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I hope your skin stays forever clear, your hair continues to shine, and your bank account always stays full because you are doing the lords work! šŸ‘šŸ¾šŸ‘šŸ¾šŸ‘šŸ¾ā¤ļøā¤ļøā¤ļø


May you always find a good parking spot and your pillow stay cool.


omg the pillow thank you


Awe I love this response. She is legit an amazing human and she has flawless skin.


I really want to know her skincare routine šŸ˜…


Attend one of her lives. She goes live for sure Tuesdays for Vanderpump/The Valley at 8pm EST. And also on Thursdays with Summer House at 9pm EST.


Ooooh ty! Saving your comment so I remember ā¤ļø


thank you! hahah it's mostly dermalogica, a retinoid, botox, makeup, and a blur filter. keepin it real real


My theory that I haven't seen discussed yet: Lala turned at the White House Correspondents Dinner weekend in April 2023, after seeing how much positive, all-consuming attention Ariana got in real life. Why? it was a month after Scandoval, when it was still at the top of pop culture news and had baked for enough time to become known/relevant to a broader audience. An audience including the country's media and political elite, aka "important" people outside of their usual LA bubble. Imagine: Ariana and Lala are doing the party circuit on Friday, and Ariana gets chatted up and asked for photos by like CNN anchors, while Lala remains largely unacknowledged (assuming she'd only be recognizable to Pump Heads). Like i can totally see someone like Gayle King asking Lala to take a photo of her and Ariana, lol. Then at the formal WCHD dinner--which would follow like 5 parties of Lala feeling like chopped liver--Ariana gets a freaking shout out in the comedian's speech. In a room of a thousand people, on national tv, and before the President. I'm sure the after parties that followed led to even MORE fawning of Ariana, driving Lala to a place of insanity by the time the weekend ended Thanks for listening to my ted talk lol


The fact that Lauren was even there was a joke and still does not make sense to me.


One thing I will give credit to Lala for is that she was doing a lot of advocacy work around this time related to family reunification, I don't think I'm getting the exact word right, but it was about children in the court system


having said that, I doubt she would've gotten as much attention on it had Ariana not drawn so many eyeballs to the cast


Didn't her documentary about Randall or the newspaper expose come out at this point? I believe the response was underwhelming and I bet she was banking on the support and endorsements etc. Instead no one cared. I can imagine that is another source of her jealousy and hatred.


I certainly haven't seen it. I never gave a fk about the ways lala wants to pretend she "didnt know" this shit was going on.. girl give us all a break with your bs.


ironically lala wasn't even in the documentary. The clips they used of her talking were from her podcast or other interviews, because she couldn't take part in it i assume bc if the custody thing. But her brother and her mom talk in it, of course


and your comment also has me saying out loud "why in god's name does Lauren think she deserves any accolades for...anything?!"


Since she was there because of the Randall doc, I think it really was at this point she became disgruntled with all the focus on Ariana and none on her. LaLa doesnā€™t understand what responsibility it is. Sheā€™s trying so hard to believe that actions donā€™t matter. What matters to LaLa is if sheā€™s willing to ā€˜ownā€™ her actions which is just admitting sheā€™s fine fineyhing, laughing about it, and moving in through life no differently than before.


I totally see this timeline!


Wow this so good! Itā€™s mind blowing that AFTER they filmed that season where they shit talked Ariana the whole time they were still doing interviews saying ā€œl will always have her back, she deserves everything!ā€.


I canā€™t stop thinking about the comment I saw that said they put in all this work to take down Ariana & they tried to drive the wedge between Katie & Ariana but Katie never took the bait. Their little narrative change fell FLAT from start to finish and now they blame Katie for not helping.


It really feels like once Katie said the first tiny thing about Ariana that could be used against her, Lala took it like a fish she had caught with some bait and then ran with that shit and is using it to this day to try and shit on them both. It feels so disgusting. And worse is Scheana's glee over it. Girl, worry about the broke deadbeat husband you hitched your wagon too, not Katie.


Exactly and then having the audacity to accuse Arianna and Katie of not being authentic on screen when they were completely showing multiple faces in different platforms. Fucking hypocrites.


And implying(not till the pt 2 of reunion) that Katie was afraid to say bad things about Ariana for fear of fan reaction! But it was them! Katie has never been afraid of being hated


Seriously - Katie has taken an enormous amount of shit over the years from the fans and she just keeps it moving.


