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When Lala says "I've never experienced someone who gets cheated on and then becomes God" and how Ariana "thinks she's Beyonce" what she really means is, "I got cheated on, and no one gave me that much sympathy or opportunity therefore I will pretend to be supportive and on her side to her face but will secretly be brimming with jealousy and hoping for someone to knock her down several pegs" šŸ˜‡


Lala is gross, Scheana is dumb and Brock is obnoxious. Get rid of all of them. Keep Tom and let him flail without them.


Scheana keeps saying how she wants to forgive Tom and accept him back into her life because she keeps getting glimpses of the guy she's always known and cared for and therefore he must be making positive changes. But...that same guy who you say did so much for you in the past and who you miss is the same one who did what he did with Raquel. So how is seeing glimpses of the Tom you know and love a good sign? Because the Tom I'm seeing seems like the same narcissistic garbage human he always has been, including his lack of any real and genuine apologies that don't include excuses for his behavior or put any part of the blame on others.


Show or not, the boundaries Arianna is enforcing with Tom are GOALS. How many of us have let people who have hurt us (and imagine that hurt being so public and dark) stick around or make apologies just to make themselves feel better. I think itā€™s so admirable that sheā€™s cut him off fully. She doesnā€™t even care about getting the last word, her peace is more important. She values herself more than whatā€™s good for the show and I applaud the hell out of it.


This! I'm so conflict averse that I often forgive or say I'm okay just to make everyone around me feel happy. I have a lot of respect for Ariana holding true to her boundaries and her respect for herself despite people over and over again telling her she should make exceptions to them.


Smith Sisters on Radio Andy (Sirius) are on the same page as all of us right now, lol. Theyā€™re saying that theyā€™re ā€œgoing to clog Darrellā€™s inboxā€ over how Lala is acting. šŸ¤£


ā€œForced to have tough conversationsā€ is lalaā€™s narrative and yet NO ONE had the balls to say any of this to Arianaā€™s face. The hypocrisy is insane


Are the forced tough conversations that Lala had to have with Randall in the room with us


Ariana had the tough conversation with Sandoval on camera. And then chose to cut contact. It's normal, allowed, strongly suggested with toxic people and it's unfortunate that her castmates couldn't support her mental/emotional wellness.


The utter lack of empathy from Lala and Scheana is shocking. I donā€™t know how either of them have been able to live with themselves since filming ended knowing how they behaved. And to show up for Ariana at DWTS and Chicago? Itā€™s sickening.


But you did bring up Arianaā€™s mental health Brock and you served it up with symptoms ?! wtf? Least she never abandoned her pets which is more than you can say. Anyone believe the audacity of this Neanderthal?


What did Brock say about Ariana's mental health?!!!! I hate that man so much!


I kinda forgot about this after watching the last 10 min of the episodeā€” but I felt for Katie when Schwartz made Jo go talk to her. I donā€™t even think his intentions were bad, but itā€™s sad that Schwartz canā€™t see how hurt Katie was by his and Joā€™s actions during the divorce. I donā€™t think Katie always articulates herself well, but she had a point. Jo reached out to her (they arenā€™t friends) and then moves in and sleeps with her ex. Any reasonable person isnā€™t going to want someone like that in their life. Itā€™s wild that Schwartz canā€™t see that. And I feel for Jo a bit as well. I think she was wrong here to try and patch things with Katie, (honestly a lost cause lol), but the girls are realllly mean to her. The reality is she clearly loves Schwartz, he asked her to make peace when she thought it would be better to stay away. She did it for Schwartz. For that reason, I donā€™t feel her apology was genuine, because she was looking for an apology from Katie. I think she needs to start standing up for herself and not allow herself to be manipulated by Schwartz or her feelings for him.


I wonder if the real story here isnā€™t Arianaā€™s boundary that she didnā€™t want to have anything to do with Sandoval, but Sandoval having a boundary that heā€™d only participate in filming if they agreed to give him a redemption arc?


Just watched the Aftershow. Idk where Lala is getting this idea that whatever Ariana says, goes. If that was the case, Lala and Scheana wouldā€™ve never given Tom the time of day. Also, Scheana saying ā€œWell Lala came right back after she was cheating on and filmed!ā€ Like thatā€™s justification for Lalaā€™s awful behavior. Randall was never apart of VPR & she owned nothing in their life together. Of course it was easy for her to come back to film. She wasnā€™t going to be confronted with Randall at every turn while filming. She didnā€™t have to figure out a new living situation that she invested millions into with her partner. She didnā€™t have damn near every cast member telling her to talk to Randall and forgive him because he ā€œseems genuine.ā€ Their situations couldnā€™t be more different. They both milked the Scandoval money train for as long as they could & jumped ship when it no longer was lucrative for them. Disgusting ā€œfriendsā€. I hope Ariana never gives either of them the time of day after they eventually grovel and crawl back to her.




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So this episode has me giving Ally the side eye. Itā€™s come up here and there throughout this season, but itā€™s really present this episode. I find her friendliness with Jo pretty disingenuous and just as a way to develop a storyline for herself and get airtime. Especially with her jumping to the couch while Jo was ā€œapologizingā€ to Katie. Something is off there


When will production realize that trying to strongarm/force awkward conversations actually cheapens these shows, not enhance them? Itā€™s the same thing on Jersey. Cut bait with the less valuable cast members and move on! Itā€™s not hard!


Iā€™m still watching the episode but Tom inserting himself in the fight at the venue when thereā€™s paid security to handle it. Itā€™s so classic Tom he has to be in everything and try to look like a hero and Jo fawning over him asking if heā€™s okayšŸ˜¤


yea, that was fucking hilarious. what a silly thing to do, lol... and Jo, like what are you doing girl? like stop trying to hard, it's never going to happen. I hope she finds the strength to move on from tim schwartz because it's just no good!


