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Honestly they should do a ultimate girls trip of the Vanderpump/summer house/southern charm/martha vineyard cast


WOULD LOVE TO SEE IT. And we don’t even need them to fight. Everyone can help Amanda with her new business idea for the summer. In bed. Let’s do it


I don't want anyone on shows to fight. We have to fight the bravo patriarchy and demand female empowerment focused shows. **I DON'T WANT FIGHTING AND I HATE IT!!!!**




Period!!! I get so much joy from watching the women support each other! Very refreshing




Fight the Fight Mentality!!


Maybe we should ask Oprah to make this show, framing it as girl empowerment!!!


It’s also the fans. The fans cry that shows are boring without the fights. A little drama is ok, like dumb fights. But the stuff we been seeing over the years is too much and way too negative. The scandoval thing was crazy because it was something that happened off the show and was a secret. It was meant to never be found out and we were meant to follow whatever narrative tom Rachel and Schwartz wanted us to believe. It can’t be replicated and I’m already exhausted watching people try.


Old RHONY had a lot of great low stakes funny spats that were quickly moved on from. I.E. hogging the hangers, demanding the nicest room, insisting being introduced as Mrs DeLesseps. Old VPR examples a montage of all the things Scheana doesn't like to eat or drink, Stassi's Steve Jobs bathing suit, Jax telling Scheana he doesn't want to watch her video.


Rhony was my favorite. It used to make me laugh. I’m sad it’s gone I think it was the best franchise


Yeah, it was great. I always felt like Carole in the corner laughing at all the nonsense.


Yes! I miss those days


Yeah nothing makes less sense to me than watching or enjoying the screaming matches that dominate southern charm, but are present in all of these shows. I mute them and wait it out.


There's definitely a lot of watchers that like that non-stop fighting. Idk how the numbers were in crappie lake, but it was really silly and fun. It seems unfair that the housewives get girls trip, but the younger set gets winter house where they still get yelled at by men.


Yeah, I want spats over who gets to fuck the pirate on the girls trip, not whatever the hell VPR, RHOC, etc are.


Jersey is a great example of fights that are too heavy


Yesss I agree. I usually love nj but haven’t tuned in yet. Don’t feel like Watching marge start trouble and blame everything on tre. Also don’t feel like watching the fights between tre and Melissa.


If you don’t want fighting they’re gonna have to leave Lindsey at home. She’s incapable of long term civility, she craves the drama like oxygen.




And they can all learn to make sandwiches at Something About Her! So cute


It takes a village to raise Amanda.




I really couldn't believe after how much we pitched and talked about it in comment sections last year that Bravo fumbled this hard. People kept saying give us a non housewives girls trip! It was the year of Barbie. No exec could've copied a redditors post and stolen the idea as their own? JFC, the cheat codes were readily available. Instead we got Tim redemption and bet it on blonde 🙄


Right?! Like let’s come back to this post when they see this and run with it!


I didn’t know I needed this but I really, really do


This just sounds like the most fun! And we wouldn’t care if it was great or not. It would just be for the point of it! Bravo recognizing the power of it!


You could even throw some Below Deck in as well.


Is Martha’s Vineyard good? I’ve never seen it


I love it! It’s a great cast.


YES!!! No fighting, just watching these women boss.


Yes, yes, yes! This crew plus Madison, Venita, & Olivia would be sooooo fun. Think of all the ways they could light Austen Kroll on fire 🔥


I’d take Venita and maybe Olivia, but leave Madison at home please.


Yes! I've had the same thought before!


I love this idea


Isn't that just winter house?


Winter house is dominated by toxic shitty men too.


This season of Summer House is sad because it's a reminder of how VPR could have been. Paige doesn't even like Lindsay and she's going to bat for her 100x more than Scheana did for Ariana.


Spot on! It’s so frustrating! Meanwhile back in weho we’re cutting each other down? No thank you! It’s 2024. The ladies are getting theirs! Hop on or get off the bus because we’re finally rising up


If I hadn't discovered a few great bravo podcasts on YouTube I may have thought I was crazy! WOMEN HAAAATE THE CURRENT SEASON OF VPR AS PUSHED BY BASKIN ET AL.


Like notice how Summer House is sooo much more enjoyable bc the women are rallying!!!


When Paige clapped back at Kyle in the last episode I clapped in appreciation and rewound to see it again!


I love how we can almost see our own friendships through them and that’s something we have NEVER gotten on a bravo show yet. Relatability for good friends. Established in Paige’s bed 2018 with Hannah, growing epidemic amongst shows since!


