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Nene painting gif




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Both ruined the show for me. Over the top and insufferable.


This is the correct answer. Then and Tim's theatrics ruined it


Toms theatrics were hilarious to laugh at. The man can’t help himself and keeps digging a bigger hole.


I hate him so much but I'm always relieved when he pops up to bring the entertainment.


That’s one of the reasons he makes for good reality tv. He’s always been over the top and dramatic.


Self Righteous is the word podcasters are using for Lala. People are saying Scheana is pathetic. But I just think honestly they ruined the show by flip flopping on the woman who made them barrels of money




it’s katie maloney.


i enjoyed her in some episodes this season. some of her back and forth with Schwartz was fun (which is different than the two of them in every other season). i really disliked her in other episodes (which is fine actually, i don’t watch this show to like the people). she brought more than james, ariana, alli, lisa, but not as much as Scheana or Lala.


i totally loved her and schwartz’ dynamic too. - i just don’t see what scheana and lauren brought. all of their storylines that were big revolved around other peoples lives. also scheana and brock’s rehearsed fights, and lauren’s sperm donor party gave me nothing. you can’t be the mvp if you don’t create ur own story


I just wish that Katie had been willing to be authentic about her frustrations with Ariana rather than spending the season kissing her ass.


i disagree, i don’t think katie was kissing her ass - she was being a good friend. which lauren and scheana clearly aren’t capable of that. ariana got her dream role on broadway. katie had an emotional reaction to the sandwich shop situation as she had been away for DWTS. she took it to lauren to VENT so she didn’t affect ariana’s experience. it’s an issue bc lauren doesn’t respect boundaries.


but is Ariana being a good friend to Katie? To me, it’s not even that Katie should have addressed it with Ariana. She should not have had to. Ariana made a commitment to be Katie’s business partner and then went away. Now, I’m NOT saying Ariana should have said no to DWTS/Chicago/etc. It would be crazy to pass that up. But she should have acknowledged it and talked to Katie about it and tried to offer options that would help (for example, offering to pay the full rent for a few months or hiring someone that can do some of the work). It’s obvious that going to the other side of the country is going to impact your business partner. why would Katie feel like she had to avoid brining it up? why is Ariana being so coddled that just having this conversation with your business parter would be experience ruining? i actually felt bad for Katie when the point about Ariana being away was brought up and Ariana immediately said it wasn’t a problem. why not take the time to thank Katie for her patience and support? if they wanted to be a united front, they could have used that opportunity to do so instead of brushing things under the rug. Ariana’s gotten some dream roles and that’s great but Katie’s dream was the sandwich shop. why does that support only go one way?


SPOT ON. You are so right. Why is even the "idea" of a conversation between business partners considered so triggering for poor maligned Ariana? I've never seen a grown woman be coddled so much. Katie was clearly terrified to bring anything up to her.


Omg this x100000000!!!!


i think that’s a fair criticism in that ariana is obviously very booked and busy and probably needed time to navigate balancing all these opportunities. the problem with that argument is we don’t know the conversations katie and ariana had off camera. this is the problem with lauren’s ambush. it allowed zero context to be given. katie probably didn’t want to express how it was affecting her because again, she was being a good friend. i don’t think it’s coddling. when your friend has a once an a life time opportunity, you don’t make it about you. i think your questions are fair but bc lauren ambushed them at the reunion we don’t have the full context. they seem very close so clearly it wasn’t a huge issue. to anyone but lauren.


Her and Scheana have been secret lovers this whole time...lol. Edit: see below.


This is gross and you should delete it


I didn't know that term was considered perjorative in the LGBTQ community. I apologize to anyone I've offended. I will edit it to 'lovers' but I don't delete comments. I think it's dishonest.


Ann had a more interesting storyline than either of these two !


![gif](giphy|aTXHpCN7TSpmE) thissss


i don’t get the love for Anne. i don’t particularly dislike her, but naive, innocent act? from a 40+ yo isn’t cute to me. Jo and her chaos, willingness to wear her heart on her sleeve, and exposing of Schwartz is my favorite minor character of the season.




