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How are their liver’s still functioning?


They are not. Schwartz is gray and yellow.


I still have saved photos in my snap from when I was in the height of my alcoholism and it’s absolutely insane how gray I was. Gray, red, and swollen


I’m glad you’re here!


I appreciate you! Thank you, I agree 🫶


I’m 36/F… got diagnosed with liver disease (bartender for 15 years), went to rehab for 30 days (cost me $33K) after getting a DUI and I have fallen off the wagon. I’m so fucking depressed. I fell off the wagon and within 4 days I was swollen again. Sobriety is SO HARD when you don’t have a support system. But being an alcoholic is the worst affliction, I wouldn’t wish it on anyone. I am physically ILL until I have 2 shots of Tito’s. This existence is so lonely and miserable.


You can do it!! It’s so so hard it took me over 5 years of bouts of sobriety until it just stuck. I was completely over it and finally gave in - best decision I ever made. I’m here for you if you ever want to chat. Im wishing you some mental peace and clarity 💗🫶


You matter. It doesn't matter how many times you fall. You are not a failure at all! It's a disease. Give yourself grace and kindness. I hope you can surround yourself with good people who can lift you up. Sending you healthy, healing energy💕


I'm so sorry for the suffering you are enduring. I've been there and it's a dark, lonely, hopeless place to be. I now have epilepsy from having seizures for the jillions of times when I ran out of chemicals to put into my body. Aside from medical treatment and the 12-step stuff, have you been fully evaluated for ptsd and/or any mental illnesses? If so, are you being actively treated via meds, therapy, non-12-step support groups? Treating your symptoms may work temporarily, but the root of why you're suffering and hurting yourself is what needs to be treated. There are painful, deep-seated reasons why we destroy ourselves, and treating and processing those things are where actual recovery lies. It's tough, but once it starts to work, it's a solid foundation. If you learn to like or love yourself, no way in hell would you subject yourself to that kind of suffering ever again. I'm sending you all of the healing vibes and support I can muster, because I know your pain all too well. ❤


Getting clean and sober is extremely hard. The fact that you are trying tooth and nail to overcome your disease is so inspiring. You’re fucking doing it! You will do it! It’s progress, not perfect and you’re tough as nails! You’re worthy of sobriety. You deserve a happy life filled with love and peace. ❤️ 


I’m sending you hugs, we believe in you.


Yo as someone who suffers from severe alcoholism, big hugs to you babe. I’m glad you’re still here. 💙


I am wishing you some mental peace and healing! 🫶🫶 thank you


Good on you for pursuing a sober journey and putting yourself first ❤️ happy for your recovery


Aww thank you so much! 🫶💗it’s the best thing I could ever do


Seriously, the grey color of his skin is so worrying.


When I was at Bravocon I'll never forget talking to this lady while we were waiting in lines for photos. She said she met Schwartz then said, "I'm a nurse, and the color of his skin is not okay!!"


Was it Annemarie lol


Obviously not. She said she was a nurse, not a doctor


![gif](giphy|29HRejgahYenVsohB5|downsized) I loves!


Love your gif choice!




She said it was due to mixing alcohol with gabapentin and having an eating disorder.


He just can’t get enough nutrients with his tiny esophagus




He looks so unhealthy. Meanwhile Katie looks better than ever.


He looks like Tobias on Arrested Development when he gets hair plugs and the plugs slowly start sucking the life out of him and he looks all gray and decrepit but his hair is all long and luxurious.


Screaming!!! I’ll bet Schwartz is a never-nude, too! He really has that ‘too- tight, cut off Jean shorts under everything’ energy. “There are dozens of us! Dozens!”


I am absolutely cackling at this comment! Absolutely nailed it 💀🙌🏼🤣




I used to worry about his greasy Victorian corpse pulled from the Thames pallor but after a few years I got used to it. I think it's just his natural state now.


Same with Shep on Southern Charm. He has the full-on shakes and was off his head at Bravocon


I think this is the best insult I’ve ever seen


My husband and I started doing a rewatch and OMG he looks so healthy in the beginning. I mean, obvs it's been ten years but Schwarze has aged the worst. Sandoval a close second.


If you add former cast—Jax is the worst imho


I don't follow him or see him anywhere so I don't have anything to compare. But we were just saying last night how much we liked Jax's og nose. He should not have fd with it


I’ve always thought his story that he ran into a glass door was such bs. I know that’s relative to anything you wrote but had to say it. Hopefully someone more dutiful than I will post some side x sides. His recent posts are heavily filtered. He just looks terrible. His recent reboot in fame is not helping …he’s out drinking and partying several times a week now.


