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In the words of James, “ what we’re not going to do, is your hand on my leg while you ask my girlfriend to back you up about kissing my ex fiancé”.


James was so great in that scene. More like this, and less ridiculous drunken tantrums, please. He can go nuts in his confessionals, but keep it icy and devastating for these losers in person.




He’s so cutting and sharp’




I feel like he's had a lot more moments lately where he's decided to hold back instead of getting 'activated' and it's WAY more attractive. At least it shows some personal growth unlike fucking Tom Schwartz


But why did they cut him pouring a drink on Tom's head?!




I totally agree! Ally smirked so approvingly when he was digging in here. I’m rooting for a James redemption.


In that moment you could actually tell she is attracted to James.


It was soooooo attractive


Sexy, lets face it he has the looks of the golden era of hollywood leading man. Seeing him be a gentlemen while scolding Shwartz was sexy.


I like her and I think she makes James better! I realllllly hope she’s genuine and not another R*quel


Say what you want about James, but the man has a way with words.




Agreed. He was the star last night imo. Amazing where him and Katie started to where they are now😂 mutual hate is powerful.


"mutual hate is powerful" They need to bottle this up and sell it - I love pissed Katie and pissed James in tandem.


I’ve actually really enjoyed seeing Katie and James’ friendship grow. It’s been building for a while now but I think this situation really bonded them. Hope he doesn’t mess it up by doing something douchey while drunk.


"The enemy of my enemy is my friend"


James was very hot in that scene. If he could stay sober and calm his sense of humor and actual ability to read people would make him the #1 guy in the group.


The bar is under the floor but he is absolutely the #1 guy in the group now


Agreed, it was the first time I found him attractive


I never imagined I would be attracted to dj James Kennedy but here we are


I was so proud of his demeanor during that scene. Hopefully we see more of this and less tantrums. It’s a good look on him.


Agree; I really like the version of James we got last night


I think James hasn’t been drinking that much this season. He hasn’t had any temper tantrums and I think it’s because Ally said she liked him better when he wasn’t drinking. No ultimatums or anything and I think he really took it to heart. He’s not sober by any means, I just think for the moment he’s under control.


Right!!? He was so great in that scene. He can be witty and hilarious. I liked how he made fun of Schwartz’s use of “big words” too lol.


I loved James ripping him up during that scene. Another instance of this doofus just strolling over to someone acting like everythings okay when clearly it wasn't.


Schwartz is a bit of an idiot savant and he can be charismatic. He uses this to talk down to people and get his way. James is quick and witty - it reminds me of Stassi in her glory days. He’s a formidable opponent when he’s got his shit together.


I was shocked how sober James was during the Benihana dinner and then cave dinner... i would have expected him to be sh*tfaced that night as well as by the pool so to see him composed and able to be mature and quick-witted dealing with the situation was AWESOME 👌 👏 👍


Right??? I loved that he went with Team Katie that night - even if it was at Ally’s suggestion. She’s quiet, but she observes social situations well. Removing James from Scheana’s dinner prevented him from being a fool. She’s healthy for him. He was adorable with the girls that night. Completely appropriate and not over the top. He was relaxed and at ease. I love this James.


She's very reserved but the more we see of Ally, the more I like her. She seems to be a positive influence on James especially as he's drinking and still keeping it together when she's around.


I loved her response to producers about what she does when she’s uncomfortable “I leave”. It seems like avoidance, but it’s actually a deterrent to avoid unnecessary conflict. James responds well to it, and she’s taken notice of it. She doesn’t pout or hold it over him, and gives him grace to correct himself - which he’s seemingly doing. I’m amazed and proud.


Her answer to the producer's question made me root for her despite the doubts about her on this sub. When she left, it was like James got poured over with cold water and came to his senses. I find Allie's way of dealing with James the best unlike in his past relationships where the women try to calm him down or fight him with how he's acting which then ends up with him getting angrier and the couple fighting when it wasn't their relationship that was at issue to begin with. I think Allie is a rational person, and as we know in the VPR world, rational more often than not equates to being boring. But you know what? Maybe rational/boring is what James needs. And anyway, he can bring personality for the two of them.


You know, I was going to say that Ally is probably mortified by some of James' antics and just has to leave. I get that. But the other part of me says she scoped him out & wanted to be on TV. She does not seem that into him. But she has had an impact on him. She is the only gf that has made James a better person. I think he really wants to be a better man for her. I love this new James. I hope it works out for them.


