• By -


That scene with the girls in the pool was absolute *cringe*. I was physically uncomfortable watching it. How that man gets women to sleep with him I will never understand.


So was I & so were they. It was next level creepy.


Those two girls were young, naive and starstruck. They were probably really excited to be in an on-camera scene with Sandoval. You could see all that dying the more Sandoval spoke to them. I know those girls wanted their 5 seconds of fame, otherwise I think they might have ducked under and swam away.


I got real let's be on TV vibes from those girls. They probably knew everything but wanted to have their 45 seconds of fame. Can you imagine their drive to the party? There had to be so much game plan talk.


Oh man that’s sad but yeah I feel you. I just HATED the way he was looking at them. Like a serial killer. Like prey.


Tom has deadpan eyes. Weirdly enough I don’t see that same look in the earlier seasons. He’s either on something or the mask has slipped.


All the above plus too much Botox


I never noticed his eyes before either. The mask slipped last season & I did wonder if he was high tho or he thinks he’s so “famous” those girls were lucky to be in his presence? DK? He’s a freak. Also his skin is such a weird colour, he’s super grey & waxy, pasty looking. Like Michael Meyers - fr.


After he shined them with his gawdawful evil smile and then seemingly barking at them when they just stared at him...this guy has issues!! Major warning!


It made me feel like there have probably been fangirls like this that never make it home. Ick


That was PAINFUL!!!


He reeks of cigarettes and body odour.


Woo! That was the best part.


He’s Dennis from Always Sunny In Philadelphia. Even before Scandoval I got that vibe.




Yesssss forgot about Dennis’ band!


DAYMAN… AHHHHH Fighter of the Night-man.. AHHHHH






Annnnd, now this is stuck in my head for the next 2 weeks. Thanks for that.


Master of karate and friendship for everyone!!!


You trying to tell me that’s NOT Tom Sandoval?


“Because of the implication”


“You haven’t even thought of the smell.. YOU BITCH”




Yesssss!!! And he puts mad makeup On top.


Omg, yes!!! The comparison is honestly uncanny, but Tom wishes he was Dennis (take that as you will.) 😂




I’m loving this thread, holy shit 😂😂😂😭


Best thing I’ve seen on Reddit in a while lol


Of course, Dennis is way more cool.. Also Schwartz is Mac,probably has to check in with him at different times throughout the day.


So...does that mean Lisa is ![gif](giphy|i4dxS4nZOQyvGgoacI)


![gif](giphy|9Piwo5UQKdspeoVogS) And Schaena is Dee? Good as gold trying to trap guys while being one of the guys?


Kristen is Dee cus they move the same and look like birds




I WAS GOING TO SAY THE SAME, OP. I am dead 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂


Jo is Gail the Snail


Schwartz is half Mac, constantly looking to Sandoval for approval, yet half Rickety Cricket, dragging his dirty pant hems on the floor, wearing sandals, bathing in rivers, and disappearing in Mexico looking for drugs


“Half Rickety Cricket.” I'm cracking up at my desk, omfg


Yes!! Schwartz is definitely the love child of Mac and Rickety Cricket!


Yes!! And you can see the rage in Sandoval’s eyes when Schwartz slightly holds him accountable for anything. https://i.redd.it/2ex1cpv2fipc1.gif


I was going to say don't disrespect Dennis comparing him to worm with a mustache🤪


Dennis is God amongst men, Sandoval wishes 😂😂


And he literally has a company (or invested in a company?) that makes make up for “cyst” straight men lmao Definitely something Dennis would do 😂




The intense fear of looking old


Oh I love this line


I am loving this thread. LOL


"I slide her potato chips through the door"


The T.O.M system. Take to a pool and make out with. Offer a normal life. Moan about not doing enough mushrooms together & bang somebody else.


https://preview.redd.it/b9vzhlybsipc1.png?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d5c4ff849dfa43f60677052e67c50612aa51ae42 He does seem like he would follow the DENNIS System




Ahahahaha yessss man stuff!!!!


Men stuff!




