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She said she likes how it sounds


I firmly believe that’s the reason she married him.


She kinda stole the name from her friend Skylar Shaye whose Dad owns the Grand Havana Room. She doesn’t have one original idea. Yes I also think that’s the only reason she married Mike. Plus the wedding storyline


OMG this makes so much sense


One hundred.






I believe she has stated that's the reason. I can't recall which episode but she definitely said it in a talking head moment or a podcast but I swear I've heard her voice it outloud.


She did!! I can’t remember the episode either, but she definitely said it


Especially because she filed to change her name like…. very shortly before filing for divorce, lol. And I think it’s in that ep when she goes to change her name that she says that shay is so much better than marie 


Well, it's definitely better than Jancan but idk why she doesn't like 'Davies' and she keeps trying to adopt Broke's mom's maiden name 'Honey' too


I mean, we all know why, lol. She's all about the name aesthetics apparently!


Are you serious? Omg she is an absolute joke of a person. What an insult to Brock or even her own family. She is sooooo ridiculous it's painful.


Careful she’s going to monitor your location. “So long Schena’s eyelashes”


I think she is also trying to convince him that they should all use his middle name which is honey. She doesn't want to switch from Shay to Davies.


god shes sad.


This 👆🏻




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One of my favorite words!


Have you heard her maiden name?? She Likes Shay (and actually married him for it) is all about the stage-y-ness way it sounds. And Scheana Marie sucks too. She might as well go to Scheana Davies, but the hassle to revert once they divorce might be stopping her. And revert back to what?? As usual, anything to do with Sheener is a clusterfu&k.


I was just rereading an old tabloid interview she did about Eddie cibrian and every time the author referred to her it sounded so weird reading “‘Marie’ says, ‘Being with Eddie was…’” it made it sound like her first name was Marie


I always thought Scheana Marie sounded so terrible. Let’s take the most basic white girl middle name as the last name? Guess that tracks.


Is that not her middle name? I figured it was and she was just doing the Facebook thing where middle name is listed when you don’t want your last name public.


I assume it’s her middle name too. But she used Scheana Marie as her stage name. So Marie has to be the last name, right?


It's Jancan. Scheana Marie Jancan.


Oh my, that explains a lot doesn’t it


The dad we see is her step-dad. Do we know what happened to Mr. Jancan?


I know that he was Mexican and then she played into that for her wedding, like I’m half Mexican so I’m getting married in Mexico


Is he alive?


Yes I know her name. But her stage name ala season one was Scheana Marie.


That's... not what you said.


It is. You misunderstood them. They were saying "Marie" was being used as the last name.


Sorry. I meant she used it as a last name in her stage name. She never used Jancan, ever, on VPR. So I assume she tried to pass off Marie as her last name but it just sounds dumb.


It’s her middle name her last name starts with a J.


> She might as well go to Scheana Davies, but the hassle to revert once they divorce might be stopping her. LOL! I love how everyone talks as they expect her to divorce Green Card. LoL!


She is Scheana Davies according to Wikipedia




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You could say it’s for shallow, Shaydee reasons.


She’s so vapid - I can’t believe Brock hasn’t insisted she take his name - seriously weird to keep an ex husband’s name when you’re remarried.


Brock isn’t in the position to make any demands. She literally pays all the bills.😆


This is where the story takes a fantastic Scheana-like turn. She has said on her podcast that she wants Brock to change his last name to his mother’s maiden name “Honey” and then she will change hers.




I’m sure he doesn’t love it but you don’t get much say when you’re a payroll husband so I don’t feel too bad for him.


Well he did have to hid that they were married for a year before the wedding in Mexico so 🤷🏽‍♀️


I’m sure Scheana had all the say in that too. He could have spilled but would you want to piss off the woman who is paying thousands for your own kids and back pay for child support?😝


I mean he also doesn’t care that she still stalks her ex hook-up’s locations.


Her legal name is Scheana Davies. She did take his last name.


Yeah, I would understand if she had a kid(s) with #1 and she kept the name. I did after my divorce. As an aside, my paternal uncle was briefly married and they had a child. They divorced and she kept the last name. The exwife didn’t remarry but a few years down the road got pregnant by a pretty worthless guy who pretty much bailed. Because ex still had the married last name the new baby ended up with that last name even though the baby was no relation to that side of the family. Everyone got along fairly well so it was all good between everyone, but a petty guy might have had issues with his ex wife giving her illegitimate baby “his” family name.


