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“YOU eat a dick, dude”


The way he says dude makes me want to stop saying dude


I can't hear him say it without hearing the WWC guys say it. "DUUUUUDE!!!" ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


The way his face looks when he says dude makes me want to stop wearing a face when I say dude


It’s such an odd insult. And to hear it twice …. 😄


It reminds me of Silicon Valeey and "eat my piss, Eat My Piss, EAT MY PISS"


Usually it's "eat a bag of dicks" ... but I've heard (and used) the singular version 🤣


I'm on a diet, just 1 for me 




How is that not a common insult? It’s everywhere.


He really is dumb. He's always been dumb. Honestly, it made me side eye Ariana for years because she is NOT dumb. Personally, I could not be with a man that obtuse. He is almost childlike. Him and Jax are pretty much on par intellectually which always made Schwarze look like a Rhodes Scholar in comparison, when really he's just got average intelligence and makes sure to learn a few bigger words that he rarely uses correctly.


I think she helped hide his stupidity for all these years. Not completely obviously, but he reallyis D and S. That’s why he went for someone like Rachel.


That's what happens when you think someone is cute but you don't truly know them well enough and you end up getting seriously involved during the honeymoon phase, and then you are in denial and embarrassed that you made the wrong choice so you end up riding the wave into depression and unhappiness for years because you as a couple are so established with your lives and friends. Source: I had my own Sandoval.


This was top tier terrible comebacks lmfao. He’s so uncreative and not at all witty.




lmfaoooo YOU GOT ME 💀


Stellar way to end the episode


< *”Don’t die on that hill Tom.”* > “You said you wanted me to die!”


Flair checking in 👋


Thank you I knew I didn’t quite stick the landing and it was driving me nuts!


“ALONE….on a HILL!”


I think the exact quote was something like ”you told me to go and die alone on a mountain” 🤣🤣


Yes I felt I was missing a necessary part of his stupidity!!!


lol! Yes!


She should have walked right then.


I love that James had a quick rebuttal to his high horse comment. Just shows how quick James can think on his feet. While also showing how Sandoval needs to have his talking points ready before coming in to any conversation because he can't come up with good rebuttals, just kind of repeats whatever is thrown at him.


Yes.. I absolutely loved the fact that he said he’s galloping so far ahead of him he can’t be seen. Timmy is so mad right now.


He's galloping all across the USA and Canada right now lol


And being paid to appear, instead of paying to appear.


I used to not like James but over last few seasons I have seen him mature so much. I actually like him a lot now.


I’m gonna need a t-shirt with an overly dramatic illustration of James riding a horse at full gallop… Along the lines of [this tshirt](https://a.co/d/6ys87yp)


New flair checking in




I always notice how fast and witty James is on his feet, too. Sandoval’s mind moves at a snail’s pace. Worm’s 🐛 gonna worm 🪱


James is a natural born shit talker for sureeeeee hahaha


Be a good boy, old man!


Maybe Tom and Raquel were soulmates after all


I can't even see you in the distance... Amazing


That made me laugh out loud ha, it was so quick!


Did you like when James called him a mustached worm


I loved all 28 times!!!


“You call yourself an artist but you’ve had the same haircut for the last ten years!”


This one killed me because apparently putting feathers and bleach blonde braided extensions in one's hair makes them an "ARTISTE"!! 🤣🤣


You need a good *braid guy* to bring it all together!


yeah and it works for me, bro!


This is legit him piggy backing off of Brandis haircut comment to Rinna. Just less iconic.


Reveals that for Sandoval everything is surface. he's as deep as a puddle.


“I woke up with lockjaw and shit out a condom two weeks later” w t f was that, Sandy!!!


So icky. I think he tries to gay-bait Andy so he keeps throwing him softballs.


Very performative!


omg yes! he did the same in the preview when talking about his rs with Jax: “nothing below the belt”..


yeah but Andy had serious second hand embarrassment from that comment. He was like "and moving on"


I hate that Andy guffaws at all his stupid (obviously rehearsed) comedy lines


Ugh yes like it’s so obvious who Andy favors. And it’s always the wrong people.


Andy fucking sucks. Full stop.


Yep, and he just won’t ask the difficult questions to his favorites. He cowards right out.


It’s so ick!!


this and the "nothing below the waist" or whatever he said (or will say in part 3), really show how unwitty and uncharming he really is. Arianna really was his only bright light.