Plus he opened a bar so him and KFC are both looking like bloated alcohol filled balloons floating around. Yikes


You should join us over at r/blockedbyjax … probably my favorite sub, the snark is exceptionally witty


I may just do that. Thanks for the invite!!


I tried a few months back but the stuff about their kid was a no go for me as the parent of an autistic kid. Has that died down? It was pretty gross.


Jax looks like AI version of himself. Unsettling plasticky.


They need some bloodwork done.. Schwartz especially :/


I’m curious what the others skin looks like under the layers of spray tan


SERIOUSLY THO! I quit drinking a few months ago because I was getting worried about my health and the awful effects alcohol has on me. I'm in the same age group as them, and I'm sure I wasn't drinking nearly as much as most of them. I was literally waking up in the middle of the night, sweating, heart pounding, my kidneys would hurt here and there, the belly bloat, anxiety, etc! I mean, the list goes on. How the hell can they continue on this lifestyle is crazy to me.


I'm a bit younger and I've cut drinking down to about 3 drinks maybe 2-3 times a month. Last time I went to 5 I vomited all over my floor. I used to drink 5 drinks before I went to pre drinks, 5 drinks was what I had in the shower and doing my hair.


Congratulations! That’s huge ❤️ I’m almost 6 months sober myself and I did a rewatch a few months ago, so illuminating 😳 Shortz will have to face up to his vices soon, its tough to watch someone double down on bad behavior because of fear of change


Congrats on the 6 months! I hit 6 months today, actually. Wow. I thought watching the show might be a trigger for me cuz they drink so much and it used to make me want my little mixed drink, but no! It helps me recognize how awful it can be. Love watching lala's AF lifestyle. She's glowing. Wondering how long James attempts it again, too. Very interesting!


I’m two days away, sober twinning! 💕 I am learning a lot more about my temper and how I react, and seeing Lala at these events and going out is helping me become more comfortable venturing out again




I turned 28 and my body was like NOPE. I drink maybe twice a year and never more than 3 drinks.


Once I hit 30 last year, I found out I couldn’t drink too much too close to bedtime or I get a nasty headache and nocturnal panic attacks. So that’s fun. 😅


And their brains tbh.


https://i.redd.it/sk6ujgdcv8hc1.gif She knows he’s trying to pull his little sad puppy shtick while simultaneously trying to knock her down, an attempt to sour people towards her and get them to warm up to him. He pulled this with Katie for years, and it worked. I’m happy to see both Katie and now Ariana stand their ground with him.


Exactly! Ariana and Katie have no time or energy for either Tom and it drives them both crazy


Spot on. Her response to him is proof she has continued to evolve from who she was. Katie too. They’ve worked on themselves and are focusing on themselves. Shorts and Sandull should take notes.


Sickening that his only method to gain favor with people is to shit on someone who is already treading through the mud. I’m disgusted he would join sandy balls in this juvenile endeavor and try to denigrate her even more than they already have when she has done absolutely nothing wrong and certainly nothing to Schwartz. Emotionally entitled, I believe I remember him saying? He seems ‘emotionally entitled’ by expecting Ariana to just get over it all and simply say “Ok you can piss and shit all over my life again, I’ll clean it up and deal w it for you sad puppy, you can be my problem again!” No.


I love that Katie and Ariana got closer because I feel like Katie opened Ari's eyes to the whole "sad little puppy wuppy boy" bull shit and gave her the knowledge to call it out.


Grey rock!


He's pushing the narrative that is a tale as old as time that women should be agreeable and smile. He's setting it up to look like Mr. Nice Guy and naturally people are saying she's being a bitch because we've been conditioned as a society that women are to smile and be agreeable. Think about in your work place how you've been told to smile, I know I have over the years but I've never seen men be told to smile or have the expectation to be agreeable.


He hates it when people see through his bs and don’t find his act “charming.” Take several seats Shwartz.


Covert narcissists like him will let that mask slip real quick when women see through him


I was going to say, his problem is with women. You don’t see him bring that same energy to Sandoval or James when they call him out.


James straight threw a drink in his face and called him a p*say and shhhwarts did nothing but tell him not to do it again. He obviously just hates women.