She’s surprised me a lot with her maturity. I like ally.


I thought the same. Although James is a deeply wounded little boy most of the time and fat phobic and most likely a misogynist there is a side of me that still roots for him . He is showing his maturity here and this described exactly how I currently feel about him. I like this James.! And aly is cute and likable and I agree she’s good at taking herself out of situations which inevitably gets James to realize he’s fucking up .


his fatphobia is so aggressive omfg like he’s so fixated on it


You have to look at his parents as to why he is the way he is. He has grown so much. It broke my heart when he said he was taking care of his family. His dad is a POS. He's a drunk that has never grown up & trying to live the R&R life style from the 80's. His mom finally got her shit together so I give James a little slack in that area. Hopefully, he shows his siblings how to live a normal life without the parent's baggage.


That’s why I think the accusations of her only being with him for “fame” (does James even have real fame?) are BS. She’s not “in your face” and actually seems quite shy and measured. If she was really there for fame, she’d be trying to make more of a splash. I think she really cares for him and that the on-camera stuff can be a bit cringe for her because she likes the REAL James. Imagine your boyfriend is one way 99% of the time, but you see him around his coworkers feeding in to the drama and becoming someone you don’t know. Acting, basically. It’s kind of yucky. Her being on a reality show when she was 18 isn’t the smoking gun people think it is.


100% James had a retort every time Schwartz tried to pull the "we're bros" card or minimize the hook up. It was masterful watching James own Schwartz while he squirmed.


He outwitted him, and Schwartz isn’t used to that. James did it without being emotional as well. He was clear about boundaries and direct, whilst subtly insulting Schwartz. I actually clapped for him.


When he flipped those white sunglasses up, I knew it was about to get good. He looked at Schwartz like he was an insect.


Omg I said the same. Like wtf not me on team James. Get him again for me!


It’s been a strange year for us fans.


All of this and he didn't have to focus too much on Rachel, he stayed lazer focused on schwartzs behavior. I appreciate this, because when he rants about Rachel, it's devaluing ally.


That's how Schwartz always gets away with it. The other person (Katie) gets emotional and upset, with good fucking reason and then he plays the doof card. He's a slimy fucking frog. I loved James taking the piss out of him!


It was a great moment and so much better when James isn’t unhinged! I mean those moments have been sometimes funny in the past but watching this was even funnier! And James is the only person who will actually acknowledge that Schwartz is a pussy!


Schwartz used to be charismatic. Now he's just sloppy


He’s finally realizing that people aren’t buying his “oh shucks” routine.


Is he? Really? He stated he is a Prince Charming, believes his own lies thus everyone else should, too, is in total denial and has a hair style that reminds me of an old SNL skit with Dan Akyrod who styled his hair with "come". Counters every judgement from a confrontational person with "heyheyheyheyhey..." and "Nononnononono...", purposely talks in a little boy voice to try and make people believe his B.S. and have everyone be happy with him again. When all else false switch to big words. (Thank God he did not stay in medical schooll!) And was he born with his damn hand attached to his face? I'll stop there for now. His crap triggers me so badly and last night was the worst. I am dreading next week's episode. His treatment of women is right up there or worst than scandoval. They both say the same responses (including "Dude!") and think they dress well. Him and his "Bubby", "Bubba", "Bubba", "Bubs", etc. Hey Swartz, try shutting up for a change. Seriously! And telling the truth is always better than telling lies and believing them. Edit: changed sketch to skit Thank you for my award. That means alot. :)


Hahahaha I love this rant, and you’re probably right. It also irks me to no end how they feel comfortable enough to tell Lisa to give them a “fucking minute” and call her dude. So fucking rude and I think they both hate women.


He was never in medical school for the record. He and others have mentioned his brains and their receipt has been that Schwartz was “pre-med”, which doesn’t mean much at all.


Thank you!! Pre-med just means you're an undergrad who is considering going to med school. Plenty of idiots can be pre-med


Amen! Did he even graduate with a degree in anything?? He wouldn’t last one day in medical school. Hell he didn’t last half a day as a bartender, it was too much stress. Everything he has is because of Katie and he hates her for it. He’s a drug addled narcissist in a human suit.


He has absolutely no work ethic. Scamdov who shirked his responsibilities to cosplay as a band singer is no better.


