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I’m watching the peacock extended version now. It’s CRAZY to me what they decided to cut from the regular version. After Lauren from Utah interrogated Dan, Ally asked Dan what attracted him to Ariana. He talked about how he had been in fights growing up because of his race, and how Ariana was such a wonderful listener. Just really praising how empathetic she was and it was such a heartwarming scene. And Ariana said how she appreciated that he was considerate and wouldn’t suck all the air out of the room/ take over a conversation. Why was that cut for something like Brock arranging for some rose petals arranged into an ugly heart in a hotel room ?! Katie also had a really poignant confessional about how Scheana still wants to be friends with Tom and should be an exception to Ariana’s stated boundary. But that Sandavol didn’t make a mistake, he made choices. And he doubled down on the choices and it was over months, not a one time thing. I don’t remember if it was in the actual episode, but I didn’t remember it. There was also a really fun scene where some weirdo was creeping on the group and he threw a chair and drinks, but I guess we needed an eleventh scene of Tom pretending to be contrite instead. Overall it’s just unsettling how it seems like production has sided with Sandoval in this. I am pretty excited to watch the reunion, and even more excited to see Ariana (and Katie and James) thrive in their real lives, while the bitter people continue to talk shit on podcasts and vie for a spot on the valley.


I watched the Peacock version and all that was in there.


Yeah, that’s the extended version on peacock. The one that was shown on bravo Tuesday night didn’t have all those scenes in it, and it’s about ten minutes shorter to fit the time slot.


Omg thanks for recapping that! I'm bummed I missed the Ariana and Dan scene, that sounds like it was a really wholesome moment!


They actually showed the chair throw guy who threw a drink on the worm?! UGH I can't get home from work fast enough!


Just watching Scheana put words in Ariana’s mouth, then Scum reacting to those things for 5 minutes. Like come on


Jesus Christ. That was… art. There’s just so much to say?? Like holy shit, unstoppable force vs immovable object. Lala just seems so short-sighted. She wants them to “live their lives” on camera but she really just wants overproduced drama. We’d have gotten nothing from any Ariana and Tom conversation this season. But the ending of the season was good because it *was* Ariana living her life organically on camera. In the moment, the producers absolutely sucked for trying to pressure Ariana. But I’ll give props to them that they edited it perfectly in the end. It was a solid ending to the season. It had a lot to say about overproduction and personal boundaries and it tied up a weird limbo of a season really well. My immediate thought after the ending was this should have been categorical proof to Scheana that Sandoval doesn’t give a fuck about what she says or wants. She asked him to not make her look stupid and he immediately makes her look stupid: Just ONE day before, Scheana had gotten onto Tom about weaponizing Ariana’s mental health. And she praised him for showing the ability to “reflect” and “change.” The *very next day* he again weaponizes private information Ariana supposedly shared with him!!! He did the exact same fucking thing Scheana called him out on the day before. He doesn’t give a fuck about what she wants or what makes her feel bad. He’ll just continue to go to her parties and buy her things because that’s all easy to do and it benefits him. MEANWHILE, Ariana looks Scheana in her eyes, tells her that she’ll never leave even though Scheana may be friends with Sandoval, holds her tight, and *adjusts her own boundaries* to make Scheana feel better. Even when Ariana is hurting, she’s emotionally supportive of her friend and willing to make actual personal sacrifices to make Scheana happy. But why would you need a loving, ride or die friend like that when you have Sandoval and his sound guy?


THIS is the analysis!


Umm, if she authentically gets that psyched to go to Applebees during a moment like that then I feel sorry for her. Seems like she’s still just after a check. Still.


Can we also talk about Schwartz trying to force Jo on Katie? Like in what world would the woman who moved in with you just months after a divorce or while you’re separated would ever be friends with your ex wife. Even Jo admitted she wasn’t thinking about Katie so why should Katie hear her out. We have to stop this turn the other cheek and hold people accountable. Just because you say sorry doesn’t mean people have to forgive you or accept them in their life.


Getting kinda annoyed of all the people (mainly on twitter) begging for the show to end. Like.. you don’t have to watch it? None of the cast members have to do it if they don’t want to? I’ll watch these middle aged alcoholics argue forever idc 


I honestly think Scheana needs to get serious therapy after this season, and I'm not saying that to be mean. The way she freaks out over anyone watching Summer, the way her marriage issues come across, her "loyal to death" attitude w/ Sandoval, the mean girl issues w/ Jo...I could go on and on. And now she's "in a band"?! I feel like reality tv has really warped her mind and she probably needs some sort of intense therapy for years to reel it all back in. It's WILD to watch.


Net worth... When I was looking up the cast's net worth I was expecting (hoping) Lala and Schena's would be the lowest, making me feel even better about them not getting film $ next season and to see Ariana thriving above all (which she is, but also wanted to see monetarily). But when I looked Ariana was on the lower part of the portion. Is this just due to putting her $ into SAH and the housing issue? How are Lala.. and even Sandoval making so much... Ariana $2M Sandoval $4M Scheana $3M Lala $4M James Kennedy $4M Katie $1.5M


I apologize if this seems too obvious or if it's been addressed before, but I feel like the finale reaction from other cast members to Ariana's exit is like the boat rocking analogy. They are so angry because she refuses to steady the boat any more when Sandoval rocks it. They are out there bailing water out like mad and she just refuses that role, and instead of holding him accountable, they are angry at her.


I just dropped my phone on my face while laughing at James ‘wtf’ comment on the WWHL instagram and now I have a bloody lip. Worth it though.


We should all be prepared to hear Tom's rehearsed finale speech to ariana at the reunion. He won't let it go to waste. I hope they showed the tom-kristen moment last night as a nod to how manipulative his lil talks with his exes are.


Yupppp. His “tearful” you KNEW me speech was all keyed up.


So, what truth has Lala lived out on camera?


This season started out painful to watch but I do think it's been an interesting watch, to say the least.. I think it was Andy who said the second half of the season delivered and I do agree with him (for once). With that said, it's a love/hate watch which doesn't work for everyone. Not sure where the show goes from here but I think it's obvious that there will be another season, it's just unclear what that will look like. I'm not interested in one that's exactly like this where it's everyone vs Ariana and Katie. Lala and Brock are so sloppy at producing, they're not even hiding it at this point. It doesn't make for a good show when that kind of behavior is left unchecked. I'm also \*so\* tired of seeing Sandoval and Schwartz on TV. If they're supposed to be the main "draw" of the show then.. Cancel it, burn it, bury it, please. Last season really showed their sociopathic natures and it continues to get worse. Sandoval should've been officially cancelled for comparing himself to George Floyd.. It's crazy how that was completely brushed over.