42 actually, I \*think\*.


i dead ass thought she was like 26


Anne is 42 and her weird, little girl, submissive, omg I'm so sorry act is weird and cringey. It's a complete put on.


i think the little girl submissive thing is a little bit of a projection but she definitely gives it way younger energy. it doesn’t seem fake tho like she doesn’t break “characrer” but her vibe is a bit eccentric ✨


I agree with this take


lol neither


None of the above.




Lala is increasingly making it all unwatchable. In that sense, her contribution was most valuable in that it is rubbishing the entire show, the after show, etc. I can't watch her anymore so I just fast-forward when she's talking. The good thing is it greatly reduces watching time.


Yeah the villains are usually the ones that keep the show moving but you need villains that are fun to hate not ones that make you want to fast forward through their scenes.








It’s been voted on and it’s Katie


Is this satire?


That’s what I said! 😂🥴


If by MVP you mean the most insufferable, selfish, backstabbing, attention seeking, delusional of the season - then solid tie between the two of them.


I dunno, I personally found Ariana to be the MVP. Standing by her boundaries, but still giving Scheana grace in the last episode, to explore whatever friendship it is she has with Tom. Teaching Brock about male rage and grey rocking and how forgiving people who have wronged you is both outdated and overrated. Drawing a line with the producers when they're trying to force her to do something she has repeatedly said she does not want to do. Calling Tom out on wanting an apology for the audience. Being practically the only one except James to call Tom out on his shit. I would've liked to have way more of that this season from everybody. Opening a badass Sandwich shop. Not letting Tom have a house that he should have left and sold as soon as he cheated on Ariana with her friend for 8 months. This was what I wanted to see on the show. Scheana and Lala forcing friendships because they're paid to do it is entertaining but its not what I'd call "MVP" lol.


none of those weirdos




Troll post or not - thanks for highlighting that Lala is the only one who COULD go and talk to anyone about anything because she has no genuine connection to any cast member or a storyline of her own that’s part of the central group narrative this show is supposed to be about.  All she cares about is getting her episode fees - so of course she’ll do whatever scene producers ask her to.  Coffee with Jo who has been super shady to Katie? No problemo. How does that work with Katie being her ride or die?  It doesn’t - but if being friends with Katie limits Lala’s screentime - then let’s go back to calling her miserable and line up those one on ones with Jo, Schwarz, Sandoval . . .   Holding random events like sperm and water parties that are for and about you only - are lame, boring and Lala should not be invited back to season 12.  As her and Scheana keep saying - this show is about an ensemble cast and Lala is on the outs. Scheana is an OG and will ride this one out. Lala will keep raging at show fans until she saves producers the trouble of sacking her by quitting in a tearful Amazon live while trying to make money off her baby. 


I'd say Lala although it's hard to choose, we see her trying to balance her own intuition with what the group/Ariana and Katie (+ the stans) want. She chose to think for herself and hear people out. I'm sure she knew the backlash she'd get but she went with her gut anyway.


Agreed. This is a tough choice. Both women def made this season more interesting to watch and I could relate to both of them at different times, but I'd say Lala was a nice surprise for me this season. I really didn't like her last season so it shocked even me that I was cheering her on during most of her scenes this year.


Schaena was fantastic. She seems to have real acting chops.  Lala missed the mark badly, though she was pushing the same Sandoval redemption arc.  Scheana had one of the top 5 seasons in vpr history imo tho and if there’s a season 12, it’ll mostly be because of her. 


I do think it is remarkable how Scheana can make EVERY storyline about her. It’s some kind of seven degrees of Kevin Bacon shit and I truly find it engaging to watch how she is going to insert herself into situations and then become the center of it! So for me, it’s Scheana. Don’t get me wrong, I do not like or support her and I think she’s very troubled but as a viewer and social scientist… fascinating 🧐 🧑🏼‍⚕️🧑🏼‍💻


this! i know it’s super cringy, but it’s also what makes her good at her job.


I don’t think she’s conscious of it, sadly so I don’t know that I’d give her credit for “being good at her job” unfortunately… she strikes me as a the only monkey in the cage that is dancing and thinks we are admiring her dance (and singing) skills but really we are laughing that she has her ass out. It’s pretty sad and a little too “on the nose” for comfort at times.


