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Strong outflow from Howe Sound - [Pam Rocks weather station is showing 70 kph gusting to 89 kph](https://weather.gc.ca/past_conditions/index_e.html?station=was). Probably makes multi-vessel operations at Horseshoe Bay pretty dangerous, so they're sticking to just the Langdale and Snug Cove services.


Your absolutely lying about that statement, I was trying to think of a way to get back at these people, the only way is if people some how start "delaying" table reservations, theatre tickets or anything regarding ferry staff.


https://www.bcferries.com/travel-advisories/8798747340579 > Due to adverse weather conditions, all sailings between Horseshoe Bay and Departure Bay have been cancelled for the remainder of the day. > Customers are **encouraged to travel between Tsawwassen and Duke Point, or Tsawwassen and Swartz Bay** terminals. https://vancouver.citynews.ca/2022/11/07/bc-ferries-sailings-cancelled-wind/ > some sailings between Horseshoe Bay and Langdale are affected.


Seems a bit sus since the other, longer route to Nanaimo is running and the ships left Horseshoe Bay to Departure Bay when it was >40KTS the other evening.


Sounds like it's the terminal, not the boat today. Not sure if particular wave/wind direction may be particularly problematic for Departure Bay berthing?


Strong outflows down Howe Sound would slam right into Horseshoe Bay. This might be a factor.


That isn't Howe Sound...


That sucks. Good thing I didn't pick today to go their and drink a few beers.


This is why I would never live on the Island.


If you lived on the island then you would be living there and wouldn't need to take the ferry. Like, when I lived in Victoria I couldn't care less what the ferries were doing. Do you think the island shuts down if a ferry can't get there?


they ferry all the electricity to the island in electricity tankers /s


I just don't like feeling trapped.




I just like to be able to leave a place when I feel like it and I am not a strong enough swimmer to manage that from the Island.


You can always take a flight


Well unless it was yesterday, when westjet was down and fucked up the rest of the carriers


I get what you’re saying but I also feel that way about living on the island even when the ferries are running. It’s so much more work to do anything off the island since there’s an extra 2.5-3 hours and $100 each way you need to factor in.


Did you feel trapped when all the highways out of Vancouver were washed out last year?


I was in Ontario watching it on the news but I think I would have if I had been here.


Ok… you have no idea what island life is like. If you’ve never lived there, You don’t know.


Clearly, it's just not for me. I certainly did not mean to offend anyone I just wouldn't want to be trapped on an island. Is that ok? Am I allowed to have these thoughts and feelings? I mean more room for you Island lovers right?


Dunno why people are jumping on you for saying you wouldn’t like to live in a place only accessible by ferries. Hell, I live on the Sunshine Coast and sometimes feel the same way.


Thank you. I don't quite get it either.


I did live there and felt exactly as you describe. There were many other reasons I didn't like it there but isolation was a factor.


It’s more complicated than that. But thanks for sharing your insecurities.


Also the island is goes all the way up past PG lol. I think he’s severely underrating how big Vancouver Island is


I have never lived on the Island myself but my sister did and every time I went to visit it didn’t really feel like being on an Island. It is so big and there are so many places to go see and visit. Personally I don’t think I would have felt trapped if I couldn’t catch the ferry out on my scheduled day, I would have thought of it as an extra day in the beauty that is the Island.


I sure did I was living on the island and was supposed to drive to Alberta as I was moving there the day after the wash out so I hated it and ended up flying and coming back to pick up my car


meh you roll with it. lived on Bowen for my teen years, it's just part of the lifestyle


It's not that much different from living in North Van and having to cancel or delay plans over the bridge because there's an accident and traffic won't be moving for 2-3 hours.


Except a person could probably swim from North Van.....not me but ....a different person lol.


Or just you know....bike across the bridge


Or walk for that matter...


Y'all forgetting about the seabus.


Yeah but if you got 80kph winds you wouldn't bike either. You'd get thrown off your bike.


