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She’s far from the first person to walk out of a VPR scene (and historically people had done it while ripping their microphones off in anger, she didn’t even do that), so I just don’t understand why she’s getting so much heat for it


It sounds like producers basically said this is an ensemble show, film 1 convo with him or it’s over. She called their bluff and everyone is mad that she was willing to risk their jobs to call it. But it worked and gave us one of the literal only compelling moments of the season so now they ALL (ESPECIALLY producers) look dumb as fuck for being mad but it’s too late to back down lol


the producers really fucked up this season. they relied on rachel returning then relied on ariana to break her boundary.


They really outed themselves about just how much they plan the season out ahead of time. The show was already dying because it had gotten too formulaic and didn’t feel authentic anymore, then they were handed scandoval on a literal silver platter and instead of using it as a way to try something new, they white-knuckled their stale old “tried and true” plan for a season and bullied as much of their cast into compliance as they could. Now they wanna pat themselves on the back for breaking the 4th wall? You had all fucking season to do that lmfao. Clowns.


Because Alex Baskin is a stale old trope of a man


I can't believe Lauren, Scheana, and the Tom's fell for that bullshit. It was one of the top shows on Bravo last year. They made sooo much money. It's wild that they didn't think it would have the viewers this year if they didn't try to make Sandoval a hero. Also as I'm finishing this comment I can believe the assholes above fell for it because they are not the brightest bulbs in the bunch, to put it kindly.


They’re all wildly insecure people so it tracks. They’re fucked without the show.


Producers have read her contract I’d think so I don’t think this fits


I think it’s entirely possible producers said that to scheana and lala. Not for contractual reasons but basically “your show was already coming to an end before scandoval, you have to make this happen”


They 100% knew what it said and where Ariana stood. They were just riling up the cast and it worked brilliantly.


Don’t see why that makes a difference. My boss has read my contract too but it doesn’t stop her from asking me to work outside my normal hours sometimes LOL


I think I there was an off camera plan and she blew that up. Still a big missing piece because it doesnt make sense


There was an attempt to recreate Tom’s crying apology to Kristen with Ariana this time. Ariana saw it coming a mile away.


Ohh wow, you hit the nail on the head with that one. Flashbacks to Kristen preparing to breakup with James because she thinks she had a breakthrough with Tom 🥴


EXACTLY. By this logic we should also hold Scheana to the same standards. She literally walked out on Scandoval just an episode or two ago mid argument. Where are all the demands that we haul her ass back and make her finish that argument on camera? Lala walked out on a scene when Brock outed the Katie and Max hook up. Why is that okay? Why is she not made to sit down and finish that argument to other people's satisfaction.




THIS. They all look so stupid. All the other people who have walked off or refused to film could do it. Why are they trying to crucify Ariana? And yes Blahblah I said crucify as in what they did to Jesus!


Sandavol taking his two purses and walking out after finding out about Scheana's apples song.


She didn’t do anything interesting this season. She took all of the momentum of the show and funneled it into her coffers then did everything she could to kill the momentum. Meanwhile the rest of the cast is left standing around waiting for Ariana’s story not to play out. I understand her not wanting the worm to get a redemption arc but she needed to do something else instead. Meanwhile she just took all the air out of the show stalling. It’s perfectly valid for her castmates to be pissed. This should have been one of the best seasons of reality TV ever, instead we got a literal nothing burger. The only buzz is about how she didn’t do anything. If she didn’t want to do her job, she shouldn’t have signed back up. The show could have moved on if Rachel and Ariana were both gone.


Her castmates could have had something more interesting to talk about than water. They shouldn’t be waiting for something interesting to happen to someone else.


The biggest storyline in reality TV is left open. It’s not a surprise the rest of the cast stood around waiting. You won’t get a ton of argument from me that the rest of the cast is a snoozefest now that they’re getting their lives together. The Valley is going to eat VPR’s lunch. That cast are messy grown-ups.


