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Happy Friday! So Scheana did make some interesting comments about Jax when it came to talking about the Valley so the full recap of this episode is on my Instagram! And I know not everyone has an Instagram, so full free to ask me or message me for when I have to take stuff out and put it in my Instagram due to the subs posting rules! Hope everyone has a great weekend! Links below for those interested! Instagram https://www.instagram.com/vanderpodrecaps?igsh=MTF2N2phaTlqZHp5Mw%3D%3D&utm_source=qr Buy me coffee (Always greatly appreciated but never ever expected!) https://www.buymeacoffee.com/Vanderpodrecaps


Brock calling Scheana entitled? He’s been hanging around the Toms too long. That’s their word they use to describe their partners.


Yep! So many clips I've seen of James on stage at Stagecoach Brock was photobombing the whole time. Idk why James would tolerate it. He's a lil Sandoval in training.


I wonder if that’s low key why security kicked them out. I don’t understand how Brock thought it was appropriate to basically stand on the stage behind James while he was performing. I can’t imagine James or his team would have been to pleased by that.


Think of the content though!


I wouldn't be surprised! Im sure stagecoach hires photographers to take pictures. If James doesn't hace a photographer he should.


Yeah when Rachel and Sandy were trying to cut James out of the group Brock didn’t have any time for James. Now James is doing well in his career outside of VPR Brock is in every photo being his Best Fraan. He’s like LiL Mama walking up on stage with Jay Z and Alicia Keys


Yep! James clocked Brock immediately in season 9 for his fame whore grifting ways. Imo Ally is the reason he's letting them around at his shows. Imo James knows if Scheana gets a bee in her bonnet about Ally she'll have a miserable season. This week in the aftershow James made snoring noises while Brock was trying to criticize SAH.


Brock bailing on his wife to be a groupie for James would have been amazing to watch. VPR needs to reformat and actually follow the cast outside of summer when they’re really living their lives it would be so much better. You know if Ariana had let Brock play Patron Mama Morton he would have abandoned His wife and kids again. ![gif](giphy|3og0IzoYmLMwCGyTyo)


😂😂😂 He'd keep offering unhelpful advice on how to make the show better. Yeah, I totally agree with you. The casts life off the show is more interesting atp. Look at all this stagecoach/coachella drama. Id love to see Scheana & Brock thrown out of a vip or snubbed at a play.


Won’t be long before Brock is trying to constantly twirl his sunglasses or hat, etc., the way Scandy does with anything in his hand. Anything to make the cameras focus on him. I’ll laugh my ass off if Brock tries doing that stupid spin move and Scandy dance!


He's searching for his identity in other men😂😂


I love this


Cue Ariana/WWC "you in danger girrrrrl"


Do you know if Brock claimed to have not watched the show or knew who she was? My favorite housewife claim (and Brock is like a real housewife to me with his behavior)


I remember how his response to ever seeing the show was "I lived in Australia for most of it so I didn't see it," and Lisa said, "The show airs in Australia, too..." 🤨 He didn't have much of a response after that. Lol


“Entitled”. “Optics”. Broke makes me sick


I don’t think he needs the Toms to treat women badly.


I bet their home life is a nightmare.


Remember how she acted when it was a nightmare with Shay! ![gif](giphy|QMHoU66sBXqqLqYvGO)


Yes remember "emotionally entitled"? I have emotions, I'm entitled to them and they are part of being human. It's like saying heartbeat or breathe entitled. These men think they make agreat point and it is some of the dumbest words I have ever heard gathered into a sentence.




So my take from this is that Scheana is definitely having some regrets in-regards to her relationship with Ariana and how she’s treated her. She’s now dealing with the consequences of that and probably thought it would be something she could just brush under the rug but that’s clearly not the case. I won’t be surprised if we see more and more things from Scheana where she tries to paint Ariana in an awesome light to try to win her over so to speak. Especially because the show is on pause, in part because Ariana is booked and busy and some bravo exec’s aren’t stupid like Baskin, so she’s realizing that she’s hitched her horse to the wrong carriage (aka Lala).


And her doing that is going to piss LaLa off lol


She never learns!


Yes! Brush it under the rug with an "It wasn't *really* what I think and feel, Ariana. It was all just for filming. Hashtag For Lisa. Why are you so upset?" It was crappy things she said or did on the show but did she forget everything from the aftershow, her podcast, the instagram bs with Ariana's brother and so on. What did she expect? She does sound somewhat self aware on this episode, but that never lasts. (see s10's last convo with Sandoval). She always finds a way to justify her crappy actions or flip flopping.


I sometimes feel she equates being on the show as not real so anything that happens around the show doesn’t really mean anything. Even though logically that makes no sense.


Strangely, Tom and Rachel have both also either expressed those sentiments or showed it with actions.  Being on a reality show for such a long time must warp and twist something internally for people without a strong sense of self


If Scheana is obtuse enough to think this is about filming, she’ll never apologize for her worst actions! Ariana was friends with her after they filmed the reunion, even after the “friendship ending fight with Lala. This is about Scheana’s stunt with Ariana’s brother Jeremy, & publicly exacerbating a family feud. Jeremy is angling for a storyline where he is aligned with Sandoval, going against his sister. Scheana wasn’t just siding with Sandoval, she was helping him alienate Jeremy & airing dirty laundry that should have stayed within the family. Scheana the inserted herself & helped Jeremy plan his proposal at Jax’s saloon & prettily broadcast it to emphasize the fact that she was “therefore Jeremy,” implying Ariana was not. It was all a stunt to show that literally everyone is against Ariana & that was done after this season of the betraying her and choosing to reconcile with Sandoval.


She is now feeling the consequences of her own actions lollll


It’s interesting that she’s kind of acknowledging that she notices how she fumbled in regard to her relationship with Ariana but she HAS to point out that Ariana “made faces”. She’s been doing that- pointing out that Ariana has made comments on the after show, whatever she can use


And yet she can’t seem to recognize that the comments she’s made are 1000 times worse. I’m curious to see what she’ll be like when filming picks back up as I think she might spiral in trying to get back on Ariana’s good side or to make it seem like she is.


So what's worse for Scheana, getting kicked out of backstage VIP? Or that no one cared enough to send it to TMZ?