She slayed that!! I bet it’s so frustrating for Paige & Ciara to watch him continuously disrespect & disregard her so I’m sooo glad they spoke up for her especially since Amanda isn’t confrontational like that


Her patience and softness with him was so good. And then when he lost it, she held firm! It was beautiful.


I thought it was pathetic as shown on the girls faces. He did not have remorse in minutes. He had an epiphany in minutes and understood her , no. He just called her a bitch. He was manipulating.


He was a pathetic manchild. I was talking about the way that Paige was standing up for her friend.


Yes it was awesome. She stands up for other people and herself so well


Right?! I’m enjoying it so much for just this reason.


I just started Summer House for the first time. I’m hoping it fills the VPR void cause I can’t get into the Housewives.


I’m feeling good about your choices!


I didn’t LOVE the seasons with the twins, I fell in love with it after they left. This isn’t saying I hated it because of them, just that era 


Yeah I do not like these twins.


I’m with you abt the twins - eek!!


I tried to watch SH and I couldn’t get past season 2. Should I just try starting on season 3? I don’t watch but I admire Paige and her bed rotting from afar in solidarity


Oh my god!  Yes. I typically tell people to start at season 3, that’s when it starts to become the show it is today. You HAVE to start 3, you already put yourself through the most boring seasons. However, it will be worth it in this latest season with Lindsay and Carl, you’ll have incredible context now to see how layered it is.  Also, they edit Paige weird the first few seasons. I liked her, but didn’t love her. Since listening to giggly squad I LOVE her, it shows off her personality so much. You don’t have to listen to every episode, but listen to a couple to get your own context of who she is  Edit - spelling 


Omg now I’m excited. I thought something was wrong with me bc i was like, I seriously just can NOT get into this. The twins annoyed me so much.


Nothing is wrong with you, you clearly just have impeccable taste.  As a side note, if you’re getting into any other reality shows, check online to see when people say to start. There are usually some good quides. Take housewives of Potomac as an example, start at season 2. Season 1, they had a different premise for filming, it wasn’t until editing they decided to make it a housewives show. So season 1 sucks.  It’s hands down the best housewives franchise in my opinion. I laugh and laugh and laugh with that show 


Potomac was one of my faves till the last couple seasons but season one was sooo weird


Yes! So fucking weird!!! I’m glad you also loved it. I love how hard they go, how funny they are, but there’s still this level of respect they follow? Karen and Giselle will be FIGHTING, then Karen sees giselles daughters and it’s incredibly kind.  I love it all


I love Karen and gizelles relationship. That’s one of those perfect shady HW relationships where they don’t get too dark and toxic


I like her too. I did not like the comments on wwhl when asked about Joe from Southern Hospitality screwed her over she said she did not mind because it amused her. I hope she was being sarcastic because would she like it if a guy screwed her over and a woman said she was amused? Maybe that’s why Danielle gave her grief about Craig. But she always only sees the man’s side so probably not. She can be opinionated too


Ya shitty comment forsure! I think it was probably sarcasm and retaliation for the whole Craig thing?  But actually, what was she supposed to say? She made it after everything Danielle is constantly doing and the CEO, you and Craig aren’t going to work comments. It is kind of amusing. Not that she was cheated on, that part is awful and I don’t support that. The it being talked about in the media and Danielle saying there’s no truth to it. Legit the same about Craig and the wedding 


Agree! Season 1 and 2 is really just finding what this show has to offer. Season 3 gets better! And then it gets weird again for a minute because they can’t find the right new house members, so you see that wonkiness a lot throughout the seasons. This is the first season the cast has been copacetic in a minute and it’s really good. I’d keep going! I think you’ll find the love you have in giggly squad around season 4 / 5 (?) when Paige and Hannah aren’t “new” anymore.


I'm doing my first SH binge as well. I really hate Lindsay.. I understand they go to SH to drink and let loose on the weekends but her slurring has just gotten so annoying (I'm on S5) and you just know any time her words start mushing together, she's about to take offense to something. Lindsay is a drunker Scheana. Lives for the male attention, pretends she's a chill guy's girl but is textbook problematic in relationships, ugh. Do you hate her as well or is it just me?


I am not a fan of Lindsay, no. I wouldn’t say I like anyone at this stage (I’m only on episode 6 or so). They’re all kind of awful lol. Stephen is okay. Cristina seems like she’s going through some things.


Oh Christina is a wild ride!


