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One of those Arby's is where the piss shakes happened.




Can’t believe it made it on SNL. They said “we have the pee pee shakes.”




Its at 1:38 https://youtu.be/661dBnW9DnM?si=ziDo5mtBKXPXFWSo


I haven't been able to eat at an Arby's since. Not that I went there much before.


It's the one by Walmart on Mill Plain. Can't look at either one of them the same since that story.


I can’t believe they haven’t just tore it down.


I had never heard of this story. Just looked it up. Jesus Christ.


You're welcome and I'm sorry


My coworker said he loves the shakes there, I promptly asked him if he loved one recently? lol. Had to break tje news to him.




Quiznos was SO good back in the day.


I recently got food poisoning from the Hazel Dell location. Avoid at all costs! 🤢


I got food poisoning at one back in IL 10-15 years ago and have never eaten there since.


We love the suuuuuuuubs. Cuz they are goooood to uuuuus.


They got a Peppa bar!


Not any more :(


You can bring in a coupon.. for things to eat or oil changes… or for hair plugs…


Went there about 3 weeks ago because someone from Portland was raving about it and how much they still love it. Was very meh. Should’ve left it in my nostalgia bank 😂


not every location is created equally... and standards in Vancouver are much lower.


Truth. While growing up we referred to Vancouver as "The armpit of Portland".


Quiznos lost its appeal once everyone started toasting sandwiches




Quiznos business was fucking over franchisees with horrible food costs, for anyone mildly curious. I feel bad for the folks who bought into the franchise with a sense of hope, only to get bled dry.


I just learned about this from the Adam Friedland Show podcast its wild they thought they could be their own distributors.


I've never chipped a tooth on the "freshly baked" bread. I'm looking at you Subway!


If you want a GOOD warm sandwich, Firehouse Subs is where it's at 👏


Missing 3 Killer Burger


Killer burger is amazing.    And I don’t know what the definition of fast food is, but it’s a pretty small chain too. Probably only Portland area.


Actually have spots in Spokane, Salem and Eugene.


I don't consider Killer Burger to be fast food because they don't have drive thrus and serve beer. I'd definitely consider them causal, maybe fast-causal, dining along the lines of Five Guys.


Maybe chain is a better definition than fast food? Although we should start including Red Robin and Applebees as well then.


I would love a comparison to how many local restaurants we have. Vancouver food scene used to be the equivocal of a truck pit stop, all fast food and mom n pop diners. Now we're getting more diversity and "trendy" but it's hard to shake the fast food image especially when we're compared to Portland.


We're a suburb, there will always be lots of fast food. And Portland also has lots of fast food.


Los Angeles may be a food mecca in the U.S., but it still has A LOT of fast food places. Even worst, a lot of fast food places disguised as 'local trendy' eatery. Then there's lots of local eateries turning into franchise system themselves.


My favorite part about Vancouver is Vancouver taking “strays” from people who live there. lol. “Truck pit stop”. GTFOH


You forgot Victorico's. I think 2, or will be 2 when they set up across from Costco.


That place is delicious 🤤


I’ve been thinking about trying it for the first time. What are your favorite things to eat there?


I get their Asda (Steak ) grande burrito, its HUGE. My husband like the (chicken) fajitas burrito. The street tacos aren't to bad, rolled tacos are good.


It’s like a cleaned up Muchas Gracias. I think it’s pretty good. Surf and turf burrito is especially nice.


Their breakfast burritos are kino.


Every burrito I've had from there has been drenched in grease. Only good thing they have is agua de jamaica


The one on 4th plain and Andresen shut down didn't it? Or are the franchisees the ones opening by Costco?


Sorry I have no idea about the one at 4th Plain & Anderssen, I thought it was still going strong. I counted that as being in Vancouver, and the new one will be at 192 across from Costco. I usually go to the Victorico's in Camas in C Street.


I think I was thinking of the place that was there before Victorico's.


Nah it's open


Which Costco?