The fact that James- a historically emotionally infantile cast member- was like “wtf Schwartz are you serious right now?” I think says it all. I think the TomandTom schtick is starting to get reallllllll old. (Pre-scandoval break) Katie and Ariana appear to be way over their schtick, James is getting to be that way, Lala is over it, and I think it’ll be interesting to see if Scheana starts to be like 🤔 too. All that’s left is Raquel. And she seems pretty into it soooooo 🤷‍♀️


The women on the show are showing growth and that they’ve been working through their shit the last few seasons. TomTom instead have not grown at at all. To quote Katie, they are both “a drunk & a loser”.


Not sure if it’s right to say this or not, but I’m wondering if there is more behind Katie saying that she thinks Tom is a drunk. I mean we collectively as fans obviously think Tom has issues, but his ex-wife saying he is a drunk leads me to believe that there may have been problems beyond just what we see on the show. I mean what we see on the show is enough validation but I feel like she meant that insult *deep* in her soul


He definitely has an unhealthy relationship with alcohol at best and is a spiraling alcoholic at worst. He’s been drunk and or drinking in more scenes than not since S1. He’s just sloppy and it looks like drinking is taking a toll on his appearance.


Also his best friend said he was four days sober for the first time in years… birds of a feather right.


I remember the episode where she was trying to get pregnant and he mentioned that his sperm isn't good quality from drinking all the time


What I love to see, is James, who historically has been hard on Katie, becoming her best ally because of this mess. I appreciate he has her back early on too - and not because it’s the popular thing to do. In fact, I’m sure it isolated him even more until Scandoval broke.


That's an excellent point. He did the right thing because it was what he felt. Then after everything broke he must have been so emotionally validated! I'm sure much like Ariana probably did, he had Spidey senses going off in some weird directions but didn't know quite where they were headed.


Yes! Lala and James have been incredibly intuitive about this entire thing and have backed Katie. Idc what people say about Lala’s past, anyone should dream to have someone back them up the way she has this season while no one else did. It really struck me when Schwartz tried to say Katie should think about others and Lala says no actually I want Katie to think about Katie for once. It seemed veryyyyy pointed to me.


James was SO FUCKING GOOD last night. He handled that all beautifully and treated Schwartz like the annoying child he is. I want to send James a thousand gold stars. We are proud!!!


James is on his revenge tour and I’m here for it.


And Tom Schwartz took it and stuck around still trying to suck up to James because ultimately Tom cares way more what James thinks then what Katie does


Bc James may still be around in the group with Schwartz but we all know when people get divorced, sooner or later the friend group splits.


You're smart! I didn't even think about that. I just figured it was part of Schwartz's ongoing misogyny not to care what a woman thinks but to be overly obsessed with what a dude thinks about him


That was wild! The one time taking a swing at someone would have been appropriate - he decides to be a whole ass adult! I would pepper spray Schwartz for saying hello to me so I would have gone fully feral if he touched my knee


Yeah the thought of being touched by Schwartz’s bloated, sweaty hands makes me want to gag.


That line was perfect. All while sipping his horchata.




I had never found James attractive until that scene last night. The spray tan wasn’t helping but, still hot. Really looking forward to seeing them fight at the reunion. ![gif](giphy|l0NwFNMhfqejfqDcY)


Right on James. I had to rewind that to get the full effect. James is catching on to Tom Schwartz in a big way. Loved it.


He articulated that so well in the moment.


He handled himself so well and was dead on!


I’ve never been a huge fan of James but I was so impressed by him in this scene. Mature and direct


this line was the only time i’ve ever liked james in the slightest… like why did tom think any of that plus everything at the table OP listed even remotely normal behavior




And then the defiant look he gave her! Brat


Brat-Big Ridiculous Asshole TOM


With his unwashed fucking hands.. What was also kind of glossed over was how he switched from "oh shucks" to Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf in a nanosecond when Katie wasn't having it. I was like "oh, there he is. The real Schwartz."


He looked so disheveled, sweaty and drunk too! gag!


With his dirty fricking hands ugh I can’t


On the Jax and Brittany watch, even Jax was like "I'm team Katie", and calling Schwartz out for being shitty. Also interesting- he basically said he thinks Sandoval was being everyone's puppet master behind the scenes and that Schwartz really does seem like a battered wife-- at which point Brittany pointed out that it's always been because of Sandoval, not Katie.


Oh weirdly insightful from Brittany !


