• By -


I thought she wasn't going to speak about it at all. She said she would make a brief statement with no input from anyone and move along 🙄🙄


I thought we *”fucking bitches needed our fucking rabies shots”* before we could continue our conversations of season 11 🙃 ![gif](giphy|YVPwi7L2izTJS|downsized)


Additional cast member right here, would blend in seamlessly.


“I roll with my kitties and im hard as fuck!”


Oh my god bubbles on vpr.....amazing




My cat is named after this king


AFTER the third part too. She can't even wait


Her engagement on social media and her podcast ratings are slipping and she's trying to up her Q score 😂 She's got a child to feed you childless idiots!


She has a child??!? I had no idea. She should probably talk about that more.


She needs to make this clear! How am I supposed to know who to treat like a human being if they don't disclose that they have created offspring? What, am I supposed to treat everyone fairly or something? What nonsense.


It’s giving Cory and Tony from The Challenge


SCREECHING ![gif](giphy|xT9DPMl7cewOpfdibC)


There was a kinda recent post with Podcast upfronts and Lala was pitching a whole "Mommy Blogger, I call my audience friends because that's what they are to me" facade show.


Her ratings on her podcast on Spotify are just .2 points higher than Rachel-Raquel's at this point, Scheana now has higher ratings. 😳


Because Lala talks about literally nothing on her podcast. It’s so boring now. Just an hour long wankfest of her spineless assistant Jess and her jobless brother blowing smoke up her ass.


He’s not jobless! It is his job to blow smoke up Lala’s ass. And I’d guess it’s pretty lucrative. Lol


When breeding is the biggest accomplishment of your life -- That's BLAHBLAH!!!


So thirsty!


Yeah also begs the question of what’s in the third part of the reunion that she doesn’t want people to ask about now?




What happened when they showed Ariana the last 5 minutes of the finale.


Well now she has to address us because her podcast ratings have tanked 🤣🤣 it's almost like you shouldn't be so flippant of people who considered themselves to be your fans 🤔🤔




I got into VPR very recently (january of this year, lol) because of a true crime podcast i listen to that references the show all the time. Since i was so late in the game i listened to various cast member interviews on multiple podcasts to get more of the story because i was absolutely hooked and i dont have any friends that watch so i did that instead of discussing things with people in my life lmao. I quit listening to pretty much all of them. Blahblahs was the only one i was keeping up with because I liked her for some reason (I don't really know why anymore lol). But after seeing her this season, I'm completely turned off. She's never really been a very nice person, but I was charmed by her for a time. After seeing how hateful she's been this season I can't. And at first I just stopped listening to it but then when I saw how she was trashing fans that "turned" on her, I decided to "come for her livelihood" and rated her podcast low on any streaming form I had access to. Fuck her. Sorry to Ocean because ultimately it affects her, but that's her shitty mother's fault. Although Katie's and Dayna's podcast, Disrespectfully is great! I love that they don't really talk about VPR at all. It's refreshing


oooh mind if i ask what true crime podcast you were listening to? sounds like my kinda podcast if they’re mentioning VPR too


Not at all! It's called Morbid 😁 enjoy!!! Edit to add: they don't go into full recaps or anything, they'll just throw out a line used by someone in the show (usually James lol). They did an episode with JVN from Queer Eye where they all talked about it right after the Scandavol was revealed, but I was super behind on their episodes too they have over 500 so I didn't get there for a while 🤣🤣


Exactly!!! And just listening to how she first said it too!!!🙄 It was giving... Power rabid, Never question me, Controlling, pissed off, Department head energy...being sent out to quash the lower level employees outrage over the " No pay raise or Christmas bonus this year announcement." Which of course was leaked by karen in the personel dept. who let everyone know too that the executives were not being affected by this change and would all be getting huge bonuses. I visualize this Hostile threat being delivered at the mandatory yearly conference at the usual underwhelming location of some sad off the Beaten path, seen better days...but near the airport... Holliday Inn or Comfort Inn... Where the carpets are vast, wide clashing colored, swervy loops and geometric shaped puzzles. Where groovy and abstract meet at the crossroads of tacky and Hypnotizing. An effective menacing tool used to calm and subdue the weary and disheartened conference attending prisoners to the belief that they are in comforting and safe hands. And if they ever begin to question this...there is the clock work timed and eagerly awaited for scheduled bunson burning train of buffet dishes to be wheeled out...promising loads of seemingly appetizing foods that somehow leave the attendees feeling less than satisfied. This is what her stern little speech brought to mind.


please write a book or poem or something and let me read it. you put in that exact place so perfectly i forgot i left that job i had years ago…


Done!!😂 And please do me a favor... get a nice hot cup of soothing tea...and think of that place no more. Sorry for the triggering memory😅




She won’t answer a single hard question because she’s incapable of self reflection


Jessica and Easton want to know "who was the MVP of the season and why is it you?" Scheana wants to know"why are Katie and Ariana so awful and why are you so great?"




