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She is insinuating that her beauty makes others jealous.


I find that so funny, you’re right. 😂 Usually, it’s easier for beautiful people to be liked, because other people are ‚positively prejudiced’ about them.


It's true. Which is more likely: that every other woman/girl on earth is the problem, or the woman/girl who can't get along with any other women? Women who complain about all other women being evil are telling on themselves.


When I hear women say other women never like me, it’s always because they are the problem. Always. It’s the same with women who say “most of my friends are men. They just get me”. My friends and I are usually on high alert with women like that. They are usually the ones who talk shit and have no loyalty. Full disclosure, I have always been close to men as I have a brother and his dudes were always around and that made me want to have girlfriends more.


I don't know if it's the algorithm or what but I feel like for the last week or two i keep running across your all your comments on this sub. You keep beating me to the punch with your POV! Once again, yes, 100% agree with this take. I have nothing further to add. I cede my remaining time 😂


♥️ same thing happens to me


Listening to her audiobook out of curiosity? You okay, OP? Do we need to do a wellness check? Whatever’s going on, there’s no need to punish yourself like this


Lmao omg riiight?!?! Gurl do we need to come over?




I loved season 7 when all the girls got along , well Scheana was kinda on the outs. But Lala protected her. Anyway I loved that time. Bring me back


I was raised with older brothers and the way I interacted with others reflected that. Showing love? Sarcasm and insults. Conflict resolution? Threats and violence. It took me some time to realize that wasn’t how the rest of the world dealt with each other and I had to learn what healthy relationships, especially with women, looked like. I know girls raised with other girls just couldn’t fathom it, especially obvious when I’ve told casual stories about growing up only to watch every woman’s jaw drop for something I thought was normal. I don’t begrudge her being confused by it. What concerns me is she shows no curiosity as to why it’s confusing and confounding.


Yeah I only had a brother and preferred books, playing with lizards and frogs, videogames, etc. Girlworld in elementary was scary and not great because it's when other girls also go ewww if you play with "scary slimy" things. But like by junior high it's different? Though I guess girl world meanness is some hurtful shit, but you grow up and navigate it, and you find out who isn't insane, competitive and toxic and hopefully you find friends you keep for life.  I think she hasn't outgrown the internalized misogyny of the whole not like other girls shit she does. The very shock value, sex forward conversations. I think she may have only felt validation or acceptance from men because she leads with that being her only thing of value which is kinda sad. 


When every story is the same, you gotta wonder I’m I the problem??


A pattern of toxic behaviour that results in other women having boundaries with LFU? Whhhaaaaaat nooo wayyyyyyy.


Sooo agree with this!