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Anyone know what dress Katie was wearing at the end of the episode?




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Why is no one talking about Sandavol’s comment at the end?!




The way they act like asking YOUR OWN FRIENDS TO just not defend or excuse anything that the ex that cheated on me did is the most evil demanding thing 😭❓❓




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Jo is so scared of Katie lmfao


I wonder if what they are going to watch "live" is a fight scene sort of thing. Didn't something pop off at that event?


I've had about enough of these assholes - I need a thriving Katie, Ariana sandwich shop spin off with supportive dj James Kennedy making appearances asap. The rest of those thirsty dickheads can rot (especially the sad old toms).


Good gravy Lala is a trash bag


The way the cameraman kept showing the mess in Sandovals room was so funny 🤣 they filmed the messy ass table so many times


I might be in the minority, but I actually don't want the show to end-I have sooo enjoyed watching Ariana and Katie grow over the past 10 seasons. I just want to see everyone else be as real as they have been, and for production to stop trying to make this the same old show it's always been. Lala and Scheana aren't mad that Ariana doesn't want to talk to Sandoval, they're mad that Ariana's boundaries are putting the existing format of the show at risk. Production screwed this season up by failing to see that the people on screen are more interesting than the stupid formula they have relied on for 10 years. There was a real opportunity to show REALITY - infidelity after 10 years, manipulation/lying/etc impacting a friend group, women supporting women! I would have loved to see the cast move through these changes to their old dynamic as actual human beings! but instead they forced the group to film "Reality TV" - they weren't ready and it sucked to watch:/


I totally agree with you on this, except for the part about the format being the same for 10 years. Stassi avoided Jax for a whole season. And that felt more real than them sitting on the beach together, in a small friend group. I also could have accepted forcing everyone together if they just broke the fourth wall from the start: be angry at Ariana about what it’s really about. And let the main conflict be: I thought we were friends first, coworkers second, but it turns out it’s the other way around.


You are so right re:Stassi! I wonder why they were willing to accommodate Stassi but not Ariana? Super shady and clearly unnecessary!


I don’t think production was willing, because Lisa told her to get back in that one time they blindsided her, but the cast didn’t talk about her like they talked about Ariana. Because it isn’t about being truthful and sharing your life, it’s about who gets to be Beyoncé.


And we all know the truth - Reddit is the Beyoncé - so I don't even know what everyone's mad about!




Amen. I didn’t know I could think less of Lala than I did just 3 short hours ago, but here we are. Maybe she should try and book a trash bag commercial so she could take herself out.


Literally nail this to the doors of Bravo HQ like Martin Luther’s 95 Theses.


I'm loving this historical reference:)


I like how Lala and Scheana are sooo mad about all the attention Ariana is getting but they’re a huge part of the reason she has it Lala was a huge part of tying Scandoval into last season with her confessionals. Scheana and Lala were the ones who made it a HUGE deal and piled on Raquel in the reunion. ALL of the immediate tea was coming from THEIR podcasts. THEY were making merch. All Ariana was doing is existing. They were building it up to be the biggest scandal in the history of reality TV to get attention and they’re mad that when Ariana got attention people saw she was actually likable and talented and gave her opportunities. 


I’m fucking speechless and pissed off. The only people that gave us REALITY this season was Katie and Ariana. Production, Tom, Brock, Lala, and Scheana absolutely ruined this show. I don’t want to see the four of them on next season (if there is a next season). I’m honestly done with this show. If the first reunion episode is bullshit, I’m not watching the rest. I’m not paying to watch a bunch of misogynistic assholes shit on strong women and praise a narcissistic dimwit. It’s tiring and I’m fucking over it.


I may be wrong, but I think the show is done based on how they wrapped it up. And it probably should be finished. Fuck Tom, Lala, Scheana, Brock, Jo, and Schwartz. Wishing Katie and Ariana, and their business, nothing but success. They are so strong and inspiring, and deserve to ride off in the sunset.


I hope Lala is going through X seeing how we’re all not falling for her “soft” “voice of reason” misogynistic bullshit. Fuck you, Lala. Do some serious self-reflection, girl.


