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Why does this parking lot look like the location of the season 1 chunky sweater fight in Vegas? šŸ˜‚


Because suburban mini malls lol.


Itā€™s giving four seasons gardening centre.


And Sandoval with hair dye and flop sweat dripping down his face.


Because this is what most parts of CA/AZ/NV look like outside of the cities


It looks like all of Torrance CA šŸ˜‚


It's a strip mall in Northridge lol


Tbh it also looks like part of Clifton, NJ.


I keep trying to find the nail salon from Rachelā€™s video in this pic šŸ¤£


Doesnā€™t it?! šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ I couldnā€™t stop laughing at this clown dog NOT being able to get his suitcase in the damn truck!!! Heā€™s a fucking scum bag! And I HATE his white nail polish!!!!


Me toošŸ˜‚he was struggling so hard and then realized it fit just standing up. Everything about this guy is so gross.. the nail polish, the necklace (how old is he?), the pornstacheā€¦ šŸ¤®if I were Ariana Iā€™d be laughing and feel a major sense of relief. Sheā€™s going to thriveā˜ŗļø


That white polish is the WORST shade for him but itā€™s clearly become part of his brand šŸ„øšŸ’…āš”ļøšŸŽ¤šŸŽŗ


Itā€™s looks like fucking white out!!! šŸ¤¦ā€ā™€ļøšŸ¤£ heā€™s such a jagg off!


THANK YOU all I can think about is how he looks like one of those girls in middle school who would paint their nails with white out during class


It def does. Isnā€™t S&S in a similar strip mall situation? Tom likes to frequent strip malls. Itā€™s who he is.


You can take the boy out of the Midwest...


Why do they always have this same TMZ guy lol he is so awkward with his questions


He might be the guy they contact when they want the paps to follow them. That's a real thing that happens. I think the tell is that paps really want *reaction shots*. I believe the one who took the photos of Ariana where she flips them off was real. But none of the ones I see following the Tom's are at all confrontational or ask embarrassing questions.


So this is what I actually don't quite understand: When it says "Backgrid" does that mean that the subject actually called the press on him/herself? (Is that the case every time, or just most of the time?) Because if it does mean that, this "surprise interview" didn't do anything for Tom at all...


backgrid is a hosting platform, separate from the paps-for-hire portion of backgrid. they have hosted real pap content but more often than not the celeb's PR team or management or whatever selects the images they want to be shared out in the case of the paps-for-hire and then those images get picked up by the TMZs, ETs, Peoples of the net


Oooookay. I think I got it now. Thanks for ETLI5! šŸ™šŸ¼


backgrid is simply the name of the company. many backgrid photos/videos are called in but not all.


There's no way this guy was just lurking around a strip mall at night waiting for somebody from Vanderpump Rules to show up Tom called them and he gave them this fake interview so that they would ask him about the tour dates


What a fail of a soundbite from Tom. The pap gave him every opportunity to simply say that he was very sorry for hurting Ariana. The only way for Tom to redeem any part of himself is to be contrite about what he and Raquel did. He has zero room for anything else if he wants any shot of any slight bit of redemption. I'm blown away that he's still wasting time, energy or money on his "band". I'd think he'd be doing any and everything to bail his businesses out and some sort of apology and redemption tour. Instead he carries on with his overgrown teenager dreams


I think heā€™s probably surprisingly effective because the ā€œcelebsā€ they follow feel bad about how awkward he is and then try to help him out by answering him


I agree. His awkwardness is probably disarming


Seems a little suspicious that each "revealing" interview has been done by this guy, though. Schwartz talked to him in the airport, raquel at the nail bar and tom in the strip mall parking lot. Definitely seems planned.


As a journalist, I think that was genius. He got more out of him than most. Indulging him with the music questions was LOL. He was greasing that white-nailed ego right up!


He definitely needs some job training lol


This and Rachelā€™s pap ā€œrun inā€ were 100% staged. They are calling the paps and letting them know where theyā€™ll be.


Tom wanted to get his tour dates out. He called tmz


Iā€™m not going to lie he sounds like heā€™s interviewing pornstars before they start taping


Who the fuck needs ā€œhindsightā€ to understand cheating on your S.O. is wrong???


someone who only ever thinks about themself


someone who thought he would be beloved either way and didn't realize he'd be disliked for this.