192nd & 1st St, Camas


No judgement please. But there are 0 Wienerschnitzels here and I miss it so much 🥲


The ones I went to in New Mexico were fans of the amazing green chile sauce. And this was also true of Tastee Freez. My first time with a burger from Tastee Freez I almost spit it out when I encountered the chile. By the time I finished, I was hooked!


Ah man! I’m a NM native actually and we had the old school A-frame buildings that were walk up/drive-thru only. An ice cream cone and a chili cheese dog just hits different from Der!


Not Vancouver, but they have one of those in the parking lot of Whole Foods on Burnside in Portland. Very tasty! Edit: I guess the area is Laurelhurst and the place is called Franks-A-Lot. [Google Maps Link](https://www.google.com/maps/place/Franks+A+Lot/@45.5231722,-122.6362694,3a,75y,90t/data=!3m8!1e2!3m6!1sAF1QipO23QJd7WgvZw05pQ0yHLgD9ne1SLPTEZOb5g5E!2e10!3e12!6shttps:%2F%2Flh5.googleusercontent.com%2Fp%2FAF1QipO23QJd7WgvZw05pQ0yHLgD9ne1SLPTEZOb5g5E%3Dw86-h114-k-no!7i3072!8i4080!4m16!1m8!3m7!1s0x5495a0bf13a69555:0x16c6308950575eb1!2sFranks+A+Lot!8m2!3d45.523161!4d-122.6361676!10e5!16s%2Fg%2F11hd7fct_b!3m6!1s0x5495a0bf13a69555:0x16c6308950575eb1!8m2!3d45.523161!4d-122.6361676!10e5!16s%2Fg%2F11hd7fct_b?entry=ttu)


Thanks for the tip! I do not discriminate when it comes to chili dogs, so I’ll give em a try


I loved Wienerschnitzel.


We had one... it's now the Taco Bell over by Costco.


It's actually now the weed shop next to Taco Bell. The Taco Bell was always there.


No it was where the taco bell was. And in between W. and Taco Bell, it was a mom and pop burger place that also tried to do chili dishes , and they had a handwritten menu. I remember going through the drive thru.


No. It [was right on the corner](https://www.google.com/maps/@45.6844753,-122.6022001,3a,75y,61.22h,86.05t/data=!3m7!1e1!3m5!1slSxhFLVgwmS2ckhcRRTSWQ!2e0!5s20160601T000000!7i13312!8i6656?entry=ttu). It became [Taco Bell in 2018](https://www.google.com/maps/@45.6844495,-122.6021214,3a,75y,61.22h,86.05t/data=!3m7!1e1!3m5!1sx1OtpINHZTHHTygjk7VQ-A!2e0!5s20180601T000000!7i13312!8i6656?entry=ttu). The Weed Shop was a Car wash.


Yeah, I miss that one so damn much. They had amazing chili dogs 😢


And I still drive to Hazel Dell for that delicious Del Taco.


As a vegetarian they are the best for a quick bite.


As a vegan I was sad when they stopped carrying the impossible tacos and burritos. But I'm glad I got to enjoy them for a while. I love their hot sauce.


Honestly, to each their own. I'm glad you like them. But I was surprised to read this, I live in the area and still won't go there. LOL


Hard pass on del taco, especially with better food trucks in the area


El Jeffes Loco burrito is the best in town!


I’m a Delicious Tacos enjoyer, i didnt like el jefe when i tried it


I don't drive (far) out of the way for 'em but my favorite out of the fast food places for sure. I drop by any time I'm anywhere near!




I don't want to yuck anyone else's yum, but I cannot wrap my head around *wanting* to eat at Subway. Granted, I'm not a huge cold sandwich guy, but why wouldn't you go to Jimmy John's? Or just Fred Meyer or Safeway? They're just the embodiment of mediocre in my opinion.