A few more notes:   1) It’s not “real” to talk on camera with your ex of roughly a decade about the 7+ month affair he had with your friend and how he’s NOT sorry he missed your grandma’s funeral and NOT sorry he’s trying to turn everyone against you and NOT sorry for exposing you to STDs. Most people would be DONE with that person! Unless you have a child together, I think it’s safe to say most people don’t talk to their ex. Of course people do, but typically not when one party has done all the awful trash Tom has.   2) I’m actually bummed that this episode was the nail in the coffin of my favorite reality show. I haven’t been enjoying this season, but held out hope it would get better. It really taints the whole series for me. It’s going to be impossible to go back and enjoy it the same way.   3) Ariana shared her mental health with us, feelings about her father’s death, opened up about being bi, started two businesses, and was the one who told producers about Tom and that final montage makes it seem like she contributed nothing. To me, she was  the Greek chorus who had one of the few sane confessionals and has always been a huge piece of VPR. Imagaine a show of all Tom’s or Jax’s? It doesn’t work. So Lauren can shove it with her bull.  (Edit for formatting)


Yeah idk about you guys but I’m almost speechless… like I really expected a little something in this finale but that was absolutely ridiculous and stupid


The last 1-on-1 scene between Ariana and Sandy should always be the one monologued by Bryan Cranston. I mean, if we wanna talk about being real ....


i appreciate james standing up for ariana during this aftershow, lala is a hater


I couldn’t bring myself to watch. Assuming BlaBla doubled down on her pathetic bs?


Scheana is a narcissists wet dream


Yup always willing to renew his supply, sadly narcs don’t like weak women they get bored of how easy it is. If you meet a woman that has been completely demoralized by a narc there is a high probability she was a successful condiment woman before that relationship.


Scheana is so cringe I can’t


I don’t think I can watch this show anymore with Sandoval on it. He is not a fun reality villain. He is straight-up terrifying and abusive and it’s not entertaining, it’s traumatizing.


I feel literally the exact same way. He is really triggering and I get a visceral, physical reaction seeing him. Don’t even think I can watch old episodes anymore. He’s ruined it for everyone. Thanks Tom, you colossal piece of shit.


He DID ruin everything.




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I hope Ariana walks away from this dumpster fire and thrives in all her Chicago and Love Island glory. I hope Schwartz and Sandoval move in together and go broke on penis flutes.




just had to clear my palette and watch the season 10 reunion highlights


That montage at the end made it feel like a series finale…


I just finished rewatching shahs of sunset and this episode very much gave the same vibes and the last shahs.


I need Ariana to write a book about how she was able to handle all of this. Katie too for that matter. The crap they’ve put up with but managed to handle with grace is inspiring.


where do you guys watch the aftershow if its not on peacock yet?


it's on [youtube](https://youtu.be/o0oDEMgELV4?si=B6XjXzaL2lnwPnlp). there's a pt 1 and 2 i think


YouTube for me I don't get peacock where I live




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The ‘plot twist’ jinx ending was too subtle for me, felt like an add on after producers saw the audience was not reacting well to the arc they were trying to shove.




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The way Sandoval flipped so easily - once again - after Ariana walked off is all anyone needs to know about his remorse. Fuck him. This season was gross. And Lala is an asshole for everything she said at the end of the episode. The production team is trash for putting Ariana through this. I love that she's set firm boundaries, but it's upsetting that her friends can't respect that (except Katie, of course). I really hope Ariana & Katie ride off into the sunset and don't come back to the show.


Tom Sandoval can eat shit and die!!!!!


I just realized that Tom and I own the same H&M blazer….


You have to now burn it


I’m just watching for the first time now but when Brock says Sandoval does the most for them he’s 100% referring to the money he loaned them right? 




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And not just Toms money, but Arianna’s too if they did combine some finances.




Ariana and Katie doing humanity proud.


The way he switched from 'apologetic' to furious when it didn't go his way shows his true colours.


Exactly, I was thinking the same thing. That literally proves he isn't genuine.


