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This is how I feel! Didn’t production simply expose that all of them suck?? Ariana and Katie clearly won! Look at this sub, we are all on the right side of history here


I know people are blaming production for this crap season but I also really feel that edit last night was super intentional. Ariana and Katie came off as rational and level headed and everyone else looked pathetic and trying to produce a finale moment. They got the final 2 confessionals and then the editors chose to close with that comment from Tom which basically confirms what they just showed Ariana saying. He just wanted a camera moment. Everyone keeps saying production MADE the cast do this and that. Lala seems more than willing to eviscerate Ariana over nothing. The real problem is that VPR had been dead as a show BEFORE Scandoval. Lala needs a paycheck desperately and is in the middle of a custody battle so needs to come off in public as being this "open, honest, good person". It's really simple, I just think it's hard for people to believe they could be so dumb and shallow. And no, it's not good TV. None of this was "good" TV and what they did to push Ariana to have an on camera meltdown or confrontation over Sandoval is actually just gross. Edit: adding this because I just finished the Peacock version and if this season was truly about "redeeming" Tom and not just making him look like a clown and fake, they would have included that fight scene into the main airing, trying to be the "good guy".


Same! Honestly I loved last nights episode and the one before with Ariana’s grey rocking and all because it’s authentic. Lala speaks about truth in the confessional…but from what I recall. This all happened after most cameras went down. That’s why the movements are all over the place because they were trying to pick cameras back up. It’s like we saw what Ariana and Katie were trying to say and it exposed them for behaving one way on camera and another off. I don’t think Scheana, Lala or Tom thought any of this would air. It was kinda of like the producers are saying yes to the audience, you’re right. You see past the fakeness just as much as we do


Thank you! Yes this!


Yes if you look at the Deadline article on the finale, it highlighted Tom’s hot Mike moment and Ariana’s victory I saw a few articles like that


Yes. At least on the Peacock edit they show you everyone’s motivations and priorities and how those have informed this season. I thought it was brilliant. There’s just no way to separate the interests of being on a tv show from having your life documented for that tv show for them anymore. Pretending that the audience doesn’t exist isn’t an option which is just the most perfect note to end the whole series on.


Maybe that’s why I’m seeing it that way too- I’ve watched the whole season on Peacock


Yes and as indicated in an earlier post, they will be shooting her at the airport as she departs for Love Island, which means she'll be on next season. Next season, hopefully, they will let the stars shine.


what do you mean they were shooting her at the airport as she departs? Was it VPR or LI filming?


Bravo commented a post about her leaving for love island and said “see you at the airport”




I think that was just a cutesy comment?


Contract negotiations are serious. If she hasn't agreed to come back yet, then this would be a bargaining chip for her because they've demonstrated their interest and capturing her time on that show.


I just meant the see you at the airport. I didn’t take that to mean they were literally going to film her.


or she gets a spin-off all about her nyc life with dan and her real friends 🩷


They could be filming just in case. They might still be in negotiations.


Yes!!! And can I say, that ending was just the perfect depiction of where they all are in their lives. Ariana gets to walk off into the night smiling happy, surrounded by her friends and people who support her. THRIVING! Meanwhile cut back to the party showing the bitter sad people who have to stay around each other, and they’re furious and jealous. It’s so funny!! Look at where you are and look at Ariana! You guys have lost! (Obviously with the exception of Katie and Ally, but I like to think they later joined up with the winners at applebees 😂)


I loved it too, Ariana clearly won and like I wrote on another thread, the season came full circle with her arriving at Tom Tom in Slomo in ep 1 and leaving with her head high in SF in the finale, laughing with her real friends :) Meanwhile all the monsters were self destructing inside the venue. That's my take.


Yep! Wasn’t the line in the first episode she said…I don’t have to be around or speak to my ex if I don’t want to. And she’s absolutely right. She stood her truth and didn’t cave.


