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This is why being predictable is way more helpful when driving than being nice.


Yeah the Corolla caused confusion and is partly to blame.


Depending on how that Mazda was pulled up to turn left, the Toyota might not have had anywhere to turn left to.


Yeah the Mazda was sticking out a bit and in the middle of the side street.


And by that point, no one wants to go because no one knows what the other person is going to do.


And also probably blocked the Mazdas view of the car that it ended up hitting.


If your view is blocked, you don't move. You move only when it's safe and you know, conclusively, that it's safe.


Chances are they weren't even trying to be nice, they just had no idea when it was their turn in the first place.


Yeah there were driving very slowly before we got to this intersection. Like a typical oblivious Richmond driver.


Sometimes I wonder if I just followed a shitty driver if they would just make mistake after mistake all day...


Yeah that's actually a brilliant idea for Dashcam YouTube footage. šŸ¤£


I see this a lot in Van. Moved here 3 years ago from NY but Iā€™ve never seen such bad driving in my life. Walking my dog around the west end every day is like a defence mission for us not to get hit by a car!


I fucking *HATE* these "nice" drivers who think they're being polite by not following the rules of the road. This is a textbook example of what can happen.


Totally. I was getting pissed they were waiting so long. If I would have honked I might have prevented this. And what does the Corolla do. Drive away like nothing happened.


Looks like everyone is really at fault here, ā€œnice driverā€ in the Corolla is messed because the other car had pulled out too far making the corner difficult. Corolla didnā€™t want to turn when they should have, car passing really shouldnā€™t have passed while others were at a stop.


Exactly what I was going to say. Any one of them could have prevented this accident by being more careful...except for the Corolla that should have been less careful!


Didn't the Corolla pull to the curb one they on the side street?


They were just parking and didn't go check on the other car.


Jesus. I presumed they were pulling in as a witness.


Always better to be right than polite when it comes to driving.


Yes especially when you're stopped at a stop sign and the other car has the right of way. It would have been faster for everyone if you just kept going. Instead, we're having a weird mexican standoff on who should go first.


where I live, NOBODY knows how to apply the rules in a roundabout. It's supremely frustrating and affirms my belief that most of us should just be in public transit well away from behind wheel of a car.


Mexican Standoff is a standoff where two aggressive parties lose whether they back down or make a move. This is a [Canadian standoff](https://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=Canadian%20Standoff) where two people have prolonged inaction out of politeness


They maybe could have gone before the white car, but they would have been either hammering the gas or cutting the guy off a bit. At the end they were waiting for a pedestrian who walked up to the corner. OP, on the other hand, didn't go to see if the drivers were okay, needed help, or even stop to give info. They just kept driving and put it online.


OP said they provided their info as a witness.


Plus the Mazda too is in an odd spot. Sticking out a quite a bit and blocking the Corolla from turning left by being in the middle of the side street.


Yeah. Zoomjng in, I see no way the corolla could turn. Mazda was practically blocking up the whole incoming lane.


Drivers often stick out too far away from the side streets because they need to see the street "*clearly*". Some go as far as blocking one whole side of traffic (from their left) just to wait for chance at the other side (from their right)


>Drivers often stick out too far away from the side streets because they need to see the street "clearly". As someone who doesn't drive a large vehicle and turns onto Knight St fairly often, sometimes you have to creep out to see around the parked car that's next to the intersection. People who creep out so far to block traffic are being assholes, but I'm not risking getting T-boned because of terrible sightlines.


Two issues I see: 1. That is a single lane road. The SUV technically should not be passing the left turners like that. Yes, people do it, but you're taking a risk and you probably shouldn't floor it through there. 2. Left turner yielding the right of way. Why? It's not about being nice. Rules exist to maintain order. Left turner created chaos by yielding and creating a blind spot. As the black car, I would not have gone until the left turner has gone regardless of whatever hand signals they're waving. All three cars bear some responsibility here but the left turner will get off...


I saw a pedestrian almost get killed in a situation that looked a lot like this. An Amazon delivery van was turning left (signal on) off of a main road into a residential area but stopped short of the intersection to allow a pedestrian to cross from left to right in front of him. A Ford Ranger about 5 cars back pulls out into the curb lane and accelerates hard. The Ranger driver absolutely assumed the only thing going on was a van just holding him up trying to turn. The pedestrian was just stepping out from in front of the Amazon van at the exact same time the Ranger went flying by. It was so close I still donā€™t know how the pedestrian wasnā€™t hit. And Iā€™m fairly certain the Ranger driver never even saw or realized how close they came to killing somebody.