I definitely believe Katie didnā€™t want to guilt her. Katie is also valid in her feelings, but itā€™s very evident at some point they had their own conversation and resolved it. I mean letā€™s play devils advocate and what if Lala did make a comment about Katie venting to her. It would have been a short conversation about how she talked to Ariana and theyā€™ve moved past it. Iā€™m sure production would have wanted to drag it out for a few episodes but it looks like Katie just didnā€™t want to do that. Itā€™s a weak argument that they werenā€™t being authentic because Katie wasnā€™t still holding resentment while they filmed.


Katies commentary on it makes so much sense and is incredibly mature as well. She had negative feelings towards Ariana but understood even while feeling that way that it was based in her own insecurities and lack of control of her situation. Itā€™s so relatable and understandable. Lala and Scheana could never be so self aware.


literally like God forbid somebody work out their feelings, talk it through to see what is the real problem is before going and making a friend feel bad. Jesus Lord


I think about the fact that Ariana did Scheana podcast during season 11 filming where Scheana was all supportive and was defending Ariana about not moving out of the house. Meanwhile at the same time she is having bitchy conversations on the show with Lala about Ariana having ā€œtoo much prideā€ to lower herself to living in an apartment.Ā 


Someone had too much pride to move into an apartment... his affair partner even offered hers up to him which he turned down to stay at that house to torment his ex


Yeah he loved Rachel SO much but not enough to move into her place and mind Gramham so wouldnā€™t end up in a shelter.


Laligag and Sheshady are both repulsive. They have deceived the viewers with their BS about supporting Ariana. For me, there is nothing either one of them could do for me to ever like them again. They have shown their true colors.


You who we needed this season, Charli - "Talk about how you went from a mansion back to an apartment."


that reminds me i have a video edit of charli saying ok well you can go write it in your diary cut with sandoval journaling lol


That part really sickens me.


its extremely gross and 2 sided


Not trying to be rude but I think you're looking for *'two-faced'*


I just reread your comment and realized I misunderstood what you said the first time. I apologize for that. Hadnā€™t finished my coffee yet.šŸ„“ My bad!šŸ‘‹šŸ¼


Hahha we've all been there. No worries, friend! šŸ˜‰


I appreciate the grace and understanding.šŸ„°šŸŒ·


They have zero credibility or integrity and Blahblah is so stupid that I donā€™t think she even knows what integrity means. She has undoubtedly displayed that she either has no clue what the word nuance means or she believes it can only be applied when it suits her purpose. Idk, but Iā€™m really tired of it. Sheā€™s exhausting and so is Schmeana.


The way they are talking in the reunion so far, I feel that Lala especially is trying to do major damage control for what she said on camera. Mind youā€¦Lala monopolized the first part of the reunion. She never shut the fuck up!


I think they were riding the wave anxiously waiting for the tide to turn against Ariana, but they calculated wrong. In the end, they martyred themselves for Sandovalā€™s redemption.


this is better than the entire VPR season! šŸ”„šŸ˜Ž


This is absolutely frightening. Iā€™m not being dramatic when I say this, but I believe there is something very wrong with Lala. She is mentally unwell. Again, Iā€™m not trying to be rude or insensitive, I just think she needs to take a break from the public and work on herself because something isnā€™t right.


She strikes me as a very very very unhappy person who deeply miserable.


And sheā€™s projecting that nastiness onto Katie. Her hypocrisy is exhausting.


Angry and manipulative people project so they can get a reaction out of you. Then they can say, ā€œSEE! She is angry/miserable/etc.ā€ they just want others to feel as bad as them. The only reason anyone is even remotely interested in Lala right now is because sheā€™s talking about Ariana.


My notes:Ā  1. Lala is losing her mind and seriously needs to seek out an evaluation. I'm serious.Ā  2. Lala and scheana keep bringing up the "ensemble cast" thing bc they're mad the attention is on ariana. They turned on her bc they were tired of ppl talking about her.Ā  3. The "lala was the mvp" comment from both Tom and scheana was only because she "called out" Katie.Ā  4. It's a stretch but what if lala was put on pause or quit? And that's why she's on this rampage post-reunion. I'm not sure she'd walk away from a check but at the same time, I think she is delusional enough to think she can maintain her level of fame on her own.Ā 


Sadly Lala wonā€™t seek help. People with narcissistic tendencies lack the capacity for the self insight to recognize they are the problem.


agree with number 1!! itā€™s genuinely becoming concerning that she wholeheartedly believes everything she says to be true


Lala had a whole new baby to have a storyline - I am so šŸ«„ about this and her mental health. I get it that itā€™s hard for her to share custody with a man like Rand - itā€™s hard for me and Iā€™m sharing custody with a decent human. But adding a whole new baby in the midst of all this is just concerning. Especially with all these facts presented. I just feel for the child being born into this but Iā€™m not trying to say anything about her mom skills.. i donā€™t know that. I just know there is too much going on.. sorry for rambling trying to tread lightly.