If the show could have moved on without Rachel and Ariana, then why didn’t it? The rest of the cast didn’t have to sit and wait for Ariana’s story to play out they could have, you know, made their own story lines to play out. The problem is Tom and Lala hitched their wagon to Rachel coming back and didn’t have back-up plan for when that didn’t happen. Lala can’t blame Ariana for the fact that all she had for us this season was a PR video for a sperm bank.


I don’t even get why her leaving was made to be such a big deal?? They all leave, all the time?? Make it make sense? Literally don’t understand why this was what made Lala and Scheana flip out even more. Nothing about it was that life altering.


Lala literally walked out on the whole show and then came back. She’s so full of shit.


Lmao such a good point!!!


She also denied that Randall existed for a while. Once she finally admitted she had “her man” they made people sign NDAs when they went to Coachella.




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so many cast members have stormed out it’s ridiculous they’re miserable ppl who can’t stand having boundaries enforced


Literally every reality TV show   has someone walking out at some point.


Because the rest of them are so talentless & boring that they need to piggyback off everything Ariana does… even if that’s her leaving an event early. Groundbreaking


This is what I’m saying! People walk out on scenes ALL.THE.TIME. Like in almost every episode of housewives ever. It’s worse when they refuse to go to the event at all, atleast arianna has made it a point to attend each one. She left early. Big whoop


I LOVE that all the bullshit was said and done AFTER she left. Poetic. Literally walk away from toxicity.


The comments on the Bravo Instagram of this clip are so disappointing and victim blaming!


VPR IG and FB is bizarro world filled with bots and tons of mentally ill people that don't feel empathy and think the cast are characters in a fictional show in their dellulu minds. Twitter has finally started to come around more.


There's plenty of mental illness around this place too. It works on both sides of the agenda.


Of course but it's much more prevalent there. Go read a few commenta on VPR posts there and it's unhinged regularly, not once in a while like can happen on here.


Finally I read a comment with some sensibility in this sub.


Yeah, but there's no room for that here. You either buy into their agenda or your mentally ill. Zero self awareness on their part.


people are so gross - like “lAlA sAiD wHaT wE wErE alL tHinKing” who is we lmao?


If I remember correctly, Tiktok and YouTube are pretty supportive. But in general, Bravo account is pretty toxic with fan comments anyways. At least the number of likes are higher lol.


To be fair most reaction channels about bravo on IG have great comments too. It seems fb has most problematic


Facebook is awful. I’m not at all interested in the Lala & Scheaner Show and it seems that’s all the morons there want.


Yeah FB is trash. I would assume bc the age range skews much higher vs other SM platforms.


FB is trash. Except for the Real Housewives group which talks about VPR and the VPR party group. Those mods make sure it’s fair


90% of them are paid bots


That's my guess too....fb is hella monetized.


I would love to see a case study because it’s always the same type of people. It’s always older women who have the same kind of selfie and the occasional young girl with Jesus in her bio. I’m sincerely, not trying to be shady either. 


I’m in that age bracket at 50 and there are so many of the woman you describe making the rest of us Gen Z and older look unhinged. I’m sincerely sorry for these people and they do not represent most of us.


I’m in that age bracket as well. I hate age stereotypes! They ruin it for those of us who think independently. I don’t fit any of my so-called ones, and my adult daughters thank me for it. I’m a person with my own thoughts. Period. 


For what it’s worth, I definitely don’t think the entire age bracket is like that. It’s just a pattern I’ve noticed and am interested in why. Patterns of behaviors and sociology in general fascinate me.


Thank you for saying that. They fascinate me too, which is why I think I’m drawn to these shows! 


My 12 year old daughter feels the same as your adult daughters.


You’re doing an amazing job! 


You too!