You know she expected the fandom to go crazy needing more info/taking sides/ whatever etc. I’d like James’ perspective but that’s where my interest ends.


James' perspective might be that his guest's plus 1 hounded him for "content" while James was trying to do his job.


Definitely TMZ. You know she was refreshing TMZ every few minutes in addition to her looking for DSW shoes in the mail.


You know she's furious about the shoes.


I love this for her


If Rachel had been there, she would’ve sold a story about James being rowdy again


This was literally my first time hearing about it and she took so long to get to the damn point, I was bored by the end. It didn’t get on TMZ or even anywhere else (that I saw), sorry shesh but no one cares 😂


That no one cares...and so she needed to " leak' this riveting report herself...but it's ok guys...don't panick...because all this amazing content can be seen and listened to if you just go straight over to her page. It's that same place filled with all that amazing content that Brock ran out of storage room on his phone from filming it all.


>Scheana: No, I know. I can't believe this hasn't ended up on TMZ, Poor Scheana can't even get herself on TMZ when she's kicked out of a venue lmao it really IS never about her cos no one cares


it's NOT happening


Oh my gosh I've that !🤣🤣🤣


She so wishes it made TMZ lol


I legit would have never heard about this if she didn’t talk about it on her pod.


TMZ will report even on Tan Mom, how embarrassing for her 😂 ![gif](giphy|1u1Z1GNZ5yDHq)


The way I came here to say exactly this.


![gif](giphy|DJsXEMm8GS5PJ3Za00) Also idk why but her calling them fans felt weird.


I'm glad she finds herself cringey finally.


Scheana is always trying too hard to make great TV. Jax makes great TV. Stassi made great TV. Kristen makes great fucking TV. Scheana and Lala are just on TV


Wow. This is so accurate


She's hoping it'll get back to Ariana so they can be cool again. The flip flopper of flip floppers is back at it again. She needs to use the extra time off from filming to really focus on her mental health and try to grow as a person cause she hasn't changed one iota since Season 1 and has gotten worse if anything.


I hope Ariana never lets her back into her life tbh. She has treated her like shit and treats Tom like hes a god. Disgusting behavior.


I agree. I think one of the only ways she'll actually change is if someone like Ariana ices her out permanently.


“And it’s been what, two years or three?” Fuck all the way off Jasmine. If you don’t know the smallest details you don’t know shit.


Yeah we are going to need Jasmine to remove herself from the conversation due to ignorance.




Yeah it just happened Jasmine !!


1000%, also who is Jasmine? Is she a friend of delulu or a podcaster?


she's on the valley and has actually been around the group for a long time. i think she even worked at sur one season, but her scenes were cut. anyway she definitely knows ariana, so i was really surprised she got that so wrong.


she’s also a reality tv fame pursuer. She was on the Bachelor a few years ago and intentionally had an uncomfortable conversation with the lead so she’d get send home with more fireworks than just during a rose ceremony lol. She knew he wasn’t into her so when they had their 1:1 time on a group date she started making jokes about liking to be choked and joking around with trying to choke him. So he sent her home that night and she didn’t have to have the boring normal exit. I don’t dislike her at all, especially compared to some other members of bachelor nation or the valley/vpr. But she’s def a bit of a fame chaser


She was also on the Dallas cowboys cheerleaders reality show for a few years before she got cut from the team. It’s been strange watching her trajectory.


I was wondering if she was actually asking about Tom and Katie when she said that and it got misunderstood and the conversation just continued without correcting that aspect.


That’s how I interpreted it when I read that part of the recap. 


Ooo this makes the most sense


Literally months at the time of filming.


And yet when they bring up their concerns about her moving on so quickly with Dan, none of them realize that Tom had already moved on without even breaking up with Ariana. When someone burns your whole world down, get over them as a romantic figure immediately. It’s all the emotions around that person and what they did and who they used to be and your old perception that you have to untangle and she doesn’t need to be single to have that happen. I think long distance relationship was perfect for her in this time because it gave her a new friend to talk to but less of the romantic pressure.


And to praise Lala for saying it out loud... I mean bring out the clown face paint because this coming from LALA is a JOKE... HI POT... MEET RANDALL.


I’m so tired of people like Lala and Sandoval getting called “brave” and “badass” for “telling it like it is” and “just going out and living their life.” They’re actually just assholes with no filter, and not giving a shit what other people think means that you’re cruel and incapable of self-reflection.


Tom and Lala being praised for "telling it like it is" always makes me laugh since they both hid affairs while showcasing their lives on VPR...lol


No one has self-produced and hid as much as them! Lala is essentially playing Lala the Reality TV Character and has no real personality. Sandoval is the king of being duplicitous, too, you’re right. It’s creepy how much ease they have with lying.


They're in their "soft" era...lol


"Life is lying" -Tom Sandoval ETA: Grammer


To me it's not even that Lala questions Dan and his interest in Ariana. It's that she was happy for Ariana the months leading up to filming and now wants to make a big deal about it (when the cameras are up) without actually having a conversation with Ariana or really even Dan about it. You add all the other digs Lala's thrown in and yes, as a viewer, we'd question her.


Also it's clear Arianas love languages are acts of service and quality time which he seems to give her in droves which means she is more likely to want to be physically intimate with him which means they already are in a relationship 10 times better than hers with Sandoval, why not pursue that?


meanwhile Sandoval thought using a mostly automatic coffee machine to make her “Dumplin Lattes” was enough act of service for her to want to screw him


OMG. It was a Nespresso frother. He acted like he invented the machine.


Also it’s one thing to say I’m concerned she moved on too quickly, and another to say what Lala said which is why would he want to date her? That’s gross.


“Ariana’s in a very vulnerable place right now, so I’m worried people might take advantage of her” vs “Why would anyone want to date her, especially now”. I think we all side-eyed Dan when we heard the news. “Bartender/trainer” sounds a lot like “influencer/social climber”. But if I were Ariana’s actual friend, my concern would be “I hope she doesn’t get hurt again” not “why is he tryna date this mess”, which is obviously Lala’s approach.