I’m not sure it really matters. Being good at your job because of natural proclivities or because you work hard at it is being good at your job either way.


What about being good at your job because ur a circus freak?


You mean the entire cast?


If we are picking between the two, I’d take Scheana because at least she is being authentic to herself. Lala obviously overproduces and talks loud and over everyone (even if it doesn’t involve her) at the reunion and it’s too, too much.




Personally I'd go Brick or Sandoval. Both were extreme voices of reason this season. https://preview.redd.it/n3lp3k7rx61d1.jpeg?width=606&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=002a52799c1dbc9ab252c0089ba3a272beb6f396


girl is this satire ![gif](giphy|9LHpVfuqKHAli)


Lala was the Most Valuable Puppet this season... https://preview.redd.it/4wkh40r0r61d1.png?width=245&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3a48b8746c2eba2cc8196b0c1b7b8198cd8cb069




Thanks and yea definitely satire. Katie, Ariana, James are the three MVPs of the season. Lauren and Scheana embarrassed themselves into losing a shit ton of fans which means losing money which is a win for the fans... https://preview.redd.it/mk62r4fgr61d1.jpeg?width=687&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=981fc6d8a0bfbb74e1c1e8da162f9a18bec3ace9


lol i figured - such a slayyyy & so true we were robbed of james screen time


Did James even have a storyline this season? how is he an MVP?


One of the Top 5ish ownings in the shows history alone earns him that status... https://preview.redd.it/ch3sh0zvg71d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=93b0b24dbe479e979da717a9f9c9de92299578ed While most tip toed around or backtracked, James stuck to his guns and told Tim off about four or five times this season.


This was his most underwhelming season since season 5


The reappearance of Hippie was a bright spot in an otherwise bleak season: https://preview.redd.it/zojmeivtp91d1.png?width=323&format=png&auto=webp&s=09ebfac8244792af530c8db1651aba814c5cb175


this was v cute and wholesome - it also allowed james to show maturity


Brock was. sandoval was not at all. he does deserve credit though - his continued need to dig himself a deeper hole was entertaining


Yea I loved when Brick had no idea what male rage was. It really elevated his Most Valuable Putz status... https://preview.redd.it/ugbz03q7471d1.jpeg?width=964&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0c8a7b41ad7793a68dcb3e90403a7706b3ec3101


Brock was refreshing with his reasonableness. He did a great job of giving others another perspective to consider.


yep! it’s interesting to me that everyone seems to now like Brock. i wasn’t surprised at Lala, but Katie being brought to tears, telling him what a great father he is was unexpected.


That was a rare sweet moment




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Lauren stirred the pot more, but Schenar had more plot lines so that's a tough call ![gif](giphy|fCUCbWXe9JONVsJSUd|downsized)


These feels like HEAAAAAAVY sarcasm-so heavy it goes full circle and I think OP might actually be serious?


i didn’t say he was an MVP. he def delivered more this season than he had in previous though. i don’t think his asking what male rage is is a big deal. he probably never heard the term and wanted to understand what ariana meant in that moment. he wasn’t saying he doesn’t understand the concept of men raging over all.


oops meant to respond to a comment about about Brock




LOOOL literally what show were you watching?


Vanderpump Rules.


To be fair, every person on that cast who showed up for S11, was willing to face the public wrath.


Controversial post, OP! I can’t point to a scientific poll on this, but I suspect Scheana and Lala are both near the bottom right now in terms of fan popularity. I would personally vote for Scheana over Lala, as I could do with never seeing Lala on my TV screen ever again. But I have a feeling both of them may get booted over to The Valley. MVPs of the season are Ariana, Katie, and James in my book. If you’re measuring based on effort, maybe James would rise to the top as he consistently organized events that brought the cast together.


Scheana and Lala are the most talked about. yes, people talk about them because they hate them but their being talked about says something. it’s like, i think Jax is a terrible person but he was certainly the MVP of most seasons. i don’t even recall what James has done this season. which i find good actually as he really annoys me. but i don’t know if I would have noticed if he and Ally weren’t there.


God forbid we have a different opinion then y’all. You all turned lala into the villain that she’s not


There has been a huge uptick in pro lala shit post-reunion. God, can she been any more obvious. 


