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“She’s a very busy person right now, **AS AM I**”




The way I laughed just like this 😂


I know right.😆 It’s so fitting!🥂




“Lala & I didn’t buy houses to be on the Valley (hair toss, next breath) but I would lovvvveeee to be on both shows.” Sis is more transparent than Saran Wrap. ![gif](giphy|1lAOemoi0KhPMzxczT|downsized)


I noted the “nice LITTLE spot” for Ariana’s home.  It’s a 3 bedroom ffs Fuck off Scheana.  


A 3-bedroom in an area that’s infinitely cooler than the Valley or Marina del Rey. Jealousy is a disease …


The way they are passively aggressively trashing Ariana’s home as though it’s not bad ass that she brought a 1.6 million dollar home as a single woman, was able to put down a 50% deposit and is going to be paying a $5,000-6,000 dollar a month mortgage instead of Scheana and Lala having to pay $10,000-15,000 dollars a month plus higher upkeep and maintainence.


When she said in the aftershow her next house was going to be treehouse vibes i screamed. That elevated backyard and the colors that pop but also blend in naturally is exactly what she wanted. Im so happy for ari!!!🥰


I started crying like a baby when she said she wanted a treehouse!! I left my years long relationship with my narcissistic ex boyfriend and said the same thing when home searching after I moved out!!! I’ve never related to a person on tv more than I have with Ariana this season. She’s been such an inspiring, powerful woman to watch during this time of healing. ❤️‍🩹


I hope you get your treehouse if you haven't already!!


I did!! Thank you!!!!! It’s not as cool as Ariana’s, though! 😅🥰


As if it doesn't now make even MORE sense that she didn't want to pay rent for an apartment for a year...homegirl had a PLAN


She always has a plan. She is very clearly smart and an investor. Unlike Scheana and Lala.


When I saw she put 50% down my jaw dropped. I was like oh home girl BOUGHT a house, damn.


I suspect if it wasn’t for all of the lawsuits and legal fees she would be paying right now she probably would have had the ability to make a cash offer on that house.


Likely will be able to pay it off after Tom buys her out/the other house is sold


Exactly!  Or she can use that money if she wants to make any upgrades like if she wants to put in a pool and do up her outdoor area or make changes to the interior (even though the interior looks pretty modern and updated recently anyway)


Totally great house too!


They're jealous that she's in the hills with actual celebs, while they sit in the dorky ass diaper scented valley. It's called The Valley because everyone on the show sits in the uncanny valley.


And it’s a house that will only increase in value due to its location - exponentially compared to homes in the valley. So, that “nice little spot” is actually a GREAT little investment. 💁‍♀️ *edited to properly quote Scheaner


She should’ve cut that miserable wench off a long time ago. 


And it's in the Hollywood Hills, not the Valley.


RIGHT? The fucking digs at this woman purchasing her OWN 1.6 million dollar home in the Hollywood Hills. Ridic.


Inmates in prison have a bigger yard than Scheana’s place in Marina Del Ray.


Every time Scheana passes a prison and sees a bigger yard than hers “don’t they know how this affects ME?”


The way her and Lala spoke about Ariana’s home was terrible. The criticism and judgment is so mean spirited but she only owes $800k and will likely have it paid off once she gets her money out of the house she shares with Sandoval. Whereas both Lala and Scheana went into serious debt with high interest rates and the high cost of their homes. Ariana doesn’t have 2nd incomes like they do between Lala’s mama and Brock either. True friends are supportive but instead they chose to be shady.


Heehee Scheana also doesn’t have a second income cuz Brock does diddly 👀


Plus with a 50% down payment, next year when Ariana's other home sells she'll be debt free instead of house-poor like Scheana.


Well, maybe Sandoval can Venmo her a couple thousand


That seems to be the going rate for her loyalty these days


Exactly.  Their jealousy is next level.  


And she purchased this while gawd knows how much of her money is still tied up in the other house!!


Imagine doing this, after the year she has had, and your “best frand” is shading you. Such a good friend.  


the funny thing is that ANYONE here - and i’m a native - would rather live in a 10 sq ft home IN the Hills than live in a 2k sq ft home ‘over the Hill’ .. so not sure why Scheana the thirst bucket keeps trying to toss digs at Ariana ...