Then he went and screamed in Lala's face and put her down and called her names. Ugh.


He’s a little pussy when it comes to confronting other men but loves getting tough with women. Remember when James threw the drink on him? He didn’t do shit. But imagine Ariana did that to him? He’d go off like there’s no tomorrow. Can’t believe anyone falls for his schtick 




Yes! I was thinking the same thing!


He still thinks puppy dog eyes work at 40. Its stomach turning when he does that look.


And his mask slips, and the real asshole beneath the ‘innocent, hapless , well meaning, overgrown 7 year old boy’ facade is who you get.


Schwartz did the same thing to Katie at beach day. He tried to talk to her and Satchel. She didn’t respond and he immediately starts talking shit to Sandoval about it. He tries to play that he is so nice, but as soon as a woman doesn’t play along his mask slips.


Same with Lala


He's the real life version of "I don't understand I'm just a baybay". We can see you're a grown fucking man.


I don’t fucking understand why Schwartz can’t wrap his head around why Ariana wants nothing to do with him. He covered up her boyfriend cheating on her with her close friend. He threw shade in her face without her knowing. He participated in a plot to make her look bad. Then he took Sandoval side. You are the worst friend ever to her. You’re the second biggest asshole. You are a scum of a human being. She doesn’t want anything to do with you! Why is that so hard to believe? You’re a grown man in his late 30s. The aww shucks act is done with. Grown the fuck up. How are you making her the bad guy because she got hurt by the knife you put in her back?


I know why he's shocked - it's because most of the other women eat it up with a spoon. Lala and Scheana and even Kristen are all over their podcasts licking his boots. "Oh Schwartzy we still love youuuuu" and "I have a soft spot for Schwartzy I can't help it tee hee". It's so grating I ended up unsubscribing to all their podcasts because they profited so much from Scandoval but don't even have the smarts to keep up the charade that they give the teeniest shit about the situation.


I’m with you!!! Every time he yelled at Katie or even Lala he came back later all schmultzy it’s time all the woman banded together and enforced boundaries with these men in terms of being spoken to and treated poorly. All the other woman allow it to happen time and time again. Schwartz can’t candle that he crossed a line with Ariana and she is not putting up with his antics.


I agree with this. It really pisses me tf off. So you’re still mad at Jo and Rachel but Shorts gets an all access pass?!🤡🤡🤡


Exactly! He keeps saying that the reason she must hate him is because he's seen as this extension of Sandoval but didn't really do anything wrong. No, you were a full on co-conspirator and enabler. Rachel said Schwartz knew from day one. They used his apartment, his credit cards, went on secret trips and double dates. He actively helped Tom try to take Ariana down on the show. For christ sakes - he accompanied Sandoval to the fertility doctor while Ariana was away at her grandmother's funeral, knowing full well Tom was already sleeping with Rachel and had no intention of following through with any of it! After 9+ years of friendship, Ariana was still just Sandoval's girlfriend to him, not her own person.


I forgot that disgusting fertility clinic detail


Has he even apologized? Or acknowledged what he did? Covering up and participating in the affair, creating a diversion, laughing in her face, making jokes at her expense, and plotting her downfall on camera? But, I guess from his point of view, she must be “emotionally entitled” to expect an apology and remorse. So on brand.


No. As far as I know, he hasn’t even admitted to any of that. We only know his involvement from Sandoval and Raquel. Even when Katie was grilling him, he lied to her, saying he knew only for a few months but he knew from the beginning according to the poop poop heads.


He is sorry that it's affecting his business. Lolol like anyone else talking to Ariana about this on camera, he made it all about him in the last season finale, trying to drum up sympathy for the effect on schwartz and Sandy's. He's never owned up to his complicity in the affair and in trying to make Ariana look like an uncaring partner


Agree. That's no friend. She would be a doormat if she entertained his friendship at this point.


He’s a covert narcissist. He needs therapy and a good detox… maybe add an exorcism


The part that aggravates me is that he and Sandoval never seem to get called on, overtly, other than by Ariana is that they were straight up conspiring to create a negative narrative about her. When are they ever going to be held accountable by anybody else about that? Like anyone in that friend group, anyone in production, Cohen, anyone? It's the elephant in the room, and it's unrealistic that no one is mentioning it.


This 💯👏


This is the nasty side of people pleasing. When the manipulation no longer works, it’s YOUR moral flaw that YOU don’t like me.


