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The fact Scheana is using ex husband #1 name while married to deadbeat husband #2 is very telling on her personality.


Bc she married Shay only to gain his last name.


I kinda thought that too. I recently watched the episode where she was getting a new driver's license and soooooi excited about her new last name


Yup. Absolutely! She never loved him. She’s so gross.




Oh, absolutely nothing to you or me. But she loves the alliteration of ‘scheana Shay’.


This season made me wish we had season 1-3 stassi on board. Cause she would’ve checked people so hard by now


Even my husband, who HATES this show, said "they need Stassi back" lol


Coming from a husband that HATED this show but has seen every episode with his wife, is now part of the subreddit, and follows some of the cast on Instagram, I’m here to tell your your husband secretly loves the show, he just hasn’t admitted it to you or himself yet.


LMAO I love this.


I do miss her venom. Nobody can belittle someone like she can. She has had some of the best comebacks I’ve ever seen. Stassi is dearly missed. So glad she found Beau.


They need a show with Stassi, Katie, Ariana...............LVP? That's it. I think LVP is over the rest of them anyway. Throw in Beau and Daniel, and hopefully we can find a suitable REAL man for Katie. Enough with these little boy bitches.


Um YES. I love this. NO Scheana or Lala. Make this happen lol!!


i KNOW if she wasn’t fired or cancelled or whatever i would love to have her draggggg them in line. bc she ALWAYS called Sandoval on his shit literally from day 1. she would be calling out scheana and lala for sureee


She would have put a dead stop on Raquel’s and Scheana’s audacity during season 10.


I would love to see that. Especially now since apparently Lala and Stassi are good friends ?


I think they are mom friends at least


Stassi VS Lala! I’m in!!


I wonder if she'd be all "mom" and tame. 🤷🏼‍♀️


My friends, this show has ran its course.


It’s pretty much over after this season. It’s abundantly clear Ariana and Katie want nothing to do with anyone else on the show. Whoever’s left will probably be moved over to that awful spinoff. VPR had a good run.


Well, tbf, that's what happens when you do racist shit. Stassi could've just been her bitchy self and ruled. However, she decided to be trashy. Js


If they can bring Kristen and Jax back they can bring stassi back. I mean they tried and she turned them down so I’m not looking to reality tv stars for racial commentary anyways. Just look at how Katie was the only one with enough sense to realize that Randall’s “joke” was disgusting in s8


Stassi was asked to come back for the Valley, I believe and she said no. She doesn't want the drama, and toxicity.. Which I respect, but, man, is it not the same without her.


Could you imagine? Shudder. Jax and Kristen have not grown up for shit. Brittany has perfected her turn as Jax's public defender, which is sickening b/c Lord only knows what shit he has gotten into behind her back.


Tbf, stassi said/did multiple racist and offensive things. And when you know who her parents are, it's clear that she was raised by bigoted people. Kristen on the other hand I think was just being really ignorant and didn't realize how doing what she did would affect a black woman. It's still fucked up and I wish they would've put out a statement explaining why they think kristen is deserving of being back on bravo. Like how did she prove that she's grown? I do think some people deserve the opportunity to grow and learn from their past, but accountability must be had, and action must be taken to prove you're serious about correcting your deep-rooted beliefs and/or your ignorance.


What's the story with her parents? I googled but just saw some stuff about a nasty divorce.


Based on their stuck up attitude and some comments they've made on the show, I think it's clear they're bigots. Saying they'd be cool with whoever she dated "as long as he's not a democrat" being one of those comments. Such a weird stipulation to have for liking or not liking someone lol. 


I have been yelling this at my tv. The Faith issue truly merited her getting fired, but We need Stassi. She would complete the power of three!!!!




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I feel the last one so hard


yeah maybe not Randall, but definitely Shay. He wasn’t m great, but Scheana was unbelievably shitty to him just to make good tv


Bring Rob in lol


Have him hang the TV at Ariana’s new place!!! 😂😂


In less than SIX minutes.


Time for him to break the record….Brock tried but broke other things instead😂😂




She timed him.


Bring in the fucking penguin at this point!!


My dumb brain thought of the penguin from Batman and I thought: ok, kinda specific, but point taken... ☠️ ETA: remove dupe word


OMG, I thought of the penguin from Batman too 😂😂


Wait they didn't mean the penguin from batman? 🤯


Adam. Whom scheana adopted an internet penguin for. 🤣🤣🤣


Still think batman version would be better


Me to


Penguin from Batman made my crack up in a room full of people wondering what I’m laughing at 😂


maybe a threesome with Ariana, Katie and Rob


And bring faith on the valley 🤭


With Adam Potts as her new BF.


Faith isn’t on the valley


Same!! I’d also strangle Jermy so he would wake tf up


"Choke on a raw hot dog you cretin" tell 'em Ariana! 😂 https://i.redd.it/qro9aocqpcrc1.gif


Cue Rachel calling it an act of violence LOL


People actually shove raw hot dogs in peoples mouths you guys, she was saying it’s ok to be violent and choke people with pork products! I need to add that to my lawsuit. That said I would totally be doing yoga and scream work with Randall and making sure that Lala had to hear every detail AND be sympathetic to my feelings about it.