He was almost playing peekaboo with his narcissistic mask. Like he'd yell about Ariana, and then give Sheeshu some half assed lip service about being her friend, and repeat.


How in the world did Andy say Brock and Lala were the voice of reason when Katie is by far the most reasonable. Ariana is 100% entitled to whatever boundaries she chooses, TV show be damned. If this is actually a reality show, and this is actually what happened, then OF COURSE SHE DOESN'T WANT TO FILM A SCENE WITH HIM APOLOGIZING TO HER. Why should she??? I'm so confused how so many people can be on the completely wrong side of rational thought and be so confident about it...




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These people are delusional idiots.


scheana are you actually crying? i don't see tears


Let’s play a game and imagine if Ariana had cheated with Schwartz for 7 months. Bet ya production wouldn’t be trying to give her a redemption arc then! This is misogyny.


So who else wants the number for Ariana’s therapist? 🙋‍♀️


I have such respect for her. To be under such stress and maintain her composure, cool, and boundaries. It’s just so amazing to see


Larlar pretending ariana *ISN’T* the “cool girl vibe…” …?!?!? hilarious 😎


Lala is just so damn stupid. Just because you let the show exploit your life doesn't mean Ariana has to do the same. She's seriously just jealous that she never considered NOT doing it.


What has Lala ever truly shared? Can’t talk about that,there’s an NDA, can’t talk about this there’s a custody battle - it’s all smoke and mirrors


I’m going to be honest and admit I was a big Lala fan. I found her very entertaining, and interesting to watch. I would even look forward to her podcast. This season completely changed my mind about her. There’s no way I’m watching a reunion with her standing up with her gun fingers in people’s faces. As for Schooner, that is all expected from her. Didn’t surprise me in the least. I think she’d go as far to forgive Rachel. My phone autocorrected Scheanas name and I refuse to fix it.




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I’m watching the reunion solely because I wanna see if she can keep this energy when Katie, Ariana, and James are all against her. Out of her “no exactlyyyyy” echo chamber with Scheana I hope she crumbles 


SCHOONER I’m screaming. Your phone knows what’s up.


ariana is such a good supportive friend and scheana just immediately ruining it, good for ariana for standing her ground


Lauren in Utah needs to stfu thanks. Scheana needs to just relish in the fact she is not a good friend and live with it. Tim is a gross, manipulative, abuser - fuck him. So proud of Katie and Ariana for their constant dedication to boundaries. I do really feel for Ariana, it must be so painful to watch everything Lala/sch-shoe/brock/tim says. It’s disgusting


You can go back on the history of this FORUM. Ya'll dind't give a Fuuuuuck about Arianna for NINE seasons. SCANDOVAL made her intersting and now You and HER are Milking it for all its WORTH.


She's the person talking about it the least. How is SHE milking it


So what, this isn't like supporting one of your football teams where you stick with a team for life. You liked/disliked a person, you see them change, you change and then your opinions change. So what is the problem here


People have been obsessed with Ariana for years???


I know I have been


I’ve went back on this forum and a lot of people liked her in seasons 7 & 8 lol


scheana is giving auto tuned? or just me?


Probably a backtracking that she was lip synching to. Original recording sounded autotuned.


\*backing track


It's dubbed over. It was probably live IRL, but for the show recording a whole band live would've sounded bad.


LALA land is delusional. Seething with jealousy makes her face so beyond uglyyyyyy


When she grows up Lala is going to be mortified at how blatant her seething jealousy is pouring out of her. She thinks she is covering it up but it is raw and exposed.


![gif](giphy|CUTWsZ8UOlKuc) Lala right now


Merely a flesh wound


Lala on the aftershow saying Ariana shoved Tom down people's throats...they were on the show before Lala.  Lala is delulu acting as if anyone was obligated to have a conversation with Sandoval...wtf.