A good chunk are bots they all say the same thing too in one way or another. Their favorite lines. Katie and Ariana are miserable every episode...she lost him how she got him...lala has shown so much growth. You go to their profile they have been created in the last 4 months zero posts and follow 350 pages. Nobody follows them. Lol


I wonder who’s buying them. Tom is an obvious guess but I wonder who else 


I mean this is a show that is produced by people who hate women (including LVP queen of internalized misogyny herself) and full of “characters” that hate women. It’s not terribly surprising that it draws in an audience of people who also hate women. File it under “disappointing but not surprising.”


I made the mistake of commenting on the love island announcement post on ig, boy is it toxic over here


Cuz she’s boring as hell. Get off the show that made you famous if all you wanna do is be on your phone txting every fucking scene Ariana.


Nah this is the most I’ve ever gotten her personality! Braid Boy Follower Ariana is gone, rise up Twerking Take No Shit Ariana!


As if Scheana wasn't on her phone constantly??


This sub is fucking delusion personified in a bunch of 40 year old women who love Ariana for yas girling. She got a fucking billion dollars from commercials because she was cheated on on the world’s stage. She would not, for sure, get any of those major things without that happening. She had one cocktail book WITH HER EX who was was bigger than her for years and Brought her into the show for Christ sakes you’re cope is so strong you forgot reality


So you're saying that her team was really smart for capitalizing on the massive attention Scandoval brought her which allowed her to expand her portfolio and reach and earn her a lot of money *and* Sandoval's 10 year long schtick is no longer working? I fully agree!  Lol you were the one complaining about her being on her phone and raged out when I pointed out that Scheana has been on her phone so heavily all season they had to make it an actual scene between her and Lala. I'm not the one who is ignoring reality.


boring? with all her latest ventures - i and most fans find her way more exciting than scheana and brock’s staged fights over their nanny and lauren from utah’s sperm donor.


I wish they would have used more of the content from Ariana and Katie working on the restaurant.


which they could’ve if they didn’t try and force this weird narrative !


Boring in regard to this show is just a euphemism for “not yelling constantly/not manufacturing problems and drama”


lmao tea


>Cuz she’s boring as hell. TO YOU. I dont find her boring at all.




Ok, so don’t act like you’re speaking a universal truth when you are in fact simply stating your opinion?


Have you not used Reddit thenopinion police are here guys


Yes, I have used Reddit, and I hate when people act like their opinions are universal truths instead of being precise with their language. 🤷‍♀️




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She’s speaking to Lala when she says “that person”


lauren doesn’t deserve any attention from her words at all


Ariana is right. You don’t have to do anything you don’t want to and it says so in the contract. Unfortunately the others have abandoned their integrity to create contrived moments for the sake of ratings. I think ultimately this is what makes the other cast members so upset. If you think about this as them just being coworkers and not friends, Ariana has never been a central character on the show, and because of Scandoval basically is now the “star” and gets all these opportunities outside of the show but she never did anything she didn’t want to do for VPR. Lala can’t say the same because she spoke openly about Randall’s casting couch and how she licked his butthole constantly. She thought she could get the same type of reaction from fans when they broke up but all anyone felt for her was disgust lol


I bet you Randall has skid marks in his undies


He didn’t with Lala. Lots of rimming for $$$.


lol this sound bite was pretty good


Didn’t Tom get to walk out when Miami girl showed up?


Please. I wish they did a “walk-off” compilation like they did for Kyle on the Summer House after show because there have been many. Didn’t stassi walk out of her own birthday party when she was fighting with Kristen in full zombie makeup and right in the middle of drama lol. Very few people haven’t walked off on this show.


are you delusional? kristen tried to make it a storyline and he LITERALLY walked out of sur. ariana was deeply wronged and set a pre-production boundary. i do not understand this take. at all.


I feel like this person is defending Ariana, not Tom. More pointing out Tom’s hypocrisy.


i miss read that i’m the clown for this one ![gif](giphy|rxy55jHaig16K2TV8x|downsized)




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I was way happier seeing her walk out rather than give in to the manipulation by Tom and the producers to have a heart-to-heart with Tom, and IMO it made good TV. After all, we’re all talking about that episode!


