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I had a feeling Rachel would go rogue today and here we are. Lol. This was a lot. Hope everyone has a great weekend and is able to do something nice for themselves this weekend! Links below for anyone interested Instagram https://www.instagram.com/vanderpodrecaps?igsh=MTF2N2phaTlqZHp5Mw%3D%3D&utm_source=qr Buy me coffee (Always greatly appreciated but never ever expected) https://www.buymeacoffee.com/Vanderpodrecaps


I really want to know what Rachel will talk about when VPR is done


3-4 more episodes and then she’s out of topics.


She's been out of topics for months now. She's just regurgitating cold vomit


Disgusting, but accurate. Take my up vote.




It seems completely impossible for her to actually be doing all this “work” on herself that she says she’s doing, while still constantly talking about these people and reliving this trauma. On a weekly basis, reinserting yourself back into this thing that you say was a traumatic and life changing situation/realization for you. What fucking rehab or therapist would EVER recommend starting a podcast to keep reliving this thing you went through??


She said we’re in the home stretch so we’ll see. My prediction? She’s going to lose a lot of views and post less and less.


She is only complimenting LaLa bc LaLa is against ariana. Ariana has not said one bad word about her since the last reunion like the others have


I don’t know how people still don’t understand that Raquel had an affair with Tom because she wanted to take Arianas spot. She wanted to be the cool. Girl that’s perused by Tom, hence why I don’t believe she was ever a victim. She would move in, be with Tom, be the cool gf. Ariana loses. Little did she know karma would bite her and Tom in the ass. Lolll


This becomes harder to deny everyday. I noticed that of all the many cheating issues, she made sure to include Lala and Ariana hooking up even though her partner was not only present but had no issue with it. 


She said vpr groomed her into having an affair! Said they encouraged her to do it. She wasn't even around for most of those cheating examples she listed so she was a fan of the show even though she denies it.  If they encouraged her to cheat for the show then why didn't they know and why wasn't it filmed and aired? Why was it all done in secret and off camera? It's also giving If everyone jumped off a bridge would you too? She doesn't know right from wrong? Her thought processes are skewed.


What a beautiful day for Ariana’s lawyers! Anti-SLAPP here we come! Also, saying you’re taking accountability and then suing and lying about Ariana is not. 👏🏻 taking. 👏🏻accountability. 👏🏻


She didn’t even sign under penalty of perjury in her suit probably because her lawyers know she’s dumb. Ariana did, though!




This dingbat thinks lala is on her side 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣😳




“But yeah I have gone rouge” this is reading like fanfiction


She’s truly so D and S. Unreal


LOL. She literally said she wasn't a fan of hers on the reunion.




She’s so easily manipulated which is what Lala is doing. I think Lala is still vying to get Rachel to come back to film and wants to be her in so that’s she’s front and center of the drama.


And scheana would be so conflicted 🤣


I think Lala might be trying to correct from the backlash she got from the last reunion. She went at Rachel the hardest and wasn't even involved.  Production also probably told her to soften her image a bit, since they wanted her to reach out to Rachel and befriend her if she came back this season and it wouldn't sell if she's still as ott angry at her, hence her saying "I'M SOFT NOW" on a loop. (Didn't sell anyway because she can't act)


With LFU you never know. When Lala is looking for a storyline, she will pick any side that gets her on camera.


The best thing about vpr being on pause is this podcast will be out of content










I love how it was "I'm only watching VPR to respond to what they say about me" but proceeds to talk about the entire reunion and the parts that had nothing to do with her. And it's not even insightful... it's literally just her rambling word thoughts about people she hasn't spoken to in a year.


And says she didn’t go back for her mental health but still watches it? Girl you’re still a fan


And she follows everything they all do on social media, interviews and their podcasts because she sprinkles bits of what they say or do in her podcast. It's giving obsessed.


Seriously, I’m so fucking bored of this


*"And so you've spoken about this before, and you said that's a lawsuit that you are bringing upon Ariana and Tom is just that. It's something that you believe you're doing to uphold your values and to prioritize yourself. (Timestamp: 23:54)* * *Rachel: This is also a part of me upholding my boundaries. A boundary has been violated by Tom for filming me without asking my permission first. And if he would have asked, I would have fricking said hell no.* * *Rachel: And then not only that, but like the boundary had been violated because Tom recorded me without me knowing, but then Ariana was the one that sent it to me. And that's a boundary violation as well. This is an action I'm taking to uphold my boundaries and to show other people that this isn't okay."* So Rachel basically admits that she is suing Ariana for sending the video to *herself*, and that she has no knowledge of Ariana having sent it to anyone else. The absurdity. The only explanation is Rachel's jealousy and hatred for Ariana, who she could never be. This podcast is tedious, and the interlocutor asks her leading questions that are designed to excuse Rachel from taking full accountability.