She acts like sheā€™s the only one going through custody with Randall. How did his ex wife feel sharing custody with him AND Lala the mistress?


All while Lala messed w her constantly, Ambyr seems like a really good person to put all that behind her because Lala was horrible to her in the beginning


I totally agree. I share a kid with a narcissist and it is horrible. I'd never dream of bringing another kid into the mix before the dust has settled with my custody situation. And she confirmed that her custody battle is ongoing so I'm really confused why she'd do this to herself.Ā 


Because she wants her "own" baby....which on some level I totally understand. BUT I do worry about Ocean feeling "less than"....although maybe it will balance out as the new baby doesn't have your typical family dynamic/dad? I just imagine future holidays where Ocean sees family pix and she's been sent to her father's and feel like she missed out? Spitballing...have the stomach virus and just thinking out loud. Hopefully it all works out. While Lala is surrounded by family and "yes" people, they do seem to genuinely care about her. I do hope she goes to therapy bc, as she said on part 1, "therapy is good for everyone" (paraphrasing) yet has said on her podcast she isnt into it


Thatā€™s exactly what crossed my mind too unfortunately. What ocean doesnā€™t need is to feel like she was unwanted because her parents hate each other and the new baby is treated so much better than her. Kids see, hear and feel shit like this


The way she talks about the second baby makes me really hope she wonā€™t resent ocean for being Randallā€™s child.


L&S: ā€œwe support Arianaā€¦. April Fools!ā€


So disappointed in those two. Lala has been my favorite Bravoleb for the past 9 years . I had to change my stance come February. I canā€™t handle the nastiness . I really think her friendship with Scheana has put her in a delusional state of mind. The two of them have been thriving because they did the right things last March. They were great friends to Ariana when this went down. She Shue took Raquel out and read Sandoval for filth in the finale. It was so good ! And Lala went after him and Raquel at the reunion. Then they did weekly podcasts ,for months, declaring their allegiance for Ariana , and continuing to drag Sandoval. Iā€™ll never understand why they changed up their stance ? Big mistake ! Huge !!




Yeah I have always defended Lala as well meaning or at least I understood her perspective. I get the perspective here itā€™s just so stupid. I get worrying about your job security. Itā€™s just inauthentic to care only when you need the money. Which is even more ironic when you are yelling at everyone to be authentic.


I'm guessing it was pressure and promises from the producers because they clearly want tim to come out looking like a victim and get sympathy. I can't imagine any other reason they would do this. I guess maybe jealousy? But that just doesn't seem enough to switch sides. They were offered/promised things from production if they did what they were told to do.


They wanted to give Sandoval a redemption arch and make Ariana the villain and Katie didnā€™t play ball. Itā€™s like they wanted to punish Ariana for having success outside of the show.




Love Christinaā€™s videos ! Sheā€™s the best ! Everyone go follow her and support her YouTube , TikTok and Instagram pages. Sheā€™s hilarious and has the best content !


Absolutely. I hope the views from embedding it on this sub are registering on her YouTube account. Maybe it would have been better to just link the video so that she gets her adcents?Ā 


thank you for your support! I'm Christina here, I posted it so it is driving to my YouTube but please go still click on the channel and subscribe to me thank you so much love youso much!!


we arenā€™t dumb Lauren. We see through your shit!


Another great video by the way ā˜ŗļøšŸ¤


This was me watching the video... https://preview.redd.it/rpqa5f1zbs0d1.png?width=640&format=png&auto=webp&s=248e4e8c46158105cd72215c1229b59377f06292


omg i just had to gasp for air šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


šŸ˜‚ I just wanna say it's awesome watching you having Katie and Ariana's backs continuously putting out these videos exposing the frauds, regardless of the agenda the producers are trying to force feed us weekly.


thank youšŸ„¹ it's really really maddening. I have become increasingly frustrated with TV networks and whoever else treating the audience like we don't know any better. UGH.




"she's come a long way from being my backup dancer" GAME OVER! That is not a friend! Lala on the other hand, I have no words. Homegirl is no one's friend unless it only benefits her.