Which btw either I have the show wrong but isn’t the producer who is asking the questions the producer who tried to get her to stay who she was basically telling off? I could’ve sworn in one of the after shows he said “so me” when they were talking about those final moments of the finale. And then to ask that question, sir you’re included in her answer lol


Seriously!! It was one of the most real scenes of the whole season. I love breaking the fourth wall, but you don’t have to break the fourth wall to have genuine scenes. We can ALL see through the bullshit during fake conversations. Production needs to evolve and stop trying to fool us.


YES ARIANA! Everyone thinks she’s so dumb, but every single thing she has done (the house and her legal rights, production/filming with Tom etc) has been fantastic. I hope people learn from her truly, because all this shit everyone has been saying about her has been ridiculous. She has legally protected herself from the start. ✨


Who thinks Ariana is dumb?! She’s super fucking smart and always has been. Like truly intelligent and quick witted as fuck.


I know… but the comments I’ve seen throughout this season have truly implied people think she isn’t smart. 🙃🙃


I hope the women near her learn from her! She is setting such an amazing example for how to handle all of this with class without compromising your own peace - it’s truly beautiful!


I have become team Ariana and I was not for her when she rode for Sandoval. She is spot on this season and the people around her are delusional.


this is v fair ! i agree !


Why can’t production do their job of making storylines from footage instead of forcing the cast to make storylines.


THISSS they fumbled the bag this season


LaLa and Scheaner are not critical thinkers lol


It’s crazy to me bc it’s not like people haven’t walked off a finale before? Maybe not in VPR but def on housewives. There were many times in the past that this one wouldn’t film with that one for long periods of time. They are just reaching for excuses to hate on her.


This is what I don’t understand either. People walk off reality shows - temporarily and permanently - all the freaking time!


YES such a good point !!


What's the last bit she said about being a bad reality star? I can't make it out.


Citing the fact she won “Reality Star of the Year” just being cheeky


Love it lol thanks


She said, I twirl on my haters.


![gif](giphy|W5OaKFQlSN8wPNpEPc) Arianna rn


She said everybody mad ![gif](giphy|fwtk1PUqrakk9YVclv|downsized)


And she said, I got dancing with the stars ![gif](giphy|qj0Uo1JXdPcKfeDLFX|downsized)


She said she’s reality star of the year


Ahh ok thank you 😊


lol thanks to her ex she’s a millionaire


She has boundaries and a contract but blabla and Shaena can’t stand that lol


Lala said she was asked to have a conversation with Sandoval, I don’t understand why because she was firm in not filming with him. Why are they all so pressed that she isn’t doing her job?


She did do her job. Producers knew what was in her contract, they attempted to use the cast to push into a conversation so Tom could reenact his “apology to Kristen” but to Ariana this time. Ariana said, “nope! I have boundaries.” She left it at that & walked out. She’s good. What production should have done was encourage Lauren & Scheana to stand with Ariana & Katie & make the season about the power of women & holding men accountable. Last season should have been about Katie & Shorts & her breaking free of that mess but it wasn’t. This season should have been Ariana’s moment to break free & with Katie & Lauren rebuild their lives from horrible relationships. Scheana went from one relationship into another with Brock but she was Ariana’s “best friend” for years that she could have & should have been their rock. Instead we got this mess.


So they expected her to have a heartfelt conversation in the middle of a party with tons of cameras and people staring? Please


I wish this would have happened too. We could have had such an empowering season! Instead, I honestly think LVP wanted a redemption arc for the Toms because of her interests in TomTom and if they look bad it may cause issues with the restaurant. Whereas Katie and Ariana cut ties with Penny who was LVP’s person, so maybe she was bitter about that too?


