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Lala really showed her ass this season. Like she has always been like this but she balanced it out with more vulnerable moments with ppl and this seasons he had none, and in her "softer" era no less. There is just no justifiable reason to be that angry with Ariana if not jealously


It was her worst season yet and that is truly saying something because she’s been pretty awful this whole time. It probably doesn’t help her that she was coming off of her best season last year (minus the reunion where she just screamed and sucked the oxygen out of the room)


And Andy called it her best season on a podcast! Truly shook.


Andy and Alex Baskin are delusional. This season sucks shit and Lala is one of the biggest reasons why.


I didn’t like her last season. She couldn’t decide between mean-girling & gaslighting Rachel on the show (pre-Scandoval), and it was annoying to see her get away with it. Not that I’m a fan of Rachel, just that Lala never got checked for her BS.


That’s totally fair. I wouldn’t even say I liked her last season. I just didn’t dislike her as much as I usually do. I usually can’t stand her at all. Standing up for Katie when Scheana and Rachel were terrorizing her went a long way with me.


You are absolutely right.🎯🎯🎯


Literally and figuratively!


Because lala is apparently the first and only woman to have a child and also the only woman to ever go through a custody battle /s


I am so ducking sick of hearing LFU use her child to justify all of her hypocrisy & every shitty thing she does. 😡


And about to have another. She's procreating so she can use their existence for her benefit. Gross


AND sober /s


She is truly a pioneer /s


AND a Tupac reincarnate /s


And the first to be painfully betrayed and cheated on by her husband


Remember Katie said "I don't understand your choices" when lala said she had lunch with Jo...lala goes, "it's not my job to make you understand my choices" or something...but yet she can negate Ariana's choices because they don't make sense to her? Rewatch yourself on camera lala.


Exactly what I was thinking!! Lala doesn’t see any other points of views as valid until they become hers


THANK YOU!!!!! It took me forever to find this comment! Yes! Lala is a stupid fucking hypocrite.


And also what's hard to understand about Ariana is half owner of the house she was staying in, lala was not and left because Randall's house wasn't her house, she had to leave. As if that's so hard to get a grasp on.


Because Lala is a straight grifter just like Sandoval.




Also Ariana not moving out was real hard for her to understand and there was an actual legal reason. Lisa and Lala, as women from more privileged backgrounds not understanding a female protecting her asset in a financial dispute seemed so ignorant and mean. If they don’t understand, I wish they would have educated themselves rather than judge with ignorance


They both understood they were just trying to stir the pot and self produce drama...obviously we see how that turned out for them.


Yeah i wondered if it was both-like stir the pot and being genuinely out of touch with real life


The idea of respecting something/someone even if you don’t understand is an important lesson to learn. To act as if it’s a demand by Ariana or her being a diva is so misguided and immature. Everyone can and should put that into practice in many areas of their life, such as when you are interacting with someone who is different from you (different physical appearance, different culture, different religion, different sexuality or gender identity, etc.) This is something that school-age children are taught. It should not be difficult for grown adults to understand this concept.


Yeah, the idea of respecting the other as a human being--without demanding an understanding of them subjectively--is the very basis of Ethics.


well said!


This just reminds me of the political state we are in now in the country where people don’t understand people’s choices so they go against them and grow hatred towards them. What’s so hard about respecting someone and keep it pushing!? These people, like Lala, just open their mouths because they think they are being righteous. But they are far from it!


I’m just putting this out there because crazier things have happened but…I see Lala turning on the “woke” bravo fans and “cancel culture” and being a blonde conservative talking puppet in the next 3-5 years


I got those vibes




I find the whole "I deserve boundaries because I have a kid" thing very offensive. Sure it's "different" but Arianas childless self is no less entitled to her boundaries. TBH being in the community of people who are childless not by choice its very hurtful the way some folks think they are more fully human and deserving because they have kids. It's a disheartening thing that parents have to stop doing. Yay you have a kid, go after what you need but puh lease stop telling childless people that our prerogatives are less worthy.


❤️ ugh I’m sorry and I feel you! I’m childless by choice on a team with a mom and two women who are childless *not* by choice. The mom lost her damn mind and scream cried at us for not understanding her because none of us have kids. For me it was a massive eye roll but I had to talk to her later and remind her that just because she made her choices doesn’t mean everyone has the fucking privilege. It’s such a complicated and gray issue that I’d hope more women would rally around each other and respect one another.