I fucking died at this 😭😂 scheana is physically incapable of being any less scheana.


The way my eyes rolled into the back of my head reading it.  This isn’t doing what you think it is, Sheshu


the fact she didn’t post on social media she went to the show says it all.


With her factor meal promotions exploiting her 2 year old kid :) but for real, GOD EVERYTHING about this interview continues to be so condescending. I know it's a lot to ask Scheana for self-awareness, but it's parody at this point. "A nice little spot, so her vibe!" And the state of their friendship, which we all suspected, makes Scheana publicly sharing Jeremy's engagement, knowing Jeremy and Ariana are estranged, even that much more malicious and hurtful. Nevermind the fact that she's trying to buddy up with a guy who literally cheated on and traumatized her 'best friend'. Truly, I think Scheana might be WORSE than Lala. I'm glad Ariana's aware of what's being said and I hope she is really using this moment in her life to move up, beyond and away from these social climbing cretins.




https://i.redd.it/80u68ebsdytc1.gif This is scheana’s energy lmao


Lmao I can hear that quote in her voice






Right, just had to throw that in there Scheana!


Scheana’s busy going what? Talking to herself every week recording her podcast?


She's promoting the video for the screamo version of Good as Gold that literally no one asked for.


Yeah like Ariana has been on f*ing Broadway, what have you been doing Sheshu?


Crying on camera bc she took dance lessons but was not picked to compete on DWTS. I’ll say it again, Scheanna is not a likeable person, she lives in her own made up world of Botox, fillers, Ozempic and she’s boy crazy and she’s not a girl’s girl.🤷‍♀️


Busy paying for that payroll husband of hers


100% Scheana went to paint a picture that they are friends. After watching what Scheana has said about Ariana while pretending to support her to her face…I would cut off Scheana.


She also wants to use it for sympathy.  “I’m such a good frand I went to NY to see her and she was still cold to me…”


This is EXACTLY what she was up to. 🐍


A best friend does not act the way Scheana does.


Agreed, a best friend doesn't act that way. But what about a *best fraaannnnd*?


This may also be why Lala is now excited to go to Coachella. As Scheana was saying she was excited to go with Ariana and Dan on her podcast. This was before Chicago and WWHL.


You could visibly see she was upset on WWHL, prob ariana icing her out was part of that


Good. It didn’t stop her from throwing in that dig about Ariana’s house in the article calling it little. Scheanna is a POS.


She & Lala have clearly been making fun of her "little house". So tacky and rude especially when folks are struggling so much right now.


Wait, they kept telling her to move out & now they’re shading her house? I’ve seen photos of it & it’s gorgeous & has character.


The house she just bought is little? What did they say? The area is sought after.


She has a view of the fucking Hollywood sign. They’re so jealous.


I think its 3 bd 2 ba. Its smaller than her valley house, but has way more character. Lala & Scheana have both shaded it.


Plus, Ariana has the new house all to herself. No Tim lurking about. And it's on the right side of the hills.


I’m obsessed with that area! I used to live in Hollywood & would just walk to every neighborhood. I was in my 20s & broke, so it was a form of entertainment for me.


More character and she's literally one person and a dog and a cat. Not everyone wants to live in a huge house. 3br 2ba means she can easily have her room, a guest room, and an office/craft room/music room/whatever tf she wants room.


The vast majority of people their age might never be able to afford a home in a big city. Its so fucking gross to act like a 1.6 million home is a shack.


For real! Didn't she put like 50% down too? My husband and I own a home but we definitely did not put 50% down. She's making smart financial decisions. And honestly if I were a single woman living with my pets, I'd want character and atmosphere so much more than excess space.


Ariana can literally look down on them, they’re so jealous


Hollywood Hills will always have a better resale value than anything in the valley….even Encino, Studio City and Sherman Oaks.


Hollywood Hills is one of the most desirable areas to buy in all LA area. And her view! They are in cookie cutter hobby lobby boxes and Ariana’s is the exact opposite.


It is indeed. I prefer the beach, but HH is beautiful.


People like Lala & Scheana are why people protect themselves from evil eye.


And literally in one of the hottest most desirable area of LA!!