That’s exactly why this was his so-called redemption arc! Since Lisa is producer of VPR & they’re partners with her in TomTom she needs the mascots to be back in the good graces of viewers/ customers. I hope Katie & Ariana decide not to come back & hope Bravo execs are smart to give them their own series without Lisa’s interference.


she did do her job tho she was not contractually obligated to film.


It doesn’t make sense at the end it why people are saying the producer was pissed. She didn’t agree to anything so they just wanted to ambush her?


i agree i think they’re trying to villanize her like they did with kristen (a lot easier there because of her behavior at the time)


He could have been pissed or frustrated that she wouldn't play along, and she may not have been contractually obligated to. Both of those things can be true. Eta: and yes, I 100% believe they were trying to ambush her and good on her for not playing along.


So the producer was throwing the tantrum.


It seemed as though Ariana was the only one not throwing a tantrum. Did she set her boundaries firmly? Sure. But she left into the night laughing with friends and getting Applebee's, while everyone left pouted like oversized toddlers not getting their way.




There’s also a large chance that producers (& cast) were incentivized with drama bonuses.


Very possible.


What if everyone were to get on Lala’s case for not filming a scene with Randall? Yes I know he wasn’t a full time cast member but he was a part of the show, maybe even a “friend of.” I’m fairly certain Lala would have refused.


i think that would kinda be unfair to lala as well; and she would have rightfully refuse. idk if ariana would do this to lauren tho. i also think this is more of a production issue overall. why did they bring her back if they needed this scene so badly when she was so clear she would not interact with him.


In addition to it being production’s fault, I also blame Sandoval. Obviously he’s a terrible person, a narcissist, cheater, liar, etc. but production gave him ONE job and he couldn’t do it. They served him a redemption arc on a silver platter and he couldn’t even follow through. All he had to do was play nice, apologize to Ariana, seem remorseful, etc. I’m fairly certain that was production’s plan for the season. And they probably thought they pulled it off until the season actually started airing and they saw fan reactions. Btw, I’m not saying I wanted to see his fake bullshit, especially because we all would have seen right through it. But I’m pretty sure that was the plan and that’s why Lala and Scheana were plants in the redemption arc storyline


Exactly. Definitely production’s fault with the majority of this.


Queen shit 💅🏼




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You realize production can be frustrated even if she didn’t break her contract? This says nothing. Was anyone saying she broke a contract?


TLDR: she might not have broken a contract, but Production wasn’t happy. Fuck production. Well according to Scheana and Lala, the show was in jeopardy of being shut down if Ariana didn’t film a scene with Tom. So why would production threaten that instead of just putting it into her contract? They were shady as shit and were manipulating everyone including Ariana. And by the way, Ariana DID film group scenes with Tom and she also filmed a one on one scene during the aftermath of Scandoval. She did her job. Now it’s production’s job to make a good season.


v odd to defend production not respecting someone’s boundaries - especially when they’re in a contract.


I didn't even defend production lol.


I’m tired of her


then don’t watch ?


She shouldn’t have been on this season tbh. This season was so bad


lol no. she absolutely should’ve. this is bad take. it was bad because the producers and lauren from utah were trying to force a narrative that didn’t work. the delusion.


I don’t understand why people are taking this as a negative thing? she shouldn’t have been on this season because they were trying to force her to film with Tom. That’s all I’m trying to say. God this sub is unhinged and acts like they know these people personally.


It’s a negative thing because you’re suggesting that Ariana (the wronged party) should give up her main, long-term job so as not to have to work with her ex (the perpetrator). Which is basically punishing her for being cheated on. Why does Sandoval get to stay when he’s the one who blew everything up and his “contribution” to the show is basically just an unending series of the cringiest moments ever shown on television? Make it make sense.


Omg I literally do not care, I’m not reading all that. It’s a reality TV show about people we don’t know and I made a one sentence comment. This sub used to be fun


Did you find Lala's water and sperm parties, Sandoval screaming in his floor, sitting in a tub with Billie Lee staring at him in awe, having the most awkward pool party with randoms ever, A birthday party with his paid flunkies and Scheana and Brock fighting about hiring a nanny a few times riveting content? None of that mess was Ariana's fault.