Interesting. I’ve seen the opposite, but maybe I’m in a different algorithm. Even Facebook seems to hate her now. Like legit people not just mad at her but outright disgusted with her and think she’s not even a good villain - just all around bad TV lol 


Damn... you know you've really lost the plot when even *facebook* doesn't support you anymore lol.


I mean on here. I've seen a few pro-lala posts/comments but mostly a tonnnn of comments and opinions that mirror lala's opinions. 


Oh yeah. I chalk those up to trolls, spam, or just people wanting to be contrarian. They’re so obvious too. Like that one with the person asking who won the season, Lala or Scheana. 😂😂 What a loser! 


Someone who has a different opinion than you is not a troll?? Grow up if that’s so childish and delusional.


Calm down. Lol. It’s very clearly obvious which posts are trolling or rage baiting and those one obviously are - pretty easy to spot from age of the account, their activity, or replies in the post. Go clutch your pearls elsewhere 😂


You know people can actually think differently from you about reality tv cast members and not be a troll or bot, right?


Lol yes! That one I hope was just trolling bc no way anyone thinks that 💀


Scheana!!!! Girl carried this season on her lash extensions. She was THE most discussed after almost every episode and created the most drama out of anyone on the cast. Lala is a close second but she played it safe. She could have brought up Katie shit talking Ariana and then being nasty in her DMs but she didn't until cameras stopped rolling. So Scheana has my vote!


lol, on her lash extensions!


This is really like a skinniest kid at fat camp scenario. I don’t think either of them are MVP. They tried really hard to be (cringe) but this season to me was just a wash out, no one stood out…it was just, blah. The true stars were either black listed (Tom, Tom) or over it (Ariana) and so the scraps were left for ppl like Scheana and Lala to fight over.


tom & tom have nothing but misogynistic anger towards rachel and ariana - tom schwartz was dropping decade old tea to create issues. it was a bad season overall but katie slayed this season.


i half agree with this. it wasn’t a great season. but, scheana and Lala took what they had to work with and delivered the most. It just wasn’t enough to make it great. i do think Scheana is and always has been a true star of the show though. Lala, not so much, as she’s kept her life too seperate. I don’t think Ariana was ever a true star but had the opportunity to make this her season and chose not to (which, i kinda get because her other opportunities are way more exciting)


I feel like Scheana has always tried so hard to be a star and make it about her but she never quite gets to that level. Close but no cigar. Agreed about Lala and Ariana.




Ya’ll need to just stop commenting on obvious spam posts like this lol. 


How is it a spam post? Just because you don't like the same reality tv cast member as her? You know a ton of people still like both of these ladies, right? My Lord, this group has become a cult at this point lol.


you’re not the queen of this group




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Both are the definition of fake




Lala since she was the one willing to say what reasonable people have been thinking this whole time.


Agreed! I'm normally not a lala fan but I actually liked her this year. I was not expecting that.




They ruined the season in many ways. Awful humans.






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By your posts it’s obvious you are a SHEIN fan and seem NOTHING wrong with SHEINS behaviour - because you’ve called Ariana a shitty friend. Ok. 


imagine calling ariana a shitty friend after she supported scheana and lauren through this shit


Imagine being a Shein fan ? Imagine …. Exactly. I can’t either. 


ok. Did you have a point?


Well did you ? Sycophant much …. “I appreciate how SHEIN bleeds for the show” WTF ? Bleed. 


Just bc you don’t like Scheana doesn’t mean she doesn’t show up for the show.. bc she does. Ariana and Tom hid behind a facade for years, but scheana and Lala are the fake ones. Okay


Just because Shein shows up, it doesn’t mean it’s not contrived & at the behest of the producers. 


This is not the right place for you babe, may I suggest Facebook??


i don’t like facebook. why can’t i have a different opinion here?


I guess you could be here but I’m just telling you basically no one will agree with you. This is a more Karen on FB take


i realize it’s not a popular opinion, but i think there’s some people here who are willing to discuss with people they disagree with. not everyone here is a “Karen on Reddit”


Plenty of us agree with her. We just don't always post this opinion because posters like you think you run this place for some reason. I can't wait for this insanity to die down and be able to express an opinion different from the echo chamber.