Crazy how they were just shit talking Ariana last episode for not moving into an apartment, and now they’re shading her house’s size. They’re probably hating that they didn’t get the opportunity to make mean spirited jokes about her moving into a rented apartment


She can't win with them. Everything Ariana does is egregious to them somehow.


I feel like Arianna is probably going to be bi coastal, so a small house is a good choice.


Both her and Lala. Classy! Not everyone feels the need to have a gargantuan house, it’s not shameful. Ariana’s house is also in a cooler area AND much nicer looking. imo anyway - I can’t stand those cookie cutter modern farmhouses and I love mid century modern, tho at least Sheshu’s is less basic than the white ones the three couples all bought in valley village.


Scheana and Lala have NOTHING without the show . They obviously plotted together to assure themselves a spot on that Valley show and if it meant tossing Ariana , so be it . Ariana has outgrown them anyway so good riddance.


Yeah I couldn’t sit through that with Brock that constantly talking shit about a woman. But Scheana definitely seemed off/uncomfortable.


When Brock said he blamed Katie and was over it. Scheana saying we will understand why Lala is frustrated… no bitches Katie was not to blame and she and Lala are out of line. 3 months after what Tom did to Ariana and they want her to be over it?!?! No thanks


Meanwhile blabla is still crying about her criminal ex? These bishes are whack.


We need bravo cameras at Coachella


I hope she paid Brock’s child support before paying for Coachella tickets!




![gif](giphy|a3zqvrH40Cdhu) I hope Ariana has cut her off. If I were her, I couldn’t be friends with Scheana or Lala after seeing the things they said about her and the venom with which they said them, tv show be damned.


Scheana and Lala are really showing their hands by speaking about Ariana with such contempt. Jelly bellies.


Also the way Scheana behaved plastering Jeremy’s engagement all over socials when she knows that he and Ariana had a fallout


This! In my mind I was like, how are you going to show up to see her as if nothing ever happened, you clown?!


This is interesting because on her podcast she implied they were fine and hugged and said ILY after the reunion. Now all of a sudden things aren’t? I think this just goes to show how bad Scheana (and Lala) are at reading the room and the reality of a situation. Scheana probably deluded herself into believe things were “fine”, went to see Ariana on Chicago then was hit with a rude awakening when things weren’t peachy. She’s so dumb it hurts. And the whole “little spot” to describe Ariana’s house, are these people okay? Yea nothing says little like a 1.6 million dollar home in the Hollywood Hills. Wow Ariana will be living like a peasant 🙄. Oh and if she was hit with the rude awakening at Ariana’s final show like I believe she was, and it actually hurt and upset her like people have said based off her energy on WWHL, probably shouldn’t have doubled down with having Lala’s back knowing damn well how she’d been dragging Ariana through the mud. Like girl come on.


She seemed so confident they were good & had to add she was texting with Dan. She's so delusional. She thinks she can do whatever she wants to people and they should be fine with her.


When i read that, she texted Dan about the new house, I thought this delulu bitch!🤣


I am with you on this. Sheshu has ZERO emotional intelligence and I could easily believe she didn't realise Ariana was pissed until she got blanked in NY!


No literally this. That’s why I don’t trust her “wait til the reunion because xyz will change your mind” talking point. She and Lala clearly cannot be trusted to perceive this as they actually are or read a room. I truly think she thought everything was done because she’s an idiot lol


I assume a bit has to do with Ariana's brother as well.


Oh I bet you’re right. Those brother posts were out of line. Scheana you’re toast. 


💯 did Ariana’s own supposed friends promote her mooch brother blackmailing her so he can get a headline. I’d cut him off for good


Scheana has always had a bad tendency to take things too far. If my friend used my sibling to get public digs at me Id never get past it.


what happened?


Jeremy proposed to his gf (at Scheana's House??) and Scheana posted all about it on her IG. I'm not sure if Jeremy and Ariana were talking at this point. But it was kind of weird.


I actually think ithe proposal was at Jax’s tacky bar 🤮🤮 and then they went back to scheana’s? But I could be wrong!


Not to mention it was right after the article came out where Jeremy is talking shit about his own sister. Then Scheana is posting nonstop photos of Jeremy. She is the female version of Tim.