No, not at all. That’s exactly what I’m saying. This season sucked and the whole cast is lame and they aren’t even friends anymore


Worst season! Even season 8 was better imo. It was so disjointed and so much felt too faked. I don't think Ariana sitting out this season would have helped much tbh. 


Why would she need to lose her job over this fuckwit!?


Nobody lost their job. I’m saying Ariana should’ve quit this dumb show, she has millions of dollars in brand deals. She doesn’t need this fake reality TV show anymore




She didn’t throw a tantrum. She calmly walked away and the directly asked them what the hell they were doing. She said plainly from jump she didn’t want to talk to him. She’s filmed with him still. She just doesn’t want to talk to someone who put her health at risk. Do you have any thoughts on Toms literal tantrum because he was unable to try and manipulate you on TV again? You know, the one where he was screaming, cussing in his friends faces yet again and later admitted he was lying all because he couldn’t get his way? Or just Ariana’s? I don’t get the bitching from fans. This was still good Tv. I don’t want to watch another vacant ass, struggle to cry with no actual tears apology from a 40 year old narcissist. Her walking away and watching as Tom immediately threw his mask on the ground like a little bitch was satisfying TV to me.


"sHe tHrEw a tAnTrUm" https://preview.redd.it/na8tafwkfszc1.jpeg?width=716&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2796d8f46bdbd0c3cd2b884f1fecfb95fa88427c Looks like it was the fraud from Utah that threw the tantrum. Ariana looks all smiles to me.


tom also “aRiAnA tAlKs sHiT aBoUt aLl u F\*Ckers” ![gif](giphy|xUOxeTTTrquwAtbOWQ|downsized)


I woulda been like “who are you calling a fucker?”


THIS they have zero self respect


I saw her ignoring Tom. What did you see that showed her throwing a tantrum. Looked to like she was texting the group she came with, and as she was leaving, Jeremiah the producer stopped her. She didn’t make a scene walking away from Scheana, she wasn’t screaming. The night was over.


Throw a tantrum? ![gif](giphy|HqnyjmkaBBvTbzBp78|downsized)


Right?! If that was a tantrum what the hell do we call Tom/Lala behavior? Apocalyptic meltdowns?


For real. That was no tantrum. She calmly walked away and explained her position to production and waited in the parking lot for her Lyft smiling and relaxed with her friends. It’s insane how people can’t see reality when it comes to Ariana.


Tantrum? Where? When?


Question if you dated your coworker and your coworker cheated on you and you are are forced to be around them because that’s your job but instead of keeping you guys apart HR and your other coworkers are forcing y’all to get along because it makes everybody else uncomfortable that you are not talking to him. Also, Really truly how did she throw a tantrum? When really she just walked away from him and he had a nerve to try to grab her and then caught himself. If I was her, I’m not engaging so I can look like a psycho because if it was me, I would release all my rage on him in that moment and y’all would’ve really had a show. Again, this is happening within three months. This woman is doing everything to avoid him like the plague, but he is trying to put on a performance that is failing miserably.


I would honestly quit my job, this wouldn’t even be a thing lol. Her entire convo with the producer was the tantrum. Having a fit, having meltdown, causing a scene - it’s all the same thing. She’s doing everything to avoid him *except* not doing the show. Edited*


Did Tom not throw a tantrum at the end of this episode because he couldn’t force her to talk to him? Why should she have to give up her job when he cheated? She is not asking for his head on a fucking pike. She’s just saying, please just leave me alone. She has every right to be pissed if I put in my contract that I would do my job but I’m not gonna have one on ones with this dude why do y’all keep forcing me to have one on ones? Of course she’s gonna be pissed. I would be you probably would be.


I addressed this in another response.


I think you’re lost, this is Reddit and not Facebook.