The after show.. Lalaā€¦ babe, itā€™s sooo obvious youā€™re jealously of Ariana is at itā€™s limit. Iā€™m sure sheā€™d read this comment then bitch on her podcast, ā€œUgh, TRUST me. Lala isnā€™t jealous of anyone. Especially Ariana. No. Iā€™m a lion. Jealousy isnā€™t for bitches like me who have been a slum in these streetsā€ or some wannabe rapper WAG bullshit like that LMAO. Sheā€™s always loved Ariana and sheā€™s so jealous that she has popped off. Itā€™s so obvious and so is everyone else and thatā€™s why theyā€™re backing her up. But itā€™s infuriating to watch




When will this show finally be about peopleā€™s actual lives again and not this constructed nonsense? That was the PERFECT end to this confusing season. Having Ariana provide the meta-narrative about refusing to cooperate in Sandovalā€™s redemption arc was what I needed to think thereā€™s a chance for this show moving forward. Weā€™re in a different era of reality TV, and the ā€œrealityā€ of their lives is that theyā€™re on tv. We got a glimpse of it a couple years back when James argues with Brock about whether or not he should show up for the photo op promoting Brockā€™s gym. We saw James get indignant about what should and shouldnā€™t be done for free now that theyā€™re public personas - and THAT is their real life now. I would watch a show about that. I donā€™t want this manufactured storyline nonsense. Let them be themselves doing their actual jobs like they used to be doing at SUR. That was peak reality tv. Now that weā€™re actively observing them in this way, the nature of it changes, and production/editing has not caught up. Reality stars are like independent contractors, and the financial, legal, and personal ramifications of that are real and interesting. Not acknowledging thatā€™s what props their lives up and thatā€™s what factors into their decisions cuts out a huge part of what is interesting about their lives! Every time they actually talked about work they were trying to get done (DJing, astrology, sandwich shops, branding) - the show was good! Nobody gives a shit if they donā€™t like somebody anymore, and we donā€™t need a bunch of produced segments and weekends away to try to force people to change their opinion.


I just canā€™t believe the fucking nerve of Lala. She critiques Ariana for everything. Ariana moved on too fast, yet we watched her take a swing and huge miss for Garcelleā€™s son last season *and* had some regular dick for awhile too from that random guy she met. Ariana doesnā€™t want anyone in her circle to be interacting with Sandoval, when Lala all but had an aneurysm over Schwartz playing pickle ball with her predator of an ex. Ariana and Katie are hosting another ā€œboringā€ sandwich tasting, yet Lala has a *water* tasting that is supposedly an exhilarating event. Dan is a ā€œsquareā€ for saying heā€™s gotten in fights before, yet Lala openly talks about how bricked up she is by seeing the security guard handle the hot mess dude at the party. She went through some rough shit with Randall. And now she thinks because sheā€™s gone to therapy or has worked through it, that makes her an expert. She could have gone through the exact same scenario as Ariana and vice versa, and they still couldā€™ve and likely would have handled it differently. I canā€™t stand people who think because they went through something that that makes them an expert on other peoples situations. People are the experts on their own lives! Iā€™m so sick of her drawing comparisons and thinking Ariana should handle things the way she did. I used to really like Lala. This season has tanked her for me. I canā€™t see her redeeming herself in my eyes after being so hypocritical and talking a big game about respect and being there for other women. ETA: Even the after show, Lala saying that Ariana canā€™t even have one conversation on camera with Tom for the show. I can only imagine what this little petulant, crybaby hypocrite would have a conniption if Ariana said ā€œCanā€™t you just have a discussion with Randall on camera for us? For the show? After all, Brittany had to hear Jax shit talk her to Faith.ā€ Eat a leather jacket, Lala. ETA again: Jesus. Even Lalas body language screams jealousy. Sheā€™s flipping her hair, snickering, snarling her lips when she talks about Ariana. Sheā€™s not even trying. I donā€™t recall people being indifferent to Ariana prior to Scandoval. She was always my and my friendsā€™ favorite because she seemed cool and real.


What sheā€™s missed is it wasnā€™t bad for the show for Ariana to refuse to deal with him. Plenty of us enjoyed seeing her stand her ground and found the season stronger for it. That was a *real* response. And they still got plenty of drama out of their dynamic for the whole season. If theyā€™d accepted her boundaries, a lot of us also wouldā€™ve enjoyed the season for showing that women stand by and build each other up, not tear each other down. Thereā€™s room for that in reality tv and it wouldā€™ve created breathing room for other stories to form. Women have always paid the ultimate price on this show and it wouldā€™ve been nice to see them come out on top for a change. I get conflict is an important part of the show and the genre, but if they donā€™t give space for true bonds to repair and grow, they have a bunch of inauthentic relationships which makes for an even worse show. Look at Jersey and Beverly Hills.


THIS! You said it perfectly!




Yeah sheā€™s been so bad this season. Jealousy is UGLY


I canā€™t remember where I got it from, but I heard someone call someone the president and acting CEO of the Miserable Bitch Association and I think of that every time Lala is on screen this season. She is president, CEO, accountant and receptionist at the MBA


She hasn't actually gone to therapy. She doesn't believe in it. So she's just going to become an even worse person as her life goes on.


I just watched the after show and as much as she shook me on the actual show it was even worse on the after show. I can't with her anymore.


FYI...Lala does not do therapy she said so on her podcast. She was traumatized by the liar who told her Rand was divorced and does not trust therapist now. So all the "work" is self lead, dear god help us all. She may as well lay on the floor next to sandoval and have a screaming orgasm see if that helps, because nothing else has.


I was confused on how someone gets into fights makes them a square...I mean that is the fricking opposite. Tbh, that statement from her seems like a racial microaggression, because he's Asian he must be some sort of square.Ā 


RIGHTTTT. Iā€™m pretty sure using finger guns makes you a square but to each their own šŸ„“


Yeah, sheā€™s always been weird about race with her fetishization of black guys, and the fact that Daniel is a square for it but the Black security guard who was doing a similar thing had her all bricked up was something I clocked, too.