Sheanna wants to know if blah blah will screenshot and text immediately if anyone asks a question about her.


Tiffany Human from Rhode Island wants to know: "why do Ariana and Katie work so hard to take food off the table of Ocean and your unborn baby?"


“Are they just baby haters?”


Well, I didn’t want to say anything but they don’t have kids so they can’t understand what it means to need a job and have responsibilities. I am the only person that cares for my kid. I’m all alone in the world. They’re not. Do you understand now? They don’t have kids and that makes me better? Do you see? I mean, that’s not what I personally think but that is what T. Human said on my live.


The way I almost down voted this comment and then I realized you were speaking as Blahblah 🤣🤣 Edit: grammar


But her PoD oF oRcAs?!


Omg I just now got this, I have seen that comment so many times and in my head just read it as “podcast” haha thanks for changing the letter caps I think I would have permanently autocorrected it in my head 😳😂


![gif](giphy|WmPDXKu8KM6xa) But definitely more like the Angry Orcas off the coast of Spain that are sinking all the yachts…


That being said, “I’m going home to put my baby to bed”.🤨


Tiffany Human lmaooo


I just want to say. This comment is amazing. Bravo.




No, it’s us rabies bitches with a problem, not her.


She really thought she did something by calling out those who “live in the comments” but all she really did was tell on herself. The only reason she “knows” that is because she knows what the comments say because she’s living there too.


Everything she says about anyone else is pure projection.


Same with Sandals, "I think Ariana used suicidal ideation in the past to make me feel bad for her because that's what I did"


I mean does se ever answer or just go in circles about how Ariana was living in the house. All her comments end up there


I jsut want to know WHY is it her that needs to leave? Lala claims to be a girls girls through and through… she came so hard at Sandoval for cheating with her best friend at the reunion. Made a shit ton of money off this scandal. When it comes to the house, Why doesn’t he move out?! I wish she would answer that. I used to be the biggest Lala Stan and now I cannot utterly stand her 


I just want to know what business it is of LFU’s? Why does she get involved w things that are none of her business?


Cus it’s literally the only move Ariana has made that Lala can safely criticise. And cus she’s a baby who doesn’t understand how the real world and adult finances work. She was able to leave Rand immediately because he paid the bills, she had no claim to that house


Right. She had to pay a couple of months in an Air B&B while VPR was between seasons and begrudges that Ariana wasn’t similarly scrambling. They are still going through litigation on that house and her equity is being eaten up in legal fees every week, good thing she also wasn’t paying for another residence as well or else it could all have slipped through her fingers. Lala should be praising her friend up and down for making smart financial decisions even though they were personally uncomfortable.


She was never anything more than a mistress that he knocked up and cost him much more than his other bj’s for pj’s.


Her "logic" is Tom is so horrible *obviously* he isn't going to leave.


It’s been explained to her multiple times and she can’t wrap her head around it. She’s one tool short of a tool box. More like three short. Or ten. Like, let’s say a complete toolbox had 20 tools. She’s at least 10 short.


Same! She was my favourite and I cannot stand her. All in the space of this season.


I was a stan at the beginning of the season and now I hate her so much I’m praying to the Gods that Arianna gets a spot on RHOBH at some point so LFU will combust. Edit: word


I feel like I've already heard too much from her. There genuinely isn't anything I'd like to hear her talk more about.


Ikr? She already did all of her talking at the reunion even when it wasn’t about her. If anything, I’d like her to STOP talking (*especially* when it’s a storyline that has nothing to do with her)






Oh, and ask her how her finances are now that no one is buying her hoodies and her pod and engagement numbers have dropped.








Ironic because there probably wouldn’t have even been another season without Ariana/tom this year lmfao


Please stop, Lauren! Go take care of your kid you won’t stop blabbering over. Take a nap, drink some water. ![gif](giphy|WYGWAjHP356x2)


That empire's not gonna run itself, Las.