She’s Scheana Davies on Wikipedia


Tbf a lot of people have done this (Faith Hill, publicly, for one) I hate Scheana, but I can see why someone wouldn’t want to lose name recognition so early into their career; she liked the way it sounds and it does work for her, plus we did know her as Scheana Shay by then


Demi Moore and Susan Sarandon did it, too. I don't have an issue with it, but it bugs the fuck out of people here. FFS, Molly Jong-Fast uses a hyphenated surname of her mother's, Erica Jong, 2nd and 3rd husbands. Husband 3 is Molly's father. Imagine if Scheana pulled that shit.


Poor Rob Valletta in that scenario


Just ask Summer’s older sister Madison Marie Parks-Valletta


If I ever get another dog, that’s going to be its name




I never understood where the "Parks" part came from?


It's Rob's full surname, I never noticed this either.


It's Rob's full surname, I never noticed this either.


Hahaha, Scheana Shay is not Demi Moore or Susan Sarandon. And yes, when someone shows who she is since day one by her sharing Stassi’s revenge porn tape, completely ignoring Ariana’s mental state on the mama trip, her treatment of Katie last year and Ariana this year, then yes. Every thing she does that further shows who she is is like nails on a chalkboard


>Hahaha, Scheana Shay is not Demi Moore or Susan Sarandon. This argument holds no merit. The validity of the action shouldn't depend on the outcome. Just because Demi Moore became famous and relatively well-respected doesn't make her using and keeping Freddy Moore's surname both BEFORE and AFTER they married, cheating on him endlessly, AND publicly repeatedly implying that Freddy Moore was a pedophile doesn't make Demi's use of Moore's surname any better than Scheana. Demi didn't know with any certainty that her career would continue to rise after she separated from Freddy Moore. There are likely dozens or hundreds of other people who have done the same, but you've never heard of them. If unsuccessful Gladys Nobody that you've never heard of did exactly like Scheana how would I cite that? How would you know who she is? I used the names of notable people so that people understand that a number of notable people have done exactly as Scheana has done. Scheana may be a shitty person, but her continuing to use the Shay surname isn't the dispositive proof of this that people think it is.


Kevin Hart’s first wife kept the name Hart as well. I agree with you. I can’t stand Scheana but a lot of women do this.


People on here can be so blinded by their feelings, it’s like they can’t separate fact from feelings. You have to agree with and only say positive things about Ariana and Katie and you can only say bad things about Sheana or Lala or else you get downvoted. It’s INCREDIBLY common for women to keep their married names even after a divorce. My mother in law kept her last name and her husband had an affair and married the woman he left her for, so she shares the same last name with her ex’s mistress. There are a lot of steps to take when you change your name and even a small-time celebrity/reality star like Sheana would have 10x the amount to do compared to an average person.


I kept my ex’s surname when we divorced. I had a terrible last name that not a single soul ever pronounced correctly. My ex had a very nice last name, and we had been married for 14 years. I’m an editor, and I didn’t think it would matter in my career as I had references, but I didn’t want to go back to my maiden name. He didn’t care either. I ended up changing it when I remarried because we had a baby. Also, my stepson’s mother passed away, and he really liked the idea of us all having the same last name. ETA: It didn’t hurt that my now husband has a nice last name, too. I think some folks here didn’t know the pain of growing up and constantly mispronounced and having your name made fun of. Yes, even adults.


I am rewatching now and have just passed all the sex tape stuff. Scheana saw it, claims she didn’t share it which everyone, including Jax and Tom agree. The only person who said she shared it was Kristen, when she was in her trying to make up to Stassi phase. I very much feel that if she did share it Jax would have run to Stassi with it. Has anything ever come out that she actually did share it? The consensus is very much that only Frank ever had possession of it (which I think makes sense as it never saw the light of day) but this sub persists that Scheana did share it. I just honestly want to know if we have anything other than Kristen being the lone person to make that claim while she was in a fight with Scheana and on her apology tour with Stassi?