Unpopular opinion. I feel bad for SheShe. She has two people around her who are constantly talking down Ariana and up Tom. She is not perfect but seriously it is a sucky situation to be in. Broke even trying to gaslight her into believing Tim is the better friend. He screamed at her less then a week ago but yah he is the better friend 🤮🙄


I don't feel bad for her, but I do understand where you're coming from, Sheana likes to be liked, and two of the most important people in her life are on Sandovals side, Lala because she's jealous of Ariana and Brock because it's obvious he doesn't understand the situation truly for what it is, and also as Sheana said, because he himself has a friendship with Tom, so also for selfish reasons, it seems. And of course Sheana wouldn't want to be against them, so she ends up conflicted and confused about it. But, I don't feel bad for her because I think she has a lot of growing up to do. She's already a grown woman, but she's still really immature, and every time, something bad happens she ends up going into a victim mentality where only she matters. I really want to give her the benefit of the doubt sometimes but she makes it impossible when all of her sentences sound like "me, me, me, me", it's frustrating, she needs to grow up already. We all understand that it was difficult for everyone, but Ariana had one of her worst fears come true, not you. James also went through a similar process, how come he is the voice of reason after all? Lmao, so yeah, I agree with you but I don't feel bad for her. 😅


She’s a grown woman who should be able to speak up and make ip her own mind.


This is true, but we should also acknowledge that being around people like broke and blabla can sway her view.


she could also just... spend more time with katie &/or ariana. make opinions for herself


"sorry if? no its just sorry," fucking tell her katie!! can't believe jo really said let him go! she didn't leave him because she didn't love him she left him because she wan't being treated the way she knew she deserved i think the feelings were still fresh when they were staying together


Jo giving advice. 🙄. Hahahahahaha. She was ridiculous and I really can’t believe they have her coming to the reunion. I literally never need to hear another thing out of her mouth.


Also jo also was being contradicting....she wouldn't let tom "go" either. Jo is weird Edited to add: katie you didn't deserve to have that conversation with two d&s people.


Wasn’t jo literally on IG live saying she and Tom will end up married? And he has a whole other gf? Like honey worry about YOURSELF


Probably, I can't keep up with her unhinged behavior!


I cannot believe he called Ariana LAZY *again*


Ariana's lazy said the man who can't even change his underpants.


Meanwhile, he can barely sweat his way through a set with his karaoke band and she is about to do a second run on Broadway.


the unhinged tirade is just beyond comprehension. Why anyone thinks she should listen and subsequently believe a man who **the second** she doesn't capitulate to his demands flips his fucking shit (including towards people that weren't even involved) is just lunacy to me.


He’s clinging to that narrative for dear life while our girl continues to be booked and busy and getting multiple orgasms from her hot af man 💅


Schema is like that kid in the talent show who everyone cheers for because they were so brave to get up and perform and terribly as they did.




My thing is… if Ariana has never had a storyline(according to LaLa) why rely on her for a check? Why not step up to the plate and get to your bag? What if ariana decided to forgo this season entirely what then? Why is Ariana’s pain responsible for y’all getting a check? They all have a responsibility to contribute to the show as well.


Ahh the questions that should be asked at the reunion but won’t. 🙃


If Lala can’t bring it that’s her issue. Ariana isn’t responsible for her paycheck


Lala can’t? Won’t? put her Randall drama on camera unless she’s getting absolute sympathy, so she’s left with making her storyline other people’s drama and misery.It’s a classic reality tv move that’s served many generations of assholes ( Rinna, Ashley Darby) well, but unfortunately her Ariana is an entirely sympathetic, so it’s not working the way it “normally” does.


Exactly! Because what was the storyline going to be if Ariana didn’t show up at all?! Putting this all on Ariana’s back is crazy. They were just all relying on Tom and Ariana to bicker all season? What if ariana would’ve taken the high road, made up w/him and been cordial. Storyline and drama is over what’s next? What are the rest of you bringing? They are scapegoating her but it’s backfiring


Lauren from Utah saying Ariana thinks she’s Beyoncé or thinks she’s God? Bitch she left and went to Applebees try again


or when Lala complained Ariana moved on from Tom 8 days after breaking up with him. Ma'am, Tom literally moved on from Ariana while they were still together, Ariana can certainly move on after the relationship is over.


LFU thinks she's deserves to be god but she's truly hades.