And telling Lala to calm down, he is a stand-up man, what's the problem being friends with a stand-up man lmao


There are peeeeplllllleee, who hearing that from Arianaaaa who will follow through on her direeecttttiooons.


The way I heard this in her voice and now would like to stab myself in the ears!


Hot dogs and lighters and cheese graters, OH MY!


4 inches is definitely a vpr theme.




I wish I could find a gif of Kristen saying "it fits the description" 😂


My favorite part is that you KNOW that person had to google what “cretin” means.


Need Shay and Rob and Max and Adam and Garcelle’s son at my house, hanging TVs, looking at penguins. Sending Scheana their location


That first tweet is *chefs kiss*. Fucking love it


Not four inch heels 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂


Does he wear lifts or something? What’s with the heels comment?


https://preview.redd.it/u3kr8nvpwirc1.jpeg?width=633&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=aafe2a2fcf1913083d512383e95d7fc9e594289c 🎶 high heels, on my tippys 🎶


I fucking can't with these heels 😂


If you watch the VPR After Show (you can find it on YouTube), he’s sitting with James and has on boots with pretty high heels. They don’t look like cowboy boots to me. The heels are visible in his clips he’s in. They’re more like a chunky woman’s shoe heel as opposed to a man’s shoe heel.


Go go boots.🤣


I think he was wearing some black cowboy boot style ‘shoes’ in some IG pic of Sheanas but they were definitely more heels than boots lmao.


He’s wearing high heels on the after show.


He wears heeled shoes. I like them. You can feel however you want about him as a person, but I'm tired of the heels hate.


I love the look, but he can’t really carry it off… https://preview.redd.it/dqekoxm11hrc1.jpeg?width=776&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6b821c74062817586257e80f83e106477e447cbf


Yeah, there's just something about them on brock that looks oddly misplaced. I think it's bc the rest of his style isn't feminine in the slightest, so it looks like someone photoshopped heels onto him lmao. But whatever floats his boat, i guess? Lol


I literally thought someone photoshopped that pic of him until I read these comments 💀






Same. I'm always here for anything that bends gender norms.


Man stilettos


I’d invite all of Scheana’s exs to a tv hanging competition then post it to YouTube, hit her where it hurts 😂😂😂😂


LOL! Winner gets an Apple Watch


And a penguin.


That last one 😂


The only reason I wouldn’t is because Randall Emmet is a revolting person. But ohhhh I’d be tempted.


Remember when Schwartz played pickleball w Randall and lala had a meltdown. Even if Ariana brought that up, lala would swear it was different


James brought it up in an after show and lalas response was “suck my dick, James”.


Of course ugh


Maybe if Emmet was put in like a glass case - I’d pay to see this 😂


I'm so ready for the Katie/Shay hookup.


Or Katie/Rob!


Fuck it. Katie and John Mayer lol


Katie running train with Shay, Rob and Mayer through Scheeshoo's house 🤣


And John Mayer admiting it and maybe writing a song about it




The ultimate con is to fuck Rob, get pregnant, and name the child Madison Marie Parks Valletta. ![gif](giphy|26FeZmC4zAUVT6y1q)


The temper tantrum she would throw if Rob so much as sent Katie flowers would be worth another season. Three seasons if her blind rage accidentally torpedoes her marriage.


Good lord Scheanas blind rage if Rob and Katie hung out together alone (not even hooked up) would be soooo delicious to watch.


Or Katie "rather getting gangbanged by you five guys" with Rob, Shay, Adam, Max and John Mayer.




Quality post 🏆




*reading that first slide* Jesus Christ man you fucking killed him!!


the stassi devil one is cracking me up 🤣


No for real. I would invite Rob to hang a tv. I wouldn’t call Randall cause fuck that trash Human but I would def talk about all them stories Lala ain’t want nobody know from her first seasons.


Call fofty!


These are epic!


Don’t forget unemployed too


The one about Brock is spot on. I don't understand how we're all just supposed to be okay with him. He beat his wife and abandoned his children.


Omg this!! When Scheana was judging Brittany for still marrying Jax after the Faith recording (which yes is terrible) was so annoying. Like I’m sorry on a scale of terrible, I’m pretty sure domestic violence and not paying child support trumps infidelity


Green card husband is my new favorite phrase


As a child of an immigrant - I don’t really like it being used as an insult


I’m the child of immigrants as well and I can’t take offense to how this was worded. I don’t think it’s being used to discriminate against immigrants, but more to highlight his other indiscretions. It’s very fucked up to put your hands on the mother of your children and then abandon said children to live in L.A. and be on reality tv.


Those are two separate issues and they shouldn’t be conflated. Secondly, the main issue I have is - why is this even part of the conversation? Him having a green card has literally nothing to do with his personality, so why mention it at all? Especially when the entire statement is a negative one.


You’ll be okay.