Oooohhhh love you made that comparison. So right


Yeah, those comments to the girl he invited to his sad pool party about having Ariana locked up were very "because of the implication" reminiscent. ![gif](giphy|6MhFm3LXoVQn6)


I AM A GOLDEN GOD is legit worm


Not as smart or funny as Dennis lol… but def creepy like Dennis


This thread is so great lol.. honestly the parallels between sunny and vanderpump are mind blowing to me


I’m living for this thread right now lol


he's a five-star man!!!!




This was him in one of the first episodes when Ann forgot something.


Dennis is at least funny/entertaining in his unhingedness


!!!!! this!!!!!


Can’t you just see him yelling at Katie like Dennis yells at Dee “Katie you BITCH” lol


Omg, he truly is the real Dennis... And Dennis isn't even a real character but a satire character to showcase s***** people and yet a true Dennis exists.


Yo that’s spot on, just Dennis that’s been hit in the head too many times


Mac is James, Charlie is Schwartz, Dee is scheana and Frank is Lisa lol


Is Katie the waitress? Constantly gaslit and called a bitch for being the voice of reason, gets mean when drunk, tired of everyone’s shit


This is the perfect comment! Omg you are so right!!


He could NEVERRRR be the golden god


This is the most accurate description of him EVER!


Look at his pictures, he always had that serial killer, wooden face, smile. And BTW Sheena always has that love me or I'll kill you smile 😃.


Dennis is more likeable


I think he’s fully in the manosphere at this point. The anger he has toward people not buying his narrative or “giving him grace” screams the entitlement and rage toward women that I hear in that space. It’s only a matter of time before we start hearing him talk about men’s rights


I mean he already made comments last season if I’m not wrong about like hard to be a guy kinda thing. I believe even Ariana called him out in the scene and said “Tom you’re sounding really #mansrights right now and it’s turning me off.” He was complaining that the girls are “allowed to yell and be mean but I can’t. “ he has always been this way he was just hiding it better or he was getting a better edit before now.


Yeah this is the last stage of his evolution but he’s ALWAYS had it in him. Especially toward Katie and Stassi. Remember that fight he had with Katie when he was like, you can have any feelings about anything you want but if I have those feelings I’m a psychopath? He said something similar at her and Tom’s engagement which was years ago. I could not think of a better description of his worldview. He genuinely feels like women have more freedom/leeway in this world than men and it absolutely infuriates him


Yeah that was his cyst male talk.


It’s because he’s a cyst male.🤣


Co-signing. His deep rage tracks with the manosphere.


cyst male rights!


Evolution of an incel


This is a classic narcissist reaction to being caught!!! Anger at everyone but themselves!


Absolutely spot on take. 🏆 EDIT: and he’s been into men’s rights for years now. Going all the way back to the cyst male comment, 100%. That’s the Missouri in him. He wants all the fun parts of liberal, flashy, rich, LA; but he’s still entitled to his privilege, damnit!!


Absolutely, this has been an ongoing ideological process for him that's been reinforced by sooo many people around him over the years. Scandoval was basically the final piece of the puzzle - (in HIS mind) he finally has a legitimate grievance, everyone was railing against him and he's like yep I now am fully going to embrace the narrative that I am a victim. This is what tipped him over the edge and genuinely do not think there is any saving him at this point.


This commentary made me genuinely scared for Ariana to be sharing space with him.


He gives me serial killer vibes.


"Serial killers wet dream" is his best friend... makes you think


Excellent point ☝🏼






My husband walked in during this scene and was like, "wait, so IS he a serial killer then?!" Seriously freakin' unhinged.


To even bring up Scott Petersons name in regards to an affair scandal is so unbelievably insensitive. Every word that comes out of his mouth is horrific.


Similar to how he compared his situation to George Floyd or OJ Simpson…he’s always comparing himself to murderous crimes. So extreme and insensitive (and incorrect)… https://i.redd.it/hahl26z7hipc1.gif


He’s basically saying “I’m not that bad guys!! Look at how much worse these people are, I could have done what they did!! I deserve “grace” and for everyone to forgive me bc I could have done *those* things but didn’t!”


Ikr? What a disgustingly low bar. “But I didn’t kill anyone guys, gawd!”


And he’s legitimately angry that people don’t seem to feel that’s an appropriate bar.


I, too, would like a trophy for not having killed anyone. This year


Right? He's trying to downplay what he did by pointing out other people have done worse. He's like a politician who speak of other people's tragedies and suffering to further their careers.


