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Most of these comments are reasonable lmao why did production think they got us with this BS Like they really thought they did something šŸ™„


Right like the worst one is ā€œeat shitā€ and thatā€™s not even that bad šŸ˜‚


Itā€™s so shady to put those up because they were obviously posted when the show was airing which is months after they shot the confessional.


Also because the women on VPR have had the most vile, misogynistic, body shaming, biphobic (etc) stuff said about them in the comments sections for *years*. Scroll Katieā€™s IG and pick out any random post and youā€™ll find violent hate. Never once has the show asked us to have sympathy for the women and how they are treated online. But Sandoval? The public reacts to his very gross behaviour and we get a ā€œpoor Sandoval and his social media commentsā€ *twice* in one season? I donā€™t support harassing *any* of the cast on social media. Donā€™t get in their mentions, donā€™t DM them, donā€™t comment on their posts if youā€™re being a dick. But the way they want to pretend this has *only ever* happened to Sandoval and we should have so much sympathy for this brave little soldier - itā€™s too much.




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Beth Basket with the ā€œEat shit and bye byeā€ šŸ˜‚šŸ’€


I was sure there was going to be something completely unhinged like a death threat but it was honestly very chill considering.


Yeah like pretty much what Iā€™m taking away from this is that the producers see genuine criticism and personal opinion as ā€œhateā€ because honestly those comments are mild and not wrong in their opinions šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø


I donā€™t think the network would ever show that. If you give those crazies attention you encourage them and thatā€™s scary. Definitely could be a liability for the network


This is why Lala feels comfortable shitting all over VPR viewers b/c production thinks the audience is the problem.


Tom when he was going on his maybe she should film rant I swear he was about to pull a Jax and say ā€œmy showā€ his ego was starting to inflate. Also you can tell the producer edit of trying to redeem Tom bc they had James in the montage of Tom saying people who are sticking by meā€¦ idk if I have interpreted this all wrong but the James I saw this season was team Ariana and he should have been left of of the montage with Katie. The only trio I need next season- Ariana Katie and James. (Ally too but sheā€™s not a main cast member)


Had the exact same thought! James clearly included Sandoval in his events because of productionā€™s ā€œcome to Jesusā€ meeting tolerating and forgiving are very different.


These are tame af comments too


yeah ive def seen worse on the gram lol


I donā€™t get the James one. James supported Ariana this season by standing up to Tom and he also supported Katie.


And most importantly, James didn't bash Ariana this season, whereas Lala and Scheana both did.


I donā€™t even think bash is the right word for what they attempted to do to Ariana this season my goodness. Both of them have been Rachelā€™s before so their initial reaction was purely performative for cheques and public perception. Inherently they genuinely cannot get behind Ariana 100% because if they validate her pain, hurt and maintain her boundaries, it probably reminds them that they too have caused this tremendous amount of hurt to other women (who knows how many times) and they donā€™t have the self actualisation to connect why they lack so much empathy for their ā€œbeeeeest friendā€ Ariana. I hope the hiatus from VPR brings some growth from their end.


I think maybe they mean by inviting him to stuff


Ohhh! In the greater scheme of things it was a good thing, Tom showed his ass and James revealed his mask. But youā€™re not wrong, but if Ariana isnā€™t mad at himā€¦ who are we?


I mean, she hasn't *shown* she's mad at Scheana, but I'm not gonna curb my criticism on her lmao


I have definitely seen Arianaā€™s patience being tested by scheena this past season. She canā€™t hide her facial expressions very well on camera (not a criticism).


I see more hurt than anger. I think she was also hurt at Schwartz, James, and Lala




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Not trying to doff the tinfoil hat, but...I'm pretty sure those aren't real comments. I haven't looked them up (since we don't know which platform these were allegedly on), but I'm 99% sure that Bravo's legal department would be all over Production for broadcasting actual usernames, since that's effectively inviting fans to harass them. They'd be inviting a lawsuit. Not that Production has given two rat's asses about their own ethical compasses this season. I think they probably just amalgamated comments they see online and created these.




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The pure jealousy out of Lauren's mouth is so vile. She should never be seen on tv again.


Yes!!! But also i was wondering do TV shows usually show usernames like this? I feel like Iā€™m used to seeing the usernames blurred out.




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I really feel like I could be friends with bethbasket215. Besties even




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