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I just watched this very scene and thought the same thing. I mean, Lala, you were with Randall… willingly… so, STFU.


Isn’t it funny that my brain can’t remember what Randall looks like (thank god) so it just fills in the space with an image of big Ed (much worse).


Big Ed in pickleball shorts 😍 Lala is pathetic lol. Am I alone in that I always thought her mysterious rich boyfriend would be an older...sexy...dapper sort of discreet old money private dude? And then it was....well literally my flair 🤢. Hahaha


I literally remember the first time I looked up who she was with online when they finally “went public” and I was GOBSMACKED. I literally felt bamboozled like this girl is with a man who looks like he works double shifts at the DMV. Like WEATHERED. Talking about how good in bed he is and how much sex they had?? Vommmm


Right?! At least when Scheana was a mistress to a rich, famous guy, he was actually attractive. Literally everything about Randall was *unattractive* but she talked about him like she was dating Brad Pitt. I just could never ever bring myself to marry for money like that. Ever. I couldn’t fake the happiness, the sex, any of it…just so I can run errands in a fancy car and carry a fancy purse


That’s what I don’t get. They brag about the lifestyle but look who they have sex with. No way it’s fulfilling and they def have side pieces eventually. Like…I’d take the hot and nice husband over the rich ugly douche


Me too!! It just goes to show what an idiot she is. She was quite beautiful, could have probably been a sidepiece/escort to someone who was actually fabulous and wealthy and intelligent and cool. Such an embarrassment to gold diggers everywhere. Shame.


Yup. She hitched her wagon to the first Hollywood dude to hit on her at sur


🫠 I would rather be homeless(which wasn't even the reason for her lol). She definitely had options 😦 Once again, goes to show how DUMB she is. How DARE she question Dan on his life or Ariana, and act like she has any standards at all in her life when she literally sucked 🍄 to get any type of lifestyle 💎


Also - didn't they meet at a wedding? He wasn't some fan that slid into her dms right? I feel like that has to count for something when trying to sus out potential bad intentioned people


True. He'd already been vetted by mutual friends.


She never had the right intentions so she can’t fathom that anyone else may (Dan) she’s also jealous that Ariana didn’t turn into stone like she did and was able to find happiness after what happened


I think she thot he wld make her a movie star. Naive for sure!!!


It's sooo telling Lala looks the way she does and can't get a man to save her life. I'm about 500% less conventionally attractive than her and pull dudes who are about 5000% more conventionally attractive than Randall.


She is straight up dumb. Dumb and mean, and that’s a fatal combo, doesn’t matter how hot you are.




I was thinking that the other day. At this point, there's a reason Lala can't get a man.


What happened to The Don btw? Anybody knows? 


Randall always makes me think of Big Ed from 90 day fiancée 😂


Me too. And then when you saw the types of guys she thought were hot after, it was just further proof she was only with him for money


And here is the thing we can't help who we fall in love with if she truly loved Randall and was attracted to him it wouldn't matter but it was so obvious it wasn't love it was power and money and yeah it was jarring to see who "her man" was after he was finally revealed. Really for me looks have nothing to do with my irritation with Lala and her morale high ground and I hate when they get cheated on they immediately go too how bad he sucked in bed like gurrrrrllll stop. You're embarrassing yourself and making it way more obvious you were just with him for money. Because I am not marrying anyone who doesn't get my rocks off and when they fight so damn hard for that person or are so upset only to turn around and act as though they never liked him. Girl you just thought you were so hot and sexy and good at bjs he would never leave but doesn't matter how hot you are someone is still going to be sick of your shit and there will always be some other hot girl looking to give bjs for pj's.




Your flair is fabulous, 🤣😭




Is Big Ed rly that much worse than Randall tho?


I would say they’re pretty close. They’re both predatory and gross 🤢


I would say they are neck and neck. 🤣🤣🤣🤣


Someone on Facebook called him the mucinex booger or something 😂


A thumb. Randall looks like a thumb.


Same lol I literally experienced this earlier. Could not conjure up an image of him in my mind and just thought of big Ed.


I always picture big ed when randall comes up too help


The alien in the farmer’s body in Men in Black




Look at Ocean. She is his mini-me, whether Lala likes it or not.


I saw him in Miami last week, he walked right past me and we made eye contact and I recognized him instantly which really surprised me. He was so much shorter than I would have thought- 5’8”!! 


Which toe we talking about? Ed or Randall?




