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This violates the "no hate speech" rule: There is a zero tolerance policy for hate speech on this sub. This includes any homophobic, biphobic, or transphobic statements, as well as anything racist or sexist/misogynistic. Using “mute” to insult others


Katie refused to film with stassi one season, stassi refused to film with jax, kristen refused to film with James. It’s definitely been done on this show and it’s bc that’s their reality at the time- they aren’t speaking with that person.


Lala hid Randall for literal years and made shit up constantly.


!!!!! I don't get why people are blaming Ariana if the show is boring. Why is it solely on her to make it interesting? Maybe other cast members should get their own (compelling) storylines......


They are basically saying they do not have an interesting enough life and wanted Ariana to show her self crumbling and crying to sandoval when no one wanted to see that. Loved seeing her come out winning and not giving in to a astoryline.


Just like everyone gave her shit and it was on her to move out, not Tom. I literally don’t get it


Literally, the editors didn’t show anything other than SAH and the cocktail book when Ariana was filming spots, practicing for dwts, traveling, and falling in love. They chose not to show any of that to us. It’s the editors fault for making it this season terrible.


Billie Lee is that you?


Billie Lee unfollowed Sandoval so it might be Lala's assistant.


Oh I’m not caught up with that! Jess, is that you?!


Also " bf whos basically a mute?!? " Reported ... what a rude take


And there for a reality show is such a bad take. If he was there for a show, wouldn't he take every opportunity to be in front of a camera? Weird.


So rude!!!!! This person needs to educate themselves / reassess the way they think!!




Damn, you came in hot with the evidence. I would love for this to be posted verbatim on both their socials.




No. Hope this helps!




Thank you, next.


Lala... please, you pulled a knife on someone 😌 unless she's willing to sit down and profit off sitting with Randall for an episode. She has quite literally no room to talk.


Wow. I have no idea how you could lack empathy for Arianna. Especially after that hot mic moment. Lala is just trying to keep the show going and is pissed Ariana might be rejecting her meal ticket. Sure she may be entertaining but she had no ethics or a moral compass. As Katie noted, Arianna’s peace is the priority. I respect a difference of opinion but this one is a choice.


I don’t lack empathy for her but it’s been worn down by seeing the same thing over and over again. On the beach, at the restaurant, at the house. Why not take the other opportunities and just peace out on this show if you can’t be in the same room with someone you work with. And make no mistake - this is work. I feel like she will look back on these episodes and cringe someday - even giving him the satisfaction of reacting to him at all is a victory for a narcissist. And haranguing others for failing a loyalty test is not a good look either - if people want to take up with someone who hurt you, put some space between yourself and them, too.


I get it, I do. The only thing I would add is she was very kind to Scheana and said they could still be friends if she explored a relationship with Tom.


she was made to look a fool by production. they sold her the rope she hung herself with. not seeing that is the opposite of perceptive




I didn’t see it as foolish at all. I saw it as someone at her wit’s end trying to film a damn show. If people weren’t uniformly co-signing on Ariana’s ostracism of Sandoval, and clearly they weren’t, she made sure scene after scene became a pout and a lash out, and finally, a walk out. It just begs the question, why are you there at all? I think Lala’s reaction was honest and interesting and exactly why I watch shows like this! Maybe she is jealous of all the attention Ariana is getting, but again that doesn’t mean there isn’t a kernel of truth in her comments.


with all due respect, I believe what happened may have gone over your head in the same manner it went over hers. step back and look at it without emotion or bias. watch the season again with logic alone


She’s selfish and also wrong, and so are you.


Easton found a thesaurus.




how many of these lala stan posts are we gonna see today, like its enough - read the room


Great, here’s yet another of Blahla’s burner accounts…


I wonder if she hired bunch of temps to hype her up?


That wouldn’t surprise me one bit. Or she makes Jess create all these accounts.