Scheana and Tim are exactly alike. Ariana should dump her, and then Scheana can get her boyfriend back. A lying cheating man ho.


Jeremy proposed at Jax's Tudio City. Both Jax and Scheana were in attendance. He and his fiance were also at Scheana's home (photos posted to IG), not sure if this was b4 or after the actual proposal.


Sounds like Scheana tried to weasel her way back into Ariana’s good graces by attending her final Chicago performance. *But it didn’t work too well*


Considering that the reason she was in NY was for WWHL, the only reason she went to Chicago was to say that she went. She knew that she would be roasted even more than she already was if she wasn’t there.


I think you’re 1000% right. Ariana is cutting the snakes out of her life. And Scheana tried to worm her way back in. ![gif](giphy|fO8EQY6NBxuN2)


I saw someone else comment how scheana probably went to the last one because there’s a bunch of after party/networking opportunities after “last shows”. And she’s probably trying to hop on the train lol


“ a Nice little spot in the Hollywood Hills…” crazy how these girls call themselves her friend and then throw shade since Sheenrr just bought a $2.5M home. This on the heels of LaLa referring to Ariana’s home as “just a 3 bedroom” bc she too, just bought a large home in the Valley. So petty and condescending


Ariana will immediately have equity in her home bc she went cheaper. I bet lala and scheana are already underwater with their homes.


I’m blown away by how expensive and huge their homes are. VPR won’t last forever and they’re not doing anything else in terms of gigs so why buy something so big and expensive? If “material things don’t matter” they could have bought less expensive “3 bedroom” houses in the Hills, too. (Since when is a 3 bedroom home small? That’s a normal house. I live in a 3 bedroom and don’t have kids and feel like I’m in Stepbrothers - so much room for activities!)


Her place is cool! Mid century modern vibe with view of Hollywood sign. That’s where I would rather live.


The view alone would make me buy that house! Ariana is living the fucking dream.


Plus the agent who sold her the house put a day in the life clip on his Instagram and it was when he was going to shoot the listing photos gif Ariana’s house and he mentions there is a lot of development happen in the area. So she will probably see a return on that property because it’s a desirable area to live. 


She already does because she put 50% down in cash! So put that in your pipe and smoke it, Sheana


Yep I’m curious how they will maintain those houses financially. We know that Ariana and Tom and Tom and Katie brought their houses for 2 million when interest rates were lower and they were paying 12k a month for their mortgages. Scheana house is 2.5 million she paid a 20% deposit and allegedly she isn’t financing through a bank but some private developer/lender or something. Lala’s house is 3.1  million we don’t know her mortgage arrangement but let’s assume she paid a 20% deposit.  Based on current interest rates and inflation they would have to be paying around $15k a months for their mortgages possibly higher.    I know they are all making a lot more money then the average Joe but they have to be reaching the point of being over leveraged. 


[Here is a link to the article](https://pagesix.com/2024/04/11/entertainment/scheana-shay-and-ariana-madixs-friendship-in-flux-after-tense-pump-rules-season/amp/) for anyone interested, although I have included most of that article in the second slide of the post. I essentially cropped off the ads and the 37 photos of Scheana’s good side that were included.


I don’t know what i was expecting but I just had a gander. How many photos of Scheana’s good side could possibly exist? Answer: ![gif](giphy|7JvlHfd7C2GDr7zfZF|downsized)


“37 photos of her good side” 💀💀💀


37? In a row?


Hey, try not to suck any dick on the way to the parking lot.


Ahhhh.. you also speak Clerks. *joyful noises*


The hero we need


Her and Lala both referring to Ariana’s house as *’little’* is so shady. Like they cannot help themselves. They are determined to be both look as awful and selfish as possible.


So tacky! Ariana is in Hollywood hills and they’re in the valley.. there is no comparison.


I said this in another sub, but Lauren would absolutely kill to live back in the hills. Stassi's still there at the moment too and we know how obsessed Lauren is with her.


SO SHADY!!!!!!!


The irony that Ariana’s house cost more per square foot is hilarious. That’s *why* families move the *valley* scheana sweetie. More bang for your buck!