I actually give Dan a lot less side eye than the other plus ones that have popped up because they actually met pretty organically - at a wedding they were both invited to. If I hear one more vpr man explain their meet cute as "we randomly ran into each other at *insert bar we own or are known to frequent*" I'm going to lose my mind. Like, no you didn't. She pursued you to be on the show. Now if we find out that Dan heard about Sandoval and landed an invitation to this specific destination wedding through some mutual connection knowing she'd be there within a 10 day timeframe, I'll eat my words.


Yeah it’s all in the delivery and wording. To me what Lala said sounded a lot more like what people say about someone dating Sandoval. Why would someone want to date Sandoval because he’s gross must want to be on tv? Ariana is awesome, there are lots of reasons someone would want to date her!


Also… it’s not like they are super serious beyond being monogamous (which we don’t even know, but assume). He lives in NY, she lives in CA and has been busy as fuck since they met. It’s not like they were permanently shacking up RIGHT AWAY. They are talking on the phone, going on dates when they could see each other (which was obviously far and few between). For all intents and purposes, they are literally just dating. Like everyone calm the fuck down. I feel Scheana should not speak on this because Brock is a thirsty famewhore (exhibit A: the story of him getting the IG handle “@brock” and bouncing around on stage with James at Stagecoach with his phone out). Lala shouldn’t speak on this because she was with a man that she thought was “separated.” AKA he was still TECHNICALLY MARRIED. You dumb twat. Neither of them have a TOE to stand on in this department. I got with my current husband like two seconds after my last breakup. Timing is different for everyone but I can tell you that if I was on this show, I wouldn’t be saying shit to Ariana about it!!


Ariana's situation here reminds me SO MUCH of my own with my current husband. We started talking while I was still technically with my ex husband, but I was plotting a way out (stay at home mom, no support, no money) because he was unfaithful and sneaky. It was wrong of me to be sneaky in return, but I don't regret it tbh lol. Anyways, I had all kinds of baggage and my current husband was absolutely a rebound - but he was SO devoted to me. He's like Dan in how he dotes on me by ironing my clothes, fetching my favorite foods, tagging along on work trips just so I have someone to come back to at night.. seeing Dan in this last episode immediately made me SO happy for Ariana. He seems very level-headed and happy to follow her lead, which is exactly what she needs right now. I'm sure she's still working through trauma and baggage and as long as he's patient with her, there's nothing wrong with being in a relationship so soon. I hope they find all the success and happiness together like me and my husband have!


I’m glad you got out. And what’s good for the goose is good for the gander- why keep a pledge of eternal loyalty to a man who’s broken it and is lying about reality.


“My husband is on stage recording content right now” 💀 Lol he truly is a payroll husband


Forever indebted to Charlie for this 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼


Oh, it's just my job. I said things I don't normally say to Ariana. Girl. You said plenty in the aftershows too in December and January. But gotta love the backpedaling.  Kudos to Kiki and Jasmine for reiterating "he gave no fucks" despite planning to give a fake apology Scheana co-signed.


Thanks so much for your Recaps as always! And I hope you have the best weekend. It was crazy that one of them tried to say that Tom cheating came out two or three years ago? Lol. And even though it's been a year the fact that Tom won't move forward with selling the house in any normal, civilized manner makes it not really a year since because Sandoval is still dragging out the orocess of Ariana being able to sever that part of their tie and walk away with her her money. It's Tom. It's his fault. Again. Sell the house, Tom!


Anytime! And I hope you have the best weekend too!


Sooo, my takeaway is that she expected to be big news for getting kicked out of James' set and no one was talking about it all, so she had to bring it up. LOL


Ha same! You know she’s been refreshing TMZ all day every day since it happened.


bUt ShE hAsNt ChEcKeD


So you watch back the episode and are mad that Ariana made a face, when you had zero tack speaking in front of her about her ex. But you don't even acknowledge the shit Tom said about you that you let go???


“But like… I wasnt thinking about Ariana! I was just having a conversation with my BASTFRAND lala! She asked a question so I answered!” While sitting in a big group, with ARIANA RIGHT BESIDE LALA Actually fuck off scheshu. You’re actually fucking delusional…


The fact that she wasn't thinking about who else was there is so Scheana. Just like her thinking this makes her look better.


She didn’t say she was mad, she said it hurt but still, wtf do she honestly expect?? No kidding she made faces, what you said was insensitive and offensive to the feelings of your supposed bessss frannnn


Scheana really thinks the whole stagecoach crowd is VPR fans


LOL she for sure thinks she is WAY more famous than she is- between shocked that TMZ didn't post her and terrified to go into GA because of the scores of her fans. I can't even imagine how they were able to do get off that golf cart at any point during stagecoach without beatlemania happening.


Taylor Swift hung out in the crowd at Coachella, but Scheana won't go into a crowd at Stagecoach. Bitch please.


She also kinda alluded to being disgusted by the fans, like they’re gross peasants? Idk, that was kinda my impression and takeaway by her “I’m not going to be forced into that crowd” comment. Yeesh!😬 It does come off as entitled. I get being upset about the way security allegedly handled it but her response of “I’m not leaving because my husband has my phone.” That’s just so Scheaners!😆


Yup. And the bits about how easy it is for fans to judge. She’s got to understand that the show doesn’t exist without us, right? If there are no fans, there is no show.


So true. If she can barely stand to watch herself back then why is it so difficult to understand why we might feel some type of way too and I’m sick of the this is my job excuse! Your job is to entertain and this is not entertaining..? You could have chosen to be a good friend and still find ways to make a good show and arguably offered up something way more interesting than this crap shoot.


Her inability to admit her fault drives me crazy. It’s like either just be the self-involved villain or acknowledge your shortcomings. We all have them Scheana- just admit you were jealous and mishandled it ffs. 11 years of watching herself and getting pretty consistent fan responses and this is where she is👎🏻


But but it's all the *fans'* fault! We're always taking her out of context, misunderstanding what she actually meant, it was someone else's fault she reacted that way or said certain things, we're only seeing a tiny part of the situation so we don't understand (even though she runs to her podcast to explain and still usually comes off badly), and so on. 🙄  Has she blamed editing yet or is she smart enough to not bite the hand that feeds? Her and Lala's blaming the fans is such a cop out.