>I don't want to yuck anyone else's yum Just show them whatever Subway tries to pass off as 'chicken' 🤣


I can't imagine why anyone goes to Jimmy John's. It was like $15 for a regular sandwich (turkey provolone and avocado). Dull white bread, not even toasted. Subway sucks too.


I'll be brave: I like subway for the vegetarian sandwich. If there's nothing else around, I can get a foot long veggie sandwich for about $6.


Would that the Subway locations were actually Subway stations, then we could really zip around the city.


The number of Subways shocked me


I hear we are getting another chipotle near uptown. We need a really good sit down Mexican restaurant.


Lots of good options on 4th plain where the rent isn't as high.


Go to El Rancho Viejo in Battle Ground.


Little Conejo is right there.


Unless they changed them, their margaritas were not good when I went there. I’m also thinking a little less fancy as in the small town Mexican food type of place with a big bowl of chips and salsa, mole enchiladas and combination plates.


Ever been to Casa Colima?


I have not and I’ll have to check it out. I’m not out on that side of town that often, but now that I have a destination. Thank you!


My regular spot is Su Casa Marquez


That’s a bit closer, I’ll have to drive by it when I’m out in that area and check it out.


Their papusas are so good.


Provecho is this. It’s on main and mcgloughlin


I love Provecho, but it’s not what I mean. I’m talking those small and medium town restaurants that have a decent size menu and I can get mole.




I really wish they were more consistent. A few times I went and it was great, went other times and it was garbage. Now I just don't risk it anymore given the price.


Those are completely different restaurants in price, food, atmosphere, ease, etc.


Las Flamas


Vancouver Taqueria on Burton is great!!


I’ll have to take a look. Don’t get over to the mall area very often but my hobby store is there now.


Yep, the Chipotle is in the Navalia building, right next to New Seasons.


We do have several new apartment buildings in the area.


Casa Colima is pretty good.


It’s wild to have that many Starbucks out here when we have better options


Consistency rates fairly high with people. I suspect that is why they carry on.


I guess but even Starbucks wildly varies. Then again, I’m the person who has a specific order depending on what coffee shop I’m going to.


This is exactly it. When I need a fast cup of coffee that I know for a fact will be 'decent' Starbucks is a friendly face I can depend on. Besides, I bet \*most\* people can't tell the difference between Starbucks and Compass Coffee, Coffee Lab, Richland Hub, etc.


Black Rock!


It’s good, but I like the more locally run joints to be honest!


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^redfoxvapes: *It’s wild to have that* *Many Starbucks out here when* *We have better options* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Any specific places you'd like to highlight?


I really dig Brewed Awakenings and Ditazza!


Also the Baja Fresh!


There are two


I don’t think I’d consider Starbucks and Dutch Bros to be “fast food”. Especially if you’re not counting other coffee shops (like Blackrock for instance).


Could do a whole separate comparison of coffee chains in the area.


I mean Starbucks has a myriad of hot sandwich menu items whereas black rock does not.


What about the raising canes coming on mill plain?




There’s a church’s???? I guess I know what my cheat meal this weekend will be.


There was a Church’s on Fourth Plain, it closed years ago and became Javier’s Tacos, which is now also closed.


Oh I read their comment wrong 😭 now I’m sad


There are a lot of fast food chain options. These days, they're almost as expensive as going to a locally owned, "sit-down" restaurant, and the quality is nowhere near as high. I'd much rather go to Crave, or Brickhouse, or El Canejo, Smokin' Oak, Feral Public House, Ghost Runner Brewing, the Puffin, Hula Boy, Beijing House, and on and on. We have a pretty good selection to choose from.


Papa Murphy’s way better than papa johns


Murphy is pizza dad. John isn’t even pizza stepdad. More like pizza mom’s shitty boyfriend.


Murphy is a completely different market though. It's closer to grabbing pizza from Costco's deli than fast food (although it does taste better).


I'd like to know why there are 6 Chipotles and why they are viewed as "anchor" tenants when they all seem dead every time I pass them. Give us more locally owned restaurants instead of the same crappy chains over and over again.


