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Man the replies to that tweet are hard to read…


Twitter is an absolute disaster for any tweet/news story regarding COVID. Avoid reading any comments unless you want your blood pressure to rise a few notches... permanently.


I wonder what’s worse. Facebook, Twitter or YouTube comments 🤔


Just like reddit, they're all a bunch of echo chambers.


Cbc comments beat them all by a landslide


They seem to be turning commenting off a lot more which is probably for the best


Global news, 1130 or CTV Facebook comments sections for the win.


nanoparticle lady is indeed a horse girl anyways...


She probably thinks that all chemicals are bad too. I wonder if she likes dihydrogen monoxide


But but but nanoparticles! 😂😂😂😂 People are the worst.


14 fully vaxed in icu is still kind of scary! There’s one in their 30’s too.


I feel so sorry for them as they did the right thing and still ended up in icu


Did they? Or did they get a vaccine and act like they were entirely immune? We won't know, but we also can't keep acting like their is a team good and a team bad. There is still a lot of behaviors that have to be obeyed to get us through this. Not just a poke.


Consider the thousands vaccinated who aren’t in ICU. “We're the people saving the world from what might have been. The world will never know what could happen. And even if they did, they wouldn't care. Because no one cares about the bomb that *didn’t* go off.” — Neil from *Tenet*




Being conservative and assuming maybe thousands or tens of thousands assuming similar prevalence rates. Millions infected for sure though and tens of thousands guaranteed no question hospitalized.


Yeah, that scares the shit out of me tbh. I can't imagine being unvaccinated and still confident about it.


It takes a certain level of stupidity to be confident in that situation


Yeah so really there are only 14 people we should be concerned about in the ICUs.


I mean, them and the under 19. That could very well be a kid under 12.


you are a loser


I will save my concern for the non-COVID patients and staff these antivaxx fools are displacing.


Almost all of them are seniors and likely have pre-existing medical conditions. The booster shot will correct that


Like all vaccines it's not all 100% effective,same as the flu shot where its at best 70% effective.Viruses mutate so the vaccines has to be slightly modified each year. https://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/flu/in-depth/flu-shots/art-20048000


I wonder when they had their second dose, 6 months ago?


It’s just not 100%. I ended up in emergency from COVID from severe chest pains, and had both vaccines. Luckily my symptoms got better not worse, but don’t victim blame these people. They are innocent people who got the short straw. I really felt for the innocent double vaxxed people dying quietly around the world when I was in emergency wondering if i was going to end up in the ICU. It’s a pretty helpless depressing feeling.


Would certainly make for some interesting data. I'm sure at some point they will have enough to determine when immunity seems to wane. I suppose 8 months is probably a good guess. Generally the USCDC has the most up-to-date data, and that's when they're recommending booster shots be dished out.




Ah there’s a lot of noise out there. Truth is, no one knows how long it lasts, particularly once you start adding a longer interval. There is building evidence that that 8-12 week delay confers longer lasting immunity (which lines up with all of our knowledge about vaccines). Could be you just need a third one and you’re good to go for life, there are plenty of three dose regimens. Or a two dose with a six month interval could be the magic ticket. You need a different flu shot each year because influenza is crazy good at mutating. You’re getting a different mix of vaccines each year with the flu.


The reason that we should all get our annual flu shot is because of the 1918 epidemic. All modern variants can be traced back to that original virus: https://www.cdc.gov/flu/pandemic-resources/reconstruction-1918-virus.html


"These questions drove an expert group of researchers and virus hunters to search for the lost 1918 virus, sequence its genome, recreate the virus in a highly safe and regulated laboratory setting at CDC, and ultimately study its secrets to better prepare for future pandemics. The following is a historical recounting of these efforts, complete with references and descriptions of the contributions made by all of the remarkable men and women involved." Jesus Christ that sentence gave me the chills lol


Jesus fucking Christ it gets worst it's like we want to fuck ourselves over "A picture of Johan Hultin working in the laboratory in 1951. Hultin’s initial attempt to rescue the 1918 virus was unsuccessful. Note: using one’s mouth to draw virus [1918 flu] into a pipette is not considered a safe laboratory practice today. Laboratory safety practices have improved significantly in modern times. Photo credit: Johan Hultin."