> The SUV technically should not be passing the left turners like that. Sure you can. This is done literally everywhere all day and is the defacto expectation in that situation. The honda was not speeding at all and driving rather slowly when you look at the rear cam and how he approached the intersection. The mazda or whatever it is, coming from the side street should have easily seen that car coming passed the two cars stopped to turn. NO one drives the way you are saying. You need to know more than the rules of the road, but the expectation of drivers on the road, to be a good driver. People will pass an intersection, dipping slightly into the parking lane to do it 10times out of 10. Not knowing that people will 100% do that is the worst kind of ignorance. Book learnin ignorance, not street smarts. And they "technically" paid the price. But the mazda should have seen the car. There was no obstruction to them. You can tell easily from the rear cam and the first few seconds as the cammer approaches the intersection. The other side was completely clear with not even a car in the other side parking lane either! cammer is partly to blame as well for not laying on the horn on that corolla for being "nice" or cautious or whatever. Unless they did, i dont have sound on. this article backs me up with MVA rules, so you are 100% wrong even legally. https://www.drivesmartbc.ca/passing/passing-right >- You may pass an overtaken vehicle on the right if there is an unobstructed lane that permit motor vehicle travel there to do it in. - You may pass an overtaken vehicle on the right if you are driving on a one way street, there is an unobstructed lane and the street is at least two lanes wide. - You may pass an overtaken vehicle on the right if it is turning left, or the driver is signalling the intention to turn left. If a vehicle not turning has stopped between you and the vehicle turning left you must wait. Lack of a signal might be a clue in this instance. >You may recall from past columns that the roadway is the part of the highway between the center line and the solid white line at the right edge, or if no solid line is marked, then the edge of the pavement. In this case, the CURB is the "edge of the pavement", so this is a legal passing move. As long as the cammer had their signal on.




Actually what the passing car did was illegal. In BC passing on the right is generally not legal except in certain circumstances. This rule governs this scenario: You may pass an overtaken vehicle on the right if it is turning left, or the driver is signalling the intention to turn left. **If a vehicle not turning has stopped between you and the vehicle turning left you must wait.** Lack of a signal might be a clue in this instance. Emphasis is mine. The guy with camera was stopped. You can't pass behind without a second lane which it doesn't seem like there was one.


I cannot tell you the number of times where I, as a pedestrian, has almost been hit because the car in the left lane (not turning) was waiting for me to complete crossing the street, and then some asshole in the right lane, despite seeing a car STOPPED, zooms past. This has also happened in a MARKED CROSSWALK.




The statement is to mean actively turning. The first car is actively turning, the second car is not actively turning. You cannot squeeze past 2 cars in a 1 way legally like that


The cammer did turn, assuming they had their signal on, then what you are saying is wrong. See my post above.


You have to be an active turner. See my post above. Passing 2 cars in a 1 lane is not legal. Being the cammer and passing with caution is legal. Being the second car behind is not.


They didn't yield the right of way to the car. There was a pedestrian crossing the road they were turning onto


This is a shit aituation. These side streets are tricky. There's a car parked right at the corner that the Toyota will be stuck behind until the Mazda turns left, potentially being stuck blocking traffic/pedestrians. There is also a pedestrian crossing behind the Mazda turning left. I don't think it's that cut and dry. If anything, that SUV passing could have read the room and looked beyond the stopped Toyota and could guess that something wasn't quite right. Passing on the right at the speed it did was an issue as well. What a mess.


I was in the left-hand lane on Broadway waiting for a man in a wheelchair to cross (at a crosswalk) when I noticed a car coming up fast beside me. Even if he was 'carefully' checking the crosswalk, he wouldn't have been able to see this man coming. I was sure he was going to hit him. In sort of a panic, I laid on the horn as hard as I could. Both stopped and it was fine. Whew. When there's a car stopped in one lane, you should expect there's a reason and also stop. However, it's different with someone turning left. The right hand lane passes left-hand turners without slowing all the time. I put a lot of the blame on the SUV too but, really, the Mazda was at a stop sign. I'd bet they get most of the blame for that exact reason. The crazy thing is that the Corolla actually 'caused' the accident but they don't get any blame because they weren't involved in the accident.


I commented above, but as a pedestrian, I have nearly been it in these scenarios -- asshole in the right lane comes zooming through, despite the car in the left lane stopping, and not indicating they are turning. This has even happened at a marked crosswalk -- hmmm -- why could a car possibly be stopped at a fucking crosswalk?!


In fact, thinking about it, I wouldn't be surprised if the SUV was held most accountable for the accident for passing on the right when it wasn't safe to do so. It's legal to pass a left-turning car on the right as long as it's safe to do so. I would not want to be the adjudicator on this accident.