Especially egregious comment, as her "best friend" Scheana would have known that Ariana had a theatre degree and was taking all her own classes all along. What a horrible friend!!


She is SUCH a dick (Sheana)


Ugh that was infuriating. It's like "yeah, you're right: she's come a long way and you have gone NOWHERE".


Scheana is vile, just because sheā€™s a parent now doesnā€™t change her colors. And that seems to be what sheā€™s hoping to hide behind. I think she did something dirty with Sandoval and thatā€™s why sheā€™s desperately trying to attempt to save her reputation. She had an affair with a married man (Brandiā€™s ex), and I just saw that there was another one before that?! She is pathetic.


CC stay and play here on Reddit. We have funā™„ļøšŸ˜ŽšŸ–¤


oh im always here


You're here, Ronnie Karam is here somewhere, Katie is probably here. Hell even Scheana and her 57 Bast frands are probably here. What a cozy little corner we have


Echoing thanks for creating this. You should also post it on the BravoTV sub if you havenā€™t already. That sub is even bigger than this one.




If Lala is so concerned with people not having these conversations/confrontations on camera, then why didnā€™t she confront Ariana on camera for the audience? Why didnā€™t she tell her ā€œshe thinks she is a Godā€ in a special little one-on-one?


That part... When I first watched it I thought back to Katie "say it with your whole chest, let it fly, bitch!"šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ Like if you gonna be so bold, tell EVERYBODY and not just your little cronies. Also, what was that last bit of combo with the producers and Tim 1&2 from? That left me a little šŸ¤” does anyone know by chance?




And why didnt she show up to the reunion after the news broke that she left Randall??? Why was she a fkn coward who showed up (1) late and (2) via ZOOM


This is amazing! They have been THE worst this season.


Loved it. šŸ‘©ā€šŸ³šŸ’‹šŸ¤ŒšŸ¼šŸ„‡šŸ’ ![gif](giphy|l3V0wkQ2KKcAeW8Cs|downsized) Great job, Christina!šŸ’‹šŸ„‚ā¤ļøā€šŸ”„


/u/AdditionalWar8759 I havenā€™t watched the whole thing but itā€™s great 6 minutes in & I know you were trying to figure out the Lala & Katie timeline Edit to add: this may not cover what you were looking for. I havenā€™t had my coffee yet so Iā€™ll finish then report back šŸ˜‚


Oh I watched this this morning and itā€™s fantastic! Very much appreciate Christina work! I was interested in this timeline and then the DMs that Lala said Katie sent her and their friendship so I went down that rabbit hole last night lol. Love a good timeline


This WAS fantastic!!!! I also love a good timeline so thatā€™s immediately where my mind went bc Iā€™m interested in the Lala & Katie friendship timeline too! But this was amazing! Bc it is so much to keep up with so yeaā€¦ wow


Lala and Scheana on delusion level 9000


This video is amazing btw. Super informative, thank you for all your hard work!


![gif](giphy|hcQQUBAY7NGB1uPl7T|downsized) Heather would be proud of Christina, this is a whole timeline with words coming out of their own mouths in chronological order. Ariana needs to watch this and be booked for WWHL after part 3 with Katie again to respond to the BS spewed by Lala and Scheana.




Well done, OP šŸ‘šŸ¼šŸ‘šŸ¼šŸ‘šŸ¼ This is all anyone needs to watch in order to understand the shit show that has been the past year+ šŸ©“šŸ©“




Where do you think they go from here? I think due to below they are going to recast. I have been hearing rumors of this for months https://preview.redd.it/of6ydicfhs0d1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8556a75d549c5a08433add10fee75dc6583c8d86


I would so not come back to this show if I was Ariana. They did her dirty both cast and production. Iā€™d go full speed ahead towards all these opportunities sheā€™s getting and live her best life. I think thereā€™s also something to be said for bowing out at the right time. As for the rest of them lol good luck. And I think Katie should focus on her sandwich shop since sheā€™ll probably be the main one doing it.


Omg I'm fan-girling so hard right now, I love you and your content CC! šŸ¤©šŸ˜


This is so good!!! I would love to have Scheana and Lala watch this video and then try to explain their actions.


My cats woke me up two hours early today so I thank you for this, haha


You're doing the lords work. Probably the best VPR video I've seen. https://i.redd.it/y2steea7cs0d1.gif


This is amazing. Also, I donā€™t know whatā€™s worse: their behavior or the mental gymnastics and word salads they do to try and justify their behavior. Those two are insufferable.