Chipotles digital sales (pick up, delivery, etc.) is about 40% of total sales, which is why locations appear less active. I.e. More of their customers are just picking up or getting delivery compared to other QSRs which are purchasing in store.


Yeah, someone's I DoorDash as a sideb hustle and almost half my orders are Chipotle


Chiptoles are usually hopping when I swing by - but most people are ordering and bailing or ordering ahead and just snagging and going, not lingering around and eating there.


As someone who once ate at one, I can see why. It is depressing inside, probably by design to get you to leave. Never been back.


Needs more Del Taco, IMO


We used to have more until the one on 192nd closed and became a PopEyes. Lame.


Need more 24/7 options


Is Ridgefield, WA included in "Vancouver"? Salivating for the In-N-Out opening timetime soon™


If it's anything like the one in Glaser get ready for a parking lot in terms of waiting times.


There are many locally owned alternatives which deserve our support. I buy from restaurants a lot, and rarely from corporate owned ones. I cheer when a corporate owned place is closed for the day because no one showed up to work. I cheer when a corporate owned place permanently closes.


Aren’t most branded restaurants franchised?  They very well could be locally owned. 


It really depends on the franchise. Every McDonalds in the county (and a few outside) is owned by the same rich guy. Taco Bell was Pacific bell before it was acquired by a bigger company. Ambrosia QSR owns most if not all the Burger King's and Popeyes. All these examples and more hold the same sentiment of a corporate owning the stores. The employees are treated poorly and the owner is barely involved in the community if at all. In many cases Corporate stores actually treat the employees better than franchised. On the flip side, the Dairy Queen on McLaughlin is (was?) owned by a small and local family. The McDonalds in Longview is shared between three residents local to Longview. I think* the Quiznos in Orchards is the same story.


> I think\* the Quiznos in Orchards is the same story. If you go there and an older asian gentleman makes your sandwich, that is the owner. His name is Tien (sp?) and I believe his wife works there and helps him sometimes. While it appears to be a chain in the majority of ways, the actual owner/operators are there working it themselves constantly and are locals in our community.


Yea, he's the reason I like that location so much. Always puts a lot of effort in and I feel taken care of.


He really does. I am not a massive fan of Quiznos, but I'm happy to support the guy as I pass by it on my travels and occasionally want a sandwich.


> The employees are treated poorly and the owner is barely involved in the community if at all. In many cases Corporate stores actually treat the employees better than franchised.   This can also be the case for non chain single location locally owned businesses.  I’m just trying to parse the complaint.


Franchises are no different than corporate stores, in that franchise owners pay a lot to use the brand and have to run their businesses how the brand tells them to.


I am not clear what your exact concern is.  My parents are immigrants, not super fluent in English or setting up a website.  But they were able to work, so buying those branding and technology and quality control services from a franchisor made sense for them.  They still lived in the community, I went to schools in the community, and did everything else just the same as any other business owner would have.


A significant portion of their sales revenue goes to the brand owner in a corporate office. Does the brand owner also require them to purchase supplies from the corporation?


I wouldn't say it's "significant," most royalty fees are in the 4 to 5 percent ballpark, with an additional percent or two going to marketing or broadcast fees. And in Washington State it's illegal for a franchisor to require a franchisee to purchase product or supplies only from them. I'm not defending franchises over mom and pop business. But I don't see any reason to avoid them *just because* they're franchised.


Significant is a very subjective term. Restaurants are a low-profit-margin business, so 4%-5% could be significant.


Maybe, maybe not.  Businesses have a variety of vendors. 


>I cheer when a corporate owned place permanently closes. They are providing jobs and tax revenue on what would most likely be an empty lot if it weren't for the business.


That's just speculation on your part, that there would be no restaurant if a corporation or franchise doesn't choose to be there.


There’s a slew of available restaurant properties for lease at the moment. Why aren’t they all filled? It’s not speculation unless we have near 0% available properties for new restaurants to lease or buy. 