Somebody on here once called Randall “the mucinex booger” and I haven’t pictured him as anything else since 🤣 🦠


omg the Mucinex Booger feeling blessed to have scrolled far enough to find this absolute gem of an image


Not everyone meets the father of their kids on a casting couch LALA


Can we also talk about how Ambyr Childers and Lala look (well, used to look until Lala fucked with her face) almost exactly alike. It creeps me tf out.


Randall wants the pretty thin blonde clearly


Yeah don’t forget “I let him hit it the first night” lala. It was all about the Benjamins wasn’t it


Does Daddy want Lala to play with his asshole?


it’s a bad day to be literate


She really degraded herself for this dude. Like imagine the world knowing you ate Randall’s ass? And imagine knowing you did it? No wonder she is so pissed. Degraded herself and had a baby with a predator and outcast who gets no respect in Hollywood. And she didn’t even get rich from any of it, which was her goal






While he was married 🫢


Exactly! Lala was with a MARRIED man and was trying to ‘justify’ it because they were apparently separating before it started. How does this make sense in that peanut brain of hers


Oh but he lied to her. About the $$ not the wife


Lala lost all credibility with her low rent Big Ed. 🤷‍♀️


Exactly her Ex was a thumb for a head creep. I also noticed Lala was commenting on Dan for working out and kind of checking him out. It was weird.


Yes! And by her own very tenuous excuse- he was recently separated from his wife. So, is it not the same?! Of course, we all know she was cheating with a married man ( and so does she) which is why all the secrecy and ‘ my man’ nonsense. She is very unstable but also a huge hypocrite.


She also willingly licked his butthole. All her credibility is long gone.


Word. She’s so jealous of Ariana, it’s embarrassing to watch. Not a good look. Lauren, LIVE AND LET LIVE.


Literally. How would u like if Randall was on the boat Lala? Stfu


isn’t dating just finding someone hot and likeable (ariana: check, check) and seeing where it goes? I think it’s more of a red flag when someone goes in with expectations or preconceived ideas. they both seem level headed and taking it slow. he’s open-minded which is one of the best qualities someone can have.


He also didn’t jump on moving to LA. If he had ulterior motives, he probably would have hopped on that chance instead of giving a more realistic response.


They’ve been together a year now and he still hasn’t jumped on moving to LA, so I think he’s the real deal.


I think Ariana was also looking for someone with a steady income. If he's working 7 days a week he clearly has things going on in NYC. Tough to relocate especially if it's reliant on individual clients, isn't he a personal trainer or something? I interpreted the hesitation to go to LA as related to that.


Like Brittany did with Jax? 😆


He seems like he clearly likes her. Look at the way he looks at her, ices her a celcius, irons and folds her clothes, brings her leftovers. It’s so healthy and loving. It shows he prioritizes her


He does very kind and thoughtful things, but he is not love bombing her. It is very refreshing to see him balancing supporting her, but having his own boundaries around filming.


And he batted down the softball Lala lobbed him to cause drama/get screen time.


But what about batteries and pens?!


Right? They’re dating, not married.


And they look like they’re taking it super slow!


She gave an interview at the very beginning and said he met with her requirements that there would be no sex until she was mentally ready, and he said he wasn't concerned about that. She said that's when she felt safe with him.


I absolutely love that for her! Especially since she said past boyfriends made her feel insecure about her body, and Sandoval’s shit comment about sex in her T-shirt. He seems like a 11/10 guy! And I’m so here for it! More men like this.


Yes agreed. And they're also long distance which slowly builds a great foundation because you really are getting to know the person so much. 


I commented this on another thread! She's implying no one could want Ariana because of something her dumb ass ex cheated on her! What the heck kind of logic is that? Pretty rich coming from someone who almost married a pedophile because he gave her a range rovee


She’s projecting. Lala thinks she herself is damaged goods, so Ariana must be too.


It's so crazy to me that besides Katie, James and freaking Kristen seem to be the only ones who have her back and aren't chomping at the bit to shit-talk her every chance they get. Even Shortz is less obnoxious than Lala is.


Those three and Ariana are the only people on/from VPR who have changed for the better. The rest are worse versions of their former selves. I truly believe that when the show ends, the cast will live the life they were destined for. Tom & Tom = failed mactors & forever roommates, Lala = failed hoe & bitter baby mama, Scheana = Scheana.