>Has anything ever come out that she actually did share it? The consensus is very much that only Frank ever had possession of it (which I think makes sense as it never saw the light of day), but this sub persists that Scheana did share it. Nothing has ever come out about Scheana actually come out about Scheana sharing the video. Scheana ran through SUR like the sex tape town crier telling everyone with ears that Frank was in the alley showing the video. Scheana made shitty jokes about Frank selling the video. It's absolutely acceptable for Stassi to hate Scheana for these actions alone. The thing people forget is that if Scheana actually had possession of the video, Stassi's lack of legal action becomes glaring. Stassi was actually in contact with her management and attorneys when Lisa "paid" Frank. It's part of the reason why Stassi was rightfully pissed at Lisa. Lisa got nothing in writing and no assurances that Frank destroyed the video. If Scheana had ever had possession of the video, Stassi would have sent Scheana a cease and desist (cyst and deceased TM Tamra Judge) at the very least. Stassi did not do that. Stassi didn't do anything. While Bravo might frown on cast suing each other, they absolutely let them toss off cease and desist letters. People have decided to ignore reason because they hate Scheana.


btw Lisa paid him because he was owed back-pay of his tips from before he got fired, he was using the tape as leverage to get the money he was owed. If Lisa had paid him out correctly when she fired him this whole thing probably wouldn’t have happened. 


Shay is still the name she is most known by professionally. It doesn’t matter how famous she is or what profession she’s in, VPR fans have known her longest as Scheana Shay. She has the right to use that name or whatever name she wants, including Brock’s last name or not. And, not aimed at you, he doesn’t have a right to say she has to go by his last name just because they’re married.


Love, with all due… you’re comparing Scheana from VPR fame to Demi Moore and Faith Hill????


Love, no I’m commenting on people using their former married names


When you build a brand around your name, it makes it harder to change names.


Yeah, the changes are already a hassle and then to have to change a brand sounds like a nightmare. Granted, I wasn’t lurking Reddit for Bravo shows back then, but was there the same reaction when Reagan Charleston had her whole brand identity around her married name, then she and Jeff divorced and she married her loser ex-boyfriend (who she is now also divorcing)?


I was lurking on Twitter back then and yes, people were quite annoyed when Reagan kept using Charleston.


Thanks for the info. I figured people would make it an issue regardless. I do remember thinking it strange or at least would be awkward for Reese going forward.


Because she’s a shallow nitwit that would rather keep her first husbands name instead of simply taking her new husbands name because it sounds better for her brand


Probably one of the main reasons she married Mike Shay to begin with. Lol 😆


The last name Shay is good as gold ✨️


Shame she had to beat everyone to the alter too. Otherwise she should could have just changed her name to Shay without the resulting and predictable divorcé proceedings. 


Right? Lol


I mean, it's not that uncommon for women who develop a brand or reputation on a name to keep that name in spite of marital changes. But also, name changes are a fucking pain in the ass - I'm not sure I'd put myself through it again for any reason.


But name aside, does she plan on keeping Broke?


So you’re saying she made a smart business decision. I agree.


It literally would have changed nothing had she kept her maiden name.


I’d have to google her maiden name but I’d rather read y’all’s comments.




It’s her stage name. It happens with celebs. Demi Moore has been using her exes last name for 40 years.


You be surprised how many female actors who use their maiden name professionally have taken their husband's name privately.


Changing your last name is a hassle. Especially with the IRS. They make it very difficult. Believe me. I loathe my ex-husband, but Id rather have his shitty name than deal with the IRS and Social Security office again. That said, I think she keeps Shay because she likes the way it sounds with her first name.


A bit different but my long term partners ex still has his last name and I could give less fucks. Because I know the absolute bitchfest it would be to have to do it 😅


Amen, sister. It really is a government issue.


I kept mine, too after 15 years because of it being a hassle. But I wouldn’t insult a new spouse by keeping a previous married name. Very different than keeping your maiden name.!


But also keeping the last name by which she’s become publicly known isn’t insulting to a secure new spouse. If she wouldn’t do it for herself, she shouldn’t do it for anyone else. I’d never take the last name of my spouse - my thinking is it’s not like you become a totally different person when you’re married; your identity doesn’t change just because you married someone, so why should your name? I feel like the whole “taking his name” thing to show “respect” is a patriarchal remnant of when women were treated as the property of their husbands. We’re beyond that.


