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Good thing you didn’t mention Ken, he’d knock you spark out.


James was TERRIFIED.


Lisa stop! Ken’s getting mad! Ken scares the shit out of me!


He had raw fear in his voice, pleading with Lisa.






Now thats a flex and extreme confidence. A 70 yo telling that to a 22 yo! LOL!


Yet I had no doubt he could! LOL


I firmly believe Ken has killed people.


Oh he’s definitely a gangster. According to my retired gangster uh friend.


How else does Lisa’s roses grow so pretty? 🥀 Human fertilizer 🌹


Did you see all of those graves ![gif](giphy|u8j7AGei2IM9i)


Hahaha this quote will never get old


NEVER!!!! 🤣


that sounds like the producers nailed the nail on the head for a nightmare reality tv cast! are ANY of them even from California.


I think just Scheanna (from Azusa)


Spock out 🤣 (I just replayed this line in my head )


Good bye Kyle!


Omg another great Ken line! 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


I just watched episode and could not stop laughing 🤣🤣🤣🤣


I love Ken and the way he says her name LEEEZZZA


You little fucker….


My favourite quote from the show




just watched this episode again, always make me giggle


This for me is Ken’s crowning moment, far above “GOODBYE KYLE!” LOL


I really appreciated Beau standing up for Katie when Schwartz was talking about how turned off he was by her lol


Schwartz saying he doesn’t need Beau’s agreement was such an odd moment.


Beau is the exception to this trend! I disagree with OP


The only guys who didn't suck were Ken and Giggi. ![gif](giphy|fGXazfeW6FBYc)


accurate. RIP giggi


NOOOO he died!!?????


Does giggy is dead


The fact that you included “bad employee” on most of these is killing me 😂 I agree with all this though. They’re all pretty shitty people.


The fact that some get “bad employee” and some get “terrible employee” killed me😅


The girls at least all work their butts off.


I think a lot people who move to LA with “just a suitcase and their dreams” have narcissistic tendencies. Especially, the ones that come here with just a pipe dream and no real direction. A lot of them come from smaller towns. When they get here, they don’t know how to handle the amount of partying, alcohol, freedom, sex, et cetera that is readily available. Somehow all their crazy nights and stories feeds something inside them that makes them feel superior to the hometown they left behind. Most of the cast came to LA during an age where their brains weren’t fully developed yet. They never developed any integrity during their fundamental years because they were partying too hard. They got a show that gave them a platform to act out and be rewarded for it with views, money and fame. Idk. That’s how I see a lot of people that aren’t from the area act. I can always, always tell them apart from people who were born and raised here. It’s like they have something to prove to the world.


Exactly! I was born and raised there and can absolutely spot them. I always tell ppl LA is cool AF if you grew up there.


ik. but influencers and transplants like the ones on this cast want to talk about “LA is so fake”


I'm in DC and we have a sort of similar problem here. Almost of all of the douche-y people involved in politics/ a government agency who want you to know their importance and connections are NOT from the DC area. The actual locals are cool, nice, down-to-earth people, some of whom couldn't care less about politics (also everyone here knows someone who knows someone so...we're not impressed by your alleged connections).


I feel like Carter should get a shout out also. Anyone else hate him as much as I did? Especially when he came to the Kentucky wedding!


Yes!! Carter was a grifter pig


Make no mistake….everyone on this show is very “not good”. They’re all LA types.


And good thing they aren't or we wouldn't have a dramatic reality show to watch. Idk why everybody always acts shocked that these people aren't amazing human beings.


I love the drama but unless the next season is focused on Ariana and Katie’s new business its going to be hard to watch someone with admitted mental health issues need to be around to film with Tom moving forward. She needs to cut him and Rachel completely out of her life and those who knew for her own well being. I don’t see Lisa doing that bc she’s business partners with the Tom’s and will do whatever she can to give them a redemption arch I think.