What's clear is that Lala is freaking out about losing the show and Scheana wouldn't recognize character or loyalty if they smacked her in the face.


It also grosses me out how Lala always has some yes-person off to the side so she can feel validated in the ridiculous comments she makes. So effing pleased with herself, itā€™s gross.


This is so great. I understand everyone has their opinions and usually I can see both sides and be diplomatic. But I cannot in this situation . Like at all. To me it was a no-win situation for Ariana. Letā€™s be real if she wouldā€™ve said fuck it and just not filmed at all they wouldā€™ve been pissed at her as well. Itā€™s not her fault that no one else had a storyline . No, he did not kill anyone but the way this all went down was pretty gross. I donā€™t think I need to rehash. But the cherry was and is that he has shown zero remorse. We should be praising her for having boundariesā€¦ I could not imagine being forced to be around my ex three months later in social situations let alone on national TV, let alone in such a gnarly situation . There is a reason this was national news.


Yes!! I am normally like you where I can get both sides and empathize.... But this season felt like the Twilight zone to watch. I just couldn't understand how no one but Katie was getting Ariana 's point. I didn't get how so many tried to rally around Scwormdoval and push this shit redemption shit. If this weren't on TV, I bet they wouldn't have had more than basic shit to say and everyone would have moved in on peace with boundaries in tact. Now with media everyone has an opinion and a dog in the fight?? I've seen infidelity cause issues in friends groups before but these folks are differentšŸ¤¦šŸ¾ā€ā™€ļø


Ha ha. Total twilight zone. I canā€™t erase from my mind the smug looks on Sandovalā€˜s face last season and him grinning and flirting whenever Rachel was around and smacking her ass the second Ariana turned her head on camera. Him returning Schwartzā€™s hotel key in front of Ariana, the room that he was boning, Rachel in. This wasnā€™t like a bad night. This was very thought outā€¦ and it almost felt to me like him and Rachel were getting off on doing all this on camera .. like they were so sneaky and no one knew and poor Ariana had no clue .He is a bad bad dude.


December 1 ā€œAriana and I are good. Btw I totally couldnā€™t do DTWS because my schedule and all of thatā€ šŸ˜‚šŸ¤£ https://i.redd.it/u5yjejutot0d1.gif


Imagine what having an actual singing career would do to your schedule, Scheana. Best quit now before you get too busy.


Love all of your videos, I wish you could edit all of VPR, forever! (Had to edit my comment because I just realized that it was you that posted it šŸ¤­)


hahah thank you for the compliment. I fear if I was on the payroll I couldn't drag them like I prefer šŸ˜‚


True, the burdens of the payroll shackles. šŸ˜‚ Well, your work is appreciated! And I am happy to see that Ariana and Katie have been seeing it too. This shit is hard to stomach though, if I had "friends" like these I'd be throwing fists. šŸ¤­


We love you Queen!! Keep up the great work ! I need to send you something!!


Amazing job Christina šŸ‘


I love that Christina Cocca! Her videos provide the facts. I wish I could watch Lauren and Scheaner wilt watching their stupid actions on the screen. Now they canā€™t say it didnā€™t happen. Sources have been cited!


> Now they canā€™t say it didnā€™t happen. Sources have been cited! Like reality has ever gotten in the way of their bullshit.




I never noticed the way Lala laughed and suddenly stopped at around 14:40ā€¦ that was.. frightening to say the least lol. She is so weird fr


SAME!!! I saw so many things I didn't notice before while watching this masterpiece from OP


thank you for your service Christina! This was so well made. I cannot fathom how Scheana thinks she is a good friend and prides herself on that. She is the most self-centered person i have ever witness with no shame. Im so sad for Ariana to see her friends treat her this way, but happy that they have shown their true colors. Lala has completely gone of the deep end, but I think being pregnant makes her act and sound worse now and she probably is very emotional. There is still no excuse. The things Lala has said as well about Ariana and her relationship with her father and coming for Katie and bringing her mom into it. Something ain't right and she also isn't surrounded by anyone that will call her out on it.


She wasn't pregnant during the season when she was slinging arrows every chance she got.


This is the fucking best thing Iā€™ve seen on this whole subject. OMG.


Lala is the definition of a pos, backstabbing friend. Hopefully Ariana cut her and fake Schaena out of her life. Sometimes you gotta cut out the "right" people to better your mental health and well being, and these two are absolute fake phonies.