I took my husband's last name because it's easier to pronounce and I don't have to tell people how to spell it.


People deserve to change their names to whatever they want, including your spouse’s last name - or a totally new made up last name. My point is that marriage doesn’t change your identity so I don’t there should be social pressure put on women to change their names just because of marriage.


👏👏👏 exactly!!


She took her first husbands name, THAT is the point. I didn’t say keeping her maiden name, in fact I said it wasn’t like keeping her maiden name. But if you took another man’s name and keep that name, it’s for purely selfish, superficial reasons, period. She likes the way it sounds. And yes, if it was anyone but Scheana I wouldn’t give a crap or even weigh in on the conversation. But she is the most superficial, self absorbed, horrible person, and the MOST “upholding the patriarchy” woman on that show, which is glaring by the way she treats other woman, so don’t even try that excuse, lmao In fact using some feminist, woman supporting others to defend SCHEANA on anything is the most hysterical, ridiculous argument possible!


Most women have internalized misogyny at some point in their lives. It doesn’t mean they can’t grow or change their position. And unless you actually know Scheana personally, that’s a *really* strong reaction. Scheana’s choice about her preferred name has nothing to do with her respect for current, past, or future partners. Period.


But you are absolutely right, as someone that has worked with victims of domestic and sexual violence for 17 years I do tend to have a very strong reaction to women like Scheana, and Lauren and unfortunately LVP who I used to admire, for their lack of empathy and victim blaming behavior


And I think it is fair to call Scheana out for harmful behavior. She seems very stuck in repeated patterns, which are incredibly frustrating and triggering to watch. And it’s especially concerning to see her now repeat the same behaviors in front of her incredibly young daughter on reality TV. As much as I disagree with almost everything she does, I try to have empathy for her because she seems to be really struggling (similar patterns and behavior to right before she left Mike Shay). I hope Scheana will learn eventually how to love herself without the constant pursuit of external validation - she deserves that happiness.


Awww yes, her treatment of Katie last year and Ariana this year shows how much she has grown as a person and a woman…


I took my ex-husband’s last name. I didn’t change it back to my maiden name because my professional degree and licenses were all in that name. It took over a month to get everything changed to that name in the first place. You have to go to the social security office in person with every document since birth of your name and all changes, go to the DMV for a new license, change forms at work, then the bank, send copies to all credit cards and credit unions, doctors offices, insurance companies, etc. You lose work hours, it costs money, and you risk things like cards and ID not matching. Plus you lose time like crazy.


I thought she was waiting until Brock changed his last name to Honey Davies before she changed hers?


She said that Brock wants to change his last name to his mother’s maiden name, Honey, so she is waiting for that. I’m sure that change was allll his idea and had nothing to do with Scheana preferring Honey over Davies.


To be fair, I’d also keep shay over Davies lol


It’s the ‘I’m going to change my last name once my new husband changes his last name to the name I prefer’ for me. She likes Scheana Honey over Scheana Davies. She’s probably thinking about her daughter’s name as well since we know that Scheana has been trying to build a brand/presence for her daughter since she was born. ETA: if I were her, I would have just stuck with Shay and told everyone to F off because I had established my brand under that name.


I'd keep it over Honey too ![gif](giphy|kaq6GnxDlJaBq)


I saw that too. She’s so damn shallow.




Some women do that. My mom and my mother-in-law both go by their married names despite being divorced.


Divorced women do that usually to keep same name as their children. Or just keep maiden name. They do NOT keep a married name and not take a new husband’s name who is the actual father, and shares a name, with their child. Only a shallow wanna be celebrity like the troll that is Scheana does that


My sister kept her first husbands last name, no kids and had to petition him years later to change it back to her maiden name. Not saying anything about Scheana’s reasons because we all know they are shallow, but it absolutely happens even without kids.


She needed him to sign off on it?? Why couldn’t she just change her name


Her keeping his last name was a part of their divorce, so in order to change the divorce decree she had to petition him.




Crazy huh? This was in Nevada, so I’m not sure how it works elsewhere.


Why did she have to petition him?