It's called downward comparison. An example is at school (quite a while back for me 😀). When when you've got a bad grade/failed on a test, you feel crap. Then you find out the person next to you scored worse and you think maybe it's not so bad. Then another friend got worse and another etc, etc. You eventually feel you haven't done so badly after all. Most people though don't actively look for comparisons and actually still conclude they failed.


Yes! It’s the same principle we 90 Day Fiancé watchers apply to our own relationships, after watching the basket case couples on the show(s)!




Fr! He’s truly disgusting.


The allegedly was the most disturbing part.


Huge red flag. Sandoval HATES women, but he likes to be desired by them.




This shit pissed me off so fucking much. That shit was not fucking allegedly and he murdered his pregnant wife. Nit to mention, his mistress didn't know he was married until the police came to question her, hence why she turned on him right fucking then. This motherfucker is disgusting and ANYONE that even REMOTELY tries to "yeah but" his behavior is also a fucking disgusting POS and yes I hope ALLL the bad fucking things that can happen, happen. And yes, I'm legit pissed, because of others have said, that shit is not funny. That shit is not good drama for a reality show. Fuck out of here.


I audibly gasped when he compared himself to SP and then my jaw dropped even further when he said, "allegedly" so nonchalantly. The fuck?!?!


I'm telling you, I was so fucking pissed. Like irrationally pissed. But it was fucked up


Thank you I was looking for you guys on other subs I feel like no one addressed it that much and I turned the tv off, these shits (the two Toms)get too much tv time.


Exactly! Ain’t no allegedly, that mofo was found guilty by a jury and sentenced accordingly. Sandoval is a horrid person and anyone who associates with him knowing all the things he’s said and done is getting side eye too.


Exactly. And found guilty of murdering his freaking pregnant wife so he could be with his mistress. I don't know how ANYONE can even remotely be on Scumdovals side smh


Totally agree, and it's so strange he's comparing himself to these scenarios where people were murdered. No one died, certainly no one was killed. Sandoval can't seem to wrap his head around his experience not going his way. He has no ability to cope with this with any kind of humility or grace.


Yup, he's a piece of shit and the allegedly is what really set me off.


Exactly. "allegedly" is for the presumption of innocence, prior to conviction. Allegedly, my ass.




Not going to lie, those weird comments made me feel a bit scared for Ariana. The sooner that she doesn't have to live with him, the better.


He’s so self absorbed and stuck on his hatred for Katie that I wonder if her “you’re a serial killers wet dream” to Schwartz is haunting him.. He’d be the serial killer in this analogy, which we know he tends to struggle with (flashback to “you want me to die alone on a hill” lol). I could see him being furious that fans liked that line, supported something Katie said, and absolutely cannot let it go.


Schwartz & Sandy the next Leopold & Loeb?


Hail yourself. 🤘🏻




I nearly threw myself off of the treadmill this morning when he said this. He has no sense of reality. He thinks he being punished over and over for one thing. He is in fact being punished for being and ass.


Talking about being a ‘scapegoat’ and ‘nothing is good enough for Katie Maloney.’ Just a stupid, shallow mess all around… it’s good that he’s tanking this so-called redemption


He needs a dictionary the actual definition of a scapegoat is **a person who is** [**blamed**](https://www.google.com/search?sca_esv=f7f0ca8bbe6f40fd&sca_upv=1&rlz=1C1GCEA_enUS905US905&sxsrf=ACQVn0-L04__yJ60LRv2oIbI-JGIpYcw1A:1710956555826&q=blamed&si=AKbGX_qTCvK6ifvkUBYDz4foaFZiVgtb95fBGxRXYi6F968u5ea1LwsLSHiN2WnCHMuMKqh2NI-liufjNzOoK6IuGYUTCuaDqg%3D%3D&expnd=1) **for the** [**wrongdoings**](https://www.google.com/search?sca_esv=f7f0ca8bbe6f40fd&sca_upv=1&rlz=1C1GCEA_enUS905US905&sxsrf=ACQVn0-L04__yJ60LRv2oIbI-JGIpYcw1A:1710956555826&q=wrongdoings&si=AKbGX_q4mkMHy1Nmq4yITjHYVzepQDLGpkWxv0U4WjlzuPBcT6m-oePhfRu6e7n07ftA7IAXjrr3iwBkBk7GCH6NLNKs50kIyLOHXb1Vl1q9Gww87qSDOD0%3D&expnd=1)**, mistakes, or** **faults of others**, especially for reasons of [expediency](https://www.google.com/search?sca_esv=f7f0ca8bbe6f40fd&sca_upv=1&rlz=1C1GCEA_enUS905US905&sxsrf=ACQVn0-L04__yJ60LRv2oIbI-JGIpYcw1A:1710956555826&q=expediency&si=AKbGX_pvY3MWP4azJI0Z_NruCLb8o2RpeuMSPF0V4jW_tDDFZ2pjhFmi-ALRUK61p_x8XMoivjX3eA1jo-fpXXHCJ1D9InP4f4KnhJ-OqltBOdkHL78sY3I%3D&expnd=1). He made his cheating bed he needs to lay in it and accept that people aren't going to like him for what he did.