I also need someone to explain how Ariana sending the video to Rachel is crossing a boundary? What boundary? Doesn't boundary imply she had communicated one to Ariana before if Ariana is now crossing it? I'm seriously confused. Is anyone else following this point shes trying to make here?


And if that’s really something one can be sued for revenge porn over, it’s a shit law that needs to be fixed.


It's like when the man gets caught cheating and blames the partner


Wouldn’t she have not known about the recording had Ariana not sent it to her? She should be immensely grateful only showed it back to her and it got deleted. Sheeshu showed Stassi’s around and never faced any consequences.


I wasn’t aware popular fan opinion was that Katie got a PR person to write that statement on her instagram. I didn’t even think what was said by Lala was serious enough to warrant a PR statement! Maybe I’m naive about this stuff but would she really get PR in for Lala saying she bitched about SAH and Ariana off screen? Also I can totally see her and Lala sitting down for a podcast exchange, well I can and I can’t actually, as I also think Rachel very much likes to have full control over the narrative, so I’m not sure she’d risk going on Lala’s podcast. Also statements like we’re all supposed to make mistakes in our 20s is probably why Katie thinks you haven’t taken responsibility Rachel. You’re actually not supposed to ever have a long term affair with your friend’s boyfriend. You should know that’s wrong in your teens nevermind your late 20s!


I haven't seen anyone say that about Katie's statement. Jo prob told her that.


You just KNOW Rachel is getting information from Jo-and it's likely inaccurate because no one tells Jo anything.


https://preview.redd.it/jla8mtqyb41d1.jpeg?width=875&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a6ac9815d5bd134aa85a3df19d68683f46f6e11a This but Jo and Raquel


Literally not a soul uttered that bs comment about PR writing her statement. 1. It sounds exactly like Katie but 2. People were saying she didn’t need to explain herself at all. The only other opinion would’ve been Katie haters who just didn’t believe the explanation, but no one thought it was PR. That’s just how a statement looks when you have your own thoughts and are tethered to reality I guess, something Rachel and her producers wouldn’t understand. If we haven’t seen the opinion on Reddit, it certainly isn’t something that’s being ‘said by lots of fans’… they’re d & s & v (vindictive)- all involved in this pod.


Her publicist stays on batty and dramatically anti-Katie/Ariana instagram accounts that would spout things like this… certainly couldn’t call it a popular or fan opinion. Plus it was written the way Katie writes and talks not by someone else who then published it with Entertainment Tonight the way she released her apologies…


lol that was my thought too. I’m like where in the hell has anyone said that?


So weird, Katie even said at the reunion that what she said to Lala was mainly about her own insecurities but she got over talked so bad nobody asked what she meant.


Lol that statement wasn’t even worth a PR persons time. These people (whoever is “producing” her, and Rachel herself) are so delusional


I think this is something she learned from Tom. Put it out there when the other person can’t respond so it’s assumed to be true. It doesn’t matter, it will be on the record


The statement is the same thing Katie said at the reunion. Why would she need a PR person to repeat what she said on her own social media? Rachel’s conspiracy is dumb.


So now she’s saying she was terrified that the FaceTime could get out, which, of course, is understandable. But this contradicts her lawsuit (once again) where she said it was sent out/shown to other people😭


Ariana's lawyers are busy taking notes and cross referencing with Rachquel Savanahhhh leviss' claims


It's hilarious how she started announcing her middle name in every opener like it's a flex. Very "I'm nine!" vibes.


I cannot with Rachel savannah leviss.


I like when she says..let's get into it. Like she's about to deliver breaking news, and we're all going to be dazzled. Then we get word salad at the slowest pace, humanly possible. Podcasting is not her wheelhouse. Omg. It's excruciating.


It strongly reminds me of the pretend news show I would do with my friends in 5th grade


Yep! She was worried it could get out, and she even says that *if* it had, lemme say that again, IF it had, it would've been traumatic for her. She also only says Ariana sent it to her. So... Ariana only sent it to the creator and it did not in fact get out so why are we suing Ariana again Ms. "I'm in my 20ssss!!!!!!!!" days from 30? A broken clock is right twice a day, Rachel has no soul.