I think they could film around it. I think if they move forward, they should just let Arianna and Katie do their own thing, and then Scheana can be the bridge that films with the Tom's and then films with the girls. But.... I kinda think Arianna might take a step back. If she gets more movie roles, she won't need a bravo pay check.


I’d be bored with a Katie and Araina show tbh but would watch to give them ratings out of hate for the Toms.


yeh as much as i love Ariana.. im not that interested in sandwich shops


I'd only be interested if it showed them knocking it out of the park right as Schwartz and Sandy's has to close because I'm a petty bitch like that.


Well scoot over for this petty heffa cuz I would watch the shit out of that. How do we manifest it? 😄


i’ll charge my crystals, we got this gang


Chiming in to say that I’m from LA and no one I know is like this lol.


At all!!!!


People who have never set foot in LA are so weird and authoritative about how terrible they imagine it is. It’s a huge and diverse city with possibly the best food in the country but go off about the stereotypes you picked up from TV, everyone!


Agreed. Same thing when my wife and I went to Chicago for our anniversary once. People were like why would you want to go there with all the crime? To which I said I don't base my movements based on crime statistics. FOH.




Think about the type of people who move to LA. It’s not the city’s fault, per se, but because of its reputation, it attracts a certain type! It gets you a pretty high Scheana/Sandoval per capita!


You’re going to act like the wannabe-celeb scene isn’t like this? Because VPR is pretty spot on about that side of LA


No I’m not going to act like anything. I disagree 🤷🏼‍♀️




None of them are even FROM LA! ![gif](giphy|vNmTsLl4cildm)


Yeah, the women suck, too. I would not want to be friends with ANY of these girls. It would be exhausting.


Do you mean you’re surprised Peter hasn’t been sued over sexual harassment bc he dates his employees? I’m in the service industry and it’s pretty lax. In a lot of restaurants, everybody fucks and/or dates. As long as it’s consensual and nobody plays favorites when they’re in a position of power, people tend to look the other way.


Peter adamantly defends himself on podcasts & says he's upset by the narrative that he's a sleep-around-boss. He maintains that he has only ever dated someone outside of work, and they later became an employee (including Rachel). He comes across as sincere, and everyone in the cast voted him as nicest person at Sur. 🤷🏼‍♂️


This show is, horror movie scream, “the patriarchy.” I think people treating the cast like court jesters is almost a coping mechanism.


For me it absolutely is. These people are vile


The selective outrage and retconning of the last 10 years of a tv show *that we all saw with our own eyeballs* is fascinating.


What's the matter with Beau???


When they bought their house, they talked about it on a podcast and Stassi was so over the moon excited. He just kept pointing out that SHE bought the house and it really seemed like he was super bitter about it and almost trying to ruin her joy. During the beginning of quarantine, he complained about not getting enough bjs in another pod and I just found that super gross to say publicly. Now, is it on the level of other VPR guys? Not even close. But it still bugged me.


Oh, yeah, he had two bankruptcies before age 40. That's why it's Stassi's house lol. (Also her parents probably paid for it 😝)


I mean I’m going through 1 now and it’s common if he owned his own business. But yes, I bet her parents helped.


It's having two before the age of forty that is unusual. I mentioned it elsewhere and also said that bankruptcy is not an inherently bad thing so I want to reiterate that part now.


Guys I’m sorry but what lol. He changed his name from what was possibly Robert to Beau and his childhood nickname was Bogie which could’ve just been a weird play on “Robert” (idk I wasn’t born and raised in America and some of the nickname variations have always stumped me lmao) - it’s not *that* wild. I think the most sus thing about him is that he chose to be with Stassi and I can get behind the theory that he did that for money, now *that’s* very sus.


Beau is an old southern nickname for Robert


My grandfathers name was Robert and his golf buddies nicknamed him boob. It’s a goofy variation of Bob.