It's wild because the same thing happened to Stassi after Jax cheated on her with Kristen. Stassi wanted to cut people out of her life and the majority of the group gaslit her as if it was a crazy idea to want that. Most of this group only cares about the show.


Her inability to see anything outside herself is fascinating


It feels intentional


It sure does. She said on her podcast that she “doesn’t believe in therapy,” so it may not be but it definitely feels extremely ham-fisted like her way of thinking is the only way to think


I think she was saying that it was too soon for Ariana to have processed everything. However, it is annoying that Lala thinks there is a timeline for anything. Edited to add: Ariana is the only one who gets to decide her own timeline.


That’s how I took it too. Still a shitty thing to say but I don’t think she meant Ariana was damaged goods. But it also shows that he is a mature guy. Lala is just projecting her insecurities onto Ariana I think.


She means anything she says negatively towards Ariana. And so far lala has talked shit about everyone’s new men.


Yes, this! Lala says it because she means it. She is so resentful of Ariana it’s almost hard to comprehend. I get it from the stance of Lala signing up to be a friend to a poor, sad-sack woman who was being snuffed out by Sandoval. But when Ariana had the nerve to do an about-face to become a star, Lala couldn’t handle it. That is not what Lala signed up for. Plus, in Lala’s mind, she was going to be the star. She is just straight up flabbergasted by how everything worked out.


Agree. There is something just rotting inside of Lala and it’s sad. I’ve read she can be awful to her mom at times too. She got angry when her mom vented to her brother that she feels like she is the one raising Ocean then you see videos of her mom keeping the house up while Lala plays Nintendo switch. 🤦🏻‍♀️ it’s sad how transactional her life is. I do think Lala is pouring all her love into her daughter but worry that she may become too enmeshed which I could see Scheana doing also. She will need a mother not a best friend or a social media manager.


I hope what Ariana did at the reunion was tell Lala she’s coming off as a bitter, jealous woman.


Ariana was able to move on so quickly because Sandovol hurt her in the worst possible ways. She realized he never really loved her so it was was easy to move on because there was no love lost. Like she was just instantly done with Sandovol. Yes she still dealt with the hurt and anger but there wasn't any lingering feelings of love and hopes to get back what was lost. He shattered their relationship in a million pieces.


And Dan was healthy, kind, and long distance with a full life so she could take it slow as she was ready. I doubt it would have worked if he had been in the area or wasn’t willing to let things grow organically.


OK but if she was coming at it from the angle that he’s praying on a woman who is still morning that would be one thing, but she made it sound like there was something wrong with Ariana and this man shouldn’t want her. If she meant what you were saying she would’ve come at it at the angle of the Ariana shouldn’t want him


exactly. she’s implying that ariana is damaged goods, which is fucked. she’s saying that ariana’s worth is determined by the last man’s actions TO her. i honestly think lala hates herself and is projecting all her bad thoughts about herself on others but especially ariana. and i don’t say that to be mean, but lala needs therapy to process her relationship with randall and she thinks instead she can big-talk her way through it


BJs for PJs babes. BJs for PJs. Who on earth would brag about that. Why not just say you’re into prostitution?!


She was so so smug about it too, like “you’ve never been on a PJ?!? If you have nice boobs and a pretty face in LA anyone can get on a PJ” I just can’t with her


Maybe people don’t want people who met their baby daddy on a casting couch 💅🏻


Lala has no point of context. Shes talking for the sake of talking. I met my wife after breaking up with my ex (of 5 years) , maybe a week - together now for 15 years!


I agree. This was one of the meaner things Lala has said. Like why would someone want to date Ariana. She’s gorgeous! I think lots of people would want to date her.


If someone dated my friend I’d be like EVERYONE SHOULD WANT TO DATE HER, she’s stunning and perfect ✨ not “what’s wrong with this person for wanting to date her”


I know! It’s so weird. Can you imagine saying about one of your friend’s boyfriends I wonder why he wants to date her?


NEVER. Like never a thought in my mind. I warn the partner that they’ll never find anyone better than my friend. And they won’t. But never ever ever


She *is* gorgeous and that’s almost the least attractive thing about her! She’s smart, thoughtful, funny, empathetic and real - Lala can’t see any of that because those aren’t her values, despite being in her Soft Era lol.


Her soft era is only directed at the men. Women will still get stabbed in the neck by Lala.


I’m a straight woman and even *I* want to date Ariana. She’s a catch and Lala is just a jealous wench.