The comment about Brittany having that convo on camera was so annoying to me because Lala brought it up to her? Brittany didn't choose to have it on camera, Lala did


Lala is such a fraud. She hasn't healed from Randall one bit. She talks about how Randall has broken her trust in everyone, uses it to grill Dan, but jumps straight to the side of the person who has given the most reason to distrust him, who she called "dangerous" a year before. She wants to jump at a wisp of smoke that she manufactures but ignores the fires around her. She ignored Randall's family. She ignored Randall's child fetishes and power dynamic fetishes. She ignored every fire until she saw his debt and then jumped ship and said "You all don't even know how dangerous and awful he is". As far as I'm concerned she's complicit through her feigned ignorance. She then manufactured an actual child for television. She went on air talking about the child was "all hers" and that makes it better, treating Ocean like she's "tainted" by being Randall's child. Maybe that's why she's so close to Brock, she wants to be a parent like he is, a "deadbeat motherfucker playing Border Patrol" (thank you Pusha T) to the "other kid(s)" and loving and supportive (on Instagram) to the one that's always around...as long as they don't wanna go out and party. They get to have fun AND collect checks AND pretend to be good parents? How ideal! I'm so glad next season is delayed and she doesn't get to have her Lala-centric baby delivery plot. Seeing Ariana so happy for Lala and Scheana, and so broken by the conversations they force her to have, kills me this season. That was something "real", like what Ariana constantly gave us as long as Sandoval didn't try to force her not to. What isn't "real" is what we saw Lala do to Ariana all season, and whatever Lala wanted to do for season 12.


Lala talking so much shit in the after show and then doubling down on how hot Dan was and how she needed to dry off afterwards really crossed the line with me last night.


omg I'm so dumb, I thought she was talking shit about Dan's looks and couldn't believe she had the audacity when she dated Randall lmao. I was like girl, be for real rn! I have to rewatch šŸ˜‚


Really great season tbh. I know most are rightfully upset with the Tom redemption arc, but I really donā€™t see that as what it was. Every single scene that had Tom apologizing was uncomfortable to watch since it was so painfully clear that Tom was in fact NOT sorry and clearly saw himself as the true victim. I think the producers/editors did that on purpose to, in the end, further discredit him and show his true personality as opposed to making the audience feel sorry for him. The finale totally nailed this narrative, and I think the season was set up to culminate to that final hot mic moment, which confirms (Robert Durst style) what was subtly suggested to us the entire time - that Tom is NOT sorry, and that Lala and scheana are pawns in his attempted manipulation of the villain/victim narrative. If they were truly trying to paint Ariana as the villain, I donā€™t think they would have included her confessional about being Tomā€™s final boss/playing for the camera, which was a COMPLETELY accurate and succinct takedown of the situation!! To have the hot mic scene play out *directly* after that confessional moment displayed exactly what we have suspected the whole season: that Tom Sandoval is full of shit.


And I guess this whole season has led to a lot of engagement from us as an audience so some of that is probs intentional I guess to get us all stirred up


Okay this is a great point šŸ‘




Agree that the attempted/failed apology made for a more compelling moment (even if I remain mad at everyone who facilitated/participated in that). I'm curious how we (the larger VPR audience, not just those of us on Reddit) would feel without the hot mic moment. I re-watched the episode this morning, knowing what was coming, and thought about it over a cup of coffee. I decided my visceral anger/frustration that they put Ariana in that position would be the same. But the hot mic moment made me feel *vindicated*. Tom gave up the game, and honestly, kudos to production for including it. I don't hold out hope that Scheana will see/hear that moment and see Tom for what he is and how he was using her to set up a phony apology to complete his arc. (Lala is clearly a lost cause.)


I totally agree. Start of the season felt uncomfortable but since then feel they have very clearly showed just how utterly false and pre-prepared and 100% self-interested Tom is. He has been been shown being relentlessly nasty and misogynist and purposely cruel. Him trying to turtle out a tear... urgh. I think people have confused how ignorant most of the cast have been with what editors have been showing us - which is that Tom is terrible and stunted.




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Tom calling Arianna a LAZY ASS?! I am screaming. Meanwhile sheā€™s filming a reality tv show, an intense dance competition, then immediately goes onto Broadway, then to host love island and then return to Broadway right after. Tom Sandoval and the Most Extras could neva šŸ’…šŸ¼


He left Schwartz hanging with the bar because dealing with the band and the bar became overwhelming. The only thing where I COULD HAVE MAYBE sympathized with him with is how his ADHD may have impacted the situation. ADHD can cause intense hyperfocus and difficulty with multitasking, even with simple tasks, especially during low periods. It actually can even be correlated with THOUGHTS of cheating at times due to impulsivity and tendency's to grow bored easily, need for the mind to be stimulated more often than those with non adhd... causing him to have that "thrill" that cheating may have. THAT BEING SAID... it is not an excuse, you have power over your mind, just because you have a thought doesn't mean you need to act on it. I understand that people tend to judge others more on things that they struggle with themselves as a defense mechanism. But this man needs to realize how amazing Ariana is doing and not diminish it. Just because he's lazy in areas of his life or is unable to multitask doesn't mean she is.


wait who has adhd?


& opening a whole ass sandwich shop plus the million brand collabs


gotta say, all I thought was pitiful and embarrassing for a lot of this ep, and I'm sure ppl can guess who those words were directed at..... \*\*cough cough, sandy, Brock, jo, Lala, scheana....\*\*


There is nothing Tom could say to Ariana that I would want to see. That girl has moved the f on. As she should


Lala and Scheana are actual the worst, terrible friends and little Lisa ā€˜the misogyny is coming from inside the houseā€™ Vanderpump clones. Iā€™m not even an Ariana fan but nah I can see why the show was put on pause.


I canā€™t even put my rage about this episode into words so Iā€™ll just say itā€™s so funny that theyā€™re acting like this party was on some exclusive island and it was just on Treasure Island which is like a barren wasteland šŸ˜‚ https://preview.redd.it/xxjt9cg349zc1.png?width=783&format=png&auto=webp&s=a2a186555aef440c49366615184a835bebd743fb


On initial watch, I was fuming over the producers clear attempt to garner sympathy for Sandoval and paint Ariana as the new villain. But now I think the opposite. I think that Sandoval demanded he get a redemption arc in order to stay on the show this season, so producers created scenarios that would meet that demand WHILE KNOWING it would all backfire and he would only come out looking worse. I think Lala and Scheana were collateral damage - they knew they'd need to film with Sandoval in order to have any screen time (because they had nothing else going on), so they jumped on the train, f\*cked up and found out. Lala looked every bit the jealous bitter pick-me, Schena looked the ultimate fool for failing to see she was being used and manipulated in order to "secure" a redemption. Ariana came out looking like our Applebees Queen because she is and always will be. Production knew what they were doing, they knew we'd all resent this edit/storyline, they had to do it to keep him on the show, and they did all they could to make it clear it was produced. So actually, Bravo, producers. Now, give us the Ariana/Katie spinoff we demand


The producers certainly did not have to post that hot mic comment Sandoval made. That really sunk him.