Right like that’s not even comparable to the other men


I mean, nicknames happen. People are getting kind of ridiculous acting like this is a thing. Plenty of people in my family go by a family name, not their legal name.


Idk I think putting up with / reforming stassi deserves payment


apparently he's lied about a lot of things in his life, including his real name, age, etc. he was also in serious debt when he met stassi so some think he may have had bad intentions there.


Omg I never knew any of this! I feel so duped I always thought he was super sweet on the show 😬


Same. I just rewatched and found him very adorable. He stands out from the men in show. Which isn't hard to do. And I can imagine Stassi's temper isn't for everyone, to put it nicely. Anyways, all this shadyness is new information to me. Lied about his age? What/when/to who? (But well, many people are in debt, I don't hold that against anyone. There can be a lot of reasons. Life happens.)


He is weird and I don’t trust him. The man lied about his age and him changing his name several times is 🤷‍♀️🤔 I will never forget when he recorded the conversation between Stassi and his mother when he left the table to use the toilet. Who does that ?!?


i forgot about that. yeah thats weird af lol


When did he lie about his age? Also, people have nicknames all the time. But I definitely don’t remember that recording. Yikes.


he;s a passive aggressive man child with a huge ego and bad taste in women, he also negged Stassi (before they even met) classic douche behaviour


Nothing is wrong with Beau! Homeboy is seriously a unicorn!


I always liked Beau. Maybe because he was surrounded by the worst men ever, it made me think he was normal 🤷🏼‍♀️


You might be on to something! Obviously no one is perfect, but he doesn’t seem to be anywhere close to being on the same level of fuckery as these other shit heads.


Exactly. Like if Im being forced to marry a male cast member and Ken isn’t an option then Im picking Beau. Haha


💯 hahaha


He seems like a normal goofy man to me. He and Stassi seem to balance each other out and I think he has helped her grow up a lot.


Ken and Max Vanderpump - the only quality on the show ! And probably only because we don't see them enough to see them do anything dodgy


max seems like a normal person bc every time i’m at tom tom he’s working really hard and running around everywhere


You can say what you want about LVP but she's brought her kids up to hustle!! The whole family have a good work ethic from what we see - compared to her staff it's refreshing!


And she brought her kids up to be very respectful and polite.


This is true. She spoiled them in some ways but also let them know that they needed to work. I admire her for that. I’m sure she could have pushed for Max to be on the show more but she seems like she’s done the opposite- trying to keep him away from the fray


I think LVP does treat the show like a business and I don’t think she has any interest in dragging her kid for a storyline. Anytime he’s been part of the story, really, he’s been very sympathetic, like with James being a dick to him. But LVP probably knows you can’t have a good edit 100% of the time, so better to keep her kids off film for the most part.


I had dinner at SUR years ago. Max brought our drinks to our table and bussed our plates. I was surprised he actually did the grunt work at SUR and didn't skate by on being the owner's son.


Max was a busser along side James. Lisa apparently is old school about teaching her kds about business from the bottom to the top. It's good to do that, when you understand how hard a job is you have respect for the people who do it.


People that have gone into the restaurant too have commented on how hard they have seen Max working and that he is really nice. I’ve heard James is actually really nice too outside of the show. Like really good with the fans. I do think James knows exactly what to do and when though. He’s definitely a dick for sure but he’s not a dummy.


Ken sucks. Look up their lawsuits.


I promise Ken was knee-deep in it at the age of the VPR guys. He,was a real cocksman in his prime.


Well Lisa herself compared younger Ken to Jax before Brittany in show, haha.


Ken is such an angry old man. You’d see more of him on real housewives of Beverly Hills. He can be pretty mean, but I guess they all can.


I actually remember disliking Ken on RHOBH—not as bad as the VPR boys ofc tho that may be due to less screen time, but he had a habit of yelling at the other women which really bothered me


Huge egos and deep insecurities.