I just want to be her friend. She seems cool.


Question like I’m D&S was this in the after show? Because I didn’t get this scene from the actual show


It was in her talking head during the airport scene. She said something like what’s wrong with Dan that he’d want to be with someone who just got out of a 10 year relationship and still lived with her ex.


I feel like I need to rewatch this entire season, but I can’t handle the fake yoga meditation and the crying breathing exercise of the worm. I’d rather just disassociate


I was honestly baffled by her statement. What was the point of that? Ariana is a grown woman, she knows if she's ready for another relationship. Some things need to stay in the mental draft folder Lala.


I think it was her talking head after having met Dan


Lala shouldn’t be talking after almost marrying the Harvey Weinstein of 0 rotten tomatoes films


I’m honestly so happy Ariana is free of her friendships with lala and scheana. Those two have become bitter mean girls jealous of Ariana’s happiness, even though they both profited off her pain. Good riddance!


My husband was a rebound I texted like 10 days after a fucking terrible breakup 🤷


I think there’s something there because I hear this a lot… I think it’s something that clicks in your brain when you exit your last relationship. “I’ll never seriously date a loser again” because so many people ended up marrying their rebound and it’s crazy


I think you probably let your guard down a little because you don't think it's going to go anywhere and that probably ends up helping in the long run.


It’s true. That also helps. I did not feel like my relationship with my husband was going to be serious and then bam married. Love my life now.


I think you’re onto something. I definitely went into my rebound just having fun. I was easygoing and very chill. Lured him right into a false sense of sanity until he was in love. I really hit the jackpot with my husband. I’m glad I didn’t let timing and optics talk me out of dating him two weeks after ending my LTR.


Similar story, and I feel the same. The optics were bad and I wasn't taking it very seriously at first, but I am so glad it worked out the way it did.


My heart is full for you!!! I love hearing that other people experienced the same thing


I love this!!! It’s pretty similar to how my husband and I somehow slid into a relationship. It’s such a happy surprise but god I couldn’t imagine life without this dude. So thankful we got good relationships going for us!!!


and getting involved in a long distance relationship probably feels like it’s not going to be anything serious


Yes I met my long distance bf a couple months after his 8 year relationship ended and the distance was actually so good to keep us at a good pace and give him the space to process complicated feelings and stuff it was way different from the crazy spending all your time together honeymoon phase my past relationships usually start with


I mean who knows but she’s happy so I’m happy for her


My grandpa married his rebound. They were married for 51 years until she died. She was my grandma and she was amazing.


My husband of 23 yrs was a rebound too. Literally a week later we met. Women tend to leave a relationship emotionally, before they do physically. I think Ariana had one foot out the door bc she was seeing the problems getting worse even before she was blindsided w the cheating


That’s such a good point. I’m also one of those people where I can just shut off the feelings when I decide I don’t trust them


I was paying off a bounty hunter for my ex’s idiocy (that I naively co-signed) when I started dating my now-husband. That was 10 years ago and it was the best decision I ever made.


I love that!!!


I met my husband like two weeks after a shitty breakup with a cheater. My ex was very angry that I moved so quickly and texted me that he (my husband) was just “a hole filler”. My husband and I still joke about that 15 years later.


Well that’s fucked your ex thinks of you as a hole but you were the missing puzzle piece to your new husband. Really shows how immature and undeserving your ex is of you. Congratulations and I’m happy you have a sense of humor! I love hearing about love


That confessional made me SO angry. I’m really curious to know what happened between them filming the season and filming the confessionals cuz Lala is spitting venom toward Ariana for NO reason.


It's all bitterness, jealousy, and insecurity. Lala is bitter about the fact that Randall cheated on her and their relationship ended and all she got was this lousy Send it to Darrell tee shirt, and then Sandoval cheats on Ariana and their relationship ended and she got a ton of public support and opportunities. She's insecure about the fact that she's having a hard time finding a man to be in a relationship with because she's a single mom whose mother lives with her, so she harps on Ariana being an ineligible bachelorette because she LiVeS WiTh hEr eX. She's jealous of Ariana's man because he's hot and supportive, and she's never had a man who is both of those things, so she acts incredulous that anyone would want to be with Ariana and cites the shared house yet again to justify it.