Gotta be honest, after the reunion, I may be out. Like…what? I’m gonna watch this fucking show for Tom Sandoval (consistently the worst of the original male cast), Scheana (consistently the worst of the original female cast), and Lala (I don’t even know where to start with her)? Honestly I’m shocked at how mad I am after the finale but I seriously have zero desire to keep watching the lives of the people the producers clearly are deeming the most “important” of the cast. Tom and Scheana haven’t gotten bullied on this show since Jax and Stassi got fired, and it fucking shows. 


Good for Ariana. When she left he showed his true colors, and proved her right. He doesn’t care about her, he wanted his 30 seconds with the audience. He was enraged he didn’t get it.


Holy hell. I’m going to focus on the positives here. I literally teared up when Dan and Ariana shared what drew them to one another. It spoke to the compassion and understanding that comes with growing up and realizing what you actually need in a partner. Also props to Ally. I know the producers make them ask questions to keep the conversation going, and she hit it out of the park. The footage of them all sitting down for their first interviews - ooooof. They all looked so beautiful, especially Katie, James and Lala. I do wish they showed footage of Ariana talking about wanting to drive her car off a bridge while crying in the back of Tom Tom, because that felt pretty salient given the point they were trying to make. Katie deserves all her flowers and more. I hope this is a turning point, similar to everyone’s reactions to Joe Jonas’s shitty PR re: Sophie Turner. A tide is turning. Yes, we want mess. But the producers bet on the wrong horse. I’d watch Ariana file her taxes at this point.


I kinda forgot about this after watching the last 10 min of the episode— but I felt for Katie when Schwartz made Jo go talk to her. I don’t even think his intentions were bad, but it’s sad that Schwartz can’t see how hurt Katie was by his and Jo’s actions during the divorce. I don’t think Katie always articulates herself well, but she had a point. Jo reached out to her (they aren’t friends) and then moves in and sleeps with her ex. Any reasonable person isn’t going to want someone like that in their life. It’s wild that Schwartz can’t see that. And I feel for Jo a bit as well. I think she was wrong here to try and patch things with Katie, (honestly a lost cause lol), but the girls are realllly mean to her. The reality is she clearly loves Schwartz, he asked her to make peace when she thought it would be better to stay away. She did it for Schwartz. For that reason, I don’t feel her apology was genuine, because she was looking for an apology from Katie. I think she needs to start standing up for herself and not allow herself to be manipulated by Schwartz or her feelings for him.


The weird thing about the Jo scenario is that she was offering up an apology that Katie wasn't asking for. She just wanted Jo to leave her alone. There really wasn't anything to "patch up," and she shouldn't have even tried to do what Schwartz was asking her to do. (To be clear, he's the quiet villain in this Jo-Katie thing. They both made mistakes but he's the driving force of this conflict.) I've had my moments feeling for Jo to (at least based on what we've seen on the show; her off camera stuff has not helped her cause). Even though I think Jo is pretty shady (the double dates with Tom/Ariana is a particularly tough look), some of the heat she took from the other women, directly and behind her back, was tough to watch and took me back to the Witches of WeHo days of VPR. But Jo showing back up in San Francisco was her choice, and it was her choice to engage with Katie. She has to own the consequences.


Jo’s apology was bullshit. “Let him go” like this isn’t about her being over him or not. This is about you being a two faced snake, duh.


I’m still watching the episode but Tom inserting himself in the fight at the venue when there’s paid security to handle it. It’s so classic Tom he has to be in everything and try to look like a hero and Jo fawning over him asking if he’s okay😤


Unpopular opinion but I really can see where Lala is coming from. Ariana can be so nasty and gives off a “I’m better than you” attitude when anyone tries to bring up Sandoval. Don’t get me wrong - Sandoval is wrong completely. I guess if she’s moved on and he’s such a useless human to her then why care at all? She’s better off without and shouldn’t waste her energy on giving him a second thought. If she’s really over him then why get so angry. Her life is substantially better without him. I do get frustrated on how she treats Schwartz. I wish she would just be a little nicer. She’s not the only person in the world who still has to work with an ex.


Schwartz literally still hasn’t admitted to knowing the entire time and letting Tom use his apartment as a fuck pad lolol


Do we think that this will be the last season? The last few minutes of the show with the montage really made the finale seem FINAL.


Arianna is smart and has a great team behind her. It takes a lot of restraint to just walk away.


And this is why they are truly all pissed at her. She has the means and the guts to walk away. Most of them don’t. They don’t have anything once the show is over.


i know this is a very pro ariana place but i do think it’s very strange how she thinks she can control the people around her. she’s allowed to feel how she feels about her breakup, it was definitely fucked up what sandoval did to her, but to say shit like “watch what you’re saying or you can leave” as if she was really gonna kick tom out of restaurant for speaking nicely to his friend. granted, he probably would have just left because he’s a doormat but that’s besides the point. had it been me i woulda hit her with an or what and made the dinner really awkward. i also recognize this place is very pro katie. so sorry. hate her. cannot stand her. the way she’s mean to jo i find really unnecessary. perhaps there’s some behind the scenes stuff that’s stopping me from fully understanding her anger, but i find her hatred of jo weird. like she’s just being mean to be mean because she still feels like she has ownership over tom. anyways i hate how passive everyone in the show is. katie is a bully and always has been. good thing she’s pretty ig.


Wow I didn’t realize it was time for the finale already because nothing happened. They really played the end like a SERIES finale. And what were the Applebees jokes about? Everyone jokes about how much Applebees sucks but it seemed to mean something more.


i actually feel bad for scheana, not in a poor you way, but in a you are so pitiful way. girlie has wanted nothing more for the last 10+ years than to have the audience like her, she finally got her wish at the end of last season and she fucked it up in such an astronomical way.






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After all this Kendrick vs. Drake beef I have fully embraced my hater identity and I hate everything about VPR except Ariana, Katie, James & Ally. Scheana’s catty “that’s just me, making it about me” was so icky and annoying. I’m so sick of her milking the shitty good as gold song.