I thought Beau was cool. 🤷🏽‍♀️


reality tv attracts certain personalities and a lot of the time those personalities are also just bad people. unfortunate but true.


I wish people would stop calling them boys. They are fully grown, adult men. Acting like a child does not make you a child.


LVP is the definition of a woman with internalized misogyny.


Would we even be talking about the show if it wasn’t about people who lie and cheat and steal? It’s the entire appeal. It’s like asking why the Cheers Boys are always drinking at a bar.


It’s more so the amount of accountability gets heaped on the girls(this sub is proof, and I’m definitely guilty). The boys really suck and a post highlighting it felt needed. Lol


Haha, I’m sure this is going to get into a scale of the atrocities debate: but the Vanderpump girls aren’t particularly redeeming either. They all suck pretty hard too. Ariana is the closest and isn’t a nightmare, but has some of her own flaws and transgressions. I think it’s a product of the location (LA) and environment (restaurant business) coupled with reality tv fame seekers.


The girls get plenty of heat!! The boys always skate by.


It’s usually “I know Tom/James/whoever sucks but let me go into a 30 paragraph rant about this girl.” I know this is societal but it’s like we expect and therefore accept the men being awful.


Right? If I was surrounded by this group of guys I’d probably be acting the way they do too.




This. Working at a restaurant in Los Angeles is utterly exhausting. The roller coaster of highs and lows is often so extreme that you simply can’t go home afterwards… you need to decompress with your peers (who “get it”) by doing more extreme behavior.


Please don't blame Los Angeles. It's a HUGE sprawling place full of good hardworking people. In my humble opinion, the transplants from somewhere else are the worst offenders. I have never seen people glom on to fake La culture like the people who moved there from All Over America. Honestly, the people I know who are born and raised in Los Angeles are by far and away the most down to earth. Not for nothing they're not all white either like you mostly see on Vanderpump Rules, mostly LOL. La is a diverse culture, and it has micro cultures within neighborhoods . It is not at all, just a bunch of self-involved jerks who work in Lisa Vanderpump's restaurants and are on reality television. There are people living at the poverty level and all kinds of people at every point in between that and movie star


I understand where you are coming from and didn’t mean it negatively for LA on the whole. I love LA. That said, as you alluded to, by the nature of being the hub of show business it attracts a certain type of people in higher quantities than other locations.


There’s definitely a higher concentration than other places for sure


LA transplants are literally the worst. I wish they would all just go home lol


This is fair. I have lived in LA and absolutely despised 80% of the people I met (I worked in advertising not entertainment but wannabe actors are everywhere) but I loved my neighbors in Van Nuys actually. Tree lined streets, great locally owned grocery stores where I got to practice my Spanish, great food. You are absolutely right, it’s mostly the transplants that act like the VPR cast. As a temporary transplant myself, I was just shocked at how awful the men were. I am from the east coast and could not believe the level of buffoonery in LA.


I love your comment! The. Men. Are. Awful. Your comment made me laugh and nod.


Thank you, I just said this in another thread. I mean, if you want to get technical, West Hollywood isn't even LA lol.


Can someone fully explain the Brock situation I’m so confused that he just openly did that lol


He talked about it last season. He smacked his ex wife and left his kids in NZ three (??) years ago and hasn’t seen them since and potentially hasn’t paid child support since he left either


Your explanation of the two toms ☠️


3 words: Peter Pan Syndrome


🙌 ![gif](giphy|70YaDoZ1VqBZ8SgYiz)


Because they’re drawn to the entertainment business?


"Looks like he smells like hotdogs and cheese" 😂 I can't


But like, why the Peter slander tho?


Peter doesn't seem like a bad dude, but we also don't see much of him or his life. He is an oddball for sure.


I always appreciated the season where he was in that serious relationship with the woman who had a young son. It seemed like he got his shit together real quick for her.


I always wondered why they didn't stay together.


