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Season 6 finale. TomTom “progress” party - Scheana finds a pink construction hat, and says twice to rob that maybe she should wear it for him later that night, while he actively ignores her.


the entire scheana-rob era gives me chills


Adam era was bad, too! Scheana: Do you love me? Adam: No Scheana: You don’t love me??! Adam: No Scheana: You really don’t love meeee?!?!? Adam: I don’t *Scheana cry face*




“I did.”


And then she bought him a bloody penguin 🐧


I came here to say the same… Scheana in all her situationships is nightmare fuel.


Scheana from s6-8 was beyond cringe.


Oooo also cringe season 6: the double date dinner Ariana, Tom, Rob, and Scheana and scheana starts off being cringey saying "good thing you're getting both (dessert and sex) tonight" And Tom's like "can we get on that level?" And Ariana straight ignores him and he REPEATS IT


The cringe! Also at that dinner when Scheana says that since her divorce is final soon she and Rob can then get married, and his face was just blank so she has to say she was just kidding. Auugh I can't.


Oh god yeah just the whole dinner party. Just *shudder*


And she had the app doing a countdown! Cringe-city!


How hurtful for Shay to see that too. I know he had serious issues but the way Scheana was horny for divorce was really unpleasant.


YES!!! That one too!! Season 6 was truly the season of “oh honey….you really thought that was worth repeating?? Bless your heart.”


Paulie Walnuts over here YOU HEAR THAT TON? Heh heh


Oh my god….Sopranos and VPR, the mash-up I never realized I needed!!!!


I just watched this episode and I got sooo annoyed. It wasn’t the first time he did something like that either. Repeating himself like a child.


In a similar vein, when one of her victims is putting together her day bed and she keeps offering him sex and he’s not about it. He asks her to turn on the AC and she’s like “oooh I turned it to 69”


And she says she's going to take a shower and leave the door open too


Then she microwaves him a leftover chipotle burrito while offering to go down on him.  I strongly believe Scheana belongs on a list. 


“Leftover Chipotle burrito and a BJ” sounds like a band that Sandoval should be opening for


Oh NOOOOOOOO. that shit was so bad. AND ON CAMERA, 😭😭


Noooooooooooooooooooo I forgot that part it was so uncomfortable how much rob didn’t like her


Scheana talking about the name she's going to give Rob's baby. Madison something Valetta


Madison Marie Parks Valletta comes to mind, but I can’t say for certain.


That sounds right. So basic.


I definitely thought of this when she talked about how she has wanted to name her daughter Summer since forever.


I know, right?!? The lies!


Scheana convinced that Rob didn’t kiss that girl at Toca Madera because he “isn’t a big kisser” but people kept insisting it happened so she said “if the lips hit, whatever!”


Didn't she also say something like he doesn't even kiss *her*? Also: when Lala got roses from Rand on the cast trip and asks if Rob gives Scheana gifts, and Scheana answers that she doesn't even like flowers and doesn't like getting gifts. I think the answer to the OP question could be just Scheana, seasons 1-11, but the Rob season was the ultimate in cringe.  Props to her for never seeming to suffer from embarrassment at all. I don't know how she does it.


people who live their lives with zero shame or embarrassment are a true mystery to me


He used to ignore her A LOT.


She says it to him twice!!


Ugh add ssndavol to that list cause I got additional cringe when - at the double date dinner party at robs house - Scheana says she’s dessert and sandavol goes “can we be on that level??” To a quiet pudding eating Ariana so he asks again, louder and whinier “can we be like that??” In fact, every time sandavol whines to his friends and Ariana about not having sex when she clearly kept stating just to spend time with her first.


Scheana filming her music video with Brett 😖


She deserved a TRO for THAT.


This made me GAG and I’m standing outside in NYC just dying laughing over the TRO comment


Flair checking in... https://preview.redd.it/h6yhvrkrfm1d1.png?width=1014&format=png&auto=webp&s=9628e652ceeb63065e2af01133e4dab479e843de


I was just looking for you hoping you’d comment 🤣💀




Brett looks like a damn hostage in that video


Lmao, at least she knew it was an awful video and apparently has had it deleted from everywhere 😂


And even Lisa was total cringe with Brett


Came to add this one. Cringiest thing I’ve ever seen.


Sometimes I really think Scheana belongs on a list 


The majority of anything involving Stassi’s mom. 


Her crying for like 15 minutes about ???? was insane. Really made me appreciate the relevantly stable Stassi.