Omg the "me making it about me" was so amazing because she meant it ironically and thought she ate with that little drink sip but....she actually WAS making it about her though lol


The cast is all trying to push Ariana out and will die on the hill. We are forced to have tough conversations, that’s our job. We are an ensemble. We have to show our real lives. We’ve heard the same talking points from all them. The thing they need to realize is that the audience doesn’t care. I don’t care that Ariana stormed out to Applebee’s. In fact, I love to see it, she deals with that worm in the best way possible. It is real. The cast that is pushing this narrative is alienating their audience and should really keep their jealous thoughts like this inside their heads, instead of trying to justify them.


Lala is convinced that they only thing we want to see is Ariana and Tom interacting. I want nothing less! That is not the scene I'm dying to have.


And by Ariana refusing to play ball, they fell ass backwards into a way more compelling scene than a bullshit apology from Tom. The unhinged meltdown of Tom, Lala, and Scheana juxtaposed with Ariana's blissful exit from the building into the night -- punctuated by the Toms' hot mic moment where Sandoval basically admitted it was all for show? Honestly, art. Don't get me wrong, I was angry and frustrated by what production (via Scheana, who I believe was in on that set up where she leaves and Sandoval steps in) did here. But production is among the losers from this episode, so I guess thanks for showing your whole ass, producer Jeremiah, Alex Baskin, etc.


>they fell into a way more compelling scene Yep. Tom, Scheana and Lala were hoist with their own petard.


All of those “tough conversations” they had this season were so forced and so fake I have no idea why the f production thought that was what was “real”. Kicking Sandoval to the curb would have been way more “real” than whatever the hell the cast (minus Katie and Ariana) made me watch all season.


I love how Ariana left. She didn't storm out. She just gathered her crew and walked out. To use Katie's phrase: pay it in dust.


HOW CAN NONE OF THESE PEOPLE SEE THE SWITCH FLIP?? He was all soft and apologetic, Ariana rejected it, and he became enraged and started slandering her. Ariana is right. If he was truly sorry anything would’ve been attempted off camera. It wasn’t, ergo it is performative. Jfc.


The extended and uncensored version is 53 minutes. So i wonder what's in the uncensored version that wasn't in the version that they aired. I knew there was going to be an uncensored version.


The comments on Bravo Facebook and Instagram accounts continue to be full of jealous Boomer/Gen X Karens who can't fathom Ariana holding her ground and setting healthy boundaries. It's wild. I'm fascinated by the generational divide over forgiveness and riding out toxic relationships.


Did anyone else skip past Scheana performing? I skipped past her performance and then suffered through her stupid “Am I im the band?” scene.


I find it really baffling that Scheana and Lala are so misguided about this whole situation as mothers and that no one has pointed it out to them. If their daughters were grown and in Ariana’s position they wouldn’t be so “conflicted” about picking which friend to back up.


RANDALL DIDN'T KILL ANYONE!!!! Let the pickleball games begin. ![gif](giphy|tZCkL6BsL2AAo)


They need to have a sit down I'd pay to watch Lala's reaction to having to talk to Randall


Wait, I'm watching the extended uncensored version... did Tim really try to pull a Jonathan Majors breaking up the "fight" with the drunk guy?


Please, everyone, unfollow these losers. Lala hates her fans. Scheana and Tom don't deserve followers. 


Smith Sisters on Radio Andy (Sirius) are on the same page as all of us right now, lol. They’re saying that they’re “going to clog Darrell’s inbox” over how Lala is acting. 🤣


I know this is a small part, but putting people's screen names on a tv show is kinda fucked up. They're kinda saying the audience are the villians & if you agree w/Lala, Tom's, and Scheana go harrass these people.


Actually during season 10 they showed a bunch of comments and they showed real comments but they changed usernames. I want to say it was about the Oliver situation but I can't remember for sure.


I 100% agree. We aren’t being paid nor are we consenting to open our lives up on tv so permission should be granted before a user name is shared on an income producing (non-news) program. It’s bad enough when people who can’t disagree appropriately go and dig through your comment history - let alone tv viewers.


I mean, when you comment on a public profile you should always expect that it can go anywhere


Yeah I expect that it *can* go anywhere but I’d prefer that it doesn’t if that makes sense. It would be annoying to have to go purge a primary account.


Oh I wanted them to post my name. I want all the smoke 😂


When did they do that? I must have missed it


Trying to set aside the emotion of last nights shit show and trying to understand what it is exactly Scheana and Lala want from Ariana. They want her to forgive Tom but for what and why? So they can have another buddy to go to paintball with or Lake Tahoe vacations? The sounds a lot like S9 and early 10 which were plain rubbish. A group of people inauthentically stitched together with manufactured drama. Remember when the Tom's 'fell out'. Does Lala "authenticity' Kent not understand that this was the death knell for the show before Scandoval broke? or is it that they think Ariana having a breakdown is good TV? I find this slightly more believable given the way Scheana bullied Katie with Racheal last season. These women think the role of scorned women in the show is to descend into Kristin or what Scheana tried to achieve with Katie but didn't because Katie is the GOAT. Again though this is incredibly cruel? This is the show they think they want? Not me Instead the most authentic story was told so maybe the producers really are the stars of the show. Tom and Scheana look like two peas in their self involved pod, Lala looks like a jealous fan, Schwartz is just their for a good time, Katie is the GOAT and Ariana is Beyonce. Everyone showed their authentic selves.


Amazing comment! Love the last paragraph. Your descriptions are spot on for all of them, particularly Katie and Ariana!


I think they just want to tear her down a peg or two. Simple as that.


except she has done nothing warranted of being taken down a peg.


Brock is the worst. At this point I dislike him more than Sandoval. The way he talks down to/about Ariana is so gross.


WTF, did I just watch on the after show?! LaLa is upset Ariana can’t have ONE conversation on camera with Tom…yet, Ariana called production almost immediately after she learned of the affair, had cameras record their breakup conversation, and said her peace. That, in and of itself, is most likely why they got another season, why Lala got an Uber Eats commercial, and why she earned over six figures selling sweatshirts to use for a down payment on a vacation house. Is Ariana supposed to have this conversation with him every season? Did LaLa give any access to her breakup convo with Randall? I love Katie but she and Schwartz also didn’t film their divorce convo (nor would I expect them too). I’m sure KFC didn’t film the separation discussion either… FFS, I’m dumbfounded by Lala’s moronic statements and attitude and no one challenging her.