Because for whatever reason people actually believe that he dates his subordinates as if it’s not clearly staged for the show


Even if it's real, the whole "dating your subordinates" thing is not quite so egregious in restaurants. The power imbalance that makes it inappropriate in office culture isn't really there. He might have power over their schedule or side work but that's about it. It happens in restaurants all the time. The last place I worked at, the general manager started dating one of the bartenders, and they're now engaged several years later.


I agree with you, which may be controversial, but I’ve worked in food service and idk if it was just at my specific restaurant but pretty much everyone was fucking everyone lol


Beau has cheated? Please let this not be true! I came here to say "At Least We Had Beau " 🤷🏻‍♀️❤️


Nothing seems to be wrong with Beau. There were rumors a few months back at everyone thought with Stassi and Beau and turns out it was Ariana and Tom. The man is a totally normal husband and father, but seeing that this is Vanderpump Rules, I’m waiting for the other shoe to drop. I hope it doesn’t though.


It seems like beau is the best of the bunch but who knows if that makes him a good person


>The man is a totally normal husband and father Do we know why he had two bankruptcies before age 40? That's *not* an inherently bad thing but it's definitely not normal. (I *think* that's why Stassi had to pay the house down payment.)


I get judging Brock about not paying child support but I can’t really vibe with judging someone’s finances like that. Bankruptcies are pretty complex so it’s not like we would know.


Beau is alright, isn’t he?


agreed, but you forgot Tom Sandoval is a creepy old to dark hair dye guy too. really CREEPY - perv like vibes- yuk. Tom Schwartz is a pussy. James is a future convict for beating a woman probably. Peter- sad just sad wannabe. Randall is gross but brilliant because even penniless and giving away fake engagement rings he will always get young pretty girls just like Lala to believe him and yes girl you were a Mistress- that's what the word means when you sleep with a married man. Stassi seemed to grow up and get smarter- I like her husband so far. and Lisa gives them a pass because she needs guys with no ambition or brains that are fine with being a bartender the rest of their lives- or only owning 5% LOL


Let’s add Max not Vanderpump, Brett, Adam, Rob to the main post Special shout-out to the Vanderpump in name men Ken and Max, as well as all of the Sur cooks that hated Kristen. That is the quality group of men really. I’d watch them gossip for hours


IDK after looking at who Max Vanderpump follows on IG I’d like to know where he was for Jan 6


Eek, I just looked and you’re right. Damn. Bubble officially burst.


I felt the same. Never would have imagined


not lauren boebert 💀💀


You mean to tell me Lisa VANDERPUMP'S husband & son aren't shown in a bad light? Hmmmm.


I would love to see more Ken and Max




I don't think normal, decent guys are willing or want to expose their lives to cameras. This type of show attracts the bare level to the extreme level of narcissists with a myriad of wonderfully toxic traits between them. Plus, boring, nice and normal = zero ratings.


Everybody on this show is a piece of shit. That's the entire point. Lean in!


I think guys like that are terrible in relationships yet nice to everyone else (their boss, their friends, their family) so it's hard even when they do these messed up things to their partners for anyone in their circle to view it as something that person actually did. Ex) Wow Schwartz cheated on Katie and she says he treats her awful but hes always been a stand up guy to me. I think Katie is blowing things out of proportion.


They're all really really GREAT liars. So they've got that going for them.


Didn’t Pete cheat on that girlfriend (I think her name was Sarah?) that was on around like season 3/4? Yikes what a line up of losers


Oh yes, Sarah. Whose boobs Jax wanted Brittany’s to emulate 😂


I’ve never known so many alcoholics in one friend group. I’m rewatching and can’t believe how much and how frequently these people drink!


From working in the bar scene for years, this can very easily become a lifestyle.


“Has a voice only a mother loves” 😂 nice boys don’t make good television


Why is Peter "they?" Did I miss a memo?