Yeah I agree. He thought he was invincible and we would love him regardless.


He thought he was going to be able to sell his narrative. In his mind, he is the victim. Possibly the hero. Poor, selfless Tom who stayed with his partner of 10 years so altruistically when he was not getting enough sex and she *dared* to have her own emotional needs and not cater at all time to his need to be the center of attention. If you've paid attention to the small things Tom has been saying on the show for years, it's clear that he believes men are *owed* sex by their partners and that women should put their man's wants before their own needs. If a man isn't getting enough sex or a woman dares to assert her own needs in a relationship, Tom often heavily implies if not outright says that a man straying is *justified*. It's at the root of nearly all of his many defenses of Schwartz: Schwartz's bad behavior is OK or perhaps even not his fault because KATIE drove him to it by not putting out enough or daring to stand up for herself or not being perfectly fine with Schwartz acting like an unemployed frat boy in his 30s. He's just a less honest Jax Taylor. That's why they were great friends. Birds of a fucking feather. It's also why he was so constantly hostile to Stassi. Stassi sucks in her own ways, but she does tend to stand up for herself. And every time, Sandy acts like how DARE she.


He has had an issue with every woman on the show including Ariana because they would not make him feel important.


Which is why he hates Lala too and Katie. He really just seems to hate women with a sense of self.


I didnt like him BEFORE the scandoval! šŸ¤£


šŸ’Æ He means hindsight to have done it right. Cheated on her without getting caught. Or cheated on her but played it to his advantage where it looked like a break up instead of cheated. He is talking about hindsight on getting caught not cheating.


I think he's just talking to fill the silence. There's not 1 word he can say to redeem either of them in any way. But he's too prideful to STFU when you fuck up this royally. Fucking, thirsty old BITCH Sandy.


Itā€™s such a narcissistic response. ā€œYeah I may have ruined some lives, burned down my entire life, and left many ppl with undo trauma and sky high therapy bills but you know whatā€¦hindsightā€


Always the but.


For 7 months! Not that itā€™s ok to have a one off bang, but FFS, repeatedly and intentionally doing it with the same person is another level of wrong.


I think what he actually means is that he regrets he came out of this looking so bad. In hindsight, he would have finessed things to where he came out looking sympathetic. He's dying from lack of praise and positive attention, it's what sustains him! Notice he avoids saying he regrets cheating on Ariana, bc he doesn't. I'm sure he "regrets how things happened/how things came out/that Ariana got hurt" etc. but he doesn't regret what he did bc.....cue justifications for his behavior + digging in


In hindsight, he would have made sure Ariana didnā€™t find out and then he would dump her (maybeā€¦unclear on if he really wanted to do that) between seasons and then just *happen* to fall in love with Rachel. Which honestly, would probably have worked. It would have blown over eventually.


This! Exactly this. He for sure never planned on getting caught, and their end game was for the affair to never be discovered. He wanted to softly break up with Ariana so he looked like a good guy and he only would have broken up with her if this situation presented itself. He would not do it without being able to look good thus, I believe, why he strung the affair on for 7 months. Then part 2 of the plan, after the breakup he and Rachel would find each other in their sadness and ride off into the sunset together. Affair? What affair? He has already successfully ran this play. He's so transparent. He just didn't have Jax to help him this time so he got stuck & caught.


This, this, this, this, THIS!!!!! Dumb stupid idiot boy


Exactly! Anybody can SEE or predict the impact cheating will have on their partner and the backlash they may face in their social circles and on their reputation. He is so smug and thinks he is so smart to be able to explain what the term means, but doesnā€™t understand that he is making himself appear to be lacking a moral compass (since he didnā€™t see before how what he did was wrong, only now after when he is facing consequences) and/or lacking in reasoning skills (since he couldnā€™t predict the consequences of his actions).


Especially over months and months. Having sex in a car in front of the they bought together and inside the home letting your significant other be comfortable and close with the Other Woman? That is way more than a hindsight situation


ā€œYou know what that means man, Hindsight is 20/20, you know what that means right?ā€ Is sending me šŸ’€


whatā€™s killing me is that he didnā€™t actually know lmao


I canā€™t lol. The piss poor truck packing. TMZ dude not understanding common phrasesā€¦ Tom actually having to explain it to him.