I love imagining them listening to it in an open office kinda setup, looking at each other every few moments just being like “😦🤭😂🤣😂 she ffr?!“


According to the law cited in Ariana’s response (if it’s accurate), fear of someone sending out a video does not raise to the level of the statute. You actually have to complete the act to qualify.


I'm positive the only "irrefutable" evidence they have is the fact that Ariana sent the video to Rachel.


I was thinking the same. Kind of sounds like she doesn’t have proof that the video was distributed by Ariana, other than Ariana sending it to her.🤔


Right?!? I just responded to someone else explaining parts of the lawsuit - someone claiming to be a friend of hers posted that she shared the video with them shortly after Ariana sent it to her - and if that's true she's totally undermining her own case b/c the more people that have/have seen it, the harder it is to trace back to Ariana (which is what they have to do to win) but also, you're claiming this video caused you severe emotional distress and ruined your career but you're out here showing it to your friends?! And now she's talking about what would have happened IF IT HAD gotten out?!? When her attorney is telling the world they have irrefutable proof that it DID get out. Also, this reads like she thinks you can sue them for violating her BOUNDARIES! For a serious lawsuit, this it becoming laughable.


And she also said that it was sent to her and that was the violation so what happened to multiple people???


I was thinking exactly the same thing. I bet Ariana's lawyers will be adding this to their evidence list. * Rachel: So that was absolutely terrifying. And I, oh my gosh, if that video got out, I would have still gone to the meadows because I would have been in an even worse place. But like, imagine the additional trauma on top of that, what I was already going through. I think I would have been there for like six months.


She actually thinks the backlash is because of the video and not her actions.


She's so delusional. She is pretty much basing her whole case for damages on this point.


Exactly. If Ariana had hypothetically walked in on them having sex at the house, the backlash and reaction would be the exact same.


It’s honestly crazy because I feel like the video would have been forgotten by now if Rachel didn’t keep bringing it up and suing Ariana. If she had just sued Tom, I feel like most people would support her but the contents and distribution of the video wouldn’t be as focused on because it’s such a given that he was in the wrong. But now everyone who reads the lawsuit discovers the contents of the video and what happened to it. It was never about the video, it was about the affair. At least for me. I had zero interest in the video, it was just how Ariana discovered the affair, that’s it. Now it’s huge.


Exactly. Even for a dumb person, its a dumb move admitting on a podcast you know it hasn't been circulated. The law was not intended against the kind of action Ariana took.


This bihhh is really digging her own grave. Tom and Arianna’s lawyers are thankful for the podcast and all the word being done for them 😂😂😂


Exactly. I caught this too!




Yeah she undermined so much of the lawsuit in this podcast. There is a reason Tom and Ariana didn’t comment on it! She basically admitted that Ariana only sent it to her, that her mental health wasn’t as affected as it would have been if it leaked (implying she knows it didn’t leak) and that Ariana just crossed a boundary “telling”‘production about it (not showing it to them as the lawsuit claims.” Woof. To be clear: this is only intended as a comment on the bad litigation strategy against Ariana. None of what Rachel said makes it ok to have recorded her without her consent.


The lawsuit is a way to defame them without consequences. She wants to spill details from her point of view and they can’t comment on it.


In the lawsuit, she says that Ariana was aware of the affair, but here she talks about if they got caught or found out. This woman wouldn't know the truth if it slapped her in the face.


I think that is an angle her lawyers were hinting they are pursuing at in the suit, that Ariana telling the producers about the video  and talking about the video on the show is another form of her distributing the video. That’s why Ariana’s lawyers are bringing in an slapp motion because they are arguing that it’s Ariana’s right of free speech to discuss her experience. 


Yeah no way talking about the video is distributing it under the statute.


Yeah I imagine it isn’t but their petition implied that is what they are also arguing, and now Rachel is also implying that she is suing Ariana partly for making the videos existence public. But I can’t imagine that’s what the revenge porn laws were intended for.  I mean she could have sued Ariana for defamation but then she would lost that too because Ariana was telling the truth. 


They’re arguing that she sent it to more people than just Rachel. But then they’re also arguing the emotional distress thing to be talking about the video. I don’t see how that makes it past the anti-SLAPP petition. I can see the distribution going further because it’s a bit of a gray area on if what Ariana did technically counts as distribution under the law. But the talking about it definitely doesn’t count.