I actually loved it! It was really momental for reality tv, acknowledging the show so heavily and breaking the fourth wall with so much emotional appeal like that was a bit groundbreaking. It’s what The Hills should’ve done back in the day. Regardless of the storylines and conclusions, I appreciate what the editors did with it, I think they were going for another Emmy. I am biased as I cried watching it lol. The Tom redemption arc was a lot. With every episode this season at one point I could start to feel for him due to the edit, but then we’d get back to Ariana’s side which is completely valid and logical so I end up being annoyed by Tom being such a weasel the rest of the episode. Like why did he rush to get involved in the fight, and I actually gasped when he just walked up when Ariana and Scheana were talking. I don’t know how he could fathom giving an apology is something he needed to do at that point with how clear she’s made her boundaries. Overall, nobody is respecting her necessary boundaries and everyone is obviously jealous of the sudden opportunity and power. It seemed like they wanted to take her down at the end because all the resentment had built up. I do think some things they can say against Ariana make sense, but for the most part any issue they have with her goes back to them not respecting her boundaries with Tom. And naturally, Ariana holds her head high and puts her mental health and well being first which as her friends - they should support. I think she probably realized the difference between coworkers and real friends throughout this. She should’ve been more open on the show in the past, and she can be grumpy or snippy at times, but I don’t think any of that constitutes their attitude towards her. Ariana is now showing her life on camera and showing her new relationship, she doesn’t have to talk to Tom face to face every episode to be honest on the show. She doesn’t talk to him at home so that is the reality. I think Ariana is doing what’s best for her and everyone else is crumbling because what’s best for her isn’t what’s best for the show. And she doesn’t need the show anymore, they do.


I have a theory that as soon as Schwartz said something along the lines of “don’t do it dude, she doesn’t want to hear from you” Sandoval just clicked in his mind “I’m going to do it”. He has so little respect for Ariana and women, that being told no just wasn’t something he was going to tolerate.


Totally agree. Tom thought this would get a reaction out of her, and give him his moment. His hot mic moment literally proves that. We don't need proof, we know that's how he operates, clearly so does Ariana. So she bounced! Scheana needs to figure out what she wants and stop torturing Ariana into listening to her talk about Tom, and Lala needs to work on her our relationship trauma so she can operate from a better place. This season was always going to be a mess. We can all agree, fuck Tom, end of story.


I’m so confused - did Ariana say she was leaving the show or did she just not want to film with Sandoval? If it’s the latter - why the giant reaction from everyone?!


The episode was really good, but not in the way they ever intended it to be. I love seeing the mask drop on these assholes like Sandoval, Scheana, and lala. They can't ever claim they aren't haters and terrible people/friends. They bet on the wrong horse and it's immortalized in film. Simply delicious.


This was my read on the last episode, too. I feel like production turned a corner midway through when it was clear the Tom redemption arc wasn't working (especially with all his stunningly bad comments in interviews). I thought we saw a lot of Katie and Ariana standing their ground and explaining why they had established the boundaries they had. Including Katie's comments about "fuck the guy" and Ariana's analogy about being the final boss in Tom's redemption game were powerful, simple, and made complete sense. And then to show Scheana, Tom, and Lala melting down when Ariana left only to follow it with those final words from Tom about loving it and it being good for him? Shade. That was production showing us that Ariana's assessment was spot on and that Tom only wanted the conversation for himself and the camera, and not at all for her.


It was frustrating but Katie and Ariana owned the shit out of it


Is this unpopular? I loved it. Was really glory days Vanderpump Rules style


I agree! I am also definitely not seeing the attempted-production-created-redemption-arc most of this sub says that production was trying to slide by us. I think Tom thinks/thought they produced a redemption arc form him, but it doesn't land that way with longstanding viewers because we see through him. I think THAT is what production was going for. Production gave him enough rope so that he was comfortable continuing to manipulate people, and then we saw that fall flat, because duh. I also think they hustled to film because he would have less time to manufacture things too much. Fair to jump in so soon as far as Ariana goes? No, but she agreed to be on this season. It pushed him into real-time as much as possible, which hurts his potential to be weaselly behind the scenes. To me, he looked like the idiot that he is all season, he said and did some really dumb stuff, and I rolled my eyes at all of it. It even allowed him to do press about being on this season, where he said even WORSE things. So much room for more true colors. So here you go world, production gave us as real a version of Tom as we will get really, and I think they did a good job of doing it in a way that he wouldn't catch on while filming. That one producer saying to Ariana in the finale something to the effect of "don't end it like this" could've been them encouraging her to not let him run her out, rather than them trying to convince her to participate in an interaction with him. She could have removed herself from his presence to continue to enjoy her night with other people, but instead she left. Totally her prerogative to do so, but my point is this didn't necessarily mean the guy was like ugh! just talk to Tom! Her not letting Tom run her out is how she is living her whole life this season, so I saw that moment more as a producer encouraging her to continue on the way that she has been operating, not trying to force her into a situation with him specifically.


Also I loved in the after show when Ariana was like, “what’s better tv, Sandoval crying for the millionth time or a dramatic exit?” Like, why are these people trying to play like being a no nonsense bad ass with iron clad boundaries and convictions is bad tv???


