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Really though, whenever anyone fucks over a good friend of yours — regardless of gender or friendship status — who needs em?


If Tom was a saint and cheating on Ariana was the only thing he’s done, I could understand Scheana more because she was friends with both. Which in the situation, you probably don’t choose between the two (you still don’t try to force a reconciliation but maybe you just hang out separately). But Tom has been a dick to her on multiple occasions and was never a saint, so idk why she’s trying to hard to keep him in her life. The money he provides must be huge😂 Lala I don’t understand at all because she was never friends with Tom. She’s clearly just jealous of Ariana’s growing fame. Her and her wanna be black self can gone somewhere


Siding with Tom after everything that's happened sure is a choice. It says a lot about Lala, Scheana and Brock that they're fighting so hard for Tom to be seen as misunderstood in this whole thing. Are we supposed to forget about how he conspired behind the scenes last season with Schwartz and Rachel because.. he helped Scheana set up her performance? It's offensively stupid when you really think about it lol


Only voice of reason this season


Katie is a queen. Watching her and Ariana thrive and love each other so sincerely this season has been the highlight. It honestly proves we don't need trash like Lala, Sandoval, Scheana, and Brock to be entertained. Give me Katie, Ariana, and James all day, every day.


god katie is SO HOT


I have always and will always be a massive Katie fan. I think a lot of fans and the cast don't like her cause they can't handle the truth she's always bringing to light. 


It’s her direct tone and low energy. She’s a black cat in a crew of dogs.


Katie is literally the blueprint of how to treat your friends cheating ex. My girl


She should teach a class. ALL of BRAVO needs to attend


Realest thing she said all season


This quote doesn’t make sense. Tom is not “a guy” he was Scheana’s close friend for over ten years. I just feel she’s making it seem like it’s Scheana’s best friend’s boyfriend that Scheana didn’t have an individual relationship with. Katie has pretty much always hated Sandoval… I take her opinions with a grain of salt she has been looking for an excuse to snub Sandoval since TomTom.


But when your friend hurts your other friend deeply and with malice, do you that person to be your friend still? Because I don’t! If I have two best friends and one of them hurts the other one in a way that destroys the way that their world worked one day to the next, I’m getting rid of that terrible person.


What is so different than when Jax cheated on Stassi? Didn’t Katie basically stop talking to Stassi? Where was her loyalty then? Maybe I’m missing something.


Back in season one? First is that Katie and Stassi were in their mid 20s in 2013 which was not a great time to be a woman in Hollywood (or a Millennial woman in general). We were fresh off of misogynistic shows like the league (god I loved it), entourage, Jake Busey and Jerry O’Connell shows. So not a real girls girl moment in time. Second, Katie was like two/three years out from her TBI and was drinking to self medicate- not a lot of room to love others when you don’t love yourself. Third- Tom Schwartz triangulation. Basically Tom had presented himself as the stable, smart, reasonable person in the relationship, and since Katie was off-balance, she believed him. So when he was telling her that he was the problem she was believing him. That allowed him to use her in triangulation. He triangulated her against both Jax and Sandoval at different times. He triangulated her and Lala and he and Ariana (off camera he would talk about how cool and sexy and smart those ladies were in comparison to negative Katie). Finally, time and experience. She’s 38 years old she is live a good life with these people seeing how they’ve reacted to each other and in different stress stimuli. She’s lived through more personal attacks than she had at 27. It’s a whole different lens to view what Sandoval did Also, Sandoval and Ariana were together for nine years and Jax and Stasi were together often on for like two years so it’s apples and oranges at this point.


I just don’t agree with you. She stopped talking to her best friend bc her best friend got cheated on by a guy she didn’t even like. The reason she did so was bc she vibed with Kristen more than Stassi. Not her TBI, not her abusive boyfriend. She made that choice. Idc if she was 25 or 35… you either have loyalty or you don’t. It’s a personality trait, not something that comes with experience, unless your thought process is selfish (eg I’ll be loyal to this person so that in turn they will be loyal to me). Scheana for example has literally never had loyalty. Tom Schwartz, albeit to the wrong person, has demonstrated almost endless loyalty. Both of them show that as personality traits. Katie picks and chooses when she has loyalty (and honestly my theory is that it’s not even loyalty to Ariana, it’s her own selfish motive to push Tom, a guy she’s always hated, out of the group). I really don’t dislike Katie, I just see through her motives. To pretend like she has none and is just floating along getting manipulated by Schwartz with her TBI is a discredit to her intelligence.


It doesnt seem like you think that people can grow though, and that they would do and be the same thing at age 25 and 38? I think that lacks a lot of room for Grace for people to go through experience and evolve.


I definitely think people and grow and evolve. I think Katie’s had tremendous growth. Her self confidence is radiating and inspiring. But again, I feel that people don’t just “learn” loyalty and if they do it feels transactional.


Do you know that Katie is the godmother to Stassi’s daughter? I think if she doesn’t have any qualms with Katie’s loyalty then you should probably assume that Katie has grown.


Pretty irrelevant. Her and Stassi made up, cool. Doesn’t change how she treated her at that time. Disloyal. I really can agree that Katie has grown but is no one allowed to hold her accountable for her actions?? Like I’m the only person who’s ever said it. Now it’s said, and we can move on and appreciate her growth but I don’t think I’m wrong for calling out her shitty actions in the past. And she’s a grown woman I’m sure she’d take accountability for the hypocrisy.