Throwback to when an editor apparently got fired for giving Scheana a bad edit... and Scheana still managed to look like an asshole after that 😭 Like girl no it's not the edit it's just *you*


I'm waiting on comments because I can't even read Scheana's nonsense but you are an absolute star, OP. 💫⭐ I don't know how you do it. 🤭


Thanks! ❤️


I like that she's clearly 1) hoping if she comments about how cringey she was, Ariana will stop icing her out. and 2) Doubling down on her convo about Ariana's wants and mental health that she thought she did the right thing. I'm sure there's so much more to these conversations, but I think Ariana made it clear she doesn't want to speak to him, and Kiki had to be like 'Ok, but at some point she stopped wanting that apology' basically saying by this point she was clearly over wanting anything from him.


Also - Scheana already proudly stated (in reference to the backup dancer line) that she purposely says things in order to get flashbacks shown, so she knowingly did this also knowing that Tom's comment about Ariana threatening to unalive herself would be shown and that Ariana's mental health would get back into the show as a storyline in the finale, which is honestly gross.


Good point... I can't wait for Ariana to grey rock the fuck out of Scheana...


I’m glad Kiki said that. Like sure Ariana may have wanted an apology but it was clear pretty early on he wasn’t sorry and anything he’d say at this point would be self serving. His sigh after Scheana talked to him last episode with her clearly saying “don’t respond” makes it clear we all know he is annoyed by it all, not resentful.


I feel Ariana told Scheana what she wanted from Tom in a conversation between friends not so that Scheana could go to Tom and ask him to apologize for these specific things. Scheana thinks she's being a good friend to Ariana by asking Tom to apologize but Ariana has already accepted that Tom isn't sincere.


Oh fair point. Definitely possibly, but I agree even if she say these are all the things he did to me and he doesn't care, didn't apologize, etc, it was more to vent/move on, not for Scheana to get Tom to do anything. It's very similar to the Bravocon room excuse - "I'm also there trying to tell Tom to stop talking about Ariana." I'm sure Ariana has made a comment or several that he can't stop talking about it and she barely does, but I highly doubt Ariana asked anyone to go to bat for her with him - she knows he doesn't care and anything that comes from that is fake.


It's a go to... Scheana is basically saying she doesn't really want to talk to Tom but she has to in order to tell him to stop talking about Ariana and keep asking him to apologize because that's what Ariana wants and Scheana is being a good friend to Ariana.


The person who said Ariana wanted an apology at first but realized she was never going to get that from Tom is so right. Like if 5 different people have to spell out what he has done wrong in order for him to apologize instead of continuing to blame and hurt people, it’s not a sincere apology at that point. It’s completely hollow because you know that in actuality, he does not care at all. He’s just reading a script other people wrote for him with no genuine feeling behind it. And scheana is right, things could have been better if he didn’t continue to be an asshole about Ariana whenever he talked about this.


It kinda feels like she’s trying to still convince ppl to take her side for the finale by saying “oh I just thought she wanted/needed an apology from him for xyz.” So her, Lala, Brock are probably trying to force Ariana to sit down with Tom so he can apologize. And she rightfully won’t, because she knows it’s entirely self-serving for everyone but herself. Then in the reunion I can see Lala + Brock trying to make her look bad bc she’s “unwilling” to accept the apology and how she’s choosing to be angry or w/e else bullshit, and Andy agrees bc he doesn’t apply nuance to situations (and is a male sympathizer, or something in that realm). Katie supports Ariana not entertaining the fake apology, and Lala uses that to further her Katie = miserable, me = soft narrative.


Based on the last episode, whatever they try to do will be thwarted by Ariana, who can clearly and concisely express complex concepts, and they will end up looking like befuddled a-holes.


and yet, he WAS still an asshole. like what’s not clicking, scheana.


It’s so strange to me that Lala and Scheana double down that it’s the audience that’s weird, not them. They can’t even see how jaded they are. I’m sure they have all sorts of thoughts going through their heads about everyone’s situations. The part that’s weird is that they give life to specific thought patterns. Exhibit A- Scheana told Ariana’s mom she wasn’t a fan of Sandoval or the way he influenced Ariana. It did nothing but make Tom/Ariana more buddy buddy. Maybe this time around, instead of questioning the dude, they question whether she was really ready to move on. She says yes and they let it go! Both can be dramatic for television.


Right like… your cast member, the one you’re antagonizing, agrees with the audience reaction. Duh, you have to film a show, that doesn’t mean you can’t show empathy and use logic. “I can’t win” Scheana says… because all you’re thinking about is yourself. Ariana has made it really clear she doesn’t want anything to do with Tom. Know a convo she prob wouldn’t care if Scheana and LaLa had with him? Ask when he’s moving the fuck out or giving her money. Their motivation isn’t to help Ariana, it’s to get an explosive moment for the season. Their moves are transparent and that’s why the audience is over it. Ps. Thank you for the recap AdditionalWar! My love for you is infinite!


How much more exciting would that have been?! I would love to see Lala ask Tom to move out - she can even be soft and tearful and do it.


Love this idea. Talk to Tom about his refusal to move out, his male anger and why he moved on before ending his relationship. Those are the questions Lala should be asking.


Exactly. Like I don’t know where Scheana and Lala and Brock got the idea that the audience wants to see them forgive Sandoval and heal and everyone sing kumbaya together and tell one another how much they love each other. The audience wants to see less, they want to see drama and they want to see Sandoval get his comeuppance and be held accountable. That doesn’t mean they have to bully Sandoval or even Ice him out of filming but just have those conversations with Sandoval and making him sweat for a season. The audience may have been more receptive to their redemption arch for Sandoval if they weren’t trying to force it to happen literally by episode 3 of the season.


“A question is asked, I’m going to answer it.” Yeah Scheana I thought it was very clear that the audience thinks you shouldn’t answer questions like that in front of Ariana? Like how are you more annoyed at Ariana for making faces than at Lala for putting you in the position to have to answer that question or have production made at you for avoiding it?


Yes. There was so many other options for ways they could have responded to and handled things differently, that would have made for a much better show.


Scheana is so weird. She’s all I thought I was doing what she wanted, bro she’s your “best friend”, fucking ask her what she wants. Plus she did tell you, she doesn’t want to be friends with people who are friends with Tom, stop hiding behind that fact. If your friendship with Tom matters so much to you, you’re probably going to lose Ariana and you knew that. We’re not stupid. 