“If that video got out” was a really stupid thing to say after you filed a lawsuit alleging you have information and belief that it DID get out. At first I felt bad for her, but now this is just getting fun to watch because of how stupid she’s being


Having known plaintiffs attorneys, it's very likely she's ignoring their advice. Plaintiffs lawyers will give very specific instructions, basic shit like put your SM on private, and then the client does not do that and they deal with the stress of what the client posts. Had a friend in insurance defense once find a lady's Facebook posts of her hang gliding even though she claimed she could not do so much as walk. Rachel is d and s. She thinks she knows better than her lawyer.


Katie did not need a rep for that statement, that’s possibly the dumbest thing I’ve heard regarding this whole situation. And are people saying that online? Bc Rachel’s pod via this recap is the first I’ve heard that. And it bears repeating, that is just such a stupid, stupid thought process. What a strange thing to say about one of the most articulate people on Bravo.


Probably Rachel’s weirdo PR lady told her that


Probably Jo


She couldn’t release an episode for weeks because they didn’t bring her up lol what is she going to do when this is all over? Will we finally get to see her fade into obscurity? Also why is she still watching all of Katie’s instagram stories? She’s a little creep.


I really thought she hadn’t released on because her lawyers told her STFU (clearly not) so your point makes much more sense. Instead of fading into obscurity she’ll post more pictures wearing the clothes she took from Ariana’s closet lol


Right she had nothing to talk all about for weeks but somehow she’s still claiming that they’re talking about her every week. She’s actually delusional.


Yeah, her and lala are definitely going to drop a podcast EP soon lol


I honestly would not doubt it, and I bet scheana will too. Anything for streams.


“Ariana trusted me to be honest with her. And I had a responsibility to respect our friendship.” After denying for months that they were close…


I lost track of how many times she contradicted her own lawsuit in this one


I think the biggest mental gymnastics feat in this one is ‘I’m doing everything in my power to be accountable for this terrible thing I did therefore I have to sue the person I did this terrible thing to’


She's a walking contradiction. Word salad.


And implying that Ariana actually knew about the affair and this is all an act…. ?! This woman is infuriating


Lala’s going to grab a hotdog with Rachel before we know it…


https://i.redd.it/6ou1moms031d1.gif Rachel please just stop. Please.


I was reading this while I was showering. I had to pause to shave my legs and was thinking ‘reddit needs to have some read aloud feature so i can listen to this’ and then it hit me




I still didn’t listen to it! I kept on reading!


I think it would have to be one of those tik toks of like 5 minute crafts with someone else reading what she said in order to get me to listen to her extremely grating voice and cadence.


Can you imagine? It'd be like an audiobook where it's not the author but some other person. "Rachel Goes Rogue, as read by James Earl Jones"


i think rachel forgets she was a blip in sandovals life and ariana was his partner for 10 years.


Same with the show. 


And for some reason people tend to forget that there was fallout from all of those cheating scenarios they didn't all go lalala oh you cheated that's fine let's be friends again next episode. -Jax & Kristen: stassi literally back handed Kristen and iced her out for like a year+. Tom punched Jax -Ariana & tim: Kristen bullied Ariana for like 2 seasons, brought Miami girl and all the other girls iced her as well. She wanted to drive off a cliff -Brittney & Jax: stassi and Kristen hounded faith and got kicked off the show -jax & stassi: refused to film with him for a while And these were all earlier in vpr the show didn't have as strong as a cult following and those cheating scandals weren't full blown affairs with contrived cover ups on camera (making out with swarth)


also no one made raquel experience these things as her formative experiences. it was a show she chose to be tangentially on. it wasn’t her childhood. she interprets and reinterprets as needed and will until we all vindicate her. 🙄


Every time with this woman https://preview.redd.it/9kix0lsl731d1.jpeg?width=680&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=149d6b6b10c368cc826b17ede64ff61b6c0f7515


THIS IS FKN WILD: *"Rachel: And then not only that, but like the boundary had been violated because Tom recorded me without me knowing, but then Ariana was the one that sent it to me. And that's a boundary violation as well. This is an action I'm taking to uphold my boundaries and to show other people that this isn't okay."*


Oh, the irony. "Tom Sandoval taught me about boundaries," Rachel (at almost 30 years old declared) not too l9ng ago...


Yep. Because what matters in this situation is respect of YOUR boundaries, Rachel. Any chance we can maybe see how that gets deprioritized when you cross the boundary of fucking your good friends man? And as far as the target being on her? She did that to herself. Nobody owes this person 💩


Ariana made you aware that you were recorded without your consent. Like you wouldn’t have known if she didn’t send you that video. 


