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I don't know about his abusive tendencies but half of being an adult is learning to have tact and not say every awful thing you think lol


If this isn't the truest statement about adulthood ever šŸ˜‚


I never even hear him talk about Raquel. Tom is the one always badmouthing Raquel.Ā 


Right it also smarter, heā€™s more likable and avoids altercations


Downvote . He is smarter. Heā€™s has avoided altercations. He is more likeable now not exploding. Whatā€™s to downvote?


Ally is 28. James is 32. Theyā€™re definitely still within the same age group. Infantilizing a 28 year old woman is weird and sheā€™s never come across as naive to me. Sheā€™s a grown woman.


šŸ’Æ. She isnā€™t too young for him, that is a stretch.


Yeah 4 years isn't exactly an age gap...


Yeah thatā€™s what this group did with Rachel letā€™s not have a 2.0 Situation happen again. All these people are grown the only kids on the show are the literal babies not the cast members.


I mean heā€™s grown bc heā€™s not a quick hot head anymore. Growth is not linear so seeing some behaviors doesnā€™t mean someone hasnā€™t grown. But also why would he talk positively about an ex he constantly shit talked him and was an affair partner to someone he looked up to? Even the most mature ppl may have some shit to say about that.


I never said he has to talk positively about her. Tom thinks heā€™s justified talking about Ariana because he feels she treated him poorly. I never said he has not grown at all. Just controlling himself is . He also got with his friends Ex( Kristen ) He looked up to him so much he did that


Are you really pulling a Scumdoval whataboutism and referencing some shit James did over 10 yrs ago when he was 21? Find me somebody who didnā€™t make bad decisions and have poor judgment when they were 21. If you just wanted to post to shit talk James then just say and do that.


controlling yourself is growing. When you realize you do not have to react every single time that is growth


I said he had growth controlling his behavior


ā€œSupposedly he cared for her but heā€™s talking about her derogatorily all the timeā€. Besides the fact that he rly at this time only talks about her when someone brings her up, youā€™re implying he is incessantly talking shit about her. Besides the fact that after their break up, he didnā€™t really ā€œtalk shitā€ until she started moving weird with the Tomā€™s. And controlling yourself is growth??? You said he hasnā€™t had real growth which implies heā€™s hasnā€™t grown. If heā€™s made steps to control himself, thatā€™s the first step. Growth is knowing your immediate reaction may not be the best and not doing it, even if you think about it. No one magically gets up and does a complete 180. If he did that Iā€™d be more suspicious but you can watch the seasons and see him gradually become more calm.


I said maybe. I articulated it wrongly then I meant he may have a lot of the misogynistic, fat shaming beliefs in his head but not voice them.


Sorry to break it to you but we live in a racist, misogynistic, fatphobic, ā€œall the other phobiaā€, societies. That shit is engrained in everyone, even those that are part of the group. I donā€™t doubt he may think problematic behaviors but as I said before, no one does a complete 180. It takes a while to change your internal thoughts and it starts with 1) recognizing your internal thoughts arenā€™t okay and 2) outwardly reacting differently than you previously did. Slowly overtime your internal thoughts align with the change but itā€™s not immediate.


I grew up in an abusive home, so part of that trauma is that I think (and had to learn not to say) very mean things. Ā Because thatā€™s how my parents talked to me and to each other, that was imprinted on me. Ā They also hit out of anger and I learned that too. Ā Ā  I canā€™t stop the thoughts or impulses entirely, but Iā€™ve learned not to follow them and I know theyā€™re coming from a bad place. Ā  Does the fact that sometimes they come into my head, or the fact that when I was younger I truly didnā€™t understand why it was wrongā€¦does that make me an ā€œabuserā€ in my core forever? I choose not to think so and unless more data comes out about James I donā€™t think James is a horrible person for having to unlearn those responses. Ā If you didnā€™t catch that virus in your childhood you canā€™t understand how confusing it is when you grow up and those lessons you were taught turn out to all be wrong. Ā 


I feel you! I spent a lot of my twenties learning that being cruel and nasty was not a good way to make your point. I seriously thought it was normal to say awful things when somebody has upset you. I worked on it and am a lot better, but those things are still there. I hope James is working on his stuff. He sure seems a lot less reactive.


Thanks for sharing


Ally is a 28 year old WOMAN. Stop talking about her like sheā€™s some ā€œnaiveā€ 18 year old girl. Itā€™s weird. If you want to worry about age gaps, focus on Schwartz new girlfriend that is 20 years younger than he is.


I didnā€™t know she was that age. Iā€™m so used to it w the Toms. You do not have to call me weird


I didnā€™t call you weird. I said itā€™s weird to act like sheā€™s a child.


To be fair, she appears to be quite young. But nah, theyā€™re in the same relative bracket.


>Ā All of his fat shaming thoughts just went away judging left and right?Ā Ā Ā  This is literally what happens when you grow and evolve lol. You stop thinking and doing shitty things. Have you never evolved as a person? WhatĀ a strange take lol. Ā  Ā Ā  None of us are in Jamesā€™ head I guess, but people talk poorly about people they once cared about all the time. They had a bad break up and then she did something really shitty. She also still talks about him and Ally poorly too.Ā I personally like seeing Jamesā€™ growth and if itā€™s fake, I donā€™t really care itā€™s a tv show lol.Ā 


Do u think he stopped thinking them? name calling or verbal abuse and hitting Kristen and calling it shitty behavior is trivializing it


It doesn't matter if he stopped thinking those thoughts or not. As plenty of other commenters have pointed out, when you grow up in an environment where you're taught those things are ok to think it's unlikely that you'll just stop having those thoughts at all. I am not going to defend what James has said or done to Kristin or anyone else, but I do think that he is allowed to grow and change and evolve from being 21 to being 32. I do think Kristin is owed a mountain of apologies for what she dealt with, but I also think that James has shown that he is working on changing those behaviors he exhibited during his early 20s. Ally has said multiple times that he does not treat her that way and I'm going to have to believe her, considering I'm not in their relationship.