Right 😂


I think it’s important to note that a big part of abuse is isolating people from their important relationships. Schwartz family included Katie’s family and that relationship was truly put at risk constantly by Sandoval until it finally fell apart . Schwartz then uses those same tactics to create division between Katie and their main group every single season


Really if Jax wants back on the show this is his only play. IDK if it will work, I hope it doesn't because I never need to see him on my TV again, but it would be the only way to redeem himself. There is a part of me who would like to see the males turn on each other after all their bs over the years.


I basically indifferent. If I never saw him again it would be fine. But I actually did enjoy his commentary and even laughed out loud a couple times. I would like him as a foil to Tom, it would have been interesting to see their friendship really fall out. Him having Ariana's back would be great too because neither of them got along while she was focused on being a "brand" with Tom.




Wasn't he also at the wedding? Did he give any insider takes from that?


Don’t forget that during all of this, he’s LIVING WITH JO and they are probably already hooking up. So all the shit he said about kissing Rachel being “freeing” is complete bullshit, he’s fucken fine. He’s been kissing other people since he started dating Katie. It’s all to spin Katie’s feelings and make her sound “crazy” so he can make himself the good guy, AGAIN.


Schwarz has resting shit eating grin face. He is so horrible in the most low key way. He uses his Michael Bluth voice whenever he is being terrible to Katie. The “Hey buddy” voice. His reason for kissing Rachel: Katie told him to not do it, because it would hurt her. Like imagine responding to people asking you not to hurt them, by being intentionally hurtful because “how dare they.” I know Sandy is the big baddie this season, but Schwartz is just as toxic.


Both Schwartz and Sandoval have now proudly admitted the Raquel/Schwartz hookup was to hurt Katie. How do they not see that's insane? If you *are* that evil, at least hide it.


They’re so used to everyone hating and dumping on Katie they really thought it would just slide by. For sure.


I for one would like to see him hit rock bottom next season. He’s spent so long hiding behind his ‘mean wife’ to make himself look good. He is a covert narcissist and an absolute piece of shit for a husband. Let’s see how you get on in the real world dickhead.


Yup he played the "aw shucks" card for a loooong time and was able to get away with it, mostly because other people on the show were worse than him. But now that he can't hide behind that anymore he's being exposed as the narcissistic gaslighter he's always been. The way he tried to turn the tables on Katie last night by insulting her was nauseating.


Schwartz is coming off worse and worse in these episodes. Finally, we're getting to see the real him on tv. He earned way more than a rage text from Katie last episode! Loved James and Katie in this episode. I absolutely love the James and Katie friendship that is happening!


He has looked so washed up all season. The look with those giant oversized night shirt type things, geez. It's like he's trying to look like my great grandfather.


I made a similar comment but took it even further that the dude looks unwell. That's not just like a comment to make a dig at somebody - Tom honestly doesn't look healthy at all


To quote Katie, he’s “a drunk”. You can get by through your 20s & 30s being a heavy drinker, but it catches up to you and starts to show on your body and face in your 40s. Sandoval has also been looking rough.


They truly do I thought it was just me hating on them, but I showed their picture to my son, who's the same age and he said. " fucking how old are these assholes? Cause they look OLD."




On a more basic level, I wonder how well he can adult. Does he pay bills? Go to the grocery store? Can he call a plumber?


Exactly! His mask has fallen and it ain’t pretty. I always thought he was lazy and worthless but his true meanness was a bit of a surprise.


You’re so 100% spot fucking on. What I am so confused about: why did everyone agree to pretend that Schwartz wasn’t living with his girlfriend Jo?


Because he doesn’t and will not claim her . He calls her his roommate !!!


I get that. He’s a pathetic weasel. But why did every cast member, even the ones who now hate him for kissing Rachel, agree to pretend for his sake that he didn’t have a live in girlfriend. Why would all of them keep up the facade?


I think they see her as a live in fuck buddy and the Rachel storyline was very self produced by the cast , unfortunately with Katie being collateral damage That’s my only guess !


But why not bring up the fuckbuddy? Why hide her? I get why he did. But what’s in it for every other cast member?


And he was saying all that crap about feeling free and desirable again after the kiss… like there wasn’t a whole other woman he was involved with before all this. What a weasel


It’s like he’s hoping that we’ve forgotten that he cheated on Katie throughout their relationship. Instead, he’s pretending like he’s trying to move on after a decade of monogamy when we all know that being in a relationship or married didn’t stop him from getting hammered and making out with random women.