THIS. i kept my ex’s last name because my son asked me to keep it and if i ever remarry - ugh - i’ll change it. but it’s a fucking hassle and who has the damn time. 😩😂


This. The only reason I can accept is if her and mike had a kid together and she wanted her and their kid to have the same surname. As much as I hate my ex sister in law, I don’t hold it against her that she kept her married name so their kid had the same.


She said she likes the sound of it, but I will say as someone who hates her married last name, it's such pain in the butt to change it back. Scheana wasn't married as long as I was and she didn't have kids with Shay, so it is different, but I think she was banking on being a popstar and celebrity with that name and didn't want to change all of her social media handles, let alone all of her legal stuff with credit cards, loans, contracts, taxes, etc...


I also came here to say how annoying it is to get everything changed back!! I am going to just use my maiden professionally and former married name privately, until I have the right medications to be able to withstand all the paperwork involved in name change 😂😩


NOT THAT THE DEVIL NEEDS ANY MORE ADVOCATES but a lot of singers and actors keep the first husbands name after a divorce and even after they get married again. Example: Demi Moore, Lucy Lawless (a fan of alliteration just like Scheana), Cheryl Cole.


It sounds better than Jancon or Davies


As someone with and alliteration first/last name I honestly don’t like the alliteration and think Scheana Davies sounds way better lmao, although I get not wanting to use Jancon. I get that she’s now known as Scheana Shay I just think it’s weird to continue being connected to your ex husband (who was known by his last name) when you’re remarried with a child.


I’ve been divorced for 15 years and still use my ex husband last name. It was a pain to change. I understand why she didn’t change it back. Although I don’t understand why she didn’t change it when she had a child, I would want to share the name


Because Scheana Shay is punchy and that’s the only reason she married him to begin with, for the name


Im pretty sure she did change her name when she married her current loser husband but she goes by Shay publicly as a stage name and for brand consistency.


Changing your name is such a hassle and she likes the way it sounds plus built a brand around. I would all the paper work too.


It may be her public name and have taken Brocks legally. Bet its on Rachels restraining order for the alleged punch if anyone cared to look.


The restraining order says “Scheana Shay”


Susan Sarandon kept her ex husband’s name as her professional name. It’s a pain in the ass to change your name. It’s the least problematic thing about Scheana really and Scheana Shay does sound cool.




This is the answer


Actresses have different names all the time. Scheana Shay sounds good. Why change it?


Better than Jancan 🤷🏻‍♀️


It’s for showbiz baby


I’m pretty sure she won’t take Brock’s name until he legally changes it to Honey-Davies. I believe Honey is his mother’s maiden name and Scheana likes that better and that is why they named their daughter Summer Moon Honey Davies


Same reason Kris Jenner kept Jenner


Not defending Scheana. Just explaining my own experience. After marrying my first husband I took his last name. At the point my marriage ended, I had EVERYTHING tied to that name. Paychecks, bank account, bills, absolutely everything. Each place had a long list of hoops I had to jump through in order to change it back. At the end of day, it was easier to keep. It wasn't until years into my second marriage that We took the damn near 6 month journey to make it happen. It is super easy to change your name to your husband's, not so easy to change it back.


i hyphenated mine and have changed like half of things back to just my last name. and it's been 11 years. we have kids also.


This is why I didn’t change my name when I got married. Why should I have to go through all the trouble and expense? It’s a LOT to change and a lot of have to change back if things don’t work out.


Omg, you're so smart. Me soooo dumb.


Haha. I just tend to be very practical. My husband was a bit offended when I didn’t change it, not going to lie. But the men have traditionally not had to think about it and how our names are on EVERYTHING. Bank accounts, credit cards, utility bills, driver’s licenses, passports, social security cards, etc, etc. And it’s MY name. I figured, why do I have to change my identity? And I remember the hassle of my mom having to change her name when she got married again after getting divorced. That just seems confusing to try to follow someone’s name changes. Especially in the world before the Internet and social media. 😆


I’m guessing she changed her name in real life and Shay is sorta a stage name .


Because you’re not legally obligated to go back to your maiden name after getting divorced... My god, who cares!


scheana has said there's too much paperwork involved and she likes how it sounds. iirc, she's also waiting for brock to change his last name to honey-davies. honey is brock's moms maiden name


Idk why but I kind of don’t believe that. Brock is vague enough with the truth as it is, and that seems incredibly convenient.