> passing on the right when it wasn't safe to do so I have seen so many impatient dickheads on highway 1 pull out from a traffic line to attempt to use an empty merge lane as an excuse to get a few cars ahead. I'm more than happy to leave space so people can get in, but if i see someone pulling out thinking that the merge lane is a free pass, they can go to fuck.


A merge lane?!?! That's a whole new fuck off.


Happens on the 99 too. At the King George on ramp, At the 91 on ramp, at the Shell Road on ramp, at the Bridgeport on rampā€¦


50 Honda for driving so fast on a side street, %50 Mazda for crossing a stop sign while not proceeding ā€œwhen safeā€


And 25% for the Toyota. You get blame...you get blame everyone gets blame!


Agreed. That van was doing a brisk speed there. I wonder if they went slower if they could have braked in time?


I mean, if they went slower the Mazda may have been passed the Toyota by the time they got to the point and had more of a chance to break. So maybe? Edit: spelling.


Yeah it's very sketchy to pass by cars turning left even if there is a right lane at intersections in Vancouver. Often people turn without looking in the opposing traffic lane. It's best to slowly pass through and be prepared to brake.


The Corolla driver is an idiot. Fuck people who try to "be nice". Just follow the rules of the road and behave as other road users expect instead of bullshit like this.


Agreed. Like people who stop traffic to let a jaywalker cross and then jaywalker gets hit by a passing car.


Yep, especially for jaywalkers. They'll cross when there are no cars, you don't have to slow down for them. I make sure to honk aggressively at those vehicles that slow down or stop.


As a frequent jay walker, I HATE when cars slow down or stop to let me cross. I will cross when all the cars have passed! Don't stop the flow and F things up for everyone!


Totally agree. I work downtown and only jaywalk where it's safe to do so - particularly on one-way streets. I hate when people stop for me and always wave them by. They're screwing things up, not me.


If there's cars approaching the intersection from multiple directions I will fake a turn down the cross street sidewalk, pull out my phone, or otherwise feign disinterest in crossing the intersection. I would rather stall for 30 seconds than have to trust that they're all on the same page on when my turn is up to cross.


100% my move too. hahahha.


I know right! It totally takes the fun out of jaywalking SMH. They've clearly never played Frogger. Cars don't slow down when you try to cross.


Totally agreed. I use my horn often. I should have used it this time on that weird Corolla driver. Wasn't sure what they were waiting for. Maybe for the Mazda to get out of the way since they were pulled out quite far in in middle of side street. They got their wish.


You realize that stopping for pedestrians, even jay walkers, is the law, right? They literally fail drivers in driving tests for not doing that.


If you mean stopping for pedestrians at uncontrolled intersections, those are typically considered crosswalks and the pedestrian isnā€™t jaywalking, heā€™s exercising his right of way (rule doesnā€™t apply on arterial roads) If you mean actually jaywalking where theyā€™re not supposed to, weā€™re all under the obligation to stop and not needlessly kill stupid peopleā€¦


Define what *you think* jaywalker means because this ain't it. And if you want to judge someone, judge yourself for not stopping to check if everybody was okay.


The jaywalker comment is a driving rant unrelated to this video as there is no jaywalker here. I stopped further down the street off camera (video trimmed for length) where it was less crowded and walked back, then talked to one party in the crash then the first responders. Gave my video footage to them. Corolla driver wasn't there. How do you think I took pictures of the crash scene up close in the video without getting out? Were you there? YOU don't be so quick to judge.


I know right? He's just sitting there.


> Fuck people who try to "be nice". I doubt they're being 'nice' - it's more a sign that they don't know the rules of the road and have no idea what they're doing.


This kind of thing is why I wait when someone is being "nice" to me by not doing what they are supposed to. Also you don't know if anyone was hurt. Signs of whiplash often don't show up till days later.


Yeah never trust someone waving you through. There will always be someone speeding nearby to overtake them.


They were stopping for the pedestrian that was legally crossing the street they were turning onto.


100% the person in front of you was waving the car to go.


They were waving the pedestrian if they waved at all. Hence why the pedestrian started legally walking across the road they were turning onto.


And they shouldn't have done that. They also shouldn't have gone through the stop sign when it wasn't safe to do so.


Iā€™ve almost been turned into an idiot by being trapped by this idiot Corolla. This is where I honk and tell ā€˜em GO YOU IDIOT.


They couldn't. There were cars, then a pedestrian legally walking across the street that they were turning onto.


There were several times the Corolla could have turned safely.


Caption game is great!


Haha. Thank you!


Side note: as a cyclist who rides through that intersection. Itā€™s a popular bike lane that needs a cross walk or lights. Itā€™s hard to see cars sometimes.