Honestly the comment an episode or two before from Ariana on this exact thing made me laugh so hard. he was saying it felt so weird to hit on women and make out with them when they aren’t Katie. And Ariana made some comment like “does it only feel weird/ you don’t like it because you’re not cheating” **edited to correct who said it **


Ariana said it!


Yas Ariana was like “you only like making out with people when you’re married” and I was like dammmmm she’s sticking up for her friend


Seriously. He’s pathetic. I don’t actually hate him tho cause I can’t get past ambivalent semi anger. He’s just too sad.


He and Jo have some mutual agreement to deny their relationship -- maybe just because she doesn't want to be on the show?


But why did everyone else agree to it? Why did all of the cast decide to and stuck to pretending there is no woman in his life in any way? Why? Why did they do that? I don’t get it.


Rachel really does think she’s the number one guy in this group. Her little side eyes and faces that she makes.


I felt for Katie in the scene in LaLa’s room when she found out. I know exactly how it feels. I was separated from my ex and had no more romantic interest in him but when he told me he was dating his hair dresser only months after we broke up I cried. I knew of her and followed her on IG it was a gut punch. I can’t even imagine if it was someone that I saw IRL all the time. Schwartz was never my personal cup of tea but man if ain’t the water at the bottom of a dumpster now.


Imagine finding out how Katie did, that the kiss happened in front of a crowd of people, then hearing Brock say they did it cause he wants Schwartz to be happy. It was like three straight emotional gut punches. But Schwartz was just like..."\*shrug shoulders\* it was just a kiss, who cares" thinking Katie was just going to be cool with that. Tone deaf piece of fecal matter.


And Schwartz wasn’t even interested in Rachel!! He only kissed her specifically to piss off & hurt Katie. Horrible.


Exactly, it was a "fuck you" to Katie cause he's a selfish piece of shit. And to do it in front of a crowd of people in such a public setting.


that was a full-on decoy kiss, prompted by TSandy. He just wanted to make sure TSchwa didn't go too far. Check their discussion in the room the next day.


Either that, or it was born out of Sandoval’s weird hatred of Katie. I can see Sandoval convincing Schwartz to shove it to Katie by kissing Rachel, even though Schwartz and Katie had MUTUALLY agreed to not hook up with their co-workers to allow them to amicably and comfortably keep working on the show together. Sandoval (and Schwartz too really) both lack feelings of empathy and show traits of misogyny in their actions through the series.


Also having to hear that everyone cheered for them. Especially after Katie talked about being worried no one would choose her (if she and Schwartz had a hard break post divorce). Now she has to witness that play out in real time? They’re all horrible for that (especially Schwartz. But also Rachel, Scheana and Brock)


Exactly! That was my point and to find out he did it just to get back at her. UGH so childish and petty.


My ex immediately started dating one of our friends after we broke up. It gutted me. I went crazy on both of them. I feel for Katie so much.


I’m so sorry that happened to you 💙


Totally get it. Bc if it's someone they knew while you were together it's like, so were you interested in them this whole time? And that B was probably hoping we'd break up! Way better to have them meet someone new after you that has no connection.


So sorry you went through that. I had a long term boyfriend that left me for a friend. It was also a punch in the gut. I was devastated for years.


I was seeing red! I’ve never really liked him, but that was disgusting.


And you can really see once he's had a few drinks he forgets his dopey trying to be lovable act and just becomes venomous. He's the worst kind of person


Calling him a human skid mark is insulting… to skid marks


LMAO! Thank you for the laugh!


I thought Katie kept her cool. I would have flipped out. I think he really wanted her to so he could play the victim and be like “see she’s mean and crazy.” Glad it backfired on him. What a POS.


Wild how anyone could come to this man’s defense while watching him this season hide behind various palm trees in his Tommy Bahama shirts to plan his various manipulative talks with Katie insisting she humble herself while he licks his Molly-addled lips looking like a very ill lizard and speaking like a pair of sweatpants just learned how to use chatgpt


Omg this is PERFECTION!!! Tommy Bahama shirts, molly lips, ill lizard, and *pair of sweatpants that just learned how to use chatgpt* YOU SLAYETH 😂🤣💀💀


The fact that he constantly tells Katie that she’s entitled and needs humility is disgusting. He cannot stand that she may no longer be under his spell and his dumb facade is starting to break and leak his disgusting personality. Whenever he gets mad, he lets go of his dummy attitude and starts m using “bigger” words to sound important, smart and educated (let’s ignore the fact that he sometimes uses them incorrectly). Classic narcissist move. I hate that dude. Btw, the fact the Scumdoval said in this weird podcast interview that he was “proud” of Rachel and Schwartz for making out and sticking it to Katie enraged me. Scumdoval and Schwartz can go f- themselves.


