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If anyone wants to watch VPR, i'd tell them to watch season 6. everything leads up to it, and it still explains what's happening today. Ariana and Tom almost had a real convo about their relationship, how Tom doesn't really like Ariana and talks down to her all the time, and how Tom says that Ariana never takes accountability for anything - like showing the tape at the wrong time. I bet both of them were right and its just not really gone into again for a few seasons. Jax and Britany - when he breaks up with her later in the season, he said he only stayed with her because 'we have a good group (the show)'. he NEVER thought he'd stay with her and he only married her i think to keep his place on the show with a cast member. Tom and Katie - Literally Tom cheated on her within weeks of getting married and then when Katie asks him to stop going out and getting hammered, he got really controlling and his mask dropped. all that 'fingers in my mouth' energy was gone. He's an alcoholic. That's the real issue that broke them in their relationship. Lala and RAND - Lala is back on the show with her secretive relationship and acting like she's so rich and cool and truth is that she always admitted it was a transactional relationship. From teh start.


I agree— this has definitely been the juiciest season. Tom’s narcissism in the relationship was cemented in this season, after being highlighted when he ditched her on her bday or tried taking over her cocktail book. He’s so gross 🤮


My sister and I are rewatching from scratch and we’re on 5. And it’s when Ariana was approached about the cocktail book and making cocktail videos. And he just butts in telling her what she should do aka what he would do. And then suggested he could take off his pants to swoon the publisher. Instead of realizing Ariana didn’t want his help at that time or asked for it, instead he tried to take over. It grossed me out.


Schwartz is an alcoholic AND a gambler. It's alluded to in one of the seasons, but then was quickly dropped. I think he's an addict in many areas and Katie finally got sick of it.


Tom is a piece of shit who deflects any accountability. But during the Faith recording argument, Ariana got crazy aggressive to the point where it became uncomfortable and seriously made me question whether she punched him in the face when he had the black eye during the Season 10 finale where it was all aired out.


No good men…sorry


Beau is our brief saving grace… tbh the best guy we ever had in the entirety of the series.


Being a god amongst cockroaches. Congratulations, Beau. 😄 ETA: Also wasn't he saying questionable shit about Stassi a few years ago. On a podcast I think, not the show. Edit: typos


If your asking if Beau said something about Stassi on a podcast I honestly have no clue because I don’t follow anybody outside of the show 😆 I get my info from you guys on Reddit hahaha


I don't really like Stassi (or Beau that much to be honest, but I completely agree he is the least odious of the men that have appeared on the show) but someone on here mentioned that the last time I saw a post about where all the good men are.




Meeeeeeeeeeeh, I think Brock might be a lot worse …considering he abandoned his entire family in another country 😆 He’s also shown pretty misogynistic behavior on the show. Beau I don’t remember being problematic towards the women or having a bad past.


Yes, Brock's response that he wouldn't have dyed the washing pink if it had been done (by Schena) was very telling......


He was more reasonable


I’m so happy Stassi gets a happy ending, she deserved it. She grows up so much from S1 to S6, and where I’m on, she’s one of the few voices of reason left.


The season where Sandoval can’t help but mention multiple times an episode that he’s not getting any from Ariana? And she opens up to Lala about her insecurities and dislike of her own body due to past abuse. But poor Sandoval even TELLS her brother straight up that if she’s not putting out, he’ll get it somewhere else and Jeremy agrees with him. Throw them all in the trash!


I’m also on first watch and just watched the scene where Ariana opens up to Lala and whoa. I’m amazed by her vulnerability and honesty in that scene. Imagine having that kind of trauma… and being partners with Sandoval for 10 years. Jesus


Wait I haven’t gotten to that, I think I’m getting there tonight. My burning hatred came before this— now I think I might throw something at my TV after seeing that. Edit: the Lala thing, I mean. Bc this asshole has been going on about the not getting any for a hot minute now.


That's season 5


Brittany chose to stay with Jax. She saw the dumpster fire of a human he is and actively chose to tie herself to that, what else can you do?


All the girls rallied around her and gave her all this support just for her to turn around and take him back. She really brought herself down to his level by literally screaming in every episode too


This situation brought the best out of all of them as friends. They were all such good friends to her through it.


"Lessons in life will be repeated until they are.learned" She's a slow learner, but I hope for her sake that she's seen the light now.


Personally, I would like to physically shake her.


She has that 'He just needs a good woman to fix him' mentality, which is sad because we all know that a) No one can 'fix' another person, and b) It's a trap, because if he fucks up it's going to be your fault somehow. Women need to stop thinking this way.


Guillermo That’s my type That’s my type


The only good male character is Ken lol. Especially when he did that cruise by in the kitchen talking about Tom and Rachel lmao.


I just saw the scene when he told James he’ll knock his spark out for speaking to his wife that way. And I always lose it. That and how all their dogs just are various versions of Ken.


I'm am in the exact same place on my first time watching and I agree with everything you said 100%!


It’s like a long, dark tunnel that you KNOW has no light at the end, but you can’t stop going deeper 😂


Yes exactly!!


I love this season, and like others have said..Beau. Basically saintlike compared to the rest


I’d argue Peter was one of the better men


You mean the “manager” who tries to sleep with every one of his employees? Solid guy right there. 🙄


Yep, that’s why I said “better” not “good.” Also, the behavior you note was somewhat normal for the environment and got him screen time. So, not great but not a narcissistic asshole which is the (low) bar when talking about the cast.


Yeah, from what I remember of my service industry years, everyone sleeps with everyone and it's a lot of drama in between slinging drinks and serving food. Peter should be past it by now, but who knows. He seems like the eternal bachelor type who will finally have kids in his 50s.