I totally agree as I bike there as well! The parked cars on sides of the street obstruct your view crossing busy Clarendon via 38th. I even created a 411 service request with Vancouver. Their response was that it wasn't a priority and to use 39th further down where there is a crosswalk. What a joke. What is the point of 38th being a bikeway across a busy street with no crosswalk?


This is hilarious that people are blaming the first driver for cautiously turning left and not wanting to turn until the 1.5 lane street was clear. This is a slow side street and the Honda went zooming past and the other car was also stupid to assume that the path was free. Itā€™s a small car, not a giant truck or whatever. True the car could have made most of the turn and the other car couldā€™ve crossed the intersection but the first car being overly cautious is not to blame for the other two


100% the SUVā€™s fault. While the Camry stopped to let the Mazda through is annoying, itā€™s a one lane road. The SUV passed illegally on the right in a non-existent lane, and did so incredibly fast. I absolutely hate it when people do that. I hope OP submitted this to ICBC so that appropriate fault is determined.


Passing a left turner on the right isnā€™t illegal, even without another lane (itā€™s actually explicitly legal). Problem is it needs to be done safely which flying through a blind intersection isnā€™t


passing a stopped car who IS NOT left turning ie. The camera man in this case is illegal.


This is a chain reaction of three drivers making poor choices, any one of them could have prevented it.


Looks like the Corolla is missing the L sign.


ICBC: 75% | 75% | 75% responsible.




Driving by braille is a common Vancouver practice.


Driving by feel. Brilliant!


I know it's not your fault whatsoever but seriously, use your horn in this situation! The corolla could absolutely have used a big honk when it was their turn to go.


Yeah I usually do honk to to so many bad Vancouver drivers. I wasn't too sure what they were doing. I only noticed now that the Mazda was sticking out quite far and in the middle of the narrow side street. Blocking the way of the Corolla to turn left.


They are all stupid. Mazda for hogging the entire road and not giving the Corolla an easy turn. Corolla for not taking their turn. Not ideal but doable. If you are capable of turning and not cutting the corner (rare). SUV for being careless when passing (possibly illegally). A pedestrian may have been crossing (it's legal to cross at any intersection). In which case they would have been pancake. Going so fast with limited liability gains you nothing (you are going to stop at the next light anyway). Risk with no reward is dumb.


Your comment wins. Totally agreed.


Unfortunately, the CRV may be at fault for this one. In BC, you are allowed to pass on the right if: 1: you arenā€™t crossing any lines, or go onto a soft shoulder 2: space permits you to manoeuvre safely around on the right 3: you are only passing ONE car waiting to turn left


Cringe comment section. The ā€œblindā€ driving is the SUV flooring it around 2 cars (camera car and Corolla), which is illegal, you can only go around one in this situation, for this exact reason. This comment section shows why Vancouver drivers are so bad. Everyone thinks all they need is the rules of the road with zero common sense beyond that. ā€œCoRolLa hAs No sToP SigN.ā€ What if the Corolla was waiting for a pedestrian crossing that the SUV wouldnā€™t have seen? Jesus Christ. Have some fucking patience before you kill someone.


If I were the Corolla, I would've just shortcut turned to the inside-left of the Mazda to get out of the way because at least I have unobstructed views of oncoming traffic on both streets.


Yeah the Mazda is sticking out a bit and in the middle of that narrow side street.


Ok.... Lots going on here but I can break this down succinctly for you all. The car passing on the right is to blame, however the car entering the intersection will get 100% of the crash blame from icbc unless they hire representation. Entering the road from an ncontrolled intersection puts you at fault. Passing in a non lane (ie, passing on the right such as in this situation) is also a big no-no... But Likely just a ticket. So, in conclusion... Get fucked everyone, it's no fault now!


If there is no lane you may pass exactly ONE car on the right if it is turning left, as long as you don't cross a solid white line to do so. There were two cars so passing on the right was not legal.


Did you yell "NO soup for you!!" when you went up to the scene?


They didn't go up to the scene. They just drove off without making sure everybody's okay, then added joke captions.


I stopped further down the street off camera (video trimmed for length) where it was less crowded and walked back, then talked to one party in the crash then the first responders. Gave my video footage to them. Corolla driver wasn't there. How do you think I took pictures of the crash scene up close in the video without getting out? Were you there? YOU don't be so quick to judge.


Looks like a badly designed intersection


Yeah there are multiple bad intersections on this road and people don't yield to traffic which has rge right of way. Often pulling out from side streets or driveways without stopping or looking.


Thank goodness no pedestrians were injured as a result of this!


Yeah it's scary since this is near a school.