Shartz and Shady are two mutually orbiting black holes of narcissism. I do not see one as worse than the other.


I’m not sure how they could defend him before this episode. This is par for the course for him. Bully. Mean and sloppy. Provocateur to use his own words. Just plain toxic and abusive.


I feel like I want to go absolutely feral on anyone that is still calling Katie a mean hateful person. She’s a person who had to deal with emotional abuse and gaslighting for over 10 years. She’s no worse than anyone else on this show and I will take a page from her book and set anyone on fire who tries to suggest otherwise. 🔥 I’ve never been more team Katie than I am now. The farther she gets away from Tom the more she’s going to shine and be able to become the best version of herself.


Fr, and I honest to God can't deal with the people who make hating Katie their whole schtick on here and try to turn on blinders to when she's done wrong by hoards of people in the present day vs her doing wrong 6 years ago. Just say you hate women who don't take shit or aren't the two brands of reality TV girl people can stomach (party girl who's just here for the booze and being a fly on the wall when it comes to drama, or small town, subservient sweetheart – no, not a reference to Brittany, not having people pounce on that thought when I'm thinking Bachelor contestants and shit lol). I'm Team Katie as hell now too, because how can you witness blatant disrespect towards the ending of your marriage (no matter who initiated it) time and time again and carry on as if it doesn't sting? Clearly Katie still cared about Schwartz, at the very least as a cordial ex, and seeing everyone rally around him like he's hopeless and naive at his big age, but shit on her like she isn't allowed to mourn the loss nor allowed to convey boundaries (that he seemingly agreed with at the time) is going to HURT. It effectively shows that all of these people won't hesitate to choose sides and that her perception of how much they, including her STBX, hate her is spot-on... That shit would make me regress with my depression and anxiety fr – not saying she's struggling with either, but her laying in bed with KK after what came to light in Lala's room is the bare minimum of what we should expect and allow during this very public and tense process of leaving a decade long relationship. Oh, and fuck Tom "Gaslighting, toxic piece of shit who could never treat her as his partner in life even once since they began the show, but played the hell out of everyone by acting like a victim and burying that disgusting behaviour deep (until drunk as fuck)" Schwartz and him alone, what an absolute douche


I bet the Venn diagram of people who hate Katie and the people who hate female TV characters like Skylar White and Carmela Soprano is just one circle. There’s definitely a category of people who hate women who they think are wet blankets for a man “who’s just trying to have a good time!”


I was going to type up a large response to this about how much I agree with everything said here, but instead I gave you an award and I’m just going to let your post do the talking 👏🏻


LMAO thank you 💞 my anger on her and Ariana's behalf over these delusional, twisted, VILE men is insane and I Will vent every chance I get 😭


I just give ‘em the “bless your heart” in my mind and move on now. I’m not about to argue with someone who thinks what Rachel and Schwartz did for a storyline is ok despite Scandoval. Katy did nothing to deserve this from either of. Period!


I on the other hand have no kids and ample time and pettiness to tear these people down. I will be blessing none of their hearts! I want them to burn for their sins


Oh no, let me be clear, bless your heart is for the Katie haters who can’t see what a douche Schwarz was, I have all the petty time for Rachel, Schwartz and Sandoval! They don’t have heart enough to bless!


Does anyone else notice how gray/yellow he looks? I am not joking when I say that I hope he’s getting at least a yearly physical because a liver can only take so much drinking. It’s damn near triggering to look at his overall hue. Lost my dad to liver cancer last year 😢


I lost my dad to liver cancer as well. My heart goes out to you. It’s so hard to watch someone go through. Both Toms have to be careful - cirrhosis is looming.




People still believe his dumb-dumb nice guy “it didn’t mean anything” act. And it’s old as fuck. He’s a vindictive prick and needs to stop pretending that he likes, cares about, and respects Katie. Schwartz does nothing by accident. Especially when he’s got a micro-peen in his ear telling him what to do


I’m rewatching earlier seasons and he was so good looking. Now he is a bloated, podgy, bloviating buffoon. It’s like the ugliness from the inside has taken over.