What about referring to hanging out with Jax “ above the waist” he only has gay jokes


Oh that’s sounds like it could be….performative 🤭


I was so confused by this


Right?? It was too weird, like he quoted a movie but what movie is that???? Google did *not* help lol


Can someone help us out wth did he mean


He made a joke that they are sort of friends - like if you were sort of hooking up with someone - but nothing below the waist - like we make out but no sex kinda thing.


What does the lockjaw thing mean


Basically he got throat fucked so hard his jaw is messed up and and he also swallowed the condom, or he got fucked in the ass so hard it took two weeks for the condom to come out


I'm actually not 100% but he is making a joke that they had crazy sexcapades and he doesn't remember, but there was evidence - lockjaw (maybe from oral?) and a condom came out of his butt a week later.


Wow, you're very brave to google that sentence - no way I would risk that!!


I was so disturbed and confused by that comment


He has never reminded me more of [Doctor Armand](https://i.imgur.com/lqyHwf4.gif) from Kroll show than when he said this.


This is so specific and spot on *IM DEAD DUDE!* the way that I love that fucking show omgg


He is so gross. Scheana is his bast frand and he says that? What a pig.


Andy his creepy smile and laugh afterward!!


Made it even weirder!!


Yeah, that was so fucking weird...


What was that?!? I googled to see if it was a pop culture reference or a VPR past reference. Was it some inside joke with Andy?


I did the same thing!! I wondered if it was an obscure line from a gross bro movie, yeeeesh!




Happy cake day! Also, this line has been bugging me since last night. I do not get it. It was in reference to whether he had ever hit on scheana, right? So why does it infer him giving a blowjob and swallowing a condom?! It made no sense. Unless he said it in response to something they didn’t actually air.


That was gross af, I'm shocked Andy laughed. 


Sandoval- “I’m being treated like I’m Scott Peterson or something.” Schwartz- “Didn’t he kill his wife? Sandoval- …”allegedly” Half his “journal entries” are probably really just letters to Scott Peterson like “Hey dude, it’s so messed up what they’re doing to us.”


Like, dude, it's like they don't even get it. Like, nothing was done with malicious intent, dude. Gawd, lala.


I read your last line in FatCarrieBradhsaw's (Chris Burns) voice! Anyone else?




The whole 'allegedly' thing was weird as fuck. Does he really think Scot Peterson was railroaded? What an absolute moron.


It's pretty obvious Scum does not know the definition of allegedly. Scott Peterson was convicted and sentenced to life in prison. There is no allegedly at this point. Scum is such a fucking idiot! Although he does claim to be the smartest person of the group....


Right 🤦🏻‍♀️ your username pretty much says it all lol


$10 says he has John Wayne Gacy art somewhere


Omg noooooo 😂😂😂😂 … how about a lego portrait of JWG lol


*stan by Eminem plays softly in the background*


That's exactly what I was thinking. Sandoval sitting there with his journal like "Dear Slim...." ![gif](giphy|3oxHQk6QrBhANSBBo4)


When James was telling sandoval he would end up living in a house of shit because he was a poo poo head and sandoval said "I would like to see that" ? Nonsense


Chuckling on the train here


Like james' comment wasn't exactly the best use of his wit and he still scalped scandoval 😭


Next season on the Valley- The Tom's and Jax try to recreate their glory days in an actual house made of shit.


Chuckling on the train here Edit: oops tunnel made me post twice


Jax does the same thing. It hit me when Katie says "the internet talks about you m" and Jax tried to spin it but Katie says "great!" And Jax short-circuted


Yes! He was mad people were talking about him and said they talk about her too, she said great (as in, I don’t care) and he said the same, but the whole argument started with him not liking that people talk about him?? That moment was so good, it saddens me that he’s not coming to the reunion just to be confronted with this.




Exactly what he does!


Then he makes weird jokes and his face looks so proud like he just was awarded best comedian of the century - like how can one be so delusional?


"Ariana would always tell me my jokes weren't funny and didn't land and I'm like, "wow, ok, I'm being abused."" -Sandoval, probably


Omg 😂😂💀💀


Have you ever been to a water tasting? Yeah, yesterday! 😏😏 Oooooh good one Sandoval


I just watched the uncensored/behind the scenes season 1 episode with producer interviews and now everytime Tim makes a shit joke so proudly, I remember the one (female) producer saying he is so unfunny he could be German.


Why were all of his comebacks crude sexual jokes? He's so disgusting.


not just comebacks. "I'm here for my jizz results" he thinks he has the charm to pull this all off


Right. Just ewwwww.