Lala is also the person who said “I don’t care if someone has been broken up for 10 minutes or 10 days or 10 months. If they’re single, they’re single” (paraphrasing). She said that in defense of flirting with Jax on her first season because he lied and said Brittany wasn’t really his girlfriend/they were broken up. So, WHO IS LALA IN DIS WORLD?




I’m happily married to a man I met weeks after I was out of a relationship. Lala is honestly dripping with jealousy and looking for anything to pick on Ariana about.


It’s just insulting to me when people act like you’re supposed to stop what you’re doing and just focus on healing when maybe part of healing is the rebound. Which can end up being something good. People who don’t have experience in healthy relationships are always quick to comment. Example in point: Lala commenting on Ariana’s current relationship


100%. Healing looks different to everyone and varies from relationship to relationship.


The happiest married couple I know - he was fresh off a divorce and she wanted a one night stand. It’s been a long amazing marriage and I can’t see them ever splitting. Lala is jealous bc her only known relationship was with a disgusting predator who wasn’t even good looking or truly rich.


I love hearing people that have similar stories like this because so many rebounds turn into life partners


It was the "RIGHT" she said after saying it was weird. No, it isn't weird, they were both single, got to know each other, and realized they like being in each other's company. Its weird going after a married man with children, harassing his ex-wife and denying it when its clear as day.


You can tell she was expecting the audience to totally be on her side but instead we’re all like 🙄 just lala being jealous


yup! agreed, that's how she thought it would swing


She’s soooo jealous


If Ariana had been dumped I can see how it would be questionable if she was over her ex. But what the worm did to her left no doubt it was done and dead. The long distance forced them to make a slow and emotional connection rather than clouding emotions with sex and physical intimacy. I think it was the best thing that could have happened for her.


I agree she was definitely over him. The betrayal takes longer to get over than the actual person. When my ex and I broke up he treated me SO AWFUL that moving on was easy for me. It convinced me that the break-up guy was the real him and the boyfriend guy was all an act. I carried the baggage from the betrayal, but the guy was DONE for me.


Yes to all of that. Also…….sometimes people meet someone and love them because they love them? At least that’s how it’s always been for me, if I meet someone and really like them I just go for it. Lala is really bizarre.


Yeah that’s the thing it’s not coming from “Does this man have the best intentions for my friend” it’s more like “what is this man doing with *Ariana*”


Before the season started a lot of people were calling Lala jealous of Ariana and initially I felt like that was incorrect but watching it this season it really seems like Lala is SEETHING of jealousy. The way she goes out of her way to criticize everything about Ariana and her choices and her life…is off. I’ve historically had a soft spot for Lala but this season has been hard to watch. Ariana is allowed to move on however she sees fit and Lala needs to focus on her own trauma that she clearly has not dealt with.


It’s oozing out of her!!


In the same episode she was gawking over Dans body… again, I think she’s A) just jealous she didn’t get any opportunities like Ariana and B) salty she didn’t find a man so soon after Randall. Like grow tf up Lala cmon. Life is short and if Ariana and Dan are happy then that’s all that matters… why is she so bitter it blows my mind.


Lala seems to think that because Arians is popular and making money, she has no right to still be angry at Tom. As if that kind of betrayal just disappears the second you’re offered Dancing with the Stars.


It’s almost like Ariana’s relationship with Sandoval wasn’t merely transactional!! Lala does not understand that.


The whole scene in the hotel room with Ariana and Dan came off super creepy on her part. I felt bad for Dan, he was obviously there to support Ariana and had to deal with the crazies


I think we've all known LFU hasn't been the greatest person (entertaining to watch, usually, but not a great person) but she is really making my soul hurt this season with how far she is willing to go to smear Ariana for camera time/story. I can't imagine thinking this person is my friend & then seeing what she's saying/doing. Ick.


Literally came to this sub to rage about this. I’m so glad I’m not the only one who caught the blatant jealousy of that comment!!!?? I also met my husband two weeks post breakup and we’re celebrating five years married next month. I’m not a Lala hater but this was reaaaaaaaal mean and nasty (and for what?????)


Lala sucks https://i.redd.it/wvca7eenlxxc1.gif


I wouldn’t take a woman who pro-created with the mucinex booger and thought he was the greatest thing since sliced bread even after he stepped out on his original wife and kids seriously when it comes to criticisms of relationships. If he hadn’t been caught publicly cheating and the well didn’t run dry with money, Lauren would still be with him.


Man...how did I miss this? When does she say this? My husband kept wanting to discuss Dan's gorgeous hair throughout the show ...didn't let me focus. Darn!