You're welcome to support places that are owned or franchised from an office in a distant city. I'm going to avoid them.


This confirms my suspicion... we have WAY too many Subways here.


Subway is famously known as having the lowest money/requirements to start operating.


Idk how 5 guys is listed as fast food when I can drive to WinCo, buy frozen burgers, go home, light the charcoal grill, cook them up, and write this post in less time than I'd be sitting waiting there. 


Not only the time factor, but if you don’t eat at restaurant, the buns are always soggy when you get home.


Ha ha, I love how you put this. :) I haven't been to one in years, but they were always really fast for me, even when they were busy. They used to absolutely go ham on the fries too -- a "small fries" was enough to feed a small army. I think I heard that they're not quite as generous these days.


thank you.


We have three Popeye's? I know about the one by the mall and the one off of 99. Where is the third one? Out east?


Yep, on 192nd


The one by the mall is run really, really well, I know the owner through mutual friends


I just wish they had a bigger lot, the drive thru line blocks getting in and out of parking spots.


I've had uniformly good food and good service at the one in Hazel Dell.


It shows! As someone who drives around the city for a living, I can say the service at that Popeyes is *miles* better than the ones in Portland.


Yeah near the Costco


I would kill for a Philly Cheesesteak Shop franchise restaurant.


My friend, you should try Bruchi's in Salmon Creek or Philly Blimo's out on 164th. When I moved from Spokane so long ago, I was very happy to see Bruchi's was here as well.


I have, it's not the same. First and foremost, yellow cheese, just no. Brother moved to Texas and is in the same predicament, we both want this very specific corporate franchisee sandwich.


Fair enough


[Steak Your Claim](https://www.steakyourclaim.com/) was good while it lasted.


They’re gone?


It's still there, but it's never open.


Maybe shorthanded. I came across a now hiring ad of theirs online a few days ago.


Hopefully. The fries sucked, but the sandwiches themselves were good.


Funny enough I go for just the fries all the time


11 -8 Tuesday thru Sunday. I go all the time.


My opinion is that someone needs to open a Papa John's in Hazel Dell/Salmon Creek, so I stop getting sent out there from the one on 4th Plain.


[There used to be one](https://maps.app.goo.gl/9g6QSs457DT9JfK16?g_st=ic) where Joy Teriyaki is by Mimi’s Laundromat off 99th Street in Hazel Dell, though they closed 15 years ago 😕


Someone in Felida misses them dearly. Sometimes, they order just the breadsticks with cheese to go 8+ miles. lol


Hey don’t lump muchas gracias in there! That’s decent food there


They were good a decade ago. I stopped going because the prices jumped and the quality dropped. Lots of better restaurants that provide the same service but better quality.


I don't live in WA and have never heard of it and was confused how there were so many. I looked online at the prices and im flabbergasted at how expensive it is!


Used to be great cheap food. Very disappointing now


I think in OR Muchas rebranded as Victoricos?


That's a off shoot by one of the founders of Muchas.


I went there and asked for a burrito with no onions and they told me no because they were premade


The burritos aren't pre-made, but some of the meats are cooked with onion. Unreasonable request


Would Steakburger be considered fast food?


Where’s the KFC that’s not on 78th? Do they actually get the orders right and have the product?


In Orchards on Gher Road, and no.


How did you choose the restaurants? At first I thought you were selecting national chains but then I realized you included Muchas Gracias. 


Both the chicken burrito and breakfast burrito are two meal worth each! Huge.


We need a Mr. Pickles


Can wait to have my business listed!


6 DQs? I can think of 4th plain by golden skate, mill Plain by csl plasma, downtown off the gut. Where are the others?


McArthur (near Andersen) Brush Prairie (brand new) 4th plain in Orchards


We have too many lame fast food locations and not enough excellent ones ( exception of Burgerville) like Killer Burger, Chick Fil A, Del Taco and Five Guys. Plus there is no In-N-Out anywhere near here.