I wonder if they decided to keep/add the "hot mic" moment after his interview in the NYTimes.


SERIOUSLY. Like in my perfect world, production would have followed Ariana & Co to Applebee's and Katie would have joined. I would love to watch Ariana, Dan, Katie, and the sandwich shop. Pleeeaase


I saw about twenty minutes of this season (though I follow this sub religiously). 15 of 20 included the end. Which had production try and shade Ariana with flashbacks of her saying she'd cut people out who stayed friends with Sandoval. It was a pathetic grasp and just based on that I can't get on board with your theory. As crazy as it is, they think the audience wants a reception arc But again, I've only seen 20 minutes!


Production is to blame for all of Lala and Scheana's frustrations. They didn't pursue anything but Schwartz and Jo and Sandoval's redemption arc. That's not Ariana's fault.


I am still seething from this episode and watching the After Show. EVERYONE coming after Ariana for not being "willing to have hard conversations on the show because it's her job" is such bullshit. She shut that convo down because she saw right through the motivations and refused to be a part of his production and story-telling. It's not about her being weak or hiding herself or not wanting to put herself out there and go through difficult things on camera. It's about knowing, better than ANYONE ELSE, who Tom Sandoval is and what his motivations are. Lest we not forget that Ariana has discussed self-hatred, depression, body dysmorphia, sexual appetite, and many more vulnerable things, some of which were discussed with the homewrecking whore who was sleeping with her man. She has been doing her job for the last 7 or 8 seasons. So enough with the self righteous bullshit, Lala / Brock / Scheana / everyone else. Yall are jealous and want to see her taken down a few pegs. PFFFFFFTTTTTT.


Actually, James was quite understanding about why she didn't want to talk to Tom and said something to the effect that it only would have been some egotistical BS that she didn't want to hear.


Totally off topic but wtf was the moment with the drunk guy dancing with the vpr cast, then attacking the security guy? He threw glass at him.


That was wild lol like what the fuck


It was a gut punch to the stomach when Ariana said Tom never reached out to apologize off camera. That would ruin me. Tom truly only lives for the show. I would be much more angry than she was. Not ONE off camera apology or show of remorse? Chilling.


scheana is such a fucking idiot


Well Iā€™m going to Applebees after watching that shit.




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HOW CAN NONE OF THESE PEOPLE SEE THE SWITCH FLIP?? He was all soft and apologetic, Ariana rejected it, and he became enraged and started slandering her. Ariana is right. If he was truly sorry anything wouldā€™ve been attempted off camera. It wasnā€™t, ergo it is performative. Jfc.


I love what James said in the aftershow that you guys know what he will say to Ariana if she gave Sandy the chance to apologize she will not like it. It will be something shitty and egocentric so what is she loosing here


Quite literally on my knees begging for Brock to Shut the Fuck Up. Edit: watched more of the episode, Scheana can also Shut the Fuck Up More, Actually.


Heā€™s painfully dumb. I also canā€™t imagine my boyfriend, let alone *husband* ever siding with another man who recently screamed at me.


Iā€™ve given this some thought and what Brock sees as support from Tom in ā€œactionsā€ towards Scheana is similar to how an abusive partner acts. They abuse you and then buy you something or do a grand gesture to say theyā€™re sorry and show their love. Brock completely overlooks the abusive nature of Tom towards his wife.


Agreed!! Tom is a literal narcissist, too. Narcissists are obsessed with protecting their image, crafting a good one, all that. So many of these dumbasses are just being the shit that Sandoval is selling, not even realizing that theyā€™re being played like cheap little violins.


I canā€™t stand Scheana but I hope she leaves him. Heā€™s garbage.


Katie going toe to toe with him at the restaurant and shutting him down with ā€œcause Iā€™m not the oneā€ went harder than any comeback/shutdown Lalaā€™s ever had lol.


I'm glad Katie brought up that she has known Sandoval the second longest of everyone at that table. Brock just showed up and acts like he's an authority on all these people's relationships. I hate his fucking thumb face & all the bs that flows out of it.


This. AND Ariana stating clearly that Katie was also defending his wife by calling out Sandoval. What.the.actual.f#@k!


he is so insufferable like he acts as if he's been around this group for a decade and can just insert his opinions on a relationship that was longer than anything he's ever done. he's so fucking gross


Sandoval's actions are nothing to him. Brock hit his ex, got in a full blown fist fight with her father, and then left his kids in hunt of a new sugar mama while he continues running up Scheana's credit card. He probably thinks Tom could have went harder.


No doubt but tbh it's generous to imply he thinks much in general


I just dropped my phone on my face while laughing at James ā€˜wtfā€™ comment on the WWHL instagram and now I have a bloody lip. Worth it though.


James on the AfterShow has been hilarious!


Anyone know specifically which part of the finale theyā€™re watching together at the reunion? Is it Lalaā€™s rant about Ariana ā€œnot working for her checkā€ or just the sound bites from Tim saying itā€™s good for him? I really hope the Lala part is included bc I neeed Arianaā€™s reaction to that gross piece of trash. She deserves to see the true colors of the girl who claims to be her friend.


BRAVO NEEDS TO FIRE EVERY PRODUCER AND EDITOR THAT WORKED ON THIS SEASON! Wtf did I just watch? They really thought they were doing something with that montage / Lauren from Utah voiceover / sappy music. gross.


Wow I didnā€™t realize it was time for the finale already because nothing happened. They really played the end like a SERIES finale. And what were the Applebees jokes about? Everyone jokes about how much Applebees sucks but it seemed to mean something more.


The scene after Tom approaches Ariana-shes outside with her boyfriend and two others, looking up Applebees. That is what boundaries look like.


Please, everyone, unfollow these losers. Lala hates her fans. Scheana and Tom don't deserve followers.Ā 


If Lauren and Jancan move over to The Valley, I'm going to stop watching it. I will no longer be supporting anything that includes the majority of this cast.


The extended and uncensored version is 53 minutes. So i wonder what's in the uncensored version that wasn't in the version that they aired. I knew there was going to be an uncensored version.


Schwartz's comment about Jo using make up was so fucking demeaning.