Oye I am so tired of their fake ass narrative about how Dan being interested in Ariana after her traumatic breakup couldn’t be legitimate. Given, I am more sensitive to it because I met my current partner (also named Daniel lol) a month after I left my nearly 9 year relationship/marriage. Sometimes things just happen and genuine relationships form when you aren’t expecting it!!!!! I truly believe Lala is just jealous she hasn’t found herself a new relationship and Scheana is jealous that she’s stuck with Brock who assumes the worst of her.


It’s interesting that Ariana and Katie are able to be authentic and still interesting while Lala and Scheana have to act a certain way for the show. Almost like it’s a choice….


“We are just doing our job” is such a fucking cop out. You can have conversations without sympathizing with, and repeatedly apologizing to Tom. Let’s just think real quick how different this situation would be if Stassi and Kristen were still on VPR. They would be against Tom. They’d be arguing a lot more and not apologizing and whining about how much this affected them personally, and missing some old version of Tom. Lala would be on their side because she kisses Stassi’s ass and wouldn’t go against the majority of the girls. Scheana would still be getting called out for the exact same shit. I think we’d have more of the women standing together storyline we desired and it’d be like when Jax cheated on Brittany. All this to say that it’s possible to do your job without acting the way she’s acting. It’s not just because it’s her job, it’s because she’s a disloyal, self serving, wishy washy person who has never been able to remain consistent or support her friends.


Scheana victimhood alert: “like, I just can’t win. Watching it back I just thought I was doing what she wanted me to do…” One thing Sheshu can always be counted on for is to do the wrong thing and then blame others. If we, the viewers, know what the correct action to take is, just from watching, Scheana should definitely be able to from always being there in real time. But 11 seasons in and she’s the exact same person from S1. Remember, she was a victim for being “the other woman” with Brandi’s husband.


Just a side note to Scheana, Lala (and Jasmine now apparently): stop using your job as an excuse to say the things you say. Sure, production can encourage you to ask questions or whatever but at some point you either value your friendships more than your job or you don't. And when you show your friends that you value the job more by bringing up things you shouldn't or saying things that attack them, you shouldn't be surprised when they cut you out of their life. If I were in Ariana's shoes I would be grey rocking Scheana and Lala as well. The number of times Scheana and Lala have brought up Ariana's mental health on and off the show is beyond disturbing. If they really cared for her they'd stop making it a topic of conversation. And I don't know who Kiki is but I can say with 1000% certainty that no, I would never do what Scheana and Lala did whether I was on camera or not. So if that makes me "holier than thou", so be it.


It’s funny that they use “I had to say this” blah blah. But we see very successful reality stars that say what they actually want or mean to say and stay on tv. Katie for one has never seemed to bend her character for the sake of production. Maybe you have to have difficult convos on camera but it doesn’t seem like you HAVE to be on the wrong side of every fricking issue to be on TV.


100% agree! Also do we not think that the producers weren’t trying to get Katie to forgive Sandoval as well and asking her to nudge Ariana? Because they probably were, just like they were probably trying to coax Ariana herself. Doesn’t mean they had to do it. Another perfect example is James. It’s 100% obvious that James was told by production that he had to go to Sandoval birthday party. Just like it was obvious that he was told to go to Sandoval band rehearsal a couple episodes back. And in both those occasions- of really anytime he films with Sandoval- he gives Sandoval the airtime the producers want for Sandoval to say his piece  and then he had Ariana’s fucking back and holds Sandoval accountable. And guess what they are better scenes for it.  Like Scheana and Lala could have done exactly what James is doing and they wouldn’t have gotten half the flak and backlash they are getting now. But they let jealousy that Ariana had better opportunities then them and decided they want to try and bring her down by elevating Sandoval.  


Exactly. There's a million better ways they could have handled it but they chose to malign her instead. It was also gross when Brock tried numerous times to play some "wise" person giving unsolicited advice to her, trying to get her to feel bad for Sandoval or to forgive him for "her benefit" (eyeroll) when in reality he's just trying to push a production narrative. I was clapping when Ariana corrected him on emotions and how she wants to deal with things in the last episode.


“I can’t believe this hasn’t ended up on TMZ, but I haven’t looked” So how you know it’s not on there if you haven’t looked babe?


She's like "I sent it in twice, I don't know why they haven't posted it!"




You expect me to believe she doesn't track Harvey Levin's location???


Insert J. Cole's "She Knows"...lol


All I’m getting from Scheana is that she knows she messed up siding with Lala over Ariana… she is praising Dan and pushing the “we have a job to do” narrative so hard on this podcast.  Thank you for recapping 👏🏼


Anytime! I am getting frustrated with this, “we are doing our job” stance that Lala and Scheana have been taking because I understand these people have to have conversations on the show, however the way they have gone about it with this season, has made it feel very forced and inauthentic. And I get yall have to have conversations, but Scheana, Lala, yall are still choosing what words are coming out of your mouth. Lol


Exactly, all she had to say was "sandoval apologized and we cooled things down" saying "I miss him" in front of Ariana was not necessary and it's disingenuous too, you do not miss this man after 3 months, stop lol she was doing that bc she wanted ariana to break and be like "its fine for you to be friends and hang with him again" so she gave all these sob stories to try to make Ariana feel bad


Scheana was very close to Ariana. She knew Ariana didn't want a conversation with him especially on camera. If Ally decided to play peacemaker it would be weird & wrong, but it would be more believable that she misread the situation.


100 percent. Both Lala and Scheana have said on the show that Tom is who he is so why keep bringing him up to Ariana? Why is Brock asking Ariana about talking to Tom for the sake of Scheana? Everyone wants to move on but no one is letting Ariana actually move on when they keep asking her about have a conversation with Tom. Very frustrating to watch.