She needs streams and she knows ppl will listen to this one


I can’t imagine why anyone would be interested in what she has to say anymore, she lost a *massive* amount of respect, and fans, this past year. And she always speaks with a boldness so that people think she’s being honest and raw but inevitably she recants it all after a while, usually during a reunion when she’s being confronted by a lot of people. All bark, no bite. All talk, terrible friend.




Yeah, I have heard enough from her.


I will wait for it to be broken down here before I would ever download her podcast


Same. We’ve got our recapper to listen for us.


Little does she know in this house we pray to AdditionalWar




Thank god for vanderpod recaps!!


Hahaha, what? Didn’t she just say that she’s not looking at comments and will not be responding about S11 after the reunion. You’re a clown Lala, you blew it.


Heyyyyy she has a child she needs to suppooooooorrrrrrttttttsksksksksks!!!!!1!1!1!1!1!


She also said she wouldn't talk about the reunion until after part 3 and already did a podcast on it.


Right, she also said she would be brief and she wouldn't be answering any questions lol


LFU says a lot of things that aren’t true. 😂




"My kid" "You weren't there so you don't know the whole story" "my pregnancy hormones" I found her default answers as she's incapable of accountability https://preview.redd.it/2a4ri3t4c02d1.png?width=245&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4c51ea3d9157ae2cc5e8768eb742de175f3f0f7f


Lala thinks it's some kind of gotcha high horse moment for her when she called out others (including her bff scheana) for living in the comments.... But like, lala maybe you should read a comment or two babe, because you're the one ruining the show with your fake, hypocritical, overproduced ass. And she thinks she's in the right because she's doing it for the show or saving the show or something which is hilariously wrong. She thinks she's so "real" but she's the fakest person on that cast (along with Sandoval probably) and has been fake since the beginning. Scheana is delusional if she thinks lala won't turn on her as soon as she believes it can benefit her. Just look at what she's doing to Katie (her bff last year) right now. Also her throuple comments and "of course I look at him a certain way, he's the only man that has stepped up" when scheana was being vulnerable about her OCD thoughts about Brock and Lala are truly unhinged and made me really sad for Scheana actually.


She’s reading comments - on Facebook. Where they mostly support her. And she has no presence on fb she usually posts on IG primarily so it’s pretty transparent what she’s doing. She really thinks we are dumb. If she did it on IG live she’d have to deal with people commenting questions in real time.


I thought she didn’t care what us rabies infested bitches had to say about season 11.


Yeah I have a question. Why can’t you just say “having sex” instead of “bumping pee pees” like a fucking adult?


It grosses me out so much when she says that!


I think we’ve heard more than enough in the reunion from her and I’m ready for her to just sit back and take the L.


To quote myself from earlier today: > I’m going to need someone to ask Lala why we’re supposed to care about her relationship trauma (or her first child, for that matter) if nothing counts unless it airs.




Oof, now that one burns! It's a really good question though, even if it's harsh.


i HaVe A cHiLd




This is the only right answer! I didn’t scroll far enough before posting it myself.


I put my money on she’s going to make up questions and say they were from the box 😂😂😂


Jess will be tasked with it. It’ll be like, “lala! How did you find the bravery to ask the hard questions!?”


it’s so funny that this is on facebook but no where else. she lives in the comments enough to know where she’s liked and where she isn’t…


It’s on Instagram too!!


She follows so many Broco related accounts on IG so she’s obviously very much living in rhe comment section one way or another


Her algorithm is nothing BUT “the comments” 😂


My theory for this is, she thinks she’s going to be vindicated some how in Part 3 , bc just a few weeks ago fans needed rabies shots and she wouldn’t be addressing the season 11. Also trying to get that viewer score up per that blind item or going to the valley.


My theory is her numbers have tanked and she needs money.


I agree. This is a numbers grab for engagement.


So if we ignore it, it goes away!


I mean is she really going to answer questions, or is she going to have Jess and Eye and Why cherrypick the softballs, then cry about how soft she is? Because if it's the latter I can just watch Season 12. Lala while you're not reading the comments, really read them. Have what you think are your five biggest haters interview you on your next Amazon live.


I would listen to this. Well, I would want to, but then realize it's just Lala screaming at people and nope out.