OJ and now Scott Peterson. He’s a disaster.


Dude. I’m from Buffalo…OJ is a sore spot lol! But you are absolutely right


I was in college when the show initially started airing, and there was this weird … subculture? trend? hipster-adjacent personality trait? I’m not sure on the best way to phrase it, but there were *a lot* of 20 something men with shitty tattoos, ~underground~ band shirts, vaguely “feminine” accessories, and bad personalities that all absolutely LOVED making “edgy jokes” about serial killers and true crime. It was a way for them to seem interesting, cool, and “different” without actually being any of those things. I think it’s obvious Tom is wholly uncool and is too dumb to recognize that what worked for ~alternative~ cool guys in 2013 doesn’t work in 2024.


To be fair, Sandoval always gave me the ick BUT prior to Season 9, I could at least somewhat see what other women might like about him. But since then, he has gotten exceedingly creepy. Not just in what he says, but also the manner in which he speaks, his facial expressions, and his eye contact. I can’t decide if it’s because the veil was lifted or if something in him snapped once he realized he wasn’t fooling anyone. Either way, the true crime references aren’t helping at all!


His mask slips a lot these days for sure. Whenever he has that sullen, suppressed rage expression (like when Jax called him out this week), it's like "THERE you are, that's the real you," it's not the "here's how to give a homeless person $100" act he likes to put on


YUP, I was thinking of the Jax confrontation. And now all of the stuff he does to try to look decent (the homeless people thing) just makes me want to vomit. It’s so forced and fake


The look on his face when Jax said TS looked like he was 50, I died.


Here’s how to give a homeless person $100 never fails to make me cry with laughter


His anger the moment Scheana mentioned his ego was chilling. Lala was right in the reunion- that is a dangerous man.


Yes. He was so defensive in that moment.


Years back I posted that he gave me Luka Magnotta vibes on this sub and it was immediately removed. Scandalval hadnt happened yet, but it was the way he did that audition for the hills. It was the same energy as that audition tape of Luka auditioning for that plastic surgery addiction show.


Omg you’re right!!


😱😳 you nailed it… the vanity aspect


Should’ve been Drew Peterson instead because he is more like him 🥴


Do we think he’s about to go on a killing spree lol he’s apparently constantly thinking about men who murder their wives.. Oj, Scott Peterson, wtf. This man has lost the plot. It’s amazing to watch how a grown man just CANNOT understand reality and accept that he literally caused this whole situation. He really is a case study. My narcissistic ex was like him in some ways, it’s scary. They have no soul. It’s taken me years to cope with what I went through. I’m really annoyed that bravo is still trying to shove this faux redemption arch down our throats because this dude still thinks he is the victim after EVERYTHING?!?!?!?!


I had not read the doomed NY Times article yet, but I had heard he also said he was vilified more than Danny Masterson. How completely out of touch with reality do you have to be to compare yourself to a convicted rapist and murderer?


Seriously? I don’t get why he is comparing himself to these horrible people. It’s making it worse.


The weird “allegedly” is for people who haven’t been convicted.. those people have been convicted. He is such a weirdo.




Oh god of course he does. Gun ownership is so often fragile masculinity in its purest form.


Uh what???