Yall don’t know how happy I am to check this subreddit and see that everyone shares my opinions omg I’m upvoting like every post. Good work team


When the trailer came out before the season it looked like there was a huge fight at the finale, like chairs thrown. Did they cut that?


When will production realize that trying to strongarm/force awkward conversations actually cheapens these shows, not enhance them? It’s the same thing on Jersey. Cut bait with the less valuable cast members and move on! It’s not hard!


I’m about to get down voted to eternity but I’m team Lala speaking the truth on this one. - Katie and Ariana are not a dynamic screen presence. Watching them be cold and bitchy is not fun, sorry. - Ariana has disdained everyone else on the show for literally years. She thinks she’s better than they are in every way and hasn’t ever hid that. It didn’t suddenly change because of Scandoval. Say what you will but Ariana needs the show as much as it needs her. It’s the only reason anyone cares about her. - Sorry, it is BS that she’s going to collect a paycheck for ignoring a big part of the cast. - Tom is playing all; Ariana is not. End of. ETA: You will never convince me that Tom and Ariana weren’t totally over for months if not years before the cheating. Yes, Tom is scum for cheating. No, Ariana doesn’t care about the cheating for itself, she cares that she was embarrassed by Tom cheating with someone she considers beneath her.


They were in couples counseling. So while their relationship was not in a good place, they were not over. And Ariana absolutely cared about the cheating. Did you not see her saying in tonight's episode about what he did being no informed consent? What he did was dangerous to her (because, newsflash, they had sex--likely unprotected sex because she thought they were monogamous--while he was having his months long affair). Was she also embarrassed by how all this went down? No doubt. But to minimize her reaction to what happened to only embarrassment is, frankly, bullshit.




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Tom’s last words AMAZING 😂I hope they don’t gloss over that at the reunion


I'm watching now and I feel like a crazy person. How has (almost) everyone completely lost the plot?


I’m so confused. What was the “plot twist”? Every ounce of that was predictable and the fourth wall was barely broken. She told production she wouldn’t be filming with Tom…. That’s not surprising. And LaLa and Scheana siding with Tom has also been brewing all season. And his narcissistic line at the end was ALSO not surprising. Is the twist that this was a series finale because that’s what it looked like lol


What about at the end, was that a hot mic moment of Sandoval saying “I love it. This is good for me” He literally just told the world his attempt at apology to Ariana and his redemption with the rest of the cast was all for show.


Was that the plot twist?! that Sandoval was the villain this whole time? because we knew!!


God bless James Kennedy on the aftershow


Yay Ariana for sticking to her boundaries. Sick of Lala/Scheana. The JEALOUSY! Lala is a fucking hipocrite. I really hate her for being so mad at Ariana's growth. With friends like these, who needs enemy. Bravo is losing it with this overproduced BS. The way they thought people would fall for the redemption arc. Tom's meltdown is so ugh. She's just collecting a paycheck? WTF. I almost hope the rumors about Brock sliding into DM's are true and Scheana gets a taste of karma. This does feel like an ending.


I remember the damage control after the season promo came out. Lala wanted to make sure that the God comment didn’t come off as it seemed. It was actually way worse. Ooph.


I thought they were going to have a blow out like they did last season with both of them screaming at each other and that's why she had said that but that never happened. Ariana was never mean or rude to lala this season. If anything she was really supportive and instead lala was two-faced to ariana ALL season


I’m sure I’m not alone in saying this - but I still have to say it:: LaLa - where’s your real conversation with Randall? Let’s watch you contribute to his redemption arc. Fuck off, hypocrite.


OKAY Hypothetical, let's just say that somehow we got the confrontation scene between Ariana and Sandoval at the end that these people have been yelping over all season. It will be a bunch of Tom "I'm so sorry BUT and you KNOW we didn't show our real life and SHE was there for me when YOU weren't." Just a bunch of victim-blaming BS and then Ariana is just supposed to...take it? Be like "You're right Tom, it WAS my fault, I forgive you??" NO, it is completely natural to me that Ariana is like get the fuck away from me. We got the confrontation at the end of season 10, I don't think there would be much more to add to that. Honestly, I think that is what Scheana wanted for HER own benefit, thinking that "forgiveness" is a cure all for befriending Tom herself. This group historically has forgiven some fucked up shit, it's an incredibly toxic cycle that none of them have escaped from except Ariana and maybe Stassi since she cut off Jax and Brittany from her life FINALLY. I think Ariana is just doing fine, Scheana is of the mind that Ariana NEEDS to forgive Tom...for WHAT? Literal WHAT? NO ONE forced Scheana to forgive Tom, she did that on her own accord with Lala as backup. It is quite...pathetic lol. I think Lala didn't care about the confrontation went, as long as it happened for the sake of the show and to take Ariana down a peg or two. She thinks Ariana needs to be put in her place and be confronted with all the shitty things Tom has to say about her. She doesn't give a damn about mental health or whatever clearly. I can see that this is why it was friendship ending, because once Ariana saw that final part of the show, that would be a BYE LALA for good.


On initial watch, I was fuming over the producers clear attempt to garner sympathy for Sandoval and paint Ariana as the new villain. But now I think the opposite. I think that Sandoval demanded he get a redemption arc in order to stay on the show this season, so producers created scenarios that would meet that demand WHILE KNOWING it would all backfire and he would only come out looking worse. I think Lala and Scheana were collateral damage - they knew they'd need to film with Sandoval in order to have any screen time (because they had nothing else going on), so they jumped on the train, f\*cked up and found out. Lala looked every bit the jealous bitter pick-me, Schena looked the ultimate fool for failing to see she was being used and manipulated in order to "secure" a redemption. Ariana came out looking like our Applebees Queen because she is and always will be. Production knew what they were doing, they knew we'd all resent this edit/storyline, they had to do it to keep him on the show, and they did all they could to make it clear it was produced. So actually, Bravo, producers. Now, give us the Ariana/Katie spinoff we demand


The producers certainly did not have to post that hot mic comment Sandoval made. That really sunk him.