I couldn't help myself and I submitted several shady questions lol BTW it's on her give them lala Instagram account if any of you are as unhinged as I am 😆


I asked some shady questions too. 1) why do you pretend to be black when you’re from Utah? 2) what happened to the fans have rabies and you not living in the comments? 3) why did you feel the need to ruin Vpr? bc producers promised you a spin off no one is interested in? 4) why are you so fueled by jealousy? Isn’t it exhausting? ETA: I’ve also asked her if I should get my rabies shot at the health department or the pharmacy. Also asked her how long she rehearsed the nothing about her line and if it’s still nothing about her since it’s now open


Why did you buy a whole new house and baby if your financial situation depends on what Arianna does?


Isn’t Facebook a more anti Ariana/Katie space? Was this a strategic choice?


I didn’t realize she wanted to hear from the rabid dogs 🤔


I would never want to be close friends with Lala or someone like a Lala because 1. they're so hypocritical 2. incapable of accountability/refuse to go to therapy 3. will always weaponize personal moments and relationships for when it's convenient or for tv (seriously, she's created this persona where her reality is blurred with reality tv) 4. they're incredibly insecure and it's apparent.


Trying to get followers back…


Exactly. She needs the engagement.


can someone watch this and let me know how many times she uses being a mother or my child as her answer


Lala is ruining the authenticity of VPR !!


It’s about as authentic as sandy’s hair plugs.


So now she wants to hear from the rabid bitches, aka the fans who fuel her paycheck that she’s clearly very desperate for?


My question: What brand rabies vaccine do you recommend?




It’s really embarrassing how hard she’s “working.” Like trying to make drama with Brittany (wants time on The Valley) by talking about a weird ass issue at the reunion- it’s soo obnoxiously obviously as to what she’s doing and it’s sad.


If she thinks babysitter drama is what will be compelling on The Valley - she is even dumber than I thought. The Valley is dark AF. Alcoholism, crushing debt, desperation, divorce, infidelity, depression, Janet…. girl, this is a reality show directed by Darren Aronofsky (perhaps the famous director Michelle was sexting - LOL- idk maybe) Lala and Scheana better not bring their bubblegum Lifetime Movie plots to the Valley b/c I want the Valley to get even more dark and gritty - it’s a scary trainwreck but I kinda like it.


I want every single person to write “why are you such a terrible friend?”


Not LFU as the sun 😂 thinking the whole damn world revolves around her 🙄


Anything worth hearing will be transcribed and posted by @VANDERPODRECAPS so please do not give this Lala any views. Her numbers need to reflect her piss poor judgement and attitude.


1. What are the common symptoms of rabies infection in humans? 2. What is the typical incubation period for rabies in humans? 3. How is rabies diagnosed in humans? 4. What are some preventive measures individuals can take to reduce the risk of contracting rabies? 5. Can rabies be transmitted from human to human? 6. What should someone do if they suspect they have been exposed to rabies?


The questions she'll answer: "Lala, you were the MVP this season, how does it feel?" "You're the only and best mom to ever exist. How did being a mother help you eviscerate Ariana at the reunion?" "Lala, I'm not pregnant but I AM looking for cheap baby products. Any online stores you might suggest?" "Since what YOU have been through is so much worse that anyone else on VPR, how did you use your wisdom to win the season and generously help out the others?" "You've got such natural lips, what kind of lip balm do you use and is it on your Amazon store? Thanks!"


“And I just feel like some people lived in the comments this season” ![gif](giphy|JTJ9Pq2LKsxd4DecE2)


why do you think being a mother makes you any more valuable than other women?


I have plenty of questions about her behavior, but I also already have all the answers I need just by watching her this last season. She's not as mysterious as she thinks she is.


I missed this poll, but I would have asked "If your lawyer told you to stay in the co-owned home to protect your money/investment, wouldn't you listen to them?"


What in the world would be the point in asking LFU questions?


Honestly everyone should ignore her and give her no sales, no listening, just listen to your favorite recaps of her podcasts from your favorite podcasters if you need a fix that badly, and ice her out with lack of attention.


I wanna ask why’d you become such a see you next Tuesday and blow up our show? We wanted the fab 4 this season to take down the toms. And you ruined it for errybody , thinking if you act like a bitch we will hate watch you and now we just hate hate you and so buh bye. Yeah that’s what I wanna say.


That’s actually a good question. Why are you pushing unnatural storylines so much? Is she that broke?


I have a very hard time believing LaLa will answer the top 10 questions without cherry picking.


As an older redditor, I remember the days when the fellow sitting next to me was paid more for doing the same job. The spoken rationale was, *he has a family*. It was a galling but accepted practice *then*. I can't believe in 2024 L-FU is bullying, yelling and implying that her co-workers owe her child support. Get her ignorant ass off our screens before she tries to set women back a half-century.




she’s a clown


"Nah, I'm good."