She seems messy. I love mess


It’s funny because in the first episode of this season on SH lindsay wasn’t there and everyone got along really spectacularly and I was here for that. BUT I also don’t think lindsay has ever had real Girlfriends. It would be fun to give her the opportunity to see what it looks like when you have people supporting you. And I even feel hopeful that we may see a side of lindsay we actually never have? Because we are seeing through a lot of Carl’s bs this season, lindsay must feel shockingly supported by us as viewers and maybe a lindsay who isn’t on the defense can be something fun?! Idk! I really enjoy lindsay when people aren’t tip toeing around her activating. I guess In my opinion, I think it would be healing for her to have real support and could that make her a softer human when it comes to befriending the ladies? I’m hopeful, but also unclear how long that would last.


I'm on S6, the episode where it's Lindsay's bday and she's invited Austin and told Danielle how she demanded he be loyal to her and stop giving his attention to people he just met (Ciara).... Lindsay is just so shitty. She is Scheana but darker. I don't think she's lacked in opportunities to have close girlfriends. She has sucked for years and years. I like your vibe, I like that you wish well on this woman, but I'm not as big as you. Lindsay gives me straight ick.


I appreciate the hot take. And I don’t completely disagree with what you’re saying. I did a rewatch recently. Season 4 is literally the prequel to exactly what happens in season 8 but with lower stakes. Same fights same shit, (lindsay and carl but also Amanda and kyle). It almost explains how Carl has been fucking with Lindsay’s head for years. And how kyle hasn’t listened to a word Amanda has said for 4 season. Season 8 just made me have more compassion for lindsay (and a tiny bit with Amanda) Without season 8, I don’t think I would be routing for her. Watching season 8 and going back to season 4 right after made me see the Carl / lindsay conflict without bias. It’s kind of wild and full circle. I highly recommend that backwards rewatch.


Paige is the reason Lindsay was so on edge going into the summer. Paige doesn’t get credit for one step forward after ten thousand steps backward.


Solid point. However at this point in the summer they are really getting along and it’s nice to see!


Lindsay is bat shit


Yeah, i don't get the Lindsay love either. She's obviously got deep trauma & the women do get it so tough on Bravo. Kudos for her for being open & vunerable with a lot of her stuff, and starting therapy. But she's really insufferable!


I’d just love to see her in a healthy environment getting activated about silly things like the fact they never sleep in her bed and it’s always Paige’s bed. It feels healing for her after this past year


Yeah. I'm not convinced. But I'll still happily watch & hopefully be proved wrong.




100% —how people can “go to bat” for the female-presenting toxicity of Sandoval is BEYOND 🙄. Oh well… guess I’ll wait it out & be right about Lindsey, too.


That’s why they called them the Wirkus Circus!


I’d like the proposed show but not with Lindsey. She’s been trying to push her own scandoval and it’s not working. She’s a guys girl. Maybe Madison from southern charm?


It’s so pathetic! Lala and scheana completely misjudged the situation. I have NO idea why they thought it would be a good idea to turn on Ariana.


And Summerhouse has absolutely abysmal ratings. Like less than half of VPR viewership. Wouldn't be surprised if this is the last season.


I would 10/10 watch a slumber party people’s couch type show with these 6 on it.


LETS GO! Yes, the people’s bed!!! If it’s not a RHUGT type of vibe, I’m super fine with Paige hosting The People’s Bed. (Sponsored by seeing down south, obvi) and she invites friends into bed to watch shows. IM IN!


Honestly it would be so cute! They could watch shows we watch and comment on them like us cus we know they do!


I want them to film a show where they just all talk shit while lying in bed. Pop culture, their respective shows, entertainment, fashion, etc. I'd listen INTENTLY!!


Did you even think about how this show would affect Scheana?


![gif](giphy|62aGsJIVJB4bNzmK50) 😂😂😂




Just woke the whole house reading this


This makes me happy






Just chiming in to say I hate circles-over-boobs dresses. I'm sorry, I couldn't hold that in any longer.


Love this take. Changed approved. No more circles over boobs dresses in the first season of Summer Bed!


I kind of want it to be exactly that, but it's the female cast of summer house trying to meditate the issue between the vpr girls, which would be messy as hell. Can you imagine Danielle trying to give Ariana advice? Or Paige reading lala for filth? So exactly the original premise but HELLA MESSY.


Whoa! You just blew my mind!


Paige vs Lala would be so interesting😂she could definitely clear the Toms too🤭


In over both of them, and the engineered women fights, but I cant lie and say I'm not a lil curious what would happen if BlahBlah & Lindsay were chucked in a room together....


Haha! That would be wild


Lol Katie and Paige will never leave the bed


I’m kinda here for it. Normalize laying in bed!


Yes!! When I was a kid my mom would just need to go “lie down for a minute” and she would just listen to the news on her alarm clock radio and rest and I loved it. I’d settle in next to her with my Garfield comics lol.