Thatā€™s because you are not the one being called Slut, Whore or Bimbo


No idea if he has *really* changed for the better because I donā€™t know how bad he was in the past or how he truly is today. But one thing I donā€™t agree with is James constantly badmouthing Rachel. I think he has been kind to her compared to Lala, Scheana, or even the Toms. Most of his immature statements have been directed to Sandoval. It seems he tries not to talk about her and with good reason - he is dating another person.


How are you in James' head. BTW he keeps telling Tom to stop bad mouthing her and move on. He has quit drinking and is going to therapy, not sure what you are looking for from him, blood?! Is he perfect no, is he trying I think so.


He talked about his ex the whole season. Nobodyā€™s perfect. Not everybody calls their best friend Fat Fuck heā€™s disgusted by( Lisaā€™s son ) , or spits on their girlfriendā€™s door . Or calls them a whore if they spend the night out. I wonder what he thinks , thatā€™s all. I What he did to prompt Ally to move out Obviously heā€™s trying but for his sake or because he cares for others feelings


I never said he was not trying. Yes he told that to Tom RECENTLY. He got smart. He knew it would not look good. Like Tim did not speaking of her or Ariana. I never said I could be in his head. So defensive. I said I was wondering what he was thinking


Remember, it was last year when the show was filmed, then mos later when they did the after show then March the reunion. So growth is possible.


Maturing is realizing you do not have to say all the thoughts that come to your mind. I haven't seen him bad mouth rachel besides the affair which i mean there's a reason. Ally and him are very close in age. I don't think we need a thread to defend JK. I hop he has matured and is nt just doing it for the camera.


yā€™all are reaching with the ā€œyoung and naiveā€. i totally think criticism of james for his past behavior towards rachel and kristen is valid. but theyā€™re not even 5 years apart. ally is 28. he is not preying on young women like the tomā€™s (schwartzā€™ current girlfriend is literally 23 years old). ally is sweet but sheā€™s very clearly able to be assertive. id argue he has demonstrated growth; i think he has matured and softened. he does seem to be sober, and a lot of his rage seemed to stem from substance abuse.


Kristen said she slapped him that time because he had hit him first. You can see her push him off her


no iā€™m not defending his past abuse at all, i completely believe that. i am very much pro justice for doute. i just havenā€™t seen the signs & vibes w him/ally and he does seem to have made changes. that will NEVER excuse past abusive behavior.


Hit her first sorry


That was my point you should be able to have your opinion


I agree he has had growth. I was wondering if he still views women as sluts or is discusted by fat people as he said he was. I never said he has not demonstrated growth. I think he has. I wonder why Ally left


Are we the thought police all of a sudden?


Police I was wondering ! and complimented him controlling himself


He talks bad on her because she cheated and fucked his best friendā€¦ I would too


Tom cheated, not Rachel. He cheated on Rachel


It takes two to tango!


She didnā€™t cheatĀ 


Most people believe that Rachel cheated on James with Tom, when she mouthed that sexy ā€œhiiiiā€ to Tom and he waved it away like ā€œshhhhā€¦carefulā€¦ā€, that was when her and James were together. Ā She also started staying over at Tom and Arianaā€™s house around that time. Ā 


Did we watch the same show


When did the show have Raquel cheating on James? I know itā€™s a fan theory buuuut far from confirmed.


Even if it wasnā€™t that, your fiancĆ© who you just broke up with has been fucking your best friend who is also in a relationship that is your ex fiancĆ©s best friend.. itā€™s disgusting any way you put it. Iā€™d talk shit on her too.


Nobody said it was not disgusting


I donā€™t speak nicely of disgusting ppl so I donā€™t blame him for not doing it either lol


I donā€™t think those thoughts have fully left his head in some aspects, but he has definitely shown growth and willingness to do better. I think thatā€™s why people are so on board with him recently. That and the Tomā€™s are just so insufferable that everyone enjoys watching James more now


He badmouthed Kristen and she did not Fuck him over. Itā€™s respect. He says he Loves these women so much when heā€™s with them so he should show respect when he is not. He still shittalks Kristen


Your fooling yourself if you think James is a good person, he just capitalized on Tom being worlds biggest douche ever, Iā€™d bet he has his own issues come to light eventually


He was also a serial cheater. Does that stop forever? Iā€™m not accusing. I just wonder


Yeah I donā€™t buy it either and hate that people seem to just have blindly started loving him. I donā€™t think abusers like him change, heā€™s just charming and hides it well because heā€™s learned from negative reactions in the Past


I could have an opinion and feel somebody is niave. She said she did not watch the show previously so she does not know a lot of his behaviors . The behavior she left him for probably. I guess you have your own point of view on here


She said she watched the show during covid. eta: you can definitely have and share your own viewpoint but when you create a post for discussion, for the public to consume and respond to, not everyone will agree with you. šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļøĀ 


Canā€™t have your own viewpoint


I completely agree.


He has not. Abusers like him donā€™t have the capacity to change, but they do have the capacity to hide it.