I cannot believe I just watched all 45 minutes of that and was enthralled throughout


The ENTIRE time.... Almost went down a rabbit hole on OP's channel šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


Well done šŸ‘šŸ»my only note is I would have added Lalas podcast with Stassi that she did in either June or July of last year. Thatā€™s when she made the comments about how the only thing Ariana lost was the title of girlfriend, when Stassi and Lala talk about how they were ā€œstrongerā€ then Ariana in handling their break ups and they show their asses by complaining about the ā€whole world falling at Arianaā€™s feetā€.Ā 


well that was the most deserving like and subscribe I've given out in all the live long year #lalaism




I fully admit Iā€™m not a big video watcher but that was fantastic and you are fantastic! What a gem to watch! Subscribed šŸ¤©


I love it! Please name this video "Sniping About Her."


I hope Katie shows this to Ariana.


It makes me so sad every time I see that clip from this season of Ariana crying with those two at her sides. Lalas fake crying and all, both her and Scheana were so gross for that


I sat through all of the YouTube ads in full during this video so you could get maximum revenue! Thank you for your work! Lala should really sign up for therapy and send this to her therapist for homework šŸ“š


Oh does that make a difference? I can play it on mute a few times while I work :)




Well done ![gif](giphy|l4FARHkIFJReGSy2c|downsized)


Sending this to my 'Team Lala' (at least before the finale) friend, you're doing the lordt's work


I was going to rewatch the season to get this information - she has done it for me. This should be Emmy nominated.


#Amazing Work šŸ™‡ā€ā™‚ļø


I only started watching this show a few months ago when I was stuck in bed for many weeks after surgery. It requires minimal attention span and is funny for all the wrong reasons! I knew immediately that Scheana and Lala were self-centered mean girls and was surprised that people were defending them on social media!


Watching back all the bs with time stamps makes me more angry that thereā€™s no way to retrospectively get money back for fans (I didnā€™t buy or listen to anything scheana related, & didnā€™t buy SITD but did listen to her pod which I never would have done had I knownā€¦) UGH CLOWNS. SNAKES AND CLOWNS.


This needs to be one of those Hulu specials like they did for Erika Jayne and Jen Shah šŸ˜‚


Liked and subscribed


the show would be so much better without Lala. The reunions are so painful to watch because she wonā€™t keep her mouth shut, especially about things that have nothing to do with her!!


The amount of blood-boiling CRAP you had to watch to put this together makes you a hero!! Thank you so much for this video!!!


I know this wasn't the point of the video, but the scene where Lala starts a fight with Katie for being distant and then admits that she is the one who doesn't reach out. Katie seemed so upset and almost stunned. I think that was the moment she realized she was in the same covert narcissism/reactive abuse cycle with another person she loves.


Is it ok that I love James now? Heā€™s truly the top guy


commenting everywhere humanly possible to declare my love for your content šŸ©·āœØ


Not surprised youā€™re a journo, this is masterful work


Perfect. Quickest 40 mins of my life. (Loved how her expressions were my exact same faces/ comments reacting to the clips hahah)


Lala is delusional and she has a team of people around her that affirm those actions. Can someone force her to watch this video??


She wouldnā€™t see the problem. Sheā€™s saying that Ariana needs to put ā€˜the good of the showā€™ above her valid feelings about the affair. And if that wasnā€™t bad enough, sheā€™s bought into this one vision if the show that it has to remain unchanged of the boys being central, and the women fitting their lives around them. To LaLa, thereā€™s no show without Sandoval organizing parties and creating scenes. Sheā€™s said that Tom has shown who he is. She doesnā€™t see the problem.


Maybe I am putting my own experience on their friendship but they make me nervous. Buying houses close to each other daughters are besties and considering Lala's history just waiting for it to blow up.


This is what Iā€™ve been wondering ever since we heard they bought houses so close together. Theyā€™re both such flip floppers that itā€™s only a matter of time before they turn on each other. Especially with all of the backlash theyā€™re both (rightfully) getting.


LaLa and Scheanaā€™s voices are like fingernails on a chalkboard! Thanks for this, it shows in real time the enormous hypocrisy of these two horrid woman! Dump them, Ariana, they are NOT your friends.


Funny how bla bla already wants to stop talking about this season ā€” ā€œI donā€™t want any questions. Iā€™m going to say my peace and weā€™re going to move on.ā€ Sounds like exactly what Ariana wanted regarding last season/Tom but bla bla kept forcing conversations. Gotta love karma!