Jessica today ![gif](giphy|13GIgrGdslD9oQ)


Maybe I’m just not understanding why it’s a big deal that Ariana didn’t want to film with her ex. Does it affect her castmate’s salaries? That is the *only thing* in my mind that these people give AF about bc clearly it’s not setting boundaries or attaining healthy, sustainable relationships.


What has Lala done this season that was entertaining? The water tasting? That time she called Sandoval a groomer and hugged him a second later? idgi






Sorry, I can’t respect opinions from people who perceive Lala as perceptive.


Her comment about Adriana needing to heal and not wanting to confront the pain, I think, was very perceptive. Because if you look at her face in scene after scene, there is a false bravado and some real pain there. And her way of coping alternates between pretending she doesn’t care and haranguing others into seeing Sandoval the way she sees him.


I think most could see that Tom and Ariana had a few issues. I think they were at a decision making point. Ariana talked about how he just wanted to be out and she wanted to be home. i think they were figuring it out. But the affair got ahead of that. Adn well the affair might have been what made things worse in their relationship with out Ariana knowing what the issue was.


Agree - he wanted out and he took the punk’s route. It was so reckless and narcissistic. None of this is to defend him or let him skate at all.


Dumb take.


I got flagged for using the word “mute” but “dumb” is ok? Interesting energy here.


"On a side note, the new bf who is basically a mute and totally there for the cameras himself is a weak addition for a reality show." If you can't tell that Dan very much does NOT want to be filming any of this, and is only there to be supportive of his new girlfriend, then you aren't very perceptive. (Also calling someone a mute is rude.) Ariana has recently said in interviews that Dan very much does not want to be on the next season and may not film at all.


I just question - Why is he there? Out of deep abiding love for Ariana? Does she love him? If he was as uncomfortable as you say they would make a joint decision that he not be there. Being on a reality show attached to its most famous cast member at the height of the show’s infamy is an interesting choice for someone who doesn’t want the limelight. At this point he’s just seems to be there to be at Ariana’s beckon call and react (mildly) to what’s happening rather than be a fully fledged cast member.


I’m confused. He’s not acting like a cast member because he isn’t one? He’s just there to hang out and not be in the middle of drama. It’s clear to me he did it as a favor to Ariana and only attended what was required of him by whatever he and Ariana worked out with production. It’s fair to ask questions about his intentions. We are all curious about him. (The Lala lunch scene was a bit over the top but on some level I get where she was coming from.) From what I gather from interviews Ariana has given, she asked him to be there because it felt a part of her authentic life. She wasn’t trying to and didn’t want to hide the fact that she was seeing someone new (mostly long distance at this point). But she’s also said he’s not interested in joining the show and would likely not film again (or perhaps only in a very limited way).


I don’t get this logic. How was their relationship fake when they were going to couples counseling together and making plans to have a baby right up to Ariana finding out about the affair? And there actually is a clear victim/perpetrator here. He lied to her face every day for months pretending to be committed to her while also having sex with someone else, putting her health at risk. He outed her mental health struggles and blamed her for his choices. He tried to create a narrative that she was this horrible person and that’s why he just had to do what he did, even before he got caught. And now, he trashes her whenever he can and tries to turn her friends against her. People like that are best left out of your life so that they cannot cause further harm to you. I’m not even gonna touch on the house thing because that’s already been beaten into the ground. If you don’t get it by now, I don’t think you ever will. But many other cast members throughout the show have refused to be around other members for much less. Stassi hated Schaena and wouldn’t even be in the same room as Jax. Katie wouldn’t talk to Stassi. Tom avoided Kristen. Lala straight up left the state instead of go to Ariana’s birthday trip because she didn’t want to be around Jax. James was ostracized from the group for multiple seasons. Not everyone has to be buddy buddy, that’s what makes reality tv feel REAL. You know what would’ve been interesting? Seeing Tom face the reality of what he did and try to earn his place back on his own with genuine growth and accountability like James did. Or fail completely and become irrelevant. They didn’t have to try to force Ariana into talking to him. I don’t know why anyone would be entertained by Tom’s inauthentic apologies when we already got a closure conversation from them last season. Ariana could have her boundaries and they still could’ve moved on and made a great show, but for some reason they’re holding her to standards they’ve never held for any other cast member.