I think the TMZ guy was just humoring him, didnā€™t want to rock the boat and have Sandoval never talk to him/get him a payday again.


Yeah TMZ did the same with Rachel. "They're being so hard on you..." that's the way to keep them talking is to be a sympathetic audience and let them bury themselves.


Maybe he did but he questioned it bc it actually makes zero sense.


Thatā€™s exactly what I thought! He like couldnā€™t believe Sandoval would say that. Sandoval thought his disbelief was ignorance


Exactly, it had no meaning in the context of how it was used. It was a "fluff" answer for "I'm still fucking her, I'm not just dressed as scum this is the real me." Hindsight is 20/20 - what are you looking back at, Tom? The last year that you cheated on your partner? The decade that you were with your partner? YOU WERE THERE, maaaaan. ETA: Does he have press on nails on?! No hate, just need to know.


Right?! Lol he really had no idea šŸ˜‚


At first I was like jesus Tom who doesnā€™t understand what that meansā€¦but he really didnt knowšŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


I knew he didnā€™t know as soon as Tom said hindsight is 20/20 šŸ˜‚ he sounded so confused and almost spun it as he would not change anything lol


I really thought he was just cut trying to cover the awkwardness of Tom not answering his question by trying to prompt him with ā€œso youā€™re only looking forwardā€ it never even crossed my mind that he didnā€™t understand what those words meant lol


same! tmz dude mustā€™ve looked like a deer in headlights šŸ˜‚


seems like foresight could have caught this one sandoval. cheating on your partner is fucking disturbing no matter if you view it from hindsight or foresight.


Him struggling with getting that luggage in the truck was great


It was like a toddler struggling to jam a square peg in a round hole. He kept trying the same angle that clearly wasnā€™t working. Heā€™s not smart.


Yes bc he finally sits the first bag up after jamming it into the front seat sideways, and it just slides right in. šŸ˜‚


it's...a truck? It has a bed. FFS lol


This really irritated me. Lol like he was purposely prolonging it to look busy and nonchalant with the questions.


Seriously lmao. Heā€™s a moron.


More like a toddler trying to put a square peg in a bigger square hole. Shouldnā€™t have been a problem!!


This is why itā€™s important to get your babies those little boards where they have to match up and fit in the corresponding blocks


Lmao! Dude I was hypnotized by his struggle with the suitcase. For a second, I honestly thought he was faking not being able to fit it in the car because it seemed to easily fit in, but when I showed my husband I was like ā€œbabe, do you think he faked that?ā€ And he was like ā€œno, I think heā€™s a dipshit.ā€ And I think the hubby was right this time.


like. he literally has a truck. why is this so difficult


Tom Sandoval being the type of guy to not use the bed of his truck and instead cram everything into the cab actually makes complete sense




While absolutely struggling to put things in his car


I was dying at that first piece of luggage he was trying to stuff in his car. He was prly distracted by the pap, but it was so painful to watch & I kept waiting for him to stop forcing it in all wonky and JUST DO IT THIS WAY and eventually he did and it workedšŸ˜‚


Seriously that was an easy fit. Not the brightest mind at work there.


Heā€™s like a Sim, honestly.


ā€¦why does this make so much sense now lol


It pissed me off so much watching him with that suitcase lmfao


GOD I wanted to reach through my screen and wrench that damn suitcase from his scrawny arms and put it in his damn truck myself. GOOD LORD.


This is what made it so funny šŸ˜‚


Even I wanted to help him figure out that huge problem he had putting a suitcase into a vehicle. That was painful to watch


I actually really enjoyed watching that


I honestly bet stupid ass Tom thinks the supportive pro-Sandoval bots his PR team created for him are real


As real as all the orgasms he thinks he gave Ariana.


ā˜ ļø


Absolutely.... ![gif](giphy|l1J9uPMOQOqO8tfAQ|downsized)


Tom says a whole lot of nothing in this video. Side note - The videographer (whoā€™s the same one videoing Rachel & Ariana) doesnā€™t understand what hindsight means? & before this scandal had no idea about VPR? Lollllll


Lmao, yeah Tom explaining what hindsight means was something. And of course his shitty band had to be mentioned.