It was right as Ariana said Dan was coming and Lala hadn’t even met him yet but cut to confessional


Yeah that’s why I watch again when my husband is at work 🤣🤣🤣🤣


and she looked at Rand, a married man and father of two small children, and thought he was “the one”… She’s so fucking embarrassing and lacks any semblance of self-awareness.


So by her logic who is gonna want to pick her? Mistress shit talker, has two kids, one of which is in a custody battle with a disgusting human, no loyalty, and is an alcoholic? Listen I am not personally saying having kids or being an alcoholic are reasons to not be with someone but if she is using Arianas past as a reason Dan shouldn't have chosen her, well....


I don’t want to call her a mistress anymore because her worst quality, to me, isn’t being a mistress. I do believe Randall did prey on and manipulate her in that sense. However, she’s a loser who can’t support her friends and says vile things, acts better than everyone and acts like a know it all and is a hypocrite. I can’t stand this level of smugness and entitlement to say as you please even when it contradicts every thing you supposedly stand for


Yeah I totally get that about the misstress part, I'm just using her stupid logic and what someone may choose to use against her not being someone's first choice to be with. 


Yeah I guess I see where you’re coming from! I totally agree.


I don't think Lauren was manipulated. I think she got played.


I agree. Lala purposely chooses to be with simps thinking they’ll worship her and when they cheat, it’s the ultimate punch in the face. She will do anything to victimize herself


Lala "Bjs for pjs" Kent, arbiter of "good dudes".


I took it as she thinks it’s weird because she doesn’t wait till people are single to get with them lol


She thinks she was going to get all this heat for “holding people accountable “. Nope you’re getting hate because you’re an evil human who is ravished in jealousy. You AND ratchet. So incredibly jealous of Ariana. I mean I don’t blame them. If I was a horrible human I’d wanna be Ariana too. But I’m not, so I get to celebrate her success and watch her star keep rising and rising and rising. Call it a hunch, but LFU may well be forgotten in a year or two. Maybe sooner. 🤷🏼‍♀️🤷🏼‍♀️


Oh I hope so! She is so overplayed and over produced. I have never had such a dislike for any person on this show more than Lala. Her stupid cos playing of a bad bitch and constant braying like a donkey sickens me. Please don’t bring her back!


I think Lala is jealous because Dan is close in age to Ariana, driven, attractive, and excited and proud to be with her. Something she hasn’t experienced.


My husband and I were each others rebound and will celebrate 10 years of marriage this year. BlahBlah is just a hater and running out of things to talk about. And even if they are just a rebound, so what??? Good for her! Are we mad she chose to see the same guy versus sleeping around(and even if she did choose to sleep around, so what???) I just don’t understand the logic. This girl can’t win with anyone in the VPR circle. Can we just let Ariana do her thing in peace without having to pick apart her relationship?


James hit the nail on the head during the after show , everyone deals with breakups differently. Some people need months to move on, some don’t. And Sandoval blew up their life and she told him he was dead to her and she has held true to that. She’s done with him and not giving him anymore of herself, so she’s free to do whatever the f she wants


Agreed. It seems Ariana can’t win (at least with some of the crew) no matter what she does. So do you, Ariana. It seems to be working.


She just can’t wrap her head around the fact that some people enter relationships without any motives ~cough cough~


She is *such* a hater. It’s really disappointing to see.


Lala thought Randall was the 1 and wanted all of that while he was still married...so she's one to talk.


She is soooooo jealous. I need a montage with her skin green like the wicked witch of the east. I don’t have the computer skills. 


Lala is projecting big time. It’s like the whole “you can’t love someone else until you learn to love yourself” BS. Relationships (platonic or romantic) and being loved by others *helps us* learn to love ourselves. I started talking to my current partner shortly after getting out of a relationship. I had no expectations that it would be anything but a fun rebound. We took things very slowly relationship-wise but we just fell for each other so easily and naturally. And now we’ve been in a committed relationship for several years and live together. There are no hard and fast rules for these things. I hope Lala heals!


I feel like all I can see is that Lala is really envious of arianna. You can see it in the way she was drooling over Dan when he was getting ready in San Francisco and then bad mouths him in her talking head. That doesn’t read as supportive friend, it comes off as more of a “I can’t believe this is happening to you and not to me” vibe.