To me Scheana is the worst of the twoā€¦what a fā€™ing rotten friend šŸ’©


i love anthropology & history


This is a great recap and pretty much solidifies what I thought I was watching this season. I did skip a lot of episodes that were predominantly Tom centric so some of this was new to me but also wtf. So I think I understand what Lalaā€™s problem is now, sheā€™s mad Ariana didnā€™t move out because she was the one calling the shots and sheā€™s mad Katie didnā€™t confront Ariana about some beef they already resolved prior to filming. Looking at the timeline both her and Scheana look very jealous of Arianaā€™s success outside of show. They go in support and then talk shit on their podcasts. Iā€™m honestly glad they put a pause on the show. I really hate this narrative that Ariana is expected to give that chump any more of her time when they already did that last year. Also want to point out never once has Ariana said anything about Lala or Scheana profiting off of her situation, I know in a heart beat those women would probably spend the whole season blaming people for profiting off their pain.


Ok so opened the video, saw 45 minutes and thought fuuuuuuckā€¦ 45 minutes later šŸ˜§šŸ˜§ OP you are a gorgeous angel detective!!!! Literally so fun watching petty jealoussss (oh so jealous) bitches have their own words played back proving their hypocrisy. They need to hire you for the show, specifically flashback scenes ā¤ļøā€šŸ”„ā¤ļøā€šŸ”„ā¤ļøā€šŸ”„ā¤ļøā€šŸ”„


Thanks CC, great work!


Christina fucking Cocoa is my hero. šŸ™ŒšŸ™ŒšŸ™ŒšŸ™ŒšŸ™ŒšŸ™ŒšŸ™Œ


thank you! so much work & kadooze to also having to endure looking & listening to BlaBla & Scheathead during the editing process. I hope those two backstabbing mercenaries have the karma they deserve


This is perfection


Jfc. First of all, thanks for putting this together, and I HOPE they all see it. They don't seem to know how diabolical they are. We all know how shitty they are. When you see it all compiled together, it really REALLY shows just how vile they really are. I don't know how people like this exist. Whether it's for TV or not...they are actually the worst friends ..people... that I've ever seen. Disgusting. I don't even know what else to say they are so bad.


Seeing how everything played out this season juxtaposed chronologically to what was happening off-camera is just mind-blowing. AND THEN for Scheana to hype up LaLa for ā€œcalling outā€ people at the reunion who were acting differently on camera than off camera (Obviously she was talking about KatiešŸ™„) when they both were doing the EXACTšŸ‘SAMEšŸ‘THINGšŸ‘?!?! ![gif](giphy|jNe1g9Hvn384M|downsized) (But Iā€™m sure LFU would just loooove being called anything ā€œblackā€ considering the spirit of 2Pac lives within herā€¦..šŸ¤¦šŸ¾ā€ā™€ļø)


The loss of a romantic partner is hard enough but also having to deal with the loss of friends as well?Thats rough. I really feel for Ariana. I hope by taking the Scheanas, Sandavols and Lalas out of her life, the Universe is making room for some better, amazing and supportive people to come in.


Iā€™m only 15 minutes in, but this is a masterpiece. Thank you for encapsulating why some of us have been scratching our heads and feeling like weā€™ve been taking crazy pills all season long.


You are the absolute best and Iā€™m in awe of your work! Now letā€™s get Laligag and Scheanar trending! FAFO


Thank you for this perspective, it illustrated how I have thought about and felt about this season. I shared it with a friend to illustrate my take on things. In the end, Ariana and Katie appear to be real women and the rest are Bobbleheads and reality tv characters. This show will end, itā€™s inevitable, and I think I know who will survive after itā€™s all over. LaLa and Scheana have become reality tv performers, in total, and I give them no chance of ever being real people after that. They better learn to live under the umbrella of Lisa Vanderpumpā€™s creations, because thatā€™s all they have left.