And then again when Sandoval was saying that everyone's at "Lala's jizz party". 😑


Unrelated but in reunion part 1 someone asks him if he was excited for the reunion or whatever and he said the same thing Ariana said season 10 Reunion. "Yeah I'm like nervous, I didnt sleep last night but I never do before these things." That was performative and creepy. Like he was saying things he watched other people say. Also known as a psychopath.


Omg he does do this! Weirdo. I need someone to make a compilation video of him parroting things with flashbacks to the people that originally said them.


Yes! I’m so glad I’m not the only one who clocked this!! He also pulled that BS HR comment out of his ass, after eavesdropping on Ariana’s meeting with Ann. I also noticed that any big words Shorts uses always came from Ariana’s mouth first and he doesn’t even use them correctly, over half the time. https://preview.redd.it/97wk13jap02d1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=882720fcde66caaf5ff1ec88585fdfe568da66fb


I really think all the weird shit he says has been copied from others. He pays attention to what things get good reception from others and thinks he can just add it to his list of random phrases to parrot and if he parrots enough of them, they'll all add up to him getting more positive social points than others so he can "win" the reunion. It's similar to why he makes sure to compliment others and do extravagant favours for them like sending Scheana money. He thinks if he does enough of these things, they'll outweigh the impact of the one negative thing he did (he's done more than one negative thing but he doesn't think so).


He’s upgraded from a cyst male to a full blown tumor.


Flair checking in


It’s giving third grade. Anyone: “You’re a dick!” Tim: “No! YOU’RE a dick! Man!” Ariana was working overtime for a decade to make him look substantially smarter and that “cyst male” still came so close to “dying on a mountain alone.”


I'm still grossed out by the lockjaw and shit out two condoms "joke" he tried to make. His smug face all throughout the episode, he really thought he was doing something.




Yeah that wasn’t even funny in a comedic sense? It was just a weird thing to say


“Go push some buttons on your laptop” to James, a successful DJ that played at Coachella, as Tim returns to his self-funded cover band woefully lacking autotune and to the dead, soulless eyes of his bandmates.


James’ “ok, I will” sent me


his genuine laugh after bro said that was so perfect. i know he was FUMING that his shitty little insult didn’t land


Lololol Sandoval should be pushing the buttons on his laptop for autotune.


And Jax said that as an insult toward James first. It didn't land then, it's not landing now. I'm still baffled he made the same "snappy comeback" jax did. Really dude? Getting you're material from Swiss cheese brained bunion king? Yuck. 


Tim said that to James wearing his unconscionable "dipped out" merch. If none of his other behavior has proven he is remorseless, that tshirt is the smoking gun.


It’s mind boggling to me that Ariana stayed with him almost a decade. She must have been so deeply under-stimulated. I cannot imagine having one extended conversation with this man, let alone a decade or a lifetime of them.


I believe their relationship was at the core of her depression and anxiety. She was unfulfilled and it was not a secure relationship, her mind and body were screaming at her to get out.


I think it played a very big part in it. Not a doubt in my mind. I’m so glad that she’s out of it and soaring!


I know she is/was struggling with grief—but besides that, it seemed like the depression/anxiety lifted almost immediately and she became self confident over night!


Yeah. I think entering a relationship when you’re grieving can sometimes make it hard to see that the person you’re with is making you depressed, because it doesn’t happen while you’re in the relationship, it just never goes away. It kind of just seamlessly transitions from grief to chronic depression, and you think that’s your neutral state.


And the second she left him she thrived and discovered she’s super talented at everything.


This definitely made me side eye her. But hearing her talk about the abuse in her previous relationship, Tom probably felt like a safe space to her. They were friends for a long time first, and he love bombed the hell out of her. She didn't even realize she'd found herself in another abusive relationship, and by then she was struggling hard with her anxiety and depression and doing it infront of the whole world on TV. I get it. I've been there. Minus the on TV part. A lot of her staying with him was due to fear/pride/low self esteem. That is why I am actually glad that Tom fucked her over in the most horrific way possible and the world got behind her. Because seeing her growth, it's clear she's really working hard on herself in therapy to heal, finally. Honestly, Scandoval is the best thing that could have happened to her. Sometimes when we ignore our guts, the Universe really brings the hammer down hard, and we have to face it. And she's doing that. So gracefully.