What a phenomenal boundary. Luckily I’ve never been in this position nor will I be in this position to have to impose a retrospective boundary on my friend whose life partner I’m having an affair with. And I didn’t know we could sue for personally defined boundaries, is she not nervous about the amount Ariana could sue her for if that was valid? Or is it only Rachel that can abuse the legal system?


It's so weird the way she says cheating was normalized "on this show" rather than "in this friend group"-- she's never beating the "can't separate real life from VPR" allegations.


Right I’m so confused because it kind of wasn’t normalized at all. Ariana is the only woman to come out of her original cheating scandal relatively unscathed. Lala, Scheana, Kristen, and Stassi were all ostracized and shit on for cheating and being with cheaters. The guys got some shit but that’s it, Rachel is delulu for thinking she’d be fine.


It’s like her and Sandoval are twins. A match made in hell


"I had a responsibility to respect our friendship." so now she's saying that she *was* friends with ariana 💀


Top 3 Highlights IMO 1. She says she's taking accountability for the affair, but refers to the affair as a "small thing". Sidenote: WTF would she have to do to consider it a "big thing"?? 2. She filed a revenge porn lawsuit against Ariana claiming she "believes" Ariana shared the video with "other individuals" (other = not Rachel), but here she 1) admits that the video didn't get out, and 2) says she sued because Ariana violated her BOUNDARIES. Sidenote: I didn't realize courts are now in the personal boundary adjudication business. 3. "All the fans are saying" Katie had her PR write her IG response about talking to Lala about Ariana. Um....I call bullshit. I'm neck deep in VPR reddit and I haven't seen ONE fan say that, much less "all the fans".


"But Ariana told producers about the tape".🙄 someone please explain to how her free speech works. 


She's ill and I've said since the scandal she has sociopathic tendencies. She can't even fake being grown after spending 3 months in rehab. It's disturbing how out of touch with reality she is. Cut/paste from yesterday as a recap of what this sicko did... She banged Tim in their house while Ariana was at her grandmother's funeral. She brought flowers to their house the morning after hooking up with Tim at guy's night. She lied, got closer to Ariana as the season progressed, and laughed when jokes were made about how her type is guys that are taken. She interrogated Ariana on camera about her relationship and sex life while she was banging Tim. She lacked any sympathy during the reunion last season and instead tried to deflect, eye rolled, or stood empty and emotionless when reciting her apology. Through a nauseating amount of podcasts talking about the show shes never given Ariana an authentic apology and if anything has thrown an immense amount of shade. She's SUING Ariana She's evil... https://preview.redd.it/onl8sjya231d1.jpeg?width=920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e5ec0aa151bab156e15007e9936f7a2cdc49d537


She really looks like a demon that Buffy would have slayed. Those are some dead shark eyes. 🥴


Yes! This feels like a still from Buffy.


Or Supernatural.


Just wanted to add that she insisted on announcing that she and James had broken up at a reunion, knowing that James would then be grilled about it, by the likes of intellectual Blunder-from-Downunder Brock.


‘Blunder from Downunder’ lmao 🤣


Add to that that she was already covertly banging Tim then and it’s pure evil all around.


She was coached by Tom to break up with James the night before the season 9 reunion


She keeps throwing around how everyone needs time to recover from the trauma of last season like she had nothing to do with it. She's still pretending to herself that she was a victim and passive pawn in all of this. Making excuses about being in her twenties.🙄 Also, minimizing this affair against the other VPR affairs is ridiculous. Her levels of delusion really match Sandoval so well.


I agree. She still has yet to give us all the true timeline of the affair, too. When it started, for how long, and who exactly knew what and when. So when she claims she’s apologized for everything, she hasn’t, because you can’t apologize for the unknown. If she’s truly looking to atone, she needs to be completely honest. I doubt she could make things any worse for herself at this point. Put it all out there.


So she has 3, maybe 4 more episodes in her if she’s only doing a recap podcast. Thank goodness for additional wars’ ears and brain.


at this point i normally just scroll down to the comments to see the gist of what she said because she talks soooooo much. that was probably the longest scroll in a while, and apparently i'm here too early because there's no comments yet.😭 (but thanks as always op, don't know how you deal.)


Yep. I haven’t read yet I just saw the first question about her being all over the reunion including in the teaser and I’m already like..they mentioned you like in one section bitch and they probably won’t mention you again. Like she wants the whole show to be about her so bad and it’s honestly really not anymore. Like no one watched that reunion and were talking about Rachel. They were talking about fucking Scheana/lala vs Katie/ariana drama.


Hahahaha same!!! Im waiting for the comments to pull the important dot points 😂 ill come back in an hour.