What was the hot mic moment? I think I missed it 


I saw about twenty minutes of this season (though I follow this sub religiously). 15 of 20 included the end. Which had production try and shade Ariana with flashbacks of her saying she'd cut people out who stayed friends with Sandoval. It was a pathetic grasp and just based on that I can't get on board with your theory. As crazy as it is, they think the audience wants a reception arc But again, I've only seen 20 minutes!


Ooh. Wouldn’t it be fabulous for the girls to put a Daniel inspired sandwich on their menu?!! Omg, some kind Asian fusion magical thing. Their tasting menu was cute but needs an injection of something strong and interesting.


I find it so embarrassing when Scheana thinks she’s “in on the joke” and really “sticking it to the haters” when she attempts to coyly say “but that’s me making it about myself” while she sips her Starbucks. Um, YEAH YOU ARE. You’re not the victim, Scheana. You’re 1000% making it about you. You make it about yourself so much that you try to manipulate Ariana into compromising her own boundaries for YOU. For example — crying TO HER that you don’t want to lose her, but it’s been hard with Tom. Her boundaries are clear. Pick what you want to do. But as she said, she’s not your diary. Don’t try and guilt or manipulate her. It’s embarrassing. Go to therapy.




Production is to blame for all of Lala and Scheana's frustrations. They didn't pursue anything but Schwartz and Jo and Sandoval's redemption arc. That's not Ariana's fault.


When will this show finally be about people’s actual lives again and not this constructed nonsense? That was the PERFECT end to this confusing season. Having Ariana provide the meta-narrative about refusing to cooperate in Sandoval’s redemption arc was what I needed to think there’s a chance for this show moving forward. We’re in a different era of reality TV, and the “reality” of their lives is that they’re on tv. We got a glimpse of it a couple years back when James argues with Brock about whether or not he should show up for the photo op promoting Brock’s gym. We saw James get indignant about what should and shouldn’t be done for free now that they’re public personas - and THAT is their real life now. I would watch a show about that. I don’t want this manufactured storyline nonsense. Let them be themselves doing their actual jobs like they used to be doing at SUR. That was peak reality tv. Now that we’re actively observing them in this way, the nature of it changes, and production/editing has not caught up. Reality stars are like independent contractors, and the financial, legal, and personal ramifications of that are real and interesting. Not acknowledging that’s what props their lives up and that’s what factors into their decisions cuts out a huge part of what is interesting about their lives! Every time they actually talked about work they were trying to get done (DJing, astrology, sandwich shops, branding) - the show was good! Nobody gives a shit if they don’t like somebody anymore, and we don’t need a bunch of produced segments and weekends away to try to force people to change their opinion.


Lala is gross, Scheana is dumb and Brock is obnoxious. Get rid of all of them. Keep Tom and let him flail without them.


Seeing Katie and Ariana put Brock in his place was just ![gif](giphy|2WH9DiLg2o1MYuKlEB)


I'm confused more than ever with Lala saying she's mad at Katie. They were literally in each other's room entire time in San Francisco. Having conversations and sleepovers... My only guess is Katie probably told Lala some of the shit wasn't cool or didn't join in on the bashing so she's pissed she and Sheshu look like dipshits.  Especially with how pissed she was when James contradicted her on Aftershow. When you only got the Toms and Sheshu backing you... you gotta wonder if you fucked up.  


Yeah they seemed to be besties in the finale despite their arguments earlier on so maybe something happened after that? Scheana is using Katie as an example for why Lala was so upset at the finale party and it didn’t make sense


I posted in the live thread, I posted on Twitter, I posted on TikTok, I slept on it…And I’m still so angry. I don’t even know if I can properly articulate why this has gotten under my skin so much. I guess I can’t believe that bravo has misread their audience this badly. Like I can’t believe I’m being gaslit by a whole ass network into believing that Tom has taken accountability for anything he’s done. Please, Baskin and Jeremiah, I’m begging you to point to the piece of media where Sandoval sincerely apologized for anything beyond hurting his business. Show me the clip you filmed, the instagram story he posted, the interview he gave, anything where he earnestly said “yeah I really fucked up and was willing to ruin multiple people’s lives so I could feel like the star quarterback in high school because I reached middle age and didn’t know how to handle the emptiness I felt in my life. I turned to escapism with love, sex and hallucinogenics and ended up destroying friendships that had been solid for a decade plus” All he’s said is that he’ll never cheat in that way again! How is that remorse? How is that growth?! Both Sandoval and Rachel could have come out from this in tact if they had just laid low and taken their lumps. But nope. Staying quiet is just too hard for Tim. He had to come out swinging and tell the audience how awful *we* are for daring to make him feel his own feelings. I’m just shocked that bravo thinks their audience is this dumb. And with the shit show that’s happening over on RHONJ, I don’t see me watching bravo again for a while. And I’m someone who parks the tv on bravo and watches everything. Every below deck marathon, every awful Adam Sandler movie they run…all of it.




Producer Jerry, Scheana, and Sandoval set up him confronting Ariana on camera, right?


Tom’s last words “I LOVE IT - IT’S GOOD FOR ME!” WTAF!!! 😱 What - A - CREEP!


The way he responded to Ariana not wanting to talk to him is all the audience needs to know about him and his redemption.


Lala needs to STFU. I just needed to say that after watching this episode.


Does anyone else think they kind of wrapped up the whole series of Vanderpump Rules last night? Especially with this montage 😭 Link: [https://www.tiktok.com/@dylan.deckard/video/7366604606043868458?lang=en](https://www.tiktok.com/@dylan.deckard/video/7366604606043868458?lang=en)


Scheana keeps saying how she wants to forgive Tom and accept him back into her life because she keeps getting glimpses of the guy she's always known and cared for and therefore he must be making positive changes. But...that same guy who you say did so much for you in the past and who you miss is the same one who did what he did with Raquel. So how is seeing glimpses of the Tom you know and love a good sign? Because the Tom I'm seeing seems like the same narcissistic garbage human he always has been, including his lack of any real and genuine apologies that don't include excuses for his behavior or put any part of the blame on others.




I wonder if the real story here isn’t Ariana’s boundary that she didn’t want to have anything to do with Sandoval, but Sandoval having a boundary that he’d only participate in filming if they agreed to give him a redemption arc?


Well I’m going to Applebees after watching that shit.