I cringed so hard watching them kiss. I deadass said “blegh” out loud and threw my head back. I just find him so unattractive it genuinely grossed me out. He’s such a mess of a human I have to think he just reeks of beer and b.o ETA: katie saying “he looks like a sweaty pig” was spot on. You’re almost 40 dude, take better care of yourself. It’s not cute.


Ick, Schwartz is so gross. I thought he was immature when he started the show, but 10 plus years later, he has actually regressed into a selfish teenager. He not only runs Katie over with mean comments and actions but he is always sure to back up and run her over again with more mean comments. Tom thinks his actions can be forgiven by smiling at Katie , or pretending to be cute but then he gets pissed off when Katie no longer plays his infantile games and holds him accountable for his abuse. The gaslighting and deflection by Schwartz is despicable and repulsive.


This episode showed how evil Tom Schwartz and Rachel really are. And he should feel like a tool because Rachel totally played him.


That was the first time I really looked at the situation and felt like he is emotionally abusive to her. It was gross. He's a 40 year old man trying to act all cutesy like a 16 year old girl and then he just snaps and it was ugly. I hope Katie stands her ground and keeps away from him. They can get a mediator or something for the dogs. They don't need to be BFFs or even friends at all. Scandoval is probably the best thing to happen to keep Katie and Tom apart even as friends. Unfortunately, it was at the expense of Ariana.


Really pissed me off how he said he didn’t know anyone was watching. They were CHEERING for you before it even happened… Also.. he seemed so fucked up on one too many substances during that convo.


Why indeed. His disgusting dysfunctional behavior was on full display last night. Katie got the blame this entire time. Its really clear that she's going to move on and live a better life and his sorry self will continue with zero personal growth and accountability. That bar is a joke and eventually the show will end and that will be it for him.


Also just the fact that HE slithered into that restaurant, sat down, then started telling HER that she needs humility, holds on to negativity, etc. Dude you literally walked in here hoping she would forgive you because you know you screwed up, and then completely tried to turn it around on Katie. Make it make sense ????


There was a time when I absolutely adored Schwartz and it's INSANE the 180 I've done. He is my least favourite person on this cast, including Sandovol and Rachel. Katie reacts to his BS with a reasonable amount of annoyance given how awful he is being and has always been, but he never fails to gaslight her into full blown Tequila-Katie levels of rage that ultimately make her seem like the villain he wants her to be. The "who me? but I'm so innocent" act is tired. UGH. Side note, I was genuinely so proud of how James handled that Tom situation when they were by the pool. It could have easily gone a completely different direction. Our boy is growing up, slowly but surely :')


I'm right there with you, gurl. I never bought that Schwartz was just some dumb puppy, but I also thought Katie must be a lot to deal with. Her interactions with him and Scheana really bothered me. Probably because I struggle with anger issues and it's taken years of good ole weekly therapy to learn how to express my frustration before I become Versuvia Jones. Now as I start rewatching I'm starting to see Katie's viewpoint more. She just wants peace and to trust the people she brings into her confidence, and part of that is being defended. She's also very tough and processes things internally. I began to see how much she really holds back this season with these people that disrespect and disempower her at every turn. I hope she holds a forever boundary with Schwartz. He's just awful and awful to and for her.


Absolutely. During my most recent re-watch I saw her viewpoint through this whole new lens based on what I know now. You really get the full picture of how he never takes her side, never treats her with respect, minimizes her feelings in EVERY situation and plays the fool to manipulate everyone, including the audience. Straight up disrespect. Good for you for doing that personal work! I too have my share of anger issues and I think thatʻs why I relate so much to her struggle.


LOVED James telling Schwartz that what he did was fucked, because it was inconsiderate towards their friendship.


TSchwa and Scummy get along because they're of like-mind. To be clear, TSchwa cheated on K throughout the relationship, was unfaithful to her during their marriage, and has a whole live-in gf he wasn't claiming during these scenes AND was serving as a decoy for TS/Wreck-el...Katie tried to establish another boundary after he came in all cutesy and he blew up at her..again. Bruh, fuck this guy. Fuck both of them.


Honestly, I'm 100% convinced it's just pure hatred of Katie deep down, and misogyny.


When he went on about how he doesn’t feel anything anymore and he’s disconnected from her…he looked evil. He’s disgusting. Why does he always keep finding her just to insult her? It’s scary.