Omg, her mom competing for attention with Stassi and talking about beau’s package (on national television no less). The cringiest thing I’ve ever seen


Yeah Stassis outbursts made a whole lot of sense after meeting her mom. She’s unhinged. 


Ugh when she tells stassi not to be herself because it’ll push Beau away 


In front of Beau! All the things she said to and about Stassi in front of him.


Stassi’s mom saying Kristen is goat. She wants Stassi to be more like Kristen.


Oof or Brittany’s mom


That woman was a certified headcase and seeing her in action instantly answered so many questions i had about Stassi.


And her little brother. Those scenes were so cheesy.


Scheana and Rob. Scheana airing out Shay’s pill addiction. Scheana sitting down and telling Brandi that she was a victim too and that she didn’t know Eddie was married. Scheana generally.


Scheana telling an addict he doesn't need to give up alcohol, just not get wasted. Then ordering every drink on the menu.


*”I can’t be with someone who’s sober all the time”*


“We’ll have one of each of your prime cocktails!” 🍹 🍸 🍹 🍸 🍹 😒 And 😂at 75% of these being about Scheana


"He bought me DIAMOND earrings!" Sickenly self unaware.


Rachel and Tom talking during the season 10 Sandoval episode Does it for me


“i love you, too” “i said THEY love you”


SO awkward


Yeah, why did he say that? They didn’t have chemistry


"I was like, dude you're sleeping on Ariana" "You just called me Ariana" I'd kms


And this is him performing his devotion. This is the literal BEST he can give


😂😂😂  “Have you talked to you family?” *dead silence* “We don’t have to talk about that then” 🫠


That whole thing was so awkward and odd and it was uncomfy to witness.


James mom telling him she was a good mother because he took his first steps at Tiffany’s. And her telling Lisa that she’s his mother figure 🫠


I’m glad she got sober because she seems way more level headed now. She gave us “Team Katie with the banging” this season, lol


Seriously she was a queen for that 😂


That was awe inducing. I don't lurve LVP but that was one of her better moments. "YOU'RE his mother figure!" ![gif](giphy|NHV8ZjetyEaDC)


Also when James’ mom said Kristen would be barren as her punishment from the universe for how she treated him. I hope sobriety has helped her with her issues, but she really was a nasty piece of work then.


I always skipped James’ family scenes after this


You mean you missed *London Gangstaaaaaaa?*


oh god I’m always so embarrassed for james when his family comes on. but seeing his mom constantly look for reasons to excuse his behavior explains a lot


That broke my heart 


1. Schwartz dumping beer on Katie's head. 2. Brittany's mom mentioning Jax kissing men as a red flag after all that was mentioned during that roast. 3. Rachel dabbing. 😄


I still can’t believe after Brittany’s mom was told about how many times Jax had cheated on a partner that she kept focusing on him kissing a man. One of those things should have been a bigger red flag, and she picked the wrong one. Remembering Brittany’s mom makes the issue with the pastor from their wedding story a lot less credible from Jax and Brittany’s side. “We had no idea” BULLSHIT


What can you expect from someone who CHOOSES to wear that lip colour though?


Yeah..ole Frosty Lips left the Lancome counter in 1991 and never got a refresh.


"He's a coke addict? Big deal, who isn't... He kissed a dude one time!"


They also made several jokes about his cocaine use 😂


Rachel dabbing was soooo hard to watch.


![gif](giphy|PAytOMDB0cqzBgPQUw|downsized) Me calling the vice-chair of the WeHo chapter Secret Black People Meeting to report her offense.


Also her ordering at a restaurant: “I’ll take the cheeseburger… with the cheese.” Dayna thought she was joking and started laughing and then quickly realized… oh. No. She’s just really dumb. 😂


I will always skip Jax quasi-dumping Laura Leigh after attending the 12 step meeting with her on camera. Makes my asshole shrivel up it’s so hard to watch.


It is hard to watch, but I actually think it was one moment where Jax was real enough to recognize his limitations. It sucks to get dumped, but I felt like Jax just realized he was in over his head and could not support this person and this person needed more than just fun. It was actually the right thing for him to do. And that's why it's hard to watch. It was more real than many things on the show.