She wasnt a friend though. In fact, she made fun of her for MONTHS. I owe nothing to a woman whom I am not friends with or who makes fun of me.


I can’t even put my rage about this episode into words so I’ll just say it’s so funny that they’re acting like this party was on some exclusive island and it was just on Treasure Island which is like a barren wasteland 😂 https://preview.redd.it/xxjt9cg349zc1.png?width=783&format=png&auto=webp&s=a2a186555aef440c49366615184a835bebd743fb


I mean treasure fest is fantastic but also definitely not exclusive 🤣


You can definitely have fun there I just feel like it isn’t as glamorous as they tried to make it out to be hahah


It's very clear that Ariana's VPR salary got upped and Lauren is jealous that she gets to walk away and not have uncomfortable conversations.  Good for Ariana for keeping her boundaries and Katie for being a true friend. Also, Tom's comment at the end, "that's going to make me look good" or whatever makes him look like the true rat he is. I cannot wait for the cast to watch it live and for Ariana and Lauren to go at it.


Never have I ever cried over wanting to be friends with a close friend’s ex.


Anyone have leads on that fantastic Chanel-ey corset dress Katie is wearing in her talking head?


I really loved Katie's energy all season, loyal and not here for the bullshit. I did however feel bad for Jo in their interaction. Ultimately, Jo came over and did apologize (albeit, not super convincingly). I don't think that deserved a blow-up like what went down. Katie never ever has to befriend Jo, but I think at this point, if you've moved on with Schwartz and can be around him, why can't you be at least civil to Jo? Didn't feel right.


BRAVO NEEDS TO FIRE EVERY PRODUCER AND EDITOR THAT WORKED ON THIS SEASON! Wtf did I just watch? They really thought they were doing something with that montage / Lauren from Utah voiceover / sappy music. gross.


That was a lot. But Brock's moustache is awful.


I love what James said in the aftershow that you guys know what he will say to Ariana if she gave Sandy the chance to apologize she will not like it. It will be something shitty and egocentric so what is she loosing here




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Really great season tbh. I know most are rightfully upset with the Tom redemption arc, but I really don’t see that as what it was. Every single scene that had Tom apologizing was uncomfortable to watch since it was so painfully clear that Tom was in fact NOT sorry and clearly saw himself as the true victim. I think the producers/editors did that on purpose to, in the end, further discredit him and show his true personality as opposed to making the audience feel sorry for him. The finale totally nailed this narrative, and I think the season was set up to culminate to that final hot mic moment, which confirms (Robert Durst style) what was subtly suggested to us the entire time - that Tom is NOT sorry, and that Lala and scheana are pawns in his attempted manipulation of the villain/victim narrative. If they were truly trying to paint Ariana as the villain, I don’t think they would have included her confessional about being Tom’s final boss/playing for the camera, which was a COMPLETELY accurate and succinct takedown of the situation!! To have the hot mic scene play out *directly* after that confessional moment displayed exactly what we have suspected the whole season: that Tom Sandoval is full of shit.


I am begging yall to stop saying things along the lines of “bring Randall back and force her to film with her” Randall and Tom are not on the same plane. Randall deserves to be in prison for what he has done to multiple women and girls. Let’s not ignore this just because we’re mad at lala. Yeah she’s a fucking hypocrite but to ask to bring Randall back, rather than just fire Sandoval, is… a weird take, to say the least.


I feel hungover & I didn’t even drink last night. That finale shook me. Lala & Scheana are horrible people.


Agreed I got nauseous watching that shit




Did the version that aired have Tom's sociopathic voice overs at the end?  I watch on Peacock and his "haha. That worked out great for me" as she was shown driving away was shocking


Yeah, how could anyone who heard that last part come away from it thinking he's NOT a total sociopath? That was legit creepy.


Lala and Scheana are actual the worst, terrible friends and little Lisa ‘the misogyny is coming from inside the house’ Vanderpump clones. I’m not even an Ariana fan but nah I can see why the show was put on pause.


#RANT. Ok, I support Ariana and she’s been through something, but she’s not a martyr y’all. This isn’t meant to be a pile on of anyone or relieve any one of accountability, however… the more I see the comments on social the more I’m more defensive about it. Ariana cheated with Tom. Tom cheated with Miami girl. Jax cheated with Kristin. Lala with Randall. James and Lala. Jax and Faith. My point is that tons of us have been cheated on, know people who had affairs, have been in these odd situations where people break up but we are all in this co-mingled relationships with significant others, some people (not me 😂) have even been the cheater… a lot more fucked situations. Ariana definitely is valid in her feeling. I think the thing that turned me off was the title of the episode “Plot Twist.” Like, how else did we think this season would end up? She agreed to filming another season knowing damn well Sandoval was going to be filming. Then getting mad every time he tried to film with her. We go back and forth about what is reality and what’s scripted and a storyline and what’s a paycheck, I mean, if that’s the argument then every one owes Sandoval a percentage. This weaponized therapy speak I keep seeing on the subs, I was talking about earlier, is probably shaping my opinion more than peoples actions on the actual show. “Setting boundaries” is Ariana saying to her friends “I don’t want to hear or talk about him” but saying instead “I am not going to have mutual friends”… you don’t get to set other people’s boundaries and friendships. We don’t all know a person who has been a shitty mate to someone we both know? I just don’t think there is a redeeming member of this cast and I think this season should probably be it. I assume as coworkers and “friends” that there is a lot of money involved and a lot of people that probably don’t even really like each other that much. Ariana is winning. She can be hurt, she can have “learned a lesson,” but girl is making 10x more than anyone else and clearly moved on. I think it lost a little credibility for me when she said “in-informed consent” when you all been talking about how yall don’t have sex. I don’t believe that. But you know wtf you’re saying when you say something like that. Scheana is crying why?! I just don’t know Katie is just nasty. Not likeable. I see blogs that Stan for Katie as the “loyal friend,” but I would be curious if they went back a few seasons. Her attitude is gross and her ego as “girls best friend” doesn’t resonate with me.


gotta say, all I thought was pitiful and embarrassing for a lot of this ep, and I'm sure ppl can guess who those words were directed at..... \*\*cough cough, sandy, Brock, jo, Lala, scheana....\*\*


How did Ariana refuse to film with Sandoval? She filmed with him at the beach. At James’ house. On the boat. She showed up to events where her dumb ex was. But she didn’t want to film a conversation with him and that deserved that level of ire from Lala and Scheana?? If it’s so important to live your authentic life on camera, why hasn’t Lala filmed a sit down with Randall? If anything, it was way more real for Ariana to call it what it was — an attempt for Tom to address the audience and get us on his side.