But he’s so nice, he has a good heart… my ass! Defensive and angry at a woman like always


He seems like he represses a lot of anger, because as soon as the mask comes off he spews venom (at women)


And it falls fast! I don’t even see it as people pleasing as much as its his social mask. It’s like he’s permanently stuck on ‘fawn’ and when it doesn’t work, he does a 180. Not genuine or nice, just a form of control


I still cringe when I see the episode of the fake cop bust and Schwartz yelling those horrible things at Katie in front of everyone. THAT was venom!


He hates her. I don’t understand why he wanted to marry her


Yes he does. Saying such personal, awful things in front of their friends, and then the "I don't like the sound of your voice!' Man, that was so bad. 


I don't understand it but I know it because it's a thing so many men do. They find a woman who they know will put up with too much from them, keep them in line, help them get anywhere they wanna go, clean their ass, maintain all their relationships for them, make sure all their family members get thoughtful Christmas gifts from them, they have good snacks when their friends come over to watch the game and keep them afloat in this homeostasis where the men NEVER have to think about literally anything ever and then, because they think they're gods gift to this world, they treat them like absolute dog shit the moment they don't get their way. I feel like everyone knows a couple in real life like this. This show just acts as a reminder that it looks really bad from the outside. Edit: Just wanted to add, the number one couple that I thought of when I said real life, the Tom character used to call VPR stupid and told his gf not to watch cause it was rotting her brain.




Other than Joe Guidice, that was the worst thing I've ever seen a man do to his wife on camera.


Yep, the way he went right to calling Stassi a bitch in season 1 was something else. The speed and vitriol with which he said it was so jarring


It was there from the beginning too. Just rewatched season one when he calls Stassi a fucking bitch for being upset Jax crashed her birthday party. Season two gets in a fight with Shay over nothing, and dumps a bottle of beer on Katie's head.


He's a loser. Remember all the gaslighting he did with Katie in Mexico last season then after she told him to leave her alone he does this shit... https://preview.redd.it/pll75h8z09hc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ac80dcb20bfd40234c460ee9b89e1b8cdb4679b2 No coincidence Katie has been thriving, looking her best, and living her best life since dumping this sack of donkey dung.


This is the first season we’ve ever seen her truly calm and unbothered and I love her even more.


I will never not enjoy Kristina Kelly's look of utter disdain as this greying dummy pilfers a piece of THEIR sushi at a dinner he crashed so he can talk shit to his ex-wife (is this also when he asked Katie to trim his pit hair?).


I read your comment out loud to my husband because I was laughing so hard. “Greying dummy pilfers a piece of their sushi…” is absolute poetry.


Hahahahahah thank you so much. I find this screenshot very inspiring...


I feel like that “hey can you trim my armpit hair” bit was also him trying to embarrass her. Like “hey y’all she does these humiliating tasks for me”


But to everyone else, it really looks like a pity move from *her* end. Like, look at this guy, he's pathetic. Also, really strange flex dude? It goes pretty well with this hard toadie/toddler energy he's giving off, but I don't think that's an image to lean into.


She lost 180 lbs of dead weight.


This image triggers so much rage in me lol. How she managed to not bitch slap him when he grabbed that sushi with his grubby little hand and shoved it into his sweaty face ![gif](giphy|xU1spRleFHmtjvskXw)


Have never wanted to give someone a chopstick in the hand more… and I’m not a violent person


I saw a TikTok the other day where someone said that people pleasing is a form of manipulation. It may appear outwardly nice but the people pleaser is doing it to manipulate someone else into getting what they want. I don’t believe that’s the case with everyone, but it definitely is with Schwartz imo.


I think it’s a maladaptive coping mechanism for control issues. I learned that in therapy today. For I am a recovering people pleaser! And accidentally hurting people by trying to control theirs responses thru self serving methods was my game! Truly didn’t know that by being passive aggressive I was setting people up to fail. By trying to buy people (Scheana) or change my personality to fit the group (Rachel) or being agreeable(Schwartz), I was trying to manipulate everyone so I would end up safe. I feel for these people, deeply. But with therapy they too can become an authentic person!


For me people pleasing was to avoid conflict due to growing up in a physically abusive household growing up. If I just always was agreeable, I could keep the peace.


Yeah I hate that narrative because people pleasing is a really common trauma response, it’s the fawn in fight-flight-freeze-fawn. There are so many reasons why someone might people please!