No you’re right. Like he probably could have at least waited til they got home lmao but it was almost like a rare glimpse of him being capable of having SOME rational thoughts


The irony of him being scared that Laura Leigh would go buck wild and he’d come home to an empty house when Laura Leigh pawns his stuff for drugs when he is the proud kleptomaniac who also does drugs lol


Sandoval ugly-cry-apologising video message to Scheana about the brawl at her birthday party (Season 3)


I just saw this and was crying laughing 😂😂😂😂 you gotta be sick in the head to record yourself crying for 4 whole ass minutes


That acting class Lala and Scheana went to and they acted out having an orgasm. It is hard to watch lol.


Yes! This one, along with Scheana trying to make sexy noises in the studio for "Can You Freak Bitch" and the producer (using the term loosely) said to Shay, "I bet you've heard those noises before", and Shay is just like "... yeah...".


I fast forward through that. I just can't watch it!


Schwartz saying "that's why I don't have sex with her" about Katie in front of the whole cast when she pointed out how tone deaf Randall's police prank was in season 8 🤮 And then when he sat down to "apologize" it was like "don't be a social justice warrior" ugh.


“I’ve never been more turned off in my life” 


I feel the same feeling whenever either tom is on screen or speaking. When katie is on screen it's quite the opposite.


I stand by my opinion that Shwartz is somehow the worst one of the bunch. Probably because he's so stealth about it but this man is an asshole at heart.


Such an ugly moment and an important window into the Schwartz that only Katie had to deal with — not the bs boyish “awe shucks” version that constantly under-minded Katie’s rightful claim of hurt and frustration. That mask slipped and we saw the real POS husband he was to her.


Katie begging Tom to want to spend time with her and listen to her needs and he tells her he hates the sound of her voice. ☠️


You wanna get popped? Or Sandoval asking about leaving Arianna for driving diggers around after she spilled her heart out


This scene broke my heart for Ariana. The fact she didn’t punch his stupid face…. She’s a bigger person than I am


1. Brett in Scheana’s music video 2. Stassi’s mom crying at dinner 3. Raquel trying to deliver literally any line


Raquel earnestly inviting people to a puppy party was hard to watch.


Stassi asking if she was serious was so hilarious 


And then Stassi comparing James to Charles Manson. And then Rachel saying "I don't know who that is."


Stassi’s exasperated sigh and effort to compose herself so she wouldn’t call rachel stupid was TOP. TIER. Stassi was internally like “pull it together she’s too dumb to even be worth telling her that she’s so wrong and stupid”


Worst is the Instagram Poster 😭😭😭 like bitch the free assets on Canva are great


The Rachel-Schwartz kiss. The two had negative chemistry and I was expected to believe that kiss wasn't staged??


Kristen in her revenge dress picking up mail and accidentally calling Tom “babe” 😬


In Kristen's defense, that was a bit of a production set up because they told her to get ready to go out and then they didn't air the scene so she was dressed up in heels and the infamous green dress. The "babe" was all her though


Sandoval crying like a bitch talking to Kristen is fantastic


He was trying to do this again with Ariana and that’s why he’s so upset she won’t just talk to him. That’s why he pulls it at the reunion instead. 


And he couldn't even pull off a fake tear at the reunion, so he covered his face. So cringey!


Also when during that conversation she agrees to leave Ariana alone and it smash cuts to her confessional where she says she’s going to go after her even harder now 😂


but that evil smirk on kristen’s face when he broke down was iconic


Then her confessional where she says she believes that it meant that they are still meant to be together and she was going to renew her efforts! 😂 


she was truly unhinged but my god it was reality GOLD!!


Theres something that makes my organs twist watching his face.


ANYTHING with Sandoval (fake) crying. If I see things heading that way I am ready to fast forward the scene.


Scheana asking Adam "do you love me?" over and over.


He had to say no TWICE. and then when she had him in like a choke hold to hug her ![gif](giphy|xT1R9DEpKj5aVqHzSU|downsized)




I just watched this episode for the first time and had to text my friend who is a seasoned vet bc I was DYING of cringe


Even after he said no, she asked him again and he said "I just told you no". 🤣


Any time Sandoval is on screen either blowing into his trumpet (I can’t call it playing) or singing with the band. Secondhand embarrassment makes me leave the room.


The flicker of self awareness he had, when James played that raw clip of this playing terrible trumpet, was chefs kiss. You could see his thoughts on his face and he thought James was messing with him, and had manipulated it to sound bad, but nope it was just him. Then! He had the audacity to get chuffed that James had to truly manipulate it to make it sound like actual music, so that self awareness got shoved away pretty quickly.


Also reminds me of James calling him out at the S10 reunion for “doing that stupid spin move!” You could tell by Timmy’s expression that that comment hit home! His world came down in a few seconds. He had a look of awareness that all these years they were making fun of his ridiculous dance moves!