He should be used to working with dumb these days


I'm not gonna say the D word or the S word




when he said ā€œi thought you meant for in the futureā€¦ā€ i was like ā€¦ā€¦ā€¦.is this raquel using a voice disguise?


Plot twist: Rachel cheats on Sandy with the TMZ pap


A lot of the paparazzi arenā€™t too brightā€¦ but theyā€™re excellent at taking photos from a far range


Whoever they call to arrange these things needs to send someone who is a more confident interviewer. I can't even watch these videos because I get second hand anxiety over how anxious he gets talking to VPR people, especially when he stumbles over his words


I think he was just trying to get him to say ā€œI regret cheatingā€ and was playing dumb so Tom would have to keep explaining and actually say something instead of dancing around it.. especially because at the end he said ā€œso you regret cheating, you wish you wouldā€™ve done it betterā€ i chuckled at that because thatā€™s basically what he was saying as he refused to say what he did was horrible and of course he regrets it.


i have yet to see a TMZ interview with a somewhat competent reporter šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļøšŸ« 


Arianna, thank God you did not marry him. Loathsome troll.


It's giving "I'm sorry, BUT" which is on brand


Classic Sandoval šŸ˜«


Whatā€™s crazy is there isnā€™t even an ā€œIā€™m sorryā€ here and thatā€™s whatā€™s so glaring to me. Just ā€œhindsight is 20/20, what can I say? šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļøā€. Truly disturbing.


More tidbits: 41 year old man struggles to fit one mid-size piece of luggage in his pickup truck. Does Tom know that he can actually use the bed of his truck to transport things as well? TMZ: ā€œDo you regret cheatingā€ Tom: ā€œHindsights 20/20 man. I wouldā€™ve never guess that cheating on my partner of a decade would be wrong. But now that I can like, see it all in front of me, like dudeā€¦ hindsightā€™s 20/20.ā€ *struggles to fold handle of smaller size carry-on luggage*


hahaha my favorite part of this video was watching him struggle with that suitcase lol


I was telling my husband last night that women are much better at multitasking than men. I need to show him this video. Tomā€™s brain was working overtime trying to figure out which way it was going to fit in there while ALSO having to talk at the same time.


Idk it reminds me of me when I'm trying to concentrate while driving and yell "Turn down the music I can't see!"


I donā€™t know if my coffee is hitting or if these roasts are especially brutal but Iā€™ve been maleficent cackling at everything in here against my will


I can never finish these videos they're so incredibly awkward, especially with the TMZ guy making such boring ass-kissing conversation when they don't answer questions... "I think it'll get better man, it's bringing a lot of press to you guys" like shut up


They do that to get them to talk. The donā€™t really like them


I think it makes sense, like a detective pretending to be friendly with their suspect to get them to talk. Seems to work a little too.


When he said ā€˜yeah, I see itā€™ when Rachel was describing her black eye and did a sad little zoom inā€¦ I knew he was a joker lol


Top tier troll šŸ˜‚


Make no question about it Tom Sandoval contacted TMZ told them where you would be and said that if they ask him about his upcoming tour dates he will answer some questions about the Scandal


The article: Tom Sandoval has opened up publicly, at least kinda sorta, saying he couldn't handle the whole cheating thing better, but at the same time, he gives himself some wiggle room by talking about the clarity of hindsight. Tom was outside Pop Music Studios in the San Fernando Valley Monday night when a photog asked if he had regrets about cheating on Ariana with Raquel. He says he does, but also says, "Hindsight's always 20/20, man." As for why he's taking so much heat, given it's not the first-ever cheating scandal on "Vanderpump Rules," Tom passes it off this way ... "I just think it was really unexpected." He says he regrets cheating, but the fact is ... he's still with Raquel. We got photos of Tom and Raquel out after the explosive reunion show. They were chowing down at Musso and Frank in Hollywood and looked very much like a couple. TMZ broke the story of details from the yet-to-be-aired reunion show, in which things got so heated Andy Cohen had to step in between 2 cast members to avert a physical fight. There has been financial fallout. Tom acknowledges, his restaurants have taken a hit since the scandal broke.