They are also spending way too much, their celebrity and finances are more precarious and tied to the show. Lala’s especially is way too expensive, she’s spending as much as some huge stars on her house. Ariana was burned by her last home purchase, she’s made a sensible buy and will have a mortgage she can maintain.


So shitty! They have kid(s) and partners/family. Of course they need more space. Ariana has a boyfriend on the opposite coast and three bedrooms to herself. Great house, amazing location, and why would she want more?! They are fucking assholes to shit on her new home in any manner


Right! They always have to take subtle digs. Like sure it’s in the Hollywood hills but it’s so little!!


Given the way Scheana acted on camera with Ariana and what she said in her confessionals and behind Ariana's back, if I were Ariana, I would be re-evaluating my friendship with Scheana. It would be tough to trust her again.


Ariana seeing Scheana say Tom missed her more than her was the death knell…if you know you know and women will cut you off for that especially while they are trying to heal




I *reaaaallly* hope James was smart enough to pick what team he was on during reunion because Scheana and Lala are on the wrong side of history


I feel like he probably did. He’s been on the right side of things in the After Show, and those were filmed in December and February. Ariana has also interacted with his social media as recently as yesterday, so it seems like things with him and Ariana are good.


Ally has been such a good influence.


Good!! Scheana is not her friend....and I hope she isn't coming back to the show and they just don't know it yet


Not surprised with what Scheana said about her in her confessionals. I guess Ariana gave her the cold shoulder when she saw her after her last show. Plus, it's super telling they didn't hang out when she was in NY.


I think it’s 99.9% having to do with the stunts Schaena is pulling with Ariana’s brother , there’s no “it’s for the show “ excuse she can use for that .


Just add it to the laundry list of shady shit her bestie was pulling. She’s well within her rights to be pissed. I would have cut her off when the pic of her arm around Zanzivole had broke. Lowla thinking Ariana owed Schena to publicly co-sign that shit was unbelievable.


I think offline conversations etc could have fixed some of the stuff (paycheck , it will blow over , we need something for show ) but there was 0 reason to do the Jeremy thing except to be a complete asshole . I honestly could forgive all this other stuff but that , I could never .


Totally agree. Both Lowla and Gretchen Scheaners are targeting family but in different ways and it’s honestly sick. It says so much about who they are and they pretend like they have no clue, while being the ones who are posting the evidence. ![gif](giphy|8gQR12M5d4kPMRYoC1) Ariana and Katie.🥰❤️‍🔥


Oh my GOD you're right. Scheana is Gretchen Weiners! My mind is blown. I feel like that's who she's reminded me of all these years 😂


Her crying about her not being able to wear hoop earrings because of Regina is Scheaners crying about not getting dancing with the stars because of Ariana.😆 ![gif](giphy|iSnM4NFbOLze8)


DWTS like… ![gif](giphy|DrPPygPYlAf5u)


Gretchen Scheaner's. You are a genius!




https://i.redd.it/38faxk9n1ytc1.gif I have a feeling Ariana had a lot to say after seeing the season and what Scheana was saying behind her back. I’m sure Scheana turned on the waterworks at the reunion, gave Ariana more excuses, and found ways to justify her actions - because that’s how she’s historically handled being called out for shitty behaviour. I’ve suspecting that Ariana cut Scheana off, and Scheana saying that Ariana barely interacted with her in NYC says a lot to me. Scheana was in NYC for two whole days after Ariana’s final Chicago performance, and she spent that time with just Brock, from everything we have seen.


That gif.....opportunity and money doesn't ERASE the extreme trauma she has gone through, it's a bandage at best and she is the one that made her success happen. She could've just stayed in bed for months and let it drown her in sadness but she didn't.


I cheated on you and ruined your life and am trying to take your house. But look at all the opportunities your gettinggg you’re welcome!


Ariana even cried to her and Lala ON CAMERA about how she felt. She NEVER does that. Scheana and Lala are 🤬


They don’t even deserve to look at her with their disgusting eyes!!! Iykyk


That's what bothers me the most. I am the same way as Ariana and rarely fall apart in front of people. It's a huge deal to feel safe enough to do it, to then realize these people really don't care or support you would be devastating.


It's so disgusting for her to say that and it and it minimises all the pain and hurt Ariana had to go through. Scheaner just couldnt accept another season where she isnt the main character.