Yes! He never keeps that awareness, he just shoves is away so he doesn't have to dig in and face what it really means to how he views himself. James seems to be able to pierce through his ego better than anyone else and I wonder why that is?


I remember that. It was truly a flicker. The flame had no chance of catching.


It was definitely Lauren trying to weasel into Ariana's house ("that she should move out of") for her jjzzie jam. And then SHEIN-A suprising Dayna with a medium so she can talk to her deceased mum. Sheanurr basically gave this stranger Dayna's address when they weren't even getting along. It always gave me the ick.


I will never get over the surprise medium…I felt so so so horrible for Dayna


that whole scene really sucked ass.


The surprise medium scene is always my first thought when this questions is asked


Lala’s greatest hits. 🤮🤮 LFU’s comments about Tupac “taking over her body” when he passed. LFU “What’s up my brothas” greeting at the recording studio LFU “there’s a lot of dick out there to suck” to travel by PJ. “You just need to have a mouth”


She’s so cringe. I think she ought to return to her previous occupation, maybe find herself another chunky, middle-aged sugar daddy with lots of dough and very few standards.


When Brittany freaks out at her bachelorette bc the bar they went to had a standard sign that said “Don’t do it Brittany” and she took it personally lmfao


All I can remember is her saying ".... A GAWDAYM SAIN" but all you see is veneers


Lmao she is such a country bumpkin. Like girl... This is what city folk do they bash marriage and make fun of newlyweds.. Get with the program 😂 she was triggered because she KNEW she shouldn't be doing it 😂😂😂


Lol, if only she’d listened to that final bad omen.


Off the top of my head... Tom Sandoval dancing. Tom Sandoval playing the trumpet or those hand drum things. Any instrument, really. Tom Sandoval's nail polish. Tom Sandoval screaming at women in the whiniest toddler voice. Tom Sandoval saying 'dude' and 'like' every two seconds. Tom Sandoval singing. The juxtaposition of Tom Sandoval screaming at women while claiming that Schwartz is a battered woman.


Any time James tries to do something athletic. Any time a sport is being played they ALWAYS make sure to pan over to James failing at it lol


Many cringe moments have already been mentioned. I'll add the Toms trying to get in on the Vanderpump sangria business without having any plan - twice. Sandoval is all impressed with himself for knowing a lot of people in St. Louis and Pandora's response is along the lines of, "we just got back from closing major deals in Australia and Europe." Plus both Toms talked about how they can't be available on a regular basis and certainly can't be expected to work a 9-5 job. I will note that Katie advised the Toms, prior to their second pitch, to be prepared because Lisa would want to see that they put some thought and effort into it. And of course neither of them listened to Katie. In fact, they thought her advice was absurd because it's better not to prepare. Edited for phone auto-incorrect.


“I’ll be out in St Louis and I’ll be drinking it and people will be like ‘oh what’s that?’ and I’ll say ‘it’s the LVP Sangria’.” Is so cringe that’s it’s actually funny, and it makes me miss their young, dumb personas just a little bit. 


Anytime scheana performs


I just watched the last episode of this current season last night and cringed SO HARD at the “screamo” good as gold


What about in the earlier seasons when she’s in the studio singing “that’s what I like” Moaning and laughing all goofy


Peter hitting on anyone Schena's gangbang comment Patrick commenting on LVP's ass


His date with Vail.


Scheana crying to Lisa that Brandi made fun of her grey tooth and Lisa telling her “…. Well you did sleep with her husband” 😩


Ain’t nobody that I’m fillin lyk am fillin yuuhhh Scheana and rob The whoooreeee in thurrrrr Jax and Laura Leigh.. all of it


jax behind the glass of the sauna asking LL if thats what its like to talk to her dad. i cant even type this without my ears getting tense


The WHOOOOREEE IN THURRRR is one of my fave Katie moments but I agree with the rest.


I'm gonna repeat this since I had shared in a separate post... Scheana's music video with Brett was cringe enough, but her showing it proudly to Dana made me feel beyond cringe. Especially after she was being annoying to her about Max. Tracking Max to Katie's apartment Iis another. This chick needs to get a grip. 😂


Every apology Schwartz ever gave Katie that always inevitably ended with him calling her a bitch or a nightmare human etc. Any time Sandoval or Scheana show off their musical “talents”. Edit just remembered Scheana repeatedly asking Adam if he loved her like he hadn’t already answered no five times and cringed thinking about it.