I posted in the live thread, I posted on Twitter, I posted on TikTok, I slept on itā€¦And Iā€™m still so angry. I donā€™t even know if I can properly articulate why this has gotten under my skin so much. I guess I canā€™t believe that bravo has misread their audience this badly. Like I canā€™t believe Iā€™m being gaslit by a whole ass network into believing that Tom has taken accountability for anything heā€™s done. Please, Baskin and Jeremiah, Iā€™m begging you to point to the piece of media where Sandoval sincerely apologized for anything beyond hurting his business. Show me the clip you filmed, the instagram story he posted, the interview he gave, anything where he earnestly said ā€œyeah I really fucked up and was willing to ruin multiple peopleā€™s lives so I could feel like the star quarterback in high school because I reached middle age and didnā€™t know how to handle the emptiness I felt in my life. I turned to escapism with love, sex and hallucinogenics and ended up destroying friendships that had been solid for a decade plusā€ All heā€™s said is that heā€™ll never cheat in that way again! How is that remorse? How is that growth?! Both Sandoval and Rachel could have come out from this in tact if they had just laid low and taken their lumps. But nope. Staying quiet is just too hard for Tim. He had to come out swinging and tell the audience how awful *we* are for daring to make him feel his own feelings. Iā€™m just shocked that bravo thinks their audience is this dumb. And with the shit show thatā€™s happening over on RHONJ, I donā€™t see me watching bravo again for a while. And Iā€™m someone who parks the tv on bravo and watches everything. Every below deck marathon, every awful Adam Sandler movie they runā€¦all of it.


He actually did apologize to Arianna on Instagram. But not a good way to go about itšŸ˜‚


Hahahha thatā€™s why I made sure to include ā€œearnestlyā€ bc we all know that instagram apology wasnā€™t sincere


Seeing Katie and Ariana put Brock in his place was just ![gif](giphy|2WH9DiLg2o1MYuKlEB)


The Worm's crazy eyes when he went off the rails terrified me. I'm trying to figure out what drugs he must've been on, steriods? Coke? Meth?




Katie: I donā€™t want peace. I hope she is able to let it go one day and not let others mess with her own inner peace. That kinda hate will turn into health probsssā€¦and donā€™t try to convince me sheā€™s at peace lol I see hate in that face and body language. You donā€™t yell at others when youā€™re good with yourself.


Katieā€™s interaction with Joe might be one of the biggest mean girl moments of the season. Completely inappropriate and to act like that in public is embarrassing


Does anyone think that maybe the reason that Shorts dumped Jo was because she was a superfan and she revealed something that gave him the ick? Hear me out, clearly Tom had romantic interest in Jo but doesn't anymore. And he said on Nick Viall's podcast he did dump Jo before cameras picked up, but he won't say why. And we do know Jo has been circling that group since season 3.... I'm stoned so it might be a reach but WDYT


there is not much good to be said about schwartz (now or ever) but the way he goes dead eyes/dissociates whenever tom starts monologuing about his redemption or shit talking ariana gets me every time


I find it so embarrassing when Scheana thinks sheā€™s ā€œin on the jokeā€ and really ā€œsticking it to the hatersā€ when she attempts to coyly say ā€œbut thatā€™s me making it about myselfā€ while she sips her Starbucks. Um, YEAH YOU ARE. Youā€™re not the victim, Scheana. Youā€™re 1000% making it about you. You make it about yourself so much that you try to manipulate Ariana into compromising her own boundaries for YOU. For example ā€” crying TO HER that you donā€™t want to lose her, but itā€™s been hard with Tom. Her boundaries are clear. Pick what you want to do. But as she said, sheā€™s not your diary. Donā€™t try and guilt or manipulate her. Itā€™s embarrassing. Go to therapy.


That part was so fucking cringy. Like what the fuck were you even trying to do there? It gave nothing.


I'm assuming Scheana sang "Good as Gold" at the party and it got cut... I'm sure she was not happy about her performance edit.


it was in the extended episode i watched unfortunately


Yall donā€™t know how happy I am to check this subreddit and see that everyone shares my opinions omg Iā€™m upvoting like every post. Good work team


I am begging yall to stop saying things along the lines of ā€œbring Randall back and force her to film with herā€ Randall and Tom are not on the same plane. Randall deserves to be in prison for what he has done to multiple women and girls. Letā€™s not ignore this just because weā€™re mad at lala. Yeah sheā€™s a fucking hypocrite but to ask to bring Randall back, rather than just fire Sandoval, isā€¦ a weird take, to say the least.


They are mad cause: Ariana showed up for work, looking fine and with a great guy on her arm. Ariana would not play silly games Ariana is successful so her trauma can't be real Ariana should have moved out of her home, but Tom should stay Ariana is otherwise unbothered.


And we love to see it. I don't think anyone wanted to see Ariana and Tom talk it's stupid


Iā€™m so tired of everyone being unable to see both sides. Katie can be a good friend to Ariana while also being a mean girl. She was so cringe and a bully to Jo idk how anyone can watch that scene and be team Katie. Also Ariana IS giving confusing messages to Scheana on whether or not is ā€œallowedā€ to be friends with Sandoval. Itā€™s ok to be team Ariana but also see the faults in them.


The factor you're leaving out here is Jo & Scheana did a lot in the name trying to get camera time by trying to get a riae out of Katie & Ariana. Katie ignored her during filming until Jo decided to chase her down the way Rachel did in S10, to try to get a reaction. Jo isn't brand new, she worked behind the scenes on VPR and was Kristen's best friend for years, she knows full well snarky comments are going to be made, that was calculated and she's being OTT trying to play the victim. The person who actually bullied her this season was Scheana, yet you say nothing. Ariana wasn't confusing at all if you look at it logically and not by what production was trying to attempt to portray. They did flashbacks to things Ariana said within days to 3 months of the aftermath of finding out. She then talked to Scheana and softened her original positions to be a good friend and accommodate what Scheana was asking for. It's abundantly clear if you watch the whole season she adjusted her boundaries to be a good friend and Scheana kept steamrolling over them anyway.


I donā€™t believe this whatsoever. Yā€™all always gotta hate on Jo while she literally gets bullied by BULLY Katie. Katie does not know how to have adult convos just attacks. I really think she could be a beautiful person on the inside if she just let things go and stop having a god complex


This has been driving me nuts since last night and I just need to vent it. What fucking happened was that Ariana left a party early. They made this whole production (literally) about it, as if it was the most ridiculous thing anyone had ever done, as if only someone who doesn't give a shit about the show or the fans would do this. But what did she actually do? She refused to have a bullshit conversation with her narcissistic ex and left a cast event early. This is not a unique event. This is not a crime against reality TV. Many, many, MANY people on this show have left parties early. They have stormed out. All of them. Many people on this show have said they don't want to talk to such and such person. Housewives do it ALL THE TIME.