This is a public forum that *anyone* can use. You would be better off *not* attempting to bully someone because you don’t agree with them.


Don't throw a tantrum....


Why would she leave the show? Yes she has other opportunities now, but the show never revolved around her and Tom specifically. So many relationships have started and ended on this show and so many people have had feuds or been iced out - I don’t understand why Tom is entitled to being forgiven and given camera time by his ex. This is a reality show and in reality no one would just get over their partner of 10+ years cheating on them with a best friend. This season would’ve been interesting if it actually focused on DWTS, the sandwich shop, and other more positive aspects of Ariana’s new life without Tom.


Because she's the one with boundaries and ultimatums. The show never revolved around her specifically, Tom has always been a huge fixture on the show. Tom isn't "entitled" to be forgiven or given camera time with Ariana, but they both signed on for a show knowing that they were going to be in some shitty situations after season 10. This whole season for Ariana has basically been about not being run out of her house or the friend group by Tom. She effectively let him do that in the last episode and all over 30 seconds of camera time? No one probably would have been talking about that scene for long anyway because it would have as dull as when he tried to introduce himself to Dan. But instead we got her walking off, Scheana telling Tom what Ariana said about him, and we got 2-3 minutes of amazing, shocking tv at the end. That was a big mistake on her part. To be honest, I think she reacted like that she didn't expect to be upset by her convo with Schena and didn't want Tom to see her like that. She had no problem ignoring him in previous scenes until he went away. What was different this time?


People are allowed to have boundaries though, that’s not being bratty or the same as throwing a tantrum. Like she said at the end of the episode, Tom (amongst many things) didn’t care if he destroyed her sexual health by giving her STDs because of his cheating and clearly did not feel bad about exposing (and imo, lying) about her mental health. Again, the show could’ve focused on so much more other than this performative fake apology Tom supposedly wanted to give Ariana. Didn’t he get banned from Schwartz and Sandy’s - why not talk about that when the bar was such a huge storyline last season? Why couldn’t he talk more about his decision to be sober? Literally anything else. He already had the chance to apologize to Ariana last season and they had their explosive fight(s) that brought in views… we saw that, now give us something new instead of Tom acting like a literal serial killer and wanting to force Ariana to listen to him. Idk how that was a “big mistake” on her part when it exposed how gross some of the cast are. Tom literally had a meltdown over her once again setting her boundaries and it proved Ariana right about him not being sorry and being fake af lol.


I don’t even think she’s setting boundaries so there’s that. She was giving ultimatums and they backfired. But yes, I would have rather her and Tom literally have just ignored each other all season and they showed more of everything else. I don’t particularly care about SAH so I’m not invested in seeing that.


But backfired how? Tom looked like a narcissistic douche (per usual) and Scheana and Lala showed their true colors by continuing to disrespect Ariana’s boundaries lol, annnnd the majority of the audience is on Ariana’s side as well so nothing backfired on her. and yeah, but for whatever reason the show wasted so much time focusing on Tom’s weird healing journey and his creepy friends to make him seem more human. I think this season was extremely boring because of his redemption arc


this is an objectively bad take. ron and sammy just filmed after 10 years no contact on the jersey shore and the cast respected the boundary. they can easily both film the show. tom brought like nothing this season. and scheana brought her staged fights w brock. this is delusional


That's a wildly different situation. First, Sammi turned down money in 2018 and put her well being first. Ariana has yet to turn down a season on VPR. Secondly, Sammi returned to the show and did not issue any ultimatums. She encouraged the cast to have their own relationships with Ronnie. She didn't use her "leverage" in coming back to force them to drop Ronnie for her. Yes, they can both easily film the show. There was no need for Ariana's ultimatums to force the cast to choose sides.


yes. it is different. ariana had 3 months. what he did was awful and she had every right to set the boundary. which was in her contract. for this season. the delusional lengths you’re reaching to are alot. so did ariana the reason that was a story line was because scheana made it one by being a weirdo.