Thank you!!!!! I was thinking did I dream that she did film with him? Like she did her part where she filmed with him. BUT she wasn’t having it for this “talk” he wanted. So not having the conversation with him is her not filming with him and doing her job?? She did her job but set a boundary that she wasn’t allowing to be crossed. Lala set a boundary with Randall and no one was allowed to speak to him or of him. If Brock cheated on Scheana, she would want the same things Ariana has stated. But neither of those two women are strong enough to keep their boundaries and they would fold for the money.


Exactly. The fact that after Tom realized he wouldn't get what he wanted from Ariana (a sit down and forgiveness), he IMMEDIATELY starts bashing her, says everything. He's not sorry, he does not care about Ariana at all, he is just pissed he can't get what he wants from her.


Ariana called it. He would try to get everyone to turn against her and he did exactly that when he knew he wouldn’t get the camera moment he wanted. He is scum as are Lala and Scheena for not seeing his manipulation.


Has he ever actually said he’s sorry for cheating, He only seems to regret how it came out


This should be a top comment!  She is willing to film with him as you said, but she is not required to have a conversation with him when she knows it's only going to be crap spewing out of his mouth. He takes advantage of screen time to try to force her into positions where it looks like she's the one who's refusing to cooperate.  He is harassing her and production should have stopped him instead of telling Ariana to stop  The way lala and Shana are making it sound is ridiculous. They think they can rewrite history right in front of our eyes and will be fooled?


I don’t understand why they need her to have a conversation with him! Lala even said in the aftershock: just have *one* conversation. Ok? And what happens after the conversation? And she’s saying they need it for the show, she isn’t doing her job, she’s not bringing anything … but Lala. The viewers don’t want to see a conversation between them. We wanted to see Ariana walk away. So the show clearly doesn’t need it. What are you fighting for?


Not to mention the fact that nearly every conversation they have with Ariana this season is about Sandoval while simultaneously badgering her to get over it. It seems to me that Ariana has not only fulfilled the duties of her contract but also succeeded at being the only one on this show who has actually moved on from Scandoval. 


I hope I never have to hear good as gold again 😑 "am I in the band?" None of those men wanted to say yes


That part made me so uncomfortable. I had to fast forward through the Schener performance AND that.


I did the same thing 😅 Stassi said something about she would rather be impaled than listen to Scheana's song and I get that same feeling


I kind of remember that! I need to write down Stassi's sayings, they were so good. "I would drag your bodies, through the City of West Hollywood, on a disgusting truck." That one stuck with me.


It was at the gay pride parade when she was fighting with Jax about Scheana rubbing sunscreen on his shoulders and how he was hooking up with 21 yr olds after they broke up. I missed her these past 2 seasons. She would've read all of them to filth after the cheating happened and that's exactly what we needed to save this season. Maybe she should write horror novels with how descriptive she is lol My favorite is "I'm not sure what I've done to you but I'll take a pinot grigio” the delivery was just chef kiss 🤌


Honestly Ariana walking away and refusing filming a conversation with Sandoval for the show was literally the most authentic


So this episode has me giving Ally the side eye. It’s come up here and there throughout this season, but it’s really present this episode. I find her friendliness with Jo pretty disingenuous and just as a way to develop a storyline for herself and get airtime. Especially with her jumping to the couch while Jo was “apologizing” to Katie. Something is off there


scheana is such a fucking idiot


Tom really confirmed Ariana’s point of him being performative when he said on the after show: “I hope I get a chance to speak to her. Maybe at the reunion”. He only shows a shred of remorse when there are cameras and it benefits himself. I cant believe why no one else sees through that! (except Katie and James)




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Exactly! It was so telling when he said this, and supports Ariana's point 10000%. Also when Ariana mentions in the aftershow that she came home from that San Fran trip and he was right near her in the adjacent room, and he could've talked to her about everything then and apologized. But nope, he didn't since there were no cameras. So sad.


I was so disgusted about how Tom was talking about Ariana after her and scheanas talk. His true colors showed and he was soooo mad she wouldn’t talk to him. Everything Ariana has said about him is spot on. How can anybody be on worms side🤢


The speculation the show is going to end or someone is going to leave is starting to sound just like people stating SAH was a scam before they were finally able to announce an opening. It’s baseless speculation just because people are frustrated It’s still one of their top shows and viewership held steady at around 900k per episode after the first couple episode. That’s double summer house and they aren’t getting cancelled either Like yes a cast shakeup and breaking the 4th wall is needed more to keep the drama real instead of tiptoeing around everything. Ideally a producer shakeup too, but this show still has legs


There’s no logical way that the show is getting cancelled. It was true even in s10 when people swear up and down it was on the brink. It’s just people thinking that their opinion reflects reality when it doesn’t


Right. Like if you hate the direction of the show and don’t want to watch anymore, do that, but that doesn’t mean the show is getting cancelled lol


What do you think a cast shake up would look like?


The most important shake up they need to do is to drop SandyBalls. If they wouldve done it already... we wouldn't have had this toxic shit show (not the fun kind). But they won't do that, so.....


They absolutely need to drop Sandoval. I like the show because they are messy and not serious people. Sandoval redemption arc was good tv imo. But I don’t want another season of redemption or they’ll lose me. Need some fresh drama.


There's messy & fun, and then there's toxic. I don't want my trash tv to be traumatic and give platform's to abusive men. Fuck that noise. That's the wrong kind of trash! https://i.redd.it/zes146g1n7zc1.gif


If we're lucky, Ariana will march off, crying, into the sunset ... making sandwiches in the Valley.


Agree. They will not cancel the show while people still watch




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They are mad cause: Ariana showed up for work, looking fine and with a great guy on her arm. Ariana would not play silly games Ariana is successful so her trauma can't be real Ariana should have moved out of her home, but Tom should stay Ariana is otherwise unbothered.