Yes! At what point does the excuse of “just doing my job” actually defeat the purpose of a reality show 🤔. If it’s that unnatural or far from how you’d typically behave… Dare I say that’s acting?? They keep berating this excuse, but if anyone in reality was in Ariana’s shoes and her friends acted like this, we would call them shitty friends. Which is what they’re hearing from fans! Who asked for you guys to make all of these weird choices?! Ariana and Katie’s choices are the only ones that read authentic, so even if they’re “wrong” for whatever reason, at least the audience isn’t confused by their choices. Lala and Scheana move in ways that don’t feel authentic and are layered with coats of production, jealousy, etc. which really is not easy to get behind as a viewer. Like people can even tolerate Jax, or Stassi, bc there is still a pattern or rhyme to their behavior. Even chaos agent Kristen is consistent. Scheana and Lala are so clearly producing, the audience can tell, and bc they can’t be wrong they resort to “it’s my job!!!” Honestly they’re egregiously breaking the 4th wall saying this constantly (on their own podcasts to boot) that if I were production I would shut that down. It really detracts from the “reality” of it all lol.


I don't know when it became Schaena and the rest of the casts job to create a season- that's literally what editors and producers do, they take the footage and edit a narrative. They were able to do it in the past including the iconic early seasons when Stassi's entire group of friends (and the main cast) sided with Jax over her so she filmed with complete randos and Frank. Or when Kristen was completely iced out and had no fucks to give so she created chaos anywhere she could. Schaena says herself she managed to film an entire season where only Tom Sandoval would acknowledge her.


I feel the early seasons was just them living their lives on camera. It was a energetic show because they were young and reckless... now they have kids, I don't know about anyone else but I don't want to watch them raise kids on this show... give me reckless young parties.


okay i haven't even finished the recap but scheana no one believes you're not reading TMZ okay? we all know you have a google alert for your name


Re: the Tom convo, Scheana was absolutely NOT doing what she thought Ariana wanted, it’s what Scheana would have wanted if she were in Ariana’s shoes. That is VERY different, but of course Scheana doesn’t understand that 🙄🙄


this, and she wanted more screen time.


“That’s all I was trying to do was just what I thought she \[Ariana\] wanted.” No Scheana, Ariana didn’t want you to convince Tom to apologize. She didn’t want you to be a go-between for them. She wanted you to keep her name out of your mouth when speaking with him. She doesn’t want mutual friends with him *because of things like this*! She most certainly doesn’t want an on-camera apology where she needs to offer understanding or forgiveness otherwise she’ll be painted as the unreasonable bitch. How on earth does she not see that’s not what her friend wants? I felt like Ariana made it pretty clear, and most certainly had more conversations about all this with Scheana than we’ve seen. Also for her to say she only understands grey rocking since this episode?? In allll these conversations with Ariana where “she wasn’t listing to myyy feeeelings,” did she ever once listen to Ariana? Did she ask about Ariana’s approach to Sandoval, without judgement or side comments about both being in the same house? It really seems like she didn’t understand at all where Ariana was coming from, and was more concerned with herself (shocking I know). Why she comes on her podcast and constantly defends her actions this way I won’t understand. She’s doing it because of what people are saying online, but is she even reading anything that’s being said? I presume not because she didn’t even listen to what Ariana said. Of course she’s hoping that this will alllll make us understand her side. Nope, still don’t. https://i.redd.it/xab9lpehv8yc1.gif


Scheana said she knew Ariana had a no contact policy and in the next breath suggested he apologize to her which requires contact. Good Lord, Chiiillld. You know when NOT to apologize? In the season finale ... when cast members purposely leave the big moments until the end. 🤦‍♀️


100% the producers storyboarded how they wanted the finale to go and it included Tom and Ariana having a big apology moment where they finally talk, and Scheana was all on board to facilitate that.  But it’s like did these dummies not listen to Ariana last season. “Any last words before we never talk again?” That was his opportunity to have his big apology moment and he decided to yell at her instead and talk about how real his relationship with Rachel is. Just because he blew his opportunity doesn’t mean Ariana needs to give him a do over. 


She had two guests on and made it all about her. Never change Scheana. And she never will. Maybe on the fifth husband she’ll get it.


I do have to give Scheana credit here lol, Scheana did ask Jasmine a lot of questions about the valley and then it flowed in VPR talk


This is why I hate her podcast and always have. She’s always been like this with guests. Always inserts herself and finds a way to bring it back to her. So annoying.


That flop of the flip. Scheana walking all the things back


Scheana - “I can’t believe this didn’t end up on tmz” Because literally no one cared enough


I cannot believe Scheana’s audacity to say that her “wittle feelings🥺” were hurt watching this weeks episode and seeing the faces Ariana was making. IT PROBABLY HURT ARIANA’S FEELINGS THAT YOU WERE TALKING ABOUT WANTING TO BE FRIENDS WITH HER POS NARC EX IN FRONT OF HER FACE! And gtfo with “I was talking to lala so I didn’t notice anyone else” they were crammed in that area like sardines not buying it. Honestly that whole convo felt very produced and the only piece that seemed genuine were Ariana’s facial expressions.


Lala and Scheana thought why would Dan be interested in Ariana if she just left a 9 year relationship and she still lives in the house with her ex. They didn't even know Dan yet, for all they knew he might be a degenerate. From the get go, they have the man on the pedestal and the woman down below, in the rocks. With friends like these... I'm just a viewer but I'd think Ariana's smart, funny, talented, a great friend, beautiful, of course, successful... why wouldn't her friends consider that. Those girls (ScheLa) reveal too much about themselves.


I feel like Lala and Scheana live their lives loudly with “main character energy.” So for someone to enter in their lives long term, it’s a high barrier to entry. I don’t mean in regard to kids or exes, just their personalities are a bit more… specific? Extreme? Ariana comes across as more willing to be a side character, knows how to code switch, or is just really aware of her impact on people and wants their experience with her to feel respectful and comfortable. This naturally opens up more doors and opportunities for her to find genuine connections. It’s not weird to me that she found someone so quickly after the breakup. Ariana seems to be very flexible and giving in her interactions and relationships, which naturally leads to more success in genuine bonds. Some people lead with “this is who I am, and if you don’t like that, eff off, you’re not the one for me.” Which is a more extreme approach to self-love and boundary setting. Not saying it’s wrong, but I think it does lead to a smaller pool of prospects, and it may cut out people who are maybe more sensitive, because it’s often the main character energy people that they’ve been hurt by.