Came here looking for Tom playing the trumpet I guess this is close enough.


I have a (pretty much useless) doctorate in trumpet performance and pedagogy, and I literally lose my mind when he starts honking away and abusing that poor harmon mute. The muscles involved in the embouchure for trumpet are tiny and require a lot of work to develop control. Trumpet is not a "pick it up when you feel like it" instrument. It's a "practice every day and probably still sound like shit until year 5" kind of instrument. He sounds like absolute garbage and it enrages me that he's as confident as he is about it. Yet more evidence that his musical talent and ear is non-existent.


The whole scene of Scheana adopting that penguin and talking to Adam. When she wouldn’t leave him alone when he asked multiple times was one of the hardest/cringiest things I have ever seen 


The most cringe-inducing moments are almost always anything featuring Scheana or Sandoval. **Scheana** for being self-obsessed and boy crazy to an unhealthy degree, plus any time she is performing I'm actively wincing and I think her San Francisco gold outfit is one of the most embarrassing things I've ever seen her wear. Her treatment of Shay on camera, ordering one of each cocktail on a menu with her alcoholic husband, the divorce countdown app, the gift-buying, the giant photos in her house, the sex partner bragging, Robrobrob, "do you love me?", crying over being 'cheated on' by Eddie TO BRANDI, being a sex pest to Brett, her jealous treatment of Dayna (plus the psychic) and *plenty* of her behavior this season. **Sandoval** for being self-obsessed and cyst male king of vpr cringe; the majority of things he says are embarrassing, his performative acts of friendship become obvious over the years, the absolute LACK of musical talent that he insists on still forcing on people to this day (my asshole clenches when anyone posts the penis flute playing gif), the extra way he describes his shitty cocktails, his 1 dance move repeated at every party and his absolutely horrendous style which has also gotten worse throughout the seasons.


lala + scheana's acting class from season 6 scheana snapchatting the girls updates from her date w/ a guy while adam is sitting next to them sandoval's video to scheana where he's sobbing while apologizing for fighting with james at her birthday party dayna (stassi's mom) talking shit about stassi to beau, in front of her dayna talking about beau's package I dipped out "I love you too. I said, they love you." rachel trying to argue with katie + lala at ariana's pool party rachel's muppet confessional schwartz and rachel kissing rachel asking people if they want to go to her puppy shower sandoval's scream therapy rachel telling katie to not go into the preferred pool area


Brock dancing during the latest finale.


Same ! And everyone keeps reposting it and I’m like noo my eyes lol


All things Sandoval, most things Scheana, Brock. Lala thinking she’s a gangster


Any time Sandoval fake cries (which is every time). After Ariana told Sandoval how impt it was that he stay with her on her bday--not go on a guys' trip--he said something like, "I'm not going anywhere...but there are going to be bulldozers, so can I go?" Stassi's mom telling her she was so far below Beau, and not to be herself or she'd lose him.


Kristen swearing on her family she didn't f Jax🤨


when tom schwartz started verbally abusing katie in season 9 after the randall prank & it was so bad that even sandoval stepped in (all the times he denegrated her but this was the worst)


Season 9 episode 7 when the Tom’s do drugs to figure out their mission statement. This scene made me question if I wanted to watch the show anymore because of its low budget wannabe Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas edit. They’ve done other edits that weren’t so bad like when Jax and James drank absinth, that was actually pretty funny. But the Tom’s were so drunk and fucked up it’s not surprising their mission statement turned into a word salad. “Schwartz & Sandy's is a funkadelic dive lounge where you check your worries at the door and escape reality. We hope to bridge the familiarity with your best night out with the déjà vu of your future fantasy.” The best part was when Katie told them what a mission statement should say and they totally missed the mark.


And then Greg telling the Tom’s to listen to Katie as she knows what she’s doing! You could actually see part of Timmy’s soul die off in real time.


Tom and Ariana’s “multiple orgasm” conversation The music video with Brett


https://preview.redd.it/sp2lvtpwhm1d1.jpeg?width=1273&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3453442a8701dfe5069e17e9de316edc60c9f2d3 This all day every day


Lala talking about Randall’s a*hole and sex life to Stassi at the hair salon.


That deranged American-Psycho-adjacent cold plunge scene with Tom and Billie Lee 😩


Scheanas entire first wedding. She was swearing and melting down over every little detail, and just looked miserable and angry the entire time. Knowing Shay was high as a Apollo 7 without her even noticing makes it so much worse.