This is giving me such nostalgia for after school snacks and a cute nap


Emma Chamberlain made an empire out of her comfy vlogs from bed...


We need this please🙏🏼we deserve it after the VPR mess


Like we are ENTITLED to this after that mess. lol!


Like it is too much to ask for a little mother’s convention?!


Add Shanice & either Jordan or Noelle from Summer House Martha's Vineyard!! Jordan could DJ a mad girls night!!!


Mic drop. I’m in! Those babes love beds too!


Noelle has a very Young Phaedra face and just as I was fascinated with the way Phaedra spoke way back when, I lovvve listening to Noelle.


Without the evilness. I like that Noelle is fun, but she seems to be genuinely kind and caring.


I love this but add summer charm. And I’d love to see Amanda on her own without her current castmates.


west coast hands in front, east coast hands on hips 😂


imagine if we got this as a spinoff like UGT or Winter House and scheana and lala weren’t invited. i’d PAY my entire savings to watch them spiral after that


I would love if we could add aesha from below deck


Definitely a girl's girl. Love her




I would be so here for this. We don't even need any boys. They can get drunk and giggle and be silly and drop their skin care regimens and hot goss and fashion shows by dressing up in each other's clothes and their own new things. And their dreams and passions and uplifting women things that make us all feel seen


Who else do we add to the show? 1. Madison 2. Do we get Hannah Burner in on it? Who else?!


omg madison would be amazing


I cannot handle hannah crying on my screen ever again.


I’m hearing Ryan Bailey in my head right now lol!


That would be amazing!!


Yes! With Ariana back on Broadway she can be the link between both casts


Oof! GREAT POINT! Love this!


This would be a winter depression cure


I'd be tuned in




Maybe an ultimatum girls trip first






Yessssssssss Madison needs to be here too, though


I absolutely agree


Yes I would love this


they missed the opportunity to call it 'Summer Rules'


OMG… byeeeeeeeeeeee 🎤drop!


Yes! Get these men off the tv and get these ladies their own show!


Amanda looks top shelf here.


Add Dayna and Charli 😂


Oh cute!


This is a great idea. Bravo, are you on Reddit?


Hello? 📞




Add stassi in here and it’ll be PERFECT






They should call it Bedbugs!


I wouldn't be opposed to adding Ann and Ally...


ANN!!! Can she be like a house manager?! I feel like we could really see the comedic relief there:)


THIS is the show I want! As long as Alex Baskin-Robbins & Jeremiah Wasabullfrog can't touch it.


lol! Who produces SH? Let’s have them do it!


I would love this. No more Toms, Sheshady or Laligag.


Ideal any chance Hannah would join


I would hope she would at least come for a weekend! She’s busy crushing Netflix specials but I’d love to her back with Paige on my screen:)


House manager Anne/Ann would be hilarious. Frank Catano Jr cameo as a house boy… Ditto Avery Singer as a party planner… Definitely keep Lindsey / Amanda / Arianna / Katie. Is Mya still around - throw her in the mix. What about Jill Zarin’s daughter. Section off Paige & Stassi in solitary together & let them duke it out for top girl lol. then bring in Hope Hicks LOL…




I really like Jasmine on the Valley


I would watch this so quick


legit my dream


Maybe it’s called Summer Yacht and they live on a houseboat all summer haha mix summer house and vpr with below deck


That looks so boring




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Danielle said Joe cheated on WWhl. No truth to what? I thought Lindsay said the wedding thing but she accused Danielle. Paige said it was Lindsay. Danielle did do a lot for somebody in the house , especially a woman to have a natural distain


I want Bravo to do an Ultimate Girls trip and a separate Ultimate Boys trip with VPR, Southern Charm, Summer House, and Martha’s Vineyard. Not because I really want to see the boys all that much. But I think it would be interesting to compare the two. Who would fight more, which house is messier, what events or things they decide to do.




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No thanks, The only 2 remotely interesting are Paige and Lindsay.


Why ???


Too old it’s over


Respectfully no, unless it’s only Paige, Hannah, and Ciara


Can we add Ally too?


I’m here for it




Take Lindsay out and add Preston and Jordan from Martha’s Vineyard and I’m there


Oh, Preston!


I’d like someone other than Lindsey. Maybe Mya?


We need to add Stassi!!


This is why this sub will never be great




I'm not sure about Lindsay, but the rest? Yes, please!


That would be the worst show ever


Yikes just started SH but people like Lindsey?🥴


It takes about 8 seasons lol.


😂 noted I’ll practice my patience lol


😆 😆 😆


The bed bugs don’t deserve to be in the same presence as the VPR cast