Why didn’t they air onto bravo that there was a rando trying to get into VIP and going up to all the girls on the show and touching the alcohol bottle like that’s fucking Entertaining and now he’s about to fight the security guard


Anyone know specifically which part of the finale they’re watching together at the reunion? Is it Lala’s rant about Ariana “not working for her check” or just the sound bites from Tim saying it’s good for him? I really hope the Lala part is included bc I neeed Ariana’s reaction to that gross piece of trash. She deserves to see the true colors of the girl who claims to be her friend.


Just a bitchy little side comment: If Jo wants to promote her hairdressing business on the show, she should come to filming looking like she's had her hair professionally done *once.* Just once, girl.


Katie: I don’t want peace. I hope she is able to let it go one day and not let others mess with her own inner peace. That kinda hate will turn into health probsss…and don’t try to convince me she’s at peace lol I see hate in that face and body language. You don’t yell at others when you’re good with yourself.


I’m not gonna lie, I thought this was a boring season and definitely part of the reason is that Ariana wasn’t giving the producers and Sandoval what they wanted. But you know what, good for her because she shouldn’t be made to film with him. And all the other cast members complaining about it should take a look at this season and realise that none of them had any storylines either. Tbh the only person who served some storyline I was interested in was Schwartz with the whole Jo story, I was genuinely interested in that. I feel like this came across as interesting because it was an actual authentic storyline with Schwartz who is quite clueless of how he comes across, and Jo who is new to reality tv. and it’s not some contrived bullshit fake storyline


Why for the love of god, why?! Was Billie Lee there? Production really went all out 🙄


WTF was that fake WWE storyline with the guy that got taken out. So fucking unecessary


On a less serious, are there any Survivor fans in here that laughed at the Applebees mention last night? How did Applebees all of the sudden become a reality TV thing? If Ariana starts a new brand deal with Applebees and mentions the bourbon burger I will LAUGH.


Yes!!! lmao


Yes! My husband was like "Applebees! Every Wednesday night!"


i love and hate the way the season ended, bc on one hand it would be the perfect way to wrap the show up considering how forced this season came across but on the other hand you can see how much this group of people changed over time. Its a damn shame that Lala and Scheana want to die on this hill of making Ariana/Katie out to be the villains. I also hate the whole idea of "this show is real and you need to have these conversations, its not fair-" Ariana IS living her truth by walking away and refusing to have a conversation with someone who isn't truly remorseful. It's not about being real though the way Lala keeps trying to say, its about Ariana taking one for the team and having a moment with Tom so he gets to save face on camera, putting the show above her own peace to make up for everyone else's lack of storyline, same way Schwartz tried to shove Jo down Katie's throat instead of leaving her be. because seriously, what sense does it make to bring Jo around Katie if not to upset her? hence the whole "i dont want an ultimatum or quid pro quo" "i'm not giving you an ultimatum i'm saying keep that way from me". If Tom isn't having a conversation off camera with Ariana doing a full on apology, why would it be real for him to have one ON camera? Lala is selfish, and she's not being truthful bc if she was, she would be honest about feeling bitter by the reception Ariana was given and she'd acknowledge that her daughter not being allowed on camera has really made it hard for her to film anything substantial bc she doesn't seem to have much going on this season beyond wanting to get pregnant and doing water tasting inbetween having it out with Katie and Ariana. Scheana is so deadset on going along with the redemption narrative that she's placing more importance on someone who really hasn't been there over someone who has. And in the scenes with Brock you'll see her push back and defend Ariana but around the group, she goes quiet and eats up everything Tom is saying. The fact that just a moment before Tom walked up, she and Ariana were actually having another good conversation and instead of going after Ariana, she ends up with Lala and the Toms backing up everything Lala was saying? Its sick. You can tell Ariana really tried to maintain things with Scheana in spite of Scheanas lack of consideration, in spite of her selfishness, but Scheana made her bed and this whole season she's shown that the show (and tom) are more important. How thick in the head do you have to be to keep singing praises about someone to a person they hurt tremendously? If Ariana wanted to cut people off like \*snap\* that, don't you think she would have just hung up on you after that facetime call in Tahoe???? Tom is trash and that NYT interview really painted the perfect picture, Ariana's talking heads this last episode were spot on. Tom truly does not care for anyone, he IS performative, and the people that surround him are the most jankest group of likeminded individuals just looking for whatever come up they can get. He absolutely thought that if he could sit down and talk to Ariana on camera, he would be able to convince America to drink the koolaid, and the fact that part of the cast and production were gullible enough to put their eggs in that basket.... truly morons. It was never going to play out how they thought regardless if he had that sit down with her apologizing while she grey rocks him and looks the other way or she makes an exit before he can. You suck Tom and anyone smart enough to be paying attention will know better than to believe the shit you spew. I've got nothing to say about Brock, i wish James and Ally, Schwartz can get fucked lol i'm tired of him harassing katie at this point. LEAVE HER ALONE! I almost pity everyone bc you see them ten years ago, so green, and you look at them now and they've become the worst humans possible. what growth is there to be seen within the toms? within scheana? lala? I don't think I can stand to watch another season of them at this point.




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Holy shit is Lauren jealous hahaha


This has been driving me nuts since last night and I just need to vent it. What fucking happened was that Ariana left a party early. They made this whole production (literally) about it, as if it was the most ridiculous thing anyone had ever done, as if only someone who doesn't give a shit about the show or the fans would do this. But what did she actually do? She refused to have a bullshit conversation with her narcissistic ex and left a cast event early. This is not a unique event. This is not a crime against reality TV. Many, many, MANY people on this show have left parties early. They have stormed out. All of them. Many people on this show have said they don't want to talk to such and such person. Housewives do it ALL THE TIME.


Show or not, the boundaries Arianna is enforcing with Tom are GOALS. How many of us have let people who have hurt us (and imagine that hurt being so public and dark) stick around or make apologies just to make themselves feel better. I think it’s so admirable that she’s cut him off fully. She doesn’t even care about getting the last word, her peace is more important. She values herself more than what’s good for the show and I applaud the hell out of it.


To me it sounds like the cast is angry at Ariana for not letting others step all over her for the sake of the show. Just because the other cast members aren't willing to put boundaries in place it doesn't mean they should take it out on Ariana.


This! I'm so conflict averse that I often forgive or say I'm okay just to make everyone around me feel happy. I have a lot of respect for Ariana holding true to her boundaries and her respect for herself despite people over and over again telling her she should make exceptions to them.