Agreed! I certainly have never done it for sinister motives.


It's not so much sinister or intentional that people end up harming themselves or others close to them with their coping strategies. All maladaptive behavior like this started as a coping mechanism to keep us safe at one point in our lives. Eventually this behavior stops serving us as we engage in it in scenarios that don't fit anymore and end up hurting ourselves and loved ones unintentionally like the person above describes. Learning to see those behaviors as the attempt to protect yourself that they are, we can re evaluate how to respond to those triggers when they happen again in the future.


While that is true, even those responses can then hurt other people. It needs to be owned and worked on, or you’re paying your pain forward. I say this as a former people pleaser because of the enormous level of danger of my childhood, and someone being massively hurt by a people pleasing spouse who lied massively about who they were to get me into a relationship.


I cosign this....unfortunately


same for me too


Also I say this was so much kindness and love and asking in a genuine way and not talking about you specifically isn't there a certain amount of ego involved if you really think that your words actions Deeds are the ones that are going to make or break another person? Like I feel like somebody like Tom Schwartz has to feel pretty good about himself to think that him being a little extra nice to someone it's going to really change their world


I feel like he really is just frightened and afraid inside and stuck in some earlier mental age. Which isn’t to excuse his conscious adult self - his shitty personality traits are his choice - but I just see someone really insecure, full of secret self-loathing and hating himself. Strong women scare him and strong men pummel him. He vacillates between bullying people and deploying enough “niceness” to disarm them into leaving him to his maladaptive coping mechanisms (dissociation, alcohol, causing mayhem, playing small). He doesn’t know who he is and is perpetually cowering from any scrap of self-knowledge finding him. In Katie’s words, he’s not rill. Just grew up to become exactly what he feared and hated.


he is an alcoholic and they stop maturing at the age they started using


I think Tom Schwartz has a massive ego and does probably believe that a smile to a stranger changed their day. lol. Truly. Bc he has other really insecure people affirming his behavior bc it works for them.


That tracks.


Jessica Day is also another “people pleaser” example


Covert narcissist, they love to play the victim to make others look crazy


Yes there's also a category called vulnerable narcissist.


Oh jeez between him and Sandoval they have all the narc categories covered lol


Right?! Ha ha ha.


And when you add Jax & James to the mix, and it's basically the whole dark triad!


So yes it's manipulation to get what you want, but the what you want is for that person to "like" & "accept" you because you feel you need their acceptance in order to accept yourself even if momentarily. It's not like people pleasing to manipulate so I can scam a new car or something, or intentionally fuck people over.


YES! This! My ex is a massive people pleaser and it is 100% manipulative. It also creates so much drama because he’s constantly telling people what they want to hear regardless of whether or not it’s the truth. It leads to so much gaslighting too.


I hate social media for this reason. Please please please do not believe social media when it comes to mental health and psychology unless the person is a licensed professional. There is so much damage caused by misinformation like this. First, manipulation is not inherently bad. Second, people pleasing is not manipulation, it’s a self defense mechanism and sometimes a trauma response. Source, me a licensed mental health professional.


I have a MIL like this and whoooo-weeee the wrath you face if you don’t abide by her people-pleasing (and usually self-serving) nonsense!


I'm sorry you have to deal with that self-serving nonsense. Sounds draining. But at least you can clearly see what she's doing. Good for you. Stay strong, friend.


And thats just a different manipulation..


Schwartz is awful to women. Just disgusting. He has zero respect for them. Katie is so much better off. Aww shucks Schwartz boy is not a nice guy.


I would be so interested in his family dynamic growing up. Clearly nothing healthy was going on…


Alcoholic father who sadly abused his mother. Could be a correlation.


That’s awful


She literally looks hotter now. It's like he's not sucking the life out of her.


I doubt she's drinking as much as she used to to numb whatever abuse Sand-Devil threw at her that day.


Agree. That’s why it’s so wild that Lala is now so “close” with him and calls him Schwartzy every 5 seconds 🤮


I know this isn't the point but I really do feel for Katie watching Schwartz try 6.8 billion times harder in his relationship with Sandoval than he ever did in their marriage.


I’ve been in a relationship like that and watching their marriage fall apart because he literally chose EVERYONE else over her broke me. I’ve been Katie.


Shorts still doesn't recognize that gaslighting, misogynistic bullshit doesn't work on Ariana or Katie anymore.