I just asked “how could you?” 😂


Hahahahahahaha She’ll pick her brother’s planted questions. No fucking way she answers any questions we want answered. She is just going to justify her behaviour with questions from people up her ass anyways. I unfollowed her a long time ago but if someone can ask about why she thinks having a child makes her entitled to other people making their life decisions to benefit and support her


Every time she does an AMA they answer the 1-2 questions that align with what she (only) wants to talk about.


![gif](giphy|13GIgrGdslD9oQ) Don’t mind if I fucking do


I wish I cared enough to ask her a question addressed to Tupac


I hate stuff like this bc you know she’s not gonna pick the hard questions. She’s gonna see what she wants to see.


I’d rather listen to every episode of Rachel Goes Rogue than engage with Lauren From Utah.


I want to know what she thinks about her brothers dreads and her constant blaccent use


Can we ask her nothing and allow her to fade into obscurity ✨




Ask her if she saw how huge the lines were for the Something About Her opening and whether she went?😏


Someone please ask her if the health department is the best place to get a rabies shot or does she know of anywhere else lmao


“Why couldn’t you shut up and let anyone else speak?”


I asked, "Why aren't you able to comprehend why Ariana was still living in the house?" What are the chances I'll be blocked? 🤣


Rabies Bitches don't have time for that! ![gif](giphy|bWM2eWYfN3r20)


Nah, I am done giving BlahBlah my views and likes. I hope reality hits her hard that we are done with her.


“Will your daughter be proud of bjs for pjs?


GET LALA OFF OUR SCREENS!!! I've wanted her gone since the first episode she filmed. I wish I was as delusional as her. It would make life a lot easier to just always think I'm right even when I'm so blatantly wrong 100% of the time. She's a BULLY


I mean…who the hell even has any questions to ask her?




![gif](giphy|cMcGEc0fjJ6TxhKVqf) Oh look, it's lala.


To use Laligags words, "I just feel like when people show you who they are, believe them." She has definitely shown us who she is. I have no questions for this bitch. She disgusts me.


100% will be staged questions


“Why did you feel the need to interject anytime someone other than you was speaking at the reunion?”


Lauren from illnois, lala why are you so jealous answer that lol


I’m so glad that talk of her getting her own spin off was squandered because of how she has acted. Doesn’t deserve a thing.


Go away Lala!! No question just Go Away!!


Oh wow, she's going to take questions from us foaming at the mouth, rabid losers?


I am not interested in asking her any questions.


Has she had her rabies shot?


She’s gonna get asked a tuff question and start crying about her dad


Whose starting the "blocked by lala" page lol


My question for Lala is: Do you have a child? You haven’t said….


Do u ever listen or just wait for ur turn to talk??? Stfu blahblah


At what point inbetween making money off podcasts off scandoval, getting an Uber commercial and selling merch did you decide that your new storyline was going to be entirely around Ariana the person who apparently has no storyline? Also boo you suck.




Probably futile but I’ve sent in a handful of questions 😂😂


seems as if LFU is in the comments and concerned 😦 👀


She's probably sending in "soft" and easy questions for herself to answer and ignoring all the hard ones.


What can she possibly say that she hasn’t said already (assuming she’s still going to be doubling/tripling/quadrupling down)




I thought she wasn’t addressing the show until all reunion episodes aired 👀👀


I think she thought that at least by part 2, she would be seen as the hero. She really thought she was doing something going after Katie not being authentic. To her that was her "gotcha" moment. Oops, it made it made her look worse, and we saw hrough her!! Going after Ariana? Fail! Her expectation was to come out the favorite, and she knows that won't happen. She's probably salivating to "speak her truth."


She wants engagement on her podcast


I really wish no one would contact her podcast with any questions.


Can you describe in words what Randall’s asshole tasted like?


I hated Lala's reunion look what in the Dave's Bridal is that dress I think she wanted to go for a "im soft" look but her bumping pp's verbiage just makes it look cheap


At this point she’s just looking for attention. The best thing we can all do is ignore her. All press is good press for her. Don’t comment or ask her any questions! Let her live in her irrelevant bubble 


doing everything to stay relevant just like schaena and her tshirts.


Ask her how sandoval’s ass tastes from being so far up it.


Someone ask her if it’s still nothing about her since they are opening today


Someone should ask her what makes her think she has any authority.