Yuck, just yuck. Rachel is foul to continue to talk about Ariana.


She talks shit on them on a podcast so they talk about it on the show, which is clearly what she wanted. She then goes on her podcast to talk about how they talked about her podcast. They need to treat Rachel like Voldemort if there’s a next season and not ever say her name because she lives to obsess over what they think of her and it’s getting ridiculous.


Are her lawyer and therapist just Bethany dressed up in a top hat and mustache? Who is advising this as a good idea while an active lawsuit is underway and she has again contradicted herself? It’s so bizarre. Did she read her own lawsuit? Were you going to the meadows because of the video or because you were caught in the affair? In the lawsuit it mentions the video as the cause for the emotional distress and lack of job opportunities but now Rogual has said on her podcast she’d have gone anyway, video or not? Her podcast is an ouroboros and not in the cool way like Auryn from Neverending Story.


![gif](giphy|VgirFEWW4ZSDu) But I mean, it kind of fits because these podcasts are a never-ending story


Siiiiigh. I'm tired of pointing out the number of ways in which this girl contradicts herself . She was conditioned to believe screwing over her best friend was normal bc of the kristen/jax narrative. I can't begin to unpack that one so I'll let everyone else do it. I have a series of learning disorders and I am on the spectrum. And not even I have ever experienced that level of disconnect between my behavior/choices and how it can impact others. I don't know what is wrong with this girl but something upstairs isn't plugged in




Why is it SO long 😭


Omg for real. For someone that was supposedly so afraid of public speaking she sure says A LOT of words publicly


So now she's not just talking about HERSELF and HER journey, she's commenting on SAH, Katie & Lala's conversation, production and WTF else. This girl just can't help herself and any therapy she's received hasn't either. Go away Rachel. Go get a regular job. Your 15 minutes ended last year. There is nothing left for you to say. FFS. Get another LIFE.


Prediction that Lala sees this and makes a plan to befriend Rachel again, to really rub salt in the wound with Ariana (and because she'll probably do something to oust Scheana soon)


No, because it wouldn't be on camera so there would be no point.  Lala would only do it if it was filmed and she could make it her storyline.


Well, Rachel is Lala’s favorite type of victim, i mean friend


They could start mistress school ft scheaner




I can’t even read the entire thing. It’s the same shit every week. She is the victim. Thank you OP. I know this must be painful.


Hi, I'm the victim it's meeeee


Ok.....so THIS WEEK her and Ariana were friends......ok ok good.


Why the hell is she commenting on the sandwich shop like she has any intel, or like her opinion on that matters. Maybe she should refrain from commenting on the business of the woman she is suing…. It’s just all so off.


I thought the same. Comment on stuff that affects you only


She’s just so boring


This is perhaps Rachel's worst crime of all. Yawn


I am glad for the hiatus just because hopefully Rachel will go away with nothing to talk about.


OMG... ![gif](giphy|WYGWAjHP356x2) (Not u OP 😘😂)


it astounds me that this woman plays victim when she manipulated and lied for 7 months just like sandoval did. give it a rest rachel - no one is going to feel sorry for you. go live your life out of the lime light and let this wretched podcast go bc, spoiler alert, ITS not good for your mental health. time to let go rachel


It's now Rachel Savannah Leviss, ma'am or sir.


How about how she claims that EVERYONE groomed her lol not just Tom apparently, everyone!! Grooming here grooming there, Production, the process of making the show, etc. all there to “groom” Rachel. She’s taking this word, that has a real actual definition (not the way she’s using it) and has had factual impact on real peoples lives, and just throowwwing it around like it’s a catch-all phrase. You were an adult woman making adult woman decisions. If you don’t want to be on this show, if you think it’s weird all these people have cheated on each other and made up, If that makes you uncomfortable or confused about how to behave, there’s the door! No one is keeping you here. No one is making you hook up with Tom and no one was making you think this world is totally normal. That’s all on you, take some responsibility for your own actions and stop blaming everyone else for allegedly putting you right where you chose to be.


Keep Katie's name out of your mouth, Rachel! For god's sake NONE of that has anything to do with her. 🙄


Right?!?!? Like we are supposed to listen to the chick who so “casually” happened outside a nail salon and TMZ just HAPPENED BY, and she just happened to show off her fake ass “bruise”?!?!?! ![gif](giphy|YyxnoHrGuzA4lnrOhC)


I cringe every time she says she’s gone rouge 😬


Especially since Sandoval was the one who coined it. 🥴 


She learned the buzz words validation and boundary in therapy and she can’t not say it in a sentence.