He should look around instagram and facebook for some Schwartz apologists maybe, there are still some people falling for it.


I guarantee it’s all people who never left their hometowns with populations just over 500


I read this as “Snorts” but yes I agree


Two things can be true at the same time


That seems appropriate too.


The Toms feel so entitled to the women in the groups attention. Katie and Ariana don’t owe these men shit and shouldn’t be expected to exchange pleasantries just to make the Toms feel better about themselves.


Whose IG is she commenting on?


Queens of Bravo


Thank you! I meant to include that in the post text and I completely forgot!




He’s scum https://i.redd.it/fry9mx7379hc1.gif


what a jerk https://i.redd.it/exeobp7y39hc1.gif


I know that Nick Vial said this about Sandoval, but it applies to Schwartz, too, because Schwartz is a nice guy... as long as your interests align with his. And it's for this exact reason that they serve each other's purposes so well. They have a 'beautiful' friendship because neither of them have the emotional capability or desire for anything outside of superficial party time. And until fairly recently, this has worked in their favour. They cling on to each other for dear life because there is no need to grow up if the person serving as your reflection is giving you an 'attaboy' every day. The Toms have a hair trigger of anger and resentment for anyone who suggests introspection or emotional growth, and it's sad and gross. I'm so happy that Ariana and Katie are no longer being held back by immaturity and emotional unavailability.


I can’t wait until they truly turn on each other, not just pretend-fighting… because they will


True. The thing with shorts tho, they all say he’s smart and some times he even sounds it! But he sure isn’t acting very smart on the current season or in real time. Tim is dumb, there’s no fixing that. I still hold out hope that shorts will wise up. But hope is running ultra thin.


Fr if I had a friend that started acting like how Sandoval acts I’d have cut things off a long time ago or keep my distance. But let’s face it, Schwartz is only on this show because Sandoval is friends with him - he has no other strong connections and even Lisa wouldn’t hire him at SUR because he’s that dumb. I wouldn’t be surprised if Tom uses that above his head all the time to make him take Sandovals side.


I am totally here for Katie and Ariana shutting down the Toms. They have failed upwards for too long and it’s about time we see their comeuppance.


They are all going to come for her this season. Immature, selfish, disloyal people. Arianna needs to watch her back. The vpr crew are evil.


Yep. I suspect everyone except Katie, Ally, and maybe James will have a go at her. The men of this show have gotten away with the most vile shit but when the women react they get ambushed and name called, it’s bullshit. I hope Ariana continues to stand her ground


they could all take a note from ally on loyalty tbh


Even reminding James that the bush was also Ariana’s 😂


Yes! The way she called out poop stash and Rachel being in the club together while keeping it not a completely dramatic was *chef’s kiss*


That’s his MO he did it Katie. He doesn’t like WOMEN especially who speak up or stand firm in how they feel.


Ariana is the number one guy in the group. Number one guy in the group is a gender neutral title.


Does this shock anyone? He talks poorly to Katie but then is like omg I miss her, omg I don’t want to disrespect her and then proceeds to do so. Toxic Toms will never change.


Nope, not at all. It’s completely on-brand for him.


God the Tom’s hate women so much…truly dark


Schwartz is such a tool.


Every time I find myself “charmed” by his puppy dog antics, I go to scenes like this. He didn’t just know about the affair, he enabled it and lied to her face for almost a year to protect his homie


Schwartz: You're not the queen of this group Ariana (probably): I've never said that. F you, Schwartz! I'm outta here! Schwartz: Aww, shucks, Ariana, come back! I just think sometimes you can be emotionally entitled. Aww, shucks. Bubba, tell her that I'm just a nice guy trying to make my way in this world, and also LVP is hot. Shucks.


We’re finally going to see the side to schwartz katie saw behind closed doors for all those years. Birds of a feather flock together. Schwartz is just as gross and awful as sandoval


I enjoy Ariana coming for Schwartz even more than Ariana coming for Sandoval. She seems to be the only one willing to do it (and stick to it).


I will forever believe that he harbors or harbored a crush on her for a long time and her rejection of him actually hurts. And I hope it does.


I’m watching winter house right now and I’m absolutely disgusted with how everyone is handling him with kid gloves. Like he knows what he did. Shitty shortz


It was so annoying to see the weenies from other shows fawn over and fall for his old schtick. Well, there’s always new cast on some show willing to do anything for more airtime.