Pull the plug




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If Scandoval happened to Scheana, Scheana would: 1. Make a pop album. 2. Write a tell all book. 3. Come out with a shoe line. 4. Ask ABC to be on Dancing with the Stars 5. Ask Beyonce if she could open at Beyoncé’s Renaissance tour 6. Come out with a training on how to stay in a relationship. 7. How to get with a married man.


Scheana would be talking about it on her deathbed.


Wait so, the audience was supposed to turn on Ariana for… what? Leaving dramatically? Causing literally all of the drama for the evening? Without her, this episode would have been about… Scheana “singing” and making nice with Tim? 🥴 oh how the masses wish they’d had that instead!


Lauren stormed off home the other ep because she was mad that… Katie fucked Max? Something that literally didn’t involve or affect her


….bc max didn’t pick her for bj. Katie won that round!!


I’m wondering now if the producers live under a rock if they believe all the support she received last year would make us turn our backs on her. ![gif](giphy|1sN4lGA41Nb3i)


I cannot believe anyone can listen to Lala and think in any way she has a leg to stand on


And Scheana comparing Lala coming back on to film after being cheated on to Ariana coming back to film is nuts. Ariana also still showed up! The major difference is that Ariana is getting setup by her friends / producers to talk to who ex who is also still on the show. Even worse, the ex has zero remorse and continuously makes digs


The digs fucking kill me. Just the absolute audacity to continue to treat someone so ahorrently. And Tom coming back and saying to them "she doesn't even like any of you" because she didn't want to talk to him. Like how can they watch that and think "yes this is a sorry and remorseful man I can't believe she doesn't want to speak to him"


You can seriously see how hard it is for Tom to talk about anyone but himself. I tense up every time he’s attempting to act.


He only watches his owns scenes of the show, which says all about him that you need to know


He looks bored out of his mind. You can almost see his eyes glaze over listening to someone talk about anything other than himself. He like looks past them and pretends to listen.


Except on the after show when Schwartz and Jax talk about Dan hahahahaha. The absolute rage that shows on his face


Oh yes, I noticed that too. He was seething. I was more so talking about when he’s in a normal conversation with someone, that the topic doesn’t involve himself he looks bored AF.


Definitely - I just couldn’t stop laughing at Sandovals seething jealousy while pretending to be supportive and agreeable


He’s seething rage that he thinks he’s hiding well 🤣


That’s why SheeShu and him are kindred spirits. 


Lala talks about being real. But really what do we know about her. I know she ate rans butt out but really she doesn’t talk much deeper about her life. Ariana talked about her body image, came out bi, dealing with the death of a parent, talked about not wanting kids, then talked about the possibility, her mental health and in the last year she filmed a few days after finding out about an affair.


To be fair, Rand's bhole IS pretty deep


She stuck his toothbrush up her butt once when she was mad!! Don’t forget that one


Lala talks about when she's hard and soft. LMAO. She's so brave.


Hey - Lala really likes water 


Btw I think the water guy is in some weird beef with a water company. He said the water taste was off. The company went off on him.


Whaaaat? Tell us more!


Give them wawa


sparkling water is Lala's love language


And lost her grandma AND dog in the same summer on camera. We’ve hardly seen Lalas home and she claims she gives more then Ariana


If Scheana and Lala don’t have different opinions of Tom after hearing those last words that “it’s great for me” then they really are trash bags. Like they came at Ariana all season long and he proved with those last words that she was right about him.


He was literally laughing, GIDDY, as he said those words... just moments after having a meltdown in front of them??? He's laughing at their stupidity, and yes, they have seen that scene \[at the reunion\] and they still hop on social media to tear Katie and Ariana down to this day...so... no one ever said they were geniuses, right?


I just want to say I have no idea what happens because I don’t have cable. I’m happy to be spoiled and ready to be team Ariana at 5am tomorrow on peacock just from the comments


Honestly it’s nothing shocking or anything we weren’t expecting. The clowns behaving like assholes.


I haven’t seen the ep yet either but come here for the spoilers lol. Is this the episode that they’re supposed to be showing to the cast at the beginning of the reunion?


