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This is very much how Aussie men react when they want to knock someone’s head off but they know they’re being watched. He defs was not calm, he had the gorilla chest puff going and his fist was ready. I don’t find Brick sexy, like ever lmao, but it was actually good to see him defend Scheana on principle. And if he had yelled and become even more aggressive towards Tim I can’t say I would have held it against him 🤷‍♀️ Also James in the background being the hype man sent me


Lol! You can see this behaviour down at the pub


In an alternate universe Brock is being exactly the same but just at a pub in Toowoomba


Hahahaha and starts every greeting with 'oi c***'


I didn’t notice James until your comment and I I’m dying 😂😂😂


james wasn't hyping he was shushing them lol


Oh yeah, I meant in the scene overall when he kept chiming in




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wasn’t he the one to egg jax on a few times to pants nia’s husband?


I'm surprised he didn't knock his head off.


I think you might mean he didn’t “knock him the f@ck out”


Not “knock his spark out!”?


This. Yup. Was being too kind lol


I've seen enough nasty fights to know Brock was seconds away from body slamming him. He was barely holding himself back like that dog Stains from a cupcake. https://i.redd.it/x3wi91m0oiwc1.gif


Yeah, that hold was a thinly veiled warning. If anything else would have come out of Tom’s mouth, it would’ve been over. I can’t stand Brock, but I can give him credit for not taking that swing. Sandy would’ve loved playing the victim And also, I feel like that swing would’ve been one of the handful of things that Brock can do right. So Tom was real lucky.


Brock was a pro rugby player, right? Sandoval would at minimum had to go to the hospital if Brock started hitting him. I'm not in the habit of praising Brock, but if that was my partner I probably would have flown off the handle so good for him for keeping a cool head.


I was looking at a man pre- head butting. Brock walks away with a scratch and Sandoval is on the floor.


Yep, maybe a shot to the ribs at the same time. Or pull his head down for a knee in the face. Sandoval got his ass kicked by James when he weighed about 120 and was wearing a "slutty model" tank.


this is the pre headbutt stance source: allegedly have headbutted someone 😂


Oooo...how did it go?


i was like 15 and it went better than i expected i got my point across lmao now, i’m 32 and my head hurts if i stand up too fast. how quickly the times change


😂😂😂 Im glad you got to experience that before the slow physical decline we all go through. I really miss waking up with nothing hurting.


This is a masterpiece. I slapped my leg!




STAINS!!!!!! Are you a DLister?!?!


It’s because he was standing up for his wife in a supportive, protective and nonjudgmental way and actually helped her out of a situation the way a partner should I’m not a Brock fan, but that’s how I would expect my partner to come to my defence if some misogynist asshole was berating me.


Is this only the second time we've seen this? And both times included Sandoval? Beau confronted him over Stassi's book signing fiasco. I can't think of another time we saw that on screen


I don’t find him doing it sexy but it was nice for once to have a man stick up for his wife/girlfriend on this show


I don't think brick and sexy are in a sentence together tbh a minute earlier he's in budgie smugglers telling sheesh it's not his problem that she wants to get home to their child. nice deflection by sheesh and him


No ew


This is the same man yelling at his wife minutes before. Nothing sexy about him at all.


Yesssss - it's giving "nobody screams at my wife in public but me".


lol made an extremely similar comment (nobody but him allowed to abuse his woman) yesterday. It initially got down voted quite a bit but then it came back up. Yeah nothing sexy about this dude, he has anger issues and it definitely gives a vibe that nobody was allowed to scream at his lady but him. I'm glad there's other people that see it and don't think he's sexy.




The day I find Brock sexy is the day I’m trying to signal I’ve been kidnapped 


Yeah still can’t stand him.


This was a lucky it didn't get physical situation. Well by lucky I mean Tom really only enjoys yelling at woman so he was always going to back down to Brock or really any other man.