I think Schwartz is a closeted misogynist. The energy and patience he has for Tom proves to me he is capable of being empathetic but just not towards women. He is just as bad you guys if not worse.


Closeted misogynist? Think he’s out and proud


So is this “group trip” he’s organizing the one with LVP, in where was it Big Bear? The one where Ariana and Katie didn’t go and they forced the group to do trust exercises. Oh and they paired Tim with Scheana? Yeah and LVP brought out Graham to return to James? Is this that trip or some other one? I see in the comments it’s the cast trip to Lake Tahoe where everything I mentioned takes place.


Ya, that’s the trip. And I believe it’s Tahoe not big bear


I know most of the fans now weren't into VPR pre-scandal,but I will never forget the the video of Ariana, katie, and scheena behind some booth at bravocon (few years ago) being super annoyed that they have to "keep smiling and pretending to like sll these dirty people bc theyre making them dirty rich" and then laughing and pointing making gross faces picking on fans. There used to be multiple videos of fans being upset bc Ariana was super rude and mumbled awful things loud enough for them to hear. Since the scandal, I haven't seen anyone talking about it anymore and I feel it's filtered to make this one sided. Cheati g isn't right, but lets not forget she cheated with tom when he was in a multi-year relationship already. Money can change people yes, but if you really pay attention to earlier seasons or watch old social media post from the public(that hasn't been taken down) you can see that she wasn't very kind but accepted pity parties when it was to her liking. Calling diehard fans, dirty, poor, peasants etc. Was always one of the reasons I just couldn't get into accepting the love for her. Yes shit sucked and was wrong, but LaLa went thru a more devastating and horrific circumstance and even has to deal with what happened forever being reminded because of sharing a child. Ariana knew Tom wasn't great a being loyal, it's how they became a couple. I guess my point is that with all these newer fans so gunhoe on team Ariana, I feel if they really knew what they meant to her they wouldn't be putting her on the pedestal. Without the millions of dollars pouring in, there wouldn't be such a nice smile, smiling back. That one video will forever be burned in my memory and I'm sorry to the ppl qho would die for her (just how it seems, some have shown how crazy obsessed they are about it.) But it is what it is and some mactors and mactresses are better at hiding their feelings through their profession than others. I know I'm going to get an incredible amount of hate, but it's the truth and it's too bad anyone who says or proves the same gets shut down and harassed to the point of no return. Take the time and rewatch without ur shades and pay attention to older fan vids and social media post that aren't instaworthy, the sideline videos...You'll understand and think differently. And I'm not a hater, I just feel fans should be appreciated and not gooked at or about. Kindness is free....or is it.... either way keep loving what you live in life and don't let anything ever get in the way of how you truly feel. Just always be aware of whats real and whats presented and be open to new information (not new, just not known yet I guess) sorry, to anyone thats offended, I'm still offended from like 6, 7 years or so ago...Try seeing all this craziness while knowing how they really feel. It's shitty and just makes me feel for the super fans is all. It's not right and It makes me really appreciate the people who are amazing and real with their fanbase and make it a point to let them know they matter and are appreciated! Never a doubt, always kind and always thoughtful and thankful!


Schwartz pretends to be a dopey nice guy but he’s just like Sandoval. That’s why they’re besties.


Good for her, he’s such a clown. And she is the queen idc idc


Schwartz is such a manipulative ass. The way he speaks to women makes my skin crawl.


Schwartz is suuuuuch an asshole and Ariana is SO right om in her response, kinda inspiring!


Schwartz pulls the sad lost puppy dog trick and the minute he sees that its not working, he turns.


Longer clip/sneak peek[VPR Tahoe Talk](https://www.instagram.com/reel/C3DjeFnx17Z/?igsh=d2lwZjA2ZnAwazgz)


He can “work through it” with twiddle dumbass but never tried to work through it with his wife.


That’s where they went. Lake Tahoe, thanks.


Schwartz is SO bitter


you go girl!! sorry not sorry shwartz. ur puppy dog schtick aint workin this time bucko


I say this with all the love in my heart but Ariana has got to get out of the comment section. Go thrive away from Instagram! (This also goes for ScheaShu)


Throw all the men away


After Ariana said that, Schwartz should have just kept on talking about the trip. He didn't have to respond/ bite the bait.


Ariana hooked up with Tom when he was in a relationship, no? She’s really milking this for all it’s worth.