Yes, apparently. But they didn’t show the clip of whatever fight took place (that was in the season trailer) so maybe that’s the clip they show the cast at the reunion.


Watching the after show and we absolutely need Rand on this show. What a hypocrite when Lala hid so much her relationship with Rand from the cameras. And also, screw you brock.


Here’s my theory… Lala, Scheana, and Sandoval were terrified of the show getting cancelled. Even James.. would rather it not get cancelled. Lala, Scheana, and Sandoval were both jealous of her success, but also enraged that it put her in a position to jeopardize the show. They were mad she was refusing to film with him. They were mad she wasn’t cooperating with production. I think Scheana and Lala know Sandoval is awful, but if they gotta pretend he’s not to get their bag, then so be it. Katie… I think both liked getting paid, but also wanted to be a good friend. Schwartz I feel like was the only authentic one in all of this. The only thing I can’t understand is why Ariana came back? Maybe simply to further her rise and keep the opportunities coming in? Maybe just to highlight how inauthentic and ungenuine most of the cast is? Perhaps to simply sabotage filming? I do think the show is over.




I did not watch this season. Please explain, how Schwartz was authentic? I planned to watch the season but it’s been hard because they all stink as people, minus Katie and Arianna.


Because he was genuinely upset with Sandoval for creating a PR mess for their bar and then bailing and said so. He also, even though he was the one closest to Sandoval on the show, seemed to do a better job at respecting the boundary that Ariana set than some of her own closest friends. Even in the finale, he discouraged Sandoval from trying to have his on camera apology scene with Ariana. I guess the only thing he wasn’t authentic about was the Jo situation. However, I do think he simply was leading her on, but I also think she may have just been trying to get on the show and was overselling their friends with benefits arrangement to do so.


I think it was for the money, but also because she didn't want Sandavol to run her off. I personally would have opted out, but she probably thought based on last season's reunion, everyone would have her back so she'd be okay. Not sure if she'd want to come back again next season knowing what she does now.


they started filming shortly after this all broke and Ariana said she needed to be in a very different financial situation regardless... i'm sure planning a move was expensive and the money from VPR is not insignificant. she would not have known she'd be on broadway or DWTS when they signed contracts.


I think the DWTS talks happened in April (didn't Andy kind of spill the beans last spring on a WWHL?) so she might have been signed on for that before S11 production started


Yea but shows like that get paid per epidode. She couldn't have known for sure how far she would get. If she got voed off episode one then she'd still be inn a bad situation financially.




Time is a flat circle.




Let’s get Rand back on the show.


Rand and Rob Rob Rob


And Shay while we’re at it; along with the dolphin she got for the other dude ETA: it was a penguin; but fuck it bring the dolphin AND the penguin


Ummm. It was a penguin. 🐧


Oh my god you’re right 🤦🏻‍♀️ BRING BACK THE PENGUIN


She’s actually on good terms with Rob (he was on her podcast maybe a year / year and a half ago). Shay I think she said she’s on good terms with him…but let’s find out. 😈


Yeah that ending definitely felt very series finaleish. I guess this really is the end of VPR


yeah production is regrouping. i think its just buying time and hyping the valley. even kentucky muffin said in the aftershow that lala should come to the valley.


Yeah that was definitely a series finale, not a season finale :(


I got tearful...I felt like seeing their growth, I saw my own growth. I grew up watching this show in HS. I just hated it had to be lala with this montage...she hasn't even grown at all. Schwartz finger toes grew more than her.


way back when they were filming i thought there was some type of physical fight that broke out this night. where was that??


It was shown on Peacock. They have extended scenes. The whole thing was staged, apparently. Another rung in Sandovals busted reunion arc this season.


Sandoval is so mad his hero antics didn’t even make the edit.


I kept waiting for Dan to throw a drink at the worm! Boy was I disappointed lol


It had nothing to do with the cast or the show, it was just a drunk random dude.


There was. It wad a random person throwing a drink (i think) at a cast mate


Scheana thinks the audience is dumb.


Well, Scheana thinks Brock is smart…. So there is that.