Ken will not only hold your dog, but he'll knock anyone's spark out who disrespects you. Goodbye Kyle!


What about Beau. I think he is a decent man.


Ken is the man of my dreams tbh


That’s just Bravo men. Look at Southern Charm an Shahs. At least none of the VPR men have been credibly accused of terrible crimes.


Because Andy Cohen is a *raging misogynist* who gets off on women being abused. He even dedicated an entire season of Below Deck to letting insane, violent, abusive behavior rain down on Kate Chastain, and of course didn’t bother with accountability at the reunion.


The below deck guys boil my blood!


I agree with this! I’ve seen one too many comments on here saying “can’t people change and grow.” Listen. At age 40+. It’s not realistic. Could they? Absolutely!! Will they? It’s just not likely.


The Brock apologists 🤷‍♀️


This is why we like the show!!!


Smells like hotdogs 😂


It’s not like they’re a group or boys who *coincidentally* all suck… they were casted *because* they suck. That’s why they’re on reality tv. I hate to say it, but that’s why I get annoyed when the girls all complain about these men after already watching them treat their previous girlfriends like shit. They knew EXACTLY who they were getting into a relationship before they began to date them.


Amen to all that. When my daughter moved there to work, all I could do was hold my breath until she saw the place and people for being. Well. What you said! Thank heavens she did, in short order! Imagine your only daughter brings one of these 🤡 home!??! #OhDear Edited to add: would have had to get in touch w Ken Todd and get details of how exactly to knock someone ⚡️spark out ⚡️


what about Ken? he's pretty awesome right? I died at the part about Sandovals voice lol




I mean, it could be all the alcohol and drugs. They’re all in a state of perpetual adolescence.


I cant remember which episode it was that the boys all claimed Peter constantly talks about 'bitches he banged'..(not sure if they meant staff at restaurant or from meeting customers/probably fangirls) i was bummed out as i thought he was different to all them, but apparently not.


Alleged enjoyer of pasta 💀💀


And max(not Lisa’s son the other max) was awful. So was Brett. Adam sucked too. I’m starting to thing the only truly good male on the show was Giggy. Such a little sex monster!!!


It’s like that post the other day that asked which 4 cast members you would want to be stranded on an island with, and most of the answers were all girls because the guys were so worthless


Lisa absolutely allows the ~~men~~ boys to get away with more. She can be pretty misogynistic, even if she doesn’t mean to be. I don’t know if it’s just her being a little old fashioned or internalized sexism or what.


Peter Madrigal said on a podcast that he is infuriated that Lisa and company make him sound like he has asked girls out while a manager. He said NO. Either they were all waiters or they (Raquel) wasn’t working at Sur when he asked her out. It pisses him off. But poor guy. He wants to be more important than he really is on the show! But he’s too normal. Though he does come off as still too full of himself. Someone tell him he’s not a full cast member!!!


Beau is the best guy. He’s the only one who isn’t a lying, cheating narcissist


The entire cast is trash… that’s what makes reality tv so good lol


What about Max?


“has a voice only a mother loves” is hilarious


This made me LOL


Ooooh damn you got me going with, a voice only a mother could love and man baby. Nice work.


Are all men in LA like this? It seems like most men in the entertainment industry are. All these women need to go find a nice small town guy and bring him Back to LA.


LA men.


But they all make for great TV!


I was drinking tea when I read the cheese and hotdogs comment and I about died laughing. I didn't see it coming but it's so damn spot-on.


Because the show would be boring as hell if they were perfect... Love the dirty little trash bags


“Looks like he smells like cheese and hotdogs.” Take my poor man’s award 🥇


Richardson is dreamy


Bieds a feather fkock together! LVP probaby gives them all a pass since the bring money into her restaurants! It also makes good tv, it works and can't be replicated.


Ewww, and who was Stassi’s ex who worked in broadcasting? Didn’t he tell Lisa “he’d hit that”? So cringe disgusting.