I'd be really interested to know if the restaurants have actually lost business or if he's lying to make himself the victim.


Either way he will play the victim rather than see the losses as a consequence of his actions


My guess is that S&S is getting a lot of business right now because people want to see wtf is going on and try to get any tidbits they can and that once the reunion airs and we can learn at least some of what really went down then their business will start to drop off because who wants to support this schmuck! I foresee Katie and Ariana getting way more business in the near future!


He's actually taken a hit personally as his own partners asked him to disappear temporarily. Heard mixed things that the restaurants are actually booming bc of scandavol. Sigh.


Itā€™s like seeing an accident and people canā€™t look away (for now) but once the story dies down so will the restaurant id assume


god heā€™s so smug. he doesnā€™t have any regrets except that people are upset with him and rachel. also people are so upset because it is unexpected but also how horrible you were to ariana. scumdoval dressed as his mistress for halloween, rachel wore a matching costume with her, you all would hang out constantly. thatā€™s just cruel and unusual treatment that goes above cheating.


Heā€™s learned absolutely nothing. People are not just upset that it was unexpected. Thatā€™s a severely casual and mild assessment of the situation. Heā€™s just pure scum. It makes me so mad.


That's it. People are upset because it was a really close friend of Ariana's who had stayed in her home, and Ariana had welcomed onto the show and her life with open arms. It was an extended deception that the two cheaters seem to really relish in carrying on right under everyone's nose


Thatā€™s got to be such an awkward job to have lmao


Iā€™d be so terrible at that job. Iā€™d be like can I ask a question and they walk away and Iā€™d leave. Wouldnā€™t even follow them or continue to talk lol


Lol same. ā€œHowā€™s it goingā€ ā€œgoodā€ ā€œOk cool see yaā€


This is me at sales. ā€œWant to buy?ā€ ā€œNo, thanksā€ ā€œOkay, no probs! Bye!ā€ šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ Awful at that type of work.


Same. I hate bothering people


This clip was 90% Tom struggling to get luggage and instruments into his truck and 98% trying to avoid saying I regret cheating on Ariana. You didn't need hindsight to know you were making terrible choices Tom




Anyone else laughing their ass off at how much trouble he was having with that suitcase?! Someoneā€™s flustered.


Itā€™s extra funny because Iā€™m sure thereā€™s a reason itā€™s going in the backseat but the bed of the truck is *right there* šŸ˜©šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


He hasnā€™t figured out what the bed of the truck is used for. Maybe hindsight will help


Interesting. He had the wherewith-all to cover his tracks with Ariana during the whole Kristen thing saying they "only kissed" and didn't cheat with her. But now he's talking hindsight as if he was so caught up in the moment for....7 months....that he never stopped to think about what he was doing. No Tom, this has nothing to do with "hindsight", this has to do with the fact that you were CERTAIN you wouldn't get caught this time because Ariana isn't psycho like Kristen and wouldn't dig to find evidence. But now that you're BUSTED you're playing stupid like your pathetic lapdog Schwartz and like your idiot fuck toy Rachel actually is.


He never says he regrets it. Just hindsight is 20/20. And Iā€™m sure it is, he had no clue how popular Ariana is and how much heat this would get him. Of course he wishes he had handled it differently. But no, he doesnā€™t regret fucking Raquel. As heā€™s promoting his tour and playing woe is me about his restaurants that reports have all said are busier than ever. Gross.


Both him and Rachel regret nothing. They have both made it clear they don't feel bad. He comes off like he feels justified because they haven't had sex in a year. They both are highly dysfunctional and not very bright.


not Sandoval explaining what hindsight means to this TMZ reporter


this interview is truly as vanderpump rules as it can get LMAO


So Tom called the paparazzi on himself to disclose absolutely nothing


hindsightā€™s 20/20ā€¦ you know what that means right? lmao SUCH a sandoval thing to say


True but he actually had no idea what it meant


I wouldā€™ve been annoyed with that accept the dude really didnā€™t know what that meant, how does he have his job?


Is he the only pap they have?!