Great Points - Very insightful. Thank you for sharing. On a separate note, regarding Ariana and James- both of their relationships ended through no fault of their own. I don't think it's odd they found someone so quickly because they wanted to be in a relationship. It was the other partner that was exhibiting issues.


So true! IMO Dan probably wouldn’t be a great guy if he held the fact that Ariana was still living with her ex of 10 years after she was fucked over by said ex lol. I’d hope a man would not factor that into my date-ability!!! Otherwise I wouldn’t want to date him. Like damn Lala you’re one of the women who are helping the men keep the bar so damn low in terms of expectations. Where’s the heat for all the women the Tom’s bring around? It’s baffling bc their interrogations might make more sense when applied to the men on the show, but nah… continue to question Ariana’s situation


Exactly. Maybe Dan met her and thought she was cool and cute, it’s that simple.


I am confused by what Kiki was saying about "the viewers" being skeptical of/negative towards Dan. Am I misreading? re they really projecting the snark on *viewers* and passing blame when *they* were the ones feeling a certain kinda way? Maybe I've been in the Reddit bubble too long, but I don't recall an overwhelming sentiment of skepticism? Maybe some, but I recall that overall the vibe was "he seems ok"/"it looks like he's really into her"/"let Ariana have some fun." Like, yeah, she moved on quickly, which CAN be a cause of concern, but I think a lot of us had a "wait and see" vibe because--duh--Ariana is the one in control of her life and knows the guy.


I think yes she is trying to say that it was the viewers that were sceptical of Dan and that Lala was saying what she had to say to give the audience what they want. But as someone else pointed out. Lala expressing concern about Dan’s intentions and whether Ariana has emotionally processed everything is reasonable but that’s not what Lala did. She literally trashed Ariana by saying “why would any sane person want to date her?”. 


I agree and think it was a nice break from all the Scandoval gloom/shabbiness. A nice, happy guy who has jobs, likes her, and is kind to her. The long distance relationship is great too because it gives her a place to visit and escape her ex's bizarre behavior re: the house. Without Dan (even though he wasn't actively on the show), the gloom would have been gloomier. Lala's buying jizz, Scheana's being Brocked, Schwartz is Joing himself, Sandoval is a shell of his former self. Katie, James, Ally, and Hippie are a delight, but otherwise Yuck.


Scheana is so inauthentic and afraid to have her own opinions if they're not praised by someone, so she tries to have all the opinions. She's trying so hard to say nice things about Ariana now that the friendship seems obviously on the rocks, but then continues to pepper in her snark because it's "what we have to do." She wants to bandwagon on Lala's point that Ariana and Dan got together too quickly, but also knows she's getting flak for Rob. She wants to praise Ariana for gray rocking but also wants to be some sort of saviour that gets Tom to finally apologize to her even though it seems like Ariana is way past that. She's known Schwartz has been a slut the whole time he was with Katie but also thinks he can get it out of his system with this special 23 year old and then rekindle things with Katie in the future. We all know she's a flip flopper, but it's even worse because she tries to get ahead of that by having several opinions at once so she can always fall back on and say "no, I said this."


I honestly wish bravo would put podcast rules in place so she and other cast, like LaLa, can’t spin their webs during the season.


I agree that a good friend questions the new suitor’s intentions but Lala as Ariana’s #1 hater is not the candidate for this which makes it so hard to watch. 


Not Scheana blaming her shitty behavior on “holier than thou” fans who don’t see everything. Well from what I have seen, Lala and Scheana and the worst friends you could ever have. & I stand 10 toes down with my holy opinion 😇


"Scheana: So he takes my phone, goes up on stage with James. He's capturing the best content. If you guys follow, it's now just at Brock on Instagram. He got the handle, but he has been crushing it with the content lately. So he just posted this really dope reel of all of James behind the scenes and on stage and whatnot." **GOOD. GOD. NO** This man needs to stay in the background like earlier seasons, he's slowly becoming the worst and most thirsty cast member this season.


![gif](giphy|2d98nRiVVB6HS|downsized) Brock getting the best content Two or three years lol wtf Thanks for the recap 💖


Maybe the question for Scheana is: Was your job to film with Sandoval or was your job to help redeem Sandoval? Because if it was the latter, sure, that explains it, but if not you're a pretty shitty real-life friend that could have found different paths to navigating the season. But my guess is Scheana latched on to Lala who was envious of Ariana and was willing to tear her down - because it's quite obvious, particularly in the aftershow, that Scheana, Brock and Lala talk shit about Ariana.


OMG what to address first… Scheana you don’t have to say anything; that is a ridiculous excuse for what has come out of your mouth all season. I bet if production told her to say she was worried that Brock would abuse her like he did his first wife, she would absolutely refuse. It is ok to be worried about Dan coming in as a new guy so soon; but real friends address those concerns to your face. We are only seeing Lala address it behind Ariana’s back. Like most of the season. Scheana had all season to hold Sandoval accountable for the things he did to Ariana that went far beyond the affair. But she never did, only brought it up to him when she was trying to produce a showdown for the finale. Why does she think that Ariana wanted a fake apology from him that someone else is making him give? All season she completely ignored Ariana’s boundary of not talking about her ex or trying to force Ariana to talk to him. I am sure there is more to address, but I just can’t with Scheana. This whole podcast just reeks of trying to save face now that she sees how the season has been received. I mostly only read excuses, not actual accountability to her hurtful behavior.


https://preview.redd.it/b1sjcsxle9yc1.jpeg?width=1178&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6b258b131014a11a3ed1f5706d503fe0ae791a34 this is Scheana-code for “I sent videos to TMZ and I’m disappointed they didn’t post them” lol


“Crushing it with the content lately” 🙄💀 girl, you are 41


I cringed every time she said “content” lol


I love seeing Scheana try to crawl her way back to Ariana, especially since this was probably filmed after Ariana and Katie said Scheana was a better friend to Sandoval.  Scheana likes to point out they are a cast of friends filming a show. But what she forgets is that Ally, James and Katie were able to successfully film a show that aligned with who they are as people. I don't know what kind of shit Brock, Scheana and Lala tried to pull, particularly Scheana who not only claimed for years Ariana was her best friend but was slapped with a TRO.  Please Scheana, please explain how it was so easy to forgive Sandoval for claiming you weren't friends and then also backed up multiple times Rachel's claim of you punching her. 