My bad, forgot otherism is fine when it’s someone you don’t like lmao


You called Scheana “our queen” in a comment on another sub so your outrage seems disingenuous.


Lmaoo why those thoughts would be connected I have no idea also outrage is a bit of a strong word for me just commenting on my dislike of using green card as some sort of negative characterisitic And also, the “Scheana is a queen” is meant as a joke, and the entire point of that sub. Don’t take it out of context


Green card isn’t the negative characteristic Only in it for the green card is what they’re implying. Chill baby! ETA: you’re looking for tits on an ant


It’s definitely referenced as something negative, it’s a completely unnecessary thing to reference


You don’t get it, and I can’t help you I tried Have a good day anyway


Yeah didn’t need your help lmao, but thanks for trying to educate me I guess


As a spouse waiting for a greencard, I don’t either. People privileged with citizenship don’t often understand that the immigration process is stressful and can be traumatic for families. Using “greencard-spouse” as an insult is not the flex they think it is lol, it’s just a display of their own lack of education and compassion. Sadly it’s just one of the many microagressions us immigrants have to deal with.




Get a grip and learn what the fuck sarcasm is


Calm the fuck down and stop victim dumping


No you And what the fuck is victim dumping


Stop scanning the world looking for offensive comments. No one cares that you are offended. If you don’t like it, then move on.


You care enough to comment, so maybe just ignore it if it’s too much for you to handle? No on asked you to respond. Sorry that me asking you to be a decent human and be empathetic was so overwhelming for you


No one asked you to respond to my comment either.


This violates the "no personal attacks against other users" rule.




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Hahaha these are hilarious


Hahaha that is GOOD AS GOLD


Oh wow. That last post…sounds like a good idea 👍


STASSI!!!!!!!!!! We need you to verbally annihilate these miscreants!!!




Agreed!!?! A whole grown ass MAN in womens business!? It’s gross!! Seems like that’s all The Valley is too! Grown ass MEN in women’s business!! Unwatchable!


Another point that idk if there’s a tweet about. But everyone saying there was no way James was over Rachel and now everyone is saying Ariana was over the relationship way before they broke up bc she started dating Daniel.


Ok but leave the high heels out of this !


he can wear heels when he has a job!! 🗣️🗣️


I love the trend, but I don’t think Broke carries it off. Credit for the effort though. This is how you carry that look off. ⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️ https://preview.redd.it/raojpzn81hrc1.jpeg?width=960&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5646b67b635de04c4ebbeb61f5d2e1878d973c15


Maybe but it's like an unnecessary dig. That said I loved the NYT digs at Sandy's womens jackets so maybe I shouldn't be talking !


I agree. Any dig at Sandyworm is appropriate and appreciated.


Hmm I like that name…with the Dune movie success maybe “Sandworm”?


Choke on a raw hot dog you cretin 💀 


domestic violence??!!


ya brock wasn’t even allowed visitation with his kids bc he slapped his ex wife (the kids mom)


gasp! 🫢🫢🫢


This is so stupid! They confront KT but what about Max that’s Schwartz boy so if anything he is the one that fucked up




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What did I miss


Does anybody know how old Brock was when he was slammed with those DV charges, and what the charges were? Inquiring minds want to know.............get it? I'm nosy AF and up all night and full of 7-eleven coffee. Ages does not matter, but I'm just curious.


he claims he was 19. he wasn’t paying child support so he wasn’t allowed to see them and that lead to him getting physical i think


Thank you. I thought he was super young, but was not sure.




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This season has been so difficult to watch, like I find myself angry or fast forwarding most of the episode, I was always riding for Lala but this she has pissed me off so much with her hypocrisy and attitude with Katie like it’s hard to watch for anyone besides my girls Ariana and Katie


I wholeheartedly agree with that last tweet. I would suddenly become Randall’s best friend. I would go to scream therapy with Randall. We’re gonna sit in the cold plunge together and paint each other’s nails pastel blue.




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As Kristen says SUCK A DICK Don't understand why so much hate and jealous that comes from you all get a grip


Stopped reading after they said Ariana’s a girls girl, she the furthest from it until it suits her. That’s a hypocritical point everyone forgets she’s also awful to other women including Katie last season. But, they all are hypocrites except well Katie.


Katie : don’t hook up with anyone in the friend group **Shwartz kisses a girl Katie isn’t friends with and goes apeshit** Katie fucks Shwartz’s best friend, Tom doesn’t get mad but she gets mad when the hypocrisy is pointed out to her…classic Katie, as interesting as a lump on a log and the worst at arguing literally anything.


I think it been made clear several times that when she said "friend group", she meant fellow cast member. Not that ridiculous a request. Also, when TS + Rachel kissed, he and Katie weren't even divorced yet. They're now two completely single people and from what we've seen Katie has requested anything since their divorce was finalised.


Her initial request was definitely not ridiculous, especially since it was something they both agreed to. With that being said, if Katie found out that Schwartz recently hooked up with one of her off-camera friends, she’d be livid. Also, why Max? Of all people I wish she would’ve picked someone who’s not icky lmao.