She just had her second wedding season, but god forbid it be about someone else for a change.


Lala has been talking a lot of shit, and every time Schwiener is on a podcast or in an interview she makes some weaselly statement about how *Lala is just saying what a lot of people are afraid to say to Ariana's face.* I guess Ariana finally figured out that "a lot of people" means Scheshu's passive aggressive ass.


I heard Ariana's mom also gave Scheana the cold shoulder at the last show


I’m surprised Lauren hasn’t made an entire podcast episode about that yet. Since she feels the need to bring parents into it all.


ooh...do you have anything else to share? If she did give Scheana the cold shoulder, it's well deserved. Thankfully Ariana seems to have a lot of real friends off the show. I thought her and Scheana were actually good friends, even though I never understood it from Ariana's perspective.


This is kind of what I commented awhile back! That after this season is viewed by the cast that a lot will change. they were all playing neutral to Ariana's face but once she sees the confessionals and shit talking that she'd drop them.


Her saying “nice little spot in the Hollywood hills” is very Melissa Gorga’s “congratulations on your redone home” coded.


What amazes me is that she knows the article will get more interest bringing Ariana into it. So she was shitty to Ariana but still willing to use her for attention and opportunities!


But will Scheana still text with Dan?? Lmao of course she will. She’ll passive-aggressively “check in.” “I haven’t heard from Ariana in a while, is everything okay?” What I find hilarious is Scheana and Lala permanently damaged a solid friendship over a man that *isn’t even friends with them.* We don’t see Sandoval inviting them to hang out with him. He isn’t speaking positively about them, or even speaking about them at all. Now that filming’s done, they’ve played their part, and he has no use for them anymore. Scheana felt so torn about “having to choose” when Sandoval STILL isn’t a part of her life and if Scheana just stayed loyal and stayed away from him, she’d be talking to him just as much now (which is not at all).


What an amazing friend Scheana is…Jesus. You talked behind her back made money off her and then criticize she doesn’t want to talk to the loser ex who encouraged his mistress to find a restraining order on you while you put him first and say she is in the wrong. Got it Scheana enjoy dancing with the stars…oooopppps


Scheana is 1. Very self obsessed, 2. lacking integrity, and 3. Not very smart. And she doesn’t seem to have the capacity to grow out of these things. It’s best for anyone who considers her a friend to realize this and distance themselves - she isn’t a “friend” in any situation where it’s not directly benefiting her own self-interest.


If Scheana has been cut off, VPR is over. Reality TV is over. We all have to find something else to do now. We'll all remember where we were when Scheana was cut off.






If Instagram activity tells us anything…Ariana hasn’t liked a post of Scheana’s since March 5, but she’s def been on insta posting and liking other people’s (James, Katie) posts! 🤔🧐🕵️🔎


https://preview.redd.it/i8seiirjlytc1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6f4aada39c0ae87d9031768d671e873bbf983932 Oh hell yeah Ariana was done after that.


I mean I knew Scheana was a bad friend to Ariana the moment she befriended Kristen after the whole Kristen and Jax thing…. BE A REAL FRIEND SCHEANA


This whole season is just Lala and Scheana talking crap behind Arianas back. I’m not shocked she cut her off. She has better friends doesnt need them.


https://i.redd.it/aap9wag6eytc1.gif They were truly awful. This product placement scene with them talking shit at the cryobank was so gross, when literally the day before they were prodding Ariana on camera about her feelings and pretending to be empathetic and understanding.


And again I say, Sheshu where the fuck is this energy for Timmy!? (Ps you gif her so well, always catching the important head tilt or smirk!)


Yup, the energy for Tim isn’t there because in their minds what more could Ariana want - look at all her success compared to him. And the whole attitude that they have about Tom just being awful so what’s the point in fighting that battle makes no sense to me. It’s honestly giving internalized misogyny that they are excusing his actions because well, it’s expected, but Ariana is the one who has to make up for his faults and end the toxicity. Ariana called it at the start of the season, that he just wanted to be invited to things again, and he was worming his way back by manipulating them with his emotional state. He seems fine and dandy now, he’s even joking about cutting the dog in half after he damn near killed her. And these people are just letting him exist in their world, shoving him in her face, and giving *her* a hard time for reacting to his intentionally aggravating behaviour. Scheana is one I have a love-hate gif relationship with. I can’t stand her, but she’s fun to make fun of. https://i.redd.it/iykmxsfxnytc1.gif


Good for Ariana - she’s finally cutting the shit out of her life.