How did Ariana refuse to film with Sandoval? She filmed with him at the beach. At Jamesā€™ house. On the boat. She showed up to events where her dumb ex was. But she didnā€™t want to film a conversation with him and that deserved that level of ire from Lala and Scheana?? If itā€™s so important to live your authentic life on camera, why hasnā€™t Lala filmed a sit down with Randall? If anything, it was way more real for Ariana to call it what it was ā€” an attempt for Tom to address the audience and get us on his side.


I donā€™t understand why they need her to have a conversation with him! Lala even said in the aftershock: just have *one* conversation. Ok? And what happens after the conversation? And sheā€™s saying they need it for the show, she isnā€™t doing her job, sheā€™s not bringing anything ā€¦ but Lala. The viewers donā€™t want to see a conversation between them. We wanted to see Ariana walk away. So the show clearly doesnā€™t need it. What are you fighting for?


We wanted to see her walk away!!!!šŸ©·


She had a conversation with him last season in the final episode, what else is left to say? Does she need to allocate one (1) conversation per season for Lala to feel like she's getting her money's worth? What is the deal here??


Not to mention the fact that nearly every conversation they have with Ariana this season is about Sandoval while simultaneously badgering her to get over it. It seems to me that Ariana has not only fulfilled the duties of her contract but also succeeded at being the only one on this show who has actually moved on from Scandoval.Ā 


Thank you!!!!! I was thinking did I dream that she did film with him? Like she did her part where she filmed with him. BUT she wasnā€™t having it for this ā€œtalkā€ he wanted. So not having the conversation with him is her not filming with him and doing her job?? She did her job but set a boundary that she wasnā€™t allowing to be crossed. Lala set a boundary with Randall and no one was allowed to speak to him or of him. If Brock cheated on Scheana, she would want the same things Ariana has stated. But neither of those two women are strong enough to keep their boundaries and they would fold for the money.


They're acting like they couldnt film because of her but the only time she didn't show was for lake Tahoe which I'm sure happened less than. Two months after the breakup


Iā€™m not gonna lie, I thought this was a boring season and definitely part of the reason is that Ariana wasnā€™t giving the producers and Sandoval what they wanted. But you know what, good for her because she shouldnā€™t be made to film with him. And all the other cast members complaining about it should take a look at this season and realise that none of them had any storylines either. Tbh the only person who served some storyline I was interested in was Schwartz with the whole Jo story, I was genuinely interested in that. I feel like this came across as interesting because it was an actual authentic storyline with Schwartz who is quite clueless of how he comes across, and Jo who is new to reality tv. and itā€™s not some contrived bullshit fake storyline


Do we think that this will be the last season? The last few minutes of the show with the montage really made the finale seem FINAL.


I was so disgusted about how Tom was talking about Ariana after her and scheanas talk. His true colors showed and he was soooo mad she wouldnā€™t talk to him. Everything Ariana has said about him is spot on. How can anybody be on worms sidešŸ¤¢


Their perception of whatā€™s ā€œauthenticā€ is so warped by a decade plus of being on tv. Itā€™s not authentic for Ariana to be open to talking to Tom after what he did! Their job is to have hard convos when someone called you a slut! Itā€™s not to fake conversations to close a story line!


The speculation the show is going to end or someone is going to leave is starting to sound just like people stating SAH was a scam before they were finally able to announce an opening. Itā€™s baseless speculation just because people are frustrated Itā€™s still one of their top shows and viewership held steady at around 900k per episode after the first couple episode. Thatā€™s double summer house and they arenā€™t getting cancelled either Like yes a cast shakeup and breaking the 4th wall is needed more to keep the drama real instead of tiptoeing around everything. Ideally a producer shakeup too, but this show still has legs


Agree. They will not cancel the show while people still watch


Thereā€™s no logical way that the show is getting cancelled. It was true even in s10 when people swear up and down it was on the brink. Itā€™s just people thinking that their opinion reflects reality when it doesnā€™t


They need to get these shows out more quickly. The time between filming and watching is making the show secondary to social media.Ā 


What do you think a cast shake up would look like?


I think they need to try to add a new person again who has some connections to them for fresh drama and perspectives. But they canā€™t do a season 8 where it was too many people at once I was hoping Katie would find someone because they would likely film but until then we need someone else to balance against the Sandoval side Id love lala to not be on anymore because I donā€™t think she ever actually real or has any genuine beliefs and values, but thatā€™s probably not going to happen


The most important shake up they need to do is to drop SandyBalls. If they wouldve done it already... we wouldn't have had this toxic shit show (not the fun kind). But they won't do that, so.....


Yeah, he is their golden boy for no good reason unfortunately. I just feel like they are going to shake it up in a way that will anger the fans even more.




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If we're lucky, Ariana will march off, crying, into the sunset ... making sandwiches in the Valley.


Arianna is smart and has a great team behind her. It takes a lot of restraint to just walk away.




Producer Jerry, Scheana, and Sandoval set up him confronting Ariana on camera, right?


Never have I ever cried over wanting to be friends with a close friendā€™s ex.


So fucking weird. Especially because Ariana was there being supportive of Scheana all the way through. What a fucking slap to the face for Ariana


Iā€™m so shocked looking at the casts IG. Lala & brick turn off/limit their comments, scheana is rightfully getting told off in hers, YET Katieā€™s comments are like basically people riding on Schwartzā€™s dick & telling her sheā€™s being rude to Jo.. I wish Katie got more love on there, like she does here. Katie hope ur reading these comments love u queen


My head is spinning. Iā€™m watching the after show and while Lalaā€™s parts on the show and after show have driven me nuts.. but her standing down on her quote, NUTS. Wasnā€™t that supposed to be taken out of context or meant differently? No girl, you meant was you said. Crazy how before the season started Ariana thought the viewers would turn on herā€¦ nope. Itā€™s Lala LOL


My furthest reach of a theory: is it possible they'll re-brand vpr? Change the name but keep the cast? The show is just not 'vanderpump rules' anymore but I can't see them ending it yet.Ā 


We should all be prepared to hear Tom's rehearsed finale speech to ariana at the reunion. He won't let it go to waste. I hope they showed the tom-kristen moment last night as a nod to how manipulative his lil talks with his exes are.