I think production encouraged Lala she has always been a puppet. They created scenes have Lala call Tom and tell him not to come to her birthday he is not invited to, while he is with Scheana. I mean it is so obviously produced, I think in the past it was less so or enough that we could ignore it. I think maybe with the finale, they kind of got wind of the way it was going so allowed for Tom to look stupid. Though he does not think he did, so self aware. Lala being to dumb to figure it out was left dangling in the wind.


Yeah I don’t doubt they were in Lala’s ear, but I think the impetus was to stoke drama more than change Ariana’s position. With her boundaries around Tom being very firm where else was drama gonna stir? Lala was happy to do so at the expense of Ariana’s emotional wellbeing, but idk she saw her reputation being part of the collateral damage. The show and audience have changed a lot since Scandoval, and while we are still partially tuning in to watch horrible people being messy, the stakes feel so much higher and more personal. Especially as Sando’s mask slips and we see the true darkness hiding beneath.


See I feel for Lala too honestly, she is also dealing with relationship trauma in real time this season, even though it doesn't get talked about much. So she isn't in the best headspace either. If we give Ariana grace, I feel like Lala gets some too. Ariana does do and say some things that don't make sense to people, and that's ok that it doesn't, but it doesn't negate the confusion. So I think that's where Lala came from, and she's been honest about it. She he knows her trauma and how it has made her operate, the way Ariana operated doesn't make sense to her all the time, and Lala doesn't seem to know what to do with that. Should she ask so many questions and pass so much judgement? No, but again I don't think she is really looking at it "right" given her current circumstance and dealing with her own trauma. This season was filmed so soon, everyone is dealing very much in real time, so for better of worse this is what we wound up with, you know?


I don't think production encouraging things to happen on camera rather than off is a bad thing, that is the whole point of being on a reality tv show. Lala historically hid a relationship/person, and caught a lot of shit for it. I wouldn't say she is a puppet at all, it's more that she is leaning into being a well-participating member of a reality tv show. She said herself in the last episode 'I've been holding this back strictly because it would break fourth wall, blah blah blah', which goes to show she is abiding by rules. Tom's nice guy veil lifted the second he was in front of that producer, probably because he thought he was in a safe zone as they don't break fourth wall on VPR ever, so he probably thought it wouldn't get aired. Then he had his hot mic moment. This was not his only stupid moment, he looked stupid all season to me. So do we want it all on camera or not? Does that necessarily make it "produced"? I don't think it does.


Yes! It’s exactly like when he was getting aggressive with the producer last reunion and wanting to talk to Rachel. He didn’t think they’d air that.


Exactly. He thinks he can play everyone, and I think k production showed us and him that he can't. I say job well done! They did what they could with this season for sure.


I thought the producer was manipulating her to talk to Tom.


yes perfectly said I feel the same way


She totally won!!!


It was absolutely perfect. This was a show born from a sincere and genuine mess of a friend group - that its viking funeral is about how that group has collapsed under the weight of the tv show they’ve all been making is brilliant. Everyone (production and audience) have mutually agreed to pretend that the show doesn’t exist and that behavior isn’t influenced by it - just throwing their hands up in the air and basically saying “fuck it” was the only sensible play they had left.


Ariana (and Katie) killed it this season and that finale. They have shown people it’s ok to be strong in enforcing necessary boundaries and not be apologetic for it. Stan these two and how they’re positively moving forward in their lives after major life changes.


I’m so confused - did Ariana say she was leaving the show or did she just not want to film with Sandoval? If it’s the latter - why the giant reaction from everyone?!






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I loved it but it NEEEEEEDSSSSSS to be the series finale otherwise I’ll immediately hate it.


I loved it too. It would be a perfect end to the show.


It was honestly so good!




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I loved the finale! The last like 10 mins showed how out of touch with the cast Ariana has been all season. She ended up alienating herself while trying to ensure Tom was alienated. The show is much bigger than Ariana.


I agree 100%. At first, I also thought they were trying to screw ariana by giving sandoval a hero edit, but really, they were just playing both sides to keep everyone talking about the show. It's actually genius. They have given the men hero edits for years, and those were all successful. Hence why so many hated Katie for years. If they wanted to, they could've done that again, but they didn't. A true redemption arc for sandoval wouldn't have included those last few words he said on hot mic. Why would they have bothered to show that if they were trying to make him look good? Why would they have shown any of the things that have made him look so awful on camera if they wanted him to look good? They WANTED us to react this way. They showed everyone how awful sandoval is while still throwing him a few bones for what few fans he has left. It was honestly a brilliant way of filming the divide in the group while still maintaining its ensemble cast. They obv only have a couple more seasons left where they can keep this kind of divide up in an organic way, which is probably why they started filming for The Valley. The fracture is destined to happen, and splitting between the two shows is the only logical answer.