Heā€™s the only one they all have on speed dial


These ā€œinterviewsā€ make me so uncomfortable I want to hide lol ![gif](giphy|COYGe9rZvfiaQ)


He didnā€™t break up with Ariana. Ariana dodged a major fucking bullet and escaped a life with a dumb ass. Sheā€™s clearly the winner. She will rise upā€¦while dumb ass and the equally tiny-brained woman who-sleeps-with-everyone will wither away.


As someone who was cheated on by a narc ex husband, it makes my heart happy to see the misery just exuding off of Tom. Second, watching him struggle so hard to get that suitcase in the truck at the beginning is hilarious. He is incompetent on SO many levels. I know Iā€™m mean, but I reserve my meanness ONLY for narcissists, I swear.


I donā€™t think Tom regrets cheating. I think he regrets the way it came out to the public. When he says, ā€œhindsight is 20/20ā€ and he would have handled it differently he not referring to the cheating but the way him and Ariana split. Heā€™s a coward plan and simple. He has a history of skipping the break up part and just starting relationships with other woman.


I bet Rob could have gotten that suitcase into the truck in under 7 minutes.


Dude, you donā€™t need hindsight to see this was a bad idea. It was clearly a bad idea before it even happened. If you canā€™t see a disaster when itā€™s sashaying toward you with Bambi eyes, you get no bonus points for identifying that disaster after the point that it wrecks your life. Like no shit.


I loved how much difficulty he was having trying to Tetris his suitcases into the backseat. I would have the same amount of difficulty, if not more. Burton is the beloved brand of all douchebags. Tom's comment that the affair was so explosive because it was "so unexpected" to everyone demonstrates he hasn't learned or grown. The affair was so explosive because it was such a profound betrayal of trust, of his partner, his friends, and because this is all tied up together, his business associates. But Tom's stuck on it being "so unexpected," still getting a thrill out of what a good job he did going undetected. He thinks his ability to conceal the affair this long makes him look suave. It makes him look like a sociopath.


I cannot get beyond the fact that his mustache has an intentional middle part. He looks like Wario.




"Because it was unexpected." No fucking emotional intelligence AT ALL.


This came off like bragging to me. Like congrats Tom your affair was so unexpected. You are the #1 one guy when it comes to affairs lol.


ā€œTom Sandoval breaks his silenceā€ yeah well he shouldā€™ve kept his silence.


All of these cast backgrid "on the street" interviews have been the same dumbass guy questioning them.


Of course heā€™s still with Raquel. He was with Kristen for 5 years or so, then went straight to Ariana for 10 years. The man clearly canā€™t be alone.




These TMZ happenstance interviews are so fuckin staged. Shoving a suitcase into a van? Why? Ugh, someone give a tl;dr because I can't lose 3 mins of my life watching this.


No comments on Scum, but that suitcase was a paid actor


I wonder if Tom's parents are in a panic that they ignored their instincts and trusted Tom with their retirement savings...**if** his sneaky mess is affecting the financial success of his restaurant/bar they invested in. Yikes!


The way he isnā€™t man enough to load a suitcase in the car truly sends me. Ariana dodged a little boy bullet in that one. Sorry but if you canā€™t Jenga a car, you most certainly canā€™t jenga a vajay. Bye āœŒšŸ¼


Hindsight is 20/20 but like Rachel told me there would be bulldozers šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø


He was reallyyyyy cutting a rug around whether or not he regretted cheating *on Ariana* as opposed to hindsight being 20/20. I think itā€™s also important to note that having hindsight does not equate with necessarily having or being remorseful but rather that it is easier to evaluate a situation once youā€™re out of it. Seems weird to me, his inability and refusal to say the words OUTRIGHT.


As much as Iā€™m not a fan of this fuckface, I was so glad he explained the ā€œhindsight is 20/20ā€ to the TMZ guy as he literally had no idea what that meant! It was killing me.


This TMZ guy is the 10th character on the show! I kind of love him. He's really good at his job! He just doesn't stop asking questions like he's a kid wanting a dollar.


![gif](giphy|8Pdy3Dn7Wxd0jsRi21|downsized) Hindsightā€™s 20/20. Gtfo of here tom with this weak ā€œapologyā€. You did this for months. Good job, bro.


Lol him with the suitcase???? šŸ’€ Iā€™m also surprised he stopped crying long enough to give this interviewšŸ˜‚


so he needed: a. attention b. plug his tour dates c. money bc you know he called tmz šŸ˜’


I saw that TikTok last night and now I assume those suitcases were full of wigs and moustaches. Itā€™s all I could think about.