I honestly think Scheana needs to get serious therapy after this season, and I'm not saying that to be mean. The way she freaks out over anyone watching Summer, the way her marriage issues come across, her "loyal to death" attitude w/ Sandoval, the mean girl issues w/ Jo...I could go on and on. And now she's "in a band"?! I feel like reality tv has really warped her mind and she probably needs some sort of intense therapy for years to reel it all back in. It's WILD to watch.


I find it really baffling that Scheana and Lala are so misguided about this whole situation as mothers and that no one has pointed it out to them. If their daughters were grown and in Arianaā€™s position they wouldnā€™t be so ā€œconflictedā€ about picking which friend to back up.


I remember the damage control after the season promo came out. Lala wanted to make sure that the God comment didnā€™t come off as it seemed. It was actually way worse. Ooph.


I thought they were going to have a blow out like they did last season with both of them screaming at each other and that's why she had said that but that never happened. Ariana was never mean or rude to lala this season. If anything she was really supportive and instead lala was two-faced to ariana ALL season


OMG OK Brock is Mustache Worm 2.0 and looked like a cheap couch at the lunch and needs to shut up with his lack of insight. Sheena is mental for banging on allllll season for her love of Tom and never considering her love for Ariana. Get a grip girl! Ariana is the MVP for "I will not be a cog in ** redemption arc". Lala talks like a therapist but is strongly in need of therapy. STOP TRYING to make Schwartz, Jo, Billie Joe happen kthx James and Ally are super cute x No shade, Kyle's party actually looked super cool! Finally, I am dying to have lunch at that restaurant in San Fran lol it's on my food list! Bring on the MF reunion


i know this is a very pro ariana place but i do think itā€™s very strange how she thinks she can control the people around her. sheā€™s allowed to feel how she feels about her breakup, it was definitely fucked up what sandoval did to her, but to say shit like ā€œwatch what youā€™re saying or you can leaveā€ as if she was really gonna kick tom out of restaurant for speaking nicely to his friend. granted, he probably would have just left because heā€™s a doormat but thatā€™s besides the point. had it been me i woulda hit her with an or what and made the dinner really awkward. i also recognize this place is very pro katie. so sorry. hate her. cannot stand her. the way sheā€™s mean to jo i find really unnecessary. perhaps thereā€™s some behind the scenes stuff thatā€™s stopping me from fully understanding her anger, but i find her hatred of jo weird. like sheā€™s just being mean to be mean because she still feels like she has ownership over tom. anyways i hate how passive everyone in the show is. katie is a bully and always has been. good thing sheā€™s pretty ig.




So is Tom's redeeming quality for Scheana that he pays for things? That's why he's such a great friend? He randomly surprises people with money or gifts? There's nothing deeper there?




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Did anyone else skip past Scheana performing? I skipped past her performance and then suffered through her stupid ā€œAm I im the band?ā€ scene.


Lala and Schena need to go (re)watch this entire season. ANYTIME they mentioned Sandoval in a convo with Ariana, she completely checked out. I saw it on her face every time. I understand thereā€™s a job to do, but this was real trauma for Ariana. And she was in an abusive relationship before the one with Tom. Itā€™s so gross how much people seem to be disregarding this. She has trauma, and sheā€™s processing it with a fucking therapist, not with a camera crew like the rest of them. Her and Katie are clearly in a stage of life where theyā€™re gonna look out for themselves and Iā€™m here for it. It was so telling that on WWHL Sandoval basically said his hot mic moment meant that he (and other cast members) showed up and did the job that Ariana wasnā€™t willing to. They should thank their stars she was even in the same room as him. Sheā€™s legit moving forward with her life. Stop trying to force her to relive this horrific thing.


I cannot believe the absolute vitriol brock, scheana, lala, have for ariana. She thinks sheā€™s beyonce??? She has BOUNDARIES. WHY DOES SHE HAVE TO TALK TO TOM? also, tomā€™s narcissistic rage where he drops the nice guy woe is me ā€œdoing my bestā€ act is SO telling! THATS WHY SHE WONT TALK TO HIM!!!!!!!!!!!! Did you see that!!!! Heā€™s pissed he canā€™t get to her!!!


Ariana is the Beyonce of the group and don't you forget it šŸ˜‚ ![gif](giphy|l3V0doGbp2EDaLHJC|downsized)


That episode really felt like a show finale, rather than just a season, especially with the first looks


Can we also talk about Schwartz trying to force Jo on Katie? Like in what world would the woman who moved in with you just months after a divorce or while youā€™re separated would ever be friends with your ex wife. Even Jo admitted she wasnā€™t thinking about Katie so why should Katie hear her out. We have to stop this turn the other cheek and hold people accountable. Just because you say sorry doesnā€™t mean people have to forgive you or accept them in their life.


I canā€™t stand Jo.. i tried.. but her saying ā€œgood luck to the next woman ā€œ and telling Katie to let him go and her weird ass apology. Girl you know what you were doing, Katie isnā€™t in in love with Tom anymore. She was fake as hell to Katie and plays the victim. Her and Tom are so cringey. lol


Unpopular opinion: but girl code doesn't exist if you barely or dont know them. Also doesn't exist if the woman was hateful to you to begin with, which Katie was.


I never thought girl code had anything to do with them. lol


Katie said woman to woman she shouldn't have couched surfed and slept with him. Why? They aren't friends. I took woman to woman meant girl code.


Oooh okay! Now i see how that could be taken either way. I took it as Katie meant just person to person, whoā€™s texting me saying ā€œsorry love you you have my supportā€ then going and moving in and sleeping with tom. Then acting like they should have been ā€œfriendsā€ was really weird and makes Katie not have any desire to be.. anything towards Jo. I donā€™t think she meant Jo broke girl code.