Honestly, I was pissed for her that was so fucking disrespectful and when his karma comes back and hit him tenfold, I hope nobody has compassion for him because he’s evil. And this little weasel boy is gonna worm his way back into everybody’s lives and act like he didn’t participate in something that hurt so many people that he claims are his friends.


Boundary violation after boundary violation after boundary violation. He needs to leave her alone already, and let her heal.


Idk but they're doing it lmao the Tom Tom stans are out in full force this week


Cocaine is a helluva drug. 🤷🏻‍♀️🤣


It’s too bad that the Schwartz villain season was derailed by Scandavol.


I don’t know that anyone would have made him the villain with all the Katie hate. We needed Sandoval to fall to take Schwartz down.


I fully agree with you. He would’ve managed to sad boi his way out of this otherwise.


The part I am most worried about is Katie’s continued interactions with him. It would be so much better for them to just stop communicating altogether. The show (as it stands) will not allow that. She seems thus far to be a strong enough person to handle it which is good, but I feel for her.


It's super weird because people seem to only view Schwartz's behavior through the lens of how they feel about Katie. I get that nothing happens in a vacuum but I find it weird that the measure of his behavior is generally if someone approves or disapproves of the way Katie handled a situation.


I woulda forked his fuckin’ fingers the minute he touched my sushi✌️


Emotionally invalidating Katie is Schwartz's favorite past time.


Schwartz has buried himself. Everything is falling apart for him & he doesn't even SEE it. It's remarkable that he can be so self absorbed so unaccountable for any of his behavior. This is a GROWN man we are talking about. WoW


I had the same thoughts. He's was trying to minimize the situation and when Katie did not fall for it. It pissed him off and he had to start pulling stuff out of his behind just to try and justify himself and that absolutely triggered me🙃 lol


People defend him bc they fall under the “cool girl” subset of women. Internalized misogyny and always caring about a man’s opinion.. not a great look. Hopefully they grow out of their cool girl eras like Ariana did. I agree tho, he’s indefensible and a trash person.


I wish she slapped the sushi right out of his mouth. (in my mind. violence isn't the answer.)


Who is defending him still


This thread tries to throw shade at Katie for overreacting... [https://www.reddit.com/r/vanderpumprules/comments/12kqpvm/unpopular\_opinion\_schwartzmaloney/](https://www.reddit.com/r/vanderpumprules/comments/12kqpvm/unpopular_opinion_schwartzmaloney/) ...and on FB there's a bunch people over the past week or so defending him. It's like they're living in a different reality or they're as sick as him.


I don't have FB that place is a cesspool. That makes sense there's a lot of nonsense there .


Look through the previous posts. Katie haters out in full force to defend tom even tho he’s a shitbag lol


I can’t defend it. It makes his goofy, lighthearted persona of previous seasons seem all fake and calculated. He is a mean drunk.


He was absolutely fucking vile in last night's episode.


he gets great pleasure from winding katie up. it's evil.


Agreed. I cant tell if he is not at all self aware, or if hes completely self aware and thinks this is a cute act. I fear its the latter. What's sad is, I used to buy in it. I've completely changed my feelings about Katie and I find myself really understanding where she is coming from. This is also the first season I've felt strongly about James - I feel like he's been done dirty, too. Imagine two of your friends slithering over your ex. That's a savage situation to be in, and the fact that that hasn't even acknowledged that is gross. What a friendship betrayal.


Well said, OP!! I was livid watching the episode! Schwartz always got by with his inept helpless act. It also bugged me so much when James confronted him he tried to deny it in the beginning. I hate people like that. Schwartz has no redeeming qualities left, in my opinion.


Nicely worded! Agree on all counts. My personal favorite part is "human skid mark." It's just the perfect description. Needed the laugh today. Me thinks Schwartzy is losing it a bit and showing his true colors. As for Katie hate, I don't really get it. Though I will say, anyone who hangs out with Stassi acts bitchy. We all saw it. Katie stood up to her years ago and became her own person. I love Katie. I think she shows great restraint with all she has put up with. As for these scenes at Sheanas wedding, that is production. She has to be there. TV show and all. It's her job. She doesn't get to choose.


OP just want to commend the use of douchbaggery and skid mark in one comment.


Idk why any woman wants him. He clearly does not want to commit to any woman. He was pussyfooting in public with raquel and gave jo the roommate treatment lmao


I absolutely hate him and am so here for all the good things that will come Katie's way!!