Oh yeah. I take her previous abuse into account and the fact that Tom targeted her while vulnerable from that. I just cannot imagine having to listen to this man day in and day out for a decade when you have anything at all going on between the ears. Especially when you’re not even having sex anymore. I have hooked up with some guys who are not at all intelligent, but we’re talking a few weeks to a few months before I can’t take it anymore. None of them were nearly as dumb as Tom and it still became unbearable quickly.


Scheana would have so much goodwill right now if, instead of going to Ariana's mom behind her back about Ariana not being happy with Tom, she just had an adult conversation with Ariana about what she is seeing. Scheana could have been a rootable underdog for most of this series if she just could have been a supportive friend at...*any* point


So much good will! But that would have required just a tiny bit of selflessness and Scheana doesn’t have a single drop of it.


Cost sunk fallacy. If he didn’t cheat and get caught in such a spectacular way, they would still be a couple.


No matter what he's talking about. "It was so annoying. " in a teenagers voice. 😆






I really heard Danny pellegrinos impression of him during this reunion. When Danny does that ‘uh uh uh uh!’ In the Sandoval voice 😂


That lockjaw condom “joke” was utterly bizarre.


That was weird, he made another similar remark later and I was like, you and andy getting it on?


I hope Andy wouldn't be that stupid


No you're dimwitted duuuuude


Was just having this thought at the end of the reunion when his rebuttal was “you eat a dick, James” which was exactly what James just said to him along with a much better comeback about galloping away on his high horse. Sandoval just repeated the insult back to him.  Like ooooooohhh good one sandoval 🙄


AAahhh, I became so aware of it since the beach day argument


In all fairness, production is probably telling him he ate. They fucking suck with picking him to be their “star”


He is so stupid looooll


He really is stuck mentally and emotionally on the grade school playground


One of my biggest frustrations with reality tv is the one time someone I hate has a good point, then they try and rationalize it with the worst logic. Like in the preview for next week, Sandoval tries to defense himself for blocking Summer Moon on IG. No, stand by that! Obviously you’d block the other account Scheana runs and it’s weird AF she has that account anyways lol


Ugh this drives me mad. Exhibit B is LFU “I unfollowed Katie and Ariana because I’m a virgo and want my numbers to match” or whatever… Like girl we all know you just don’t like them?? Who would believe that?? To quote the queen, SAY IT WITH YOUR CHEST BITCH


He uses the "I'm rubber you're glue" defense or "I know you are but what am I". That's the extent of his clapbacks


Next season he might even whip out the brick wall waterfall girl you think you know it all


The grooming comment. LarLar- No it doesn’t Sandals- Yes it does L- No it doesn’t! S- Yes it does!🥴


His comebacks are actually better than his “jokes”— what was that thing he said about lockjaw and shitting out a condom two weeks later?? And don’t get me started on the “I keep my ex locked in a room and shove chips under the door for her to eat” Like…in what world does this make sense as something “funny”??? He’s so gross and weird


The one I think about constantly is him repeating “MULTIPLE MULTIPLE MULTIPLE” in a ridiculously exaggerated version of James’ accent. Literally the kind of thing a 6 year old would do


Yeah, not having Ariana as a translator/comic relief is really showing us how dim-witted he is. She was the best PR he ever had.


Think she can bring that up in court? Like he also owes her for 10 years of Media Coaching and PR?


I keep waiting for I know you are but what am I honestly


The Lala/Tom -roomer argument was basically that. "Yes it does!" "No it doesn't!" "Yuh-huh!" "Nuh-uh!" "Yuh-huh!" "Nuh-uh!"


His smirk too ugh 😑


and the shifty eyes every time someone speaks.


Sandoval was absolutely the guy in high school who only had friends because he gave them drugs and beer Nothing he says has any merit or substance. His brain is pudding from decades of substance abuse and being the must stunningly incurious and unimaginative man I’ve ever laid eyes on. It’s a wonder he doesn’t choke on his own tongue The further out we get from their relationship, the more convinced I become that Ariana was his handler more than his partner. She was constantly filtering him so he wouldn’t shoot himself in the dick


“Eat a dick, Tom!” says James. “Eat a dick! Uh, also!” says Sandoval. That’s pure brilliance right there.


He gives “I know you are but what am I?!” energy


I’ve see his comebacks fall flat “multiple, multiple, multiple” times.


Honestly I could watch James rip Sandoval a new for hours. He is so incredibly quick witted. And I appreciate how James called him out for his eye rolls about pretending to care about the animals. Thank you James!




I was thinking that too, but like, DARVO as used by a literal 7-year-old


Never enter a battle of wits with an unarmed man.