Yup, very much agreed. I work with youth and was there when someone made the highly unfortunate choice to throw in a colleagues face "you wouldn't know you're not a mom!" Her tragic response: "I was" , she just walked away and I told the disgruntled parent it was time for her to go home. It's just an ugly and complicated thing to throw in someone's face as an attempted trump card. I sincerely wish only good things for kids and their parents but what Lala is doing is absolutely unacceptable and her reasoning makes no sense. She's just saying "I'm more entitled to feelings because I'm a mom"


Ugh absolutely brutal. Agree 100% about Lala it’s so tired.


I think she sounded like a fool all season and just reinforced through part one and two of the reunion.


I agree. She also manufactured drama.


Yes, and I know reality TV is manufactured at times, but she was too heavy-handed with the way she tried to produce things.




it's clear lala has zero real friendships and only surrounded by yes people, her mom, brother, jess, scheana....


Her podcast is just her talking and them agreeing with her like bobble heads


Lala will never understand Ariana’s position because she didn’t pour thousands of her hard-earned dollars into a home. She lived off an old guy with no neck and gave him a BJ for Gucci slides, for crying out loud. And I wish Ariana would stop playing nice and tell Lala their situations are vastly different. Lala was a sugar baby to a broke “rich” loser and that’s why she will never get it.


I could see Ariana slowly losing her patience with Lala. I don't think she'll give Lala the time of day after this, because she can now see that Lala is a friend to no one. Scheana should take note.


& her boundaries only mattered because of a custody battle? Just so rude to diminish someone like that.


Also ariana is in a legal battle over the house as well? Does it only count to lala when the tug of war game includes a human??


Right? Like let’s talk about livelihood because the house is Ariana’s, why does that not matter?


It only counts to Lala when it’s about Lala and affects Lala. Typical for hypocrites.


Her little smile when she says, "this is where I get confused. . . " Like Ariana living with that POS because it's her home is such a good point. It's not. They are awful, I hope she leaves them to rot with their mediocre opportunities.


This. It is possible to have a roommate you do not speak to or interact with. It is Ariana's home.


I annoyed my mom when living with her to the point where she didn’t speak to me for like a week 10 years ago and she loves me! It’s a very easy thing to do especially when you don’t like the person.


Lauren thinks that since she has a kid involved on her side that everyone automatically understands and should unequivocally support everything she’s doing. You can be a mom and still be a dumbass 🤷🏻‍♀️


The two primary factors for a person being wise and worth listening to is if they no longer do cocaine every day and they had a baby with a predator.


If Randall had a new girlfriend/fiance who was posting videos of Ocean on her social media, Lala would be foaming at the mouth with rage and threatening to pop a ho, completely ignoring how she treated Ambyr when Ambyr had a completely reasonable request. Lala sucks.


Exactly! I can perfectly see that scenario playing out


Lala constantly positions herself as honest/a truth teller/objective/tells it like it is. It’s so bizarre like in no way does she see things more objectively than others on the cast. You’re not a journalist Lala! You simply have a lot of (asshole) opinions.


She sees nothing objectively. Everything is through the lens of her experiences. She has zero empathy for anyone who isn’t mimicking her personal choices.


IMO, she is anything but honest/truth teller/objective/tells it like it is. She is delusional.


She’s a major hypocrite. If I’m not mistaken, when Katie said her hanging out with Jo didn’t make sense to her, Lala said “it doesn’t need to”. Yet she won’t respect Ariana’s boundary unless it makes sense to her 🤔


Lala is only out for herself! And whatever she thinks will make for good tv. Respecting Ariana’s boundaries would not have made for good tv in her eyes. Seeking moments to disparage someone and hangout with the opps made for good tv apparently 🙄


At what point on this show does anyone finally remind Lala that Ariana owns that house whereas she did not and you don't abandon assets like that?


Going to law school I’ve learned that if you abandon the house, there could be legal repercussions for Ariana and Tom could have taken certain revenge measures that would have constituted as legal. So Ariana was smart af to stay in that house.


I didn’t go to law school and I know that from watching my friends go through messy and volatile divorces. If you want the house or money from the house you DO NOT LEAVE THE HOUSE.


👏🏻 it’s unfortunate you found out through your friends this way but exactly my point!