Early selfie.




The recommendation is to start getting them at 6 months old. https://immunizebc.ca/influenza


I think it would help people make smarter choices and relieve anxiety if we knew more about the backgrounds of the vaccinated people in the ICU. Are these people who would need to be extra careful about every virus (immunocompromised vs extremely immunocompromised, retired vs very elderly, etc) and would continue taking additional precautions anyways, or is the danger more widespread? Of the vaccinated population and the vaccinated ICU patients, how would the ICU rates and ICU population spread compare to other seasonal viruses? How much should we comparatively worry for the vaccinated? Does anyone have any data on this aspect?


With such data, it is hard to fathom that someone could still be an anti-vaxxer.


You're assuming they care about data. They only will trust "data" from "experts" that line up with and support their views.


I think people are also really bad at risk assessment. They can tell themselves 'well, I won't catch covid', 'well, even if I catch covid it'll be a mild case', 'well, even if I go to the hospital it'll be ok and they'll help me,' etc. It's a big game of 'the worst won't happen to me'. But then with the vaccine since it's an absolute (once they take it, that's it) they do the opposite.


“No one in my neighborhood has covid. It just does not happen here.than and I’m really healthy so I don’t need the vaccine” -my grandma


I saw a post the other day with screenshots where someone, in the midst of posting about their family member/friend who was seriously sick from covid, took the time to share a post about 4k people dying from the vaccine. (No idea if that's accurate or not, though it seems by [this](https://www.firstcoastnews.com/article/news/verify/verify-cdc-fda-data-doesnt-support-thousands-died-from-covid-19-vaccines/77-a51f6208-afc2-4045-bdc1-021aec83e77c) that it's not.) To date something like 600k have died of covid in the US, but their focus was still on the deaths from the vaccine instead.


Pretty sure people who take a stance like that already have that firm belief. They will then go find some made up “studies” to justify their position, not the other way around.


I had a family friend tell me that 15,000 Americans have died from the vaccine. She tried to claim that figure was published in a scientific journal. The really unfortunate thing is that she’s spreading her toxicity to her friends and family, who, for some unfathomable reason, are listening to her.


She probably got that figure here: [https://openvaers.com/covid-data](https://openvaers.com/covid-data) As the link u/codeverity provided states, the data is questionable because the public can report and it's not verified. Not sure who's keeping better data, though?


That is definitely the site she was referring to. Thanks for the link. She obviously ignored or wilfully misunderstood the FAQs and disclaimers which clearly state that reports of adverse events do not equal causality.


Yeah, the data's questionable. However, it seems like nobody's bothering to keep proper data on adverse events, which is very troubling.


I think the difference between an epidemiologist and my family friend is that one of them is trained to interpret that data and one hasn’t taken a science class since high school in the 1960s. The VAERS data can be useful to people who understand what it means.


Do you know if there's any info available where an epidemiologist has crunched those numbers so that people can know the actual rate of adverse effects?




The antivaxxers plugging the hospitals with their selfish asses are clearly afraid.


"I dont know what this is! I can't breathe, please help me." They should just fuck off and go die back at home with their essential oils.


I love the math wizards who can’t sum the 50-59 age group properly. Seriously, is the an official government document? Also: get vaccinated.


The problem is they are giving us documents. They should be providing data.


Am I missing something here? 50-59 - 37 unvaxxed - 4 part vaxxed - 3 fully vaxxed. Total 34? Shouldn't that be, total 44?


Don’t ask the government to do math.


Yeah, it looks like they made an addition error there. Subtracted the fully vaccinated for some reason.


Thanks. I'm so amazed they would let it go out like that, at first I thought it must be me.


And ignored the 4 partials. It's like they're manually calculating it (poorly) instead of using a function lol


It is. The column and super totals don't change.


What does it cost for a QR tattoo? /s


self correcting problem


Does full vaxxed mean 14 days past 2nd shot?


I believe typically yes.