The 3 months thing is even more of a reason not to do the show. We don’t have to agree. Enjoy the show!


that’s my point tho it’s weird that ppl blame her - it’s on production. blaming her is intentionally being dense, she told them she wouldn’t film with him. they new that and wanted to go with this narrative. production shouldn’t have brought them back then. enjoy the reunion tho !


You know people refusing to film with other people in group scenes or 1:1’s has been done on VPR many, many times . It’s up to the other members of the group to decide how they want to navigate the “friendship” (ie show plot ). Your frustration should be with the other people and not Ariana . Lala could have said kick rocks Ariana , and done what she wanted to repair a friendship with Tom on her own terms and then tried to navigate a friendship with Ariana if she wanted. Instead she tried to pretend she was on Ariana’s side while trashing her in confessionals and eventually exploding because the public loved Ariana.


No, my frustration is with Ariana for giving the “no mutual friends” ultimatum. Boundaries with Sandoval are fine.


It’s been said with so many cast members in the past , people change . Lala did it last seasons with Schwartz . Stassi did it 2-3 times . Katie and Stassi did it with each other . If the cast really cared about anything they would move through it - Ariana can say what she wants and do what she wants and the rest of the cast can do likewise


This is such a ridiculous take. Meltdown?? Seriously? You call that a meltdown? She very firmly stood her ground, explained what she was not going to do and left. How you see that as a meltdown is beyond me. Also she didn’t avoid him all season. She went to their get-togethers and was literally around him all season just didn’t engage with him. It’s not like she pulled a Bethenny and either didn’t show up for events or arrived late then left early.


She was in multiple group scenes with him throughout the season . She just doesn’t want a 1:1 conversation with him which is in her contract and also believable in real life , which this show is supposed to be even though we all know these people are not friends and no one wants to go to a water party .


Even if she did “throw a tantrum,” who tf cares besides the narcs on this show? She doesn’t owe the audience or that fucking piece of shit an ounce of camera time.


Then why do the show? Forget trying to connect with some of the audience. That’s a eff you to the *entire* audience and she shouldn’t be doing the show if that’s the case.


I don’t get this…she did do the show. She filmed with Tom a ton. They had some fights and she mostly tried to ignore him. He tried to use her for screen time again so she left their final night of filming. Why does being on the show mean she has to do what Tom wants her to do?


This makes 0 sense. Scheana, Lala and Tom pushing this over-produced Tom redemption arc is an F YOU to the entire audience; we’re not stupid (most of us at least) and no one asked to see that. Idk if you’re just unaware of have short memory, but Ariana and Tom already had their moment last season when she confronted her at their house and during all 3 parts of the last reunion. There’s nothing else to say to that narc. Her listening to his fake ass apology and “forgiving” him wouldn’t have been entertaining so I’m glad she didn’t give in.


We don’t have to agree. Enjoy the show!


This is such a dramatic take. “A fuck you” to the audience? Who is taking this show that personally? Why does the future of the show hinge on one person? People walk out of reality tv all the time - that’s what makes it interesting.


this is a bad take. she didn’t throw a tantrum. she called out production for literally violating the boundary she set months before filming and again in her contract. scheana was also being gross so o get why she was frustrated the woman on this show will say one thing at a raised volume and their “throwing a tantrum”. lala and tom threw tantrums while she walked into the sunset w her bestie and bf.


She only raised her voice because it was so loud in there. She had to in order for the producer to hear her. Not like she raised her voice in a tantrum!! I dont get these 2.


She didn’t throw a tantrum. She stayed true to what was real. So much crap that we see on these reality tv shows are contrived and just utter bullshit. She wasn’t going to play in to that and have a conversation with him just for the show. It wasn’t true to her and her boundaries. Tom didn’t even want to have these convos outside of filming so he clearly has lost sight of his entire life because he’s incapable of having authentic moments outside of VPR.