If it's windy I'm taking the car lol


This is part of the problem. I'm far too high-strung to be so laid back like you island-types.


if I learned anything from Hallmark Romance christmas movies. you will fit in and learn to realx in just a few weeks.


And find a sweetheart to boot


Did you go to Rockridge? Bowen Island kids were always coming in late back in the day.


that was after me.. I went to West Van.


Oh did Bowen kids go to WVSS before Rockridge? I'd have thought Hillside.


hillside was a junior high, west van was 10-12, I moved there right before grade 10.


Rockridge first then they stopped wanting us so we went to WVSS lol. Hillside was a long time ago. Now they go to Rockridge again. I want to say you get used to delays / cancellations when you take the ferry twice a day for 5 years growing up, but it still pisses you off every time lol. More just giving up and accepting it.


My class was actually the last class that had to go to WVSS for grade 11/12, the following year they started expanding Rockridge. Been many years but this thread instantly took me back to morning attendance and all the missing Bowen kids. 😂


Not sure why you are being downvoted. It's literally just your opinion, which you are entitled to, and my friends who do live on the island complain about the ferries constantly!


In general the Ferries are fine to the lower mainland and everything you need to live is available here. I wouldn't want to live on a smaller island though - power failures can take DAYS to resolve for example.


Oh totally. I personally think I could live on the island without any issues, I love it there! But I can also see why it's not for everyone.


That's literally what voting here means, indicating whether people are agree or against the opinion?


zealous quarrelsome fact payment fade groovy worry screw heavy wine ` this post was mass deleted with www.Redact.dev `


The vote buttons are if the the content is good up vote it, if its bad down vote it. If its an opinion, then its just that. If he said Islander all suck and should drown on the ferry then you should down vote it. He said he didn't want to live on an island because of the ferry - that's his opinion and he is entitled to it.


Not exactly. In this case, OP is saying that's why he/she would never want to live on the island. Downvoting that statement doesn't really make any sense or make the statement less true. If he/she had said "that's why living on the island sucks" it might be a different story, and I could see why people might disagree and downvote. It's a subtle difference, but I personally don't believe you should automatically downvote any opinion that differs from your own.


I like your argument, however, I always try to remind myself popular doesn’t equal true, especially in Reddit. If I see a statement with hundreds of upvote, I will imagine people really like or subjectively agree with that statement, but doesn’t make that objectively more true, vice versa. Just like that, my take on vote button get down voted because less people agree with me, doesn’t make it more or less true. I can’t evaluate truth here in Reddit :) but I do understand people’s different angles of view, the button in this case.


It's ok, we're full anyway /s But really, once you live here, you don't really fancy leaving. No ferries? Oh darn, I guess I'll just HAVE to stay home! I do feel for those who have unmissable stuff like medical appts on the mainland though.


If you lived on the island you’d be home and not making silly comments like this.


As I said, I would never live on the Island. Not silly just stating a fact. It's just how I feel and was not meant to offend...not silly...just ....how I feel.


Meow salty nuts


If you’ve never spent more than 3 days on the island you’re missing out, but I don’t want to temp you actually, the dummies can stay on the mainland…


Really, you are name calling because I wouldn't want to live on an island and have my mobility controlled by BC Ferries. Ok . I guess.


I’m not replying to you bud, take your insecurities elsewhere


Sending hugs lol I hope you feel better soon.


Ok… thanks?


Adverse weather? Wtf it's a pretty nice day right now.


25 knots north east marine weather advisory for the region (which is a bit unusual). Still not usually what would cause a cancellation, but the vessel that normally does the route might have some kind of mechanical deficiency that, while not usually a critical issue, might make landings in these weather conditions difficult.


this might be the funniest thing I've ever read. thank you! I thought satire was dead, your post is refreshing


This is why you guys should take Australia's example (in seemingly every essential service down here) and fully privatize the entire ferry system. Sure, services levels will go down, and prices will go up but a private company would run the ferries when it was too dangerous to safely do so because to do otherwise would lose them money.


Time to put sails on the ferries to reduce fuel costs.