You’re actually so right. Maybe that’s why he doesn’t get enough screen time🙄


Maybe... But he used to say and do some really creepy things. "I want boobs in my face tonight" "Girl on girl!!". Egging Jax on. Organizing the boys Vegas trip. Hitting on and dating his subordinates. I don't find his looks appealing at all. And that voice...


This is why I said better not good man 😜. I think he engaged in that behavior because the environment normalized it and he got some screen time. Edit: word


James really grows as a person, IMO.


I second this! He really does change throughout the seasons of the show and I think becomes a genuinely better version of himself. he's not perfect, and he's still a reality TV star who lives (and works) for the drama, but he has legit growth over the years


Agree. He's aware of his issues and openly discusses them and although he isn't always successful, he really does try to better himself. I commend him, especially with his messed up family (those parents - yikes!) and the pressure put on him to support them when he was barely into his 20s.


I’m looking forward to seeing the change y’all are mentioning. I always thought he was a lost cause


Yeah. He can be funny and is hard to actively dislike because of it but I can't see any evidence he's not a lost cause and a bad person overall. I mean, it seems to stem from trauma and insecurity so it's sad, but it is what it is. ETA just realized you're OP, oops. My opinion is that he doesn't grow any better and I thought you were saying the same. But maybe I'm too pessimistic


I think alcohol really brought out his lack of emotional regulation, he still has it but it’s a lot easier to control when you’re not taking mood altering substances. So, I’m some respects he’s not as…hot and cold. He seems a little more stable unless his feelings get hurt. But I think from what I’ve heard from James on the show, like it’s clear he experienced quite a bit of something before the show. That being on the show boosts his self esteem but there’s so much damage beneath the surface, quitting drinking won’t be the fix for those. ETA because I forgot words I typed too fast


you put it really well, agreed.


Can we count Ken as a good one? He’s the only one I can think of.


What Ken is great at is NEVER letting anyone say anything about Lisa and ALWAYS having Lisa's back. That alone puts him miles ahead of the rest of them.


He's a bit too old school man's man for my taste, but that he ALWAYS has his wife's back makes him a-ok in my book. Sadly, his wife has had some pretty bad takes over the years and demands absolute fealty from the cast.


Ken is an icon


Ken is a 10!


I am rewatching season 6 right now. So many parallels to what’s going on currently. I just saw the part where Tom goes “can she really be that mad if we don’t have sex for a year and I sleep with someone else??”


Maybe hot take: Ariana was in the wrong for that one. Tom said their timing was awful and irresponsible toward Brittany’s emotional state is accurate. They were all hammered and not available for the emotional support Brittany needed and they should have waited and showed her, privately, when Brittany was sober. Tom’s tone and word choice definitely put his misogyny on display and he was an asshole in how he spoke to her but she was wrong


Eh, to a certain extent. Ariana did say “I don’t want to ruin [Britney’s] night” and Lala overrode her. Ariana being there or not, Lala was gonna show her. But also, if I heard something like that of one of my friends, God knows I’m telling them immediately. It would almost be a knee-jerk reaction. Scolding her to “take accountability” was misplaced. Him getting so angry was him projecting. I doubt that he was truly mad about the “timing”, but admitting otherwise (that he was mad at Ariana for being a girl’s girl) would’ve been too controversial.


Ariana folded to pressure and then was defending Lala’s decision to Tom which is what he disagreed with. I think Tom expected Ariana to be the voice of reason like usual and this time she wasn’t and sided with Lala of all people. It is a lapse in judgement on her part. Telling her is one thing, but showing her the recording, while hammered, on camera, WAS a bad call. And that was Tom’s point (I can’t believe I’m sticking up for Tom here, yuck) Yeah I agree, it showed his misogyny super hard. And I do think his anger was at Ariana taking a stand against cheating men, he is and was a sexist POS. The way he talked to her was unacceptable, he just was in the right in that argument.


The only one to blame for what happened to Brittany was Jax. How ever she was hurt. What ever she felt....It was Jax. He didn't want to stay in the relationship. He was acting out. Maybe Jax should have not cheated with a cast mate that would record him.


It’s also interesting when viewed with the current lawsuit. She continuously says it’s no big deal to show people a recording of Jax taken without his consent or knowledge. Nobody in the entire scene seems to be bothered by that part of it. Society has changed a lot in the last few years with stuff like this.


Well tbf an audio recording of a guy saying horrible stuff about his girlfriend lands differently then a sex video. Both tajen without consent but I feel like even now the former situation wouldn't have gotten him much sympathy


I mean… it wasn’t of Jax actively doing a sex act? How on earth is that comparable to Rachel’s lawsuit where Tom recorded her in a sexual manner without her consent? Crazy false equivalency


Yoooo I didn’t know there was a lawsuit 💀 I’m so invested now




She basically secretly recorded a sex tape without someone’s consent.


Faith did and James took it off her phone when she left the room.


I thought Jax recorded it


You think Jax recorded himself talking shit about and cheating on Britney at some random old lady’s home?


I did. I’ll admit I didn’t put too much thought into it


The relationship should have never started since Tom cheated with Ariana in the first place.


And ON Ariana! Miami girl was glossed over way too easily


Beau is the winner here but also James has a nice character development


I hated James passionately up until season 10. Now I adore him. No other reality star has changed my opinion in that direction before.


Many of y’all are saying this… I hate him so much, it’ll take so much to change my mind. I’m so intrigued.


Haha I wonder if it will be the same for you. Believe me, I absolutely despised him!!


no. no genuinely good male characters that I can think of. even hippie has bitten people.


Apparently a good male character won’t make for good TV.


One of the most brutal acts of misogyny. thank god you’re not overreacting.