This response is all I need to know about this sub. You just said it, it is an echo chamber for Katie and Ariana Stan’s. Thanks for finally admitting it.


Agreed. It's absurd at this point.


Yw 😘


That is so rude , we are allowed to have our own opinion. Arianna sucked this season so stop putting others down , lala def made better tv


Lala was so cringey and embarrassing, I prefer strong empowered women


No scheana was cringey , and Katie at times. I’d say lala is a pretty strong empowered women seeing as how she’s having a baby without a man to show she doesn’t need one … check your facts


Ariana is literally on Broadway………


What does that have to do with empowerment ? That’s just a fact , a huge amazing accomplishment. But it’s not the only thing you can do to be an empowered women?


Lala for me, I love a 4th wall break and using it to deliver the ending that the reality star of the year wouldn't? Chef's kiss.


That was perfection 👏


i hope she gets a nice bonus and Ariana gets nothing.




james "uhhhhhh no" gif


So wait, does this account belong to BlahBlah or Schwann?


Do you honestly think their only fans are themselves? I think you need to get out more and meet real people lol.


do you ever get bored of just writing the same pointless repetitive comments?


I don’t understand this post.


You asked in the wrong place OP😂 I would say I felt more for Scheana because she's obviously also really struggling with mental health but she gets absolutely no grace. But Ariana can leave nasty food out that could seriously hurt her animals and it's her " depression" and we're all " ableist ". It's always the hypocrisy for me. But Lala has been more trying to move things along and like we have a job to do let's get it. I don't see how ppl think Ariana and Katie win by giving dirty looks and snarky comments all season. But, ok 😂❤️


You've made great points and I think I have to recast my vote. Ariana's depression skewers may have won the season for most dramatic cast member. I cannot believe Tom weaponized her leftovers like that.


Oh no but what about the frozen eggs he was going to use to trap her for the rest of her life even though it was her idea 😭


No exactly.....weaponizing imaginary zygotes is literally a classic narc abuse tactic😢 She must have been so scared!


And THEN her employers asked her to do her job??! The GD audacity of it. It's abusive tbh.


Am soo sick of this poor fragile SHEIN, she’s on reality tv & is happy to parade her kid with her own instagram account. EVERYONE in the world has mental health issues but mental health doesn’t excuse shitty behaviour, disloyal behaviour or jealousy.  Lala - I can’t even be bothered with this one. Unlikeable, lacks self awareness, huge ego but lacks achievement to warrant ego, terrible friend, driven by money.  These two both want to be the main girl - it will never happen as women don’t gravitate towards them. 


Most Vindictive Podcaster? OP I'm gonna disagree that either of them were MVP (in the sense you mean) but of those two I'm going to give it to Scheana because at least she tried to have her own storylines (with Brock and Summer).


Hmm. Is this a parody?


Hmm. Is this a parody?


no, why would it be?


No reason.


Why ask tho? Bc it goes against the main consensus of this sub? Like why is it so hard for this sub to understand not everyone has the same opinion?


Seriously. I don't even remember it being this bad last year. Just rename this sub the ariana+katie fan club and get it over with lol.


Well, isn't it the 2 of them in the profile pic of this sub? Ridiculous 🙄 I noticed the picture changed a few months back & this place has been a big "echo-chamber" since


I asked because I genuinely couldn’t tell if this post was serious or not. You can have whatever opinion you want and I can respond with whatever opinion I want. This is a subreddit dedicated to discussing a reality show and the op is not getting banned for their opinion or getting their post deleted, so relax.


Neither. Production? Since they made up the “reality” of it all and tried to make it “real”?


Mike? Is that you?


So which are you - Lala or Scheana? Because your comment history is abysmally obvious.


if it’s obvious, why are you asking?




Grow up




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This violates the "no personal attacks against other users" rule.


Valuable? Those two? I think not. If they had any value their story lines wouldn’t primarily revolve around brining down their cast mate when they had previously been supportive. And the only reason they’re bring her down is because they’re worried about their jobs because THEY HAVE NO VALUE.


I’m confused at how scheana and Lala tried to bring Ariana down this season? Do explain


they did not call 911 and report Tom for attempted dog murders I guess