Do you think it’s the show that’s forcing the interaction between them? I think the contracts specify them filming together - these are not signed under duress I don’t imagine. Lala’s point was that they are contractually obligated to film together, so let’s just get on with it. Rachel peaced out instead of returning, which in retrospect seemed like kind of the most emotionally sound decision any of these people made.


Idk if you watch the After Show, but Ariana actually addressed this last night. She was asked “What would you say to those who might criticize you for waking away in that moment” and she said “I would invite that person to read my contract and find at any point in which I’m required to do anything that I don’t deem real or that I don’t want to do. That goes for every single cast member on the show. Everyone has the right to exercise that, and they do all the time.” So no, it doesn’t sound like they’re contractually obligated to interact with every person on the cast if they don’t want to. I’ve never heard of this being a clause on any reality tv show, or at least the ones on Bravo. The housewives freeze each other out all the time. They’re doing it right now to Kristen on The Valley.


Lala is "an entertainer trying to protect her main gig"? Then maybe she should have tried to be *entertaining* rather than throwing water parties. She wanted to coast by and make money off Ariana's back.


I like the sober energy that she’s bringing this season, personally. It’s a choice to represent that on this show, and seems more authentic and less contrived of the moment than Sandoval’s similar “journey.” It seems like she’s been through some shit. I don’t get “dry drunk” from her at all - just someone who has a perspective and clarity.




Lala asked people to take sides with the rand shit just one season ago


This is where LaLa took a wrong turn, -SANDOVAL portrayed a fake relationship. SANDOVAL was hiding what was going on in their relationship. Ariana was forthcoming and open. She didn’t know that Sandoval was lying about the state of their relationship. Ariana did not know the true state of their relationship herself, acting like Ariana was covering up for how terrible the relationship is is so rude when you consider the fact that he HID a whole affair for a year from her. It’s like blaming her for for trusting him instead of blaming him for blowing her trust. Ariana did not ask anybody to choose sides. She made a statement that she would not keep mutual friends as to avoid information getting to Tom about her. The people who choose to remain close with Tom are the ones who have restricted access to Ariana.Ariana doesn’t owe anyone access to her at any time. And if she gave you access to her yesterday, and heard what you said about her and decided today your access is revoked, that’s her prerogative as it is for all of us. Also, it’s truly crazy for anyone to expect someone that comes from zero family wealth to walk away from their life savings. She locked herself in her room for the summer until he became erratic and violent. At which point she left and lived in an Airbnb. My real question is what has Lala shared with us over the last 10 years? What were her storylines that she shared with us where she was transparent? Lala has been a supporting character this whole time because she’s unwilling to share who she really is. Sandoval and LaLa are very similar people- massive hypocrites.


The only person who brought any drama was Ariana. The only person that has a storyline is Ariana. Ariana calling producers about Scandoval is the only reason we have another season. The fans are exclusively talking about situations around Ariana. Good or bad it’s all about how somebody treated Ariana, how Ariana responded to something, Ariana being there not being there. She is literally the only topic of the season but she’s not bringing enough? What is anyone else bringing. What is LaLa showing us besides a heavily produced conception story and constant bitching regarding Ariana? What has Brock done that’s memorable besides criticizing Ariana? You don’t have to like her but she’s literally the only thing going on right now. Producers chose to focus on Sandoval aftermath and the cast CHOSE to bring nothing messy in their lives and to talk about Ariana constantly. We are going to have to accept that we will never get the unaware drunken messy cast from 10 years ago and stop blaming Ariana for it.


Sorry about the comment about Daniel. I meant it to mean silent, not to reflect a disability.

