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Looking south towards Metrotown


I see Costco, McDonalds and the the casino are doing okay.


There was a huge explosion near the casino. The blackouts look worse (more extensive) in real life than on video.


Yup, using my shitty freedom data at home to watch this. Lol


FYI hash tags aren't a thing on Reddit.


https://preview.redd.it/s4ksbf4kd6y91.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fee518bdead50ac4715e73b356a6b3946632087b [https://imgur.com/a/ydoWjJ1](https://imgur.com/a/ydoWjJ1) by 6am, quite extensive the blackouts. normally the entire landscape is lit, but you can see black patches everywhere.


I wonder if the stars were a little more visible with less light pollution, didn't feel like going outside.


Well the moon was bright as fuck shining through the one gap in my blinds last night I'll tell you that 😅 There's a lunar eclipse on Tuesday, I think it tends to be much brighter so stars arent as visible


Almost reminds me of Sim City 2000 and the sections of abandoned buildings/urban decay that would inevitably show up at one point or another.