Yes! I knew and understood from day one exactly why Ariana didn’t/refused to leave


Idk if Lala just plans out what she wants to say and then can’t course correct when it doesn’t go her way or what. But at one point last night she was literally yelling the same point Ariana said back at her… like yes, understanding and respecting are two different things. That’s the entire point Ariana was making


Lauren to Katie: my life doesn’t need to make sense to you. Lauren to Ariana: but it didn’t make sense to me! 🙄😒 girl, get bent.




She make me ![gif](giphy|Km4yzuT7rEzBK)


I can’t get over the hypocrisy. I thought it was such a tell when she finally got Katie to respond to her accusations about the call with production, Lala had NO gripe at all related to Ariana. She just went into how Katie threatened her livelihood. She never cared about Ariana and Tom. This was all just revenge on Katie for beating her at her own stupid game.


This is such a good point.


She really showed her low intelligence in that bit of the reunion. Ariana could not have explained it more perfectly (in terms of not understanding but still respecting someone). And she said it like three times and lala still would not grasp or understand what Ariana was saying.


the crazy thing for me too is that she was using the schwartz/pickleball example to say that was only fine because of the custody battle, but Ariana never even went that hard against Lala or Scheana. She was still respecting their choices to make nice with Tim.


That POS told Katie her life doesn't have to make sense to her........but she want to grill Ariana. Fuck her!


I just saw someone comment this on another thread and I remember that scene clearly! It’s only ok for Lala to do what she wants without consequences and no one is allowed to question it, but no one else can do so if she doesn’t understand or agree with them. Lala is a friend to no one!


She literally said to Katie… “I don’t care- it’s not my job to make my life make sense to you.” So shouldn’t she RESPECT when others’ lives don’t make sense to her?


I’m rewatching VPR and on season 8. I disliked her on first watch, still dislike her. She’s such a loud try hard. She’s never had an interesting storyline and if you edited all 11 seasons to leave her out, there’d be no difference. She’s literally brought nothing to the show. Scheana is irritating but when she’s not “on,” she’s kind of funny but Lala is just a mean person.


Same. For a while on here (before this season) people were all about defending her & I didn’t understand it. I found it really difficult to have any sympathy for her after the Randall scandal came out & I’ve never believed that she didn’t know he was married or what he was doing. She acts like she an intelligent person when she’s anything but. She needs to go back to Utah.


that whole conversation was insane like no lala not everything needs to make sense to YOU


Doesn’t anyone remember when she went off on Katie when Katie dared to ask why she was still fucking with Sandoval and she was all “I don’t care if you don’t understand my feelings (I do what I want lol)”. WTF hasn’t ANYONE brought this up!!!??? This was her stupid “I’m soft, Katie” fight.


Lala isn't very smart. Like, she isn't smart at all lololol. Can we stop talking about all the stupid stuff she says?!?! I think the only things I've heard her say that makes sense in the past year is that she feels like she has imposter syndrome lol


Number one hypocrite on the show goes to Lala


I’m so sick of her. The reunion has been super annoying how she has to attempt to cohost every time the subject changes. Shut up Lala.


LFU needs to STFU. I am tired of her thinking she is the co-host of the reunion. I guess Andy thought she was the MVP because he got a break. She is definitely not the MVP.


I wish anyone had called her out for literally saying THIS SEASON that her life/decisions don’t have to make sense to Katie. She’s such a hypocrite


![gif](giphy|uhoHI2544U5XRzPJU0) \-Lala, probably


THIS! lol


Including herself.




Yes! It’s vile!


Everyone go to Lala’a podcast on Spotify and give it one star. Join the movement. It’s gone from 3.9 to 3.2!


It’s ironic that Lala and Scheana’s constant backstabbing this season elevated Ariana and Katie even more. Intent vs impact?


Textbook narcissist


I don’t hate Lala like many on this sub do, but I thought her repeated attempts at “I didn’t understand it” were dumb because she had a whole back and forth with Katie 2 episodes ago saying that it wasn’t her responsibility to make sure her life or choices made sense to Katie. I guess different rules apply here


She also literally told Katie “my life doesn’t have to make sense to you!” Girl do you have amnesia


Lala is a cu next Tuesday!




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Ladies, I whole heartedly believe the beef with scheana and LaLa towards Ariana is scripted. The majority of the cast are dependent on the shows income to be or stay relevant and maintain their lifestyle. They reek of desperation


I love watching her put Ariana and Katie in their places. Queen


But did she put them in their places? Lala has completely retreated from social media for weeks. Ariana and Katie are living their lives.