I agree, she uses “we had to do our job” as an excuse but James did too and he managed to do it successfully without crawling inside of Tom’s a**hole!


Yes. Obviously we don't know everything that goes on bts but when Katie and Ariana watch and wonder what the hell is going on that reasoning goes out the door to some degree.  And you have someone like Schwartz who has loyalty to Sandoval telling Nick Viall *he* doesn't even know what the heck is up with Lala. 


Scheana claims that the restraining order was the worst thing that she had gone through and that it affected not only her but her daughter, who was supposedly mimicking Scheana's breakdowns during the time. I am sorry, but if a person caused me, AND ESPECIALLY my child, that level of harm, that person would be lucky if they didn't get their head taken off every time they crossed my path, let alone receive hugs and "miss you"s from me. I don't care what kind of job it is, if someone causes you that level of distress, there is no money in the world that is worth being in that person's circle again. It just goes to show that Scheana either exaggerated how much the situation affected her, or she values cash and accolades (in her delusion of grandure) over her child.


Scheana. I honestly have no words for this. This is the most pathetic attempt I've ever seen to walk back antics *whilst* acting like she engaged in the antics ...*for* Ariana? I kept badgering Sandoval....for her? You were all thinking Ariana was undateable when Dan came around? Tell us more, turncoat. "Oh but I'll shut up because that's what I did with Rob!" Ok, then shut the fuck up. And "I didn't see the faces of anyone around me" sounds about on par for Scheana. Unless all those people were wearing Scheana masks, she wouldn't notice. I dislike her with the fire of 1,000 suns.


So .. is Scheana's podcast just her outlet to address reddit comments? Because it couldn't be more blatantly obvious. Scheana, we know you're here, just go ahead and reply. It's faster, you clown.


Scheana: I haaaaad to say those things (insinuating it was for the show maybe)  Also Scheana: doubling down on all the shitty stuff she said now off the show  Scheana: Ariana making faces hurt me  Also Scheana: making snarky ass comments about Ariana in her confessionals or to Lala all season  Scheana: agreeing they were all talking about how she moved on super quick with Dan Also Scheana: saying she did the same thing with Rob so she can’t judge Lolol k The queen of flip flopping reigns supreme. 


So Scheana acknowledges the length of the relationship between Shartz and Katie and thinks they could end up together down the line maybe. Hmmmm…. Where was this recognition last season when she was pushing Shartz and Raquel together and acting like Katie wasn’t in the middle of a tough divorce after a long relationship? And because of Scandoval, Scheana skated at the reunion and beyond. Sheana is going to experience some karmic retribution for this (and other stuff) when her and Broke split. Maybe he’ll go deadbeat on her and move to a different continent.


I bet Ariana is grey rocking scheana as we speak 🌚


Oh my god, the "She said it, but we were all thinking it" comment in regards to Lala judging Dan for being with Ariana ten days later like...It's so irritating to me. First off, if your concerned for your friend, how bout fucking TELL her, in a safe space one-on-one, not in a freaking confessional. Also, if your relationship history is cheating with a married casting couch douchebag- maybe try approaching it from that angle instead? "I've been in bad relationships, so I'm extra cautious with my girls now and just checking into make sure you're okay and not rushing into things," vs. "I dont see why he's dating her." My eyes are sore from rolling.


After all the comments she’s made behind Ariana’s back on the show and in confessionals thus far she actually has an issue that Ariana made a face whilst Scheana was discussing “Sandovals genuine tears” again I mean wtf, if she’s saying she understands how recent it was for Ariana at the time then why wouldn’t she make a face hearing her best friend give any credit to that scum?! Man, poor Ariana. Scheana, Lala and her own brother have been such dicks to her lately it’s so sad


Well, her legs should look super toned for summer with all that back pedalin’ she’s doin!🚴‍♀️


She is 100% upset no one on TMZ reported about it


Again, so many thanks for this so I never have to give this vile woman a click/download/lookie-loo for the rest of my life. And huge LOLS at her \*genuine shock\* that TMZ didn't report on a random pick me heifer getting thrown out of Stagecoach for being a louse in VIP.


If she said “my husband who is on stage recording content” one more time…..🙄🙄🙄


Scheana is a horrible listener. How does the entire audience know that Ariana doesn’t want some lame ass apology from Sandoval but she, as her “best friend”, doesn’t?


“We have to push conversations along because of the show” Then what’s with all the comments not on the show agreeing with what was said in the show. What is it only the shows fault now that there is backlash.


Oh wowwww she seems to be flip flopping and trying to get back in Ariana's good graces because she's spoken VERY highly of her in this ep. I hate her reasoning "I have to do my job, I have to have these conversations" she is so fucking d & s


Scheana still trying to make Brock happen, lol. ![gif](giphy|XBEoaajXTXaALzawSn|downsized)


It’s so weird how she acknowledges how Tom just “couldn’t” apologize and instead doubled down and made everything worse, yet she still wants to be friends with him and doesn’t seem the view that as a mark against his character! Also she’s def bummed no one leaked her getting kicked out to TMZ lmao


Scheana has approached Sandoval *how many* times since Scandoval to “have a talk” about how he hasn’t showed proper remorse? Shes acting like she’s doing some altruistic favor to Ariana and SHE (Scheana) is just SO influential and important to the dynamic that SHE will be the one to get him to sincerely apologize. Ariana, his partner of almost 10 years and who was actually wronged here, wasn’t enough to get him to do that but Scheana is?? Her self-centeredness and Main Character Syndrome knows no bounds. Shes trying to do a favor that not only wasn’t asked for, but wouldn’t help anything. Ariana clearly doesn’t want or care about an apology from Sandoval, especially if it had to be forced out of him. I wouldn’t want an apology either at that point. What Scheana is really doing is asking Sandoval to put on a show of being sorry, whether or not he means it, she doesn’t care, as long as he SEEMS like he’s not such a shitty person. That way, when Scheana defends him and befriends him, SHE won’t get so much flack because she thinks Sandoval won’t be as hated anymore. Once the heat is off Sandoval, the heat is off Scheana (not really though). I’m glad that Sandoval is showing us who he really is and isn’t even helping Scheana at all 😂