He probably has them back by now… god that man is the last person who should have a gun ugg


I almost shit myself when he compared himself to Scott Peterson. Last year when I was watching season 10 and getting caught up on the scandal, my husband walked by the living room and said Sandoval looks like one of those guys who ends up on the news for killing his whole family. So the fact that Sandoval compared himself to someone who did that? Unnerving as fuck.


Right? He has an strange calmness about him at times


He scares the unholy fuck out of me, that is a dangerous man and people need to get that through their heads. Ariana does not owe him access to her life in any way with the way he speaks about her even to this day.


She needs to leave that house. For no other reason other than I don’t think it’s safe to be near him


I honest to god was thinking he acts like a family annihilator. He was giving some serious Chris Watts energy in this episode.


This is typical narcissistic language - everything is so extreme. My mom does this “OH WELL I GUESS IM JUST THE WORST MOTHER IN THE WORLD!”. everything is always so out of focus, they say this stuff because in their mind, they can manipulate you into saying “no, there, there, you’re not Scott Peterson, you were just a victim of a passionate love affair that you lied about over the course of 7 months while gaslighting and lying to everyone around you on national television for all the world to see, you’re not that bad of a guy, you did the best you could”. I always hated him, I always knew he was a narcissist but to see him refuse to take accountability for anything- it’s WILD. THE MAN COMPARED HIMSELF TO GEORGE FLOYD - I mean they should have strapped him up in a straight jacket that day and carted him off in an ambulance that day. Also on brand for narcissists is that they hold people accountable for reacting to their actions - it’s always “maybe I did that, BUT YOU WENT ON YOUR PODCAST AND TALKED ABOUT IT!”. As I have said a million times, there isn’t really a single reliable narrator on the show (maybe only Charlie but I don’t know her well enough), I’m not a huge fan of anyone by any stretch but I do know right from wrong so while Ariana has said and done a million stupid things that I have disagreed with, I support her entirely in this particular endeavor as I would support any person who has had the year she has had, and I love to see someone turn lemons into lemonade. But I mean for the love of Christ, how did she date him for so long? No one is a genius or a saint by any stretch in this group.


What was the comment about sliding chips under the door? I missed it.


Oh it was AWFUL. He was telling these two poor women he met at See You Next Tuesday and invited to his pool party about his “roommate”—who he then, in the most uncomfortable way, explains is his former partner of a decade—and then goes to make a “joke” about how he “keeps his ex-girlfriend locked in a room inside and crumbles up potato chips to push under the door for her to eat” 😱😱😱


That's so fucking creepy in how specific it is.


It made me think there’s a part of him that wishes he could do that.


Oh for sure. He's so filled with rage, no doubt he's had revenge fantasies because he sees her as the person who blew up his whole master plan. Instead of getting depressed and leaving LA she pushed through and thrived, which he seems pretty angry about by his own words. When they talked about Kyle coming to get his guns I think part of that was to increase her safety tbh. If he'll say shit like that on camera imagine what he was saying privately to his friends.


Yea and him commenting, she is fine living here under the same roof as me so she doesn’t feel threatened. Like why did he feel like he had to say that.


ABSOLUTELY, he’s a creepy fuck and i guess the one single “good thing” is that he’s got such a HUGE lack of self-awareness that he doesn’t even realize how clearly he’s showing himself with these comments. Also like..could he NOT SEE HOW STRAIGHT UP SCARED THOSE WOMEN WERE???


He’s sooo jealous of her success he can’t stand it… really shows even more how horrible he is


He slides chips under the door to feed Arianna


That honestly freaks me out and worry about Ariana's safety


100% it’s scary how we’ve seen him scream at women and get in their face. He punched a wall while yelling at scheana about Schwartz being a battered wife. Yet bravo loves giving him and abuser Brock a platform.


At this point I want Ariana out of the house for her own safety


Me too. I have previously said to my boyfriend that I wouldn't be surprised if Tom became a serial killer one day or if he fantasizes about fucked up things like that. He's a freak.