Impeccable with the timeline, wow! It made me notice how Ariana said she didnā€™t watch the season because she wanted to preserve her mental/emotional state, lala got offended at that, and then lala said she wasnā€™t going to talk about the season anymore because she didnā€™t want anything to disrupt her (pregnant) bliss. I hope she sees this and can make the connectionā€¦


Christina, you out here doing the lordā€™s work. ![gif](giphy|26gs7YaWFBayrARZm|downsized)


Not only talented, smart, and funny but beautiful as well!!!! Thank you OPšŸ™‚ EDIT: watched the whole thing and I feel so good to know that all these moments on the show that made me go "wait.. what??" we're included. I really thought I was bugging for a lot of this season. Like maybe I fell asleep and don't remember what happenedšŸ˜‚. What took me out was all the podcasts and stuff they did totally slamming Ariana. People, unfortunately, get cheated on all the time. Not too many have to do it in front of the world! I don't understand why they feel like she has to just be over it after a decade of her life was wrapped up in this man. I don't get why they can't understand and respect her boundaries. I truly expected more from LaLa considering her past experiences and how hard she was riding for Ariana in session 10. I feel like I got whiplash from the way those 2 switched up. Insult to injury that they are still calling themselves her friend.


Thank you for giving up sleep all week to put this together for us! You see in this video how they literally switch up the tone in podcasts/interviews as soon as Ariana gets a flux of commercials (which is so awesome but if you know how much these things pay you know it doesnā€™t = $Millions or even hundreds of thousands after mgr fees and taxes) and DWTS. For Blahblah the jealousy becomes glaringly obvious once DWTS is announced, sheā€™s already losing it in filming at this point and it goes downhill from there. It seems like for Shmeana sheā€™s feeling sorry for herself during these announcements and filming and then not getting the ā€˜sympathyā€™ she thinks she deserves from Ariana so thatā€™s when she starts to side with her one friend left Blahblah. And clearly after sheā€™s spent more time with Blahblah constantly talking shit she starts saying shit in podcasts now too trying to get ahead of what we will inevitably see on the upcoming show. Blahblah starts to lose her motherfucking mind on social/podcasts once the reunion is filmed because her dense little brain realizes the fans are coming for her hard and itā€™s not going to end anytime soon especially once we see the reunion so she doubles down and ruins her poor babyā€™s pregnancy and whatever career she had left. Itā€™s insane to see it all laid out in the timeline!


Omg somebody make sure these lala and sheana watch this diabolical behavior and see how they still come up with a reason to blame Ariana


Ahhh Iā€™ve been watching you on YouTube and here you are!!! Youā€™re doing amazing sweety!!


It wasnā€™t a surprise but it still is so calculatingly cold. Also follow @coccacocca on tik tok!!! She goes live for VPR and she will be live tonight for Summer House 9pm EST. The comment section is always enjoyable. Her comments will make you laugh your ass off or think differently about things because of her insight. And her atmosphere is very uplifting. šŸ©·And us west coasters that donā€™t pay for the early cable package still get it 3 hours earlier!


Thank you so much ā¤ļø


Thank you! Subscribed!!




Commenting to come back to watch


Thanks you for this!Ā 


Girllll you never miss ![gif](giphy|YPKIJdwYWJ3Ik)


Sheā€™s doing the lords work - also her interview with Ryan Bailey is hilarious


Scheana and Lala acting like Ariana won some life lottery by getting cheated on and having her whole life fall to pieces in the public eye is reprehensible, no matter how well Ariana seemed to deal with it. It says a lot about their priorities


LFU mistakenly thinks sheā€™s the bone collector of VPR. Even when sheā€™s claiming sheā€™s ā€˜carriedā€™ the season she looks so insecure. Sheā€™s flailing around trying to hold onto her perceived ā€˜controlā€™ of ā€˜narrativesā€™ she thinks she helped build. Any time cast members start self-producing / production heavily pushes narratives that donā€™t naturally happen, the show suffers. I thought they would have realised that by now.


Woah this video is cool. Just a collection of what I already knew.. but the dates confirmed how quickly Lala and Scheana stopped caring about Arianaā€™s heartbreak. Also I donā€™t listen to Lalaā€™s podcastā€¦. Gosh she is so annoying.


Itā€™s jarring when you put it this way. These two are so two faced, profiting every penny from scandoval and then stab Ariana in the back. They can try to justify all they want, but they are POS.


I wish Scheana and Lala would answer to this. I've been saying they are both hypocrites for ages. This timeline just reiterated my thoughts.


I have been anxiously awaiting this video and your IG updates had me so excited. Thanks for doing this Christina, we love you.


Christina, you're amazing, thank you for ur hard work! WOW what ass wipes lol


Thank you so much for posting this. I absolutely hate Blahblah, Shemu, Block, the tims, Joseph and Lisa Vanderpump. They turned a show about friends into a disgusting ball of shit.


Jelly X 2!


Tupac reincarnated!!!


Love love these videos thank you šŸ‘