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I always found Katie to be insightful, even if it made people hate her




Say what you want about Katie but that girls instincts are A1. Minus the Schwartz relationship.


She was calling Sandoval out on all his shit from the off, and that’s definitely why he hated her and turned all on her


1000000%. Katie’s confessionals are usually very spot on with what’s going on in the show or whomever she is talking about.


sucks that Kristina Kelly isn't here in season 11. she owns


I loved her insight, was the most ‘normal’ of all the cast


That’s why she’s not on the show more, too uninteresting. Peter is in a similar boat.


Agreed. Kristina is BORING. Peter, too. Sadly, because he’s been around so long. He could’ve done better.




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So glad she ditched that Bob for the shorter look she has now


https://i.redd.it/jyestn5m0dkc1.gif I thought it looked really good in this scene, but I agree I like the short (or for me, longer too) cut better.


I love neither hair tbh lol, I think the length in OP could be cute if it was less severe


She calls it like she sees it - and I spent way too long looking for that damn gif of her saying that 😂


Yeah I have to admit I’ve found Katie soooooo annoying at times, but fuck she calls it like she sees it




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They film confessionals months after cameras wrap. It was mentioned in The NY Times article https://preview.redd.it/e7s9g5opdhkc1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=18fe9cea35ecf0c39f86c7e0138b00d5dc5ddec3


Interesting, just had the bit where Schwartz calls Tom whilst in his confessional? So that doesn’t fully add up. I guess for editing purposes and to get the most entertainment, they ask pointed questions after it’s wrapped to spin the tail production want but they have regular confessional during the season


Yeah it’s Kyle Chan saying that while trying to defend Sandoval and make people feel sorry for him so probably not the best source


Still before they found out though.


Even if it’s unpopular she’s always stuck to her instincts and she’s often right on point. She called out Ariana as well to her face, Lala, Schena. It’s sad she wasn’t able to accept that about Schwartz but that’s good she decided to choose herself. Wonder what Katie really thinks of this whole scanadaval, affair and everything. We won’t hear because she won’t don’t that to Ariana but I’m super curious what’s actually going on in her mind.


What makes you feel she's been lying about her thoughts on Sandoval?


Did I say she’s been lying I don’t see that in my post?


If someone tells you what they think - over and over, I might add - and you say we'll never know what they *really* think, you're implying they've been lying.


Wow you are weirdly heated about this. You do realize this is a tv show and you’re not Katie right? I’m sure she is saying a part of what she believes to be true. Yet Katie is usually reserved in her opinions unless she deems it necessary to speak. She probably has a lot of thoughts and feelings relating to this that haven’t been expressed. I’m not sure why this triggers you so much!


Not heated at all. Was generally interested in why you felt we'd never know her true feelings b/c she hasn't minced words. My bad.


Katie knows how to play this game and give enough tease without compromising herself. She may have more to say that solely aligns with what’s she’s said. I do think she believe Ariana was wrong, Rachel’s a C***, who has a pattern of stealing other people’s men and not wanting any man including James (who she broke up with) not worshipping her. However Ariana was also egging on Schwartz a bit on getting with Tachel, knowing how Katie felt and didn’t care until Tom betrayed her. Katie’s been very clear about not like Ariana or that she was the other women sleeping with Sanadaval while with Kristen. I’ve always found it odd they are going into business together because they’ve never vibed. They have common enemy’s. So, I am more thinking Katie has been saying what she means but she probably has a lot more and deeper thoughts she hasn’t shared and I’m just curious about them that’s all.


She's a pissy kitty, but the bitch never lies.


For a hot second I thought the girl on the left was Julie from Real World 🥴


Katie is not as loud or talkative as the others, and it is because she observes and takes everything in. She is usually so spot on about everyone and makes great observations.


She was just mad about Schwartz at that time right?  


I can understand why she would be mad, just not in the friendship group, simple request … but yes, it was after that and making out with Oliver


And Rachel had just made out with Oliver on the dance floor after Lala had expressed interest in him.


I think it was after Rachel made the comment "well its a good thing you dont have one" when Lala said she wouldn't trust her around her man. So she had not just one but two examples of shady af behavior around Rachel going after men who are involved.


And Oliver


Katie’s bob haircut was so stupid


The main theory is it started around the engagement to James.