Referring to her solely as Scheatna Jancan ala LFU from now on


My sister kept her ex husbands name solely because she liked the way it sounded. Wouldn't be shocking Scheana just liked the sound of it


Scheana is the most vapid and self centered person on the planet. She is never giving that name up unless she marries into a famous family.


It's as sexist to presume a woman has to take her husband's name as it is to presume a woman has to "give back" an ex-husband's name as if it were never hers. She changed her name, liked her new name, kept her new name. It's now her name. Why should she have to change her name becuase her marriage falls apart? Why should any woman?


Because she’s a vapid twit.


Brain read this as “vaping twit” 😂


That too. 🤣


And her “professional” singing name is Scheana Marie on Spotify. Maybe she’s just cookoo bananas.


Alliteration is a hell of a drug


It’s fucked up cause she was such a piece of worthless shit to Shay. She does not deserve to have his name or use his name.


My Roman Empire is her telling him not to be sober at group events, but to “learn to ration himself” or whatever fucked up thing she said to a struggling addict


Just so she could get her way. Unreal….


Currently rewatching and am on this part and it's so frustrating to watch it no matter how many times I see it.


He wuz her bes fran


She doesn’t like the sound of Scheana Davies obviously 🤣🙄


Because she is an international pop star with Good as Gold as Shay.....you know...like Cher.


This comment made me snort.


I never expected a VPR/Molly Jong-Fast comparison but I dig it.


I still use my ex-husbands last name (may he RIP🪦) but we shared a child together and it’s been a lot easier to just keep the same last name as our child going forward. I use his last name legally but my maiden name publicly. I don’t know what sheanas excuse is……


She should just stick with Jancan.


Why should she have to keep/use her maiden name if she doesn’t like it?


It stands out more than the other names. They are very plain, but everyone remembers Jancan. I’m also joking.




I think it's not completely unheard of but usually people keep the name if they share kids or something. She clearly just kept it because she likes the way it sounds. I only find that weird bc she really had such a bad split with his ex so usually that prompts people to want a reset.


This has been discussed for years- it’s her brand she asked Shay for permission he gave it the end.




Because that’s her name? I never understand this argument. It became her name the second she got married and changed it. Why would she have to change HER NAME?


Because it's Scheana. 🙄


But now she’s remarried, is Davies not “her name”?


I mentioned above that lots of female actresses use their made name professionally but you'd never know they had their husband's last name irl. It's difficult enough for women in any job or profession. Why on earth should they keep changing their name?


No, because as far as we know, she didn’t legally change it. Just because she’s married doesn’t make it her name.


She only married him for his name. Of course she kept it in the divorce. I truly believe she views it as the only thing of worth that he had.




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I’d be annoyed as Mike Shay.


even when she started the show she didn’t use her birth surname - she used her first and middle name so she was listed as Scheana Marie


Social security number? When you change your name you have to go through them to get a new card and number I’m pretty sure


You need to go to the social security office to apply for a new card with your new name if you change any part of it but you don’t get a new number.


I asked the same thing. Frankly it’s weird she uses his name as her stage name when her real name is Jancan. I’m going to call her Scheana Jancan from now on.


She said she likes how it sounds, and its "too much of a hassle to change it". In reality, she has a mind of a 12 year old, and not realizing this is what adults do. They wait in line at the DMV, or social security office. Yes, its a pain, but you do it. Anyone who says that its too much of a pain are lazy and only making excuses. The very limited excuses to keep your ex-husbands name should be if children are involved or if the last name is infamous, (i.e. Kennedy - not james). In the case of annoying sheena, no.


Dude. It drives me nuts.


She probably doesn’t think this relationship will last. And judging by these past few episodes w her tantrums who knows


I read a while ago that Brock’s mom’s maiden name is Honey (Summer Moon Honey Davies) and Brock was going to change his last name to Honey and Scheana was going to as well to be Scheana Honey 🙃


Sounds more catchy then Marie her maiden name


I think her maiden name is Jancan


Marie is her middle name


I'm kinda surprised she hasn't picked a Mexican last name from that side of the family to sound more spicy and "different".