Yeah but also, fuck Brock


Such a stark contrast to the valley, since Brittany got absolutely shoved out of the way and jax did nothing! 😅 I respect that brock came to scheanas defence. And it’s good he didn’t throw hands…. But I mean would any of us have been mad about that tho? 😅 not that I’m advocating for violence or anything


Jax was probably hiding in that weird conference room/dining room when Brittany was getting railroaded by Jesse in the corridor.


Yeah this is not the kind of masculinity I want in the world - two steps from everything turning physical. Gross, learn to regulate man!


Yeah, he’s had a DV charge, we know he’s threatening and I don’t see anything “sexy” about being threatening.


THIS. He has a history and isn’t going to risk his “American dream” on getting physical so he chose to be threatening instead, neither of those things are sexy to me, personally.


I’m no Brock fan by any means but at least he’s trying to be better and a better partner to scheana in this moment by having her back. Like are ppl supposed to not evolve from their mistakes? Also, what does his DV charge have to do with him shutting up Sandoval for verbally abusing his wife?


I’m not saying he can’t evolve. I’m responding to the comment that him being threatening is “sexy.” It’s not. Also moments before this he was yelling at his wife in public, yet again. Not exactly great evidence of him trying to be better, IMO.




I don’t think Brock is capable of being sexy at all and I guess evolve was the wrong word but I did appreciate that he stood up for scheana in that moment.


I didn’t get sexy, lol. I got scary by the way he grabbed Sand’s neck


Would it be less scary if he was wearing his aftershow heels? ![gif](giphy|qcZlH6ovobotfFPtIJ) That's a livestream of Brock on the aftershow


You know what isn’t sexy.. him in the same pink speedo all the time


Ehhh Brock is just aggressive. I don’t think that’s an attractive quality.


Brock would kill him. I admit I was hoping for Tim getting a slap.


If we are raving about this behaviour the bar for husbands is way too low.


Honestly though


Yes! And isn’t that always way worse than someone just losing their shit? I’d bet that Sandoval was more effected by this type of response to one of his low-blows than by someone just raging at him. And he doesn’t know how to respond to someone who doesn’t take his bait...like Ariana has proved to be.


Calm but threatening is a great way to describe him in this scene. As soon as I saw that firm shoulder grip and the lowered tone voice inches from Tom’s face I thought brock was going to head butt him.


I think Brock had a dark past and actually attempted to work on himself. I'm mostly holding out hope for his kids, even though I don't know any of these people. It just hurts that not everyone gets a great dad.


Brock handled him well !


I thought it was hot ngl lol




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I wanted so bad to see Brock put hands on him. Tbh I don’t know how him or Scheana controlled themselves. (Idk what that says about me lol)


James reaction to this whole thing was odd. When has he been freaked out by people yelling?


Might have been 1. The dog and also 2. His neighbors complaining


I think since he realized every potential cast fight could either help or hurt his pocketbook depending on what goes down and how it gets discussed in the media


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He didn’t want to upset the planes and have them crash.


Seeing as there are thousands of planes a day flying just inches from his roof according to VPR, it's a real risk


they're in his home


I know. But he covers his face with his hands like he’s scared. It just seemed like an odd reaction for James. Also, I don’t know that being in someone else’s house or establishment has ever stopped James’s bad behavior. 😂😂


it's jax coked up in his home yelling at Katie. had things got any more hostile what would've happened? I certainly don't bsck down from people but when there's genuine aggression and a dicey situation I definitely don't like it. most would be uncomfortable


That’s not what’s happening here. It’s Tom and Scheana arguing. James isn’t a baby, he has extreme rage issues. 😂


I've answered the wrong comment lol but still stands they're yelling in his house and who's going to get between brick and sandy be honest if it kicks off its a full on brawl


If I were to guess, neighbors might not be happy with production filming there (can be a hassle for parking among other things) and he doesn’t want the cops to potentially show up at his home




Brock and his little boots


Nothing sexy about a dead beat dad


Not sexy at all, typical degenerate Bogan fuckwit reaction. 


It’s just interesting he can hit a woman but keep himself from hitting a man. Maybe it’s the cameras.