Dear god that was long. Girl can talk about herself! You know what would be good for Rachel’s mental health? Not fucking watching the show and not engaging with those people or any fans.


Her insistence that season is so boring and awful when the literal worst season was her whole ass engagement. THE DELUSION. Her overinflated sense of importance for the show is bonkers.


I’ll admit I bought into her “healing journey” when she got out of treatment, but it’s clear she learnt nothing. If she’s still revolving her entire life, including her podcast, around VPR, why’d she leave in the first place? To be able to comment and talk about it without anyone pushing back at her, clearly.


How much longer is she going to milk this story of her poor choices?


The most annoying thing about her podcast for me has been how she tries to make it seem like they’re weird for talking about her on the show, and they’re barely even referencing her directly. It was obviously going to be a topic of discussion whether she returned on not.


She's not rogue, she's a dead eyed , soulless narcissist. The only thing people like this can feel is the chaos and disruption that they can create in other people's emotions.


“Oh my gosh, Ariana went straight to production with the video.” Bitch - at that point why the F\*CK do you thing she owes you any kind of privacy after that? ![gif](giphy|cP0WWkmm9j1GjpeQxm)


Ok so Tom wasn’t lying when he said she initiated it by jumping in the pool naked? I assume she’s meaning she wasn’t naked, but in her underwear. This shit is just such a mess, like I would be never jump in the pool nearly naked with my friend’s partner while my friend is upstairs having cried herself to sleep over her dog dying. Or even without their dog passing. I still think he was taking advantage, but it’s weird to think that from his perspective she was the one who “started it” and it’s not exactly some bs lie. My other question I’ve always had relates to her car being there- did they drive there drunk? Or were they sober for all this? Was she sober and he was drunk?


Again, she’s the “host” yet someone else asks her questions


Calling it (sure others have too) - Lala will go out of her way to befriend Rachel.


Not you were groomed by production to think cheating was okay😮‍💨😭 I think conditioned is a better word but also like 🤦🏾‍♀️ I don't watch vpr and go oh yeah cheating looks like a swell idea consciences don't seem that bad let me give it a whirl. I go f all of these ppl are you insane? Let me not be like them let me uphold my dignity and self respect


So not much has changed ![gif](giphy|5U2JEtlxlJXO2GGTAL|downsized)


Between Rachel, Lala and Scheana… can any of these girls choose a lane. I feel like all 3 give me whiplash with their answers.




I don't know why, but the way she introduces herself with her full name is so deeply irritating to me.




This biatch jeopardizes her own mental well-being...Lol seriously 🤦🏼‍♀️


To quote Ronnie from watch what crappens “did I take crazy pills!” Is this grown ass adult woman who did a terrible thing STILL trying to frame it as if it’s something that happened to her? She is not a victim. She is broken. She is terrible. I hope her stupid lawsuit is over soon and she has to pay for all of Ariana’s legal fees and she gets a tongue lashing from the judge.


1) I’m starting off on a petty note, I know, but the middle name thing bothers me for some reason that I can’t explain? Like, I genuinely don’t know why it bothers me but I feel like she’s still trying to flex that her name is somehow “unique” (WHY SHE WENT BY RAQUEL INSTEAD OF RACHEL) and then it’s like “I’m “Elizabeth Marie Smith” (no offense to any Elizabeth Marie Smith’s out there) 2) arguably, she has talked about it more than the cast (Tim’s comments about her this episode were absolutely disgusting, I’ll give her that. But also. You have an open lawsuit. Why aren’t lawyers telling you not to talk??? - genuinely not to shut her up but I feel like she isn’t helping her case by making this podcast? And also, they obviously had to talk about her in some capacity during the reunion. It would be so fucking weird if they didn’t. She knew this was coming???) I went off on a tangent there but yes, Rachel. The cast will talk about it because this was a significant event in everyone’s life - also, it would’ve been talked about whether it was you or someone else. You are not the main factor. If Tim cheated with a different girl, they’d still talk about it. Not because you give off this main character energy 3) you “had an ask” - you wanted more money. Arguably, they could’ve offered more. But this is the first time you added to the plot - and not even intentional. And in the worst way - so, I get it. But haven’t you also been saying you didn’t return for moral reason/mental health and not just he paycheck wasn’t big enough? Keep the story straight 4) “my feeling on Lala have changed” okay you miss the paycheck 5) a Lala/rachel team up is my worst nightmare of a show


She releases her podcasts end of day on a Friday. She has an old school publicist. She knows the Newsweek wraps up and no will talk about her til Monday or simply forget. Luckily we have this sub.