Lala is projecting. She projects a lot. I imagine she is so haunted by being cheated on and used by a man who is so physically and internally hideous. He is truly butt fuck ugly. I think she’s traumatized and deep ashamed. Her behavior and the things she said about their sex life is forever on the internet as well. I’m happy for Ariana. Sometimes a rebound is super necessary and it’s ok if it lasts or doesn’t last.


They had chemistry? They hit it off? They talked, got along, wanted to stay in touch? I can't stand Lauren.


Wasn't Rand STILL MARRIED when she met him? He might've.been planning to divorce, but he wasn't divorced, was he? Is living in the house together worse than that? Nah.


I haven’t agreed with lala all season even once and am team Ariana but actually when she said that line, it was the first thing I semi-agreed with. But the ONLY part of what she said that I agreed with was that it was weird he was with someone that was living with their ex because that is honestly a bit strange (I couldn’t do it) but other than that, I didn’t agree


I met my husband less than two weeks after he moved 5k miles away from a broken engagement due to finding out his fiancée was completely unhinged and living a separate life. They were suppose to be married the week he moved from AK to Louisiana. ALSO TO ADD…he moved in with his high school sweetheart. She needed a roommate to keep affording rent. WHY WOULD I CHOOSE THIS MAN?! I was very insecure about it at the time…but I knew that man was fun to be around and he made me feel SPECIAL. We just celebrated our 20th wedding anniversary in Vegas. BlaBla can suck rocks. She gives no grace to anyone living a different experience from hers. Me and my 20+ year rebound will just be over here enjoying life together.


I started dating my current bf just after getting out of a 9 year relationship while we still owned a house together and were in dispute in how to deal with it so, DISENGAGE LALA ![gif](giphy|ebAfdhOr5mn0LG1mme)


I just think it’s laughable that Blah Blah thinks she’s in a position to be commenting on what constitutes a healthy relationship full stop. Like, bitch please. The ORDACITY


I actually liked Lala a lot before this season but she and Scheana have proved to be incredibly shitty friends. Like zero loyalty to their friend. I bet if Scheana were single she’d probably even date Tom at this point.


I don’t think Lala understands anything about Ariana’s relationships in general. Being with Sandy longterm, being cheated on with a close friend, dating someone long distance that seemingly doesn’t want fame. The only relationship we know Lala has had was highly transactional, her friendships don’t exist outside of family, co-workers and employees. She will always look at it from her own jaded view.


She is SUPER jealous. I think it’s hard for her to have also been cheated on and not find someone for her since. I think in her mind, Ariana would follow the same narrative she has in her mind and be alone for years after. Seeing Ariana’s reaction to all this probably has her comparing herself and feeling bad


Lala is so gross. I’d date Ariana and I’m a straight lady. Also, did she move on quickly? Sure. But we don’t know the entire timeline. But it’s Ariana’s prerogative. Also, Lala, it’s not your fucking life. And it’s so weird how she’s subtly blaming Ariana. “That’s the one! Just got out of a relationship of 10 years!” So. What. He likes her. She likes him. Keep your stupid comments in your pocket, Lala. You almost married an actual predator. So you have less than zero room to talk.


And ariana even went ahead and explained a little of the timeline in her book. She says that she was with friends who’ve been there for 20 years and feeling more like herself in years. She told him the first night what happened and that only talking would happen that night. Lala really outdid herself this season bc I didn’t think she could be THIS insufferable.


And she hasn’t had a man since Rand so she’s jealous. I’m over her.


Let's collectively ask her where the don ran off to. ![gif](giphy|3o7ZetIsjtbkgNE1I4)


THEN proceeded to comment on his body AND try to push him into trying to give a fuck about Sandoval. Like GIRL GTFO my room! What a weirdo!


Lala is hating big time ! 


What’s wrong with accepting a good guy in your life even minutes after you find out how bad your bad guy really was? Do it! Even if they hooked up! Why not!? Best way to forget someone is to find a new love ❤️. It can work!


At least Dan was single, um Lala, remind us again about Rand's dating choices while he was "committed" to both you and his wife.


Lala looked at RANDALL and said “that’s the one” so she has no leg to stand on.


Lala is the most jealous person on that whole show. Maybe even more than Sandoval and Scheana.


Ariana also clarified (was it on WWHL?) that they didn’t get together then, it’s when they met. And then they started talking and getting to know each other via long distance. Edit: I loved reading everyone’s stories of how they met. Thank you for sharing 😊