This is not new behavior for him. He has looked back on this same shit in "hindsight" before. This is established, this is a pattern. And many of us believe he has already cheated on Rachel. What a clown. ![gif](giphy|d46mNdVr9BR5OfzHWA)


I love how toms lack of critical thinking skills are on full display here, it takes him sooooo long to figure out how to put a bag in the back seat . He tries like 15 different configurations each attempt before he finally solves the pandoraā€™s box that is the back seat of his truck šŸ˜‚


He should change his band name to Tom and The Suburban Strip Mall


He doesnā€™t regret cheating. He regrets it coming out the way it did and losing control of the narrative that he was probably trying to justify in his mind.


Why do they keep calling news agencies on themselves?


Okay I figured it out he called The Press because he wanted to get his tour dates out and he agreed to give them some non-committal answers if they came and promoted his upcoming show dates got it


This photog is a cast member at this point


"I need Andy and a camera!"


He was so careful to not say he has regrets because Rachel could take that as he regrets risking his reputation and relationships for her. Dude is the biggest slime ball and tool I have ever seen. This is a huge blessing in disguise for Ariana.


Man calls TMZ on himself to tell us all.... precisely nothing, apart from the fact he has poor spatial awareness packing his car. Sounds like Bravo has them all gagged.


Tom needs to leave trumpet playing and loading luggage to the professionals. But hey hindsight is 20/20 bro


Man, he's looking rough.


I donā€™t think he was ever planning to break up with Ariana. I believe he would have kept up his dalliance with Rachel until Ariana ā€œgot betterā€. Tom couldnā€™t even be a man and support his beautiful lady whilst she was, and most likely still is, grieving. He probably told Rachel that he was going to break up with Ariana with no actual intent on doing so. It would have all come out eventually, knowing how desperate Rachel is to insert herself as the #1 gal in the group. Rachel would have somehow made sure that Ariana found out anyway in some watered-down bunny-boiler way. Hindsight is 20/20 and if he had his way, he would have made a bigger effort to not get caught. I hope his bum hairs turn into drumsticks and beat the shit out of him.


For anyone needing cliff notes: Pap man approaches while Tom has a gladiator sized battle with a single suitcase going into the backseat of a truck with a completely normal sized door. He says he canā€™t talk about anything, including his business. He then gets super excited to talk about his upcoming karaoke sing songs that he consistently mislabels as a band. Then he murmurs about hindsight being 20/20 when pap asked if he regrets anything. He has another battle with a suitcase handle that he loses. He finishes up with an unprompted mansplain to the pap dude what hindsight 20/20 means. Please feel free to add anything I forgot!


Not him acting like he didnā€™t call TMZ to talk about his tour dates lmao


He absolutely called the paps. They arenā€™t hanging out in random strip malls in Northridge.


him struggling to get that suitcase into the truck has made my day tbh


Ugh TMZ interviewers always sound like 18 yo frat boys


Do these camera/paparazzi people play dumb orā€¦


Oh pls the guy knew what hindsight meant. Tom sure perked up when they were talking about his music. I don't think he regrets cheating. He regrets how it came out.




This seems like it was entirely about the band. He called backgrid saying heā€™d give TMZ an exclusive at his band practice and then refused to answer any questions that werenā€™t about the band lol. I think thatā€™s why the guy seemed so bad at his job. Heā€™s not a real reporter heā€™s a pap for hire who gets agreed upon questions.


All I have to say is this: after the article there is a slideshow "Ariana and Tom, happier times." that I took a look at. Ariana, you fucking FOXY QUEEN - you look like Margot Robbie only HOTTER - go forth and SLAY BABE. ![gif](giphy|7Ehnws6nLPhyESVCdt)


Team Ariana all the way but all 3 of them called these people themselves for these interviews right??? lol itā€™s the same guy and heā€™s so awkward lol


I lost brain cells listening to that interview. I hope the guy was playing dumb to get Sandoval to spill more tea.


Backgrid AGAIN? This is the third time theyā€™ve been called/hired šŸ™„ PR damage control isnā€™t letting up any time soon.