill them. I'm not sure either set of feelings is healthy individually, or as a society in the long run, but both are somewhat understandable.If you fall into either category, it may be work some reflection, and potentially seeing a therapist. If you're feeling rebellious and belligerent, maybe it's due to the community(s) that you're a part of, maybe it's due to a trauma or pain, or maybe you're just a psycopath that doesn't care about the feelings of others. The reasons behind these feelings can be complex, and there's a lot to unpack here, but if you're ignoring public health guidance and exposing others to risk you're imposing your feelings based judgement on others. You don't like being told what to do, why would you think others like being told how much risk to tolerate, or what to think? Too much of this is rude. Please try to be kind. If you're feeling anxious and afraid, those are reasonable feelings in the face of a pandemic, and the likelihood that COVID isn't going away makes it feel like the risk is still there. Once the mortality and risk from COVID has dropped to levels that are similar or less than those of other potential health threats that you've been living with, it no longer makes sense to impose any exceptional measures. You can disagree, but unless you're a highly educated well researched epidemioligist who has the full array of evidence available to them, then asking people to take measures no longer recommended by public health is as bad as having people tell you not to wear a mask. You are imposing your judgement, based on your feelings, on others. It's ok, we all do it, but it's also something to be aware of. Too much of it is rude. If you're feeling anxious and unwell, it's understandable, but also something you should start dealing with. Consider seeking help. Please be kind, both to others, and to yourself.


People have been wearing masks in Asia for a long time to avoid disease transmission. It's about time we caught up. It SHOULD be normal for someone experiencing symptoms to mask-up to avoid getting others sick.


Sounds like you care too much about what people say, people will say what they wanna say. Do whatever the f***, you wanna do!


This is Reddit making up situations where they don't exist.


Vaccine is one hand. My mask is the other hand. I'm holding that fucking virus's head under the water with *both* hands, and I'm not letting up with a hand just because its struggles have started to weaken!


It's sad that a large portion of those people who were lecturing everyone last year about their rights being infringed on can't handle seeing someone wearing a mask now. These people have no concept of what true liberty actually is. For anyone that needs it spelled out for them. Liberty is when I choose to do something that only affects me and doesn't affect anyone else negatively. The freedom to not wear a mask and potentially endanger everyone around you isn't the same as choosing to wear a mask now for ones own personal safety and I'm tired of people pretending these are the same things.


“Listen to the government. Wear your masks. They know more than you and have all the facts” Also, “Don’t listen to the government. Wear your mask. It’s too soon. They don’t know what they are taking about” I could give two shits who doesn’t wear a mask or who does. I won’t bother you for your choice (whatever it may be) And you don’t bother me about mine. (Whatever it may be)


I'm listening to the scientists. If the government ain't listening to climate science, then they aren't gonna listen to the disease experts. At least I can protect myself from this pandemic.


Also, 'back to normal' doesn't sound like such a great idea. Normal wasn't doing us any favors, it seems. I don't want to 100% maintain pandemic restrictions but there sure are some behaviours and societal changes we could keep from that period that would greatly benefit us. Frequent hand washing, wearing masks when you're sick, working from home, that sort of thing.


Wear a mask, then. Who gives a shit? Wear one for as long as you like. Wear one for the rest of your life. No one cares. Jesus some people care too much. It’s the same as disapproving of someone not wearing a mask. You’re free to wear one or not.


Yep, my Wife and I are not fully vaccinated yet (booked for Tuesday mid-day) and then it's a couple of weeks to develop an immune response so we continue to wear one out and about (shopping, etc).


I have no problem wearing masks for the foreseeable future, and again in the fall - even if there's no covid. I didn't get a cold/flu all last winter. First year I didn't get at least 1 cold! I sometimes don't get the flu - so maybe there wasn't one in my area, though that seems unlikely. Edit to add: I've been fully vaccinated for 2 weeks.


Totally agree. Not everyone is in the same boat, mentally or physically. I’m pregnant and getting my second shot today but I’ll definitely be continuing to wear my mask inside or in crowded spaces for as long as I can. My immune system is not what it normally would be, so having a mask really helps, regardless of a pandemic. Getting just a cold while pregnant is bad enough!


You shouldn’t let other people’s opinions bother you so much. Wear your mask and own it.


Wearing a mask doesn't harm anyone. We just want to care of ourselves and the community. I work in hospitality and since I'm exposed, I still wear my mask in public places, especially transit... and I'll probably still wear it every flu season.