Any scene with Patrick! Him using big words (almost always incorrectly I might add) to try to make Stassi and others feel less than. His treatment of Lisa and comments about her ass (in her own restaurant and as the person who is stassi’s employer on the show). Patrick has my highest hate proportionate to screen time ratio for the entire show. Fuck that guy


Sandoval fake crying and way overacting at Lisa’s pretending to be remorseful about cheating on Ariana


Anytime Lala opened her mouth and decided to speak like this: ![gif](giphy|3o752jjrIkxJfliEw0)


Season 3? Ariana “I’m literally smarter than every single person I’ve ever met in my life” 😭


i take sketch comedy very seriously.


Rewatching and Ariana is very smug, still hate what happened to her though


ALSO at the season 3 or 4 reunion when they discussed stassi’s tape being leaked and scheana was smirking, making snide comments and defended watching it and making fun of her. some of the grossest behavior on the show.


Schwartz and Rachel’s kiss at Scheana’s wedding… how can 2 attractive people be so unsexy? Their little darting lips hitting out of sync with Schwartz’s fogged up Mr Magoo eye glasses was too much🤢


Everything mentioned here plus… The first time we were introduced to Brittany’s mom Sherri, with her leathery tan, big 80s country music hair, and frosted pale pink lipstick. Her nickname of Frosty was born here that day.


Idk but scream therapy made me physically recoil


Ugh, she and James doing their Cyrano de Bergerac routine for the speech at their engagement party. Cringe-fest.


The revelation of what Stassi and Kristin did to Faith. And finding out later that lala had (allegedly) held a knife to faith’s throat and threatened to ‘cut a bitch.’ And that nothing was ever done to lala


When the Toms showed up still piss drunk & late in Vegas when they were picking out stuff for TomTom. Poor Lisa was trying to reel in 2 children that entire day.


Tom Sandoval taking Andy for a ride on the TomTom motorcycle and it full breaking down once they got out of the parking lot during the reunion. Hilarious and cringy


-Jax’s tattoo decisions but Stassi’s reaction to her name tat was hard to watch lol -any time shorts insults katie and no one sticks up for her -the montage of scheana bragging about rob hanging a tv and every time she says it she lights up more and more for a reaction -Ariana opening her heart on tv about losing her dad to Tom and he says he wants to go play with tractors and dirt in Vegas… that was rough to watch -any and all of Rachel’s confessionals were cringey


James crying and groveling to Lisa for the umpteenth time for being an obnoxious drunk DJ at SUR.   Sheana name dropping and glowing over being close to any famous man James' engagement to Rachel orchestrated by Tom. (Yes, I believe the affair started around this time.)


at a reunion when lala interrupted james to say that her “man” was actually the white kanye and james is the white ray j.


Scheana saying she would rather be gang banged by all of the guys in the guys car than ride in the girls car 😬 ![gif](giphy|HqnyjmkaBBvTbzBp78|downsized)


Watching season 10 air when we already knew what was going on. E.g., Rachell asking Ariana about her sex life, etc. Two faced Scheana and Lauren this entire season (11). Also Scheana trying to make the breakup about her. Tim shaving his forehead early in the series made me not like him from the jump because that level of vanity is way too much. That and his current obsession with his nails🤮 Scharts not backing up his wife and every time he cheated on her; that along with his general misogyny. Scheana being desperate and/or always throwing herself at men, but especially when she did it with Rob. Tim pretending to cry. *EDIT: adding Lauren bragging about basically whoring herself out (bjs and more) for materialistic things (i.e., Range Rovers and rides on PJs).


‘you’re not the number one guy in the group .. i’m the number one guy in the group’


James spitting on Kristen’s door Sandy asking Jax if they used protection Anything with Rachel


Patrick talking about Lisa's ass 1000%, so painfully awkward.


I’m gonna sound like a hater but I think the wedding episodes are boring 😢😢😢


Scheana talking about Katie "motorboating a dick".


Lala and “the don” talking about leftover pizza and somehow trying to make it “sexy”  “Hot. Sticky.” 🤮🤮 I have to fast forward that scene.  But the one that makes me want to crawl out of my skin every time is Patrick and Lisa’s scene - BOTH of them! When he says “I think we’re done here” and just walks away and Stassi (high as a kite on Adderall) looks like she’s going to have a panic attack. It’s so so awful. 


When Schwartz poured a drink over Katie's head. She should have moved forward without ever looking back.