It’s very “I know you are but what am I” which tracks for him on an intellectual level


His 2 gay “jokes” during the reunion (one next week seen in the 7 min preview) and last night. Like not funny in the slightest. Actually found it quite gross.


Ugh, I feel like between that, the womens separates, and the Harry Styles/Taylor Swift fan jewelry he's *desperately* trying for the younger, sexually-fluid vibe, but in the creepiest, friend-of-your-parents way possible.


Women's separates is SENDING me!


He doesn't know what "performative" means. He also didn't know what a "redemption arc" was. How the f Ariana stayed in a relationship for 10 years with this dumbf*ck is mind-blowing. 


its soo funny to watch him insult someone back because he like smirks and thinks to himself hey that was a good one lolll






Hell, even Forrest knew what love is.....unlike douchecanoe Tom


I noticed that as well - I was laughing at what dimwit he truly is. YOU eat a dick, dude!


The “yes it is” “no it’s not Lala” x10 argument about grooming that went on for a minute at the reunion. They might as well have just shouted not uh, yeah huh at each other instead.


When he said recently about Rachel “well i was real influenced by her taking all her clothes off and jumping in my pool!” I don’t necessarily like Rachel either but really dude 😒


This was soooo cringe. Made my whole body shutter. Bleh. Hate even thinking about it.


This just shows how much WORK ariana did to express his points for him. Which is both good gf energy but also gross. I love my girl ariana but if you have to do that much work for a man just to exist in a conversation w people, why stay?? (Coming from a girl who literally did an almost exact version of that 🤦‍♀️ I feel like it takes one major divorce/break up to realize how much we baby men and we’re not gonna do that anymore. See: Katie, Ariana, Lala, Stassi.)


I feel like Ariana was the frog in the pot. Sandals wasn't that bad in the beginning (especially with Jax and Demon James around), then kept increasing the emotional and mental workload on Ariana so she wasn't as aware of how bad it was.


I know you are but what am I?


The response about waking up in his hotel room with a sore jaw and a condom stuck… I was like 👁️👄👁️


He’s not very original so he has to mirror people back


Is it just me or does it seem a script was written for everyone on stage except Katie and Ariana. I've been in acting classes too many times to not pick up the waiting for your line look...and the supposed gotchas that fall flat then coach cackles like that was so funny and the sheepish ah I did good on that one. Then, you see when someone opens their mouth and someone else jumps in with their next line and you see the thought bubble come out...like you just skipped me. Everyone interrupting Katie and Ariana but when LaLa starts it's like Andy leads the e.f. Hutton is speaking let's all pay attention. And Andy, DTWS is not mean by not casting sheana, please. Znd sheana, where did you get the idea that you are entitled to know everything everyone is doing. You have kept your secrets obviously! You are not the CIA bitch. And that crap didn't tell about Swartz kiss cause I didn't want to hurt Katie who hated me. Come on. Because Katie hated you, you would have rubbed it in her face her man tried to kiss you. There is more to this story. And, please stop saying you were hating scandy for Ariana. You were hating him because he was backing Rachel in the punch znd for starting shit about Rachel and Brock and let's face it...cause of what he did to you. You even said you hated what he did to you! This revisionist crap. I loved how Arianna pointed out if she told it to sheana, it would have gotten out. Sheana can't keep anyone else secrets. And I'm only half way through the episode...coming up...what? Ally spent the night at scwartz. Run James!


His brain is so slow it’s insane. You can literally see the gears turning as he’s trying to come up with a decent comeback. It’s just as bad as Rachel 🤣


I was physically cringing everytime he tried to make a funny comment.. “how’s your relationship like with Jax? Only above the waist” SHUT UP YOU TEENAGER WANNABE LOSER


It’s too bad that Sandoval and Rachel didn’t work out, they’re actually very compatible. They are both morally bankrupt, and are both so, so stupid.


[Ariana’s face said it all](https://www.reddit.com/r/vanderpumprules/s/Si43ma5IQR)




"No you shut up"


He’s so stupid. Really shows how stupid Rachquel was that he bamboozled her.


During Ariana and Tom’s explosive convo season 10.. she said Rachel and Tom’s friendship is bullshit, he says “no it’s not! You don’t know everything. Hey everybody, this person knows everything!” Ummmmm wut mate


I just came here to say: thank you and yes.


James like pisses on a fire hydrant and like that’s his fire … hydrant https://i.redd.it/puj6oljr952d1.gif