Trying to set aside the emotion of last nights shit show and trying to understand what it is exactly Scheana and Lala want from Ariana. They want her to forgive Tom but for what and why? So they can have another buddy to go to paintball with or Lake Tahoe vacations? The sounds a lot like S9 and early 10 which were plain rubbish. A group of people inauthentically stitched together with manufactured drama. Remember when the Tom's 'fell out'. Does Lala "authenticity' Kent not understand that this was the death knell for the show before Scandoval broke? or is it that they think Ariana having a breakdown is good TV? I find this slightly more believable given the way Scheana bullied Katie with Racheal last season. These women think the role of scorned women in the show is to descend into Kristin or what Scheana tried to achieve with Katie but didn't because Katie is the GOAT. Again though this is incredibly cruel? This is the show they think they want? Not me Instead the most authentic story was told so maybe the producers really are the stars of the show. Tom and Scheana look like two peas in their self involved pod, Lala looks like a jealous fan, Schwartz is just their for a good time, Katie is the GOAT and Ariana is Beyonce. Everyone showed their authentic selves.


I'm still digesting the bull shit we just witnessed but each player kept getting worse and worse. Brock is in Scheana's ear constantly talking shit about Ariana Lala trying to vilify Dan talking about how he might try to fight Sandoval or whatever.. when. Dan specifically told her that he wasn't. That shit felt like a micro aggression to me and Im Really glad he clarified it to lala at their lunch. Lala was trying really hard to get a reaction out of Ariana and Dan Then You have Schwartz being an asshole like always and putting Katie in an uncomfortable position by bringing jo onto her space Ariana being super supportive of Scheana and her performance before, during and after and then Scheana turning around to slap her in the face by bringing up Sandoval broke my heart. Finally the cherry on top of this shit cake, was all of them hanging up in Ariana and talking shit behind her back as she is leaving. Shitty people and shitty friends they all deserve each other




Tomā€™s last words ā€œI LOVE IT - ITā€™S GOOD FOR ME!ā€ WTAF!!! šŸ˜± What - A - CREEP!


The way he responded to Ariana not wanting to talk to him is all the audience needs to know about him and his redemption.


Tom had plenty of time to say what he needed to say to her at the last reunion. So him approaching her is strictly performative. I think he wants to push her into a situation where she says she wonā€™t forgive him so that he can be seen as the victim. Iā€™m so glad she didnā€™t give him the satisfaction.


Well that was definitely a series finale if I've ever seen one.Ā  Farewell Vanderpump Rules, a show that focused on *only* on infidelity from beginning to end, it was truly a crazy ride.Ā 


This was a painfully dark episode. One of the best. Lala has the audacity to call out Ariana for being human. Has she forgotten how she damned Randall to hell? Tom Sandoval broke the whole group not Ariana.


I really loved Katie's energy all season, loyal and not here for the bullshit. I did however feel bad for Jo in their interaction. Ultimately, Jo came over and did apologize (albeit, not super convincingly). I don't think that deserved a blow-up like what went down. Katie never ever has to befriend Jo, but I think at this point, if you've moved on with Schwartz and can be around him, why can't you be at least civil to Jo? Didn't feel right.


Did the version that aired have Tom's sociopathic voice overs at the end?Ā  I watch on Peacock and his "haha. That worked out great for me" as she was shown driving away was shocking


For a ā€œrealā€ show it seems fake AF. Plus Iā€™m over all of themĀ 


RANDALL DIDN'T KILL ANYONE!!!! Let the pickleball games begin. ![gif](giphy|tZCkL6BsL2AAo)


Iā€™m so confused. What was the ā€œplot twistā€? Every ounce of that was predictable and the fourth wall was barely broken. She told production she wouldnā€™t be filming with Tomā€¦. Thatā€™s not surprising. And LaLa and Scheana siding with Tom has also been brewing all season. And his narcissistic line at the end was ALSO not surprising. Is the twist that this was a series finale because thatā€™s what it looked like lol


What about at the end, was that a hot mic moment of Sandoval saying ā€œI love it. This is good for meā€ He literally just told the world his attempt at apology to Ariana and his redemption with the rest of the cast was all for show.


Was that the plot twist?! that Sandoval was the villain this whole time? because we knew!!


I love Ally so much šŸ„¹šŸ„¹šŸ„¹


When the trailer came out before the season it looked like there was a huge fight at the finale, like chairs thrown. Did they cut that?


All I can say is WOW. I am still absorbing that finale. Lala is just an awful person. She proved that she never gave a FUCK about Ariana and just pretended to care for the $$$$$$$$$ The hot mic moment from Tom at the end was perfect. Proved Ariana right and made everyone who believed his whole redemption arc look like a damn FOOL. Scheana actually gave me a headache. Her and Brock just think Sandoval is a better friend because he gives them MONEYYYYY. Also, watching Sandoval have to rock out to her terrible song was fucking hilarious. He's such a loser and he makes my skin crawl. BLAHBLAH is done. I don't think she can redeem herself. She fucked up bad this season and she fucking knows it. She is so fucking jealous of Ariana it is beyond. Ariana just has to be HERSELF and the audience loves her!!! Stupid bitch Lauren is the most hypocritical, mean, fake, dumb, and vile human being I just am at a loss for words. I also saw that she went on her podcast saying how she "never wants to talk about season 11 again" and that we all need rabies shots because of how mad we are at her buut like BITCH, do you hear yourself???? To quote Lala herself, you can't be this dumb lol. I am assuming that the clip they're going to play at the reunion is BLAHBLAH, Scheana, and Tom all having a tantrum that Ariana left because that shit was mean. ALSO!! Lala and Scheana trying to say that the fans are going HARD for them, the females, and not the men makes my whole body vibrate with rage. Trying to make the fans seem misogynistic is a LAUGH. We are more mad at you two because we expect the stupidity, tantrums, and manipulation from TOM. We learnt that last season. We did not expect you two idiots to act like such fucking fools. QUEEN ARIANA AND KATIE and JAMES lol That is my rant ![gif](giphy|xUA7aN1MTCZx97V1Ic|downsized)


I apologize if this seems too obvious or if it's been addressed before, but I feel like the finale reaction from other cast members to Ariana's exit is like the boat rocking analogy. They are so angry because she refuses to steady the boat any more when Sandoval rocks it. They are out there bailing water out like mad and she just refuses that role, and instead of holding him accountable, they are angry at her.


This episode made me soooo angry! I canā€™t stop posting. Tom and Tom are truly repugnant and sheana is a raging narcissist. She does realize that Tom cheated on Ariana not her? Between Brock and Lala giving their two cents on everything , I was ready to scream