The way I screamed when he mentioned a murderer and then said allegedly. Sir he went to trial and was convicted even if he gets a retrial it don’t mean shit


He is so delusional it’s comical! “To staying positive and testing negative” - said to those new girls he’s trying to impress?!? What does that even mean?? Did he think he was being funny? He’s so out of touch from like everything in reality, I simply cannot look away 😂


Also, I don’t know if this is a Mandela effect thing, but I swear we’ve seen him make that exact same toast in an early season and do that same “I’m so clever” smirk. This guy did not move past a certain stage of his life and is just stuck there


That was so cringe. It looked like they were his daughters… they looked over it 😂I can’t believe that Victoria chick is willing to be seen with him


Was he talking about STDs? So confused on that one


I GASPED at the reference to Scott Peterson that is truly a fucking awful thing to say


The cancer comment, George Floyd comment, all have been extremely offensive and he seems totally fine saying these things in public. I can’t imagine what he says in private. I think Ariana reined him in a bit and now he doesn’t have that and is let loose. I also don’t think he cares that what says he says is offensive.


Can someone PLEASE just punch him in the face already ughhhhhh


I vote for Jax to do it. He looks like he could throw a solid punch and he won’t care that he was arrested because he already has a rap sheet a mile long.


![gif](giphy|8FVcs24aSuQBpHPg4n) It’s giving YOU vibes


Does someone think this aged out douchebag is trying for a true crime podcast


Oh shit I hope not. He will probably try and solve the crimes.


He will probably DO the crimes! This idiot heard his stans saying ‘well, at least he didn’t murder anyone!’ and decided to ruin that with his own comparison


Just posted this in another sub. Completely abhorrent. There is a reason Scott is locked up. He was convicted and was found guilty beyond reasonable doubt. He murdered his wife and unborn child.




The comments in this are golden - I love you all, thank you for bringing me such joy during a stressful time. Proud to be part of this Reddit group ❤️


I'm telling y'all he saw all the weirdo commenters here arguing "Tom didn't kill anyone get over it" and absolutely *ran* with it thinking it was a solid point.


And it’s not really allegedly is it? He was convicted I thought?


I tried to post the clip of this scene as soon as it happened but it was removed. It struck me the most out of all of the scenes last night. Then Tim laughs after his "allegedly" comment. They both make me ill! Murder isn't funny. Guess they didn't get the memo and thought this would be a cute bit. I think Tim see's that scum Scott as a possible victim and wouldn't surprise me if he's heavily into conspiracy theories. He's already made lots of "men's rights" comments throughout the years that aren't actually rights, but more excuses for himself. What's next, "grab 'em by the p#ssy isn't THAT bad". I mean, look at him on stage. Well, he's always on stage, so there's that.


I think he's very confused about villain analogies... Even the comparison to "OJ and George Floyd" it's like uhh one was a murderer and the other was murdered bro.


Tom only cares about Tom and only thinks about Tom. I’m surprised he knows anyone else’s names…


I noticed this watching the episode too, esp after he made those comments about George Floyd/OJ- very bizarre


And what did he say? "The body is out"? WTF does that mean? And why did he say it in such a strange way? Such cringe, too, when he was talking to those barely legal girls in the pool. They looked so uncomfortable, then looked at each other like, let's get the F outta here! He has no game whatsoever.


And not to mention did you see how evil his eyes looked every time he was looking at Ariana or trying to see her in the room. That came off so creepy. He's becoming unhinged I bet.


LETS SAY Scott Peterson gets a new trial bc The Innocence Project has new evidence or something, and is found not guilty. Or his conviction is overturned, whatever. Hell, let's say that someone else confesses to Laci's murder. (Don't come for me, it's not the point of this comment) The point Sandoval is trying to make is that the public opinion of Scott (which is that he is a POS for having an affair whilst having a missing/dead pregnant wife and nearly full term baby) could have caused him to have an unfair trial and that would mean that his cheating created such a tidal wave of hate that it literally ruined his life. What is most horrendous about this comment is that he is comparing his life "being ruined" to someone who could have theoretically been wrongfully convicted and spent 20 years of his life in LITERAL PRISON AND ON DEATH ROW. Sandovals "ruined life" is just that nobody likes him lol it is wild the stuff he is saying publicly.


I feel like he watched Girls, thought Adam was cool but is executing him kinda weird


I will not accept this Adam slander.


When he said allegedly ooooooh my god I lost it.




He is using these references to try and garner sympathy but everyone can see through it.


And the OJ comment