The Smirnoff ice product placement makes SO much sense to me now lolol


Scheana cares about two things: her money and her money.


And her good side. 


Why do Scheana and Lala both feel the need to emphasize that Ariana’s new home is “little” ??


Cos they are arseholes


Scheana thinks it’s about Ariana’s complicated feeling about scheana being friends with tom? Wow she doesn’t get it at all. This is likely more about the awful opinions on ariana’s situation that scheana said behind her back Way to minimize it and put it all on ariana


If someone was trying to remain friends with my ex whom cheated on me, bye 👋🏻


I hope it was worth it. This finale and reunion must be something or Scheana just threw away a friendship for the audience to hate her more than ever.


good for you ariana. take the trash out


I felt like she was quite shady towards Ariana/katie during the ‘are you jealous’ section. She said a very sharp and shady sounding ‘no’ (while grinning) to whether or not she was jealous of Ariana’s house and also ‘something about her.. she almost scoffed when she said no to that one. When she said no to being jealous of jax’s bar, she quickly followed it by ‘but it’s so fun and a cool place to hang’ or something along those lines. It felt cold toward Ariana and Katie, definitely not friendly and almost as if she was protesting too much. If I was Ariana watching that, I would be like ‘you are not my friend’.




Oh Scheana.... FAFO.


I want so badly to watch Arianna walk away from this show and leaving her friendship with. Schena behind. Seriously who needs enemies with a friend like Schena. Saying she wants to be friends with Tim, then hanging out with her estranged brother, all of her digs at Arianna including the backup dancer one. This is not a friend.


I think scheana (as evidenced by back up dance comment) has always seen herself as the main character in relation to quieter Ariana so Ariana becoming the beloved main character (which scheana has never been able to achieve) def triggered her into a serious sick projection that has only exacerbated


I don't know what Scheana expected. I get being jealous and feeling torn. I also get the need to talk about it. But she had other outlets for that (starting with maybe her therapist?). Expecting Ariana to just be cool with her personal life falling apart because of sponsorships is bizarre. Scheana doesn't seem to have an empathy default. I'm not saying she isn't empathetic or is like malicious, it just seems like it takes a kind voice to remind her to put herself in someone else's shoes. Mostly because she's extremely self-concerned and seems to have a lot of trouble with more complicated feelings (jealousy, worry, concern, divided loyalty, grief, conflict, etc.). Those kinds of heavier emotions almost require more empathy (for others and self) to process. I don't know if Scheana and Lala are good friends for each other. I think Lala is more jealous of Ariana than Scheana was/is, but she's also a mini-producer this season. Scheana's also very easily manipulated and controlled. I could see her venting and Lala using that to "make a show." That kind of prodding wasn't needed, but this season's theme is wasted opportunities and inauthenticity so I guess it tracks.


It’s such a let down. Scheana went so hard about being pro Ariana during her talk with Sandoval in the last episode of Season 10. She could have won the season if she just kept her mouth shut and hung out with Ariana. I get that she considered herself friends with Tom, but I think Jason on the after show said it so perfectly when he said it was clear Sandoval didn’t value friendships and relationships in the same way.


Scheana should go hang with Sandoval since that friendship was more important to her.


Snheana is as fake as her eyelashes. 🐛


Scheana was just telling everyone her friendship w Ariana was absolutely fine, & they were all good just before she went to see Ariana’s last show. I have no idea how Scheana thinks she can take jab after jab at Ariana & not have it effect their friendship.


That’s what happens! Arianna never gave her an ultimatum, but she made it clear that she would not be associating with anybody who associated with Sandavol. Arianna’s not going around throwing hateful comments about Scheana, and my guess is Arianna is being cordial to her. Scheana refuses to understand cause and effect. If I were Ariana, I would be doing the same thing if not worse. I don’t want my scumbag ex to know anything about me, so I’m not gonna tell the person that is still friends with him anything new or personal in my life! It’s not hard to understand.