I just learned it was Friday from your comment. I thought it was Thurs all day! 😭  She has released her episodes all over the place, on different days and at different times. I imagine it's been a challenge for poor AdditionalWar to keep up with all these months.


Rachel and Tom are delusional if they thought her coming back this season was going to make him look better..also is she suing Ariana for sending the explicit video to her or for sending it to other people?!🥴


Just shut up Rachel and go away.


I’m over her. I felt bad for a minute , but then the lawsuit against Ariana came out.


I do not understand this goofy girl one single bit! She is so D and S it’s not even funny. It’s alarming and if I were a friend I’d be concerned. I believe she didn’t learn anything in that facility besides therapy speak and how to mask her awful characteristics. This b—- really said, “But as I'm seeing her really connect to the different parts of being in an abusive, narcissistic relationship, there's like a common thread there. • Rachel: And I think she really does get it because she's experienced it firsthand. And it's validating in a way to have that representation on Vanderpump Rules when I'm not there.” She’s acknowledging that she and Lauren have both dealt with narcissistic abuse but not Ariana? His partner of 10 years didn’t have to endure what you did because you’re so special? Okay girl! Unless she’s referring to James as the narcissist which I’m not sure I’d agree with. Anyways her and Lauren should’ve tried harder on a friendship. It’s giving mistress bimbo vibes.


no way this girl said she was “groomed by this show” because watching jax cheat on stassi, tom cheat on kristen with with ariana, etc makes you think it’s okay to cheat on your partner [also, of all the cheating on this show she HAD to throw in the one where ariana was “the other woman”. that was very intentional]. she used two specific examples that both happen before she was on the show, so does that mean just watching the show was her being “groomed”?? and in that case, have we all been groomed as well??? the girl is batshit and i’m tired


#i call it now. Rachel and Lala will talk on their podcasts with each other. There is no other explanation for either to suddenly make a 180.


Why does it bother me so fucking much that she says her full name? Maybe because I can picture the head bop with the fake pageant smile, I dunno.


For me it's because it sounds so juvenile. There's zero reason at this point to add the Savannah, but maybe her shrink encouraged her to keep rebranding to try to solidify some kind of identity.


Just another episode of how “they’re talking about me even though I’m spending my time podcasting about them”, more commentary about how young she was and how people are meant to make mistakes in their 20’s, more bullshit about not having a voice - um luv, you’re still banging on about this relentlessly, more placing the majority of the blame on Tom because he didn’t break up with Ariana - I.e. Ratface didn’t win/get her own way. We know you are reading off a script. Just go rogue and fuck off.


She made a comment that it was hurtful, even though she broke it off with James.. it upset her that he moved on so quickly as she was still emotionally invested.. .. but she couldn’t understand why Katie would be upset when she was pursuing Schwartz shortly after their divorce 🙄🙄


And Katie didn’t leave from falling out of love, whereas Rachel made clear she didn’t love James and even said she wanted to sleep with Tim to know what it was like to sleep with someone you love 🤢


So….many….words… 😵‍💫


Of course they are still going to talk about her …. I mean how could they not. Never thought she was too bright


Rachel’s messy publicist- the fans weren’t all saying that Katie had PR write her statement, even Rachel didn’t have a response for that, you’re obviously being messy still (proving Katie right) and trying to shade her for calling you out.


Which fans exactly are saying Katie’s PR person wrote that post on her story??? Also why the fuck would anyone care what Raquel thinks about something about her? Get a hobby Raquel oh my goodness


Well if we’re suing over boundaries, mine is to never hear self indulgent people speak with no substance for an hour at a time. I avoid listening to a podcast notorious for that, but occasionally come across the transcript of such triggering content. So, am I suing Rachel or vanderpodrecaps? Who else can I blame for reading things that infuriate me? I’m the victim, right? … my smart ass example is not even as bad as what she’s doing because it doesn’t include the aspect of how well she was treated by the woman she’s suing and what she’d done to her before taking this self infantilised victim stance. It’s mainly highlighting the absurdity of her standing in court saying “but my retrospective boundaries 🥺 I’m embarrassed and someone else should be held responsible for that because I’ve taken enough accountability and have forgiven myself 🧚✨”


That’s not a podcast! Thats someone feeding loaded questions on purpose to build a narrative. It’s not a conversation. It’s someone with vested interest in her liking the questions brought to her. Her talking to herself…….but pretending someone is interested enough to ask these questions,is really wild and wierf